HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-16, Page 3r•
Why Wait for 'War
to learn real food values?
It is what- you digest, not
what you eat, that furnishes
WHAT THE. U. S. EMBARGO strength for the day's work.
MEANS TO THEM. Many foods tax the digestive
powers to the utmost with-
out supplying, much real
a" nutriment. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit is all food
and in a form that is easily
f digested. It is 100 per cent.
whole wheat. For break-
- fast, dinner or supper it
takes the place of meat, eggs
and potatoes. You don't
know how easily you can do
without meat or potatoes
until you try it. Delicious
with sliced bananas, berries,
az-otherfruits, and milk.
Made inr Canada.
Holland and the Three Scandinaei..
Kingdom Are\Now in a Grave
The Allies control, by means 0
their blocading fleets, access to the
the ports of Holland, Denmark, awe
den and Norway, and .Have only pee
witted seaborne produce and goods
from the United States, from the Brit-
Ish Empire, and from other countries,
allied and neutral, to reach Dutch and
Scandinavian ports in return for a
solemn pledge . by the Scandinavian
And Dutch Governments that the
freight in question was destined for
exclusively home consumption, and
that none of it•would under any cir-
cumstances be resold to Germany.
These promises and agreements have
been violated with much the same ef-
frontery that Germany displayed in
treatingus a worthless scrap of paper
the guarantee of Belgium's neutrality
to which- she had subscribed
Neutral Pledges Violated.
Thanks to- tile, the blockade off the
German coast has lost much of its
value as a factor in the present war,
which has been unduly prolonged
thereby. For If the neutral powers
concerned had lived' up to their en-
gagements and to the obligations of
strict neutrality Germany would long
ago* have been brought to her knees
through economic' stress.
Great Britain and. France would
long ago have put an end to these
breaches of faith and of neutrality on
the part of the Scaudanivian and
Dutch kingdoms and would have shut
down on their seaborne trade, closing
access to their ports, had it not been
for their consideration for the United
States and their desire to refrain from
any oppressive interference with the
maritime commerce of America. But
since President Wilsontook oo up as in
n 1
notia a honor bound,the aunt
gauntlet so
recklessly and insanely thrown at his
feet by the kaiser, the situation has
The United States has become one
of the Powers of the Entee that are
lighting for the emancipation of the
eivilizod world from the military and
economic terrorism of the I3ohenzol-
lerps, and has exchanged the role ofaa
neutral for that of a belligerent. That
which Great Britain -and France re-
frained from doing out of considera•
tion for the United States while she
was still neutral President Wilson has
now, with the full approval of the
American nation, undertaken to aa-
,complish by means of his proclama-
tion of embargo.
Neutrals Must Choose.
According to the terms of the latter
none of the necessaries of life, in fact,
no exports at all, will be allowed to
reach the neutrals until first of all the
requirements of the people of the
United States and then those of her
allies have been adequately supplied.
This means that there will be very
little left for the neutrals. And in
dealing with them a preference will be
shown for those neutrals, especially In
Latin America, who have shown a dis-
position to .refrain from trading with
the enemy of the United States, that
is to say, Germany, while neutrals
such as Holland, Denmark, and above
all Sweden, who have aided and
abetted the cause of Uncle Sans''s foes
by exporting their domestic produce
and their imported goods to Germany,
will very rightly and justly be dis-
criminated against by the board at
Washington entrusted With, the ad-
ministration of the embargo. •
Few seem to realize the full extent
of the importance of this sensational
proclamation of an embargo'by Presi-
dent Wilson. It is not merely an eco -
notate.. measure, as might appear at
first sight. It is something far more
than that. It is in fact a demand made
upon IIolland and the Scandinavian
kingdoms that they should flnally de-
clare themselves in the present war
and should decide to throw in their.
lot either with the Central Powers or
with those of the Entente, -
Not a Single Soldier On Guard Out-
side British Wur Office.
Probably there is no other War Of -
flee like the Imperial one in the world,
et least, in ono respect-thero is not
a soldier on guard either outside or
inside the whole building,
The task of keeping order is left en-
tirely in the hands of the Metropolitan
policemen. Every stranger Who en-
ters is askedebis business by a con-
stable, fllle In an Inquiry form under
bhe guidance of a constable, and, when
he leaves, delivers that form, which
serves him as a pass up to another
constable. Ie he requires direction
Inside the building he fa put in oharga
of a little girl apparently fresh from
school, who talces him to the room he
requires. Her only mark of official-
dom is a bro\vn overall with a small
crown on each point of the collar.
