HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-26, Page 5ROSINESS 1.1ARD4%
t'lq'J.$Iloef w ®Jv ria wo
,. Int the fust QfIce, ktLel, 90.4'
18n, will sell for better prieea, to
men, in less time and lase (barge..
y other Anotionoer in East limon or
n't (barge anything, Dates and orders
,ways he arranged at this °Mae or by
nal 01,171100MM
e Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,.
(tory Nuhn,(, ants union -Stewart's Block
door North of Central notal.
Solicitor for tbo Metropolitan Bank,
Business Cards
008800r to M. 11.. Moore. Office at Aoder-
[ Bros. Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone
T. T. M' RAE
M.B., M.C.. P., of S. O.
M. 0, a., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Burgeon, Accoucheur
ee nt residence, opposite MolyJhe Chnrob
William street.
raholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;,
centime of College of Physicians and Sor-
tie; Ontario ;. ex -Senior Haase Surgeon of
tern lioapital, Toronto. OtAies of late Dr.
A. meirrvey, Smith Mock, BI'uoeeIo.
Rural phone 45,
one, emanate Department of Ophthel-
ogy, McCormick Bradlee' College, Chicago,
lo prepared to test eyes and flt glasses at
ofito0 over Miss Inman'e millinery store
nice days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
a..vl. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint.
1. Phone 1210.
.or graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
e e. Dny and night mils. Mee opposite
g PP
ur Mill, Ethel,
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
nttsfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
rt0 or Telephone If not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North IIaro1 Phouns.
13ELG1tAVE P. 0.
T,Itelwr ur
anist and (Moir Master, Melville Church,
ssets PnUils prepared for Toronto Col -
01 Muni° Exnndmltione. Phone i0x
rioters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
coon the Sq mire, tad door'trom Hamilton
Privitto funds to loon at lowest rates.
Pam -meow, 90.0. d.?,, Rtco.ouAN
H. ,1. D. -Crams
Fine, modern steam.
ere - equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For inter•
motion apply admits,.
"9511, StWToronto
Agent Allan Line, Bruesele.
Fall Term from Sept. 4th t
Commercial, Shorthand and Tel-
egraphy Departments - 11'o Imre •
lhnrnugi, emu -see, ex pm !coned lost' net. 65,
ore aim we place (1iy,0130103 111 pus,•
tinlw. Damned 113,011 us` for trained
help Is mnoy limos the number grudu-
Gag Get our free catalogue
D. A, MCLA01 LAN, Principal. k
a�( rrrA%7vA4tiGv; 7 Sao aG yJ�
T1 -1E
Best Brains
in Cno,,d0 haveparticipatedin thepro-
•C,arsnan 02 011.r 00100001. Homo Study
oors* in nnnking, Enonothloe, Higher
Aac.nn,tln3 Commercial Art BhoW
Cord Writing, Photography Journal-
:.shnrt Story Writing, Photography,
and Bookkeeping. Soloot ebe Work
wllielt roust Interests yon and write tla
for partleulnrs. Address
302-1 Vongo et., Toronto
After Taking Only One Box Of
"It is with great pleasure that I write
to ted you of the wondeiyht be,,wefrls 1
have received from taking "Fruit-a-
tives". l7or years, I was a dreadful
sufferer from Couslifialiou and Head-
aches, and]. Was miserable in every away,
Nothing in the way of medicines seemed
to help me. Then I Anally tried
1 ruit-a-tires" and the effect was
splendid. After taking one box, I feel
like a now person, to have relief from
those sickening Ileadaciles".
50e. a box, G for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
Akoll dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
ardweD TIC,iN.L'r' Razzing?
Express 7:19 a m I Mail 11:22ant
Express ........ 0:02 n m Express 9:07 p.m
Ci 9 J 1 d f 3lj.+l' Pa t CI PI C
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:93 a mI Express 11 :98 am
Express 2;97 p m Express 9:97 pm
Going Most - 7:09 e. m, end. 8:40 p. nl.
Going Went - 12:19 and 9:58 p.m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local A, gent.
'prat beb3s kerns
NUMEROUS changes in rural schoo
teachers this mid -Summer,
WILD strawberry pickers have dili-
gently sought and found this delightful
fruit during the past week. There ap-
peared to be no restriction as to age in
those engaged in the picking.
Of Interest to Motorists
After Jan.
