The Brussels Post, 1917-7-19, Page 8�`„� ..,._' :rte •....,
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4+104'401449:1.40+.+40 140404.•+•+•+•4•14+40+•1•0+.14+.+.44+10+0+
• We Develop and Print Films.
• Prompt service,
• e
"he !gr ____ Store
el4Caper Store
Keep Yanr Vacation with an
The trieods o make the lace you
you places
visit, the interesting or amusing in-
cidents of travel, will open up many
possibilities for Summer pictures,
Let a IKodak tell the story, and make
use of the Autographic feature wbich
enables you to write the date and
title on the film at the time of taking
the picture.
Kokake from $7.00 up
Brownie Cameras. from $a.00 up
Wter Clan
Egg Preserver
New when Eggs are some
cheaper is the right time to
put down your Winter supply
of Eggs. Oue tin of Water
Glass will preserve about vine
dezeu Eggs, and put away
now will give you a supply of
Fresh Eggs in the Winter
time when ordinarily they are
very scarce and dear. The
cost is very small
1 Ib. Tin Water Glass for 15c,
The new Drink which has the
real Fruit flavor and freshness.
A 25cpackage will a
5 make about
one galloo of Lemonade. It
is very easily prepared and
just the thing for pie-nies,
•1 4-•i•+4.4,•1.e"1-4+4,+O -414-•••••••N•+♦+•+•+•+•+•+•+.'F•4•9'•4 +4.
Druggist and Stationer
'l.`Ns automdbile tire advertised in Inst
week's Pos'r teas found North of James-
town by S. Snell And restored to its
owner, Jno. leyndman, Gorrie
IN the item referring t o Wilma Gal,
braitb'e piano exam she should novo
been credited with Firs' -class honors in-
stead of jest honors, bile is a bright
little lasele who should excel in her
exams, in the years to come.
• TVEsDAY of this week Village Clerk
F S. Scott and A Stradian, Treasurer,
were at Goderich as witnesses in snits
egdmst Thos McLean over the purchase
,,y of A $cone c, usher from a Ged'r'rh tl ni
,,,d 11•.0 ie prtrlie. set lcue )tayntent
• 1,r yvages and ~applies furnished when
M Nir McLean bed the routraet o' maeade-
• m z'ng Tulnberri' street.
+ ` IN THE FIOSPL'AL—Hugh McMArtin,
goat eb7 items
Selmer. Board did not meet Friday
IdpaovED weather conditions and
better staying prospects,
EAST Huron Produce Emporium
shipped a car of eggs this week to Tor-
GORDON MCDoxALD wishes to state to
the public that he is the representative
of the Trench Lightning Rod.
B1wesees Girl Guides demonstrated
their ability to play Base Ball at the I..,
O. L. picnic at Wtngham on July I2th.
THURSDAY afternoon of this week will
be the third of a series of half holidays
by Brussels business people being car-
ried out during luly and August,
THE Male Quartette, of Brussels
church choir will to
keP art in
a Patriotic Garden do
Party at Cran
Monday evening of next week. It was
postponed from last Friday evening on
account of rain,
A weoraN t was on the program at St.
John's Rectory Wednesday forenoon of
this week. The priucipals were Chas.
Reach and Miss Mina Engler, both of
Monkton. o Rev. R.^
Page 1•;.
the ceremony, Performed
Foo'r AMPUTATED —Tuesday, the left
foot of Juo. Hunter, John street, was
amputated. It has been disabled for
some time and practically useless, Bence
in its removal, advantage is hoped for
the patient. At NIr. Hunter's advanced
age rhe trouble in the Limb and foot he -
comes a mercer of seriousness,
A BRUSSELS rink of lawn bowlers
went to the Tournament at Mount For-
rest on Tuesday. The quartette consist-
ed of N, F. Gerry, A. Currie, R, F.
Downing and D.' C. Ross. Comparative
little enthusiasm has been evidenced
over the green here this season owing,
probably to the continued wet weather
and the absence of Electric light.
RSD CROSS CIRCLE —Instead of re-
verting to the semi-monthly Teas, the
Circle invites the ladies of Brussels and
locality to the Library audience room
next Tuesday afternoon to help in much
needed Red Cross work, Everybody
can lend a hand and aid in this splen-
did work. A collection will be taken.
