HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-26, Page 1VOL, 46 NO. 4 1.50 Per Asa77xem in Advonce BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, ,'ULY 26. Ig17 li', H. KERR, Proj}rietor New Advertisements To root -M; stook. T lfor onto -Mrs, Roger% Potato blight -.Tse. Noxi Straed-W, J. Maxwell. Satchel found -Ata Poo. . sr, Htrfor ea1e--.A. Adams. - Hay for An I -1 D Moffatt. letono, Aunt fon sato-David ld lerne, Cull for sale -John Petrie, Cow for sale -John m T.urui Cent found -Oliver ToTurnbull.CentrolCus,0ollege-1h A. nloLaohlan. zst±t Ran MoneriefF MEmo1urtr. Seams. -An official notice was 'received by Robert wird Mrs, Harvey, Mon kton, stating that thole. son. Pte. Jaynes Ernest Hervey, -had (lied of wounds on June 17th. Pte, Harvey was born in Logan and was 21 years of age. He enlisted[ in March 1916, in the 110th Battalion, being later transferred to the 68th Battalion and had been in France about 4 mouths when he met his death. A memorial service was held on Sunday afternoon, at Knox church Car of Wesbro Dats For Sale Apply to W. G. Neal, Walton, or Geo. Muldoon, Brussels. Monerleff, at 2.80, conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. I e I A. t] ,dy, Thera was a large ouugregaliun. Another soldier boy, Pte, Victor 'Tarr, telto went overseas and sera reported miss- ing after an engagement and has not been heard of eines, was also remem- bered in the service, Jamestown Miss Lizzie Fear has been holiday - in • with her aunt Mrs. Anson Shaw. team horse wad beena :based by Donald Richardson from Win. Bryaus, , Several from this locality attended the funeral of the late \Viii, Jewitt, at Biuescls,'Thursday afternoon of last weeks Mee. Youmans ande son, Jus., of Detroit, are visiting at tie formee's parental home for a --few weeks, They are welcome visitors. Miss Kahle, who is a successful teacher at Saule Ste. Marie, hue been speeding pelt of her vacation with Mrs. Arthur Shaw, The ladies are relatives. The Trustees of S. S. No. 10, Morris, 1i miles West of here, have secured the services of. Miss Jean Mclotos.b, of Holyrood, at a salary of $600, She will commence her duties next Sep- tember. ep-tember. MRS, WM. WILLIS CALLED AWAY, -.Last Friday Mary Nickel, beloved wife of w Wm. Willis of this locality, departed this life i t nee tet 02n d year. Cause of death was a stroke of paral- ysis. She was born in Flambee° township and was married 24 years ago, in Carrick township, to her now bereftpartner, who with three step- children survive. Children are Al- bert, in the West ; Lawrence, at home ; and Mrs. A. Nickel, in. bind - may locality, The funeral took place Sunday afternoon to Wroxeter ceme- •teey, Rev. R. E, Page, of Brussels, cundnctiug the service at 2 o'clock. .feAe••••••••••••••••••••N•0••••b•••••S•••••••••••4 • . • • • f • f/ e e v . • s O WINGHAM, .ONT, 4.. g : This School opens on August 27th. It is affiliated • with Central Business College, Stratford andElliott Business College, • • Toronto, two of Canada's bestknownCommercial Schools. We are 4 • prepared to give a thorough, practical training and to assist graduates 4 er to good positions. Write at once for particulars, . q D. A. McLACHLAN, Pres. A. HAVILAND, Principal. • 4 . 4 •••••O••••e♦♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• neccu ssgsesseoecneascesssse •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • e Why do Big Packers Feed N' ® F aka • I lines . • • ti 191193:0914 .tee - • v There is no sentiment with big Poultry and fs • Hog Feeding Plants = quick fattening and greatest profit are of first and all-important s consideration, o Thousands of leading Feeding Stations use Milkoline and know it excells every other ration as a top-notch pr.,fit maker. . Milkoline is Buttermilk in condensed form, m • making it cheap to ship and convenient to handle. Modified