1st,i9aS head -lights t in on
g s
automobiles must be so arranged that
direct rays do alit rise more than 42
inches from the ground measured 75
ft, or more ahead of the car when on
level surface. Spot -lights and search-
lights are forbidden.
Must Label all Liquor.
Instructions will be issued this wen+k.
by the Ontario License Board for the
benefiit of their inspectors governing
Hie delivery of packages containing li-
quors must be plainly labeled so as
to show their actual contents and the
name and address of the consignor.
Section No. 3 of the act provides a pen-
alty of from $50 to $200 or imprison-
ment up to six months, or both, for
sending liquor improperly labelled to a
fictitious person or address,
Form is Changed.
"Have you ever served in any naval
or military cry forest This is one Of the
questions to be answered by the recruit
when filling out his attestation paper
for enlistment in the Canadian Expedi-
tionary Force. The question formerly
read "Have you ever served in any mil-
itary force?" and the word "naval" has
been inserted, in order to ascertain
whetherthe'man joining has had exper-
ience in the navy as well as in the army.
Each man signing the attestation form
is to initial this change in wording, to
show that he has understood the ques-
Lost Pocketbook
Exeter Advocate:—Dr, Hyndman
found a grip up the London Road on
Thursday, and seeing an auto doing a
little speeding in front of him conclud-
ed that the grip had fallen from the
car, When the car stoped he gave the
grip to the boys, .who took it. Later
it was found that the grip contained
$72 in money and other<possessions
the property of Mrs. (Rev.) Powell,
and fell from 'their car after being
left accidently on the outside. We
understand that Mrs, Powell has since
recovered the grip and contents.
Says Public Cheated:
George Connors of Parkhill, Dom-
inionfruit inspector, was a visitor in
London Monday on his way to Leam-
ingtom• "The strawberry growers are
not filling their boxes as they should,"
said Mr, Connors, "i find that all the
berry boxes that 1 have examined thru
the district have been ,but two-thirds
full, 1 have warned a number of men
some 0n your own market, and they
have got to live up to the law. When
the public are paying for a full box,
they should get a box with the ber-
ries even with the top. There were
few berries in the stores today, but
I could not find a crate that had every
box filled properly, However, as 1 Said
before the growers have received their
warning, and it up to. them front' now
011. 1 will be back later in the week
to look over the market again."
Must Make Tests in Driving Auto.
The new motor vehicile regulations
have been received 111 the town and a
minter of changes have been made
in theta, 1013,30 local motorists would
do well to observe, Atter this no one
under the age of 16 may drive a motor
car,- The age limit has thus been re-
duced (rout 11, and natty youths in
the town will 100lcente the change.
There is, however, one obstacle to this
hose over 1 G and under 18 must try
t, examination and go through the
3)110 tests as a taxicab driver, and if
ley prove they are competent to drive,
ill be given a permit to do so, Tile
nes imposed for failure to Observe
lease laws Will be severe, The police
ere if they followed instruction of
Subject to Change, tl
All picnic engagenteuts this summer fi
,re being made with the t'eservatiO,tt t
"weather ,permitting." 0
law wopld See that there are infringe* 0•gl4•p•e••♦••••y,q•y•♦e,•, • Atlgiaat 4th the day of special 1n* 10.000 etae¢t
tnent of the statute in this regard, • 4 t,nocsalou, willbuobaurved in Trinity right is Clinton, without mentioning •■ : t'hurel, let $ dcleck n1,
any names.• • Brussels p' Ee se (ion,
1(131109(1, 1,'L A, will preach the sermon,
• • Rev. 1i:, J. rM00ot'u1i01( and the rector
HOSPITALITY RULES I i Studio will take the service.
• Ottd70000eG'f9 C?QO D49C;IiC3i7i3t4EiQ9Gill'uf;tlC^,'rf3 tf0
The yens
T r 1
i� �j
• ' Y JlWyr " g �•�` 1�t- 99
0 'F llf"' 1, l7 66
q� ...,,
® c1,
0 (9
D E are now prt•p11red to giv,' the best of 4ati' 1'. 1; s o
m to all ill the Automobile line. Repairs h.>• .L!
et Cars will v'et limn,.rdiate attention, We have uii��)ta'i,.d,,,.m
g 001 up-to-date Gas Pump. for Auto .Service, hent of ..0
e Oils and Grease kiln, Dunlop, Goodyear and Dunlap,. '•n
• ion Tires always on hand. Call and test us in abovL li=.'"0 e
® air.. s Garage, -_ di
ain Street, Brussels -
;:fit r l
The following letter from the Strut -
toed Daily Herald will he read with
Interest by refiners ui 'frits POST, Inntc
er,pecially as the yon,g °flictie uleu=
14o11ed is a nephew to Barl'01ler and
Mts. Sinclair, of Beneeeis and Rev.
