HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-26, Page 74 1 THE "SAPP AND THEIR WORK ff FOUNDATION ON WHICH THE ARMY STRUCTURE RESTS, The Royal Engineers of Britain Are Trained Bombers and All - Round Men. Their official name is "Royal En- gineers," They claim to date from William the Conqueror and to be very dignified, but whenever a job has to be' done at the front and no one else can handle it, the word is always, "Leave it to the sappers," And al- ways the sappers do the job. Next time you see a war -film, or a series of wax pictures, pay particular attention to the machinery, the trans- port columns, the wagons, trench tools, barbed wire, telephones, water tanks, huts,lumbing (if you get a chance to see any plumbing), signal- ing -everything connected with phy- sics and. manual training and elec- tricity and chemistry. Stop to think of the men who are doing this work. They are the sappers. Dull jobs, you think? Not in the same class with the work clone by the men who make midnight attacks, bayonet in hand, or who fight for their lives 10,000 feet above the ground? Some Noted Sappers. S#ren`gtli 'in 'Summer 'comes to the man or woman whose daily diet consists ,If cereals and fruits," Meat and potatoes are a heavy load on the digestive organs. The ideal Summer diet is Shred. ded Wheat Biscuit. a food that is 100 per cent whole wheat and prepared in a digestible form. For break- fast with sliced bananas or berries, with milk or cream. Made in Canada. ST. DUNSTAN'S HOSTEL. The Empire's Training School for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors..., St. Dunstan's Hostel, in Regent's Park, London, is under the direction of Sir Arthur Pearson • (himself.. blind) and Lady Pearson. At the date of the last report, March 31, 1917, the inmates numbered 354 and included Perhaps you are right. But Cap- men from Canada, Australia, New tain Timmy Wright probably did not Zealand,'South Africa, Tasmania, and think. so. He won the Victoria Cross Newfoundland, as well as the British for connecting up the lead which de- Isles. Already 224 men have passed molished a bridge at Mons and for out, having learned one, and some- getting a pontoon bridge in shape for times more than one, of the following the Fifth Cavalry Brigade at Veilly. occupations: Massage, shorthand - He did both these things under fire, writing, telephone operating, boot re- pairing, mat -making, basket -making, joinery, poultry farming and market gardening. Besides the occupations learned, the men master Braille and typewriting and netting work of various kinds. Every man is given a typewriter as and so had the V.C. before the war was four months old. Lance -Corporal C. A. Jarvis, Fifty- seventh Field Company, Royal En- gineers, is another sapper who justi- fiably thinks his work is not dull. In the great retreat Jarvis was at Je- mappes when the Germans tried to BRITISH PEERAGES, Eight peerages of the United King- dom are in peril of extinguishment, writes the London correspondent of the New York Sun. No fewer than 120 sons ofeers have been killed in the war, sixty-two of them heirs to titles. Not all, of course, were only sons, so that not all the titles are in menace. Before the war's end, with- out doubt, there will be other casual- ties in noble families, other threats ofrtile extinction of titles. Se a weekly newspaper declares, "measures must be taken to con- tinue" the peerage whose extinction is threatened. Probably there will be; the Englishman's love of a lord is getting to be more than a tradition and a sarcasm ;for the noble houses have contributed magnificently of their sons in the fight for the nation's life. The Upper Chamber is an array of mourning these days, and it ap- peals more strongly to the sentiments and sympathies of the country than in many decades. When a, hereditary peerage con- fronts extinction by reason of the failure of male issue it comes within the prerogative of the Crown to de- termine whether it may be continued through the -female line, The royal assent has been granted in many cases; it is customary, in fact, when the title is sufficiently old and rev ered to make it an institution, like for we have our ownquarters and) Constant tilage feedsagrowing -London Bridge or the Tower, or after- crops, releasing the plant food which our recreation -rooms, in which are, is taken up by the growing plants, noon tea. But there is the possibility installed games of all kinds sewing, g g q p g g All things being a nal crops that are Noble I{ousel Suffer Because