HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-2, Page 5Y%'idCS1INF.3S I'FrM YDI 7. r . . AO 1OIN, OXIDATION �tdO, NUTMERLAND 8c SONS LIMITED ORS[F-POISONING �v`f?lm`lSxa ®,t�4PIttI® WM. SPENOE OONVEYANOER AND ISSUER oN lVMARRIAGE LIOENSES nice lu 4110 Pest uilioe, Ethel. 20.4 AUCTIONEERS. L"t 1• B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- s- • reeit, will sen for bettor prices, to better men In len time and less charges than any other Auotloneer inEast Huron or .he won't charge anything. Dates and orders oaa always be arranged at this OMoe or by 040 001 appliontion, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. \,'+7 M. BIkler°, li— r V Iiur,9ntor, 11.1oetor, wen'sConveBlear, Notary l'uhlio, &o. Ulace-Stowarfa Block 1 deer North of Beuttat Hotel. Sollaltor for the Metropolitan Bank, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Successor t0 M. H. {Moore, 01110e at Ander- son 13ros. Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone No. 110, T, T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P„ & S. O. M. 0, H., Village of Brussels. Physician, Burgeon, Accoucheur OflMoo at residenoo, apposite Melville Church, Wfllinm 0treetr DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College at Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Oilloes of late Dr. A.. afo$eves Smith Block, Brussels, Rural phone 45. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- lnologY, Ma0or,nlok 101011001 O:rider ilege, Ohioago, Ili., is oeopered to test eyes and sit glasses at her office over miss ednemtan's millinery store Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. pima hours -10 to 12 0, m. , 1 to 8 p. 1n. Evenings by nppoint- ment. Phont 1210. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Moe opposite Floor MM111, Ethel, JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron Phones, BE1.C1RAVE P. 0. P. R. MULHERON Windier of PGA NO, ORGAN, VOOAL 0lo Melville BruOrganist and Choir etre Church, lege ot2 Pupils prepares. for roroltoOol- lege of Mega Examinations. Phone lOx PROUOFOOT, RILLORAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, Offiee on the Square, and door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private fonds to loan ab lowest rotes. W. PnounroOT K. O. a. L. RltnOQnAN H. J. D. Cookie Pla LAN Luta LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW, LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For .infor- mation ■pply agents, or "951C . StW'Tr'oatb W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Lino, Brussels, • oPcittirfi+avaz v swv- Ea4 Vt q +atia'4 i i fall Term from Sept. 4th 4I /40 OENTRAL 1,0W#7-111 r tSTiiATF4RD., ONT..b•.»y The Dangerous Condition Which Produces Many Well Known Diseases. HOW TO GUARD AGAINST THIS TROUBLE "FRUIT-A-TIVES" — The Wonderful Fruit Medicine will Protect You Autointoxication recalls self-polson- ing, caused by continuous or partial constipation, or insufficient action of the bon els. Instead of the refuse matter passing daily from the body, it is absorbed by the blood. Asa result, the Kidneys and Skin are overworRed, in their efforts to rid the blood of this poisoning. Poisoning of The bloodin this way often causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomach, It may pro- duce Headaches and Sleeplessness. It may irritate the Kidneys and bring on Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Gout, and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief cause of Eczema—and keeps the whole system unhealthy bythe constant absorp- tion into the blood of this refuse matter. "Fruit -a -fives" will always care Auto- intoxication or self-poisoning—as "Fruit-a-tives " acts gently on bowels, kidneys and skin, strengthens the bowels andtones up the nervous system. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt ofprice by rruit-a•ti ves Limited, Ottawa. Glop. b D 2WEAWit Rae& war BRUSSELS G01N0 4400TH GOING Norms Express 7:18 a m j Mail 11:22 a et Express 3:80 n in j Express 0:07 p m CONAPDAM' r'aeIPIC WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7 :00 a in Express 11:48 a m Express 2:27 p m I Express 0:04 p WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a, m. and. 8:40 p. m. Going \peat - 12;19 and 9;68 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. - ann. ALLAN, Local Agent. Total xi ebos tans READ the advertisemeuts, Mrs. Adam Sinclair, Mill street, has not -been- enjoying her usual good health but we hope she will soon be as hearty as ever, THERE are some luxuriant crops of weeds that should be decapitated' or in- creased productiou will certainly be on the program where they will do busi- ness, THE Methodist Parsonage has been considerably improved by the painting of the exterior wood work. Interior improvements consist of painting and papering and a hardwood floor in the dining room. Lieut, 1', M. 'I'homsou, Formerly of Brussels, has joined the Royal Flying 1 Corps, Burwash Hall, Toronto, and is now lu trainiug. We hope he will have a successful career, He is the ouly son of 'rhos. and bIrs. Thomson, Seaforth, Iwell known here. The Old Way the Best. In Chicago, they have a law for auto- ists, "Both hands on the steering wheel." This caused the arrest of 14 sentimental drivers in the parks ah Saturday night. The old gray horse and the top buggy still have a few points in their favor. Commercial, Shorthand and Tel. 0 egraphy Departments - N'e have jA pummel:Mat sem, expo, 15(011111mt1'nat- Ei ,1•x .n,rl lye 1111011 1.+oa(Itntlua hi p001- ,, 01,iIo Demand 0,11:11 0,1 foe' treluod help it 00(11 thues the number 0,'410- a 0th,g. t#et Mir free waslogOl fn ti D. A. MOLAOHLAN, Principal. $rf ft,,w0d rm�v yAv rA�y .m 11 Zb o4� v:w 1ta4Y20' J sxram CZEMEZZIESUBSICESESIBI THE Best rains In 1:n,0d0 have patrtlalpatetl 10 the pre- psrabbnl of our splendid Hume Stntiy 001, ,(10 ill Banldng, Lroanonilos, nigher Armnniting, 1 nunnm'oial Art, Show Burd Writing, Photography, Journal. le0,,Shure NLnry .Welting, Shorthand and Hnolrlintpinn. 801001 the work Which most interests yon nett write. ns Pnr pnrtinulx, s, Add1re0(1 THE SHAW CORNERPQNOENCE SCHOOL 3191-7 Vo1So St., Toronto West Shore Rails for Hydro. 'rhe Hydro 'Electric Commission is shipping from Kincardine to the Niagara peninsula the steel rails purchased from the defunct Ontario West Shore Rall- way, Just Like Dad. One of our school teachers has re- ceived the following note from the mother of one of her pupils: "Dear Miss.—You writ me about whipjlin Sammy, 1 give you permission to beet him up any time he lvont tern his les si0n. He is just like his father and you have to bet shim up with a club. to leen hint enything. Pound noledge into him Don't pay no attention to what his father says. I'll handle hint," Poor Randa. Expensive. Orillia Packet:—Poor roads are very expensive things for country commun- ities. 'rhe farmers who think that im- proved highways are mainly for the benefit of those who drive automobiles should reflect on the results of a recent investigation by the United States De- partment of Agriculture which finds that the cost of hauling farm produce over ordinary country roads is twenty- three cents a ton While whereas over hard -surfaced roads it is only thirteen cents. Telegraphers Want More Pay. The commercial telegraphers em- ployed in the operation of the G.N.W. service are demanding wage increases of front 10 Lo 20% and better working hours, The management ihas refused to hear the case for the Hien and at the present juncture the Only alter native is a strike, affecting all G.N.W. olerators, both men and Women send also 3,000 other operators affiliated with thein, bi ltd iipilthil to ii doh0111ot- ton ,pard, The men will base their culls to higher wages oe the Increased cost of living. The company declares that they cannot consider any revision of the working time or an advance in the wage schedule, Pro i Work for Officers. The daily press report that the Sur- plus of Canadian officers in English camps has been partially used by allot- ting them to the Imperial forces for em- ployment on the lines of eommn0lca- tion In Fance, It is stated that they will retain their present rank, but receive the pay of a staff lieutenant, equivalent to a captain's, while the separation al- lowances will be as•hitherto. Among the officers Selected were