Me, and lies. Oiuff were former 0001 -
' *1dei, to
Striking proof of the warmhearted
hospitality of the people Of England
to the Canadian soldlets'is given In a
letter received by Lieut, Howard ()tuff
ROD of Rev. 1V, T. and Mrs. Oluf,
from Lady Drurornord, Pleaident of
he Lied Cross Society, ',notion, Eng.,
Lieut. Ululf Craving her, etricken with^'
trench 13vel, was ill i, Frlurce for a
month and then invalided to England
to tecuperaLe for a few weeks. While
CS engaged, 1•ioward received the sub -
j lined kindly letter front Lady Drnnr-
DEAR: 8911 —We feel that the servi-
ces we can tender t.n ten mincer are
Banti, het we should like you to know
that they are at your command, One
'of us would he glad to cull at any time
if desk(d, or we can send you almost
any Canadian newspaper. If you
wieh for a drive at any time, we will
be pleased to send you to 'car, if you
will let us kuoty the day before by
We have had invitations from many
charming country ,louses for Cana-
dian officers on leave, We shall be
glad to hear from you if you care to
accept (his hospitality.
If at prevent there is nothing we
can do for you please accept this as-
suranee without feeling soler any ob-
ligation to reply.
Yours faithfully.
(Lady) JULIA DRUMrllroND.
Another indication of this same hos-
pitality is given in the following ad-
ditional statement :-
We should like all Canadian officers
to be il,f•n'mod of the opportunities
they have, through This Bureau, to
see beautiful portent' U181.nibe(1 King-
dom in a very pleasant manner, dor,
ing furlough er 01)4 leave. Ther e are
many charming con ntry houses where
they are always welcome, as well as
homes, such as buil Milner's near
Canterbury, which have been placed
entirely at their disposal.
In several of these places massage
may be had either ft on) a 1 reide,31
retn•a0 or at ' neighboring , h n riag P hoe i
Should tt preference l
u of r 7
eelteleex expressed 1 p
tease for
any puu'Cimdnr spat where, at the
time no hospitality is available, it is
nue pleasure to arrange for the officer,
as the guest of this Society, at a pri-
vate hotel,
DEATH of \VM, V1701113. -The death
of \Vm. Vipond, of Atwood, ('0rur',ed
on Tuesday of last week at the Shat-
t'ord general hospital. The late Mr.
Vipond, a farmer of Blinn township,
was born there 55 years ago and spent
most of his life in that vicinity. His
illness extended over a period of two
years, caused hy a condition of the
blood which resulted in blood poison-
ing, from which he died, A wife and
daughter survive. The funeral took
place to Donegal cemetery.
Miss Phyllis Stanley, of Ripley, is,
the guest rif Mos. (Dr) Whitley,
Mise H. Rath, DoechesLee, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. D. 0, Kerr, at the Pm -
Mrs, A. Butchu't, Toronto, is the
gnest of her mother, Mrs, Win. Evans,
at present.
Mrs. L. E. Shier' and Miss Allnahave
g0lteto Port Elgin to visit telatives
and friends for a few weeks.
Rev, Mr, Laing will be inducted on
Thuleday of this week and will com-
mence his pastoral duties next 81111 -
Mire, 1). L. Strachan and daughter,
ffanover, also Mss. James Dane and
two child, en, Eh'ose, Sask.. are guests
at the home of Mrs, John Dane.
Gorrie school has ,lade a fine show-
ing this year, for which both teacher
and pupils deserve credit. 7 pupils
wrote at the recent Entrance exam,
and 0 neer 0ticcesafnl, 8 taking Inmost -a,
vire :-Alma Nash (hone.), Margaret
Page (hon.). IVIIIfe Rosa (hon.), Elmer -
snit Sheen, Beryl Ashton and George
Wylie Willie }toss obtained the
highest marks at Wroxeter centre.
Ooderl c h
W. R. 301039131, Stratford, infantry
Mari, reported in c0,8011137 lists es kill-
ed in action, i9 a 0000311 of 1, W. Van -
atter, nt' the (4ode1'irh 91 mi..
hies. Wo, Green, who is in her 05th
year, had the 03,101,1') tfl,e to trip and
fall,betook ing her thigh, at the resid-
ence of her daughter, Mrs, J. P.
