HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-16, Page 1VOL, 46 .NO. 7 $1.56 Per Annum in Adva?lce
New Advertisements
Notice -P, Amost,
1 ost-Itu oeIl Eminate•.
Tire found Tux Poso',
Fertiliser -Air, 13nel,er,
Wagon'oolostloLeo nn d Walker.
Roomers wanted-Dr/re ,T Coats.
Stove for silo -Rev R, JE Page.
Cow for sale -Gordon McDonald.
To Oontraotora-Morrie Connell
Notice to Creditors -w, at. Hhainlr.
rave arraomjlemeutrrme=OtlEyBueau
Margaret McKenzie, widow of the
lute Roderick MrLennttn, for over 50
years a resident nf Clinton, passed
away Friday morning in het 77thyear,
She was horn in P115liueh 'I'ovuehip,
and with her husband moved to Clin-
ton in the early days when this place
M•••t•••F4•t••+• •••F•+1•N}.r•i••+•a•'h••F••is•1•.•'Fi•N•d'•+Y••[Nt•i•O•h!'F •
0 P •F
A Live Pavltry
d •
We are shipping a car of Live Poultry on
Thtdj r
Aust 16 Friday Au u t l +
yiu 5 of Mo ndrng Friday1 •
b +•+•+•+•4••+04.,+•++ • e.t.•+e•i•• 4. *4.4.•'t•••t•••t'•4. 4'••Fo•h••t••4.4+,
and are offering Special Prices for Delivery
on these dates as follows :•—
Chickens per ib,
Fowl per Ib.
Roosters per ib.
Ducklings per Ib,
'bld Geese per lb.
Old 'Turkeys per Ib.
1 2c
1 3c
East Huron Prodvceoro Emprivm]
++++++++++++4.4.+4.44+++41-4.+4 + •t•
6a pairs Boots and Shoes, Women's Patent and Fine
+1 1
sizes 2 and a d :
+2 3
o4.00 ando 311 All n 3 ...
3 5 x 4 5 one price... ...4
+ +
+ Men's Heavy Harvest Shoes
In Mule Skin, good wearers and all•
' sizes in the ] t 2 25
+ a , Going at +
+ +
White Shoes
in Price for
15 Days
M isses'
Bargains for Small Feet
Trunks and satchels at lowest +
o est PI'Ices•
+ l icha
Cash Place for Bargains in Harness, Boots and Shoes
.e -e+++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++:14+++++++++++
Give Us Your Order for -;
M ..
_ .0
Great Value in a New
Stock Q
Straw Hats Clearing out our Stock.
Your choice
.: Nave a look at our Guaranteed Inds o Blue Suits, $30.00
'l' GENTS' FURNISHINGS I— We can Satisfy You
4 Phone Orders Delivered at any time -Phone 24 '
+ Bring us Your Produce +
'i 'p
,•1N. F
• r4 i F1' X.LSOii
4. •1•.I•4,+++a+++•f••I••l+rWt••0•'WtiiF•f•dt'•h•h$+!+++N+l'+i••1+ 40e+++ +++++++++++
Gents' s
Brussels .
was called Rlattellhery'e 00rnees. She
leaves a faintly of five: -Mrs, (Die) R.
1 Gibson and Mrs LI. P Maloney,
both of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, ; Missee
Iden and Margaret at home, also Geo.
McLennan, who still continues the
business established by his father in
the pioneer days.
The death occurred of Donald 1\1c -
Lean, at the age of 00 years and 3
months, He teas an old resident tit
the town. Helen McDougall McDen-
ald, of Porter's Hill, also died .last
W. T,Mtrne
y has
presentedted Bert.
McDonald with a
t '
.10 old coin $ In re-
cognition of his bravery and timely
Assistance in rescuing his daughter
from drowning reeelUy,
00011 Tiled ON CIVIC HOLIDAY, -
Civic (holiday was favored with ideal
weather and there were crowds from
all the countryside present to john in
the celebration, e ration. Blore than 2,500 poo•
ple paid admission to the park for the
races and someone counted 350 auto-
mobiles, Everybody and his family
were out. There were 8 principal
races with 3 pluses, viz :-$800 for the
210 class ; 5250 foe the 2,20 class anis
5250 foe the 2,50 class withthe follow-
ing entries :-
2:10 class -Reno Bryson, Dustless Mc-
Kinley, Paddy R.