makes it keep Winter or cs Summer out of cold storage. Reduces loss from disease 90 per cent. Limited quantity o for sale. Apply to 3 S PHONE 66 BRUSSELS ; 9 • wx aceosta aar,anoacmaammmeatoaasrno•eee•o•saseasi•s•e••••o••e 3 •• • •• • • • • s 0 R. THOMSON ''r4.4 -•Mile ei'i'releleleleleielefee++++l•4*.t•'e+9!B•d-•i''i•ti••t••l••f••1•'U'1+4i••i"b+•it'i•++ Give Us Your Order for '1• + b Stock of u 1 ade-to-MeagureSuits FIT GUARANTEED Great Value in a New RAIN COATS +'a Straw Hats Clearing out our Stock. Your choice for $1.50 Have a Look at our Guaranteed Indago Blue Suits, $30,00 SUMME.R UNDERWEAR FINE SHIRTS. GENTS'We canSatisfy You URNI HINGS `- f S .�. ` Phone Orders Delivered at any time -Phone 24 Bring us Your Produce Rte W. Ferguson tiA d•4•'14••i'+0•'F'I"1.4•'1' Gents' Furnisher BruISSAIS 1.4 0.1 4' '1• •t'+Fei4444..+44..'N++++++++-h+++f 4'•h++,44+++++++++ Me, and Mee, "Willis have made their ho in Jamestown stown Vicinity for the pat 12 or 15 years. The Pointer'shealth bas not been very robust of late. Family is deeply ey rnpathised with in their bereavement, Mrs Wil- lis was a line woman and esteemed by all who knew her, Molesworth John Ross, Minnedosa, visited at T, McDonald's last week, Miss Ethel 1>ippen, Stratford, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. P, Orme, Miss Prudence Dunbar, Stratford, is visiting with Miss Jean McDonald, Master Steddlebauer, Vienna, Is spending his holidays with his grand- father, J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Graig, Mrs. R. Little, Mis. T. Ballagh and R. Elliott motor- ed from Teeewater and spent Sunday at T, 1;Iliot's. The Red Gross Garden Party held on the school grounds Thursday, July 19th, proved a great attraction to a great many. Supper was served in first-class stel9, by the ladies with Mr. McDonald, Wingheen, supplying music on tile bagpipes and an A 1 program was given, eotrsistingof readings from Miss McDonald, Wing - ham ; trios from Mies Hermiston, Dr. McDowell and Mr. Grierson, Listo- wel ; solos, Mies Hermiston and Pte, Bartley, Listowel ; add ress, A. H. Musgrove, M P.P. Win ha ; Moles- worth orchestra aaevenal selections from Mr. McDonald on the bagpipes. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Listowel, made a very capable' chairman, entertaining the crowd with several very witty selections and keeping every one in first-class hurnor. Proceeds at the gate amountedto $206,00; booth, $70. The regular meeting of • the Wom- en's Institute will be held at Mrs. Harry Grainger's home, Thursday, Aug. 2nd. Special business so all are asked to attend. Visitors welcome. Roll call -Recipes for pickling, Morris To Tasapeesuns: Notion is hereby elven that people are forbiddento treeless on my property, NMS Lot ?,B, Omit, Morris All in- terestedyare asked to govern themselves ,,e. ordiu a g ygiy. A. ADAMS. lbjervyn McCauley was 1101 as bright as usual last week, a heavy cold using frim up. Work is being pushed along on the new school house to be erected on the 6th line. A Patriotic Tea will be held Thurs- day afternoon of this week at the home of Miss Maxwell, 8rd line. Everybody will be welcome. Dr. D. T. Sinith, win has been visit- ing his sisters, Nis. Jon. Craig and Mrs. Alex. Smith and other relatives returned to his home, Omer, Mich., Tuesday. Mrs, Frank Seaton and children, Billie and Audrey, St. Marys, have been visiting at the McCauley home, 5th line. Mrs. Seaton is a sister of Newton McCauley. Mrs, Lewis Armstrong, 3rd line, was operated on for appendicitis and is making a good recovery we are pleased to state. She is at the home ofher er m Mrs. h of s J. G. Smith, 8th Con., Grey township. Cranbrook Crops look good in this locality. Mrs. Poltava, of Listowel, is visiting the Misses Switzer during their so- journ here. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr, Stafford will sesame ']tis pastoral work and will preach here at the usual hour. P, and Ales, Plnmsteel, Sand airs. F. U. Rathwell,Clinton,, ,ere callers on the -Sperling and Rathwell families here last Sunday. Mrs. McDonald and son, Scott, of Alberta, are here nu a visit. The former probably is better known as Miss Lizzie McKay. The roses a at the home of Jno. and' Mrs: Hunter are well worth seeing. That; Mrs. Hunter is a great lover of flowers requires no further proof. Glrtt'S BASE. BALL, -Monday even- ing the return gime between the Ramblers of Cra,ibrnok and the 0th Con. team came off on the school grnnncls her e in connection with the Patriotic Garden Party. Barring one innings do which the home team ran nit a big saner. the nines were very well meteh',l, hilt: es it was nhn out- come wits 1S'' 0 L. Blake, of Wal- ton, «'a5 t.ht• Uutpie a clod R. L Mc- aniald the eflloial snorer. Oranbrook members wire I. Hunter, L. Noble, M. Long, M. Pease, C. Rathwell, E, Raker, M, Baker, E }Mitchell and V. Mitchell. The first and second rnen- tinned- were pitcher and catcher re- spectively. The willow wielders foe 1 v' n • Johnston, the late is were D J hnstn L. S erlin G. Antes E. Hudson, S. 111ntnhin8011, L. Bishop P. Brewer, A. Cochrane and E. Ames, Misses Johns - tem and airtime WAS the bat te•y. The girls plat up a very good game and the large crowd of oninokers was greatly interested. The textus mayplay p Y again before the season closes. Fisnee TIME -Deep' to the .post postpone - leant of the Rambler's Garden Party from last week, owing 'tti rain, a splen- did success was soae of it Monday evening. Weather was fine, crowd large, program A 1, only ton long and the receipts stoat„ satisfactory. The ynnng ladies specially interested are to be congratulated' on the outcome. Peograna was as follows :-Ethel Or- chestra ; solo, Hartley Menzies ; readings by Miss Chambers 1 Brussels Male Quartette ; bagpipe selections, Burl Lowe ; solos, Miss Stevens; timely address, Rev. J. MCOttlloch ; solo, Mrs, May ; trio, Misses Menzies ; sole, Will, Spence National Anthem, EverebradYdid their part n 1st class manner, Accompanists in Miss Jessie Menzies, Miss Alice Forrest and Mire. Kreuter. Chair was occupied by W. R. Kerr, Gate receipts were $85.00 and the receipts from the booth, sale of rners, &e,, $108.00, malt- ing a total of $198 00 which will be de- voted to patriotic purposes, Clean. brook Ink a fine record for lied Cro.ye work and the boost of Monday even- ingshows that they have nob grown weary In their labors. The address given by Co. Secretary Cooper, of Clinton, last Sunday .after- noon, in the Methodist church, was clear cut and interesting and ehowed he was pully alive to bis new duties; A public meeting will be held Friday evening of this week to complete the organization of a Peewees Club. Messrs, Donaldson and Ballantyne, Atwood, addressed last -Friday even- ing's meeting. Among the list of visitors in this locality are Will. McKay, West Vir- ginia, who has not been house for the past 12 years, Isaac McKay and daughter, Miss Edith, of Niagara Falls and and Hugh McKay are also here. Quite afantily gathering, Walton There was no service in St. George's church last Sunday afternoon as Rec- tor Page was et Wingharn that day. We were pleased to see the names of Harriet and Harry Bolger in the list of successful Entrance pupils and wish them continued success. Thursday of last week Rev, Mr, Craik was at Brussels conducting the burial service of the late Wm. Jewitt, Pastor, Rev. Mr, Stafford was away at NewY ork. Rev. and Mrs. ' ire. L urtl 1 and Mt y sse s Mand Ferguson and Ivtt ["lams are attending the Summer School at Guelph and we hope to share in what they itwelve later. In the letter published last week in THE PosT. the name of hies Butes should have appeared instead of Miss Bennett as itwas she and