HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-2, Page 2•
To Reduce Upkeep Bill. the febrie, should be taken at once to
I the vulcanizer.
A car which lasts with ordinary aii and grease of good qual-
care ane or two years If given intel- ity cost money, their proper use will
ligent tire by the owner might be ! save many times their price in rPe
made to lest three to five Years. This hpleeement of pints, On the /pliers
THE NEW PERIL filiefb:lanbthaTiaVInzdntZlittoa0=1
lane went through two fleorstl
killing and wounding several childre»!
on each floor, but it was on the ground
door that it exploded and worked its
Has Proved a Success and Means
Saving in Many Ways.
Daylight saving -has been a euceess
e, most terrible havoc. About forty lit-, oPe. we e e coon ins are
IT 18 A VERY 1tEAL THING — ile tote between the ages of five cual working. and resting with the cloth
— seven were at work here, and virtually i stfrutansetdtilfouswittia.td;Bitraitl'aryil,ine,HFeayitisaattnleii: inGs Den -
none escaped,
All that was left of the classroom many,
An Englishwomen Describes the Aw- was a niass of blood-epattereci debris mark, Norway, Sweden, Portugal and
l'al Scenes Which Follow a desIts reduceCto mattheyood, with leeland.
here 0 book and there a slate shown! According to the London Times, in -
Hostile Air Raid. 1 ing.
I th f • t 't f fit • evhere ' dustry indicate that the operation of
I quirks in the leading centres of in -
France's Latest Aerial Hero Describes
His Daring Raid an the
Krupp Works.
Device Helpe Soldiers and Sailors to
Average Fifty Points Nigher in
Their Marksmanehlp.
means taking extraordinary care and hand, waete „ To be bombed in broad daylight by the bomb exploded, was a hole three the Summer Act is, among other re-
e's latest aerial hero is a ter- A le • • •
:unnecessery expense. Esneela"Y hostile aircraft! salts, having the effect of increasing .1PrUne . . flo thgel, that scores itself, ine
/ feet deep Everything was smaehed
a thorough knowledge of the working:with a new ear, oil and grease should, In Loinlon. we are rite/mai a stolid, substantial individual vented by a former we caa
st navy
parte anti how to keep them in cone ho watchea carefully until the bear- . growing amuse to atoms,' Moet the little children the output in shipyards and engineers •
works thirty-eight yettes of age, formerly a oommander, hes beth tried out by the
dition, and it ineax tieing faitlif st0111.11i1 to the t highly unplettsant son- I were terribly mutilated. The teacher ing • • prosaic hardware merebant, is 'United States army anti navy and is
blue have had time to work in, That ation, d with nem 1 Additional. evidence of the benefit
and peesieteptiy the th•ings 11011041,41i is Gergeant Gallon; The feat which beim. •ased ex n ' •
to leeep 01,.,iryiiiiiig in ortler, the time when expense f.n. replaeel The Germans eare determined that sTiairhytmIrlinigurlre 4ann—deastesPonece -gathered
point comes from the railevays, It.
of the Ant from the industrial stand- • - g . Le esvely by iufetnety and
: 3410 it ,,,f bearings is most likely, "frightfuloese" shall hold sway oVer together the few who oak! walk, and beought him fame was his flight to marines at drill.
li"ssencentre of' Germany's great The targee ..as described in tbe lb
• l - •
Take tires, for 331 t.13388 The vest - It le iect •geneially (8811/0(1that a the London streets, writes .am
n Eng- arched them out of the roOm over hag been stated in the officiapubli
duo to ilegleet is often 8310314.1 . holm number of things enter into the lielewoina
ii. : the debris of smashed furoiture and catkin of the railevam
y en in England Krupp works, that industrialeity• and bonibardment of 1 alt;traasteadmpttesiaoartledd, teinlanasisatsvaorrusianintyltlanrg.
tht th. f t. ..