2:20 Blass -Dr. Hall, Philip Admiral,
Free Bond, Royal Dundee,
2:60 class -Helen Bell, Chepstow Bell,
Bynai K.
Results :-Paddy R., in class 2:10
Free Bohd in class 2 211 and Chepstow
Bell in class 2:50.
In the evening the large Town
Hall was packed p shed fur the comedy,
"Lodgers ra Wanted"b the Belgrave
Dramatic Club, This Was under the
management n
A. Boyle,
Presbyterian• pastor. M1 the parts
were well taken and tine play was one
rollicking piece of fun from beginning
to end. Musical items were rendered
by Mt's. 11iseox, Mfrs. Steele, Mrs..
Durrant and Mr. Durrant. fled Cress
•will doubtless profit considerably for
the net proceeds went their way.
The gate receipts toe
the races s vers
- Blyth
Jaynes Burns, of Blyth, appeared be-
fore Police Magistrate Andrews, Olin -
ton, on the oharge of violating the
Canada Temperance Act and the'nag.
iatrate reserved judgment one week.
The case was the outcome of a recent
visit by Onunty Oolstabees Pe1loiv,
'Wallis and McMillan, when they visit-
ed the home of Berns at Blyth, where
they found a quantity of empty bot-
tles and flasks ; Cleo 8 bottles of G. &
W. whiskey, which were seized by the
officers. When the cfIicers visited
Blyth, Burns was foetid at the Mason
Motel, although he churns he was not
an employee of the hotel,
DOUBLE DRowNuNG.- Two lives
were lost, one ii it futile attempt at
restate in a small creek Peening
through the Govier freer, 2 tones from
Auburn, on Saturday afternoon. The
dead ale, Mrs. E. Govier and Elsie
Lockhart, 11 yews old, daughter of
'Phos. Lockhart, of Auburn. In Cni1-
pany with 4 tethers, Elsie Lockhart,
who was visiting at the Govier hone,
went to the meek to bathe. It is be-
lieved that she slipped into a deep
hole and went down without ca sound,
When the other children left the
water they noticed the absence of
Elsie and ran frantically to the faint
house of Mrs. Govier. She ran to time
creek anti fully dressed, dashed into
the water in an effort to find the miss-
ing child. She too, fell into one of the
many trencher nue holes in the stream
and tuns drowsed. It was an hour be-
rme any men were found and half an
hum• litter both bodies were recovered
Ecom the stream by the use of garden
rakes, Mfrs -Govier is sut'vived by het•
husband and two children. She is a
daughter or B. Churchill,
Ales. E. Cardiff and children, Brus-
sels, are guests of M. G. Leckie.
Ml iso Greta 'Thompson, Seal'orth, is
the guest of Miss Sophie Robinenn.
\frs, Malcolm was called to 0111110
last week nn lag to the death of her
Mrs. Baines, Hart'i,etou,spent the
weekend with het sister, bars. B.
Miss Grace Steaks, 'bloom, is
spending two weeks holidays at her
home here.
Leslie Davey, Shelburne, spent sev-
5ra1 days or last week with his uncle,
Fred. Davey,
Oliver Smith anti bride of Hanna,
Alta„ are visiting the felmer"s moth-
s. Ily. Smith.
Miss Carrie Lawrie left for Winona
on Sat uuday, where she will snake ae
extended visit with relatives.
Aoseii Morrison and family of Sas-
kaLehewan, are epending two weeks
with the furtner's parents, Jno, and
M es, Mloteeso u,
Car Fartilizer
I expect a car of Fertilizer
about August 21st, At the
present price of 'wheat now is
a good time to rnalke sure of
an increasein your yield r01'
5918. Terns for Fertilizer,
payable rat r.
A l fr
Notice !
Anyone requiring
should place their order
at once
as we11
w 1 be onl
a short time
ing same.
P. Arent
Miss Oassae,McDougall, Mt. Forest,
visited over Sunday at her home here.
Miss Eleanor Hamilton is holiday-
ing at the home of her brother, Roy,
Mies Alma Rano left for Chicago
last week, where she will spend a
month with relatives.