The Circle ]las forwarded $5o.00 t0 aid
the li'rench Red Cross Feud in their
pressiug mission of helpfulness. Don't
forget next Tuesday afternoon.
—Last Friday J. D Edgar, a representa-
tive of the Central Committee of Re-
sources Increased asci P
roductton, was
in town. In the evening a meeting was
held in the Council Chamber. Mr.
Edgar explained the object of his visit
and the desire of the Central Committee
tohave orgauizotione effected through-
out the County. After chatting over
the project it was decided to co-operate
and a local Association was formed with
the following officiary ..—Chairmen, J.
T. Wood ; Secretary, F. H. Gilroy; s
Committee, R. Thomson, Alf, Baeker,
F. S, Scott, S. T. Plum, Thos, Miller,
W. R. Broadfoot, Alex, Stewart, P. A
McArthur and W. H Kerr, Discussion
followed relstive to increased product• t
tion of garden produce, f oultry, eggs,
&c,, for next year, the available help for
farm labor and the possibility of getting
the evaporator going in Brussels to
handle apples, pumpkins, turnips, &c;
The Committee will make enquiries and
aid in the furtherance of practioal plans
of procedure, A general Conference 1
will be held shortlyein 'Toronto leo deal
with the best methods of extending the
usefulness of the Committee. The
women felk will also be invited to send
delegates to aid in the organization of a
thrift and ecneninioal Way of managing
household affairs to conserve stringency
of the times and the high cost of living.
LOCAL news may he read on page 5.
DON'T forget the Girl Guides Garden
Party on Friday evening on school
grounds, Brussels. Come and help the
THE Grand Lodge of the Masonic
Order is in session this week at Belle-
ville. St, John's A. F. & A. M. did not
send a delegate F. 11. Gilroy is Master
and was unable to attend.
s4OENTa cash for eggs at East Huron Pro.
duce Emporium, Brussels.
HAY ane BALs,—Four norm of good standing
bay for mile. Apply at TnE POST,
A eooR belonging to Brussels Public Library
—.Par and Country”—was put in the
wrong buggy Saturday night, July 7th, in the
Queen's Hotel stable by mistake. It has Edgar
Ennis' Membership. ticket in it Will finder
please leave it at Queen's hotel at an early
STRAYED fron Brussels on or about July
141h, a medium sized yellow dog with bob tail,
Phone 6514
GOLD apeoterlee lost in green cage, Will
finder please leave at TOB POST.
SnavANT wanted. by August 1st. Mne, P. S.
8 TON lifting jack lost in Ethel vicinity last
August Pinder, who has had the use of it for
nearly a year. should return it to G. W. Pol.
lard's Blacksmith Shop, Ethel,
APPaowrioa wanted to learn. the printing
business, male or female. One who has passed
the High School Entrance preferred.
Apply at Tura POST.
Sonet brick cottage, nicely decorated, large
lot and stable for sale. Apply at Tau Pose.
TRADE Short Horn Balla from 10 to 12
months old for sale. SAS, SPAM, Lot 29, Con.
8, Morris. Phone 166.
STORE to rent. Lately occupied. by Currie
Bros. as butchers, 1. O. RICHARDS.
To RENT. — Comfortable dwelling above
stores. Soft water. I. 0, RsoaARnS,
DR, PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visite
Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated, Visits residences. Consultation at
Queen's Hotel.
CAPT, (Da) E. E. BRYANs has kindly
consented to give elementary instruc-
tion on 'Ambulance work to the Girl
Guides of Brussels, while be is visiting
at his parental home here.
Bat*SSELS Women's Institute will Con-
vene iu the audience room of the Public
Library, Friday, Tuly 20th, at 2 30 p, m
The subject "Caouaog Vegetables," will
be introduced by Mrs. Jno,-Duncan, A
discussion in which every lady is asked
to take part will follow. As there is to
be no waste in vegetebles this year,
come and hear this subject and give the
meeting the benefit of your experience
in this line.