of Their Contribution to the War. iEPN. C D012'NA tZEN.1POQQD IN COMMAND OF ITALIAN ARMIES. These portraits sent from Italian headquarters by Miss Rosamond. p3oultbee, show His Excellency, General Luigi Cadorna, commander-in-chief of the Italian armies, and General Porro. second in command lion in China in 1000-1, for the public purse to bo drawn on to the tune or $29,139,000; and in contrast to this it is interesting to note that England's campaign against the Zekk Khels ten years ago, only cost the Indian Government $285,000. This appears the merest trifle compared with the total met of the great American civil war, which has been estimated at $10,- 000,000,000 sterling. SAVE THE CHILDREN Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones ore reasonably safe during the hot weath- er. Stomach troubles, cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure these troubles, or is given oc- casionally -Le the well child will pre- vent their coming on, The Tablets are guaranteed by a government an- alyst to be absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe. They are es- pecially good in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Keep on Cultivating. - "PRIVATE" MARY .SANE ---ARMY COOK also of titles becoming extinct machines for the industrious, and frequently and properly cultivated will through failure of both the male and pianos. Besides this, we can attend, female lines, and comparatively par- the cam theatre or cinema, and some-, crop very much cultivated than the same P clops that are cultivated only occa- venu titles are by no means certain times one or more of our number fig-; sionally. of maintenance through the royal pre- ures on the programme at the former.) rogative. Two girls share a room, either in Miaard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Of course, the family estates are the camp itself or in a hostel near at' not dissipated merely because the hand, run by the Military Section of, Many Millions in Sorrow. title ceases. The estates may be the Women's Legion, which is our real The War Study Society, of Copen- disposed of by the usual processes of employer, and with whom we have hagen, estimates the total loss of law. contracted to serve. (belligerents in dead, wounded and The Women's Legion. 'sick at 19,228,800, and counts about We wear a dinky uniform, A jack 5,000,000 missing. Each soldier re - et and skirt of khaki, with a red shoul-i presents on the average a family of HOW IS YOUR APPETITE? TWO THOUSAND WOMEN ARE NOW COOKING FOR TOMMY. One of Them Tells of Her Work, Her Pay, and Her Prospects in the Women's Legion. I'm in the Army, and yet I'm a wo- man. No, I'm not one of those Ama- zons you sometimes read about, though I do wear a khaki uniform, pay from the t draw Army regimental paymasters, work in the Army, and live in a camp, writes an English wo- der strap, bearing the letters, "W,L.," I five persons, so that the war has Loss of appetite during the sum- as well as a Women's Legion band,, brought personal distress to a popu- his own possession when he has pass- mer months is a common trouble, chosen by Lady Londonderry, who is;lation greater than that of the cross the canal under cover of their ed the writing test imposed, and is and indicates that the digestive Sys- the founder of the league, while a United States. And this does not in - heaviest fire. For an hour and a half well supplied with Braille literature. tem is out of order. Lacking a brown felt hat of the Canadian type. elude the death and injury of non - Lance Corporal Jarvis worked in the Each pupil has an individual teach- healthy appetite many people -es- completes the outfit. combatants themselves. open, exposed to a hurricane of ma- er. There are well over a hundred of pecially women -go too long with- man As assistant -cook I draw a salary chine -gun turd snipers' bullets, until these teachers, all of whom are vol- out food, or eat sparingly because It's a bit of a puzzle, isn't it, to find of $100 per annum, with $G.50 extra P� g q Two eyes for a WAD he had fired every charge and demol- untary. food seems to distress them, and it a woman doingall these things,which per year for laundry, which is also tyd�li �� p t; Morino Is for TOO icrea ished the only bridge the Germansthey Bed Dyes -sore D es— Of the men who have left St. Dun- they wonder that complain that, are supposed to be the exclusive pre- the scale of pay for assistant -wait- R ■ u�tR t tea D fid tz w could have used. That was not spe- s an s an haverogative of men