The Brussels Post, 1917-8-30, Page 7i,
Conducted hy Professor Henry G. Ben.
The object of this department le to place at the
service of our farm readers the Advice of an acknowle
edged authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and
Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, T0.
ratite, and answers will appear In this column In the
order In which they are received. As space Is limited
It le advisable where immediate reply is necessary that
a atamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the
question, when the answer will be mailed direct.
Question—R.S.S.:—Can I sow acid
Phosphate with a force feed grain
drill? It has no fertilizer ettachment
but I thought possibly it might work.
Answer:—You can sow acid phos-
phate with a force feed seed drill if the
acid phosphate is dry and finely
ground, Such a method of applica-
tion would not telow you to sow but a
very light application. Be very care-
ful to thoroughly clean out and oil the
drill after use for acid phosphate sow-
ing, otherwise, the metal part will
rust. If you have a lime spreader I
would advise your spreading the acid
phosphate with this implement and
then thoroughly work it into the soil
by disking and harrowing. This will
give a better application than apply-
ing acid phosphate through the seed-
ing attachment of the seed drill.
Question—J.B.S. :—I have eighteen
acres of oats. I intend to sow wheat
after oats. The field is somewhat run.
I have plenty of marl near the river.
Would it pay me to top -dress the
wheat with marl? If so, how much
to the acre? Would it be all right to
spread with a shovel? Soil isn't
heavy nor light.
Answer:—Would advise you, after
the land is plowed, to top -dress it with
marl at the rate of about two tons to
the acre. If you )ave a lime spread-
er and the marl is dry, after it has
been pulverized it can be spread with
the lime spreader to best edvantage
You can spread it fairly weel with a
shovel but you will not get it suffici-
ently evenly distributed. After the
lime has been spread work it into the
ground by thoroughly disking at least
a week before the wheat is planted.
At the time of sowing wheat I
would advise adding 200 to 800 pounds
of fertilizer to the acre in order to
give the young crop a vigorous start.
The fertilizer should contain from 2 to
3 per cent, ammonia, 8 to 12 per cent,
phosphoric acid and from 1 to 2 per
cent. potash would be valuable if it
can be obtained. This fertilizer can
be applied at the time the wheat is.
sown or spread in the same way as is
advised for lime and worked into the
soil thoroughly just before the wheat
is sown. If the grain is seeded to a
mixture of clover and grass seed the
addition of the marl will make the soil
sweet in reaction and the fertilizer
will have a very beneficial effect in
insuring a good stand of grass.
Earning Money et Home. "JUICE" IN THE WAR WIRES.
Very often a girl who has been
wishing for some way in which to
earn a little money suddenly nude a
good idea close at hand in homely dis-
guise, Not long ago one girl notic
ed, in wandering about the home farm,
that a large amount of the fruit on the
trees was dead ripe ad about to go `
to waste, She went to her father
with a question;
"May I have one box of berries out
of every four that I pith, and one
basket of plums, one of peaches and
one of apples on the same basis?"
He was skeptical but also a little re-
lieved, for the prospective loss of the
email fruit was worrying him. "Go
ahead and see what you can do," was
his reply.
What the girl did was to get down
to business at once. She gathered
and sorted diligently, with a well-de-
fined scheme in view for every pound
of her own share. Tha fruit that fell
to her lot she put up in the form of
jelly, apple butter, and peach and
plum marmalade, vvhich found a ready
market. The project is still flourish-
ing, She buys her jars and glasses
at wholesale prices, and makes a point
of getting such as are of odd, attrac-
tive shapes. On each one she pastes
a label bearing her name and guaran-
tee. She has never yet had anything
returned as inferior or spoiled—s fact
that, taken in connection with her suc-
cess, is quite significant.
By picking the fruit at just the
right time and handling it carefully,
she has greatly increased her fether's
sales, while her own income frofn the
business is forty dollars a month,
earned, for the most part, out in the
sunshine and open-air.
Boundary Line Between Belgium and
Holland Carries Current,
Attempts to "electrify" barbwire
entanglements, with a view to electro-
cuting an advancing enemy, have not,
thus far in the war, proved successful.
They aren't doing it over in Europe.
More than one difficulty is in the
way. The principal one is that it is
not found practicable to maintain in
the trenches a plant that can furnish
a current of sufficiently high voltage.
