HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-26, Page 8wa eae.t+9.s.ii4+o+m•>'•+'o+++o+aa'm40r;+s+0a'
Keen Your Vacation with an
The triends you make, the places you
'nit the interesting or
amusing in-
visit,g ?;
ocidents of travel, will open up many
possibilities for Summer pictures,
• Let a Kodak tell the story, and make
tuse of the Aulugraphic feature which
enables you hi write the date 'tad
ititle on the film at the time of taking
the picture.
Kokaks from ee.00 up
• Brownie Cameras from $2.00 up
• We Develop and Print Films,
• Prompt service,
• ?tee Store
Water glass
Egg Preserver
New when Kegs are some
cheaper 1e the right time to
put down yew r Wetter supply
of Eggs, One tin of Water
(etas, will preserve about nine
d' zeli Eggs, and put away
now will give you a supply of
Fresh Eggs in the Winter
time wlleu ordinarily they are
very shame and dear, The
cost is very small
1 ib, Tin Water Glass for 15e,
The new Drink which has the
real Fruit chyme and freshness
A 25c package ka a will make abour.
one gallon of Lemonade. It
is very easily prepared acid
jest the thing for plc -tilos,
Druggist and Stationer
acct eine inns
WEDNEsnAV next will be August tet,
BATHING in the Maitland is now on
the program.
THs rose garden tit D. C. Ross' house
is worth while visiting.
WHAT do yon think Miikoline is i
See le, 'Thomsen',; advt. in this issue.
Be -tissue bowlers had an enjoyable
time at Mount Forest tournament but �
they dict not fetch home the silverware.
Can't win all the time or it would grow 1
mon oti nous,
THURSDAY after»;on of this week wit)
be tbe 4'11 half holiday of the series
among the business people. There are
5 Thursdays in August, hence the 30th
of that month will end these weekly
VICTORIA Park looks the
better of
having trimmed its whiskers .mmed this week.
J. H. Hewitt gave wP`II,00 for the hav,
with the weeds thrown in. Some doubt
the propriety of devoting the village
green to meadow purposes.
ST. JOBN's LODGE A, F. & A. M.—
Following are the newly elected officers
for St, John's Masonic Lodge, Brussels,
for the current year:—I. P. M., A. H.
McDonald ; W. M., F. H. Gilroy ; S.
W., Geo McFarlane ; J. W., Jno bio- i
Donald ; Secretary. lno, Wright ; 'Treas-
urer, Jas. Friar "'•
S D., W. J. Neal ; T.
D., B. S, Scott; S. S., A. Reymann ; J,
S., R, J. McLaucblin ; I G., W. L.
Seeker ; Tyler, j H. Hewitt,
Moore, who recently arrived back from
overseas, left for Rochester, Minnesota,
011 Tuesday of last week, to consult with
Mayo Bros., the eminent surgeons of
that city. Some delay was caused in
getting away owing to the doctor bay-
ing to get permission to pat 00 civilian
clothes and leave the country, 'l'he
doctor's many friends sincerely trust
that his visit will not he in vain but
that be will return home much improv-
ed in health.
Huber, engineer of the Provincial High-
ways Department, accompanied by W.
Lane, County Clerk, Donald Patterson,
County Engineer, and Reeve Stewart,
Seaforth, Chairman of the County
Road end Bridge Committee, on Tues-
day and Wednesday made a tour of the
county, seeing as much se possible of
the roads selected for the pew County
road scheme. Mr, Huber was well
pleased with the roads, which he said
were better than he hsuallv found The
trip was made In Dr, Chas. L u 's car,
Thursday afternoon of last week the re-
mains of the late Wm. Jewitt were car-
ried to their last resting place in Brws-
eels cemetery, Service was conducted
by Rev. lyir, Craik, Walton, in the at -
settee of the pastor. He spoke in most
appropriate terms from Rev. 22.14,
"Blessed are they that cic His cotnmane-
ments, that they may have right to the
tree of life, and may enter in through
the gates into -the city." Revels. Mer.
srs, McCormick, Blyth, and 'Thomson,
Bhievale, assisted in the service. 'There
Was a large attendance, many coaling
from Biuevale locality to pay their re.
speeds to one who was so well icuown
for many years In that neighborhood.
