HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-8-2, Page 1,t
VOL. 46 NO, 5
1.50 Per Annum in Advance
W. H. KERR, Pros
New Advertisements
1,00-211-111 Pose
1lonett:0 exhibition,
Alma Ladies' 0011000.
Pleb for selo-a. W. Somoza
To ocretrectors-Morels °mime,
nor wrobor rrros-lf.n Siam),
One for taile-Totdon MoDonald,
ipiaritt getv%
Miss Della It asap is a visitor at the
home of A. J. M. Helot.
Mee. Eaton and daughter are visit.
ors at the home of Harold Stnalldom
Mt s, John Rueter. and Miss alumna
are visiting in alearoed and other
W. Lartrie, London, was a visitor
during the week at, the home of A.
Rev, and ML'S. McCulloch and Miss
Bessey are holiclavitig at their cottage
alt Bauble
T. H. and Ides. Piggott, Sarnia,
spent; Sunday with Misses Switzer.
They made the trip in their Ford car,
Car of
For Sale
Apply to
W. G. Neal, Walton, or
Geo, Muldoon, Brussels.
Next Sunday moyning Co. Secretary
A. T Cooney, Clieton, will conduct
the serViCe in kiiroc choreic.
There will be no preaching service
in the Methodist Munch 'text Sunday
owing to Comnolitiott at Brnssels.
A number of the Methodist folk at-
tended a social evening at Brussels on
Tuesday to welcome Bev. Me. Stafford
and family and took pert in the pen -
A Red Grose Tea will be heldTh 1.11.14-
dtql August 01h, at the home of J. P.
IlleIntosh, Tee served front 4.80 to 7.
Good musical program given it the
afternoon. All welcome at "Shady
Mts. Kranter and Miss Arndt, Kit-
chener, who have been visiting at, the
home of Rerldatz, were called home
as Me, Kean: er had his hand badly cut
by AO 24,11E110 saw. Mrs, Raddatz ac-
companied them.
. Mrs. Finn, Toronto, is the guest of
her brothey; Geo. McDonald..
Civic holiday will be observed in
Weoxeter on Monday, Aug. Oth.
hut. Rae, and tittle son, Eady, are
visiting at the former's home in How -
Misses Charlotte and Willa Leckie,
Loncloit, are holidaying with relatives
Jos. Kirby, 'Toronto, has been epeerl-
ing two weeks at the home of Jno.
Miss Louise Stokes, Winnipeg, a
former resident here is the guest of
Miss Jean Davidson.
NV. Pitair has retut•ned to his duties
in the 13ank of Hamilton, after an
absence of 2 weeks spent in Toronto.
itt the recent Upper School exams.
for Entrance Lo the Faculties of Edu-
cation, Miss Agnes McKercher and
Frank Allan were successful, the lat-
ter taking honors. Oongtatulatious.
•••••• •844 0
o 4
O 4
4 ,/,/ e
* 4
• ' • --alk&d&eetdd,_ , / ' /r/ e
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• This School opens on August 27th. It is affiliated
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Toronto, two of Canada's best known Commercial Schools. We are •
* prepared to give a thorough, practical training and to assist graduates •
4) to good positions, Write at once for particulaes. •
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4.. D. A. 1111cLAOHLAN, Pres.
• , A. HAVILAND, Principal. •
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a 1 1t& °line a 3
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consideration. e
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Thousands of leading Feeding Stations use
Milkoline and know it excells every other 41
• ration as a top-notch pr.,fit maker.
3 ee
• Milkoline is Buttermilk in condensed form,
it cheap to ship and convenient to
handle. Modified makes it keep Winter or •
Summer out of cold storage. ' Reduces loss :
3 from disease 90 per cent. Limited quantity :
for sale. Apply to
3 PHONE 66 •:
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Hog Feeding 'Plants — quick fattening and
Give Us Your Order for
enure Suits
Great ,Value in a New
Stock of RAIN- COATS
Straw Hats ,71::::ic,I.oicoeutiorour $1.50
Have a look at our Guaranteed Indago Blue Suits, $30.00 i
. ..": GENTS' FURNISHINGS t— We can Satisfy You *
4. *.{.
t Phone Orders Delivered at any time -Phone 24
:I. Bring us Your Produce 3:
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* R.In, . FergusonV Gents' Furnisher 4,4'
Brussels I
t +44.14+++++4.444.•44++++++++++++.1.4.,444.444444441.