A. good corn harvest is indicated in
the United States. This should be en-
couraging news for the live stock men..
Before frying lemon put the rashers
into boiling water for two se three
minutes, They plump out to twice
their original thickness, and all
chance is removed of their being too
The Physical Union of the Fighting
Strength of Two Nations.
You wouldn't exactly°•.call it hands
across the sea, because Canada is only
across alalte; but Canada le part of
England, which le a long way from
South State Street, says a Chicago
w ter. An
what Y, ha t I'm driving rivin at
is this :
Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Dennis, of-
ficer commanding the western
division of the British Recruiting
Mission, recently clasped hands with
Captain F. R. Kenney, officer com-
manding the recruiting district of
Northern Illinois for the United
States army,
When two belligerent parties shake
hands there are only two things which
the referee or third party can say-
either "Take your corriers" or "Bless
you, my children."
I said neither, But I held my
breath, for it was an impressive mo-
ment, the formal enactment inC hI-
cago of immortal history; the physi•
cal union of the fighting strength of
two great nations. And the spirit of
patriotic c co-operation in the common
cause of justice sanctified the alli-
Colonel Dennis and Captain Kenney
joined in plans. What they want is
men to send to the front. Neither has
any choice as to whether the men go
in Canadian kilts or American khakis.
At every one of the dozens of scat-
tered stations under Captain Kenney's
command volunteers of Canadian
citizenship were taken for the expedi-
tionary forces of the Dominion; at
every headquarters over which Colonel
Dennis has control volunteers of
American allegiance were taken for
our own .National Army.
Captain Keeney is credited with -be-
ing a bit of a bearcat on the science
of recruiting. But he was immensely
impressed with the policies and ideas
expressed by the distinguished Cana-
dian man of way!
Colonel Denis says that there are
157;000 Canadians in Chicago. Cal-
gary, with a total population of 60,000,
sent 16,000 soldiers to the front.
What then might Chicago yield ?
There are about 350,000 British sub-
jects hare, and some sixty-five St.
George and Maple Leaf societies.
There is no shortage of material here-
about for the British recruiting mis-
A thrillingly interesting man is
Colonel Dennis. He is the most ver-
satile individual I have ever met. If
one were suddenly to inquire In Ot-
tawa, "Who Is Dennis T" one might
get back the typically British answer,
"Who is he not ?"
For years he was assistant to the
president of the Canadian Pacific Rail-,
way, Lord Shaughnessy. He has
fought Indians, is a veteran with
honors of the South African expedi-
tion, has engineered road building
where Indians had to be killed as re-
gularly as ties had to be laid In the
progress; but he 1s more -he is a
dilettante journalist, a devotee of art,
A Perfect Day
sl,}ould end—as well as
begin—with a perfect
food, say—
with cream.
A crisp, delicious food,
rcontaining-..the entire
nutriment of whole wheat
and barley, including the
vital . mineral elements,
so richly rovided by
Nature in t
gr s.
Every table should'
have its daily ration of
Grape -Nuts: .
"There's a Reason"
a snappy after-dinner talker, an oc-
casional enthusiastic.roadwayite, a
recontetu• of modest but fascithating
pgrsolrality. Ttoltuet and mighty of
stature, he range with military Melody
all .over.
Natural Supply of Steam. Tapped to
• Run Small Engine.
Volcanic heat is actually being used
to run an electric power plant furnish-
ing electricity to a number of towns
near Volterra, in south-western Tuec.
any, according to an interesting arti-
cle in the Annalist.
In that region various volcanic fis
sures exist, hot with escaping steam
From using this •to operate a 'sural
horizontal engine came the idea of us
ing it on a larger scale. Boring
were therefore made in the vicinity
and a
p entiful supply of steam With
good pressure tapped. Because of its
impregnation with boracic aoid it is
not used directly, but employed to
vaporize pure water. This is used to
run a plant which furnishes power to
five near -by towns.