Pallbearers were Rev. Geo. and Lewis
Jewitt, sons, Will. Hall, son-in-law and
Major 0. V. and Harold lewitt and
Geo. Hall, grandsons The pasahty,
away of these stalwarts k always a time
of reminiscences among the old folk and
the regret is that the years so full of in-
teresting incidents have not been
ohroiicled to soneormanent form that
they might be re-prnducod with health.
ful effect in all the phases of life, Wm,
Jewitt's nettle will not soon be forgotten
lu this locality,
reeelar monthly meeting of Brussels
Business Men's Association will be held
Monday evening next, in the Council
Chamber at 8 o'clock. If you think it a
good thing don't fail to be present.
:et sent, enrh for eggs at East Huron Produce
Emporium. B. TalMo.os.
(,rs,1, Barham,•r•w for .a10. Will freshen in
a we. k', Nor. Jr,na SURrTER, Phone 8510
TAN•s rain coat found. Owner may have it
by proving property end paring for this
notiee. OLIVER TnaNBcLL, Phone 2814
Ree,s!nseD Polled Angus Bull, 1 year old,
for sale DAVID PERItIe, Cranbrook,
Phone 1513
r.Any'a .atelel. found. Owner may have it
by proving property and nap ing for I )ria notice,
'011 POST.
CnMynaTAOLE brisk residence for sale or to
rent. Far pnrti'minrs npp)y to Mae, Geo,
ROORR5, at A. 1'. Dames Brussels,
Roomsto rent a
er E C. Dm[ord'a store.
Apply to Id Ilt,Acx.
10 ,f sten h, hay
r ale onLot lU
can, ATtberry Township.Apply at Dc
to (1 11 1.'.tFArr, roxeter,
S'ru.tyrt, mt premisea of the undersigned,
Lot 1r, r''nt a, Mo,'rit township, a 2-year•old
heifer, red with white markings. Owner to
request!, 1 to prune urnperty, per expenses andtake h
'eke her away. W. .1. hlaxwsrr„ Phone 818
STRAYED sr risked up Monday night a small
grayish white kitten with white collar and
bib. A great ldndnese will be done it return•
ed to Barrington Gliroy exile is informed of
its whore„bonta.
A P?ahN'1'lrg wanted to learn the printing
Lmdurse, male nr female, Ona wen has passed
tit:• Bigit 4rtra0l Entrance proferred.
.Apply at Tale Posta.
some, brick cottage. nicely decorated, large
Int and stable for sale. Apply at Tau POST.
Triage Short Horn Balla from 10 to 12
mouths old for sale. JAB, BP,,TR, Lot 29, Con.
0, Merritt. Phone lett
STORE to rent. Lately ()coupled by Currie
Brno. as butchers. I. C. RIMIARDB.
Da. PARKER, Osteopathic Phystclan, visits
Bru+eel, Thursday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Visits residences. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
PAxTNaa.tnI' DISSOLVED —The part•
ncrshtp existing between Messrs Nfae.
gele & Legate as proprietors of Brussels
chapping mill, has been dissolved by
mutual consent and the business will be
continued by the letter, who is now in
possession. All outstanding accounts
are to be paid to Mr. Logan. We have
not heard where Mr. Naegele intends
locating. He may go West for a trip.