Lieut, -Col. H, B.' Combe, of the 161st "Hurons" and Lt. -Col. W. W. McVicar, of the 149111, Lanhbton, wiho was a former Cintonian. Save the Rags. A serious shortage in wool exists. Almost all countries engaged in the war have taken over the wool supply to provides for soldiers' equipment, while the United States council of na- tional defense recently took up with the clothing manufactures the platter of the saving of cloth by eliminating from the 1918 styles patch pockets, flaring skirts, cuffs on coats and trous- ers, etc., and all umlecssary pleats and frills, The council is also advocating the more extended use of wool stock. For this reason the old-fashioned rag- bag should come into fashion, The day when rags were not sufficient value to warrant much attention being paid to then Ls past. To -day there is a heavy de - wool has created nand for woollenetain mend for woollen rags, Scarcity of new for wool stock materials of which wool- len rags are the basis, and increased prices are being paid for this hitherto neglected material. Save the rags. 260 Varieties of Roses. The Editor of The Mitchell Advocate makes reference to our former well known citizen, "Billy" Coates, and his famous roses at Goderich:—Few people living in this part of Ontario are aware that there is in the town of Goderich a collection of roses embracing 260 species, and so artistically arranged a- bout the enchanting grounds of the registry office of the County of Huron that visitors to that town seldom miss the opportunity of calling on Mr. Wilt, Coates, registrar, who is'a rose specia- list, and has gathered together a col- lection that is the amazement of visit- ors. Surrounding these grounds are about seven hundred bushes loaded with beautiful blossoms of all the colors imaginable, and ranging from perfect little flowers about the size of,a thimble to other that would compare in size to the large chrysanthemuin. Mr. Coates has made a study of roses for a num- ber of years and has imported many varieties of rare plants, It was after hearing of this beautiful array of bloom that the editor of The Advocate, while in Goderich this weeks, visited this hav- en of beauty. This is not a money making enterprise on the part of the genial registrar as hundreds of these flowers are cut each day and the pro- ceeds are devoted to the Red Cross So- ciety of that town We would recom- mend to the Mitchell citizens who may have an opportunity of going to God- erich.to visit the beautiful rose garden surrounding the registry office. Story of Trooper Manson Taylor's Sacrifice The following letter was received by Wilt. Taylor, Motels, from the Chap- lain, giving the particulars of his son's death on June 191.11 :— MY DEAR MR. TAYLOlt,— I1Is with profound regret that I find occasion to write to you on the subject of spur son's death, butI know that you will be pleased to hear Prole one who knew shim and knows sotne- thhing of the ennumetances. LC occurred nn the night of the 10th e iu1• :,bout uttdui }ht 0, inst., ecru I I after. Two patrols were to go abort aft y 1 out from one of 11111• uhltposts. One wits to go out to it uertoin position and wait until the second patrol searched a certain wood, The fleet patrol was to protect the,fl.41,8 of the second fu clue the G'elrl,n411a had, t4 patrol nut. The second was to go much further, sweep round, go thrnugh the wood and finally rejoin the first patrol. Tour son Was a member of the first patrol and following Icy usual custom went around and spoke to all the boys a Owe, y word or two, Manson Was in line fettle and we chatted about several things. He was always deep- ly interested in the concerts and song seevieee which l' get up to keep the boys amused. Well, the patr01 went 0115ltbont 11 o'dlock and shortly after I went out with the second patrol. Aller we had gained 021)' positions 1411d were lying waiting lot tier 141100 eey to commence we heard the first patrol engage the enemy. There was some bombing told rifle flee, one (Dell cheer- ed and the Gelnuans squealed. 'We found out later that in going to their position the patrol nn which Manson was had met 1t superior patty of the enemy and engaged them, inflicting such heavy casnal0es on the Emetic that they retired. 