GIRL Goings WIN t6 To 8.—Thursday,
July lath, the Girl Guides Baseball team
went by carry -311 to Wingham in order
to participate in the picnic there and to
play the return match with the girls of
No. 6, Wawanosh. A deplorable aoci.
dent stayed the match at its commence-
ment. The Wawanoshers were batting
when the grand stand collepsed. Fors
tunately the mishaps were few cud not
fatal, The game during the first 2 in-
nings was in favor of Wawanosh, score
being 4 to 2, In the 3rd innings Brus•
els made a strong (spurt and tt rune
and Wawanosh in the next z innings
only secured 4 to Brussels 3, the result
was 16-8. 'There was much interest sad
enthusiasm shown in the ma'oh and
he Umpire's decisions °itch questioned,
Line-up for Brussels was as follows :—
Pitcher, Elsie Johnson ; catcher, le
Kine ; tat base, Doris Roes ; znil base,
Vivian .Harris; sed base, Gettrutle
Ames ; short stop, Evelyn Baker ; right
field, Grace Thomson ; centre field, Essa
Burgess ; left field, Cassie Thotttson,
"here were some smart catches brought
off by Evelyn Baker and Essie Bur-
gess and generally the field play was
good. Doris Ross at est beee did gond
stork and as usual much of the result
was clue 'o the pitcher anti catcher,
'!`he Girl Guides are to he complimented
ud their reputation as baseball players
s becoming established,
whose home is it Waterford, Out., is in
the Hamilton haxpitel at present He ,
had an ankle broken a year aro but a!
bad job was made in settling at and it
troubled hinl so notch he had a' broken
at the hospital and reset as the fest
means of improvement. He is a Inc mer
Brusselite and a brother of M's Wm,
Wilton, We wish hint a speedy reef v-
MA'reteretee —A quiet wedding was
solemnized at St Paul's Meth, dist
church, Toronto n a'.z o'clock, Wed, es -
day afternoon, '1`er o rnoon, July trth,'when til. mar-
riage took place of Miss M, Eva Spar-
ling, sister to Finlay and Mrs, McKerch-
er, of Seaforth. to E. Dean W. Courtiee,
B. A., Se , Hamilton, son of E, G. and
Mrs. Courtice, Clinton, Rev Dr,
Sleeks, pastor ot the church performed
the ceremony, m ny, Mav their joys be many.
BICYCLIST,—Mrs Geo, Brown, of 47
Law street, Torunto, whilst crossing
Dundas street, at High Pa'k Avenue,
was knocked down by a bicycle ridden
bya la
d She sustained r
neve al '
r bruises
and a nasty cut on the chin and was
taken to her home in a passing motor
carr. The bicyclist continued on bis
way without leaving his name and ad-
dress. Mrs. Brown was a former resi-
dent of Brussels and many old friends
here wish her speedy convalescence.
are the Brussels pupils granted Entrance
standing, Marguerite Wilton heading
the list of those who wrote at this centre
witb 534 marks, the names being arrang-
ed in alphabetical order :—
C. Anderson
Esse Burgess (honors)
Inez McNichol
Archie Stewart
Marguerite Wilton (honors)
Willie Burgess on Farm
George Baeker Leave
The class is not as large as some years
yet there is the satisfaction of all who
wrote being successful and it is credit-
able to the pupils and their teacher, Miss
Grace Walker and preserves the long
and splendid record of this department
of Brussels School.
evening of this week, William Jewitt, an
old and respected resident of this locali-
ty, passed away at his home, Mill street,
in his 79th year. It was not an unex.
pected event as be had been confined to
bed for 4 weeks, 000eer of the liver be.
ing the cause of demise, Mr. Jewitt bad
been in failing health for the past 2
years. Deceased was born at North
Cave, Yorkshire, Eng., on Nov. 502,
'838 ; came to Canada at the age of 12
years ;, spent g years 10 the township of
Chinguacousv and was married there to
Miss Mary Kellington, who survives
him, in 1859. They came West to Mor-
ris township to Lot 14, Con. 2, where
they spent 32 years and, deceased had to
desist then owing to rheumatism, his
son Lewis, succeeding him, Mr. and
Mrs. Jewitt and Miss Alice located in
Brussels in 18g r where tits have .