Cl..D. Simper), Loring, spent Beveled
days recently with ft iends have.
Mrs, D. 'Malley spent a few days of
last week with Fordwich friende.
S. R. Brill, '1'eeswater, called 'On
friends itt the village Wednesday last,
Mrs. Stevenson, 'Toronto, is the
geest of her sister, Mee, D. McTavish.
Witt, Sanderson, Tovonto visited at
the hone of his parents, W. H. and
Mrs. Sanderson, recently.
The Yon»te tateliete Recruiting.
League of Weoxetet. sent 2 pairs of
'Sox to each boy that enlisted at WrOX.
eter or. whose floine town is Wroxeter.
Word was received this week that
810. Roland wash and pie. W. G.
Hunter bad been wounded. The
former wounded in the left M ern and
the latter bettee known es Scotty is
able to be on duty. Both men are
members of the 181st Batt, and train-
ed here.
Methodist LatcliPW Aid, Bethel
church, will be held at the (home of
Mrs. Albert. Godkin, Thursday next.
Miss Addle Cardiff is back from a
'visit with relatives and friends at
Miss Grant, Leamington, has been
visiting relatives and friends in. this
Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr.
Johnston, Varna, will preach at Mon-
crieff for Rev. Mr. Lundy, who is holi-
Major jewitt, who lately came back
from France ott furlough, has been
visiting at the home of Win. and Ples.
Hall, fith Oon. The visitor is a ueph-
Miss Smith, of Belmont, Man., W110
has been visiting her friend, Mrs.
Thos. Alcock, has gone to visit at St..
Marys and Galt before returning to
her home in the West,
The regular Queeteelv °commotion
service will be held at 'Union Metho-
dist church next Sabbath morniter, at
10.30 o'cleck, the pastor in charge.
Service will be held at lIno's church at
$ p. unthe same day, instead of in the
morning.as usual.
Ore of cement hararrived for S. S. Cole.
Customers may proeure quantities desired by
application to Station Agent Murray, G. P.R.
Oct. Secretary Cooper will speak in
the Pereebytetitor church next Sun-
day afternoon mid Rev. rolinston, of
Shallow Lake, the following Sunday.
Coming events cast their shadows.
The young ladies of Miss L. Charithers'
S. S. Class ;net at Lite home of J. Mc-
Donald's Wedneeclay night and pre-
sented her with a betuitifnl chair.
Tuesday evening July 24th, a meet-
ing was held here in connection with
the work being clone by the Resources
Committee, Toronto. The Committee
was represented by Mr, Edgar, Toron-
to. The work done at the meeting
was chiefly the organization of a local
Committee. Officers and members of
Committee are as follows :-Ohaita
man, :No. McDonald ; Secretary, Rev.
Mt'. ;Johnson ; Committee, Dr. Fer-
guson, A. H. McDonald, A. L. Mc-
Donald, Rev, J, L. MCOullonla F. Col-
lins, R. Livingstone, R. Bremner, D,
W. Dunbar.
GancErrPanve.--Tet•iclay evening of
next week a Gat den Party will be held
at the To Hall, here, under the
enspiees of the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist church. A fine program
will betendered by Lucknow Male
Quartette and Rev. Mr, Davison, 13e1 -
grave, and Major Jewitt, lately from
France, will give addresees. Program
at 8 Booths will simply left cleh-
ments of all kinds. Admiesion 25 end
15 cents. Mark the date down and be
sure and attend.