1.11 the nlix•up, however, Manson wets killed and an- other wonldetl so that he flied the same night. The l3osche's casualties were abmht 12. As soon as we :47107• ed Ilse signal thesecnndvenni carried out. its par( and 00110ee1ed in wound - Mg and eapinring one German foetid in the hood, Oa rejoining lite filet i>at,'o1 I heard of Manso's death and that he had been taken In to our out- post, lftotu the outpost I stayed by 6n.flt':fiAtk'tlrll x1+. .ti'J'.83s.Gertkl7TYh 5r •.: .4JOmK:•.NK'YhN •r dR,'!.ftl.+„•x^. T Mxra,xa.?."'h .v.w 4,84644•400004440.0•4r99,944 • • Brussels Studio OPIIN 0 f. Friday & Saturday each week • • • Try us'For Amateur 0 0 Printing and Developing 0 Crones taken at your own home 0 • 14nytvtwee in the country. 0 t Picture Framing Neatly Done m • We make Fmlargetneilts from 9 • old photos, • • CI•. 8. FREE Photographer •e • *••••4••. •3.>••••01••••• the body until it was prepared for burialand about 11 o'clock on the morning of the 20(101 inst., T bumIell hitt 111 a little graveyard which is full of the brave and gallant fiend. As many of his coning -lee as could get away were there and the lines gather- ed fiowero and coveee1 the mound with them. His grave is nnty clearly and durably noir e,1 by a CI (100 and later nn it Will be possible for ore to tell you just when-. it is. T blink also that you will reel better if you know that lie was killed instantly Dud suf- fered absolutely no pain. He was a gond roan, a heave soldier, being in the peefrn•Inauee of Impnr0141)1 (1013, gallantly giving his life in the cause that is the insist slurred e912. man fought for. .S'.an' grief will be tempered by 1111: retleclion that it is by the sacrifices or 111011 like how, who follow the Christ Is the 711141PS0.. Dir sill gifts, that Coil is going to bring. alien1 the day when :unkind will be rnutent- ed also 111 emulate those .,cher Christ - like virtues that will make hideous war impossible., I expect In return to 014unda short- ly to residue my worst, 4c heli' 111111 Pt"fessnr of the Old TrsfameIt in NVesleyan Theological College, 756 University street, Monti cal, Que. If ever I can hs any wily sehoe 0r help to comfort you and your bereaved ftmily I trust.yn0 will call 011 ole Miele or write to me there. !Meanwhile may 1 06;et' you ray deepest sympathy and join with 3011 in the 10111020(01 pride or having given to the Empire 141111 In the cause of 0111 isi endrin one of fife noble men who count not me inn great a price that we may he free. I am, Sir, most sincerely yours, W. 0. (lnAtiau, Captain and Chaplain Canadian Cavalry Brigade, France. June 23, 1917. WARDROPE NEW GRAND MASTER. Election of Officers by Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada. Belleville, July t9,—W 11, Ward- rope, of Hamilton, was elected Ma- sonic Grand Master without opposi- tion to -day, and F. W. Harcourt, K. C., of Toronto, defeated A. J. Young, of North Bay, for the office of Depu- ty Grand Master. W. 0. Adams of Belleville is the new Grand Senior Ward en, and G. W, F. Tucker, of Smith's Falls, Grand Junior Warden. The Grand Lodge closes to -day and the next place of meeting will be either Toronto or Windsor. To -day the Beil- CANADIAN. NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 25 - TORONTO * Sept. 10 On a More Than Ordinarily Progressive Scale MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Constructive and Destructive Needs for "War CONFEDERATION SPECTACLE 1200—PERFORMERS-1200 Canada's Story from Birth to Nationhood Dramatically Told The very Apex of Spectacular Achicvetnont GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com- petitions - - Extended Classifications and Innovations in All Departments IMMENSE EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS AND FARM - LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART—Italian, French, Persian, American and Canadian Masterpieces. MUSIC—Inncs' Famous Soloists and a score of other leading organizations, ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST SHOWING OP 1918 MODELS Greatly enlarged. Goverulnent and other Exhibits = - - War in all its phases - - Model Catnp - - Artillery Drive - - Aeiroplane Flights - - Scores of surprises in store for old friends and a thousand 'thrills for new ones. REDUCED FARES ON ALL LINES OF TRAVEL - , w r^ -e- .xr ., x,.x'wwxeMnw .. •, �r,.i�.