Miss Della Harriss who ware so energetic over the autograpb quilt. On account of Hiss Gardiner' de- clining re-engagement as junior• tearer - et, of our echoed, bliss Marjory Yuill, who taught at Beowntown near Blue - vale last year, has been secured by the Trustees. She should do well. Walton Civic'Hi-111day will come on Wednesday, August 8th. All the business places will be closed. A Red Cross as Pic -i I will Id Rea 's t Jas. liar' s grove and a good day's sport is pen - mitred. Everybody will be welcomed, It is stated that Wm. Robb has sold his tidy farm South of Walton to Wm. Cunningham, of Oolborne town- ship and gives possession next Spring. Mrs, Robb's health has not been good and they will take a rest From active labor. Grey Haying is all the go. Mrs, May, Toronto, is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. H. Porter, IOtlx eon. Miss Henrietta Denman bus accept- ed a school ab Kincardine at a salary of $600.00. Sydney aucl Mrs, Armstrong and son Stuart, are visitors at the form- er's parental home, 0th Con. Miss Helen McQnarrie was success- ful in passing the recent Entrance exam. She wrote at Brussels, A. H. Musgrove, M. P, P., and ars. Musgrove, Wing h am were calling on relatives and old friends 1a t week. ek. Misses Marjory and Ruth Arm- strong, Tavistock were visitors with D. and Mrs. Sanders, 10th con., last week. A fine new kitchen 20x20 feet on cement wall has been added to the home of Wellington and Mrs. McDon- ald, 9111 con. We are sorry to state that Miss Iva Campbell is not enjoying very robust health but we hope the Summer weather will invigorate her. Barley is showing up well in some patts of Grey. W. J. Sharp has 4 acres and some specimen stalks pull- ed measured 5 feet In length, Robt, and Mrs, Webster and son, of Lucknow, accompanied by Mr, Web- ster's mother, wete visitors at Jno. Pearson's and Wrn. Bremner's. There was no preaching service in Rne's church last Sunday morning and at Union the Sunday School Mlle eel s and teachers were In chtu'ge. Doting the past week David and Frank Webster, Lucknow, and Miss Evelyn Caswell, Toronto, were en- joying a holiday with the Pearson families. A large number from Union attend- ed the Menlnrial Service held at Mon- crieff for Ptes. Ernest Harvey and II, Tarr. Service at Union was with- drawn. Rev. G. 11. Turkey and daughters, of Marengo, Ohio, and Chas, and Mrs, Tuckey, Exeter, were holiday visitors with Chester and IDes. Atmsti olg, 10th eon They are ulatives Airs. W.Rands and Miss Ida left for aholi itrip the \Vestlast Tues- day. day They will likely be ttbset t for a rumple -of months, visiting relatives and old friends, One &yes James Pel'rie was plow- ing in one of his fields the cutting bar of the machine sassed over re a e i ag y bird's met in which her little fancily were ensconced. Strange to say the nestlings were not injured to Me. Pertie's delight end surprise, The I00 acre front of 3. W. Morrison turd hie share of the crop are offered for sale. Property is ori the 6111 con. Read the advt. Mr. Morrison holds a ,good position as Draughtsman with the 0. P, R. at Montreal now, benee the proposal to sell his farm. 4 short 11105 ago Alex; .1), Grant, formerly of the 81.11 con., teras c limhiug a ladder' in a flouring mill in Stratford, to adjust a belt on a pally, the ladder slipped and Mr. Grant fell to theflonr breaking a hole in his right leg. We Ilene he will soon be as lively as ever, Miss 011a B. Armstrong has been engaged on the teaching staff of Ac- ton Public. School, in the Senior Primary room, She had been teach ing in an atljoining Seet on, Misa l+lorence Aitchison, Blltevttle, takes the 3)'dBook room and Miss Glades M:. Keeling assumes charge of 'the Junior Primary. The Trustees of S. S. No, 3, have et gaged the services of Harold Work, son of Win. aid Mrs. Wntk, of this locality as tendon for the coming g`etc• at iL salary ref ,$600, We wish euec't'Aq aN lie enters upon his duties. 