Now that volcanic heat has actually
been made commercially profitable we
may look to see efforts made to utilize
this power source elsewhere, Aetn
and Vesuvius may yet be yoked to
munioipal lighting plant. Italy's
lack of coal renders experiments in
this direction unusually valuable.
People -with e w th strong c'oYtstitutiohs
escape most of the minor' ills that
make life miserable for others. Don't
you envy the friend who does not
know what a headache is, whose di-
gestion is perfect, and who sleeps
soundly at night ? How far do you
come from this description ? Have
you ever made au earnest effort to
strengthen your constitution, to
build up your system to ward off dis-
comfort and disease ? Unless you
have an organic disease it is general-
ly possible to so improve your physi-
cal condition that perfect health will
be yours. The $est thing to be 'done
is to build up your blood as poor
blood 15h source e 01Ne h 'icor weak-
ness. To build up the blood Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills is just the medicine
you need. Every dose helps to make
new blood which reaches every
nerve and every part of the body,
bringing color to the cheeks, bright-
ness to the eyes, a steadiness to the
hands, a good appetite and splendid
energy. Thousands throughout the
country whose condition once made
them despair, owe their present good
health to this medicine. If you are
one of the weak and ailing give Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and
note the daily gain in new health and
abounding vitality.
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail post paid
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
More little ones die during the trot
weather than at any other time of
the year. Marteloea, dysentery,
cholera infantulrf and stomach troub-
les come without warning, and when
a medicine is not at hand to give
promptly the short delay too fie•
quently means that the child has
passed beyond aid, Baby's Own Tab-
lets should always be kept In homes
where there are young children, An
occasional dose of the Tablets will
prevent stomach and bowel troubles,
or if the trouble comes suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will cure
1the baby. The Tablets 'are sold by
- inedlcine dealers or by- mall at 25
s cents a box from The Dr; Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Mistaken Hint.
A countryman journeyed to London
to visit some relatives and to see the
sights. Fascinated. by the metro-
polis, he remained until patience on
the part of his hosts, a married couple,
had ceased to be a virtue.
Too polite to openly remonstrate,
a they both threw out many hints, but
1011 in vain, '`"Don't you think," re -
!marked the husband one day, "that
your wife and children must miss
"No doubt. Thanks for the sugges-
tion: I'll send Sor them."
The best way to the Harvest Fields
of Western Canada is by the Canadian
Northern Railway, whose lines serve
the ndwest and most productive dis-
tricts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba. These run for the most
part to the northward, where experi-
ence has shown that chops are least
variable, which means a consequently
steady demand for tabor and corres-
pondingly high average wages,
The C,N.R, has made exceptional
arrangements for handling the Farm
Laborers traffic,. and is introducing
lunch counter cars, which will permit
Plscursionists to be comfortably fed in
ita welcome relief from the
and vexatious delays of s a•
jostling Y t
tion -lunch counter service. Special
through trains will be run from Mont-
real, Ottawa and Toronto to Winnipeg
on excursion dates, to be announced
shortly. The equipment will consist
of electric -lighted colonist cars and
lunch -counter cars, together with
special accommodation for women.
All particulars from nearest C.N.R.
Agent, or General Passenger Depts.,
Toronto, Ont., and Montreal, Que.
Spraying with Bordeaux mixture
and destroying diseased parts will
check the spread of celery blight.
One of the Most Vital Questions in
'the World'To-Day.
How long can Allied shipping with-
stand the hideoes submarine sap at
its tonnage? This is the question
on the answer to which hinges the
very fate of world freedom. Let us
look at the facts. •
At the outset of the ruthless subma-
rine campaign, Vice -Admiral Capelle
announced that 1,000,000 tons a
month would bring England to her
knees. It is generally coneded that,
in the last ten weeks, the submarine
has done its worst because the sub-
mersible fleet has been increased by
the addition of the supersubmarine.
Yet the average loss per month has
never exceeded 450,000 tons of Bri-
tish shipping, and it was John Bull's
boats the Germans have set out to eli-
Up to the 1st of June Great Britain
had lost approximately 9 per cent, of
her oceangoing tonnage of ships of
1600 tons and over, On May 1, ac-
cording to Lord Curzon, she had more
than 15,000,000 tons of shipping in
vessels of this unit and over. She
could afford to lose 1,000,000 tons per
month for the next six months and
still have 9,000,000 tons left if she did
not build a single new ship in the
Looking at it from another angle, if
Germany persists in her ruthless sub-
marine warfare at the highest rate of
destruction that has been registered
since February 1, it would take 166
weeks, or more than three years, to
wipe out British shipping, again on!
the assumption that her shipyards
would bo idle all that time.