Furthermore, under such conditions,
much of the current leaks away and is
lost, owing to damp ground and other
circumstances move or less accidental,
The only important use of electrified
barbwire is made along the boundary
line that separates Belgium from Hol-
land, The boundary is marked by a
fence of such wire (the latter duly in-
sulated at each post) that carries a
death -dealing current.
The object of the fence, of course, is
to prevent Belgians from making their
escape into Dutch territory, It seems
to have been very effective for the
purpose, and many men have lost
their lives in trying to pass the bar-
rier But a good many have got
through in safety by digging under or
by using rubber gloves for protection
while severing the wires with nippers
or by other means.
French Commander -in -Chief Tells
When the War Will End.
Here is a story about General Pe-
tain which I have had on good au-
thority. If there is one thing more
than another that the General dis-
likes it is being asked when the war
will be over. Only foolish, ignorant
people ask such a question he has de-
clared. But some little time ago he
met an English lady at dinner in
Paris who put the question to him.
Now General Petain is incapable of
replying rudely to a lady. He turned
to his questioner and said with a
smile, "I- shall tell you, only you must
not tell anyone."
"Oh, certainly not," said the lady
"Well," continued the General, "the
war will be over when I shall have
the pleasure of sitting next to you
at dinner in Berlin."
Innes, the Bandman, to Head Unusual-
ly Good Musical Programme.
"Innes, the Band Man," who will
head the musical programme this year
at the Canadian National Exhibition,
with his famous band of soloists, is an
Englishman, a graduate of the London
Conservatory of Mpsic, and the Band
of the Life Guards.
Later he went to Paris, where he at-
tracted the attention of the late Pat
Gilmour, the greatest of all American
leaders. He accompanied Gilmour to
America, and has proved a worthy
successor to the old master. Innes'
band was acclaimed the finest of the
many fine bands heard at the Panama
Pacific Exposition.
He it was, also, who planned and
carried to success the remarkable
series of festivals which made the
Alaska Yukon Exposition notable
among all other exhibitions for its
musical programmes. Innes will give
two free concerts daily, and, in add -
tion, there will be concerts by a score
of °thee. bands day and night.
Takes Three Seconds Longer to Re-
volve Than Century Ago.
British astronomers declare that the
earth is gradually slowing down in
the time of its revolution around its
axis. That the rate is gradual is
shown by their calculation that it now
takes exactly three seconds longer
for the world to turn on its axis than
it took a hundred yearagago. A writ-
er in "St. Nicholas" comments: "At
this rate Shakespeare had nearly ten
seconds less in his twenty-four hours
than has a modern dramatist. Wil-
liafn the Conqueror was handicapped
by a half minute in keeping up with
his descendants. Julius Caesar was
a whole minute to the bad."
Steers which have been kept on a
low plane of nutrition (maintenance)
for a considerable time make more
economical gains when put upon a
full -feed ration than steers which have
been upon full feed for some time.
Howe:er, steers receiving more than
a maintenance but less than a full -feed
ration make no more economical gains
when put upon full feed than steers
which have already been on full feed.
Whenever beef advances in price
a demand goes out for action that
will stop the slaughter of young ani-
mals. Since the reason always given
for high-priced meats is the decrees -
Mg number of beef animals, it would
seem the wise thing to bring more
beeves to maturity. And so legisla-
tures and congress debate the advis-
ability of prohibiting the killing of
calves under a given age.
Would each action bring the desired
results? Would the passing of veal
from our tables make meat any
cheaper? Would an order to the
farmer to mature his calves stimu-
late him to raise beef or would it re-
sult in his selling off his dairy or
feeding fewer animals than ever?
111 all probability the latter is ex-
actly what would happen', The milk
The Lady Scores.
Her hair was red, uncompromising-
ly, unmistakably red. The over -
smart man sat down beside her in the
tram, and, seeing her absolute indif-
ference to his presence, edged away,
and said quite audibly:
"I'm sure I mustn't get too near yer,
miss. I might get burnt!"
Everybody in the car chuckled.
The red-haired damsel was quite
equal to the occasion.
"Don't worry yourself!" she said,
flashing him the sweetest of smiles.