Soto err 1114 Rv>tNfts,—After a ten -
tire et about 3z y • tit• in the implement
business and other lines connected
therewith, 1. J. Gilpin Inas di' posed of
his interests let Fletcher Sperling and
Jno. Sanders,
both well known in Brus-
sols t o• it
awe l rad who are now in oss ss-
v• n
inn at the old stolid in THE Pose. block,
On account of Mrs. Gilpin's inability to
get about, owing to iiparalysis of her
limbs, Mr. Gilpin found he was unable
to devote the necessary time to business,
more particularly an he has been handi-
capped during the past few months
with it disabled foot. They will probab-
10 continue to reside in brussels a0 they
have their home here but may fake a
trip to visit (heir son, 1)r. Fred Gilpin,
at Milwaukee 'I'lie new proprietors
should do well as they are alq'i lined
with the cemnntnily. Mr Sperling hes
carried on the sane line of filminess for a
naming of y'ars and troth he and Mr,
Sanders followed farming and know the
needs and rrgn'kites from the practical
standpoint. They will increase the
stock, bantlling lines eutettle of those
carried by their predecessors and will
look closely atter the inlet -eats of their
customers and the needs of the people
generally, All the departments follow -
ell by Mr Gilpin will be continued by
the new firm We wish them tuceess
and believe they should herdic business
as the partnership will enable them to
c'.vc•t' a ;vile territory. Mr, Sanders
Mei a ear that will no doubt prove of
service in lire dispatch of their business
Reeneets )meeting of Bruasets W, G.
T, U Friday Of this week.
Doee'r forget the Red Cross meeting
next Tuesday afternoon at PublicJethro
Are, All work completed for the Bel-
gians le asked to be returned that day,
In last wet k's flat of casualtles the
name of Geo Grimnidhy, Toronto, ap-
pears in the list of wounded, Fla gem a
former resident of Brussels and itletried
Miss Addle Robb, We hope his injur-
ies wilt not prove very set lofts.
well known business man, welt to Tor-
onto hast Moll. v In colleen' a specialist
woesbrine tu,ublr in his throat and
to recelye lit a'mem rte the same. HJs
m1ey Weeds, hope he will soon he back
feel nit as keel as new . 'font Arm -
Strong, v, heftier employee, is elv.ng a
Itond in Mr. MtLaree's store during his
Driver inn le Cave each, Who has
been in English I -tremor fur the p'tst 6
mnu1lls from Miryt•'s r reeved e the
Somme, Fl since, wit lie 11 .tug du'y wish
Iris bluely, arrived et his home in Owen
Spend July itth His left arm is pow -
Heftily useless although electric:el treat-
ment is still being used. We hop • it
will prove efficacious.
To Tent of P R Mulher n, of
town, was received .fevorebly by the
Managers of Rios lere'bvterinn church.
Kincardine, and he will be removing to
the lakeside town shortly to assume the
leadership and organ in above mention-
ed church, He is away on his holidays
In the meantime. Melville c' well coo-
gregelion will part with Mr Mulheron
reluctantly but will wistl him continued
success i his new field.
c n w 1 .
INDICATIONS point to improved meth•
ods in connection with the electric
lighting system of Brussels They can-
not come any too soon to suit the towns-
I ve i' ofthe
eo e. A tborough o than to
p p g g
plant appears to be one of the nccessi•
ties Extensions to a wider household
,,ereice is contemplated THE PosT under-
stands. This much used utility has had
au uncertain career but it is hoped a
more permanent out -working will be
secured and at an early date.
Toner Nivrws, who has been in charge
of Brussels E'ectrio Liget plant, bas ae
cepted a position in connection with the
Luckuoty Waterworks system and will
be installed into bis new duties ar once
He is an old and well seasoned hand
about machinery and will do bis part
well. We are sorry to see the family
remove from town but wish ter m pros-
perity in the Sepoy town. They will
tnoye next week,
mercial School to be known as Central
Business College of Wingham, will be
opened on August 27th, 1n Macdonald
block, Wingbam, 'rnis School will be
ander the Principalship of Mr. A. Havi-
land, one of Canada's best commercial
teachers, and will be affiliated with the
Central Business College of Stratford
end the Elliott Business College of Tor-
onto, two of Canada's best Commerci•
al schools Tbis is the guarantee that
the courses will be up to -date and grad-
uates will be assisted to positions.
BARBER Seto? SOLD —The barber shop
of W. R, Little, Brussels, ban been sold
to Orval Habkirk, Winnipeg, who gets
possessioa August Ist. Mr. Habkirk
enlisted with the roorth Battalion and
went oversees a year ago but was un•
able to pass the medical exams, to get
to France and was sent home. He was
a barber for 3 years at Sydney, Man.
