HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-16, Page 8rNefENStealarereferneriseiestisfreersveressfeefarle.treleaaresysePeraerSeesefErssaisPeallEtefUelaseta.1
• The Sore
The Store Druggist and Stationer
+04•4•44-10+444 44+ 044 +0+0+ • o +0 ÷ 040+ eteesee 0 +40+0444•4•4•40
In the
y,,u will need some of the fol-
lowing to help make it a suc•
veer,: -
Red Rubber Jr Rings
Pan Bill ax
Bottliug Wee and Tins
kle Battle Cooke
corks for Catsup Bottles
Water Glass Egg Preserver
Salicylic Acid
Whsle and Ground
Pure Pickling Spices
We have a full line of them,
for a flyless House
Preserving and Pickling bring
in 1h,. dtee. Deete011 them he
Sack F.v Paper in Rolls
Wilson's Fly Palls
Lightning Fly Pads
We can supply all of these.
Our stock is flesh and of the
On Every Outing
Has its Innings
The happy times in the Snmmer of 1917
can live In the pictures of your Kodak
Kodak$7.0o and up
Brownies $1.25 a'roci up
Films Developed
and Printed
Real Photo Post Cards of Brussels
A large assortmett to choose from - se e. -ten ot 0 for ac.
F „ 8 4flTij
4. •
root etxis Pans
Mae has been raised to S cents per
A FINF sample of Boston Ivy may be
seen at the prim -es of .A. C. Dames.
MEN have been busy this week repair-
ing the damage done the cement darn
last Spring.
A fine crop of poppies is growing in
the potato pctch of Miss Kate McCallum
combining beauty and usefulness.
Two home of T. Ross, John street,
beg greatly improved by brick vene-
ering, a new mot' and a verandah across
the h ont.
A CAR of live poultry is beteg shipped
from Brussels Friday of this week by
Robe Thomson, See his advt. in this
issue concerning the same.
PAiNTEes have been improving the
appearance of R. P. and Mrs. Down-
ing's home, corner Mill and John streets.
Walter Williamson had the job.
LAST week Miss Annie Ross was op-
erated on fur appendicitis and is report.
ed to b. making favorable progress.
Her many friends wish her a speedy re-
covery and better health than ever.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Thos,
Moore, Stratford, formerly of' Brussels,
had to undergo an operation tor the re-
moval of a growth under one of her
arms. Her many old friends around
here will be glad to hear that she is mak-
ing a good recovery.
Notice -The names of several per-
sons have been handed to me for non-
observance of the law relating to auto-
mobile speeding, absence of lights, &c.„
and topless there is compliance the law
will have to take its course. This is the
last warning. S. T. PLUM, Reeve.
FRIDAY evening of this week a Garden
Party will be held on the lawn at St.
John's church rectory. Good program
of addresses, music, &c, Also booths.
If weather is unpropitious the gathering
will assemble in the Lecture room of the
church. Keep the date clear for this
Garden Party.
Teesdale Whitfield, who sold his farm
on Con. 13, Grey township, last Spring.
purchased the home of W. A. and Mrs
Greater, corner of Queen and Princess
streets and will get possession in the
course of a month or so. It is a very
cosy place and will suit Mr, and Mrs,
Whitfield fine. Mr. Whitfield has also
bought the corner le acre lot, Turn berry
and Queen streets, upon winch is a good
stable so will he well set up now for
both comfort and convenience, We un-
derstand Mr. and Mrs, Grower and
family talk of removing to Toronto.
They are old residents ot Brussels and
many. will regret their leaving town, if
such is their decision. Both Mr, and
Mw. Grewar's fathers were among the
busia eess men town in almost pioneer
days, The former is deceased.
MRS. F1003 WILSON'S BaOTHea.-Jas.
and Mrs. Rogere, ListoWel, received the
official message that their eldest son,
Pte, Gordon Rogers, aged 27, bad been
killed in action on July 30. A younger
son, Leonard, was also killed in action
in December last. Pte, Gordon Rogers
was a graduate Of Pharmacy and for to
years a druggist in Toronto He enlist-
ed in that city with the 95th liattelion,
and had been bn Frette upwards of a
year, participating 10 the battle of Cout-
collate, and being wounded iv the neck
And term at Vimy oil July 17, Quite re.
cently the family hada field card inform-
ing there that he was again on duly in
the trenches, Another brother, Stanley,
resides in Toronto, and sisters are Mrs.