"You're much too green to burn!"
business and raising calves are in-
compatible. The milk that calves use
is also needed by milk consumers,
many of whom are babies. And so
the calves must go. There is an-
other reason why the farmer knows
better what to do with his young
animals than the public, or even the
It takes pasture and feed to ma-
ture beef. Every successful dairy-
man is using all his land to feed his
cows. If he were compelled to feed
calves he could keep fewer cows and
beef would be grown at the cost of
a scarcity in milk.
More calves should be grown to
maturity. There is no doubt of that.
But legislation prohibiting the killing
of young animals is not the way ,to
increase the supply of beef animals.
During the summer while cows are
in pasture or on green crops a bal-
anced ration can be maintained by
combining with the green food the
following concentrated feed mixture
recommended for summer feeding:
Three hunched pounds wheat bran, two
hundred pounds gluten feed, one hun-
dred pounds hominy, corn -meal or
ground oats. Mixed wheat feed may
be used in place of wheat bran. More
gluten might well be added to the com-
bination when cows are carefully
Market Calendar.
In August all surplus Leghorn
cockerels and cockerels of other light
weight breeds should be marketed as
broilers. They are of little value as
Green ducks are young ducks from
8 to 12 weeks old. They should be
sold before they moult.
Ducks on the Farm.
The keeping of ducks calls for little
outlay in the matter of building
Mimes. Any kind of a house, so it
hos a good roof, and dry floor, will do.
A plain shed with dirt floor, and hav-
ing the south side entirely open makes
an excellent duck -house.
The floor of the duck -house must be
kept dry and should bo well littered
with clean, dry straw. Strange as it
may seem, while ducks will thrive if
they have access to a stream of water
or pond, they must have dry qua -eters
at night. Ducks compelled to spend
their nights on damp floes or on
damp litter, will surely contract thou-
Duette nee Conveniently kept in
elocke of about thirty. A hoes() fifteen
-- -
by ten feet is large enough for this
number. When kept in flocks of
thirty or more one male should be al -
toted to each seven or eight females.
It is never advisable to keep ducks
mut chickens in the same house or run,
for the reason that the ducks will keep
the drinking water in such a constant
state of filth that the health and life
of the chickens are endangered.
Ducks require a much more
bulky ration than hens. A good
ration is as follows Two parts
bran, one part each of Middlings
and corn Meal, one-half part of beef
scrap, and five parts of green food.
This green food may be most anything
—chopped tuenips, beets, pumpkins,
cut clover, etc. As the breeding sem.
son approaches it would be advisable
to increase the beef scrap to one bull
part. Little whole grain should be
fed. If on range during the spring
and. summer months ducks require tit-
tle feeding.
Any of the larger breeds of duke
will yield quite a groat deal in the
way of feathers in a year's time.
Feathers should not be plucked dur-
ing the mild weether, 'When ready
for picking, the feathers will pull
easily, without leaving blood on the
end of the quill, If not picked when
"ripe" the feathers will fell out and be
Notes on the
Cultivation of This Valuable Crop and How to
Protect It From Its Enemies.
Many are growing potatoes in
Canada this year, for the first time
and, as a result of the greatly increas-
ed number of growers the crop will
probably be greatly increased. But
to insure a good crop there must be an
abundance of moisture in the soil and
the tops must be protected from in-
sects and disease.
CULTIVATION:—The eoil should
be kept cultivated with the cultivator
or hoe until the tops meet sufficiently
to shade the ground. As most of the
tubers develop in the three (Jr four
inches of soil nearest the surface, and
as the tubers will not develop well hi
dry soil, quite shallow cultivation is
desirable at this season of the year.
In soil which is dry there may be good
development of tops but there will be
few tubers. The roots in such cases
have gone down deep into the soil to
obtain moisture but the tuber -bearing
stems, which are quite different from
the root eystem, do not develop well.
Where the soil is a loose, sandy loam,
hitting is not necessary and may be
injurious, as the soil dries out more
than if left on the level. In heavy
soils it is desirable to hill the pota-
toes as it will loosen the soil and the
tubers will be shapelier than when the
ground le left level. When there is
sufficient rainfall and moisture in the
soil hitting is likely to give best re-
sults in all kinds of soil as the soil
will be looser and the tubers can push
through it readily. As a great de-
velopment of tubers takes place dur-
ing the cooler and usually moister
weather of the latter part of summer,
it is very important to keep the plants
growing well until then. In one ex-
peeiment it was shown that during the
month of Septembe. there was an in-
crease of 119 bushels of potatoes per
FROM INSECTS:—It is very import-
ant to prevent the tops of potatoes
from being eaten by insects, particu-
larly by the Colorado Potato Beetle.