'Title ds the house (section whet'e he t'eaeiyed the rudiments, Coup at•ulutioes are extended to Andrew '1'tcrribull and Janes Nolan, nupils n£ S. S. No. 2, who passed the recent Entrance Examination, sire former taking honor.. It is also a feather in Hiss Amy hue's cap as teacher. We ere pleased to state the Trustees haus re-engaged Mho: Roe f n another year, at $685 00 salary. The attendance of suhnlars is smell only 9 if the two lads mentioned above go to High School, -. Wroxeter Miss Blakey, London, is the guest of the Misses Anderson. Mks Mabel Mitchell, Toronto, is visiting at her home here, \'V, and Mee. Fraser, Blyth, spent Sunday with the latter's brother, A. McLean. Frank Weeks and family, Teeswat- sr, spent Thursday with old friends in Turnberry. Jno. Moffatt, Guelph, is the guest, of his parents, 0. and Mrs. Moffatt, Tui nberry. Miss,NellIe Anderson, London, is enjoying In true Y weeks holidays at her J ho here. re. Miss Madge Lovell, who is in train- ing in a Chicago hospital, is spending aeinrl. vacation with relatives here. The fnneral of the late Mrs. Wm. Willis, Grey township, a former resi- dent of Howick and well known here, took place to Wroxeter cemetery Sunday afternoon. Deceased was in her 62nd year and died from the re- sult of a paralytic stroke after a few weeks illness, The following pupils of the Wroxe- ter Oontinuatinn School were success- ful in the recent Lower School exam- ination ;-L+', W. Carson, J. F. Rae, 61. Menzies, I. Stocks, 0. E. Turner, hl, Walker, 3, Walker, J. Anderson, 3, B, Hutchinson, H. McLean, the 8 failing latter t,n one subject. eC W}tOSETEa COUNCIL,- Reglliar meeting of Council was held in the Clerk's office at 8 80 o'clock p. m, Members present D. C. Pope, ,Inhn Douglas, Fred. Davey and John Adams with Reeve 0. Reis in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read. Moved by Fred. Daney, secon- ded by D. 0. Pope, that termites' be contitmed. Carried. Following ac- conuts were received :-John I3ynd- man, tile, $8.00 ; A. 15. Moffitt, rim- ming plant for June, 80 nights, 887.60; Leonard Brown, equalizing schoo ratite, $8 00 ; 3. Brethauet', collecting light 6 months $7,00, light fixture 83c, postage 96c ; R. White piling wood 405 ; Geo. Paulin, teaming coal, $11.45; Wesley Palmer, grading street 40 hours, $32.55 ; R. J. Rann for school purposes, $8255.00 ; Lake Erie Goal Company 9170 lbs„ $252.17. Moved by John Douglas, seconded by D. 0. Pope, that accounts be paid and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the same Carried Moved by Fled. Davey, seconded by John Adams, that we adjourn to the Std Tuesday of August or to the call of the Reeve. Carried, 3. BRET}SACIER, Clerk. Ethel Oen of cement has arrived for 8. S. Cole. Customers may proonre quantities desired by application to Station Agent Murrey, G. T. 11. Ethel. Rev, Mr. Johnson and family are home from their bolidity. Mrs. Stevenson, Barrie, was visiting her brothel, W, H. Love. Mr. and Miss Walls, Tpronto, were visitors at Wm. Steelman s. Mrs. Golding and daughter, Miss Anna, are visitors at Dr. Ferguson's. Some people say Pte. Elmer Mc - Kay's letter should be published every week. Brick work is completed on Metho- dist church and the carpenters are now busy. Miss Sleightholnl, Toronto, bas been visiting her brother, Frank, of this locality - A new sidewalk is being built on Alill street, commencing at the Love store running South. Aliases Allis and Lerma and Master Bert. Hemsworth are visiting their grandmother, SIis. Spence, Ethel bad a call from Rev, Mn Arm- strong and family by motor car from Wingham, Glad to see them. John IticDonald was at Monerieff taking stock for Ill'. McEwen, in the r,nnsfef o. t the store business there. Aliese Peat s a n( l