alone The secret Is Fosses, u when g promoted -ttetreahee Boatoros eiflcally inglorious. For the most part the work of the Royal Engineers does not get itself into print; but it is the ground work on which the whole army structure is based. School of Engineering, t d h v been settled at their are constant) tired and unabler n a re o ea Ybut h I got to--nAofsaSav Osloroa Treat- work, provided with plant, given to stand the hot weather. This sim- mens for eyee that fool dry that I'm an Army cook, head cook this was raised to $200 per o1 D� i h a h r 10 ens stocks of raw material, and otherwise ply means that the digestive system started in life, the vast majority are is not doing its proper work, and that earning sums which prove very hand- the nutriment that should come from some supplements to their pensions. the food is not being distributed to the Indeed there are quite a number; of various organs of the body. In other cases in which earnings are on a high- words the blood is growing thin and care vorour es as mus o Sour• r The average man in the street only annum, while the washing allowance care as Four Teeth as x t t 0 same Soli u1', y. associates women's war work with remained the same. Care for Them. Ves Cannot Bay New Eyesi 6010 atDrag and Opttcalatoras or by Mail. dmf bus -conductors, munition -makers, There is one more step which I can Murine eye Remedy Co.. Chicago, For Free sooty lift -girls, railway-porteresses, and so take -that to superintendent cook, on; but, scattered all over the country where I shall draw the princely sum If a healthy child Inas a quart of -some in Army depots, and others in of $500 per year, with all found, so milk a day, besides an egg, and butter The first five weeks of the engin- e1' sca a an i th before the men were watery convalescent camps -there are over that I am now getting, even as head- on his bread, he probably gets enough eel's training are devoted to soldier- blinded. You need a summer tonic, and in o fat. 11 th 1 f d' ' there service. And if I can only realize my almara's Liniment Mures Molds. Into. ever I ff H planner] for which donations will be' Your food will then do you goo , b , h I used to be a cook •in 1 do -when the boys come home again. ! p u s, common y ca a pan ice, The men of St .Dunstan's area a realm o medicine ere is no cook, a far greater salary than I Ing. The sapper is usually near the should have ever reached m private front; he goes over the top with the taught to play as well as to work, { tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink in every sense of the word. first or second wave of an attack; he They have various sports games and `Pills. Take a short treatment with two thousand women like me, who are in the Army, actually and truly, n ] debating societies and lessons m vo- these pills now and notice how I've belonged to the Army now for ambition, and become a superintend -,Rape is not only a land cleaner, but is always r t close touch with a raid. our appetite returns and over twelve months, and I'm proud to ent, I shall be able to put by a nice an excellent feed for dry stool _ _ A' after-care scheme is none, being y digest food improves b I have to leave the Army -if As a result he must be able to do cal and instrumental musts. !promptly y PP r be able to say that I'm replacing at little sum to act as a nest -egg when soldier's work, not .merely in self de r‘ our power to d least one man for the fighting -line yA lid 1 called lent lice sense out as part or the o handling , a lad] received. Arrangements areiyour strength will return and you emg Cie. is therefore trained in the gladly g private service before I joined; but rifle, in the proper use of the bayonet, made under this scheme for supervis_ will no longer complain that the hot p This is to certifythat fourteen less insects which feed upon plant in throwing bombs and in preparation nig the men's work; providing their weather tires you out. hearing that there was a scheme on my raw material of the bestquality and The best time to begin taling Dr. foot to replace men -cooks with wo- east nearly gose Bred, cords and fwas ]for' fusses, draining them fromthrough foliage, for gas attacks. He learns the ellen- mein where the could be found, I of- fruit, twigs tial of drill and of discipline. He at cost price, for marketing their Williams' Pink Pills is the moment y use pushed through the plant tissues. Con - goods and assisting them permanently' fered my services to the War Office, about nine months that I had no Con - all