the oa
ust oe ctuol wear Some ef the eean
iomie;d 1178 of gaeoline. TO get
-- - 1 Last year we Londoners could look the remains of their little school -fel-
ae alteration ohe cloth has
been followed by an improvement in There could be nti more apt illus-: i'anged set of steer plates, actuating
thing,e 3133 11 0111188 0'(4.4. (34. 334 (1 the must out of a gallon of gasoline :Ito on -ne
u days into a slay of limitlees lows.
and deter:emit-Ion uf tires are: Len,- all moving paete rnio4 work properly., it
blue, We could dream very pretty , The body of a pretty little fair -hair- the 3101 111143 of long distance night tration of the military value of iellleettlit•iilel cdteriairc attlatbaealsit;dhattlixamtylesthiacalt
the eit,ritour of daylight has enabled France's torriterials—the men origin-
allY discarded for military service be- nunclators no a 843310 11(1(141118
, T, l'' and quite harmless &earth of freedom ed girl was found on the first floor be goods tratme. It has been found that
itne 11100 holes in (11 a sti'0c,t or in deep -Tide means glegter lubrication.
rote; tinning corners af toe high Linke', sh'ial'i, net, drurn 8.1 1) e:''''•;11. matehing that infinite ' space. The side a piano, The overturned piano ''eoard
the trains to be made up and loaded cause of age—than Sergeant Genets. at the firing point,
speed; .toppineg the ear eo quick e '-iOr Of 111(1 engine suould Pre ProPnr4 1 town relight be -stuffy. The streets ' stool was beside her. She had been ' Called from his store at the start of When the rifle bullet font/Alms into
with the britice thgt the wheels slide the eltiteh thould nut, slip, and the
..1 might be dusty. The intim of the Lon- , having 8 music lesson and was killed Melees time.
and heating. The special cominittee the dragoone and given chaive of a hack, establishing for an instant an
hospital for sick heroes. He WAS dis-. electrical contact. This closes the
which jerk.; the car suddenly frcin 0 '.110Incut• - ' Hut there was the sky, i Courageoits Children. has proved a great saving in lighting
StalltiSt- .1, ;:110:11:14 11111110SS evear. ! It is not e..:41 to aeliee,t the car- Now, however, we live in times 01 i . •
atiefied, He Wanted a more belliger- circuit of that aununciatoreand dreps
Ex- , In the hand of another little seven- appointed b3r the Parliament. of Great ,s -
Then them ere such thilliZri 113 let- ,
,..ereter unleee evre ht he 'it fault ,_nrogresee. As we look up into the sky,'
yeer-old was fonied an exercise book, Britain to study the reetilts of the' en•
t job. 8n he pleaded for n chalice the right annunciator at the firing
t1,74 the 1133 1t osh...,„„h, get out ,,t. 3,ie,,,.., ceee•ve eetraen in the cylinder caul,: awl see a White evoully cloud drifting
in which she had done her lest sum. system reported that an average re- to anter the aviation corps. French point, Then a spring returns the
neent se that thee du 1;•1:. run parallel, '' :1,,,,. ,,„
deelded lose of. 0011-01*, (LAO to 1 11.0 idly across it, - we remark: "I wonder
/ It was a simple little thing in acidition auction of 20 per cent, for lighting officers flatly gejected him because he plate and the circuit is broken.
The target generally used in the
a': nearly eo, the aetiun befog that the '„e'''''''''''' r'll 1.''' - .
11's 01,ton and the partial .
if that's a Hun aeroplane?"