Mr. Little has had the shop for past 14
months. 3, McCreath, who bas been in
charge is bothered with rheumatism in
his knee,
pite the appearacce of rain last F1 Way
evening a aood time was enjoyeded at the
GirlGudes' Gd nParty
i r e on the school
grounds, a
Brussels. Rev. R E. Pa o
made a competent chairman and the well
rendered program was as follows:—Flag
Saluting and National Anthem ; chorea,
"We're from Canada ;" solo, Miss T.
Strachan ; address, (Capt,) Dr. Ed
Bryaps ; song, F. H, Gilroy ; chorus,
"Boys of 161st ;" presentation of badges
by Chaplain Rev. R E, Page i duet,
Marjorie Campbell and Gerhude Mc-
Kenzie ; recitation, Luella Fulton ; Sig-
nalling ; song, Miss F. Francis, Hamel -
ton ; Wand Drill ; rec(tetion, Miss Irene
Hoover ; Physical 0,i11 ; chorus, ' I
love you Canada " Unfortunately the
address of Capt. Bryaps was shortened,
the remaining numbers hurried and sev-
eral items omitted owing to the storm,
one of which was a song by Miss keret,
Wiugham. Proceeds amounted to' $62.
Booth was well patronized. The girls
thank those who were present for their
support and hope tbe interest in their
work will continue ; and all who assist
ed is the program or who otherwise aid•
ed them. The Ladies' Committee was
well represented in their kind'y interest
and aid. in fact we cannot name all to
whom we are grateful for their assist-
ance, so just say "We thank you all."
ENarANn,—A letter received from Pte
Lowry by his parents, last Mon
day says :—Just a line to let you know I
am doing ntrely, Left the base in
France at E•aples, Tuesday, July 3rd
anti reached Calais by hospital train and
from there by steamer to Dover, Eng-
land Were only an hour crossing the
channel. I wasn't far from being sick
sa I hate the boat, By train came to
ant n in au mbulau
Canterbury and take a co
to asmaller town where the hospital is,
It is celled'I'ankerinn and I am in St.
Patrick's ward. right on the seashore.
They have me up lo -day (July 51h) aucl
out in an easy chair, , enjoying the
breezes, wearing s blue suit supplied at
all hospitals This is rather a private
hospital and teething very military about
it, lead a great sleep last night in s
dandy had, in which you sink a mile
when you crawl in. My atay here will
only be a week or two I'm thiuking, In
last letter I forgot to thank you for the
g•fts sent me, AO do so now. Don't
wary about me as 1 never wet more
corniortable and had as much to eat
since I left home I'm as happy es a
lark, (idly it her going 10 last lung here.
When mama out of Anesthetic in the
French hospital 1 found the piece
of shrtpnel that had been tskeu out of
my leg tied to my Wrist as a souvenir of
the event. My wound is doing fine and
does not bother me only my leg is al ff
When I attempt to walk.ane will be for
some time, Pretty near went over on
my knees tide morning after lyinti in
bed for a week and abate Am glad to
be away from the war. Have had no
letters for Dearly 3 weeks but will get a
pile of them some of these days. I will
beets to days les' c when through hero,
Am not far from Folkestone tied Slim,.
elide w11010 we were Inst Fall, I go
there to the Convaleseeut from here
wilco well enough to leave, Best re -
gelds; to ell 'ensue
Ban. serer Et,reTRrc LttRT PLANT To
Bit 'Seem —As may be seen by sdvertlse-
meut in rowdier column the Brussels
Electric light plant In its entirety, will
be offered for sate by Public Auction,
Tuesday, Augucl 14'13, at 2 30 o'clock,
at the American Hotel, by .le, S. Scott,
Peopleo We Talk About
Mrs S, Bailey le visiting her sister at
Toxon to
Miss Doris Roes is visiting Petrolia
fl tends.
(Geo, Brown, 'lbfouto. is here on a
business trip
Du'tcan Stewart, Stretford, spent a
tc 'lays in 10,011,
let v. 1) B tle[.ae,Kincardine, was
visitor ie town Ihie week.