v c of u
d The subject of this notice was
o ice
converted to God during the ministry of
the late Rev, R Paul'and Wro Thorn-
ly, itt the log school house at Brown -
town and joined the Methodist church
and continued a faithful member uuto
his death. In addition to his widow,
who is 82 years of age end in poor health
Mr. Jewitt Is survived by 3 _sons, (Rt -v
Geo, of Springfield ; Lewis on home
stead ; and Reuben W. J„ of Kincaid,
Sask ,) and daughters (Mrs Jno Wilkin-
son, Grand Rapids: Mrs Ross Stubbs,
Calgary ; Mrs Wm. Hall, Grey town-
ship and Miss Alice at home, who has
tenderly and lovingly cared for the "old
folk.") Thos. Jewitt, Bluevale, is the
only surviving brother, The funeral
takes place Thursday afternoon to Brus-
sels cemetery. Service will he conduct-
ed at 2 30 o'clock by Rev, Mr, Craik,
Walton, in the absence of Rev. Mr
Stafford at New York. The bereaved
share in the sympathy of the communi-
ty. Mr. Jewitt was an outspokeu man
but with a kind heart, He was honor-
able in bis dealings and widely known
in the community on account of follow-
ing the business of drover, Mr. and
Mrs, Jewitt were among the pioneers of
Morris and by industry and thrift made
for themselves and family a fine home
Deceased will be missed in town as he
was always chatty and genial and knew
People We Talk About
Cardiff Best has gone to Toronto to
work in a munition factory,
Mrs, Fred, Burchill and sons were
at Seaforth laste•
w .k
Mrs G. Henderson and child"en were
liolideying with relatives at Sesfortit
and locality,
Miss Lela Best and cotnpsny of Sea -
forth, were visitors with Misses Lovise
and Ruth Sinclair,
Mrs Lorne Stephenson and, son,
Harold, of Burford, ere visitors here for
a couple of weeks.
Misses Mary and Margaret McLsttci'-
Iln have been enjoying a vacation in.
Muskoka with Toronto relatives and
W. S Scutt, Mrs .G 11 Samis and
Finlay and Miss Stella Scutt motored to
Ingersoll last Friday and visited for a
Few days.
Mrs W M, Siueleir goes to Stratford
this week to Visit Rev, and Mrs, Cleft,
the latter being' a Meier . abet Misses
Lovise and Ruth Sinclair will holiday
with Rinse friends.
J. J. Gilpin Was off duty for the past.
week from trouble be had with one foot.
It was in the nature of blood poisoning
and located where use of the foot affect-
ed the healing process,
ex-ReeveLeckie hes had a worrying
tittle from too close attention of a Job's
comforter on the back of his neck. He
is eiuch better now, however, we are
are pleased to state
Your Help Solicited
I 16111 15 oapdidate in The London
Advertiser's gt eat Automobile con-
teat irl District No, 7, and would
like all to help me win Due ut' the
If you are 1108 taking the AA ver -
deer, you can help the by banding
ate or mailing. mea subscription,
its each subscription sent in by rue
carotis fm a number of votes,
If yon are now getting the 'Ad..
vertie.e)', you can help by renewing
your subserlpiion and eating out
the vote enupwl au each issue of
the paper and handing or mailing
thein to mo. Look up all the back
issues einee June 131h for coupons,
the each eoutlt 100 votes.
Subscribers to THE POST can
hate the Advertiser at the (flub-
bing rate and can still give me Lite
bluetit of their votes,
A Patriotic Organization in Dis-
trint Nn, 7 will receive $125 in cash
femeethe wiuuet• in this dieteiut',
I scilie't your help.
Hoping everyone will give me
their assistance
in this contest.
0 test.
Yours respectfully,
Wingham, Ont.
Miss Verne Walker is making a visit
wiih Loudon d n friends.
Misses es Clara and Carrie McCracken
are home for a vacation from Toronto.
Miss A, Hunter, Wiugham, is visiting
at the borne of her grandmother, Mrs.
A. Hunter.
Mrs. Wildren, late of Detroit, is visit-
her sister, Mrs. John Thomson and
other friends
in town.