B. P. Mooti, Kansas City ; Mrs. A. E
Roberts, Port Arthur ; Mrs. F. 0, Wil -
eon tint Mrs. J. W. Moore, Toronto, and
Miss Grace Rogers, nurse, of Port Wil -
limn Hospital, who was planning to go
HALE of AllgOst gone.
Tos POsT will holiday next week.
Earl Antenr, who was home helping
out with tne 70514 of work, was called
back to 'Uncle Sam's land in connection
with 14 military course now being foi-
1 lowed there.
7 yonee pigfor stile. Phalle 4217.
FeRs11 cow with ,'stir at foot for eels
Goff noir 1310DoNAI.13,
WILL the person wbe took a child' rubbee
tired e free the bowling green kindly
return it to Leonard Welker or say where 13 18.
(4007. roomer, wanted. Apply to
51118. 0051108, Brussels,
HARLAND Cly.lc 11.1,,y0 and Pipes for Rale,
Apply 173 51. jibe's Rertory Saturday of this
A tiros mutat outside tire found. Enquire at
Tan Posp,
A rrne, Sent 1st the weekly rate for roomers
will be inereased to 74,' per week by those cat-
ering to this need.
WE are siole se.t for the genuine Parold
Roofing, manufaetured by Bird & San, Hamil-
ton, .Always buy Paroid and get the hest,
Poe '3T.73. -Residential property on Albert
.rest. Rrueeele. Apply to Bina JANET MC.
004 mite, on the premien.
Fon SAT.41 -A quantity of gond sound cedar
corner pest. from 10 to 18 incites. also Prune
sound cedar timbere le in. by 22 feet. Poste
91.e0 to 331111 eaeh Have good Durham row
due Motive in chants week, for sale. Apply
to D .7. Frownisena, Ethel, EN Lot 10, Con.
6, Grey townehip.
est( of middlings to arrive this week.
Good price off car. tend orders early.
W. ,T. McCracken, Brussele.
RHINO your Beef Ring hides to Broker Brea
Rruseele. Price 20e per pound this week,
Phone Nu 0,
mire/seen Polled Angus Bell. 1 year old,
for ml,.. 1,1A YID Fannie, Cranbrook.
Phone 2513.
FEEMpoRTARLE brink residence for ante er to
rent For particulars apply to Mee GPO.
Rootons, at A, (1. Damee, &uses's.
Poop. to rent over B. C.Dunrord's store,
Apply to 51. BLANC.
APPR11NTIC0 wanted to learn the printing
'Inutile., male or female. Hue W110 has paned
the High School Entrance preferred,
Apply at Twee Poem.
Seim brick cottage, nicely decorated, large
lot and (+table for eale. Apply at Tee Pose.
POsT o,. roti:,', Cardiff Best
and Stanlev 0,1 en success in
passing tl Or lull ma'rictilation examina-
tion to the1 evereiry The boys have
done well and have a splendid start
which we Trust will be greatly to their
ad vantage,
CARD rie TlisNES -The family of the
late John limner desire to extend their
sincere snort elation and thankto all the
Mende who have so kindly given to us
your sympathy tool assietenee (luring the
Illness and removal of our father,
BRUSSELS Electric Light plant, which
was offered for sale last Tuesday atm -
noon hy public auction. was bought by ,
S. Wilton, supposedly for Thuell Bros.,
of town, who have financial interest in
same. Thee owned the plant before
and Made Ennti job of running it so we
twee it will soon he set in motion once
NAND( WAs OMITTRD. n the list Of
successful pupils at the Lowes School
exam, publish, d in Tun PreIT lest Week,
the name of Miss Herriet McQoarrie Wee
inadvertently omitted. She should hove
heen credited among those who were on
Perm Leave after passing the test ex.