through their darkened life. These man have given very much are small, delicate, winged or wing - learns the elementary tricks of trench warfare. He is, therefore; an all- round man, and a very well -finished product. indeed for their country, and for you. The main portion of the sapper's The least that can be given them in :medicine dealer or by ,mail at 50 four months' training is in field work. return is to ensure by every possible cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 For the last two years this has meant means that they are placed in a posi-from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., trench work, and it will continue to tion successfully to fight their stern Brockville, •Ont. battle against so terrible a handicap A GOOD SET OFR LES. Boys and Girls Would o Well to ua Follow Them O t. tan comfortable ditch, zigzagging from language student hears a word spok- you feel the least bit out of sorts. The sooner you do so the sooner you will regain your old time energy. You can get 'these pills through any include trench work for some time to come. To the civilian and to the casual soldier the trench is only a very un as the loss of sight. By a Frenchman's invention as a U D u point to point. To the sapper a trench en by a phonograph he also sees it Here is a set of rules which every system is a -work of art. appear on a printed roll in conjunction boy and girl would well to follow: Be brave. Courage is the noblest The Trench in Warfare. with its translation in his own tongue, of all gifts. The sapper designs a trench for two Be silent while your elders are purposes, fighting and living. The speaking, and otherwise show them r e is a e •never cn t oubl that h 1 ows where the living leaves off and the fighting begins. He may build a dugout thirty- five feet sleep for the company com- mander's office and that dugout may be smashed to bits in d bombing raid the next night. Or he may build a i front-line trench, with fire -step and! concealed gas tanks andall the para- phernalia of defense, and that section! of trench may remain unscathed for three months. He has to build for safety and he tries to build for com- fort. He knows, and every 0110 who has been there knows, that, at best, the trench is a rotten, dirty, inhuman , place; he knows that it is a bitter ne- cessity just now and he tries to make it livable. The result is so intricate that any soldier may get lost in his oven trenches and needs signs at every corner to tell hint where they are. Those famous posts, "Piccadilly," "Hyde Park Corner," "Leicester , Square," are not merely the signs of British playfulness. They are abso- lutely essential. If these names were not used others would be necessary. Keeping It Going. A very small boy was once observed sitting in a tram -car rocking himself to and fro. A sympathetic old gentleman in- quired if he were ill, and receiving a negative reply, said: "Then why are you moving backwards and forwards like that?" The small boy Made no pause hi his regular oscillations as Ile said: "Well, you see, mister, I've just watch from Willie Tucker bought a'i i � i fur g encs and if, I star, remov- ing v ing like this hers the watch wont go any nava ," Instant Postum A table drink that has taken the place of tea and coffee in thousands of Canadian homes. "There's a Reason" deference. Obey. Obedience is the first duty of every boy and girl. Be clean. Both yourself and the place you live in. Understand and respect your body. It is the temple of the spirit. Be the friend of all harmless wild life. Conserve the woods and flow- ers, and especially be ready to fight wild fire in forest or in town, Word of honor is sacred. Play fair. Foul play is treachery. Be reverent, 1 Be kind, Do at least one act of unbargaining service every day. 1 Be helpful. Do your share of the work. Be joyful: Seek the joy of being alive. S The Jordan. Religion, history and nature con- spire to snake the Jordan the ,most famous river of the earth, Across it the hosts of Israel were led into the ,Promised Land; in its 'waters the Christian rite of baptism had its birth; up and down its valleys many civilizations in the morning of history rose and fell. Perhaps the strangest thing about this famous river is that none of the ancients ever guessed that its mouth was below the level of the sea. It was not until 1874 that accurate measurements were made and the mouth of the river was found 1292 feet below the Mediterranean loss than 60 miles away. Manufacturers of artificial butter in