Cleve. and Mrs, Baeker snd Garfield
and Mrs. Long motored to Mitchell and
called on old friends.
Mrs. D C. Ross and Miss Marjory go
for a holiday with relatives and friends„
at Toronto, Whitby and other points.
Miss Kathleen Wilton ie spending her
vacation at her home in Brussels, She
has been teaching school at Elmvale,
Thos. Ennis and his grandson, Edgar
Hollinger, • are away to Stratford for a
visit with Mr. Ennis' daugbter, Mrs.
Juo. and Mrs. Ball, Tuckersmith,
were visitork, at the home of Mrs E,
Crich, John street. The ladies are
Louis and Mrs, Lippardt (nee Miss
Elsie Fiat) of Kelfield, Sask , are wel-
come visitors at the latter's parental
home, John street,
We regret to stake that John Lott's
health is in a very precarious condition.
The trouble is in his throat and he is
under the care of a physician. Mr. Lott
is past 7o years of age,
T. M. and Mrs. Barrington and daugh-
ter, Miss Hope, Montreal, are visitors
with F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy, Purnberry
street. The former and the hostess are
brother and sister.
Miss Helen Kay, Stratford, who is a
visitor in Brussels, received the pleasing
intelligence that she had passed the
Collegiate Entrance, also finding herself
in the honor roll. Helen is rz years of
age, but wise beyond her years. '
Last week George Edwards, jr„ un-
derwent a successful operation at the
pareutai home, Mill street, for appendi-
citis and is making a good recovery
Fie has been planning to attend Toronto
University next Fall for which he is a
matriculant and we hope his plans will
not be interfered with.
This week e yen, A Mc ffatt, who has
been on the stnof
staff the Bank of Nova
Scolia for Lite, past 2 years in Brussels,
bas been promoted to Markham He is
succeeded here bv 1. A. Mowat, from
Acton brancb. THE POST wishes both
young men pleasant and successful
periods in their respectful positions.
Mrs. J 'F Kerney and tltinghters,
1'miel Helen, Guelph, are holiday
ing in Hrus'els and :iciuity. Mr, Kern.
es comes fn.' the week end. Miss
Muriel passed he Entrance to the Col
lrgiale n'Rh boners, standing 6th in a
class or 183 Helen also promoted,
We congratulate diem.
Mrs, H, 13 Deftly, Toronto and her
brother, Dr. Geo McIntosh, Winnipeg
were visitors for a day in Brussels at the
hone of David Ross, sr. They are
children of the late D. McIntosh, who
formerly nwned Brussels woollen factory
and reproved to Winnipeg, Altbough
the stay was very brief it was vary
pleasant to all concerned and will per-
haps open the way for future visits.
Dr Percy Richards, Calgary, son of
h C. and Mrs. Richards Brussels, has
resigned his position with the School
Board of that city and has accepted a
position in the fine city of Honolulu.
He and Mrs, Richards, (who WAS Miss
Mae Elliott, formerly of Brussels,) are
now on the ocean en route to their new
home, We wish them the highest suc-
j T. and Mrs, Wood were called to
New Hamburg last Saturday to attend
the funeral of the late Jacob Laschinger,
Mrs. Wood's brother, Jacob Lasching-
er, who was Postmaster since 1897, died
suddenly at 4 o'clock leriday morning,
He was in his
68tha .
He had r
y I s e
on duty Thursday night in his usual
health and his sudden death came es a
great surprise. He leaves a wife and
several' uhtitlreu, among whom is Ed-
mund, a member of the firm of Cawtbra
Mitloek & Company, Toronto. 'Another
son Will rid is now in a hospital in Eng.
land, having lost his leg shortly after the
Matte of Vilify Ridge, while serving in
au lufantry battalion, Mr, Laschinger
was an ardent ohorclt worker and until
recent years took au active, part in the
local lodge of the I. Q, 0 F , of which
he was a life member. Deceased was a
fine hien,
Church Chimes
At Melville church last Sundey morn.
lug the pastor spoke on "Saul and the
witch of Einlor" and in the evening the
theme, was "The eagle stirring tip the
Last Sabbath Rev, bar. Crelk, Welton,,
preached two profitable dbaeourses bt
the Methodist church here, Brussels
Methodists ate always pleased to bear
Rev, Mr. Creak.
e Rev, Mr. McCormick, M. A„ Blyth,
CST'D 1878
r Fi t^
This Bank offers every facility in
the conduct of accounts, of mania,.
facturers, farmers and ynerehants.
