HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-2, Page 87.841*888.88884**448,48 4. •t•e-hei•h+4••M 4•F64'o.4 4+4+4.•14+•.1'••t• MITH Store Hat Ykreather Goods Here are a few of the Oruro you no doubt will lie tleed.ug these hot days :— Efferv. Phosphate of Soda Citrate of Magnesia Tartaric Acid '['hese we have in bulk and even the smallest quantity tan be had, Health Salts -15c rt tin Grape Juice - o5: Lime Juice --35 and 4.,11 bora. Bird's Lemonade -23e pkga, Toilet Goods Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap makes you feel as fresh as a rose -2 targe cakes 250. Lilac Lotion—sec bottles. Florida Water -25 anti soc bots. A few drops of these added to the bath give; a delightful odor. Rexali Nice absorbs the odor of perspiration -250 boxes. Fine Talcums— Y uccaTAlcum2c. Violet Dolce Talcum 25c Harmony Rose Talcum 25c. Djtrkis'Paloum 330. Paradia Talcum in glass jars 5 nc. Keep Your Vacation with an r c i Auteh� a Kodak The triends you make, the places you visit, the interesting or amusing in- cidents of travel, will open up many possibilities for Summer pictures Let a Kodak tell the story, and make use of the Autographic feature which enables yon to write the dale and title ou the frim at the time o[ taking the picture. 1 odaks from $7.00 up Brownte Cameras from $2.00 up We Develop and Print Films. Prompt service, Druggist and Stationer ; • A• • + • + • + • Y 4 G + • + • + • + e + • + • 4. • 4. • + • s + • 4. • + • •H e The F. R. S ETH (�iQe Store .j. •F•'•••'•+•+•+•+•+se+•+•+•+• +•+•+•++'t••+•+4,+•+••1••+•+ +• gnat bails 4t,ems AUGUST. Cur the weeds. Daus begin to shorten. THE Por gives the news. LAST week was a dandy for haying. AUTOMoatLr tourist travel is heavy. C000tcn. meeting next Monday even- ing. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of next week, THURSDAY afternoon is the regular half holiday am013g the 1 n iness people, QUOITING is glowing in favor. ID olden days Brussels had knights at this game that were hard to down, FRED. MCCRACKEN Brussels, bas the contract of painting the C, P. R. station houses at Blyth and Walton and is now wotk. at vo k. A NUMRRR of our townfolk tried their Mond at farming Thursday afternoon last and were frequently reminded of it the next day, BLACKBIRDS are plentiful, more than the proverbial 4 and so that constituted the upholstering of cookery in the nurs- ery rhyme. They are "cherry pickers from the top limb" and equally interest- ed iu raspberries, green peas, &c. A Novnerx —Monday afternoon a can of salmon on one of the shelves in J. T, Ross' grocery exploded, throwing the contents for yards. The proprietor came in for a share of the shower, This was his first business experience of the kind. The great heat suet possibly a small perforation is supposed to have caused the explosion, A portion of the troublesome limb, from which the foot was amputated the week previous. was removed Thursday of last week, in ennnectton with our well known townsman, Jno. Hunter. His splendid constitution has been a great stay to him in the troubles that flesh is heir to. Mr. Hunter is 8o years of age but still comparatively vigorous. DEMONSTRATION.—MISS Pritchard, of Owen Sound, under the Conservation of Food campaign, will give a Demon- stratiou on Vegeteble Bud Fruit Can. ning in the Town Hall, Bruasele, Thurs- day afternoon of next week, 9th inst„ under the auspices of the Woman's In- stitute. Every woman in Brussels and neighborhood invited to be present and get the full benefit of the practical work by Miss Pritchard. N. G.