' and had been marked "Correct," TI
eele purposes was given by the power come was "too old," But Gallois kept
ere is elid iinteed ef being rolled over : '''''''''-'1"
eat tr of the //huffier icy 1..ee y con-,
' ' l'i ..t1 i There's a horrid little shiver back
! angeish of her mother as she held the Panies• thirty-one private companies pleading and a year later he finally army has a Milne -eye et eight inches,
•-• roe- extre gesoene, The ininortentee . f „ .,„. - too
011 til0 paverfMil, Lilia a haren .bit n Fr0Per don traffic might be nerve-eacking. insthntly. As a step in national economy it the war, Gallois was mobiliceed into one of these plates tho plate motets
\he v"a' l'''''e 'theabi be a 813.1.1t '''-' l''''Pill',4 nl'Uller free is "'A 134.4- For the peril:from the air is very , child in her arms, still grasping her estimated a eeduction of 23 per cent,
eoe-in for inenetnited reeserte, but if ally utujerotood. exerciee book, was dreadful to wit- and sixty-four municipal plants re -
this is 111109.t :1 to go beyoad the proper I 143331 1411(1 very potent these days. i
limit it ceete cothey, To insure oath cylinder getting. its.
I We match the little harmless -look- , nass. ported a reduttion 01 18,8 per cent.;
pr '301 power without WWite, the en- / Bombs fell close beside another the percentapm individual caeca ranged
Areizecters tell us that a very 1 ing cloud for a few minutes. Then— .
arge leiae sbould be driven with til .3pto:k 1 1 • ,h : echool, "I never saw such a sight," from 1 to 55.
perceetage of ti,•e failures is calmed or, bang! bang! hang. es, sure enoug ,
i paid an Australian soldier home from
by undeeinflotion, which allows the 1 lever a•Ivaneed as far as P"ss'a it holds a hostile aeroplane. In France an inquiry into the ef-
, wieheut causing back preseure. The we . the front who had gone to the sehool feet of daylight saving on the cone
Ines to flatten and breaks tile sidee Perhape when evening comes,
walls. Every tire should be tested , properly Y's sheuld /-'0 adjusted feel a little'safer. : We Faze up at to bring home three nieces. "There
were the teachers coolly standing i sumption of gas reveled the fact
epark plug ga
net 8 gauge and not with the eye or . to 'mare a thorough ignition the deep blue sky and watth the lit- i
front of their classes, while the
en that an economy was being effected in
coal or gas light of 18,000 tons a
hand, and kept to the pressure named of the charge; the spark plugs should tie eters come out, one by one,
by the tiremaker. Ho; pretty and innocent they look! 1
I fell with a deafening crash close b
be kept clean to prevent the lose of 8 youngsters sang lustily. One bomb month, or more than 200,000 for the
charge of gas through nonignition, But -.--is that a star? Y• entire year. The savings for elee-
To get the greatest life out of a tire likewise the interrupter points and the "I say, enou people there, is that a • and there were signs of '0 among •
trim -Ey, placed at 100,000 tons, thus
it should he watched continually for dietributer should be kept clean and star, or a Zepp?" The question comes ; the smaller children, 1.vhen the
Panihead- give a total saving of $6,000,000 for
small cute through the rubber to the I properly adjusted. nervously. !master, pushing me into the class -1 gas and electricity.
fabric. Most tires will be found after 1 To uee all the g,as that is taken into Bang! Bang! l3ang! It's a Zeppelin, I room, sai,c1: "We'r.e.all right, chlldi....eni; s ca cu a e a in tonna a one
a short service to have from two to a the cylinder there should be no loss of after allv See, here e a soldiei 1 Who s alma?
. I the people consumed 158,000,000 cubic
dozen such cuts. These will allow compression through leaky valves or
sand to work in and loosen the rub- weak valve springs, or poor gaskets on
ber and then moisture gets in and rots
the fabric. There are preparations
with which these cuts may be healed
in a few minutes; serious cuts, eepec- piston rings are tight, so that gas nal little, safe little island'—as the old
'jelly where the rubber is loosened from not be wasted. song says. Even in broad daylight,
summer sun beams cheer-
-- - - -
TEACHING A DOG. balance a biscuit on the handle and fully down upon us, the enemy acre-
- draw the dog's attention to it, saying, planes come hovering over our heads,
How to Train 'lour Dog to do clever "Shut the door." He will naturally and work their havoc in our midst.