M o rris
TIVRAPABBRAR.-Notice im hereby given
that neople are forbidden to trespass on my
property, NM 1,ot 28, Oon. 8, Morris. All in.
terested are asked to govern themselves no-
cordingly. A. ADAMS,
Mrs. Will, Ainley, Tema°, is visit-
ing with Mrs. Win. IlicOracken, 3rd
Pte, Ches. Forrest, who was alightly
wounded some weeks ego, is recnver-
ing all right, we are pleased to state;
Last week Mrs, TIngh Moses, let
line, underwent a veto, serious °peva-
tine. We win)) het. a speedy recnvery.
Township Commit next Mnnday.
'Venders will he opened for drain con-
t rants at this meeting. Seethe notice
in this issue.
Miss Jennie Rohl) lots been re-engeg-
ed as tee cher in the schnol she has
been teaching in. Miss Grace will not
take a peeitioti until Cliristinae.
Woo:ortoe.-A quiet wedding was
soletnnized alt, St, Pants Manse, Prince
Albert, on Thursday July fith, when
Rev, J. IV. McIntosh, M. A., united
in marelage CeMer011, 14.1eNabb,
and 5.1105 Myren, ;Jackson,,„, (eldest
da tighter of Peter and Mrs. ;Jackson,
formerly ef the 8th line Morris town -
shim) both of Tisdale. Tite groom
was supported by Donald J. Howe and
the beide was attended by her siker,
Miss Elizabeth H. jacksom The
.young couple have best wishes of a
host of friende. They will reside on
the gronin's farm near Tisdale. Tho
numerous relatives and old -friends of
the burr in this totality wish Mr. and
Mrs. McNabb many happy prosperous
years in their new relationship,
Miss Martha Maxwell teceivecl the ead
news on Saturday, July 28th, that
their brother-imlaw, No, 4008 Acting
Sergt. W, Walkey, of Winnipeg,
had been wounded on July 14th itt
F1.141103 and a few days later died in a
hospital, Sergt, Walkey enlisted in
Navel], 1010, itt the 141.11 0. A. S. O.,
trained at Camp Hughes, Man, went
oversees last August, was drafted into
the 5$th Batt., and went to France itt
Dec, where he was on riotive service
until wounded. Sergt. Walkey woe a
man alt line character, a loving hus-
band and (ather. His wifepre-deceas-
eel him about 15 months ago, He
leaves a mother and father in Winni-
peg to mom his loss and an only son,
0 -years 010, who is living at hie uncle's,
W. J. alaxtvell's. Another brother is
still on active service In Pl'allee, Much
sympathy is extended to relatives and
friends of the deceased,
Walton -
Walton Oleic Holiday, Wednesday,
August. 8th,
PIK'S, Jas. Bishop visited her daugh-
ter, Mrs. R,. Alderson, of Bittuilton,
this week.
Miss M. Douglas has returned to
Kitchener after spending three weeks
vacation at the parsonage.
Mrs. (Dr.) W. L. lelcOutchemi, of
Wilkesbarre, Penn., is visiting Wals
ton ft lends. She is a welcome visitor.
Will the members of the Methodist
church keep in mind the regular
Quarterly meeting service it) Walton
church next, Sunday, Aug. 5th, at
10.45 0. in. 'Oho Official Board will
meet Maticlity, .Aug. Oth at 2 30 p. m.
Don't forget the Ice Oreem Social
under the auspices of the Methodiet.
Ladies' Aid, to be held on the Person-
ege lawn, Monday, Aug. Oth at 7.30
Good program. Returned soldier will
probably give address. Admission 15
It is about 7 months since Mrs. Jas.
WItirray, formerly a well Imo wit resi-
clent of this locality, went to Brussels
Lo the home of Mrs. D. B. Moore, Her
good coustitntion has lengthened out
her span of life but her condition ie
surly that she might. sticcuitth foal' day.
This week (v. and MI's y 1.'/U
for their reclaim% and will be away
during Auguet. The reverend gentle -
Man will pet, in most of the time on
his in other's rat•rn near Brampton.
For Lite next (Ave Sabbaths Rev, D.