—Monday evening was the night set apart for the monthly meeting of Bussell Business Mens' Association, Four were in attendance and conse- quently nothing was done. Where were the q ? You say "it was too hot," Yes and if excuses are hunted for, it will be too wet and too cold and too dark and a dozen more so called reasons • given, Probably the real cause of ab- sence is too little interest on the part of those who would he benefitted, Mee, (Rev) SMYTHE DECEASED,—THE POST regrets to be called upon to record the demise of Roxana E, Thompson, be- loved wife of Rev, Wm. Smythe, pastor of Sydenham Street Methodist Church, Brantford, end a former pastor of Brus eels Methodist Church 32 years ago. Death took place Wednesday of lest week and funeral was Friday to Mount Hope cemetery, Brantford. Mra Smythe will be well remernbered by the older folk. She was a zealous worker in ver - ions departments of the church and was the soul of hospitality at the Parsonage. Her health had been far from robust for years. They had no children, The Methodist Church, Brussels hes good to reasonr Rev, omarnber Re , Mr, SmYlha as be diel mach toward putting the then heavy church debt In business shape so that in later yams it was entirely cleared off, Full hearted empathy is tendered the bereevsd • iA CAR of horses was shipped to the West Tuesday of this week by Dickson Bros., lith Con., Grey township I THE macadam road put down 2 tears • ago in Bru'etls North will require some top dressing or it is soon going to the bail. II was never properly completed anti Ilene requires attention to save what was expended on it. I Alan. ennrinrs Ed Pollard. Chas. OTdt'••v, D ( Denman and George ' Morris have had their respective mail delivery routes renewed for the ensuing term et the old price Thev attend to their du'ia's faillhfulty and wall Nobody will begrudge them their profits Loom—Sunday, near Melville churob, Can- ' adieu Engineer's Hat Badge Brooch. Return t0 TRE Posy Publishing House. Reward. I 5 P IGS Inn s ,e ti weeks old. A. W. SouEae ,Oa 5, Grey Township Phone 4117. SECOND.uAxn Ford touring cur for sale, LONDON RIrDONALO, BRING your Beef Ring hides to Baekerc Bros. Brusreds Price 20c per pound this week. Phone F. o, WILL Repste DAu,—Cnetoiners are asked to eel e toed of shop ready daring the coming week uR f ;:u' pnee ^losing down the mill to re- pair mullein date. JOHN Loo,eN, Proprietor Brussels chopping mill, Bo cents cash for eggs at East Huron Produce Emporium. A. THOMeON. Rx6182E11ED Paned Angus Bull, 1 year old, for cele DAVID PERSTE, Craubrook, Phone 2618 CoorokTAsLE brick residence for ante or to rent. For perticuta•e apply to MRS. Geo, Ronsax, at A. C. Dames, Brussels. Rno:te to rent over E. 0. nnnford'e store, Apply to M. BLACK. HmnAYED on uremieee of the undersigned, Lot 14, Con.0, Morris township, a 2.year-old heifer, red with white mark(nga. Owner is requested to proveroperty, pay expenses and take her away. W. J. MAswCLT„ Phone 816 To Rear, — Comfortable dwelling above Mores. Soft water. h C. RTGHARDS, APPRENTI a wanted to learn the printing bueine.e, noble or female. One who has peeved the High School Entrance preferred. Apply at VTR Posit, SOLID brick cottage, nicely decorated, large lot and stable for sale. Apply at Tus POST. Tna5E Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12 months old for sale. JAS. SPET0, Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris. Phone 106. STORE to rent. Lately occupied by Currie Bros. as butchers. L C. RIOHAnne. DR, PAnKRR, Osteopathlo Phygloien, visits Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diaeaees sucoeeaf fly treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. THURSDAY afternoon of last weekj. J. (Gilpin's right foot was operated on. The decaying hc,t,e was •akeu away and the little toe remove.l. He is making a good recovery and we hope will soon be as well as ever, WEB'rERN STAR LonnENO, 149, 1. O 0. F.—The following officers were in• stalled by D D. G. M. McVettie, assist- ed by Past Grand Master Poplestene, Blyth, in connec[iou with Western Star Lodge, B; ussels, for the current term :— I.P.G, E. S. Plum N. G, R. Henderson V, G , W. Backer Rec Sec , M, Black Fin See , A. McGuire I. S M G, Jas 'Platten_ L 8 N. r , R J, Hoover R 5 V (r , F. McCracken L, S V t, , J. 