Jocelin Hamilton, a and Adam Pollard, t d Ladd't inn , Aich., wore visitors at 3, W. Pel- la, d's. Miss Pratt is a niece and Mr, Pollard a brother. Ethel Orchestra, Aliss Chambers and Will Spence tookppatt in the pro- grain int Oranbrook Molday evening and were heartily i r or en e ed. The s young folk do their part well. A fine new Williams piano has been placed 10 the home of Wrn, and Mrs, Brown, a gift to the latter by her father, D. W. Dunbar, It was a (Moldy present and duly appreciated. Pte. Ralph Bartley was in town at A. L. McDonald's, He carne Through the battle pf. Ypres, one of 88, who was able to answer tine roll call of 950. After two days they were able to muster about 87. 'J'het wits sacrifice surely. Mrs, McDonald is Pte. Bart- ley's sister, \\'Cott'o'n INS'1'.ITUTE.-The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Kreuter last Thursday, President, Aire. J. A., Cole, in the chair, Minutes of May and special tneetitlg 111 June Were read end approved. President told of the barge box of goods, valued at $160.00, ready to be shipped to Belgttn, and r i word received diraetly from Bel- fr)ent of the great need to *0110 cloth- ing to supply the young Children. A committee was appointed to buy goods .t[ Your Help Solicited 1 tut a candidate lit The London Advet•lisersgnt•ttAut ur'hi!• test in DinU,ct. Nue 7, eiei re es; like all to hid p rue win e+n., „1' 'ire prizes, If you are not taking th • tile[', you Sae h'ip to um or mailing ole a .tli,. `t {jd ,t•p, as cads subweriptinn sent us t,y lite counts for a ulttubet of vole,. If you are now gel ion t lie Ail - vert leer, Yon Can help hg i1 nerving your eubscriptiun and reit cg out the Vote Coupon in earl, 11.011e "1 the paper and Minding lir sushi,,g them to me. 'Lank up all the halt issues since June 13111 tor eimp„lrs, they each count 100 votes. Subscribers to THE POST eau have the Advertiser at the club. bing rate and can still give 105 the benefit of their votes. A Patriotic Organizet li , in Die- trict No. '7 will receive 11125 in cath from the winner iii this district, I solicit your help. Hoping everyone will give rue their assistance in this contest. Yonrs respectfully, IAIL'roN HUNT ER, lac \'in � u Ont. t. and plans weir. made to do the cutting out in the Township Httll at our regul- ar meeting in August. Selections tai piano were giveu in good et y le• by Mrs. Geo. Kreuter and airs. Flood, Alts. .1 McDonald read an excellent, paper on the topic, "The Ideal Institute ala Woman," that 11' • l t1. ;memo rttacl by Airs. Robs- Bremner. The letter Ipeel yeti by Jennie McKee rima a soldier int France was read and was an inspira- tion to go on with our patriotic work. A pleasant time was spent guessing conundrums, heading by Mrs. A, H. Macdonald. The meeting clo,+e,l by the singing of the National Anthem The box of goods was shipped this week to 'Montreal o d' , t H. Pin h ,none Belgium Consul, then to be fie ward- ed to Belgium. List of articles for needy Belgians from Ethel Women's Institute :-41 pairs stoekinge, 20 undershirts, I8 pairs chewers ,i pairs 'tope pants, 13 caps, 28 overcoats for women and children, S babies' night cheeses, 34 children's dresses, 10 pairs girls' draw. ers, 17 undeweiets, gide' weotlen dresses, 1 extr0 night dress, boy' and wninau's run t, 7 baby's .h ear•.,, 2 petticoats, 0 waists, a untu's °Vett•..at, 8 suits for boys, 1 coat, a shirt and tt sweater. All who aided ie the work are heartily thanked, - Load b u ry Some good tields of Fall wheat in McKilop. A n:,w bank barn is well nigh vein - plated on the farm of H. Iludi, We hope he will often have it filled, t\Berkahite-Ta.m, now belonging to David Boyd prevented biro with 13 piglets. With the ket grimed a t $15$0 the new emirate w n , a are worth a tidy sum to the preterit -tin. 