Johnston, of Varna, forme) ly of this
community, will supply at Walton
and Monerieff.
Weekly RedlOtoss meetings will he
discontinued until first Tuesday of
September. Any one wanting sewing
may get it at ails. Smith's, We
wish to make monthly shipments as
large as when weekly meetings are
being heir]. Don't get weal y of the
good work as our boys can't let up on
fighting for 05.
Last Sunday the people of St.
George's Church learned officially, and
With deep regret, that Rev. R. E. Page
has tendered his resignation as Rector
and will remove to Onurtright, Lamb -
ton County, about Sept. lst. He has
served the congregation here most
faithfully during the 4 years of Itis in -
cu to ben cy.
are very sotry to state that in the
Casualty list of last Monday the name
of Pte. George Thamer, who went
overseas with the 101st Huron .Bat-
talion, appears as another of the heave
fellows who laid down his life for the
"0008 03' Liberty and Righteousness.
The bereaved family will be deeply
sympathised with. Deceased is a son
of Wm. Thainer, of this locality.
The Methodist folk are =Inner-nor-
ating the Std anni versat y of War in a
unique way this year. A Patriotic
Rally will be held on Gee. Pryce'e
spacious lawn near Winthrop. Speci-
al patriotic selections and stir ing ad-
deesses by returned soldiets, including
Sergt. 1'. Plitt:hard, Goderich, who
tells a vivid story of war life. All are
welcome, Excellent accommodation
for all. The opemair meeting will
commence at 6.45 p, m. Don't, fail to
hear Semi. Pritchard and others on
the war struggle.
Red Ot•oss Pic-nie Wednesday after -
110011 of next week, August 8th, Wal -
ton's Civic Holiday, in James Rea's
grove, East of Walton. Splendid
time promised with athletic games
and contests, base ball and foot ball,
sawing contest, tug-of-war, &a. Lunch
served from 5 to 0. Booths also on
the ground. Proceeds will go to Red
Cerise Funds, Walton Red Cross
ladies are requested to bring baskets,
A lively contest is on this week among
the children over a ticket, selling these
for the pic-nic. Help a gond cattee by
your presence and contribution, Keep
next Wednesday afternoon cleat. for
this pitanin.
ltev, D. B. Menne, Kincardine, will
conduct the services at Belgrave and
Calvin next Sunday in the absence of
Rev. Mr. Boyle,
The Sacrament of the Lord's Simper
will be administered in the Methodist
church on Suticlicy mornieg, Ang. 5th.
Service commencee at 10 30 tt, tn, In
the evening a serviee of on eel i tied
((Saved alt Sea" Will he rendered by
the Omit. This set•vice takes the form
of a Story interspersed with singing
and provides a most, inspiring and
peoBtahle evening. Service will com-
mence at 7 p. nt
A very leasant time was spent at
the 1101110 of Miss Martha E. Maxwell,
8Yd Li,
ne Mortis, on the evening of
July 201.11, where a pretty patriotic
tea. was served on the lawn, Owing
to the very busy Mine some of the
guests cnuld itot attend until late,
Mee. A. Procter and Mrs. R. J. 1101.12P:4
poured tea the first part of the even-
ing, while later Mrs. Ernest Geddes,
Belgrave, presided nye' the Lea table.
Misses Annie Geddes, 3annetta Kerr,
Florenre Kerney and
Tamils, Brewer served the goods with
dainty sandwiches and cookies, The
young ladies of the 13elgrave Dramatic
Club, Inelnding Mies Atoll° Geddes,
8tal line, rendered emne beautiful
selections on the piano,' Gamy Wil-
son also favored the guests With a
few patriotie and comic Selections
from his vanoplione. Miss Maxwell
wishes to Hawk the ladies who kindly
assisted, not forgetting lthe gentlemen
who loaned thetneelves and theie cars
itt order, to make the tea a success.
Praceede amounted to $1L28,
Smelly morning Rev, It. 18.