'i'. Wood Con., W C. Smith Warden. W Clouse I. G , D, Kirkoonnell 0. G , W. Williamson ILS S , W Fraser L S S . Jno Evans Cha plat n,R Lealherrlale. During the month of August the Lodge will meet every 2 weeks instead of week. ly, The path dates will be August 2nd, [6th and tth. Thebrethren are asked{ to take note of these changes for August. Regular weekly meetings thereafter to Iwhich all triple linked brethren will he welcome. A I've -Wire _ program is to be Tint en neXr Fall sod Winter. Now dues voter subscription stand? SlreeeT Tax POST with carnes of vis- itors. A NEW cement walk has been put down at John Curtle's, Mill street, mak- ing a noticeable Improvement. SATURDAY will be the 3 d Anniversary of the war and the end does not appear to be in sight yet. Let us help win it. AncTInN Sale at the Atnericeo Hotel, Tuesday, August 14th, et 2.30 o'clock, of Brussels Electric Light plant, build- ings, &c. See advt in this issue. Mes. Amin has sold her home, Eliza- beth street, to Mrs. Mrs. Stevenson and has gone to live with her daughter, Mrs. John Steins, 9th Con. Grey 'Township. WEDDING invitations, enuouncements and cards neatly printed at THE Pose., A young bachelor called in last Saturdey to enquire the price per 1000. He isn't a Mormon either. CARD of THANKS --We wish 10 shank our neigbt:ors anti friends for their many deeds and welds of kindness in connection with the illness and subse- quent death of the late Wm Jewitt, Brussels. They were mor[ h 1 hly ap- preciated we eau assure you. Yours Gratefully, THE JxWITT. FAMILY. WILL REMAIN IN BRUS•F.L ,— At a meeting of the Session of Melville church the question of retaining P, R. Mulheron as Organist and Choir blaster was discussed. He accepted Inc salary of $500, same as Kincardine heel offered, and his services will be retained here. Salary has been $350. It is nrariy a year since Mr. M ulherou came to Brussels. DECORATION DAY,— Nee' Senday afternoon Western Star Lodge No. 149, I. 0 0. 0'., Brussels, will observe the annual decoration of the graves of brother Odd Fellows and will march from their Lodge room at 4 o'clock sharp. Flowers will be supplied by the Lodge. Will all the 3 -linked brethren melte an effort to attend this interesting ceremouy. You will prove your inter- est by your presence. PRIZES 1, 15 FARM BOYS AND GIRLS.— The Canadian Barkers Association, in co-operation withDepart. the Dominion De art. went of Agriculture, Live Stock Branch, offers liberal cash prizes to boys and girls who will feed and exhibit calves or pigs at Brussels Fall Fair. Now is the time to get busy. Ask the Manager of the local Banks for full in- formation so as to get a good start. 6 prizes are offered so there is a wide range. THE fire alarm livened up things s Thursday night of last week, shortly af- ter g o'clock. Danger zone was at the Ament factory but by good work it was not necessary to take the engine to the tank Fire is supposed to be caused by a spark from smoke slack alighting on roof Mrs Pawsou was the first to see it. A few paid ofwater removed the danger. There was a lively skirmish to the North by the numerous cars ou the street when the location was designated The Ament factory is one of the hives of industry Brussels could ill spare. Wbat about the water tank up there that has been talked about for the pest few years ? WARM Weecoal.—Despite the hum- idity a goodly number assembled in the Lecture room of the Methodist church, Tuesday evening, to welcome Rev. W. E. and Mlrs. Stafford and children Cranbrook congregation was also well represented. F. H. Gilroy genially pre. sided and an interesting and well ren- dered program was elven as follows, after devotional exercises :—Piano duet, Mrs. Addie Wright and Miss Isobel Dark ; Welcome from Sunday School by H, L. Jackson and W. H, Kerr ; chorus by Cranbrook choir ; Women's Missionary Society Miss Gordon • bolo, 1 Miss Della Kaiser, Stratford ; Ladies' Aid, Mrs Ale Seeker ; solo, Miss Hing- stoD ; Epworth League, Mrs. Parker ; piano solo. Miss Mae Wilkinson ; Cran- brook congregation, A. J. Helm ; solo, Miss Kaiser ; sddress, 1 T, Weed ; chorus, Cranbrook choir.' Mrs. Stafford expressed her appreciation of the cordial reception et the Parsonage, the im provemente being made "and the we! - come of congregations. Rev. Mr, S'ef- ford made a fitting reply, thenkiug all for the royal welcome and the great kindness and forethought manifested He dealt, briefly, with the duties of the pulpit end pastorale and asked for hearty co-operation A resolution of sympathy was passed t y the meeting in Rev Wm. Smythe, Brantford, a former pastor, in the demise of Mrs. Smythe last week The program concluded with the hymn "Blest be the tie that hinds" and the benediction by the pastor. 