DEPARTMENT at every Branch, 235
D ®IF1 Manager.
the evening A. T. Cooper, Clinton,
Secretary of Huron County'1`elnperauce
Association, will give an address.
Rev. andM A,rs. Mnn O
Bruce Basch Thursdayoaf this week for
their vacation of several weeks. Co,
Secretary Cooper, Clinton, will take
charge of next Sabbath morning ser-
vice In Melville church and Rev, J. L.
McCulloch, Cranbrook, will be the
preacher at the evening service.
Robinson Cardiff, the
baby son of
Joseph Mrs. p Hamilton was bap-
a -
tized at y6. George's church last Sun-
dayafternoon by Rev, R, E. Page, -the
Robb. and Mrs. Heitoh, of Galt, were
visiting at Mrs. Wm. MoAllieter's,
to .at tad the funeral of her
dtiaughter last week, They are -rela-
LETTER OP THANKS.—The following
letter was recently received from
France and refers to an Autograph
quilt that was forwarded to one of the
hospitals from the Red Cross Union.
The young ladies, whoa names are
mentioned, received $45.00 for the
names canvassed and the quilt was -
valued at $5.00, making a total of
T50.00 :—
To Miesee Mabel Bennett and Della
Harris, Walton :—
LADIES, — Pletae accept my very
best and grateful thanks for the love-
ly quilt that arrived here to -day, and
which has been placed upotl the bed of
a patient who greatly appreciates the
comfort of it. Again thanking you,
believe me, Yours obediently,
Lieut. -Colonel, R. A. M. 0.
No. 32 Stationary' Hospital.
Gen. Shannon, Drew Station, spent
the week -end at Oouuoillor Fraser's.
Miss Victoria Wilson, Mount For -
eat, is visiting her friend, Miss Agnes
Quite a number from here attended
the Evangelistic services in Ford wich
on Sunday.
,OounciliotFraser Was. in Walton on
Monday attending a special meeting
of the Council
cvmc-••.• - i A
ORO. McDonald spent Sunday- at D
141otiziea, Waltnn,
Don't hiss the Red Omer -Garden
Party I arty ou the school grounds Thursday
evening of this week, J. Easton, To
ro0to, a fatuous entertainer, will as
aist with the program, also other gond
talent among which will be an address
from A. H, Musgrove, '1y1, P. P„ Wing
ham. Everything will be the very
best an cone and have a good time as
well as help a good cause.- Date, July
Aesrx,—In Grey township, on July 8th, 1917
to Mr. and Are, Nelaou Asldn, n daughter
Dieu.—IciErusaela,. on July 11th, 1917, to Mr
and Mrs, Harold 1)
M AL ,TBTan. ,,
o i I Grey township,
tooton July 7th,30rand Mrs. Rob, M1Allfster, a
PAOsins —In Brussels, n
e l o Jul 11. -0t
and MrB. Wm. Primer, "a son. ' o Mr.
Recon—Esoeute—At the Rectory, Bereisels,
on July 18th, 1017, by Rev, R. E PIMP, Mr,
Charles Lewidfeash, to Mies Mina Engler,
both of Mopkton,
,TnwtTT, In Bruesele, on July 17th, William
Jewitt, aged 78 genre 8 months and 12 dupe.
Wheat 52 00 52 20
Oats 75
Peas 2.26' 2 25
Barley 110 110
Butter 80
Bggh. - 21 8282
Hogs 14 75 14 76
Hae 0 00 10 00
Potatoes per bars 6 00 5 00
Wool (unwashed) - - 60 00
Wool (washed)
00 ea
q Druggist and Stationer,
SAr+E,—Gond well and cistern, fruit trees, •
&o. Also 6aoree in eerpor,,tion with large 4
stable end drilled well. Fur further portico -
O y, 4
• e •
• •
The ,Insular store o
2 4.
:Tf t ' � Paste 4.