spark plugs or valve caps, and it es
equally important that pet -cocks,
cylinder head, where there is one, and
got into the air service. He was ef- a "four ling" of twenty-six inches in •
ficient and courageous in scores of diameter, a "three nog" of forty-six
raids as 1:0071 as he began to fly, ; inches, and a "two ring" 00118113110g ot
It W115 Gallois's own idea to bom- , the rest oe the target, which is 4 by 6
bard the Krupp works, He volunteer.' feet. To make the eelf•scoring target
ed for the flight with three aviators. , register the hits on tide mark the
The army officials approved the maricers arrange their pit thee :
scheme as a reprisal against Gerinan The bull's•eye is one moth plate of
raids. i eight inches; the four lieu conslets of
"We 11CW a third of the way across
• i!i silti•lai :gills:sr; of InItIgPSati:01:tef:ela:;:et(; tact.t11111:1°.:r. 0cen1knigavlfteaPattthilee:;;::hal; titshIzah:°.;a1e. ditg)lhaul 001 It011'30;
Crossing the Gorman Lines..
The four aviators started Friday - •
France in order to reach a favorable the rectangular target.
starting point," Gallois saki. We ,
started at 9.1.5‘Friday evening, and If theiemlarksman hits the paper tar -
crossed the German lines at an alt-, gat, wh' 1 is set up about six feet
aa of t.1 hi I th four .1
7 * 9 Then he shouted, Are we doeynheart- feet of gas less and saved $.1 42,000. tude of 600 feet, under heavy born- ,
. at a spot that would be 1, o'clock 01
bardment. I first sighted Metz, then the clock face, that particular plate
Thionville. At the latter 1
P -a°0 an moves back under the blow, malce-s
aeroplane going in my direction pass- the contact and drops the annunciator
ed me. He was undoubtedly one of on a corresponding target in miniature
the Frenchmen going to bombard at the firing point. Whereupen the
Troves. Owing to the fog X lea my scorer says, "Private Blank, a four at
way shortly afterward and steered 1 o'clock,' and presses a button which •
by compass until I approached a city, resets the annunciator.
where scores of anti-aircraft guns i Like the -colored gentleman's load of
were bombarding the air furiously. 1
- shot which was the.re as soon as it
guess this was Treves, where the started, the whole process takes Tess
Freneh,,air squadron had evidently; than two seconds from the bang ef the
just finished bombarding. 1 rifle to the fall of the annenciator, aned
"A moment later this French squad- : the next man may fire as fast as
i•on passed me, returning to France., the scorer can call off the shots and
An of us were terrifically bombarded., reset the annunciator.
log ss . .
ed ?" The reply came immediately, in
More progress, I suppose. And that :
thundering 'No'!"
means still less peace.
"As for us in England to -day, we
are no longer in a 'nice little, tight THINGS THAT COUNT IN eLIFE.
jump against the door to get the bis- What a Day Attack Is.
cult, and his weight will shut it. Then "The people of Canada cannot com-
The best kind of dogs to train to praiee him for it. By doing this sev- prehend the awfulness of a daylight
perform tricks. are the smaller ones, eral times a day he will gradually get air attack. Night raids are bad
such as terriers, poodles, spaniels, to associate the action with the words, enough—but somehow one feels 'safer'
collies and dachshunds. The poodle is "Shut the door," and will do the trick during the night But to be caught
the cleverest of all. when told, even though there is no in the full light of day—to be forced
Kindness, firmness and patience are biscuit in evidence. to witness the most horrible scenes of
necessary qualities in teaching a dog.1 * 1 carnage and of death right in one's
Nothing can be done by cruelty, and midst—words can't express the feel -
if you lose your temper you will never , WHAT TO DO WHEN LOST.
teach him anything. It is verlittle' —
use trying ------------------ g - ' The Best Thing To Do Depends On
gin when he is young and do not over- Circumstances.