The old "bugs" do not do much harm
to the foliage, as a rule, areusually
the plants are not prayed to destroy
these, although the fewer there are to
lay eggs the less difficulty there will
be in destroying the young ones.
These begin to eat rapidly soon after
hatching and close watch should be
kept so that the vines may be spray-
ed before much harm is, done. Paris phate solution and stir theroughly,
green kills more rapidly than arsenate when 11 15 ready for use, The con -
of lead but does 001 adhere so well, centrated lime mixture shoald not be
and in rainy weather it is desirable to mixed with the concentrated copper
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Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this
department. 1111041e only will be publiehed with each question and Its
maortseiwineedrindaisreeacaothIfmeans of Identification, but full name and address must DO
r.d Wrainted oanddorensesesdidecnovfeloppaepers oennicyl.osetn. swami will be
AcibdidnrrAve.,salTcoorrrcenstporto dence for this department Mrs, Helen Law, 23
E. L.;-1. A wrist -match with an il-
luminated face, a pocket flaehlight, a
pocket drinking cup or a solidified
alcohol burner are useful gifts for a
man who has left for a military train-
ing camp. 2. To disinfect a room
thoroughly proceed as follows: If poe-
sible, mattresses and comforts should
be burned. Wet everything else well
with a bichloride solution, boil and sun
the blankets. Scrape the walls and
ceiling, wash with btehloride; also the
floor and woodwork, then scour with
carbolic soapsuds, Fill cracks with
fresh putty, shut the doors and win-
dows tight and paste strips of paper
around them. Closet doors should be
taken off the hinges, but left inside.
Place three bricks in the middle of the
floor, put an iron pan on them, into
which a pound of flowers of sulphur
has been placed, wet the sulphur with
alcohol, stick in a short length of fuse,
light it, then go out quickly, being
careful to see that the door is also
made tight. Leave undisturbed for
twenty-four hours. The fumes will
bleach any colors inethe room. Dishes
may be disinfected by boiling for 5
H.R.:-1. Bureau drawers which
stick can be made to slide easily by
first rubbing over the edges with
sandpaper, then soaping them. 2.
A garment that has had an overdose
of bluing may be whitened by boiling. building; also valuable laxative. Green g
3, Brown sugar can be substituted for vegetables are particularly valuable it cold and moist, we can readily come
white in pickling. 4. Try benzine to in cases of anaemia and of other dis- to the conclusion as to treatment, The
remove the tar stains from your silk eases which are ascribed to diet de- patient should be covered immediately'
dress. 5. To make oatmeal gems, n"ciencies. with blankets and hot water bottles ,
soak one cup oatmeal over night in
one cup water. In the mcrning sift
Vegetables are deteriorated by the applied to the feet. Hot drinks, such
together one cup flour and two tea- loss of their salts in boiling water. as tea, coffee or lemonade, should be administered if the patient is con -
spoonfuls baking powder; add a lit- Not only do potatoes lose much when
tie salt. Mix meal and flour togeth- peeled, but carrots, as usually cooked, scene, Aromatic spirits of ammonia
lose nearly 30 per cent. of their total placed on a bit of cotton may be held
near the nostrils of the patient.
Every effort should be made to have
the atient sent to a hospital at post-
haste speed, where the facilities for
treatment are the best. Outdoor lab-
orers should wear proper headgear to
protect the head from the sun's rays.
A small luncheon is preferred on the
hot days. Alcoholic beverages in-
crease the likelihood of sunstroke.
Persons who experience a sense of
severe exhaustion during the hot
spells should moderate their work,
wash their hands and face with cold
water at frequent intervals and lie
down in a cool room from time to
or 3% ounces paste arsenate of lead
cre half that quantity of dry to 3 gal-
lons of water. An experiment con-
ducted for six years at the Ontario
Agricultural College, Guelph, showed
that, on the average, where the tops
were sprayed to kill "bugs", the yield
was 186.9 bushels per acre, while
wher. the tops were not sprayed and
allowed to be eaten,the yield was
only 98.2 bushels per acre. It is
desirable not to stop with one spray-
ing which usually does not kill all the
bugs but to spray several times, if
necessary, so that as little foliage as
possible is -eaten.