Page, B. A , w11.1,11:04 been r•c1,-n. for
4 yew, ho hunted to St. Johe's Mullah
people that he chteilled to Let tti.tr his
reeigna Hon. *Welt woehl mine bite
effect at. the close of August, to accept
the parish at Otmetwt ight, Lambton
County. The church there is (strong-
er, aiming to reach the new minimum
stipend of 31200.
Courtweight is on the St.. Clair
rivet., beautifully situated, is 41) miles
Peon' London and 8 or 10 tulles from
Sarnia. Covunna and Mooretowit are
associated with the work. There is a
comfortable rectory.
St. John's and St. George's churches
are in correspondence with the Bishop
as to the securing of a successor for
thin parish,
Rev. Mr. Page passed his Theologic-
al exami
ination n 1013 at Montreal
Diocesan College, affiliated with Mc-
Gill. He took the Ottnadian Prelimin-
ary exam. for Holy Orders, this ant.-
tilleate having a recognized standing
b111.0 ughout the Beclesiestical Pro-
VilleB of Canada.
Dating his i nim tette:my itt Brussels
the reverend gentleman has made
himself very eseful, heartily joining
with the pastors of other churches in
the advancement of the various phas-
es of work fur the genet al gond. He
took a live interest in military and
Patriotic movements. He holds a
Scout Master's was rant in Ontat-lo ;
preinoted a Oadet corps of 30 /nein-
bees a year ago in connection with
Btussele Se.hool, of which Pi ineimli 13
S, Scott 18 Nal ; orgsmised the
Girl Guides end is their Chaplain. 1 -le
is a Lieutenant itt the Mid Regiment,
Omnpany 13,, having takert the course
at the 51ilitary
WI1P11 War broke out he on', red to go
OVOVSPal. II1 the L. 0. L. he is Chap-
lain of No, 774, Bruesels riot. Chap-
lain and is in command lit the Seat -let
Airs. Page and sons will visit rela-
tivist' and old friends at Monteerd,
prior to removal to their new Immo,
Air, Page is a good speaker, eirable
and friendly and will emery with him
to his new ohm go Lite goodwishes of
the churches over whom lie has lots
had pastoral charge as well as the
cceuebenity in general and all will be
pleased to hear of his success at
Rev. Mr. Page was lento itt Londtm
England, in 1881 and after elementary
teamiug took leretteee at King's Col-
lege, affiliated with London Universi-
ty. At 17 commenced teaching and
after terms on the stalls of minus
English Colleges his health not
being good was advised to crone to
Canada, which he did arriving in
March 1905, He entered the Montreal
Diocesan Theological College and he
was reconneended to fill a vacancy at
Sabrevois College institution found-
ed to give instinct:Ion tinder the aus-
pices nf the Anglican church to boys
and girls of Roman Catholic patents
or parents or different beliefs who
were willing. to allow their children to
b.' liteght the Anglican faith and to
testae in a Protestant school. Tit Min
Me. Page was appointed to the Indian
itlissi on wrivic of SI), Ft elleis reserve.
Re sy,ut 01 dained to the Pyirt-1010,s1 itt
1011. It will be seen by the. above
that Mr. Page has had a wide and
veiled experience. In February 1011
My. Page was married to Miss
Lillian Itene, eldest daughter of Rev.
IL E. Benoit, 1?rincipal of the Satire -
vole College, Montreal and they have
two snns.
Parcels contnining the following are
already ott their way overarms t -
Towels, soap, shaving soap and bytteh,
tooth paste and bt•ush, enmb, salve,
handkerchiefs, gum and tobareo.
Those contributing articles Were, Mrs,
Jas. Nicholson, Mrs, Kellett Godt108,
Mrs, John Cole, Mrs, Geo, Perbens,
Miss Mester ,Thlinston, Miss Eugene
Gerldess, Dorothy and Ronald iloyle
and Wm. Cole, and the following
nonteibitted money r-Olute. Wight -
man 81,00, Mrs, 0, Campbell 81.00,
alrs. Oyeue Scott $1.00, Mrs. John
Fells 81..00. Miss Bell Scott 81,00, Mrs.