Miss Vent, Bowman has gone to Co•
heti for 1' visit with relatives.
Mise Venn Z Ili'ix, Listowel, was a vis-
itor with Mie'; Mtu'geret Anent.
Thos. Willson, Kincardine, was u
visitor At no Hunter's ou 'Tuesday.
Miss Mae Wood stud brother, Merrier,
are holidaying with Loudon relatives,
Will Antes. Claresholm, Mau„ was a
visitor at D C. Ross', He is a nephew,.
Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Martha
are away oo a visit to' Toronto for a few
1 ael Mrs.
etre Man. Brucefi d, and h rs. Tur-
tier, Huntsville, are guests with Mrs, P.
Mrs. loo Thomson i$ reuewing old
friendships at Seaford) and locality for a
few weeks,'
Miss Glee f4 thein Ioeaforth
the guest of Miss Stella Gerty during
the past weel,
Miss Mabel Iaard, W)ughem, was here
on a holiday 101111 her Normal School
churn, Miss Laura Arnent.
Mrs las. Sallautyne is visiting her
sister, Mrs (Dr ) Hoasick, Innerkip.
Archie is hol,daying et Clinton,
Miss )eau Armstrong, who is tescbing
school in Toronto, is enjoriug her vaca-
tion at the parental home East of Brus-
A L and Mrs. Porteous, Seaforth,
were week end visitors with George and
Mrs Lowry, Princess street, The ladies
are sisters.
Mrs, Jno A. Thibideau, Listowel, re-
eeivid a message from Englancl saying
herhusband was doing nicely after
ing wounded in France.
R. H. Herding, Thorntlale, Inspector
uuder the Enrolrnentaud Inspection Act
of Stallions in Ontario, was a visitor in
this locality dut'tug the week enquiring
into some cases.
Mks Ninai,Rogers, now Sof Mount
Forest, Was in Brussels for a sbort visit.
She arrived from Portage la Prairie, a
short time -ago The West evidently
agreed well witb her.
F. el, and Mrs Gilroy and 5012, Bar-
rington, Brussels, and T. M. and Mrs,
Barrington and daughter, Hope, Mont
real, wereweek-end visitoes with rela-
and friends at Mount Forest.
Miss Pearl Dark, who has been a
member of 'Tars PosT staff, left on 'Tues-
day ou a trip to the West where slle
will holiday with relatives and friends.
We hope the visit will prove iuvigorat-
Mrs. Raynor' and little daughter,
Mary Isabel, Petrolia, were visitors
with the families of D C. and Mrs
Ross. Tho former filled a position in
the store of D C. Ross wean she was a
%elss Cniiisoo.
Rev W. A and Mrs. Matthews, Col
Pee'e Bate are visiting g relatives and
friends -en Bruasets for a fete days. 'The'
calve Monday evening in their Ford car.
Mrs. Matthews is a sister to Mrs, J, J.
Gilpin and W. H, Kerr, of town,
Mrs. Roy McQuarrie and s'en, of
Lachine. Quebec, are visitors with airs.
D McQnarrie, Mrs. R Oliver and other
reknit,. is The visitor was born in
the Woan I idles, of Scottish parents. but
was a resielenf of Winnipeg when
Auction Sale
Valuable Electric Light Machinery
Under and by virtue of n power of sale em -
tanned hi a certain Mortgage which will lie
produced at the time of sale, there 'vitt be of -
fared for solo by Pe lino Aantion, by F, 8. Scot t
Attotloneer, at the American Hotel, In the
Village 01 Brussels, In the County or Huron,
el 280 o',loek in the afterneetr on Tuesday,
tho'1411, day of August, 1917, the follow•
ing wt Maids property, namely:—
All those aertnin paresis or traete of land
and premises situate, lying and being In the
Village of Brussels, in the Cannty of Huron,
and Province of Ontario, and being competed
of that part of 'Pillage Lot number nix on
Turnherry street in the said Village of Brun -
sola den00ibe(l as f01100,10 s—Commencing on
the'Eaatern boundary of enld Lot ata diet/nice
of two feet and three inches from the South-
West corner thereof, thence Westerly nb right
angles to the Bald. Eastern boundary to the lane
in the rear of the said lands, thence Nortlt''ly
loparellel to the said Eastern boundary of said
t to the Northern boundary thereof, thence
Easterly along snid Northers boundary to the
Northeast angle of the said lot, thence South-
erly Mang the Eastern boundary of said lot to
the place of beginning •
Alen that art of meld d lot number six on
ws:-Ory at1 runt »f et espsl deign tli tl fal-
east:nConmooringtitr street, t the South.