AND ROT:—In some years the crop
of potatoes is much lessened by the
Late Blight disease and when rot fol-
lows little of the crop may be left.
It is, therefore, very desirable to pre-
vent this disease from spreading.
This is done by keeping the plants
covered with Bordeaux mixture from
there is any sign of the disease, until
about the first week of July, or before
September. Sometimes the first ap- The Vain Crow.
plication of Bordeaux mixture is made IOne day a fax that was very hungry
before the potato beetles are all killed was passing through a field. He saw
when the poison lor them may be mix- a crow on the limb of a tree busily
ed with the Bordeaux. While the dis- eating a piece of cheese, and at once
ease is not very bad every year it is! trotted to the tree and sat down he -
well to be prepared. There was ant neath it.
average increase per year of 94 "Mr. Crow," said the fox in harsh
bushels of potatoes from spraying and unfriendly tones, "you must share
with Bordeaux mixture in three years. your cheese with me,"
The formula for Bordeaux mixture The crow looked down at the fox,
for potatoes is 6 pounds copper sul- but answered not a word as he took
plate or bluestone, 4 pounds freshly a peck at the piece of cheese,
slaked lime to 40 gallons of water. "Mr. Crow," said the fox, in a voice
While the bluestone will dissolve more that was stil more harsh and un -
quickly in hot water; if it is not con- friendly, "if you do not give me part
of yaur cheese I shall climb the tree
and take it all away from you."
The crow looked down at the fox,
but answered not a word. He knew
very well that the fax could not climb
vessel and before mixing with the cop- the tree, and so he took another peck
per sulphate solution should be strain -
.,1 through coarse sacking or a fine
welmg, but folded down in clothe for
three hours, then pressed 00 the wrong
Reader: -1. Bavaria is the largest
state in the German Empire after
Prussia. 2. "Sinn Fein" is Gaelic
for "For Ourselves". 3. Inflamed eye-
lids should be bathed several times a
day with a solution of half a teaspoon-
ful of boracie acid in a cup of hot wa-
ter. 4, To test nutmegs, prick them
with a needle; if they are good, the resemble very much those 01 sun -
oil will spread around the puncture.' stroke at the onset. The skin in this
5. "Neither he nor I were there" case is cold and clammy and the body
ehould be "neither he nor I was there.,, temperature is below normal. The
patient may succumb quickly if 6. inc 400th anniversary of the pro-
Aid to Heat Victims.
In order to give proper aid to per-
sons overcome by the heat, it is first
essential to distinguish between sun-
stroke and heat exhaustion, which are
the two forms of symptom groups
presented by excessive heat and high
In the case of sunstroke the patient
first complains of a tired feeling, ac-
companied by a sense of oppression in
the head. Dizziness followed by un-
consciousness may soon follow. The
face is deeply flushed, the breathing
labored and the skin is dry and hot.
The pulse is irregular and weak.
The symptoms of heat exhaustion
formation will be celebrated Octobe er treatment is not administered.
Cook:—Perhaps the following notes
may be of assistance: Salads and
vegetables neutralize usual tendency
of the body toward acidity, facilitate
the elimination of waste products and
poisons, and thus incidentally post-
pone the coming of old age. Salads
cool and purify blood and freshen
complexion give jaws and teeth ex-
ercise necessary to development with-
out which latter decay, facilitate
digestion by encouraging mastication'
promote oral hygiene by leaving
patient should be kept in a quiet and
mouth and teeth physiologically clean
cool room.
at end of meal, counteract tendency to
Heat exhaustion, on the other hand,
anaemia, scurvy, gout, rheumatism,
ils rapidfstimulation. By touch -
are rich in lime so necessary to bone- eaor the .natient and finding
The first-aid treatment rendered to
a heat victim should be to remove hint
to a cool, shady place and to loosen
his clothing. One should next as-
certain whether the surface of the skin
is hot or cold. If the former, the
patient should be sponged immediate-
ly with ice water. When removed to
a more favorable place indoors, a
plunge in a tub of cold water shoulil
be given. Ice cold cloths or an ice
cap can be applied to the head, As soon
as consciousness is regained, cold
drinks may be given freely. The
er, wet with sweet milk to a stiff bat-
ter, drop in gem pans and bake im-
mediately. 6. It is said that before
eating is a good time to sleep, but not
immediately after a meal. '7. Yes,
food material when cut into small
pieces. Cabbage thus treated loses
about one-third of its total food ma-
terials, especially its ash or mineral
raw tomatoes are good for almost 1 matter. On the average 30 per cent.