Two boys were before the Police
Magistrate on a charge of breaking
e100113ic lamps on the Sallford hill.
They were made pay the price of the
130113pe and were let go on suspended
Sentence, to report once a week for
8 weeks to the Children's Aid Secre-
After a connection with the Gode-
rich Collegiate Tnstitele teaching staff
of 46 years, for the greater pati of
which he was Principal, Dr, Strang
luta tendered his resignation to take
ef1Prt at 1 he end of the present year,
The 1)r, has been in continuous ser -
vire as teacher since January, 3804.
Then. S,nbul'y, organist of Knox
church, of the Me0henieal Transport,
Wtt9 lame from Camp Borden for the
weekend' and the choir of Knox
church took the opportunity to drop
in on Mr. and Mrs. Snnbmy ab their
Mune and surprise them, Pastor Mc-
Derurid accompanied Ile stmpliee
party and in well chosen words ex-
pressed the esteem in which both 331',
and Mee. Sunbury are held by choir
and congregation, their appreciation
of the step Mr, St,ntiury has %taken in
'and their hope that lie would
return in safety to Godericlt 1(31(01)1,
alio the war, Al re. Sunbury, who
has been supplying els organist fop the
• aphIN ' - ♦
= Friday & Saturday each week
Try us for Amateur •
Printing and Developing
: Groups lteke0 at your own home :
• anywhere in the country, •
: Picture framing Neatly Done•
• 1 •
We wake Eul0rgeme,ts from '•.
: cid Photos. ♦
: G. S. FREE Photographer. .
,t 4
past few weeks, hos had betel news, her
mother being ill with typhoid fever,
and she leaves this week to be With
her, A purse containing $25 in gold
was piese1tecl to them.
Wm. A:icOreath, of town, received
%void last week of the death of his
father, James McCreath, who pissed
away at Milwaukee le hie dist year.
He had been ill for only lebnnt a week,
Mr. 1M(Wreath 133310 n. 3esida"t of Gode-
1 ich front 1869 to 1874, being engaged
dining than lion with the late Samuel
Platt in old stone mill beyond the jail.
He was born in Ayr, Scotland. Hie
parents died when he wits quite young,
and he was raised and Baucated by his
untie, Tie learned the milling trade
in the 001 Country U u 1Wq and server, 7 years
at the business. Corning to (1,t,ada
he settled at Wellesley in V3'atetloo
enmity, and after a short Lime ca,ie to
Gode,ioh. A(te,'leaving town he went
to Senfor1l and engaged in Ogilvie's
mill there and later ,caved to States,
locating f03' a short time 06 Pet u, III.,
anti subsequently at whine
lin had resited ever since. His 1vi1''
died about 18 years ago, 0,331 sing' the,,
hisd0nghtee, Miss Jennie Met/ eat)),
haul been keeping house fit' hi111.
Miss Ica Austin, school teacher, left
for Toronto, wherr she will caulk nn
munitions Airing the holiday.
Willie, the little son cif Joitn and
Mrs. Blair, was run 0000 by a livery
rig (111 Elms steeef, toed had his face
acid head badly b1 wised. A nnwber of
stitches were necessary to close a cut
on his lip.
Rev. Mr. Al'tIytu
d otuvned
nttee t
three Weeks' vacation t vt m it \�" 'nn
, nett 81,
Thomas and London and 3es ut e(1
charge of the services in the Net hodist
church on Sunday.
The Lower School Examination re-
sults announced was disappointing in
Listowel. Out of 15 pupils writing
oily 7 were successful and one of these
will have to write a supplementary
examination in arithmetic before se-
curing het' certificate.
The marriage of Miss Annie Bright
to 0, L. Clipperton, B. A., both of
Calgary, was quietly solemnized in
GhsPresbyleri,,,, etorch, Sarnia, on
Saturday, July 1.101, Rev. Dr% hall
officiating, Mr, and Mrs. Clipperton
anent the week eud in Isle, Mich.,
with the br ide's Mother, and melee('
in town spending the week with the
bride's father, Win, Bright.
Gen. and Mrs. McJCee, Toronln, are
p t visiting siting with relatives and
friends here,
Andrew 11101oe is able t0 be around
after his severe illness, although he
doseu'tfeel very strong yet.