Impossibility for War to Destroy
The city of Vienna required 14,000,000
cubic feet of gas less for street lig'nt-
From Berlin comes the report that
the municipal gas works experienced
a decrease during May and June, 1910,
Life's Real Possession. - Ito 508,500 cubic metres, notwithstand-
ing the fact that 18,000 new gas me -
One of the most profound truths - ters were put up during the first six
brought out by this war is the tildes- months of 1916, and the records from
tructibility of things that count in January to April showed an increase
the life of a people. This is the great of 2.4 million cubic metres output of
fact emphasized by Dr. C. W. SaleebY gas as compared with 1915.
when he says:
"Not the least iota of any of these A WONDERFUL CLOCK.
things has the war destroyed; —
"Knowledge is unimpaired. Has Ninety-five Dials and Supplies It wasn't very long until I lost raY i The great value of the device is in
"Not one scientific truth, not one way again in the fog, but finally I saw the time and labor saving it makes
Much Information.
power based upon such truth, is lost. the flash of moonbeams on water and Possible. At the official test at the
"Not one tiniest fact aver observ- Petrograd boasts what is in many
respects the most wonderful clock in knew it was the Rhine. I tailored army school of musketry a company
ed and recorded about the tiniest this until I reached Coblentz, ywhich of sixty-four num fired ten shots eath
subdivision of beetles or variety of the world. Its magnificence may be appeared illuminated like a triangle.: in one hour end twenty minutes with
• From there north the flight was easier , four targets In operation under the
In the heart of London, for instance,
I witnessed the removal of some of chemical compound has been lost, img•ined from the iact of this to °s-
tile victims of a daylight raid. They 'Not one fragment is touched of sal timepiece; having no fewer than
• 1 1 because. Y o pi . g system.
tire him. Also do not overfeed him, If you are lost in a strange city were about a dozen young girls and the invisible, which is the invaluable ninety-five faces. It indicates simu - .
,mmated by fires of hmedreds and hun- '
The same company of men fired the
for most of the lessons have to be children. The pavement literally ran „ .
and the invulnerable. t 1thetimeof daythirty .
en - dreds of factories and furnaces. The; same number 00 shots In one hour and
you ask a policeman. No principle of duty, no, law ee- different spots on the earth's surface, .
latter's fires were often red, green,: forty minutes. on one single self-scor.
taught by a system of small rewards H you are lost in the woods the with blood. A handsome motorcar
in the shape of titbits of food. 1 Icirldness no secret of service no key beside the movement of the earth
1 hurryblue or,.white in the intensity of their i ing target without any crew required,
' thing to do is th keep going down hill. 'hurried up and the chauffeur and the ' •
Produce German military 'with stores that averaged three Points
First of all teach him to beg by Whichever way is down hill that ie the owner helped to lift three of the girls / to the hearts of men or the heart of round the sun, the phases of the moon
the signs of the zodiac, the passage' `'e
supplies. I went from Coblentz to higher per man out of the fifty points • e
propping him up on his haunches in a . way Nature, is -lost 017 can be lost
corner. You can then teach him to to go. That will fetch you out, into the car. The delicate gray lea -1 "
"Not one architectural idea has overthe men ian o morethan y
•d' 1 fifty
because you will arrive in a valley, timer cushions and fittings of the car Bonn,Cologne, and Dusseldorf, then possible to make.
shake hands when sitting up. Take and valleys are open spaces, usually turned into crimson and apparently , . •
been lost, or injured by a hairs
hold of his right paw gently and inhabited. If on the way down hill two of the girls Were dIrlag. A third baeadth, for all the 'triumphs' of the
German guns.
shake it. Then give him his titbit, r you come across a stream follow it was conscious—her arm had been
Now hold out your hand again to him."Not one line of poetry, not ane
down. It will probably bring you to , completely severed and the chauffeur !