everybody who does not have ulcer of the total salts is extracted when
of the stomach so that the use of the 1 vegetables are boiled in water for
tomatoes gives him pain. If they do !thirty minutes. When, on the con-
tnooteactauthseempain 8onTehneededietnootf abeohaifIrdetoidf tiroary, they are steamed they lose only
per cent. Hence vegetables
two years should consist of fruits, should be either steamed or stewed in
grains, a moderate allowance of pure I a casserole or covered earthenware
cream and cow's milk and vegetable vessel, so popular in France. If boil -
purees. Purees of spinach and other i ed the water should be saved for soup
"greens" are particularly good. or sauces.
Eva: -1. It is said that freckles can Beetroots, carrots and parsnips son -
be bleached out by applying the follow- wain a large amount of sugar; and timed • the afternoon when the
during .
ing mixture to the face, being care -I when served at a meal there is less Ieemperature is at its highestlevel. It
ful to keep it away from the eyes: i of a desire for excessively sweet des- is hardly necessary to emphasize_the
Two ounces of buttermilk or sour milk, I sea
Cabbage, as usually cooked, is use of light, loose clothing. park
not digested for some five hours, but clothes are actually warmer than.
light-colored garments.
two drams grated horseradish, six
drams cornmeal. Spread the mixture
between thin muslin and allow it to lie
on the face at night. 2. The follow-
ing method of cleaning blank satin is
given by some authorities: Boil three
pounds of potatoes to a pulp in one
quart of water, strain through a sieve
and brush the satin with it on a board
or table. The material must not be
eaten uncooked in salad it takes less
than three.
Salads, like vegetables and fruits,
have little body-building and tissue re-
pairing material, hence require to be
supplemented by foods rich in these
and in fat, such as eggs, meat, cheese
(grated by choice or the cottage varie-
ty) and nuts.
A &Wks
venient to get this, it may be sus-
pended over night in a cotton bag in a
wooden or earthen vessel containing
four or five or more gallons of water.
The lime should be slacked in another
at the pion of cheese.
The fox, finding that he could not
Cheaper Poultry Feed.
On account of the scarcity and high
price of feed the poultry industry of
this country is threatened by the
prospect of the wholesale slaughter
of laying stock and a serious falling
off in the number of pullets to be ma -
"And to -day I was telling both the tured.
kingfisher and the hawk how much The necessity for retaining for milt.
sharper and more graceful your claws ing every possible bushel of wheat
are than theirs," went on the fax in suitable for that purpose need oot be
very pleasant tones. emphasized. To provide poultrymen.
lifted first one claw and then the other stock without unnecessarily lowering
The crow answered not a word, but with feed for rearing their young
from the limb of the tree and looked! the supplies of milling wheat, the
at each with great pride. But when federal Department of Agriculture has
he lifted the claw that did not have requested millers throughout Canada
the cheese and tried to cling to the to put on the market the cracked and
limb with the claw that did have the
cheese, he dropped the cheese to the
ground. Whereupon the fax laughed
loudly, seized the cheese and ran away
to the woods, where he ate every mor-
sel of it.
And the crow cried "Caw! Caw!" in
very angry tones, and flew off to
find a dinner to replace the one that
he had so foolishly lost.
Tha moral is that, if a vain person
is on guard at one point of attack,
there are always other points of at-
tack that are not guarded, and a araf-
ty flatterer will have little trouble in
finding a way to reach them.
Electric Plants For The Farm.