't'be outlook for the ensuing year shows the silver lining and expectation by both pastor and people is optimistic. ANOTHER OLD RESIDENT FALLEN ASLEEn,—After an illness of scarcely 3 weeks, John Lott, an old and well known resident of Brussels, passed peacefully away at his home, Sunday sfternoon. in the 7515 year of his age. Until shout 6 weeks ago deceased. though not robust, had enjoyed exceptionally good health for a mate of his age. About this time he began to be troubled with a cancerous growth in his neck, Medical attention wns summoned and every possible effort was put forth to retard the deadly dis- ease hut all to no avail. It continued to develop and the patient to lose strength and courage. However, it was not until a week before the end that he finally took his bed Mr, Lott was born in the township Of Darlimeton, near Oshawa, Ont„ in 1843 In 1870 he mnrried Miss Mary Wilson, who survives For 19 years they resided at Whitby Ont , com- ing to Brussels in April, 1889 For some years atter settling here Mi. Lott Was a teamster. Of late years, however, ow- ing to advanced age, he has not followed any steady employment The subject of this brief resume was of 11 gales, unoh- ,rusive temperament, kindly and gener- out, aimoat lo it Pettit, Eveu during his last illness he was remaicahly patient sed cheerful, In religion Ole deceased wee a Congregationalist, and in politics a Reformer The funeral took place from his Ia'e reeidence Tuesday after- noon, Rev. W. E Stafford, R A , of - Relating, The floral emblems were Iw'autifel and the attendance large The pall bearers were S Wilton, R. Hender- son, A. Currie, L Ruttan, 1. McCallum and G Crooke, Besides his widow, the departed ieaves t0 Montt) his loss an Adopted daughter, Mrs George Lott, of town ;nucbrother, whose home is Oshawa ; atld his grandson, ih Bert. Lott, who made his home with his grand. Parents, The relatives end friends have Ole heartfelt sympathy of the eommttu- ity. 1* Poodle Wo Talk About Mrs. T. Maxwell is visiting Toronto friends. Miss Jessie Cunningham is holidaying at Merlin, 1. has Richards is home for a holiday. from Toronto, Rea Cross Circle will meet as usual next'l'nesday afternoon. Mrs Fred. Burette] and sons are visit. lug relatives at Highgate, leotr Leckie, B. A., law student, is home,Jor a week's holiday. Geo. W. Colpin i$ home from Toronto enjoying a week's holiday. Carl Hemsworth, of Wallace, is visit- ing his uncle, R. Leatherdale, Miss Grant, Leamington, was a visitor with Miss Kate Ewan, Brussels, Miss Myrtle Wiisou isholidaying with Mrs D, E. Cameron at Burford. Miss Alice Hemsworth, Listowel, was a visitor with Miss Viola McCracken. Miss Millie Grower is back from four we. ks holiday to Brendon and the West. Wyman Sperling, Mall clerk on G. T. R , is home for his vacation of a few weeks. Alfred Denny, Buffalo, is spending a holiday ill Brussels with his mother. Mrs Wm, Oakley. Miss Velma and Fred. Lowry, Wroxe- ter, are hoticleying with relatives and friends in Bivasels. Mrs. Rite de, of Winchester, Out , le- a visitor at the home of her uncle, Alex Stewart, Queeu street. AJise Nellie Creighton, Weiland, is visiting with her uncle anbaunt, H. L. -1 Jackson, ill street, Mrs . 116 au M s a so M 1 Mrs. P. Stewart and Mss Gertrude Shaw are visiting relatives and friends at Guelph, Paris and Brantford. Alex. Fox, who is employed in a munition factory, Toron'o, wee home during the past week tor a rest. Lloyd Jackson is home from Strat- ford for the week. He is doing duty in the manufacture of war supplies. Miss Erma Carveth, Toronto, is a visitor with her cousins, Misses Amanda, Clara, Eva and Carrie McCracken, We are sorry to hear that Miss Jane Kelly is not eujoying her usualual good health but we hope for speedy improve- ment. Robt. Work, druggist, Toronto, is here for a holiday and muscle