Ti he does not put his paw in it gently a hooee, i tied his leather belt round whatlovely tune in all our precious legacy was
: from the genius of the past, is injur-
touch it and hold out your hand again 1 But if you are lost in your bed., left of it very tightly, so that the
ed in any way."
till he does it. Then reward him at
room, what then? !poor child might not bleed to death
once. Don't forget in al] cases to say It in a very curious experience and before they got her to the hospital. 1 Brute force has its limitations, It
d t • b tif 1 'lc f t
stars of the northern hemisphere, and
the date according to the Gregorian,
Greek, Mussulman, and Hebrew calen-
dars. The works took two years to
put together after the Cloth had been
sent in detached pieces from Switzer-
land to Russia. mistakable in its countless furnaces
headed eastward, the flaming factories! This is an ecouomy, besides offering
and furnaces constantly increasing in 10181 appears to be a far better oppor-
numbers. ... tunity for good 5-8ores.
The Countless Furnaces of Essen. Any old spot may be used for such
• a target, provided there is room be -
Then I came to Essen. It eves un- •
A Glasgow watchmaker told recent- turning night into day and making it
ly about a watch that was brought to impossible for me even to see the A GERMAN'S LETTER
the word of command whenever you may happen even in a•bedroom that; It's the easiest thing in the world
'that has stood for ogee, but it cannot him for repairs -and surpassed in in- flashes of guns which were constantly
want him to do anything. You have oceupied for years; though,' to read about such things. It's the
, rob the world of the inspirations and terest all others that he had seen der- aimed at me. I was obliged to as- Sas Tim British Artillery Fire One
h a dog to (lance is not so f - ' • l'kel t en:most heart-rending thing in the veorld •
To teac y
ing his forty-two years of business. cend to 6,000 feet there and, selecting Hundred Shells to Their One.
It was self-winding. The case was the point where the furnaces seemed
that of the regular hunting watch and densest, I dropped my ten bombs and We are now in this Hell. One might
every time it -was opened it partly: headed fm• home via the Rhine and believe that God would not allow it to
• I - I think
difficult as you might suppose, buthe' to watch them actually happen. .
yo15100 u should only try it with a dog that
in a strange bedroom. 'You get up
the night and suddenly discover that I I was walking in — street (the
biggest guns. The immortality of a
some things beyond the reach of the
haslearned some of the simpler • have' lost • • a / c. ensor will not let me mention names)
500 your bearings. It is
tricks, The whole secret consists innation does not lie in its architecture,
getting him to keep on his hind legs. most disagreeable sensation
light raid occurred. London,At first we or industries, or in the things thlit wound the watch by closing of the the Moselle. 1 g •
i in the heart of when a day -To be lost in your bedroom is un- •"I got back just seven hours after shall he relieved one or those days,
were British and stopped in the street and wealth,perpetuates power19 ONIFtnc' lid.
Where the lid joined the wateh starting." as there are not many left, The Eng -
Hold a titbit so high that the dogthought that the whirring aeroplanes preserve
a rc avlel but in it
will have to stand on his hind legs to the
it may be even dangerous For '
get it. Do not let him have it till e moment it is a strange country. spiritual kingdoms. What of those there was a little lever, to the free Gallois said he drank "alcoholithd lish have completely smashed in the
You may fall over something and hurt to admire their graceful flight.
vho ield their bodies a. willin seal- end of which was joined a scythe- offee" and ate some sandwiches and whole trench and all the dug -outs, I
ond or two, and yourself hinny, If the door happens 1 Bang Bang! Bang! The detonations
were terrific. Children screamed with flee on the battlefield? These, in the shaped rack, which worked into a
he remains on his hind legs for a sec-,
gradually Mucus° , to be wide open you may wander into words of Pericles, will never die. They wheel with ratchet -shaped teeth. In -
the time. Next move along a step orfright as the bdmbs fell. The crowds
the hallway without knowing't anti live on, "far away, without visible stead of the ordinary fly spring there
sot 11 downstairs.Thisi •
um i e very thing had no time to get to cover. And the
s mbol woven into the stuff of other was a spring fixed to the plate, and at -
two before you let him have it, '
In -
that he is compelled to hop a few I, oa,enemy aircraft bung over our heads, Y , lives.":a
paces. He will soon learn to do this, .- happened,
absurd though it seemsThey live on in the tacked by means of n short chain to
and you can gradually increase the many atime. ' dealing death out with a terrible hand. men's
freedom their death. has brought to the lever. As this spring pulled the
distance till he is able to hop across would willingly forget—if I could. cover open the teeth of the scythe
The best thing to do under such Scenes of slaughter followed which I
circumstances is not to grope about
the room. Be very careful that you trying to orient yourself, but to call The Trail of Murder.
do not attempt too much at first.