The induction of Rev, Andrew
Laing, the new pastor of the Presby-
terian church Isere, takes place in Gm -
ie on Thursday, July 20th. The rev,
gentleman will continence his chilies
011 Suudtty, July 20111.
The Li'vangelistic Meetings, which
have been held have foe the past
omni, carne to a close no 010,de1y
evening of last week, and on Tuesday
morning Messrs, ,Tohuston and A1non,
accompanied by their wives aucl child-
ren and maid, Miss Bacon, left l'or De-
troit whsre they intend remaining for
a time. Meetings were interesting
and full of life and well attended, the
last two evenings witnessing a gather -
hog of Duet 1203) people. Mr..lt,hnstou
is an able •speaker and worker, as is
Afrs, Johns(on. Mr. 83loo11 possesses
a fine musical talent and with the aid
of the huge 01100 us made the meetings
very bright with the hymns and
8011p. Mrs. Moon also did much work
in the ladies' meetings. During the
meet into about 1255 converts responded
to the invitation to
go forward. They
will etwee to Wingloom for a series of
meetings next Fall.
Pie, 13)t,'l Barr has 1Pt,rned from
Walter and Mrs, 'Paylm' and little
sol left on a visit to friends in Steal -
ford and Port. Dover,
Wm. Maines and Bliss Annie, Bel-
leville, [ere visiting with their patents,
;lino. and Mrs. Moines,
Geo: Thnmp'on, North Shot ford,
New Hampshire ,and son, Ernest, or
St. Laois, were gtiests at the house of
'1', .J. 13uekstep.
1lielu0rial service for the late Pte,
"Teddy" Maines was held in the
Methodist church Sunday evening at
7 o'clock, IByerllug.service in Trinity
church was withdrawn on account of
Primula will he pleased to learn that
Mrs. T. 0. Mcillh'oy, who is in a hospi-
tal in London where sire nnrl(rvv03)1 11
severe operation, is improving nicely
and if TIo co111plication sets in may be
home by Augnst1st,
Pte, :Toho W. ilhadiliclr, 310)309.11,
grandson of Wnl. Brumley, 11nllett, is
reported am011g the winln[led in
France, Word 1.'l'cei yeti states he wle9
w0nnded in the llanri and legs.
Word 30(18 received that 11. W. Kel-
ly, Armstrong, 13. U., had been drown-
ed by the capsizing of it canoe while
out on the lake with ltnolliee enmpan-
loll. ,Lie. Kelly was et, one time -a'
1051(1ent of 131y1.1t and learned tele
graph with J, 1311, Rom ilton. He
has been stationed at Armstrong for
some years,..
003300L 171,1,1 --1 lie Prize Lists areOut l'ot. the 131uevale 13ehonl Fair,
wide)) is to be held by the pupil. of
Illiterate School on Friday, Sept. 14111.
73,13 wards of $50.00 int rash prizes have
been genet misty contributed by the
men acid W011111 of the Sell001 Section
and there 83)1001(1 provide tut incentive
to tale boys and girls to put fort It their
best r11'^n'c0 Abu g�e (mother of 011180 -
es etre melodist in 31'e Prize List, snob
ae VrgeLaides, Plat 1s, 1"1ou ere, Live
S(oek, Poultry, Pets, Hewing, Cook-
ing, Manual training, Piddle speaking,
Snhool WOrk !Intl Sp,,1 t0, In some
cases .the competition is open to
Young people up to 20 years of age.
The Committee, which bas had in
that gethe otganiznlhe. ,1 n,k of the
Fair, is volume:0d or miss L. 1$.
Holmes, teacher 1tev, .Il D. 'I'holn-
sun, (sen, IMcl)nnald, ;\ties ,11, Stety-
art, blies L. Shaw and Rev. (i. 'fate,
They have spent much thought, raid
care in planning the del ails of the
'Pair, which givets every promise of he -
]ng on interesting and intim taut
The following Huron Boys arrived
back to London on Monday from Eng-
land and the firing line:—
Pte. W. E. Barr, Blyth t6tst, deform-
Pte. T. A, Beattie, Seaforth, 161st,
Pte. A. E. McLeod, Walton, was
wounded on the Sammie in October last
when he was shot through the leg by a
machine gun bullet as he was mount-
ing the parapet of a German trench,
His brother, James, still on active ser-
vice in Prance, was mentioned in Haig's
dispatches recently as having been
awarded the military medal for bravery
on the field,
Three Classes Put Together
Under Changes in Compulsion
Classes 1, 2 and 3 Will be Called to-
gether --Up to 35 Years.—Then,
Come Married Men.