Europe are now largely using oil pros- : e tie l copra, c from which is the dried meat or cocoanuts, instead of animal fat. INSTANT PSSNY 1'v Delightful flavor 'Rich al oxxila Healthful Economical Sold by grocers everywhere The Order of the Day. I had to pass a medical examina- tion, the same as ally other recruit, only, instead of going out on a par- ade ground, and learning the way to march and turn, and performing the antics called Swedish drill, I started as an assistant -cook, working for the time being under a chief man Army cook, Every morning at six I had to be in the kitchen, to prepare the food for the men's breakfasts, and after this had all been got ready we managed to get our own first meal. After that came the preparation for dinners. We peeled potatoes, cleaned cabbage and other green vegetables; and out up the eight ounces of meat which is each man's allowance. Some cooks would of my hand, and tried other Liniments, tact sprays, such as kerosene emul- also doctors, and was receiving no sion, soap washes, nicotine solutions, benefit. By a persuasion from a'. etc„ must be used to kill aphids. friend I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and used one bottle which completely' --"-c-'o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- YES 1 LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN cured me, and have been using MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in my family ever: since and find it the same as when I first used it, and would never be with- out it. I ISAAC E. MANN, Aug. 31st, 1008. Metapedia, P, Q. THE COSTLIEST OF WARS 1 Previous Expensive Conflicts Do Not Compare With Present War. It is certain that the present con- flict of nations will place all other wars in the shade as regards expenses, be making the pastry for pies or The costliest war on record lrithertr, puddings, while still others would that between Italy and Austria in watch the big joints for roasting, ac- 1866, only cost $50,000,000. cording to their 'several special abili- It was a record, however, because tie s. f the war only lasted twenty days, or at At about ten o'clock, and when the a rate of half a million sterling per pots and pans are sizzling merrily, we! day, England's last war in South set about clearing up the kitchen. At Africa cost her approximately $975, eleven we stop work in two batches: 000 per day, and, excluding the pies-, for "Stand easy" -a quarter of an ent war, Great Britain has spent a Hour during which we go out for a trifle of $1,135,000,000 on war in the walk to get fresh air, if fine, or chat short interval since 1895. Russia, under the veranda if it is raining, )however, in the fifty years that began' At a quarter to twelve we get the!with the Crimean war and ended with. dinners out of the ovens and coppers, the war against Japan, spent $1,675, - ready for the orderlies of the messes ; 000,000 sterling on fighting, and lost when they call to collect them, and 664,000 soldiers' and sailors' lives in a by noon every scrap of food -except the process, our own dinners Inas disappeared ! In recent tinges the most expensive 111 11 from the kitchen, Follows a little war, excluding that in South Africa, l more clearing up, and at half -past was the comparatively small affair for twelve we dine. the stamping out of the Boxer rebel - A Dinky Uniform. Half of us are off duty in the after- noon and the other half prepare the food which Tommy will have for to- morrow morning's breakfast, and see that the water is boiling for tea, and that any little luxuries; such as bloat- ers, of an occasional steak and toma- tot:e, and that sort of thing, is cooked ane] hot by four o'clock, The evening, after tea has been sounded off, and the kitchen cleated up, is our own, We have half a day's leave each week, and once a month a full day, besides which, when the sol- diers got their periodical leaves, we too, go for the same length of time, again tctt eit in lntrh s thereo m o ne s 1 must always ben e s In the e titeh- en to cook for the' mon in camp, Our We isn't dull by any means,' ED. 7, Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a coax or callus so it lifts off with fingers. -0-0-0-o-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0- Y ou corn -pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, Vie Late Dinner. Young Wife-I'nm afraid that din- ner will be late, dear. Young Hubby -How's that, dar- ling? Young Wife -Why, I ordered some macaroni, lout when it came this morning I had to send it.bacls, for every stem