• 0
•1 Tile kind you should Lake on +
your vacation, 0
25c per tube
Q 4
a�3h yiv d 4.
i Face P`• wrier
.l ,, 0
Is the ideal complexion aid
e and clings, to the skin in a et
• way thee will .please you.
A Delicately petfumecl, ♦
• • Handsome package 50o. •
e Red too Pnsi,r Rene a
4 ••
Tread Easy
Foot Powder
A treat for tilled, aching, 6
perspiring feet ;head Easy 0
is he e 0
t ideal powder. 1
1 p d 'Shake
it in your shone and forget +
your font troubles.
Large sifter cans, 25c,
& Is the one we recommend.
• It is exceptionally fine and •p
0 has the fragrance of the
• fresh cut rose itself. •
ea 25c per can
'0. ••James
— - - - FA
ars as to price, terns, As., apply to TUN POST, C �� � 4,
_ • -STORE
iarlr;ti dor Sale •oes,0*0•••••••o••e••ae•••e
The undersigned offers for sale 001.7, Con. 6, - - Grey Township, containing 100 acre, on terms
of tide year's lease, Whereby purchaser re-
ceives one-half the hay and grain without ex-
ense or labor, marlretine included if desired,
a gores bey, 85pere'spring
grain, freshly seed
Hog for Service The undersigned will keep for sorvioe on Lot
ed to olnver and timothy A gond brick house, 8. Uon r. Glee Township, o thorn' -bred York -
stable, drilled well and young orchard. Apply shire lune Terms 91 to with privilege of re -
to J. W. MORRISON, - turning 11 necessary.
8.4 6 Osborne et.Al ontreel. JESSE WILBER,
32 Proprietor..
08000Bc®9HO4.•00803•834.4.44.4•••eiseasaais®isaisa cressa9eatreneeeeneSit4.0060068A••
I. ••0•Brussels Daylight Store Gr N. Maren B
la 111'I,la,nld4,"i. IL'ePll,'t,'111911g,I1IdIL is'IU4U'la'IV'tr'tre,^4's,'Vi si IIr4,l't"t'h/tr'4l'1•II, �a'rlrpr9J11,'llraL'AI,111ira ariL'e,'l1/41'art+a,"1'Ul•a'ili 11'lli Ili Ili Il+a 11 !I'1 't 'I; I i' n rl '1 'I ' e
I, L L 1 , t hat"L Ir a u1.01.0Id'.
• •e,
• 61
• of
w ..
S o
g Mere are a few Specials ftr ext 1D hiys (1(
$6 00and Misses'Wash A fin $4 00 Ladies'White Dresses. a
Dresses, Sale price `f■ U Sale price L i I 1 0
$8 00 Ladies' White Dresses, 1 Lot Ladies' White Waists, reg- 80
Sale price •"5 UU alar up to $1.50. Now,.. uU
Whitewear at Bargain vices
Ladies' White Gowns, low and high fleck, short and
long sleeves. Regular 1.25 and 1.5o. Sale price...
White Underskirts ' Corset Covers Drawers
All at Reduced Prices.
Men'sihirts 4ih R $1.21
1 Lot Men's Shirts, Cord Cloth and Cambrics. They are made up of odd lines that
have been in stock for some time, Some are counter soiled. All
sizes illa� V"
e lot. Your choice for
Odd Lines
in Me nJ s$3.50
Boots ...
® 42 pairs Men's Kline Boots, Don 'ala Kid,
® Velour Calf, Box Calf and a few Patent
0 Leathers, all sizes in the lot. Reg, value
e up to $5.oa. Your choice for 3 50
■ ■ is
lldd Laves in Woolen's Boots $3.50
37 pairs Woolen's Fine Boots, pafte.tit
leather, Goodyear welted and McKay fig
sewn soles, buttoned or laced. S'\egttl ill
to $5 00 \touur 01.11,icc for 3 GO. g
Straw Hats at Half Price
will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist .. church here next Sabbath thoralag,' In 11l0••••••••••t8'1••tl••••••M•0N6•••••••••••••Y•••i1NW re:aiwvc3s•1eetesetltseee•sIsieaisea•D
M Lan'