amination. We wish her success bn
reaching the lop a the ladder,
.A 'well lturown ',merlon athlete and a
forther Brusselite, lies won further lion -
ors et the front Word lees been receiv.
ed that Plight...Lima Eddie MeKsv,
who aselear d in the dreamt -Soil elf the
great Herniae flier, Roelke, has been
Made A Pfizln Commander This Rives
Mtn th,i rank of Captain. Ile has beet
doing splendid work At the front and is
recognized Ail one of the best fliers on
the Western front,
BausseLs Worneo's Institnte will 5013'
Vene too the Audience room of the Public
Librery 011 Friday, August 17th, at 2.30
p. m. Rev R 133 Psge will give an ed -
dress on "The Possibilities of the Child."
Msjot 0 V jewitt, who is home from
Fleece few a short time, is also expected
to give an address As this meeting will
be of ono! e I hau usual interest a large et-
tendance is r( quested.
TSB PO .T regrets to hear of the de-
cease of Mrs Al, x, Peebles, a former
resident of Bressels, who paid Nature's
debt in Winnipeg, on July loth and was
buried at Morris, Map , her o'd home on
the 1311. All the children were home
eke wing Carl, who is at the front and
MIT. Ira Gerry who had been to visit her
mother the week prior to her demise.
Mrs Peebles was a flue woman and be-
loved by all who knew her.
FRIDAY evening a meeting nf persons
interested in Red Cross work was held
ID the Library audience room It was
not crowded. After discussing various
plans it was decided to hold a Garden
Party on Victoria Park Thursday even-
ing of next week, 23rd inst. Red Cross
Circle will take charge of the b.niths and
Girl Guides are asked to push the sale
of tickets, R Leatberdale wee named
as Chairman of Grounds Committee ;
leo. Hewitt, T. Armstrong, W. R
Little and A 17, Currie assisMnts at
booths and G. 11 ,Samis to arrange for
caring for admission finances Admis-
sion fee for adul's will be 25 cents end
on cen's for children F. Fa, Gilroy, G.
H Samis, M. Black, jas Fox. RE V W.
13 Stafford and W H. Keil. Were ap-
pointed a Committee to arrange for
program of entertainnient Noirs-Ow-
ing to difficulty in securing talent the
,Gorden Party has been indefinitely post-
evening at a well attended meeting held
in the Public Library Audience Room a
Choral Society was oreenizecl with the
following officiary :-President, F. 11,
Gilroy ; Secretary, Miss Mae Woorl ;
'Preasorer, T. C McCall ; Director, P.
R Mulheron ; Pianists, Miss M Jonee,
Mrs R Thomsoo and Miss Bailey ; Ad•
vertising Committee. A E Hersey and
P R. Mulheron. It was decided to ord-
er copies of "The HolyCity Oratorio,"
by A. R. Gaul, as the composition to be
prepared in coming term. There are
now 28 members on the roll and a meet.
ing will be held Tuesday evening next,
in the Library Audience Room, to com-
plete organize' ion and arrange for coon -
Ing practices, which will commence the
first Tuesday evening of September. All
who would like to join should do so at
once so es to he ready to begin work.
Membership is not confined to Brussels
and people in adjoining localities will be
welcome. Information as to further
particulars may be secured from the
above mentioned officers ioo members
is set as the standard by the Society.