'lhe trustees of Letdbur'y s,.honl have engaged Mi., (Non, Forties, who has been teachius .it Fenlon Falls, as teacher for the coming year tit it salary :11725. Miss Forbes will fill the bill. She is a Mch ilap young lady he parental home is on tite 1'2111 o ADDITIONAL LOCALS FIFTY YEAR, 1N MINISTRY.- Rev. John Mahan, for s0 years a number of the Ivlelhodist ministry, died suddenly at his borne in London, on luly rSth, from heart failure. He was horn in Ireland 72 years ago and began his ministerial duties there He was ordain- ed in Toronto upon oscine to this cone - try. His last charges were at Mount Brydges, Birr, Thorndale and Talbot- ville, He was superannuated in tele Mr. Mellen was an active member of the Orange Lodee and Chaplain of Victoria Hospital, London. He is sur- vived by his wile, one son. Dr. j, W Mahan, of the Sterling Trust Co, let - gine, who just returned to the west after a short visit with his parents ; and one brother, Thos. Manan, of Delorsiue, Man, PRESBYTERY, -A special meeting of Maitland Presbytery was held in the Presby testae church, Lecknow, on Tuesday, July loth, to consider a call from Blackstock and Nestleton emigre- gations to 2ev. G Gomm, Duog n a uou A re tele t n abve commis i p sou from Dungannon and Port Albert charges was present to offer tribute in the most glowing terms of praise and of reeret at the loss of a pastor so able and t ficient. Mr, Gomn, replied feelingly and review. ed the history of his experiences for the sass si years in Dui auuou and Port Albert as a historyf tier o 1 tss cot memot•ira, one that would ever remain dear to him- self, to his wife and family, tie spoke highly of his E'ders, his Managing Board and all connected with the great cause that he represents, He felt very loath to leave the people of his maiden charge, but likewise be felt the tall was i au urgent sppesl from God and he could not refuse, It was not to better his own condition, but to enrage in more active service to uplift a people tvho bed merle strong appeals to him. In speak. tug for his wife and family, as well as fol himself, Lie assured the meeting that their memories and prayers would ever be with the cbarges they are lenving he - hind. The ministers and laymen pres- ent spoke most highly of Mr, Genet's heroism in tektug hold of a work 1n which the betterment of hie Own Condi tion was not cotes:derecl. They world Misr; hire from tire Presbytery meetings, where they had learned to respect hint highly as oue of tate (rates fifty, Their prayer's would ever accompany him in the uew field ot labor, VS. Jas. McCracken Fatally Shot last Sunday Evening Husband will have to Stand 'trial at Goderich.. iorr1e6 11 Uu.sken, the young More , i 1 ,wir-htp Lower, who shot and d.il d bis :rife et their faun, on the 1 \once t, rauuday evening, ere Is ruaiut rite that the whole al - telt Was au .tta:ide,tt and that he had u„t the slightest intentiett of taking her Life, Ile made the following statement :-"Sunday morning 1 was ibeem the 111.311 bank with my wife and pili le boy for a wrtik, when an auto ,hove up to the hoose. We went up o, 50' who it trete, These in the car rte %Vixj Kerney, 4th Con, Morris, lege wife, 2 children and Jae. Tlxynne, a cousin, who lives nn the 8rd Oou. 11 i iiey said they had been out for re t „ie and drove arnund this way. He said he would take Aire, McCracken na fora ride. She asked me if she should go and I said 1 would rather she would not. She went in the house and began to get ready. I asked Miele they were going. First he said he did not know and then he said they going oiug to Alma and would he bar, t, t k about u or 6 o, tic k. I went ant C intra the house and asked my wife not 1., go. She was ready, but when 1 asked her .she went out and told Kerney she wait out going, because I ,lid not want her to, I teuuained in the house expecting her to come back: I beard the auto start, and when I went out, found lhttt they were all gone ex - rapt Iny little buy. I took him and [vent over to father's for (linnet. My wife cane hack about n'elnck. 