was empty, IEIISSOd's Liniment Entree Distemper. Describing Him. The squad marched so poorly and went through their drill so badly that the captain shouted indignantly: "You knock-kneed, big -footed idiots, you are not worthy of being drilled by a cap- tain! What you want is a rhinocer- ous to drill you, you wretched lot of donkeys!" Then, turning aside: "Now, lieutenant, you, take charge of them!" MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Monsey Order for Five dollars costs three cents. In China there is an oil well that has been drilled to a depth of 3,600 feet with the most primitive native tools. Minara's Liniment Mures Garget in MVP MISCELLANEOUS ("iANCER, TUMORS, LumpS, ETC., 'J interior and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. write us before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co., Limited. Onllingwo0d. tent• The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the 1l. OTTO 9-I I G E i_a' PIANO ACTION America's Planner Dog Remellies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed ]railed Sree to any address b1 the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author Sayst EVERY WeilhAN EVERY MOTHER EVERY DAUGHTER NEEDS IRON AT TINES To put strength into her nerves and color into her cheeks. There c a n be no beauti- f u I. stealthy, rosy - checked cabmen with- out 11'"11. The trouble in the past has been that when W0 - men needed iron they gen- erally took ordinary me- tallic i i• on, which often corroded the stomach and did far more harm than gond. To -day doctors pre- scribe organic iron — Nuxated Iron, This particular form of iron is easily assimilated, does not blacken nor in - Jure the teeth nor upset the stomach. It will increase the strength and en- durance of weak, nervous, pinesr taciencets. . inti ttwwhoaswt eIrritable. careworn, haggard looking women 7a uekesd' tmeg moaw practicemost surprising results.— Fendimawd Ring, M. D. NOTE: NITRATED IRON r000mmend- oil above by Dr. lei aiaaad Xing' Can be stops obtained from any good drugglet witk an abeolnte guarantee of suooees or soreness at once and soon the corn or ; mosey refunded. It is diepenaa& by all hardened callus loosens so it can be' good druggists. lifted off, root and all, without pain. BROKEN DOWN A smallbottleof freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi- tively take off every hard or soft 005n1 or callus. This should be tried, as it I HEALTH is inexpensiveveand is said not to irri- tt.te the surrounding skin. If you druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house, It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. Lillle Seo ISSUE 29---'17. la5 WithRingworm Which Turned to Eczema. Just One Mass. Cuts- , curd Completely Healed. "My little snit, three years old, took ringworm on his left arm, and he scratched it so that it turned to eczema. 11 then spread to his back, chest, arms, legs and head. It was just one mass of corruption and it made niy heart ache to see lion scratch: he would just tear himself. Ile was a pitiful sight. "I read, about%uticura Soap and Oint- ment, By the time 1 had used 1110 second box of Cutieura Ointment with the Cuti- cula Seep he 5103 completely healed." (g'siuncd) hirs, 1(, 12. 1'eacltey, 11 R. 1, Waldemar, Ont., December c',1, loifii, Cuticula :,'tp daily for the to1,•: and Cuticara ointment as h' : dtd pro vent 1 •5 1i 1c,a 1Yo a m1111 nn h } ul.n al c other t i For tree Sample Emit h b:v Mail ; i• drtse post -co 1uti m Boston, U. S. A,' M, I . c , , Woman Tells How $5 Worth of Pinkharn's Compound Made Her Welt Lima Ohio.-' I was all broken down iinhealtlifrom adisplacement. One of my lady friends came to see me and she ad- vised me to com- mence taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Veg- etable Compound and to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. I began tak- ing your remedies and took$5.o0worth and in two months was a well woman after three doctors said I never would stand up straight again. I was a mid- wife for seven years and I recommended the Vegetable Compound to every wo- man to take before birth and after- wards, and they all got along so nicely that it surelyis a godsend to suffering women. If women wish to write to Tine I will be delighted to answer them," -Mrs.Jsrrrtr Mor'Dlt, 342 E.North Lima, Ohio. Women who suffer froin displace" menta, weakness, iris gnlariiies, next' ve a , backache,e or ba 1'ar1'n -d ow) peels, need the tonic uo rties of the ri'and herbs contained in Lydia E4 1 inkhorn's Vegetable Coulee:MA,