feet more on I'uruberin a,1Ilis outer
the' more at fpr e n point d by out'' oin,l of
the Mode at prfs'tt nuns'. rl one John aC.
Halliday, angles
thine in a Westerly street a dtstn at
of on angl0e with d thirty'sry RMf11 d1O1e oe
le one thehundred and thirty-eight fest more or
lass to the Mnitlnnd river, thence along the
TlTaltlend river and parallel with the Southern
boundary of said lot a distance of one hundred
feet to Tarnberry street, thence along Turn -
berry street to the ple 1e of beginning.
Upon this property in sltealo the following,
nmengtrt other, buildings, ntarhl eery and
1110111 :—
.0 briolr dynamo holm, with dwelling nbov0,
80 fest by; 40 fret :
A 21-storyy cement eltoppiag building, 20 feet by
9th rant
A ofe•ttm;v atone Millet, h,aisf. 111 flat by 40
feet •
A one.stnry frame rnnl stunt, 20 feet by 80 feet,
In theabevn 111en1loned lnrildluge and per-
tnhdhg to the promisee ere nituate a 78•itoree•
power boiler ; n 1)10•hcree•pewor rompountl
engine ; one generator ; one exalter(rtlternnt•
ing nurrsnt), with all nenossary Shafting, bolt'
in g, Moot, is lines and a large enmity of 250 volt
meters. The plant has for veers pest eupplied
all the oleotrl, lighting rtquIrotl In the avid
Village for both Carper ratan and Pvlvete pur-
TRatra ny HAt1l.—Telt per omit of ten pure
Your surplus earnings in our
Savings Department earn inter.
ISTD 1873 est at current rate.
G H. SAMIS, eJ ®® Manager.
".v 55-1
Miss Mabel Zimmer, teacher in 'Tor-
onto, le renewing old friendships iu
town sud is a welcome guest,
Harry Lott left fun' Alameda, Sask ,
Tuesday of tills week, He was ticketed
by H. L. Jackson, C. P. R, agent,
Mrs, Derby Nicholson end niece,
Chicago, and Mrs, Hebron, Blyth, were
visitors at the home of Jno, Gaynor,
Brussels, last week.
Mrs. George Seeker is considerably
improved in health, we are pleased to
state and her many old friends wish her
complete restoration.
Harry Ainlay, formerly of Brussels, is
n0 a Lieut,a1 Edmonton and training
a contingent of Cadets. He has been
teaching in that city.
J. Leslie and Mrs Kerr, Clinton, Miss
Floody and Druggist Russel Brown,
Toronto were visitors in Brussels
Thursday of last week,
u y
Miss Kate Anent and Robt, and Miss
Gertrude Coates, all of London, motor-
ed to Brussels for the week -end and vis-
ited at the former's parental home.
Miss Nina Rogers, of Portage is
Prairie, formerly of Brussels, and Miss
Kilgour have purchased the millinery
business of Miss Fry, of Mt. Forest, and
will cohticue it in the old stand. We
wish the ladies success,
Church Chimes
Next Sunday, Rev, W. A. Bradley,
Teeswater, will occupy the pulpit of
Melville church at both services,
Next Tuesday evening a Social Wel-
come wilt be tendered Rev. and Mrs.
Stafford and children in the Lecture
room of the Methodist church by the
congregations here and at Cranbrook,
Short program of addresses and musical
numbers will be given and all connected
with the churches are cordially invited
to attend at 8 o'clock on date meutioned.