It appears rather wonderful to see
a dog shut the door at a word of com-
mand, but it is quite a simple trick. It
works best with a rather large dog.
Go to a door that swings easily and
set it about six inches open. Then
out. Somebody will come with a light,
and then you can go to bed again, feel-
ing sheepish, but safe.
New potatoes are more delicious
baked than old ones.
In the poorest quarter of London
there was a veritable trail of murder. I
think the crowning infamy was the
killing and maiming of many little
children in an infants' school.
In the roof of the sewed there is a
hole about two feet across, as
"Naught broken save the body, lost slipped over the teeth of the winding
wheel and by closing the cover the bombard Troves. see
chocolate diming his flight. He land- Was almost buried in a dugout yes -
ed almost blind from the pressure of terclay, It was of concrete, and the
the W11111 on his eyes, having lost his English put a few 38 -centimetre shells
goggles early irt the flight.
One of the four who started out tine. on it, when it'bollapsed like a eoncer•
A whale orw
owd of men ere
with Gallois has not yet returned -He buried and beffut. 1 cannot describe
was with a squadron of three which what it is like here, Soon there will
got lost in the fog and stopped to
be no hope for us, 'We have a fright-
ful lot of casualties; drum tire day
and night, 14 days of it already. So
WO can't compete with the 10118311511.
We aro five days in the trench, five
days in support, five days in trench
but breath."
In normal times the Spice islands of
Zanzibar produce about 90 per cent. of
the world's supply of cloves, an aver-
age crop approximating 16,000,000
wheel was partly pulled round. To
wind it completely the watch had to
be opened and closed eight or nine
times a day.
91 your pride doesn't keep you hon-
est it's poor stelf.
m. at It21-1, 313-amliffa.
-4td Azdq:Ae,
ete-s 'ett4&
3t88341184/gfiteL, engeeke.
"Zet .aeee. geZel.i.448 caner
Toil, 'ROW .3)0 "lot)
speLL J tj RIcK SHAVJ ?
DoistIr IOU?
so, 1 me4,t4 JI3tR1ck5HAW•
oNe oF 'THOSE MAN 1)04.E.3)
CART'S 1-14V`1 119s 14 JAPAN.
11' HAS i'Wo 516 WHEELS
It is not strictly accurate to say
that the Prussians have thrown out the
rules of civilized warfare. They still again, then we go back tor 10 days.
believe in them ' for the fleets and Our division's tosses are own. 100 men
armies of the other side, eadh day. The enemy bombards the
trench with aeritel obseevation. The
avtesehir flies quite low, and nobody
dares'to ahow himself. Our position
looks aa though 10,000 mad shells had
ravaged there, On the ()thee band the
English vide is quite smooth. Our ar-
tillery does not fire at all. If ours fire
One that the English return 100, Our
artillery has be ammunition, ink
though to repel an attack. I think
that 11 (1(0 end does came soon he will
beat 1111. 1 11111 in the trenches. In.
where it is very hot. Drum fire day
and night, It is almost unbearable. I
cannot understand at all where the
alnglish get their ammunition, We
bave been lying in an aelvanced posi-
tion for 20 days, and 1 can tell you it
is regular Hell bere and 0110 does not
know what to do. There will soon be
no way of escape for us. The Englisii
smash op everything with their art11.
Tory, and we have fearful losses.
Shirtwaists can frequently be cut
down to he tined in the drosses of
small children.
VAIN Dote"- You