Damortsree'reme - About am ladies
assembled in the Town Hall, 13.uesele,
Thursday, August gth, to witness a dem-
onstration on Vegetable and Fruit Cau-
ning and Preserving given by Miss Prit-
chard, of Owen Sound Before begin•
ning her work hliss Pritchard explained
why canned fruits and vegetables spoil,
saying it was the presence of mold
Spores and these must be killed by beat
and after cooking the fruit and vege-
tables must still he protected by having
the jars air tight, As Miss Pritchard's
time was limited she just demonstrated
one method -the cold -pack method --
which simply means OW the vegetables
are blanched in boiling water, then
quickly given a dip iu cold water. the
skius removed end then packed in jars,
hot water and salt added rood then after
placing rubbers and tops on, are steriliz-
ed in hot water which is kept at the
boiling point in some cases for an hour
or more. In some instances the ince! -
rnittent method must be used when the
jar is removed from the water at the end
of an hour's boiling, the rim tightened
and set aside to cool until the following
day and on the second and third days
thereafter the hour's boilin.g is repeated
in the same way Miss Prechard, in the
short time at her disposal, demonstrated
the canning of peas, beans, .beets, car
rots and raspberries. A number of bul-
letins on this subject will he supplied
Brussels Women's Institute and any
lady wishing one may get it. till the sup-
ply is exhausted, from the President or
Secretary of the Institute. These bul-
letins are expected in a few days.
strenuous battle betweeu a splendid
physique and a fatal disease and at a
time of life few people attain, Jno. Hun.
ter passt d peacefully away from the
earthly tenement to enter "the house
not made with bands" early Thursday
morning of last week, in his Both year.
On August 24th a year ago Mr. Hunter
fell in his yard and broke a thigh bone
and at his advanced age it marked the
beginning of the end, as he was never
able to walk and later part of the limb
was atnputated. He had 2 if not 3
slight strokes of paralysis ending in the
closing up of life's chapter. Deceased
was born In the Co. of Fermauagh,
Ireland, and came to Canada with his
parents at an early age, locating in tbe
neighborhood of Brantford, When
grown to manhood the subject of this
notice moved to Huron township, Bruce
Co , and was shortly after married to
Miss Elizabeth Elliott, of Brantford,
who cited in Brussels nto buns est, 1912,
aged 74 years, In 1885 the Bruce farm
was sold and the family cane to 7tb line
Morris township, Huron Co., where they
resided up to 19,3, when Mr. Heiner re-
tired from the farm and became a resi-
dent of Brussels, purchasing a ootnfort.
Able property on Jain st. Where he lived
and died. The surviving childreu are,
Rev J. E„ Charing Crows Ont, Rev,
W. Fallis, Hawley, Penn. ; Mrs. W H,
Peters, Bervie ; Mrs. F. Arnett, Allen -
ford ; and Misses Anua, Mina and Clara,
et borne, all of whom were here for fun-
eral, which took place Saturdny after-
noon. Rev. W. E Stafford conducted
an appropriate service. speaking from
the text, ' Blessed are lbe dead who die
in the Lord," Pallbearers woe R,
Leetheretale, A Forsyth, C. Cardiff, 5,
T PltIM, Jno Simmons and 0 0,
Manners. Interment .5 Re made in the
family plot, Brussels cemetery. Floral
tributes were beautiful. Among old
friends who attended the interment
were John and Matthew
Dane, GOrlie
0 E Erred, Atiburn ; and Jas. Beatty
and daughter, Mrs. Chambers, 13Iyth,
The subject of this notice was a loyal
Methodist for many years ; a warm stip-
porter of the Conservative faith in
polities and allied to the Orange Order ,
for s long period. He WAS s Plan of
robost health and Vigor aS hie activity
proved prior to the accident A year ago,
Few had tiny idea that he was Pp to
wards on years, The family ebaro in the
sympathy of a wide circle of friends.
Peoptd WeLTalk About
Miss Vivian Harris is holidaying with
Atwood friends.
Miss Marion Forest Is home from a
visit to Mount Forest,
Stewart any Mrs. Scott are holidaying
with relatives al Sarnia.
1 F. and Mrs. Kerney, Guelph, wire
in town for the week -end.
J. T, Wood made a business trip to
Toronto for the week eud.
Miss Pearl Cliampiou is visiting her
sister, Mrs Sma I, Winghani.
Al .in Seobine, !Ando°, is the guest at
the home of W, F. and Mrs, Stretton,
Mrs. H. McQuarrie is spending a few
clays with her daughter, Mrs, W. F.
Si retton,
Misses Lennie Ellis and hlinnie Reid,
Toronto, are guests of Miss Carrie Mc
Miss Jean Moore will holiday at Gran! -
food Guelph, Acton and other points for
a wet k or so.