Sunday morning last Rev, Mr. McCor-
mick, Blyth, preached in the Methodist
church, Brussels, and gave a most inter-
esting discourse on the Militant Church.
Co Secretary Cooper, Clinton, dealt
with various phases of the 'Temperance
question in the evening He is tate suc-
cessor to Rev. Mr. Powell in this dep.0 1 -
merit of work and Will make a capital
officer, J. T. Wood took Mr. McCor-
mick's work at Blyth Sunday morning.
Rev. W. E. Stafford, B. A„ Mrs,
Stafford and children will arrive this
week from their vacsrlou at New Yotk
stud the reverend gentleman will resume
his reenter services next Sabbath more -
lug and evening iu the Methodist
Melville church congregation heard A.
T. Cooper, the new Co, Temperauce
Secretary, Last Sunday morning, and
Rev, J. L McCulloch, Cranbrook, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the evening. Both
gave good addresses Rev. Mr. Mann
1s away on his location.
One of the ebief features of a Dun-
gannon Preshtteriau Garden Party was
the 'e08 •ion E S
t uta of an addr s and
purse to Rev Mr. and Mrs. G Gomm
by the oougregatlou, Mr, 'iud Mrs.
Gomm were called to the platform and
the address was read by Roht. Davit', -
son clerk of theS ession and the cheque
was presented by F, Ross, Treasurer of
Erskine church, Rev. Mr, Gomm has
moved to Blacklock and Nestleton,
W,st,s: Al Jamestown, on Jute 20th, 1517•
Mary Nickel, beloved wile of NTlltetn Wil-
lis, aged 81 years, 0 months and 20 days,
Wheat 12 00 t2 20
Oats 78 75
Pon, 228 225
Barley 1 10 1 10
Butter 20 80
14 75 75
Hay o so 30 co 'We have a good stock of the above
Potatoes per bag 5 00 5 00 articles— .
Wool (unwashed) 00 n0
Wool (washed) 00 88 Paris Green, 75eper lb.
HI internee, 80c per ib.
Lime free to those erg nixing it,
SA be.—Good well nod cistern, frail tree,,
&e, Also 5agree in corporation with large fl
stnbin an drilled well. ., apply liter pnrticu- James
eyl B11 �e F"®0y
tare es to rice, term,, &a, it 1 to Tan Poste, Fab d'.� 9 i♦ 1 a'�'1 IA
The following regarding
• the Potato Blight appear.
ed in the Toronto papers
o'1° last week
"Onturlo ebglild protium, 28 million bus,
of potn0ore tills year. It may not pro-
duce 12 Willow; if the Might ie not vig-
orously attacked."
Thfe Manning statement was made by Mr.
J. 13, tandem), Inapeo for of Agricultural 0150•
Des at the 0. A. 0., Guelph.
Calla for Pro mot Potion
'Late blight of potatoes, or rot no it is more
commonly called, has already appeared ht Oil.
tart°, 8o far 101 I know, 1t has not in 20 years
appeared se early In the season, In view of
the Net that se many schools, 1n school nd
home gardens, have undertaken the growing
of potatoes for the Brat time, and oleo 0001500
of tlto large arnotutt of small pieta In eines,
towns and villages, managed by people with.
out exuerlonuo in Vendee potatoes, it will he
sad indeed if the ander eke,,
plots t with such10
zeal action bemuse
should beallowed informao go to
destruction tt beonusa of lank of information at
the right. time.
Horo 10 the Remedy
ad :--Apply Borden]. 'the• 'blight,'
b hl'
7 PPS g ,
thor uglily. to of )cad for perhe cent
e,' rev npppby
thnraughlol Blight is 80 per cant )etc of
if vigorously attnekod now Arsenate of lend
any be obtained rrotn the drug store or herd•
Ware store in mete or dry form, dt should be
mixed with water—about a heaped desaart-
sdmotiflI of either dry or
paste in two gallons
of cantor.