1 had justbeeit back a fete minutes when they arrived In the car.: I had put a tevoleer in my pocket and went out and spoke to Kerney and told him that he was not a man of much prin. ciple Ln du such a trick as he had done, I said I would not have thou ht so much of the affair if they y Mal taken the little boy along. We loth got angry and my wife began to ety. When 1 wreath the hoose with her she gave me 0 leettn•e for speak- ing as I had, The car drove away. Later Mrs. McCracken;ibecame by- stericttl, but I ens her quieted and she and I went out for a walk around the Term. I had my hand on the ['evolver 111 my pocket, when we were down by t1,- pig pen, and told my wife that if ,anything else happened that after- noon I would use it on my self. I went to draw the revolver from my pocket and she snatched nay arm and the revolver' discharged. The bullet went through her head, I was stupi- iied for a time but as soon as I recov- ered I held the pistol to my head and pulled the trigger. The bullet shock rue on the right side of my head and glanced off. I ran over to my father's and asked hint to tele- phone for a doctor. 11y wife and I never had any seri- ens tic ble a separated. ata u and we never s p t sometimes Boles I went over to illy father's to work, but it was for financial it l LLS The McOrackect fiumily reside at Lot 11 Con, (i, of Mottle,' and yottug Me - 1 s:Ise:en has borne a good reputation. lir i, about 30 years nhi, The shoot - it t, ncrurred about 7.30 in the evening xoi McCracken was placed under 0.11 r'st. ?''•('rackeu absolutely denies stories tial he and his wife quarrelled and bad not been living together for mouths. owing to jt•alnusy. An inquest Wil, rotducted at Blyth Tuesday aftereoon, in charge of Oor- nilet' 511111e. 1'he jury was composed of John Clegg, foreman ; John Mc- Aleer, Alex McNeill, Jas, Clad:, l"reek 11;titin, .Jets. Urashy, Thos. Cla.ti., Ed. Nichol and H. \Vateort, Wit nesses called were Drs. Bt'yans and McRae, Brussels, ae to post mor - tete. las. McCracken, \Vin, Kerney, 1.,;. Thynne, Jas. Kerney, Wm. and Il s. ,\lcC'tackrn, J, McNeil, Jas: Mc- Cracken, sr„ John and Mrs. McArter and Bober Geddes. Co. Attorney Meager, looked after the Crown's inter- est and McCracken was represented Ire Barrister Vaustoue, of \Vititiltam. Verdict of Jur wasdeceased Jury "That leceaseci ea,ite to her death, on July 23rd, by a India wouucl in the head, fired front a pistol in hands of hes hutsbitttd," AleCeac'kcn was committed to stand his trial at God enols at the next as- sizes. Mr. and slits, 11cOraelcen had been Married years and have at one e 9011. Her maiden name ya8 Ste- wart, Great sympathy is bolt for the par- ents of the ycmig Man. Dr, John, the older son is doing duty overseas with a Medical amps. The funeral of Mrs. McCracken will be held Thursday to Brussels. A NEW cemeut walk has been pot flowtl et Dr McRae's residence, 1500 FRANCE -Ma„ 13xt, W1lrr- T/tee --MY Da,R SISTER -I received your welcome letter about 2 weeks ago and was glad to hear from you. Hops yon are all well at home as tide leaves Me fine. We are having lovely weather end everything looks Mee. T got 2 hors from you one about 2 weeks after Curtitnias. "There was Christmas, cake, candy, humbugs, &c. Humbugs were gond, Say the stub front Canada tastes good. I got the other 1toX In Match. Bottle of Balsam, honey and • 51115 were 111 it. How are all the other.' friends at home i' Is Auntie and aucle Andy Agar away West yet P Geo, lohnstou is away to Hospital sick[ and lad[ lohnstno is in England. All the ialnestowu boys ore well and everything rt: going good. Your prosier, PTE. Nit, tog AGAR, No. 654138. s8th Batt. B. Coy, Prelate,