.las. McEwen, Sault Ste. Marie, is
hol dayhlg at the home of his parents,
Jno. and Mrs. McEwen Turnberry.
A new Ford touring ear has been
purchased by Thos. Inglis.
We welcome our new merchant, Mr,
McEwen, to Moncrief+f and, wish hire
Miss Lenora Patterson is visiting
Bliss Mae Inglis and other friends in
this locality.
The laneloes have secured Miss Mc-
l th as
teacher, succeed-
in Miss McDonald.
D. and Mrs. Dunlop, who were here
for a visit at George Dunlop's, have
retnrned to their home in the States.
Next Sabbath afternoon Elder Short -
reed will give a report of the recent
Assembly that was held at Montreal.
He was a delegate.
Letter hat been received from Allan
McLean. He was wounded by shrap-
nel and is 110W in a French hospital
hut hopes to soon be o. k. Many old
friends here wish him a safe return
when the war is over.
253 boxes of cheese, last half of .Tuiy
has been sold by Silver Cornets fac-
tory to O. H. Slaws/on & Oo., Inger-
soll; at 205 cents per pound. This has
been a great season for milk at the
factory and the price is certainly
Miss Muriel Sperling went to Toron-
to on Wednesday.
Aries Able Forrest is visiting at
Wnodstnnk and Paris,
Rev. R. F. Cameron, Georgetown, is
visiting relatives here,
Miss Ola C. Kaiser, Stratford, is a
visitor at the home of A. J. M. Helm.
A. J, 141. T•ielm and Miss Della Raiser
were week -end visitors in Winghani.
Miss Mamie Cameron, stenographer,
of London, is visiting under the par-
enlal t nof,
Rev. Mr. Johnston, Shallow Lake,
will preach in Knox church next Sun-
day mnrning.
Alex, and Mrs. McKay and Misses
Jessie and Belle McKay, of Hickson,
spent Sunday with Mrs. McKay.
Mrs. John Hunter and bliss Emma
have returned from visiting friends in
Meafo•d, Oshawa and other points,
Monday evening next a base ball
match will be played het a between the
Ethel Young Ladies and the Oran -
brook Ramblers. Free to all. •
RED CRoss TEA, -A very successful
Red Cross Tea was held at the home
of J. P. nnd'A1rs. McIntosh last Thurs-
day afternoon. 'Che inclement weath-
er somewhat disarranged plans but
home was thrown open and everyone
had a good time as well as doing touch
work for the soldier laddies. Solos
were rendered by Miss! Della Kaiser,
Stratford, while Jas. Knight's Ane
Edison was snitch appreciated. Pro-
ceeds of the day were $17 00. Mrs.
McIntosh set a fine example which
might he profitably followed by others
in securing funds for the worthy Red
117cKiilop township Council met
mere Wednesday of this week.
Miss Mabel Hay, Port Arthur,
MIR a visitor with old friends here.
Next Sabbath evening service will
be held ie the Methodist church, Sub.
ject will he "The function of the coun-
try ohms')."
Miss Mabel Anderson, Rothsay, is a
visitor with Miss Coa Forbes, The
young ladies attended Normal School
at the same time,
Next Sunday morning Elder W. H.
Shortl'eed will give a eepot'b of the
lase General Assetnbly ae whish he
1585 it delegate, at the service in Duff's
1ENOAn18rnENT,-A, and Mrs. Gardi-
ner, Walton, ttnnnnnee the engage -
meet of their yonngAsb daughter, Miss
Wilhelmene Ada, to William Knox
Graham of n the Banka
of N tn+:Scn Scotia,
eleto, the marriage to take place
quietly in Aagnst.
LATE PTE. TItAa1ER.-A Milverton
correspondent says Anatter old
Mlverton boy has paid the supreme
sao'iOee in defonCe of itis 00005,ry, in
the perSon of George Thinner, son of
Wm. and I51,'s 'Theurer, Walton,
"Geordie" was born in Miivefto7
about 28 years ago and wilt always be
t'etnenhered as a tl'ltiner of dogs.