How 40 AppIy
"Bordeau mixture is obtained by dlnselving
on a•bolf pound of hl ue„tan0 stopper sulphate)
and onmbal(' pound of qutoldlinre (unslaoked)
each eepurntely, in granite basins in a amidl
entomit,ofhot water. 'Then -both those mix-
tur0., should be mixed together and sufficient
r Added tike • 1 amen wale day to 0 callous. The rs e
of 100-1 may ba aA'ied 10 thig misturO lnthe
proportions named above tit enoh spraying.
Application should ba mode in the torn of a
spray. A watering ran will de if there 1s no
spraying mnchlue at hand. All the mixture
should be need up, and .should not be left
standing Inc metal vessel. 'Paris Green will
do inatrnd of arsenate of load, but he 1105 so
Persistent fit clinging to the leaves in wet
Farm for Sale ; Druggist and StnLioner.
The undersigned offers for sale Lot 7, Con, 8,
Grey Township, containing 100 acres, on terms
of Oda year's lease, whereby purchaser re-
cetves one -holt the hay and grain without ex-
pense or labor, maekettne included, if desired,
8 acres fray. 88 sores aortae grain, freshly seed.
ed to clover and timothy A good brick house,
stable, drilled well and young orcherd, Apply
s•9 1 Osborne St. Montreal.
Hog for Service
The mid oralt steel will keep for eetvioe on Lot
8. ('on 7, 1,311'1 101.1101110, a Oterrr'.bred York.
shire hog. Terns 0100 with privilege ofre-
tenting if necessary,
o . Proprietor.
• ••••••®®s••••••••••••w•a•• ••••••••••••••e••esecoosae ose009900009s ocastaeaemaeaes •
G. N. Me[aren a
• 9
• • pie,,,',,N,"h'tLN,,,,, ,,,.„ IWII'tt'pFl,i ,,„.,.Nr'+i 4,'4,'pi ti pi'n'y,„ p,s,i t,'I'a,'s,s„'t,•Ii4; Ili t,a'h"I,s",'41p,nnW,sea; 4,ehs,NlW'q, „„„„rtaa, iii 41' "Irtr' ,„, 4i't'4i 4i hi 4,,„„„. a
Brusseis oa y Ii ht Store
ehaeeannoyentea40yofealennrlthehnlntieo •
:1 ntnt � tit s'e r
W Ilii 1 rt dnv h t ntta . Timtt o a t
Will be relforrydairl�ient to n rt•ecrvo Prion. p7rur •
thee particulate may he had on applientlan to
thtiud 1211nudy D1017, •
1C, B. lotoR”VVendor'sstthum, •Alineer, otoo •aOr•,•••.•••egi ••••aes•••••i s•••••••••••S•M•S S•,144114. l0 t•0
Here are a few Specials dor Next 10 Days
$6 00 Ladies' and Misses' Wash
Dresses. Sale price ...
$8 00 Ladies' White Dresses.
Sale price
4, Q9
$4 GG Ladies' White Dresses,
Sale price
1 Lot Ladies' White Waists, reg-
ular up to $T.50. Now...
Whitew ar Dna°gain prices
Ladies' White Gowns, low and high neck, short and 85
long sleeves. Regular 1,25 and 1,5o. Sale -price,..
White Underskirts Corset Covers Drawers
AH of Reduced Prices.
Men's Shirty Regular $L2U Sale Pric 191
1 Lot Men's Shirts, Cord Cloth and Cambrics. They are ndad'e up of ocld lines that
have been in stock for some bine, Some -are counter soiled. All 7 9c
sizes in the lot, Your choice for .,. ,.. .. ,,..
Odd lines in Men's Boots at $3650
42 pairs -Men's Fine Boots, Dongola I;id'1
Velour Calf, Box Calf and a few Patent
Leathers, all sizes in th-e lot, Reg. value
up to $5.00‘ Your choice for 3 50
Odd tines in Women's Boots $3,50
37 pairs Women's Fine Boots, patent
leather, Goodyear, welted and McKay
sewn soles, buttoned or laced, Regular
up to $5 00. Your choice. for 3 60
Straw Hats at Half Price
9 Lare