Mrs. D. Hennessey and 4 sons, of
London, are visiting the Meadows famil-
ies, John street.
Mrs Alex Ste vart, Millbank, Was
celling WI her old friend, Mrs. Wm,
Ross, William street,
W J and Mrs. Gilroy, Mount Forest,
were visitors for the week end with F,
H. and Mrs Gilroy,
Mrs. Juo. Thomson is home from her
visit with relatives and friends at Sea -
forth and locality.
Rohe and Mrs. Johnston, were v.si-
tors in Brussels Thursday of lag week.
They were former residents
Miss Georgie Kerr Was home from
Toronto, for a brief holiday She is n
Stenographer in the Queen city.
Miss Bethel Kerr who v.am home for a
few weeks recruiting her health, bee re.
turned to her pnsition in Toronto.
Mrs. B Whiotard and cruldren were
visiting etre Stamper, the former's els-
wteere,kand other friends at Bluevale last
Mrs. Jno Lott is away to l'oronto,
Bowman,/ Ile and other points for El
holiday Bert Lott is at Creemore this
Mrs. J. T. Roos and M isS Mary motor-
ed to Teeswater Thursday of last week
and visited with Thos. and Mrs. Friend-
Mrs Marsden Smith and Miss Martha
go to Toronto this week with Mrs, L
Stark, who bas been visiting here, for a
Robs Doegberly and mother, who
were visitors with the Misses McLatich-
lin, returned to their home at Toronto
last Sat urd ey
Miss BOwnian, Cobelt, iS visiting her
cousin, Miss Vona Bowman, Brussels
She is a daughter of Joseph Bowrnan,
formerly of this locality.
Mrs. D McLennan, Brantford, was
renewing old acquaintances in Brussels
last week She was a former resident
of town removing rr years rgo.
Lorne Loney, a former butter maker
Imre, has enlisted with No. o Forestry
Brigade, reached England on July 6th
He goes to France as -a sniper.
Mrs, Carrie, Toronto, is the guest of
Miss let E, Ross, John street. The vis-
itor will perhaps be better known as for.
merly Miss Dowding, of Brussels.
Miss Mae Stewart, of Listowel, for-
merly of Brussels, and her little sister,
Maojorie, were week end visitors at the
home of Janus and Mrs Burgess.
Mr.. Attcheson, of OrtonvIlle, Mich,
is here cm a visit with her sister-in-law.
Mrs Wm Martin. The visitor is a sis-
ter to Township Clerk Morale, McKil-
Miss Margaret McLartahlin, who is
training for a moose in a Detroit loosplial,
is here for her vacation with relatives
a ncltrrvisnds. She will graduate next
Mrs T. Ross, Chesmy, and Mrs. R
Ross, Kincardine, were here duting the
past week lending a head at the home or
David Rose, owing to the illness of Miss
Annie Rreos,
Rev. Fred. Hunter is now located al
Petersburg, Illinois. He is a son of
Mrs. A. Hunter, Brtossels, and an old
town boy of whose progress we are
pleased to hear.
Mrs. (Rev) R. E. Page and children
have gone lo; Montreal to visit at the
parental home. Her father is Rev. Mn,
Benoit, Rev. Mr Page accompanied
them as far as Toronto.
• Wrn. Wilton bas been laid up for
several weeks but we hope he will soon
be better. He went to Seafortli to woo k
ip a Munition Paototy but load to quit
ns his health fagged
Mw H. Wilbee, who makes her home
with her daughter, Mrs P Ament, pass-
ed her 9oth birthday Tuesday of last
week She Is wonderfully bright and
active for such an advanced 'age.
Mrs, Boreham and Mrs Chas. Hine-
ston and 2 children, Toronto. W110 have
been holidaying at the home of George
McMillan, lisve returned home. Mn.
Boreham was here for the week-eud,
J. and Mrs. Rae and Mrs. W, White,
St. Marys, and A. Rae and Mrs. Jno.
Ridley and son. Detroit, were visitors
at G. C. and Mrs. Manners, town and
called oniother old friends, They came
by car.