From almost the creeping age he Wits
accompanied by his dog and before he
was many years of age had his dog
trained t0 hotness and hi the Wirier
tithe might be seen flying around the
streets in his little sleigh and in the
Sommer tin
swill his
wagon, No
doubt he was the life of the group
With Which he camped. While his
friends; are bathed in sot'row twee iris
early demise, they have the proud
satisfaction of knowing that he died
a glorious death.
Rev, R, J5; Page will conclude hie
pae11rat0., in tem neetinll 101 lh St,
George's ohm ch, tai Sabbath after-
noon, 281.)) inst. He leaves rotary ware]
Mende bete who wish him sue:cesg and
will be glad to welcome hint back to
visit St. Gentueee church,
EXAMINE Yowl Teetce'rs.-Picket
No. 86, entitling ownership to etochet
yoke, at Walton Civic hell/ley picnic
and also ticket A 6 that wan the nil
lot slips t•
v are not fot'Lhrnmf n
P r et and
Mg Y
' d '
to snows lA hold-
I hat n Id
ers should handrc
tl rn W so it .
1 t . to cln ae
up the business,
Miss 0. Ward, Wingbaol, was visit.
ing Mrs. A. T. Cole.
Ed, Bell, Toronto, is enjoying a
week at Jas. Spelr's,
Read advertisement of Drain Con-
tractors wanted by Morris Ornmel1.
Miss Jessie Lamb, ;Windsor, is
holidaying with the Misses Speer, 0th
Miss Dura Steiger, Harristmi, was a
vieit01 with Misses Jennie and Grace
Robb, 8th line.
Misses Minnie and Mildred Russell
are visitors at the home of their• (1(1(318,
Robt. Russell, Kincardine,
A most enjoyable time was spent at
a hone party held at Wm. Bryalts'
last week. There was a large gather-
ing of relatives.
Misses Evelyn and Ruth Watson,
Detroit, are holidaying at the lotus
nf Wm. and Mee, Wilkinson, 4111 line,
The guests ate cousins.
Frank 8t•yans was home for a brief
h hday Inst -week. He is Tnepeotor hi
a 10011100n f
attary in Brae acted since
hisschool rho 1 at Scotland Ont., closed,
The Ti esteem ofhe Miller Ilex school,
5th line, have engaged the set•vioes of
Miss Noble as teacher for the corning
terra at a salary of $600. She will
commence her dallies on September
Eoasx oppoatle the school house for sale or
to rent
Possession October
tat. 0. RerxAan,
Phone 3548.
Losm.-On Saturday, August 11th, a boy's
dark woolen overcoat, between Ethel and at,
Kreuter's. Pinder please leave stele at Jno.
Krsater'e Store, Ethel.
Loom. -On the Whitfield elderoad, between
the 10th and 14th Cons., a blaek and white
feather ruff. Finder will oblige by leaving
same at W, T. Spence's Groeery, Ethel.
W. and Mrs. Cole, Clinton, are vis-
itors at the home of Mee. Flatlet -11d,
Ed. and Mts. Fletcher were visiting
Jun, and Mrs. McGill, near Belgrave,
Miss Mamie Keys, London, is a visi-
tor at the home of John and Mrs.
Miss Gertrude Wood and bliss
Gladys Udy, London, are guests of
Alts. (Rev.) Johnson at the Parsonage.
Ethel Girl's Patriotic Club met
Tuesday evening and packed 16 par-
cels for our boys in France. Good fur
tine girls 1
Last Sabbath evening a choice solo
was rendered at the Methodist church
service by bliss Gertrude Wood, of
We are sorry to state that Mrs. 5,
Chambers has been seriously i11 ;dm'-
ing the past week but is considerably
better now.
Lathing and plastering is on the
program at the Methodist church at
present, The pastor i said to be a
handy man at the former.
A fine new Victrola as been placed
in the hone of Edward and Mfrs,
Fletcher by their sot, Alvin, who is
in a munition facto'y. There are 125
records. P
the auspices of Ethel irl's Patriotic
Cinb a Garden Party ill be held at
the farm of Jno. Put vi, Lob 17, Con.
6, Grey, Friday evenin of next week,
24th inst. Good program in which
Listowel Quartette, Mss Hermiston,
soloist, Listowel, bliss Mabel MCDoio
ald, elocutionist, Wing la, and oth-
ers will take part, he cause Is a
worthy one so arrange to attend and
enjoy the good time romised. Re.
freshment booths on the ground.