But England can easily build -and
is building -500,000 tons a year. She
tan gain a,"tuillion additional tons by
altering the so-called loadline of her
ships, Likewise, she can further
supplement this tonnage by convert-
ing ,her passenger liners into cargo
This program, it must be remember-
ed, does not take into consideration
the huge merchant marine project, of
the United States, which will event-
ually add 9,000,000 tots of 11ew steel
shipping and 2,000,000 tons of wooden,
Thus, if the U. 5, vessels are ravaged
by submarines at the Samerate as the
British, there will still be immunity
against any permanent impairment,
The :food lanes of the world will re-
main open,
Paper clubs for policemen, practical-
ly indestructible, have been invented
by an Englishman.
Mlhartl'a Liniinant Cures Distemper,
lelinardee Liniment Cures Colds. Eta.
A little flour spread over the top of
cakes before they are iced will prevent
the icing from running off.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable . every-
Regularity in milking time is one
of the most important. elements in
keeping• up the flow.
B Two Eyes for Lifetime
� ,��� ��� bturine is 10,'Pat,01 nyes.
a trod taste -5000 Byes -
eranulutod eyelids. Baste
0700 tbatfool dry
005 smart, Giro your Dyes ter he much of your regularly.
caro as your Tooth and with the 50010 rogularlty,
Care for Them. You Cannot Buy Now Eyes!
Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Ilan. Ate
rdurine Eye Remedy 0e., Chicaeo, for Free Bose
Paper shirts have }:leen issued to
Japanese soldiers as a protection
against cold.
Montreal, May 29, '09
Mivard's Liniment Co., limited,
Yarmouth, N. S.
Gentlemen, -I beg to let you know
that I have used MINARD'S LINI-
MENT for some lime, and I find it
die `best I have ever used for the
*joints and muscles.
Yours very truly,
The Champion Clog and Pedes-
tal Dancer of Canada.
Cultivate corn as soon after rains
as the soil has dried sufficiently. Keep
the soil madame well stirred and light.
This lets rain soak in quickly, thus
preventing waste, and it keeps the
soil warm. Keep all weeds down, as
they rob the corn plants of moisture
needed to make corn kernels instead
of weed`seed,
ISSUE No, 32—'17.
A UUefu1 Mocliel
For summer outings, the thing you
need is a linen frock. It may be pink,
or blue, or green, as you please, but by
all means you want it cut on very
smart lines. The pretty model shown
above is in one-piece ole and slips
on over the head like many of the
latest designs. McCall Pattern No.
7884, Misses' One-piece Dress (suit-
able for small women); in two lengths.
In 4 sizes; .14 to 20 years. Price, 20
This pattern may be obtained from
your local McCall dealer, or from the
McCall Co., 70 Bowl St, Toronto, Dept.
Minard's Liniment Cares Garret in Cows
A Californian has patented et ham-
mer to which nails are fed from paper
strips, enabling a -men to nail laths at
many times his usual speed.
No Relief—Mrs. Brown Fin-
ally Cured by Lydia E.
Pinklians's Vegetable
Cleveland, Obio.—"For years I suf.:
feted so sometimes it seemed as though
I could not stand
it any longer. It
was all in my lower
organs. At times I
could hardly walk,
for if I stepped on a
little stone I would
almost faint. One
day I did faint and
my husband w a s
sent for and the doc-
tor came. I was ta-
ken to the hospital
find stayed four weeks but when I -came
home I would fa'nt just the same and
had the same pains.
A friend who is a nurse asked me to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. I began taking it that very day
for I was suffering a great deal. It has
already done me more good than the
hospital. ' To anyone who is 'suffering
as I was my advice is to Stop in the first
drug -store and get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before
you go home."—Mrs. W. C. $nowN,
2844 W. 12th St.; Cleveland, Ohio.
The sustained production of milk is
well known to depend largely on the
comfort and contentment of theduity
cow. Flies not only cause direct loss
of blood and poisoning from their
bites, but also keep stock from feeding
properly. The loss of milk from this
cause is one of the serious problems
that face the dairy farmer.