Dr, jno. and Mrs Laidlaw, of Chien
go, and Miss Jeanet Labolhaw, Wyth,
were visitors at Mrs D 13 Moore's,
The former is a Dentist and au old
boy of Blyth locality. He is a nephew
of Mrs. Moore.
N 0. and Mrs. Gerry arrived home
from Fort William Monday evening.
They came via the lake route. They
went to attend the funeral of the far-
mer's brother, Bert., who lost his life
from the collision of his auto, and a
street ver in Vert Arthur,
Pte N. R. Bamford. formerly of Lig-
towel, arrived safely at Halifax on Aug
tat. He went overseas with the 71st.
Battalion. He Was IP the thick of the
battle of the Somme and other engage-
ments, but since December he 111114 been
in hospitals in France, Scotland apd
England, suffering from wounds and
shell shock. We hope he will soon be
Our former townsman, Hugh Williams
of Egmondville, was here for a visit
'with his (leughter, Mrs, W. A, Grower,
Ile la as bright AS a dollar but owing to
rheumatism his locometive polders Ate
below par. Mr. Williams IS 111 1110 80111
year, He was in the carriage business
for years in Brussels Old Irbends were
glad to set bitn so Well,
T 01 a
Money Orders and Drafts are
issued by this Bank payable in
all parts of the world.
G. H. SAMIS, r) rl Manager.
Mrs Ellen Kerney, who had the mis.
fortune to break her left limb, sear the
ankle, a few weeks ago, is making favor-
able progress and will soon be able to be
about as usual we hope Mrs, Kerney is
iu her 76th war but has been an active
woman in getting about.
PRIDRAM-11.10QuARRIE.-A0 the home or the
bride's parent's, on August 150h, 1917, by
Rey. W. E. Stafford, B A., ?Jr. James (1.
Pridhatn, Toronto,to MI. Anne L., only
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, P. McQuarrie,
Huasout.--la Brussels, on August Otli, 1917,
John Hunter, In hie 901/1 year,
Wheat 42 00 82 20
Oats 76 75
Peas 221 2 25
Barley 1 10 010
Butter 80 95
Dna 89 40
Hogs 10 50 10 50
Bay 802 700
Potatoes per bee 5 00 5 00
Wool (unwashed) 00 00
Wool i tvashed) 08 08
To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the Township of
Morris are (inking for tandem for the construc-
tion of the Kelly. and Bone Drains, Tenders
will be opened at the Township Bali Monday,
September lOtli, 00 204. m, Plane and specifi-
cations may be seen at the Clerk% residence.
Enclose n 950 good faith 'marked cheque with
the tender,
A. AtaolgWBN, JOHN 80001ITREEE,
Clerk, Bluevale, Reeve, Walton,
If you need harvest help apply to The On-
tario Government Employment Bureau, 108
Dundee St, London, Ont
Experienced help at the rate of 045.00 per
month, $11 per week or $2.50 per day,
. Public Notice
The Spenial Assessment Rolls for the Turn -
berry Street Improvements have been confirm-
ed hy Council. Any ratepayer May pay the
amount of their aesiessinent any time up to the
25th day 00 .8 ugu-t, 1017. After that date they
wilt only be able to pay it yearly with interest
a1534 per Dent per einem) or omninute at nor
Cent, S SCOTT,
Village Clerk, Bruesela.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of Catherine
McDonald, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron, Spin -
ter, deceased
Notice is hereby elven perm:tent to Chapter
121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
ereditors and °therm heving claims againoot lite
estate 01 00)0 Bald Catherine AlcDontild, who
died on or about the Twentyfeeventh day of
July, A. D. 1917. are requit d on or before the
First day of September, A. D 1917, to send by
poet prepaid or deliver to William le. Sinclair,
of the Village of Brussels, in the County of
Huron, Solicitor for A lexender McDonald and
John McDonald, the Execetors of the last will
and tostemenb of the deceased, their Chrletian
and. (amnion., addressee and descriptions, the
full particulars of their clitims, the statement
of their Emanate and the induce of the secur-
ities of any; held by them.