Admission only 15 and cents.
The Garden Party, oder the aus-
pices of the Ladies' 41.1d of the Metho-
dist church, last Frida evening, was
a great success. A fin program was
presented, Extra good vocal selec-
tions were rendered by the Lucknow
Quartette, who will be welcome back ;
Rev, Mr. Davison, Belgrave, and Maj.
or Jewitt, reoentlyback from .France,
Gave most interesting addresses; Miss
ladys Udy, London, pleased the aud-
ience with her reading and the fine
Victrola of E Fletcher supplied agouti
ptogram in itself. Terev. Mr, Johnson
was time chairman, Financial pro-
ceeds were 5165.00, and a tidy sunt is
in hand after expenses were paid,
LAND- HAII\TILt.•- The wedding
took place at the First Methodist .Par-
sonage, St. Thomas, at 6 o'clock
Thursday afternoon of C. Carson
Land and Miss Mayme I3amnmill, both
employees of R. 13. f T. Dowler
Limited and well known and popular
in St. „Tronas, The cerenenny was
perfo riled by Eev. \V. H. Hat vey.
b wasiveu
g away by her
51andrnother, Mts. Mary A. Hubert,
while the groom was assisted by bis
01051100 - Mrs, Jane Loud, 13t'ide wore
a sett of prep silk bengaline with a
black hat trimmed in grey 10 match
and carried a beaOLlftil briquet of pink
roses. After the ceremony those
present went to the bide's home, 83
Hughes street, whets a wedding din-
ner was served, The wedding take
was baked by Mrs. Hubert, who ie no
lees than 77 yenta of age, The happy
couple left an M, 0. R. No, 37, at 7,10
for a wedditng'1ri3 to Western points
and on their return will reside at 01
Hiawatha street. Young couple re-
ceived many beautiful gifte. The
staff of R
H. &
1. Dowler' I7resented
them, with en eleebe)0 readin lamp
and Mr, 'Dowler also gave them a
Holiday Next Week.
THE POST will take nae an-
nual holiday next week tvl1e11
an issue will be omitted, Next
nape), will be I111hlished un
August 801ii, W111 co responl•
dents aid advertisers please
take note.'
Officio will be upon for receipt
of Job Work or 13utrseripeinus.
W. H. KERR, Froptietor
Cheque 5100. U many ut
hen eft
its il
ghee were received al.
ch show the
high esteem in which h they are held.
Roth Mr. and Mrs. Land have been
employees of Dotvlels for 11 years,
The bride is a niece of mielssdamea Dil-
wort, Gill and Beery, of Rthel, Mfrs.
Hubert is a sister to these ladies.
Alex, M. Ferguson, a prominent and
well-to-do farmer of the township of
Nieto, died last Friday night and his
tragic death has crier a gloom over the
community. The day before, when
passing tint ough the horse stable, Ile
was kicked by one of his hosm
Medical aid wee procured at. 01100, but
the doctors held out little hnpes and
he passed away as above stated. Mr,
vet guesses was a comparatively young
man, he being a eon of the late Mfat-
eohn Ferguson, a pioneer of Minto
township, He leaves a wife and lln'ee
small children. De. J. Ferguson, Kin-
cardine and De, M. Ferguson, Ethel,
are brothers of deceased. The funeral
was very largely attended, Dr. and
Mrs. Ferguson went from here. He
was a line -ran,
Wm, Holt arrived home from over-
seastt s li week,
Rev, John Strachan,
tr ache t B.
A. B.D
Mrs. Sla'achan and babyare holiday-
ing at the fo'met''s parental home.
Last week a sample of 0. A. O. No.
72 nate was pulled in a field ou D.
133amsay's, farm that measured 5 feet
and 7 inches and still green, If this is
an indication of oat prospects it is
surely splendid,
Mr, Toll of Blyth, has been engaged
as teacher of Beige aye school for the
coming year. We wish hien success.
The engagement is announced of
Miss Vera, eldest daughter of Robert
and Mrs. McDowell, Belgrave, to
Frank Kershaw, Toronto, the mar-
riage to take plane in Augtet.