Miaard'ts Liniment Curets >Atphtherta.
Add a few bread crumbs to the
scrambled eggs for breakfast; they
improve the dish and make the eggs go
ROF1T-MAKING NIRwS AND JOH Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and Interesting.
of all businesses. Fuji information on
application to Wilson Publishing Oom-
pany, 78 Adelaide Street, Toronto,
f'1ANCER, Tutdo tS LUMPS DTC.,
internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment Witte
us before too late. Dr, Eellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont,
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
a"O T TO
How to loosen a tender corn or
callus so it lifts out
o -a -o o 0 0 0-0 0-0
Let folks step on your feet here-
after; wear shoes a size smaller if you
like, for corns will never again send
electric sparks of pain through you,
according to this Cincinnati authority.
lie says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re-
lieves soreness, and scan the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn or callus wilhcut
even irritating the surrounding tissue.
A small bottle of freezone obtained
at any
drug storewill till cost very I
er little
but will positively remove every hard
or soft corn or callus from one's foot.
If your druggist hasn't stocked this
new drug yet, tell him to get a small
bottle of freezone for you from his
wholesale drug house,
Salt scattered over the hay when
going into the mow adds to palata-
bility at feeding time.
A yellow warbler has been known to
_consume 3,500 plant lice in forty min-
utes, Another proof of the industry.
and value of birds to fanners and gar-
,seas n 7.
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles]
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistular
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lemenesd
and allays i
n. Heals Sores, Cutei
roses, Boot Chafes. It in a
Does not blister or remove the
115115nd horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
82.00a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 11.1 free.
ABSORBINE, IR„ andsep5e liniment for mankind, re-
duces Swann, Painful, Knotted. Swollen Veins. Concen-
trated -only a few drops required atm, application. mice
Slyer bottle at dealers or delivered.
W. F, YOUNG, P. 0, F., 510 Lyman' Rldg,, Montreal, Can.
absorb/sr sod Absorblae, Jr.. nee Glade to Cee,8i.'
Treasures of Hair and Sitio
Preserved by Cuticura
If yyof use Cuticura Soap
for every -day
toilet purposes, with touches of Cuticur
now and then as needed to
soothe and beat the first pimples, red-
ness, roughness or scalp irritation, you
will have as clear a complexion and as
good hair as it is possible to have.
Sample Each Free by Mail
t51.1.5. post-e0rd1 "Cuoloura, De t, N, Hoseooi
" aoid tbroes0out the world.
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength o? Dedicate
People 100% in Ten Days
In many instances -Persons have I
suffered untold agony for years doctor-
ing for nervous weakness, stomach,
fiver or kidney disease or some other
aliment when their real trouble was
lack of Iron in the blood -How to tell.
New 'reek. N.Y.-In a recent discourse
Dr. E, Sauer•, a Llo=tan physician who hue
studied widely h,t11 In this country and
in great European lnedicrtl iustitutient.
said: If you were to make an actual
broad test 0n all p0opl0 win rare 311. you
Would ,
ltohnbly ba g enuy number
l of
'the exreetiinglr large number who teak
iron aid who are 111 for no other reason
ll theoi ir iron, The
ous symptoms disappear, Without iron
the blood at (lore rinses the power to
change food into living tissue and there-
fore nothing you est does you any goad:
you don't get the strength out of it,
your fcod morel' 1,nsee0 through your
system like corn through a mill i 1111 the
roller's so wide tweet that the mlll can't
1 grind, .1s a result of the
blood and nerve starvation, people be-
come generally weakened, ner\•ous and
all run dawn and frequently develop nil
00.10 of conditions. 0110 is 100 thin; an-
other is burdened with unhealthy fat:
some are so weak they can hardly walk;
some thi11t they hate dyspepsia. kidney
or ltt'er trouble: sone can't sleep at
night, others are sleepy and tired all tiny:
some fussy' and Irritable: some skinny
and bloodless, but nil leak physical
tmirer end e1lurtutoe, In such cases It
is worse than foolishness Co take ettmn-
3w0htingich ra1;1.