building on his father's farm 1t miles North of Brussels. Miss Mabel Hayeroft, Port Arthur, is visiting amidst old scenes in Brussels. She is combining business and pleasure ' in her trtn East. D: A Lowry, Toronto, was in town for a few days reuewing old friendships. The passing years are pressing lightly on our former townsman. A. D. Lamont, B, A. and wife, Walk- erton, are spending part of their vacation. with Hugh and Mrs Lamont, Queen street, the format's parents. James Rhodes, who had his left baud injured in a machine in the Excelsior Knitting factory is getting along nicely and will soon resume work, Miss Laura Ameut has accepted the position as teacher at Winthrop and will commence her duties in September. She sbould make a good teacher. W. A. Griffiths, wife and ehi.dren, Montreal end Mrs. Robt. Hutchinson, Toronto, were holiday visitors at the home of Fred. and Mrs Mcf3tackeu, Duncan McArthur, Blyth, was here for a few days visiting his brotber Colin, He must surely be reuewing his youth like the eagles, as he is about as lively as ever Miss Lizzie McLauchlin is home for her v lention hum the West. She is s very successful teacher Bud is a sister to tete eletees McLaucbltn, Turnberry St„ BCuns,es P 2 M P• k .to its hob 1 ❑(heron is bac m day, Miss Minerva ones supplied his place as orriauist in Melville church dur- ing his absence Mr. Mulheron will re tune teaching next week W, J and elm. Gilroy, and two grand- daughters of Mount Forest, motored over to Brussels with their son, F. H. last week. The latter spent the Thurs- day hall holiday at his old home. We are sorry to state that Mrs. Mc- Dowell, nmiber of Gordon' McDowell, Mill street, is not enj"ying as vigorous health es her many friends would wish but we hop- for early inhptovement Mrs. Schooley and Miss McVicar, Nevada ; Ates Mary Livingston, Tor- onto ; end Gordon and Miss Winnifred Hudson, Detroit, are visiting relatives and friends in Brussels and locality, L. A, end Mrs. Ball, St, Marys, were callers on old friends in town while en- teme to the lalter's parental borne at Kincardine, The former lived for some rears in Brussels and locality and is 5' - ways welcome, • N F and MrsGerry went to Fitt William last Seim eley to attend the funeral of the fermi 'sbrnther, Bertram, who died from injuries received in an accidental et -glisten of his automobile and a street car. Miss Lin. Colvin, Moose Jaw, and Miss Mabel, Brandon, Man„ are here ou a brief holiday with relatives and old friends, The young ladies hold impor• tent millinery positions in the West and are combining business and pleasure in their trips Eastward, T, W. and Mrs. McFarland, London ; Misses Glsdys and Marion Lacbinger, Sarnia ; Mrs C. F. Ernst, Cleveland, and E. G. Ernst, Toronto, wore visitors at the home of J. T. and Mrs. Wood during the past week. They are rela- tives of the hoot and hostess Rev. and Mrs. Stafford and children arrived in Brussels Thursday evening of last week from NeW York where they bad been visiting. Several officials of the Methodist church welcomed them and conveyed them by motor to the psrsouage where neetnbere of the Ladies' Aid had supper prepared for them, E. D. W. Ceurtice, 13. A Se., and bride, of Hamilton, were calling on relatives end friends in Rrueeels. They are on their wedding trip. The bride is known to many in Brussels as Eve M, Gilpin, the Adopted (laughter of J J. sod Mra, Gilpin, town, Many good wishes ae0otupauv them' to their new home, Blake street, Hamilton, Congratnletions,are extended to Geo ledwerds and Lloyd Jackson, who pass- ed their Pt. II exams. at Stratford Col. legiete in what is called the Upper School exam, for Entrance into 'nettle ties of F,:lucation. The boys are indus- trious workers aucl deserve the progress they made, Stewart Grant and Ray Stewart were also successful in Pert I of the same exam, and will no doubt go Atter Part II in nc,11 term, The quer. tette did well, THE STANDARD BAM OF CANADA HEAD °Fries - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, D In Ll Manager. tepee eMiElffet Miss Jean Watts, Guelph is a visitor with Mrs. Stewart