J. McGill 82,00, Mrs, R. Nichol-
son 81.00, Mrs, C. Procter 81.00, MPS,
13, MeOttea 31,00, :Joe Miller 1111,00,
Mrs. J. Armstrong $1,00, Mrs. J. An-
derson $1.00, Mee. J, A. Geddes $1 00,
Mrs, Waiter 50e, Mes, 11, Kearney 80e,
Mr% A. Porterfield 50e, Mrs, limb.
NVIteeler 000. The Putriotie Society
trelcnowletiges with thanks the follow-
ing donations z --Andrew 3 ainieuoti
81.00, aline Marion Atabason $0.00, a
friend 32011, Nlre. Faroe i1, -Id sr, 31.110,
51 ttt rie Twit. Council 350.00. The
Society !shipped 'net inollIll 10 Man
tItnli London., 20 pair of 'twice,
Bert. Gerry, Fort William, Suc-
cumbs to Collision of Auto and
Street Car.
The Daily News Oht•onicle of Port
A.taltur, of July 2001, gives the follow-
ing repast. of the fatal eollision be-
tween automobile and 211.PPt ear iu
that ally t -
Mrs, F. Findlay, 120 Demi, el melt,
Mrs. S. Nicklin, 128 Denote street,
B. 0, Gettry, Sal North Vickers st.
F. Findlay, 120 Ovalle nt eet.
INILW. Arthur 0. Ohipmati, Roy block.
All of Fort William.
Mr. Getry'e principal ininry is con-
cussion of the brain. He has several
body bruiees.
Mrs. Ohi lemur is cut about the head
and face and has several bruises. Loss
of one eve is feared.
Ala Findlay has a scalp wound and
a 'lumber of cuts and bruisee. He is
least seriously injured of Lite' party.
A level crossing ; a street ear, two
NAM Of !MOLLS' gripping frantically at
two sets of brake,, three woolen
shriekie-then a erash.
el mealy hands to nty eyes for a
nuttneo t and when 1 took them away
it was all over," said a woman who
witnessed the accident in describing
it to Police Sergeant Burleigh a few
minutes later, "Five unconscious
forms ware lying on the ground or
utixed up itt the wreckage of the auto-
mobile which had been carried several
feet beyond the crossing by the street
The scene of the accidept was the
corner of Algoma and ()levet streets
where is a long stretch of road be-
tween Port Arthur city proper and
Current River peak, a road that is bor-
dered by few buildings but which is
Lunch used by motorists in travelling
to and from the popular resort. The
nearest house to the corner is nearly
one hundred yards distant. From the
Went or South, the direction from
svhieli the automobile was travelling,
it is possible 10 555 the Not th belt line
car as it runs clown Clavet street, at
a distance of at least 0118 hundred
yards before teaching the crossing
though the utalerbeesh has grown,
since the cleating was made, sufficient
10 110 'from view the lower portions
of a street cat, The crossing itself is
absolutely level. There is a row of
poles ae no all trolley lines, but they
are not especielly noticeable and one
unfamiliar with the locality would
scateely be expected to notice the
Smelt le the topography of the local-
ity in which the moat serious automo-
bile accident to Arthur has had oc-
curred about eight o'clock last even-
ing as a result of which two of the
occupat. - of the automobile died Berm
after the collision while the other
three are to -day in a set bus conditiou
from injuries. No one escaped from
the automobile, No one on the street
car was seriously hurt.
The accident having occurred in a
spot much ft t. whetted by motorists, it
was lint long before quite a number(
had.gathered, among them being De.
Balton', who at once made arrange -
meets for the removal of the injured
to St. Joseph's hospital, meanwhile
giving first aid, assisted by a number
0tits cutely .arrivals was Percy
Nicklin, of Puwley street, Port Ara
thin,. who cattle up on his motorcycle.
Nicklin first assisted in caring for
Mrs, Findlay, who was the most ser-
iously injured and who died a few
minutes after reaching the hospital.