�+.l�i .q,,......rv. ':d v111e Comititthielltion has had 9.21 dei1:- M oc 0e:043 ee•tsm+ewmes0eal,o•00013ats®ep•00000®tr3alow0•tapo85;7gptr0 gates. • Grand 'i'reasuree E, T. Malone and Grand Secretary Gunn were re-elected 08 in the past, The District G, M.'s, The new District Deputy Grand Masters are as follows: No. 1, Erie, James L. Baird, Kingsville; No, 1, Erie, Joseph M Cuway, West Lorne; No, 2, St. Clair, b. R. Baud, Mount li ytiges; Nu 3, London, W, 11. Dun- lop, Kintore; -No, 4, South Huron, Freie Porterfield, Mitchell; No. 5, North Huron, Hugh 1Iyndnhan, Palm- erston; No, 6, Wilson, W, J. Atkin, Springfield; No, 7, Wellington, Geo. De Kleinhaus, Kitchener; No. 8, Hamilton, Joseph F. Senn, Glenford Station; No. 9, Georgian, John Little, Barrie; No 10, Niagara, C. J. Did- demus, Niagara Falls South; No, 11, Toronto West, A, 10. Rice, Toronto; 11 A, Toronto Bast, W. S, Ormiston, Uxbridge; 11 B. Toronto Centre, Chas, Murphy, 'Toronto; No, 12, On- tario, T, E, Kaiser, Oshawa; No, 13, Prince Edward, Alex H, Watson, Medoc; No, 14, Frontenac, W. J. Shannon, Napanee, No, 15, St. Law- rence, A, S. Knapp, Brockville; No. 16, Ottawa, RI H. Grant, tiazeldean; No. 17, Algona, A. R. Mills, Fort William; No. 18. Nipissing, W. G. White, Blind River; No, 19, Muskoka, Menge Park McKay, Bracebridge; No. 20, Victoria, J. F. Algin, Peter- horo; No, 21, Eastern, F. T. Shaver, Aultsville; No. 22, Temiskaming, J. Tl. W. Sutcliffe, New Liskeard; No. 23, Brant, W. J. Logie, M. D., Paris, No. 24, Bruce, J. ti. McDonald, Tara, No, 25, Grey, John McQuaker, Owen Sound, 12,000 Enlisted. "0f the Ontario 'masonic member- ship of 63,500 an increase of 2,650 over last year, there is an honor roll of about 12,000 names." Receipts for the year ending May 31, 1916, amounted to 546,560.36, while for the year ending May 31, 1917 the total was $65,799.72, a gain of $19,239.36. The expenditure for ordinary purposes in 4907 was $19,- 944.70, an increase of $837.39. The balance of .revenue over disbursement was 501,735.91. The total expendi- ture for benevolence in 1917 was 536,- 485 an increase of $415. OFFICERS RESERVE C. E. F. Surplus Will Be Given Chance to Serve. Sir Edward Kemp, Minister of Militia and Defence, announced the formation of "a reserve of officers for the Can- adian Expeditionary Force." His an- nouncement says: "There are many officers who, for no other reason than that there were vacant no suitable appointments which could be offered them in Can- ada, have from time to time been struck off the strength of the Cana- dian Expeditionary Force. They are note to be restored to it, with the rank and seniority which they held therein. "They, as well as officers who here- after may cease to do duty with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces in Canada, and officers for whom, on their return from overseas, employ- ment in Canada cannot be provided, will be placed on a special reserve; which will, appear in the quarterly militia list. "Reserve officers of the C, E. F. will not be entitled as such, to pay and allowance; this without preju- dice to any pension, or to any leave withpay and allowances, which has been, or may be granted to then{. On the other hand, they will be the first to be considered when appointments which they are suitable to fill fall vacant; and preference will be given to those of then: who have seen active service at the front. HOUSE OF WINDSOR New Name for British Royal Family Selected by the King. London, July1 7 Kitg George to- day -day at a meeting of the Privy Council, announced the new name of the royal house and family to be "The Nouse of Windsor." The Privy Council at which the King announced the change was held at St. Janes Palace. It was the moat important and largest attended since the coronation. The attendance in- cluded Premier Lloyd George, Foreign Secretary Balfour and other members of the cabinet, the