medicines ?'aur fagging narecalic drugs,
only whin vital
powers for the moment, maybe at the ex-
pense of your life later an, No
what any one tells you„if you are not
sarong and well you owe it to yourself
to make the following test. See how
long yam urn work or 11ow far you can
walk without becoming tired. .Next take
two fire -grain tablets of ordinary
nu001,31 iron three times per day after
lueals for two weeke. Then teat your
c tretlgth again 0110 see for yourself how
11111111 you 111010 gunned. I have seen
dozens of nem 000, run-down people Who
were oiling 011 the tine dnub]e, and eve
triple their strength and endurance and
entirely get 715 of their symptoms o1
11,�n111ten'10 if nult'tezn Other tf ne simply
Iy taking .iron in the proper form, and
this. after they ]tad in same cases been
d et oriug far mentis without obtaining
my benefit. Yeti can talk as you Please
about all the wanders wrought by new
remedies, but when you come down to
I hard facts there is nothing like gond old
iron to put color in your cheeks and good
sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is
also n great nerve and 14tanlaell strength-
ener and the best blond builder in the
world. The only trouble was that the
old forms of inorganic iron like tincture
of iron, iron acetate, ece,, often ruined
people's teeth, upset their stomachs and
were not assimilated and for these
reasons they frequently did more harm
than good. Ilut with the discovery of
the sewer forms of organic iron all this
has been overcome, Nuxated Iron for
l0xj1011rn010thes 1teenrao 1.1":00T inomt
Novo: The ntanutarturere of Nus,tted
Iron have such unbounded cantidenre In its
11,01 01103 authorize ihr unnuanee-
ntant that tiny a,,, terfeft 5100.00 to any
charitable MallIntim If they cannot lake
any "11'1'1(11
nn m' W0)mn 11),100• elxly 11'11000=
•b0 locks
cent 0nd Inrlr,aso th lr s' time, 100 per
cent, u• over in tour \\eelen' time, provided
they have no serious organic trouble. Also
they will rertutd 30111• ateney In ani' thea
In whirl, Neva ted Iron does net rtt that
double your strength In ten days' time, 11
Is dispensed by nil good druggists.
D cetera tad Eye Specialists Agree
That ®n -Opt® Strengthens Eyesight 50%
in a Week's Tim In Ma r y Instances
A I)rot+ PPOSO3 1ptlon Von Can Rave
Filled and Use at Rome.
Roston, Mass, -Victims of eye strain
and other eye weaknesses and those
who wear glasses, will 11e glad to know
that Dootors and Bye Specialists now
agree there is real hope and help for
them. Many whose eyes wore failing
say they have had their eyes restored.
and litany who once wore glasses say
they have thrown them sway. 0110
man says, atter using its I was al -
Could not sea to road at
ala. Now I can read everything with-
out my glasses, and my eyes do not
hurt any more. At night 111oy would
11nin dreadfully. Now tile'y feoi tine alt
the tante, It wes into a aniracle et ms,”
A lady who used It says: The atmos-
pher5 .seamed Hazy with or without
glasses, but alter using this prescrip-
tion for fifteen days everything seems
clear. I can read even Ano print with-
out glnssos," - Another who used it
says: "I was bothered with eye strain
mused by overworked, tired oyes which
induced ner00 headaches. I have worn
glasses for several yeard both for dls-
tanee and work, and without them I
amid not rend my own name on an
or the typewriting, on
envelope yI two
machine before rde can do both now,
and havo together, my long- distance
i�uttorl altogether, o13 I inn coma the
no loaves on tho treesseveral the
stroet now like
dor several yoaro
have looked 111ee a dim green blur to
Me, I cannot express my joy at what
it has dole for me:'
I1 is belleved that thousande who
wear glossas can naw dleeard them in
a reasonable time, and multitudes more
will be able to Strengthen their oyes
so as to 115 spared the trouble and ex-
pense of over getting glossas.
Dr. Beek, en eye specialist of nearly
tweets, Years praotice, says: "A patleht
came U7 rate who was suffering from
131ephnrttls lrlaeglnalis with all 010
cen0enlitant eymptoma, as morning
aualutination os the lids, ohronla con.'
when snots congested had di11, suf-
fused expression common to such cases.