Ottawa, July 12—There has been
a readpustnent of the classes of Can-
adians t
O 170 called r
o military
The announcement was made by the
solicitor -general just before the House
rose at 1 in the morning. Classes one,
two and three of the bill are thrown
together and made one class. This in-
cludes all unmaried men and widow-
ers without children between the ages 4
of 20 and 34,
Classes four five and six are made •
class two, and includes married men •
between the ages of 20 and 34.
This means that unmarried men and •
widowers to the age of 34 will be call- o
ed out together as the first class, and
that married men to the age of 34 will I•
be called for service next as the second 8.
class. The classes of older men re-
main with the original separation of •
n the Buggy Line
• This year our kiln are better and more than tip -to -date t t r
p L CV, ..•
HAI WWI. and 81.0.1 I'iretl Rigs of best material. 25 yetttc• l :
• given us expel ienrc to have nothing but the best in this
All Jobbing in \V,,'1 or Jim p,•o,lptly attended to,
• Re -tubby) trtg Buggy Wheel. a specialty -all sized 11;.:
Best attention given to Repainting of Buggies <zut,l.
• Specialty made of Autos.
• 0,ders £"r New Designs of work,
The D. Ewan Carriage Works
M•N•s•eeesteesseseese••••ereeeeeeeeeeseeeeee0000..,.60 i
with an insert containing information
of the various Provinces existing in
1867 and now, and also statical In-
formation in regard to the area, pope
latlon, general development, and in,
dustry of the country since 1167.
The department has also in con-
templation the issuing of a comme-
morative three -cent stamp, to consist
of an engraved reproduction of Har-
ris' painting "Fathers of Confeder-
ation." It will be ready on August 1,
Takes up new Duties
Brantford Expoitor:—Capt. (Rev.)
C. E. Jenkins, pastor of St. Jude's
church in this city, who was overseas
as chaplain of the 58th battalion. and
who was obliged to return }I,.r..• -wring
to shattered nerves, have r. '..ently
received the appointment et :r i, chs -
,,lain for the military ,.:and; .a ramp
Burden, left tot that place 1 ' to
assume his new duties In th city
However, owing 10 tit:,ex-
perienced in SrOuting .3 e 1•, , r his
pulpit here, cam, Jealw :+l ,,;urn
to the city ditch week -end 1:41 „'cape
the pulpit of St. Jude's ,.lu roll each
Sunday. He is the president 1, ' On-
tario for the Great War Vete:. As-
sociation of Canada, and ever si :.e the
war broke out has been a zealous .:ork-
er along military lines,
•44.♦4♦.•40,,e 0..0'•40•40S Cb•e0p44•00040•••P
♦9fr.:I♦ @
• '
Here -is 0
In Commemoration of Canada's Jubilee 1
—A Three -Cent Stamp Coming
Ottawa, Ont„ July i3. --The Post -
Office Department are issuing a post-
card in commemoration of the fiftieth
anniversary of Confederatgon. The
card used is the ordinary postcard
the Iu' l'hir:.r 11141 I
I here and ,rets you hark. 1,. • s
it 'a y and rhenp. r10 Miles to the gallon of gasoline, With a
311 -.eked you ran lake our frirod along. Choose your own •
frons 5 mile, per hour to 118. 1levelnps 12 11, p. L;,ry hand, I ' .li a
int a big brother. •
11'1110 for free ('anti"gne. Ile ya DAYTON a,,1 enjoy 116',
1 4)
Pepier Wintorcl cle
752 Broadview ave., Toronto
• 4• 4♦♦44*♦•4000.6408.00004'30 ••••••00d00•'0'?.1,4S tar•: - .::m♦@
A Larger Car!
Better Materials!
Lower Price
its wheelbase is 112 inches --it
seats five big people in perfect
Better rnaterials go into this car
than any other car of such com-
fortable size sold for so low a
price. We buy in larger quanti-
ties and get high quality at low
With no sacrifice of quality we
price this car lower than any
other car so beautiful, so power-
ful, so economical, so easy riding
and of such comfortable size be-
cause for pears we have pro-
duced the famous 35 horsepower
Overland in larger quantities
than any other similar car is
It is value unequalled ---get yours
Agent Wingharri
Medd 1.
hey -J (vr Four
a r1
f. 0, h. point soma
trot., ei