Then he tented to the others and was
surmised and shocked to find that one
of them was his 'Pother, Mrs. S. Nick -
lin, whom he had not known to have
been in the pavty. Itt was net at first
known that, Mts. Nicklin's injuries
were fatal but they developed fast on
her being taken to the hospital and at
about, 11 o'clock Me, Nicklin was told
that Itis mothee was dying. Death
followed a conple of hours later,
Most of the doctors in the city had
been summoned and when the party
of injured reached the hospital by
automobile there weee medical men
for each one of the five.
How any of the party escaped with
their lives puzzles everyone who has
viewed the wredltage of the automo-
bile. The auto is to -day little better
than a broken, piled matte of junk.
The living members or the party owe
their lives to the fact that they were
thrown ottt, It Is said one minute was
thrown 130 feet from the car.
The police state that at '1.55 the an-
tomobile had been reported by Con-
stable Gamble to the pollee station for
speeding nem. Algoma, and Tupper(
streets when the party was ell route
to Current river. When the accident
occurred the auto was travelling at
from 25 to 80 miles per hone and the
street car alt about the same ratc, me.
cording to Percy Nicklin, son of Mrs,
Nicklin, who was killed, Mr, Nicklin
was tiding his Motorcycle and the
automobile passed him half a block
berme the none of the accident, He
then reengbized Mr. Getty only as his
attention was Occupied in driving his
TUN .)101111.11tMAN'e, orone
Pcalgson Was tit.' tiodoirotte in
charge of the ,,t reel is a
one -matt car. 5.11.0 hod been employer'
by the railway for 2 yea] t. Red tt at, a
sober, reliable and experitnet 0 mon,
accoyding to street railway officials.
it is stated that he had been W011iading
the goug and was using 11e. air Mates
mid when the two veil:el., ttt t he had
shut, off Lite P0 ‚P01'. i;:ipLini. cane.
ed Win 10 the ...sliar,111-i' and
cause the car Lo keep mi matte', it was
said. The street car left the leoek and
continued for about 40 feet.. Flom the
marks 011 the auto, it wee the street
ear hitting the touring var. Tire auto
was hit just. at the fr,,nt The
wheels on the rear wet,: letlJe.ed, hut
those cm the front are :Moo' ;meet.
Mr. Gerry euccumbed to hie injuries
Friday night and was inn itt l Port
William on :Monday, lie u t the Sr
eon of 13. and airs. Coo t, '1 Fe‘rt
William, mid was lean itt 11,11,,,eis,
where he lived milli hi c you..„.; man-
hood. Hie wife watt Mks ivy, tiaupli.
ter Of M1.8, Livingiitone, Ea -t ,.t 131 Its -
sets. He was tt 6111.0W11 1111i,o.-, 111a12
and aseociated with bit broth( 1, Ira,
did a large trade in the hardware litte.
Many regrets are expressed here over
the sad fatality and sympathy. fel t for
the bereaved. 13. and Mts. Gerry
were ready to leave For 1 NI -Lilian' foe
a trip to Indian Head the clay the ac-
cident happened. Mrs. Beet. Gerry
was visiting at Winnipeg. They have
no family.
Upper School Results
for this District
The following list ettntaine the
names( of all the candidal kl itt this
district who have been successful in
one or more parte of theUppel School
examination for entrance into the
Faculties of Education at the Unica re
sit), of Toronto and Queen's Uoiverei-
ty, Kingston. TI1P past-
ed is indicated after each moue. The
certificates of those who passed arid
the statements of marks of those wito
failed will be mailed to the Pthreipals
and Inspectors in due 001.11.28.
Suecessful candidates who debits( to
attend the coming session of either
Faculty of Education must inelce ap-
plication to the Dean al Ole Universi-
ty concerned from whom may be ob-
tained the forms of application and all
other necessary information,
1-1 W Appel (Pt II), S 3 I3iffin (Pt
hottors), 51 A Ca.yley (Pt I), W. R.