Scott, Brussels. Mrs, Grand Cobb, Omaha f Mrs, G. Moyer, Buffalo ; Joe and Mrs. Ott and daughter. Gertrude, of Floradale, were visitors with Mrs, W. Oakley, I#russels, North. The company came by motor, Ladies are sisters of Mrs, Oakley, Mrs. Albert Smith underwent an op- eration last Friday and is progressing favorably, Mr, Smith who is working at Brantford took 2 of the children back with him (Mamie and Albert) and Mrs, Smith will follow later with Kenneth. We wish them well, a Thos. MeL tichli D who has been in the employ of Baeker Bros. for some time left this week for Toronto where Ile has a position in a munitionl factory. He is an industrious young roan stud the wish him success, Douglas Corrie snpplies his place here, ADDITIONAL. LOCALS A man who is annoyed every morning by the crowing of his neighbor's rooster threatens to Lave the chanticleer' arrest- edt ed under thalamo forbiddingbe 'te e s of fowl language. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Stafford spoke' in the morning in the Methodist church ou "Altars to unknown Gods" and iu the evening on plague "The p la ue sPot of sin." The Blyth Slaudard of last week says: —Jonathan T. Wood, Brussels, deliver- edA very inspiring and helpful sermon in the Methodist church last Sunday nhorniug. Mr. Wood speaks With an intensity of conviction, is exceedingly bright and fluent and his message came with great acceptance. METHODIST MINISTER KILLED.—News has been received in St. Thomas of the death in action at France, of Corp. Fred. T, Kinghan, who before eulisting as a naivete in the Elgin and Kent Bat- talion, with which be went overseas, was pastor of the Methodist church at Sparta, Out. Corp. Kingban, who was a native of Ireland, bad been with the Methodist church in Canada for five years before eulisting, He signed up es a private when he found he could no'. receive a chaplaincy for which he had been recommended by the President of the London Conference. During the formation of the Battalion lie did some splendid work as recruiter. He had. been in the trenches since last Fall. He was a graduate of the Methodist College, Belfast, Ireland, and of ()skate ' the fact that so many schools, In x50001 and oma College, Iowa and bad held charges in Ireland, ta. ht The following regarding the Potato 13light appear- ed in the Toronto papers. of last week :- "011tarlo should produce 28 mlllien bug. of potatoee this year. It may not pro. dime 12 millions if the blight ie net ylg. orooely attacked.. This nlarndng statement was [rade by Mr. J. B, Deedee°, Inspector of f Orloalturel Oleo - gag et the 0. A, C„ Guelph, Galla for Prompt Action "Lute blight of potatoes, or rot as it is more amnhnoniy called hos already appeared In On. Milo. So far am I Jcnow, It has not In 20 years appealedse early -in the seRyon. In view of DIED LoT'r,—Is Brtieaels, an July 55911, 1017, John Lott, ill Lis 76th year. MODoner.D,—In Grey township, on only 27th, 1017, Catherine McDonald., need 19 101110. S111Y011 a,—Ill Brantford, on July 26th, 1017, Roxana E. Thompson, beloved wife of Rev, Win. Smythe, pastor of Sydenhem Street Methodist Miura, Brentford, formerly of Brussels. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat *2 00 112 20 Oata 76 re Peas 2 25 2 25 Butte R 120 180 Ho0 HaEggs 97 87 us 1600 00 700 Potatoes Per be 6 00 6 00 Wool (unwaehed) - 00 00 Wool (washed 08 08 ) COMFORTABF.E HOUSE AND LOT FOR SA1.e. Good welland etetern, fruit trees, &e. Also 6 acres in corporation with large etnble and drilled well. For further pa'tieu- lere as torine totem n 1 to THE Pos0 Brussels. p terms, ' PP y To Contractors The Municipal Coannit of the Township of Morrie are asking for tenders, T for the Drain of The Bone Drain, The Hanna Dram and The ownelly h p Ha Te Mond will be et Oth, at the Township sell on 000 good faith lie e. at 2 ip.e a Enclose a $6e o good fritn cheque. Plana and eClerk'c rens of the Drains any be assn atthe Clerk's resldonae. JOHN MORTARED, A. MAOEWEN, Walton, Reeve. Blnevnlo, Clerk, Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for enle Lot 7, Con. 5, Grey Township, containing 