One of the recognized necessities in
gieve. The copper sulphate solution get the cheese by threats, bethought connection with our increased agricul-
is now put into a barrel, if it has not himself of using the craft for which tural production is better and more
already been dissolved in one, and en- the fax family is famous. He .re- attractive conditions on the farm, and
ough water added to half fill the bee- membered how a fax once got a piece among the many suggestions the use
rel; the slaked lime should be diluted of cheese from a trove by telling the of electricity should be considered,
in another barrel with enough water crow what a sweet voice she had and Electric power is a great convenience
to make half a barrel of the lime mix- then begging her to sing. That crow in the farm home, and saves much
ture. Now pour the diluted lime was holding the cheese in her bill, and time to the farm help. The farm or
mixture into the diluted copper sul- when she opened her hill to sing she country home situated within the area.
dropped the cheese to the ground, of an electric system of transmission
whereupon the fax seized it and ran or distribution isfortunate, but the
away. Since that time all crows vast majority must look to' the small
have carried their food in their claws
and not in their bills. Therefore, the isolated plant. This alternative, how.
ever, is now much more promising
than a few years ago. Many factor-
ies manufacture this type of equip-
ment, the operation of the pints has
been simplified and cost has been
much reduced, These small plants
may be adeantageously used for many
domestic purposes in addition to light-
ing, such as ironing, washing, toast.
ing, pumping water, etc.; and also for
the very important use of charging
storage batteries.
have something that will stay on the sulphate solution, as,
10 65118 15 80110,
leaves so that they will be protected an inferior mixture will result. If fax knew wen that it would do no
0151111 11 stuns raining and thus prevent the barrels are kept covered so that good to beg the crow to sing. How,
the tops being eaten. At the Central, there is no evaporation, stock solu. then, could lie get thnt cheese? He
Experimental Farm a mixture of Pates tions of the concentrated materials thought hard and looked hungrily up
green and arsenate of lead is used in may be kept in separate barrels into the tree,
the proportion of 8 ounces Paris 1411r011010a the seasom It is import- "Dear Mr, Crow," said the fax at
green, lee pounds Paste arsenate of ant to have the quantities of lime and last, "I was only joking when I spoke
lead (or le 0018005 dry arsenate of copper 5U1Phato Fla rocommended, but, before, for I am your best friend. Only
load) to 40 gallons of Water in order in order to be sure that enough lime yesterday 1 was telling both the wood -
to get ,l.e advantage of hoth Poisons, has been used and there is no danger pecker and the blue jay how much
It linty be that it is rot cooveaket to of burning the Colingt., let a drep of more beautiful your plumage is than
get both poisona when either 12 ouneee feeroeemeido 01 1)a:0AM solution theirs."
o. Paris green or 3 Pounds paste (which can be obtained from n drug- The crow answered ot, a word, but
eremite of tent (or 11,e, plumes 'ry glee) fnll into the mixture when ready. looked down at his glossy black sides
4 e•
of lead) to .10 eelems :ter 11 the latter turns retelieh-brown, add with great pride. Then be held his
could be used, or in Muller gunntitien, more them mixture until no change of head a iltIlo higher and forgot to take
a peck at the piece of cheese.
Say 1 ounce Paris green to 3 gelnos color takes place.
shrunken wheat removed from grain
before it is milled,
In addition to small and broken
wheat these cleanings consist chiefly
of the seeds of wild buckwheat, a near
relative of the cultivated buckwheat.
The Poultry Division of the Central
Experimental Farm has used wild
buckwheat in feeding experiments and
reports it to be a highly satisfactory
poultry feed and has ordered two cars
of buckwheat screenings for the Con-
tral and Branch Experimental Farms
from the Canadian Government eleva-
tors at Fort William. Fowls used to
good grain do not take to it at first
but when they become accustomed to -
it they eat it readily and do well ore
The mill cleanings from local flour
mills also contain traces of many
other weed seeds, including several
kinds of mostards. These, however,
would not as a rule amount to more
than two or three per cent. of the
cleanings in the case of' the standard
grades of Western wheat. This ma-
terial is specially recommended for
backyard, suburlMn and professional
poultrymen. On farms the cleanings
from yards and poultry houses Where
it has been fed would have to be dis-
posed of so as not to disseminate omel-
ette weeds in grain fields.
Those integested in obtaining tide
class. of feed should immediately ter-
raoge with local mills Or feed dealers
for a supply. The mills cannot be
expected to keep this material for poul-
try unless it is demanded for that
Purpose and that rests with the pouie
trermen themselves.
Two-thirds of the population of
Dominic ara ettgaUad la agricultural
eursuite or in handling agricultural.
Red' 13e Too Polite.
"What dirty hands you have aohm*
sail his tefecher, "What Would you
sny if I came to school that way?"
"T wouldn't say othin," repliete
John. "Id be too nolito."