Dunbar (Pt II), G. N. Edwards (Pt II),
It N Foster (Pt II), 0 E Gabel (Pt 1I
honors), A. H, Greenwood (Pt 11), .A.
Giles (Pt II) N 5 Grant (Pt 1), 11 Howe
I't 11, J E Hobbs (Pt I honors), E 51
Hueston (Pt II), 0 J Hartman (Pt I
honors), R. Herole (Pt 1), El 13 Ilielop
(PVI). L 0 Jackson (Pt II), 12 D Loney
(Pt II), H D Lang (Pt 1 hollow E 0
Mayberry (Pt II with L 5 B and 0
history), J 5 Masher' y iPt 1 honors),
M 0 Nevelt (Pt II), '1' It Nichols (PC
honors), W 12 Ord (Pt III, ,A Shell
(Pt II honors), J H Sttttu 1 Pt II), al
0 Switzer (Pt I), 1 F Sehenk (Pt II),
13 Shore (Pt I). 310 Smith (Pt II), S
Smith (Pt I), R. A Stewait (Pt Ti, 18 G.
Stuart (121111. E L. Treitz (Pt 11, 12 E
Thistle (Pt I), L Tobin (Pt 1 lemorea,
It Wood (Pt II), 0 Webster t Pt I.)
W W Amens (P1 I lttttttitt, W T.
Ar1.112irOtlg (Pt 111, 3 (1 _Bowler (Pt I),
K 1? Burrows (Pt I), L W Churchill
(Pt II), E F F Copp (Pt II), al 1 Con-
nell (P131), 3d P lOdge 1', I honors),
E Et Freeman 1121 12), .1 C Vowtor (Pt
II), H A Glazier (Pt I), 1' W 111 any (P1
I), AI 0 Gall (P1 II holicr,1, E tinvert-
lock (P111), L T Garbutt t t Pt 11 I, li
Gray (Pt 1), F I Hess Oh I twit Pt II),
N NV Hibbert (1211), 13.1 Larkin (Pt I),
51 Larkin Pt J Middleton Pt II),
P B Moffatt (Pt II), L A MeKey (Pt
honors), M ',McKenzie (Pr 11). 11 K
McLean (Pt I honors), 3 G McKee (1'6
IT), P I Potter (Pt II), E Peidliem (Pe
II houors), A 0 Rankin tPt 0,
Rivers (P1 I), EP Scott (Pt 11, H 0
Scott (Pt II), af E Snell (I': II honors).
E S Townshend (Pt II), A. 0, Wilson'
(121 11 with physics.)
Church Chimes
Rev, W. T. and Mrs. Cluff, Silatford,
are away on a mouth's motorior trip.
Next Sabbath Rev, 0, Perrie, Wing -
ham, will preach morning aod evening
in the Presbyterian church at the usual
Rev, Mr. Bradley, Teeswater, gave
two good discourses in the lar hyterian
church, despite the oppressive beet last
Monthly Missionary Day negt Sun-
day in the Methodist Sabbath School.
A special program will tti givtn, the
new pastor giving 0 short address.
Rev, ID B. McRae, Kincardine, has
supplied 2 Sabbaths at Bluevaie, will
lend a hand at Belgrave next Sunday
stud has the following 4 Sabbaths to fill
at Atwoid. He's geed sluff to stay at
it during the hot spell.
Quarterly Communion will he obsery.
ed next Sabbath morniug in the Motile -
dist church, Fellowship ineeting at to
o'clock, in Lecture room followed by
preaching service and sacrament.
Official Board Teeeday evening et 8
It is becoming rnshiOnable iu attend-
ing church during the warrn weather for
a good rusty melt to forego the ail time
custom of warring a coat. There is e
good measure of sorted sense in the
fashion that might even be welcomed
by the Parsons as well,
PATRIOTIC SeavIcx Wednesday
evening of next week the monthly
Patrioric uniott service will be held in
the Methodist church, commencing at 8
o'clock, Rev, Mr. Stefford will give
the address and the regular offering for
the Red Cross Will bo taken,