100 aoree, on terns of this year's lease, whereby porohnser re- ceives one-half the hay and eraln withnat ex- pense or labor, marketing included, if desired, 8 acres hay, 86 acres spring grain, freshly seed- ed to plover and timothy A good brick house, steble,.dellled well and 3-2055 arc: herd. Apply to 3, W. MOREISON, 8.4 60aborne st. Montreal. home gardens, have undertaken the growing of potatoes for the Bret time, and also because of the large amount of small plots In casco, towns and villages, managed by people with. out experience in growing potatoes, it wilt he sad indeed if the plots undertnlcee with such zeal and entl,nelaetn ehould be allowed to go to destruotioe becalms of Ino, of information nt the right time. Here to the Remedy 'Potato blight to San, and. this ie the rem- edy:—Apply Bordenu hnixtnra for the'blight,' with sraesete of lend for the per cent and apply gid y. Blight is goperesnt preventible ble if vigorously attacked now. Arsenaatee of lend stay be obtained from the deux store or hard - were store le pate or dry form. It should be mixed with either a heaped rleelert- op000ful of either dry or paste In two gallons Of waren. How to Apply .Bordeau mixture is obtaivad by dissolving oea•half pound of brimstone (copper sulphate) Mut ane half pound of goleklbne (unsleoltadl, enslh separately, in gradte bashes in a smell amount ol'hot wateto Then both those mix- turee should be mixed together and sufficient seethe k •inn. 1dydtomn o6 gallone. The in 6 p load any be ad,.,1 to tete h each a in tato ppplientto,oetione nomad ' ma at each form of a Appy. .5 emuldhe.nrndr 1n the herrn of o spray. A waieee a ran wilt to the mixt no spraying be used up, and han All the mixture left ehould g used 101 end xhmtd not en lett etll do instead 02 agent t ea01 Paris Green w80 do ins �+n argentite of Ft d of n se gin lead,but lee not et weather," in Winging to the leaves in moat tye0ther,,r We have a good stock of the above articles— Paris Green, 75c per lb. Bluestone, 30c per Ib. Lirne free to those requiring it. 3 James Fox Druggist and Stationer. Hog for Service The undersigned will keep for service on Lot sVon F; Gres Township, a thorn' -bred ork• hire ling( n Terms 01 00� with privilege at re. tundra It iteceseery. JESSE WILBER, 8 2 Proprietor. — —._r -.-v-- e eme••moseeimorease aaerams:cere••omeeemeormaseoaaracc aemeet'a•eemve©reawe eeseuemalocee Brussels Daylight store Ge N. Metaren 40 o • a • e e e a 0 I„'IA'I,"I,,,,,,, 11I1i'le'll,e,..1,1,n0tet, II''li eNl'4,'t tree" li'.'11,4 i I,1'1,'tnl le'len .4,4,, erll''I,'t'ei i,, ,Itches,, ti't, e.'erert'I,ry, VS,st.ie e, Ili ll s. '1, e, 'l, e.stdl,Jlir't sm,,,Lne'tl, I,i n 'corn m 6 0 6 0 e • ED 0 Cet: lt rECEBIHMEEZGHESEBEIHE . v .. ,.,..,� ,n s, cN �s-x w•a ,.. SiYt ,3 -' 0 0 469 ® 0 r a Here are Few ®cl�alefor Hex0 Days W a D fa Ladies' and Misses' Wash $4 00 Ladies' White Dresses. $6 00 rSale Ua price L 'J75 ° Dresses. Sale pricep $8 00 Ladies' White Dresses.1 Lot Ladies' -,1.hite Waists, reg - Sale rice ... U1UU ular up to $1.50. Now... P Su • • • 0 • 0 to w 0 8,8 tellailearilleatenEr•..xrttsr::u cs. colee=tMdot Wheteweai at Bargw in Prices Ladies' White Gowns, low and high neck, short and jot long sleeves. Regular 1.25 and r.o. 'Sale price... White Underskirts Corset Covers Drawers All at Reduced Prices. Men's Shirts Regular $815, ' 1R20alle 1 Lot Men's Shirts, Cord Cloth and Cambrics. They are made up of odd lines that • have been in stock for some time, Some are counter soiled. All 7' qG sizes in the lot. Your choice for .. • • • • H 0 5, • e • 0 • • 0 • !• • •6 fa et e • e emoseefeeoessea00.0•••••0•!•0•S0.00000•N•00000&000•• . Odd Lines in "den's Boots at $3,50 42 pairs Men's Fine Boots, Dongola Kid, Velour Calf, Box Calf' and a few Patent Leathers, all sizes in the lot. Reg. value up to $15,00. Your choice for 5 50 Odd Lines in tkomen's Boats I$3r5i1 37 pairs Women's Fine. Boots, patent leather, Goodyear welted and McKay sewn soles, btittonecl or laced. Regular up to $5 00 Your choice: for 3 50 Straw Hats at Half Prlee • 4 17 0 (2 13 • M m a a • • • ra 119 4, 0 e g , ttt ea • fl