A number or members of Belgrave
Women's Institute attended the Can-
ning Demonstration aLBrusselsler ups.
day afternoon of last week. Mies
P1 itehard, Orven Sound was the dem-
onstrator and knew her work.
Regular eneeting of Belgrave Brandi
of the Woman's institute will be held
in the Forester o' Hall next Tuesday at
280, The gills of the Branch will give
the p1 ngram. Friends of the commun-
ity are invited to spend. Mrs, J. H.
Vancanlp is the President,
The Belgrave Patriotic Society re-
ceived well deserved praise for their
presentation of "Lodgers Wanted"
which they presented at Teeswater•
last week, They have turned many a
dollar Recl Crossword during the sea-
son by its presentation and deserve
ceedi1`for it.
At the Quer-hely Official Board of
the Methodist church Rev, Mr, Davis-
on's salary was placed at $000. Rich.
Irwin was elected lay delegate to the
Fall Da +ict meeting and Clayton
Procter, Elmer Wilkinson, \Vilfrid
Reid and S. McBurney chosen on the
Missionary delegation to the same
Miss Irene Hoover is spending part
of her vacation at Westfield anti Dun-
Miss Beatrice Withheld is holiday-
ing with relatives and friends at St.
Loris, Sarnia aid other points.
Norman Hoover spent part of his
vacation at the home of Isis sister,
Mrs. Dune, 151oOtalltitn, 13011811 town-
Miss Lillian Dark is home hum
Hamilton for her holidays where site
has been book-keeping for a number
of years.
11, B. and Mrs, Webster and son,
Ernest and Mrs. Hanley, St. Marys,
were welcome visitors at the hone of
P. E. Whitlleld,
Dr, and Mrs. Robertson and fatally;
Oollingwood, have been holidaying at
Mrs. Httgh MtKtrutinies, 7111 Cos., the
mother of Mrs, Robertson,
Thos, and Mrs. Alcock attended a
• big barn raising at Jas. Fallie', Elma
and Wallace boundary, last Foiday.
Thera were 176 111511 and about 75
women aid children present,
Dr. J, W. Campbell, St. Louis,
Mich., Reeve Newton and Mrs. Camp-
bell and tared, Campbell and wife,
Westfield, were visitors at J. Henry
Hoover's, 1.1th Con. The wisdoms are
relatives. Inks. Newton Campbell is
extending her stay,
Word has been received that James,
eldest son of Robert Carr, 3rd Oon„
has enlisted with a Winnipeg Buttal -
inn for overseas service. This is else
pmt.'s 211d sot n join l ii
the coitus and
we dope they will both be spared to
return. Itis 11 year's since Jas, went
Dols'T Miss Tx. -'Phe Patriotic Socie-
ty of Union Methodist 011m•ah purpose
holding a Latvtl Garden Party at the
iloue or Hugh Richmond Friday
evening of this week, A' good pro-
gram will be presented in song,.etoxy,
address and Ill5trtln)Pntal mtisln and
will commence at 8 o'clock. Booths
will supply refeeshments, Admission
to Monads 25e, children 15c, This is a
fine plane to go for a good bine.
Cadet T.
M.'Thomsou, who is with
the Royal flying eo'ps, Ridley Park,
North Toronto, writes tnat te- has been
et in the "birds" a number of tithes andlikes it fine,
Wednesday of last week was the
Initiation of SValton's Civic Holiday
and its success was so complete and
satisfactory there should 1101 be much
difficulty in malting it au annual
event. This year it took time form of
a Red Cross Pic-nic, held in the grove
of James Rea, Bast of the village,
which -made an ideal spot, Mr, Rea
was 11)081 obliging ng 111 doiug s
thin o
'hinge add to the B c ss. The day
was delightful, the crowd lar a and
good natured and success was written
large an the variOUe departments.
.1'llere were races for ehildreu and
ladies, sawing matter, base ball, fieh
pond, lug -cif -war, drawings, refresh-
ment booths, &o„ and the afternoon
was all too short to attend to it all.
The business men of Walton, well
backed by the women folk, had plann-
ed the program and it was carried out
moat successfully,
OOailbrook young ladies were victors
in the base hall contest over the "KUl-
Sare-Knew" nine, the score being wide
enough apart to avoid collision; Plen-
ty of fun wits suppli:d the spectators
yIn the nail driring contest there was
some lively hammering and the ladies
who hit the nail on the head most suc-
cessfully were Mrs. \\'it, McOavis,
Mrs, P. Gardiner and Mrs. Hugh Fut.