Having run n t of her medlaine a
friend suggested 13on-Opto, She used
titin treatment and not only overeame
her distressing condition, but strange
and amazing as It may seem, so
strengthened her eyesight that she was
able to. dispenso with iter distance
glasses and leer itoadaohe and neuralgia
left her. In this Instance I should say
her eyesight :,was improved Mel. I
have sines, verified the efficacy of this
treatment in a number of cases and
have seen the eyesight hnprove rroln
o to 70 per cent to a remarkably short
time. I can say It works more quickly
than any' other remedy,, I have pre-
scribed for tho eyes.'
Dr. Smith, an pottiest of Saida experi-
ence,says: "IItavo. treated 1n private
pracice a ntnnbor of serious epthalmttt
dlsonaes with Icon-Opto and am able to
report ultimate recovery in both acute
attd e.hronlo oases. Mr. B. came to my
cines suffering with art infected eye.
Tho condition was so serious that an
eperation for enucleation 'seemed im-
porattee. Before roeorting to the
nperatiVe treatment I prescribed Bone
neto and in 24 hours the eeeretioes had
leaeenod, inflammatory- symptoms be -
gen to subside and in seven days tate
eye W00 cured and retained tis nor-
mal Vision, Another cttsa of extreme
conVer0eht strabismus (cross 0706)
escaped the surgeon's Smite by the
timely use of your collyrium. The
tightened externet mistletoe yielded 10
the soothing. and anodyne effects of.
lion -onto. 1 tlways anular non -Onto
after removal of foreign bodies and
apply it locally to all burns ulcers
and spots on the eyeball or the tide
for lie therapeutic effect. Sly cleann-
Ing the lids at 00070 lune and 'Acting.
ea a tonic for the eyeball iloelf the
vision 10 rendered more route, hence
the mnnbel' of eases e,1 discarded
Ur, 00no' Says: 11y- c:" ' ,
bad apnditlon towing 1.4 t..et r,, v..re
strain arising from protracted mtcrde
seopleal research worts. Bon-Opto used
according to directions rendered a surf
prising service, I found my eyes res
1uar1a1ly strengthened, so much so 1
have put aside my glasses without dis-
comfort. Several of my colleagues have
also used it and we aro agreed as to
its results. In a few days, under mai
observation, the oyes of an astlgmatld
01105 were en improved that gleetes
have been discarded by the patient"
BY() troubles of many descriptions
0iny be wonderfully beneiitod by the
use - of Bon-Opto and if you want to
strengthen your eyes go to any drug
store and got a bottle of 13on-Opto
tablets. Drop one Bon -Onto tablet in
a fourth of a glass of water and let it
dissolve. With this liquid bathe the
eyes two to four Limos daily, You
shouid notice your eyes Clear up per-
ceptibly right from the start, and in-
flammation and rodless Will 110101c13-
dtsallpear, 11 your eyes bother you
overt a little it le your duty to take
stone to save them now befere it is
too late. Many hopelossly blind might
have saved their sight If they had oared
for their eyesin time.
Note: A city pheeleinn to whom the ahoye
article Ins submitted, mild: "Yen, Iloa•Opto l�-
e remarkable eye remedy. Its enttnituent in-
gredients are well known to 0,0tunnt ere 0015 -
violists nue widely prescribed by them, 1 have
need it very ettecesatelly 111 my own practice on
ontlentn wheat, ryes were strained tbrnugli over•
work or 10190E Online, 1 eau highly raommuehd
It la 0500 of week, watery, aching, earths,
Itching, burning eyes, red lids, blurred vision Oe
for eyes indebted from m1100000 to nm0110,- 01111,
dust or wind. Itis one of the very tele preparll-
Mee I reel el,o» Id be kept on band for rogelnr
use In Oln,e01 every 7001113," Bon•0pto in net b
patent medicine or seerot remedy. IU lb an,
*abient preparation, the formate belie; printed Oa
the package, Tho men0fn0turero 511000nt10 It to
slrengthrn eyeolgha he per cont in one %%westinns
rn 0111,7 i,naanecs, er rot,md the 11ndoy. It i$xlls.,
1,0110571 1 v an good druggists, mouton):
rr-n,ral .stores: also b. 13, 'ranblyn 11115
f e.100 & CO., Toronto,