And further take notice that after ench Met
mentioned date the said Exeontims will pro-
ceed to distribute the 1170et0 of the deceased
amongst the puttee entitled thereto, having
regard only to the cleinie of which they
then hew, notice, and the said Extent tore will
not be liable for the (mid aerate or any part
thereof to eny person or persons of whn84
claim notice shell not have been received by
them at the time of snob distribution
Dated this Thirteenth day of Arlen., 1917.
W 131. $
Belleiter for the Executors.
Notice to Oreditors
In the matter of the estate of bubo Ink-
ier, late of Wiwa Hill, in GM Prov-
ince of Saskatchewan, gentleman,
Notice is hereby given pursuant ro "mho Ra-
ised Statutes of Ontario, thet all creditors
and othere having claims ageing the estate of
the said John ,Titokson, who died at Brus.ls,
Ontario, on or about the Eleventh day of
February, A. D., 1917, are required on or be-
fore the Fleet day of 'September, A D.,_1917,
to send by post prepaid or deliver to Louig
Willinnisou, elle of the Exoeutors of the
last Will and Testament' of said deceased, at
Walton Post Office, Ontario, their <'14110018,1and Surnames addreseei and detteriptions, the i
partioelars of their claims, the etatement
of their accounts and the nature or the eietur.
i ties (if any) held by theta
And further take notice that after each last
mentioned date the said Executors will pro.
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re.
geed only to the clitizne of which they Anti then
* 4
f• •
* #
# #
0 , •
4 '' #
to #
• The Penslar siore 0
It is no little disap-
pointment to find, after
giving the taking of •
your • pictures *every g
care possible that the g
results are far from sat-
isfactory. This may '4.
0. come from various g
• causes.
We can assure you that I
our Ansco Fihns and g
• Cyko Developing Pap- g
er will give you entire g
e can promise- you a
prompt and entirely sat-
• isfactory service n :
g proof of which is our *
* rapidly increasin g Cam- g
• g
era business,
• Let us take care of e
• Your Next Films :
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• Druggist and Statioper, se
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0+++40•.+000 00.044-040, et 04+ •
ave notice, and the mid Executors will not
be liable for the said 5005(1101. any pert there.
of to any person or persons of whose claim Property for Sale '
notice shall not have been received by them at
the time of such distribetion.
Property for ERIE' le the Village of Crenbronic
Dated at Brussels this tali day of Align.,
5. D. 1917 belong,ing to the estate of the late D. MeQuar-
He. ror par Peelers ue to price end terme alp
T. H SA ) Ernesels.
Brussels Daylight Store G. N, McLaren
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Here are a Few Specials for Plext ill Bays FI)
'$6 00 Ladies' and Misses' Wash 4 00 $4 00 Ladies' White Dresses. 2 75
Dresses. Sale price '' Sale price
$8 00 Ladies' White Dresses. ; 110 1 Lot Ladies' White Waists, reg-
ular5 up to $L5o. Now...
Men's Shirts Regular $L251 Naio Pm 70c
Sale price •••
Whitewear at Bargain Prices
Ladies' White Gowns, low and high neck, short and
long sleeves. Regular 1.25 and (,5o, Sale price...
White Underskirts Corset Covers
AH at Reduced Prices.
1 Lot Men's Shiro, Cord Cloth and Cambrics. They are made up of odd lines that'.'
have been in stock for some time. Some are counter soiled, All 7
sizes in the lot. Your choice for
C 4.4.
Odd Lines in Men's Boots at 3,50
42 pairs Men's Fine Boots, Dongola Kid,
Velour Calf, Box Calf and a few Patent
Leathers, all sizes in the lot. Reg. value
up to $5.Oo, Your choice for . 3 50
Odd lines in Wornen's Boots $3,504.4.
37_ pairs Women's Fine Boots, patent o
leather, Goodyear welted and McKay g
sewn soles, buttoned or laced, Regular a
01) to $5 oo Your choice for
3 30
Straw Hats at Half Price
7 . re n
L1Coa .
• .„