Archbishop of Can- terbury, former Premier Asquith, and all member of the colonial govern- ment, who are now in London. The Privy Council unanimously endorsed King George's announcement, and the proclamation putting it into effect was published this afternoon, King George is of the House of Saxe Cobourg and Gotha. It was re- cently decided to drop titles or names of German origin. Minor Locals. Civil servants in Ontario 'must pay income tax according to a decision stand ed down recently, Nicho, Cand .the yexlas-toter ofonstantine China will agree thatoung t11is is a poor year for emperors. Canada does not want an euuctioll at the present time and the premier Would do well to forte. a national gov- ernment made up of the best sten of both parties, sothat little opposition would be found to extendng the life of the present parliament. to 4r ra t9 u The Chevrolet Siirtijc tat s C:2v..t=G." - ea.1,1m 1 1:alteca0 4' '^,;RRdteda 3 w"e8 e04TtintiS ,.N: s itt:r-_..z.,.. m is e 1i are now prepared to give the best of stilidttEiitil1 31 to all in the. Automobile line, Repairs for all 3 Cars will get immediate; attention. We have installed an up-to-date Gas Pump for Auto Service. Best of Oils and Grease kept. Dunlop, Goodyear and Domin- ion Tires always on hand, Call and lest us in above lines At Ewan's Garage, {Plain street, Brussels ---•-m,er Gil the =' u ' y Line 3 3 0 'Phi0 ye,u' 11111. {lily MT bet ler Kilt' tuu'e sip -1 u-datt. 11111,0 1.4 Rubber awl Steel 'rivet' Rip of best uutLetial, 1,1 ye:. 1,. '- given tial experience to have nothing but the heat 10 111,1 lir.:. • All Jobbing in Wood 10' Iron promptly attended to, 0 Ito-, ubbering Buggy Wheels a specialty—ail sized itnl,hei'. Best attention given to Repainting of Buggies and a 0 Specialty made of Autos. 0 O,ders for New Designs of worst,eff The D. Ewan Carriaa Works Here's The Remedy, The Shoe & Leather Journal for July says:—If local merchants did more ad- vertising and less whining about de- partmental stores there would be less to whine about. The brightest and most successful men in business to -day are {hose who have built up Mei' trade through local advertising. Clinton's Civic Holiday vitt i+e Mon- day, August 6th. Eat less and thus reduce your waist and the country's waste. LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS iTS THIRTY•7TH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN: NtINrETEE1' Hi_lNDRED & SEVENTEEN Thnro,tih ; r^:r. s in 1'• r,, (; 111,.1•, IT; ,0' 1'04. f3,r:in1,.,.! /l o.. ,tr, ti -r T•P „r..1 .,.•r f'in v..,)1 l ratntnL, 1 111 TI OlI. A11( 11 00 R 1, WARNER, M.A.. D, D Pr ,,dent. St, Thomas, Ontario a _ -r .ter as,,1 li 00.000000400044000494' 10'11•-P4'40000••00•41,400•44)•0• 4 e • P • • • • • • Here is 4 0 a • 0 9 O 4 • • • • • • • • •• 00 0 • • • • • • • • • • • THREE SPEED to 'I'WI N The machine that 1111 .40 there and gets you bank, s it y and cheap. 50 miles to the gallon of gasoline. With a ;ur aft hed you can take your friend along. Choose your own rp<'t d, fruit. 1 miles per hour to 00. Develops 12 8, p. Easy handled j(111 like big brother. \\ rite for free Catalogue. Boy a DAYTON and enjoy life. Pepper Motorcrie Exchio • • a O • • s 00 0 00 0 e tm 0 O •O 00 0 • cs 0 0 0 *0 0 0 00 4- 6- 00 • 752 Broadview ave., Toronto • • e ••••••••/'e••••••••o•••••a• ••••••••••••••••••C'G0•••'3 ••004'•+•+••+•+•4•+4+•+•+•'+`•'-o•••0.4-0.1.•+•4-••1.000++000••Fa^•i•0+4 ; • ' • A ■ •61 • • • 00 • • 1't `rte 13,0--' 4 iprmg i ime is rnoto • 4 •F • • 4• 4. • • • 0- 0 • O • •F • • • 4 4 The Farmer and His Kodak ! w' o '1- • '4- -e • • •F / 0 4• • 0 00 •0 1 •' 'I• , •A Pictures—like this one—of the sheep in the pasture are t easy to make in the simple Kodak way. Your Kodak will give you - •. Profit as Well as Pleasure 4. for the same Kodak that pictures the sheep will picture equally well your Prize Stock and Crops, in addition to, all the Special Features that make your fart., the home it is. Ask for Booklet --"The Kodak on the Farm." 7008003 from $7.00 up. BROWNIE CAMERAS from $1,25 up. J. R. WENDT 4. si 1 , e JEWELER WI�OXETI It +4o'Not'e+44•4 4•t'3►'t4•N!P. 444 .40+01.1'•+ +00'i'!4•fb•i'o4'•4.++•+•++4+!