Tlhe Tug-of-war was captained by
Jas. Smith, McKillop, and Jas. Rea
and sides chosen, There was excite-
ment galore over this event and the
former sldeldeolared tviuner. Nobody
was killed.
In r timeintact
a e racei'
M mea Mabel
Bence came off victor.
One of the ole
1 time numbers of in-
terest was a fcross-cul sawing match,
in which Walton locality used to
shine. Wednesday Aidiu lttcGavin
and Jas. Rion carried off the palm.
Lunch was served and the crowd
voted the day a genuine success and
well handled by both ladies and gents.
The financial results were splendid
and shows caws tv))at may aybe achieved
when people set about it and have
well defined plan. in the first place
prizes were offered for ticket sellers
who returned the most money. Re-
sults were excellent as the foliowing
figures will demonstrate the work of
the first five :-
\Velton, Annie IJarris returned 520 00
" Hazel Ryan 21 00
Country, May Dickson " 19 105
Olive Bolger " 11 35
Leslie McSpadden 18 15
5157.75 was the total received for
tickets sold in advance. Each of the
five mentioned was presented with a
cabinet of fancy stationery and thank-
ed for their help. The total proceeds
of the day were 5317.10 and when
874.18 expenses werededucted Ole Rod
Gloss is gainer by the day in 5271.02,
which establishes a record that will
not be easily beaten.
Tickets were sold for a Club Bag
resulting in $25,25 and Duncan Mc-
Donald, Morris, was the holder of the
luoky pasteboard. A. 3. Lydian, W.
Humphries and Ed, Rowland had
charge of this feature.
MIiseI• al'
Mag eL Humphries donated
a Crochet Yoke that made 55.00. No.
86 was winner but the person possess-
ing the ticket is not yet known.
A pair of fancy pillow slips, present-
ed by Mrs. John \Vara, brought 510.60,
but as in the other instance the ticket
calling for the prize has 1101 been re-
turned. The No. was A6,
A summary of the day is as follows :
Refreshment booths ., $ 00 00
Fish Pond 11 35
Club Bag tickets 25 25
bliss Humphries' crochet; 5 00
Mrs. Watt's pillow slips .....,10 60
Sale of tickets 157 75
Gate admissions .......... 41 15
Less expenses
$ 847 10
527175 0218
Hearty thanks are returned to all
who assisted, particularly to those
who brought baskets, Moate made can -
ay or n)1ule donations to the fish pond,
Church Chimes
Rev, G Gilmore, Ripley, will be the
Needier in Melville 01101011 next Sun•
Last Sabbath Rev, D Perrle, Wing-
ban1, occupied the pulpit of Melville
church and preached two practical ser-
mons, ale's always heard with interest
in Brussels.
"Isaiah's Couversiou end Corn nission"
VMS the subject of l2ev. W E Stafford's
dis0orwee Sunday morning and many
suggestive ponies were elucidated.
Evening text was Genesis 7.17,
Sunday, August 26th, Rev. 12. E.
Page will conclude his pastorate of 4
years in St, John's church and will re-
move to Courtright, his Sew charge,
No euuouucement hes been made 1 s to
Mr. Page's successor as yet.
Au 111 el, te address,ire
ss,noder the
pIces of Brussels Branch of the
Cauadt Bible Society, will be given by
Mt Smith Toronto, in the Methodlet
Church Lecture room, on Friday, 31st
Inst„ on the enhject ' l'hrongh Csuada
with the Bible Society." Meeting opens
at 8 o'clock and a iarge attendance is
hoped for as it is a union gathertug.,
Offering will be taken for the c5ase. 1.
T. Wood is the local President, Child,-
lfild-ren aucl young folk should he specially
interested lo seeing the views to he pre-
sented. Date is Friday, Aug. ,stat,
MissAcs r Walker, VAlker teacher, whose
parental home is in Cc
Aliutou, has been
part of her
Atlale picking
hurt to Grimsbylocality along with other
young ladies wo lent baud in
this de.
patthient to relieve the syortege of help,