HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-19, Page 5OUSINOS RANDS.
'>:,t t'StSr tt,m,1 :OttI Sd^i'+-»...,....'.S`Y.Yt..k•M-+x
O U I Fr I. RE A
El rYv NeAgr7Br/Y CII •
P/r•,>yile %A ONTARIO
. dH
OONVEYANOD11 AND ISSUERHealthAfter Two Years' Suffering
Kee in the Peet 018110, Ethel. 80.4
• non, will sell for bettor prioes, to
bettormon, in lees time and lots 0harge0
than any other Auotl0000rin East Duron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at Ellie oiMoe or by
p arsenal applivattonY
VV 1>B' oSIteN,rO6LAI1II-U
Notary rubu, 4c, 01.1.176.,,,t1 7131`0'°01;
1 door North 0f Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
'Business Cards
Successor to M. H. Moore, Onieo at Ander-
son Bros. Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone
No. 29,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B„ M. C. P., & S. O.
Dl. 0. H,,.. Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
Moe at residenu0, opposite Melville Church,
William street.
Bachelor of bledicine, University of Toronto ;.
Lioantiate of College of Physicians and Sur.
goons, Ontario) ex -Senior Rouse Sweden of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Mines of late Dr,
A. MoKevey, Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 45,
Personalraduate Department of -Ophthal-
mologs•„McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
In., is prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at
her office over bliss Inman's millinery store,
Office slava-Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 a, m, ; 1 to O p. m. Evenings by appoint-
ment. Phone 1219..
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Da and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfnotion assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir asterMelville illr C
Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto Col-
of Dineic Eann,inottons, PhonelOx
Barristers, solicitors, Notaries Public,
OlUee on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates,
W. Pio one003., A. 0. 3. L. KILLOIiAN
H. J. D. Ooomo
▪ Fine, modern steam-
ers - equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
matiouapply agents,
'95K111,5 StW Torento
Agent Allan Lino, Brussels.
:tF'0."E9apRiaV oReaa:'at OFsav1 '4'rta`Y`4'"
fall Term front Sept. 4th 1
-GENTi4AL'" '
1 EtTRATFORD:, O1dT.. w,.. +t
P commercial, Shorthand said Tel- p
o raphy Dopartmonts. - 51-U liitVo
Owl oilgh comities, uspulenerd lfstiliet.
(i ors 03111 qte place Grlultmtos in pest. A
Rt Moo.). Dglnond uprli us for u•ofiled
,vi h Ip is ni,uly 11me5 the nambar.511 du -0.
w`5 0 102.. 33325 urn• frco ennlloguc.
i 0. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
ti iAt&rl ux lxv -: id&V Y a riJazo:..b5
est Brains
szsDass, MS=
in Ow salt have pin' L1111111114,11111 the lira.
prn•unnn oe our splendid Homo Sicily.
Cu0r0asi le Banking, Economics, Higher
A500m11105, Commercial Art, 51(0w
Card Writing, Photography,Journul-
10111Short StoryWriting,hortlu(nd
mrd, Bookkeeping. SOlol, the Work
witi0h moat intermits yon 0(311 writs us
Per perticulnru. Address
301-7 Vongo et., Toronto
ONSINIestellasiNatiensrati lastetiaNneestatins
AT the it h 1 ve n it 14n'orCo,
Lsu at e C
10Detroit, i
anti 1 c1 o Motor Co,:o. at 1) t t vas
prowl flim the actual net fel lit Forel
CR00 WEIS $21 60 each but the etcrtnntts
prodnotion, 600,00o cars tide year, made
• a u3ee pile of money for the stoclkholdera.
85 St. Rosa St., Montreal. April 4th.
"For over two years 1 was sick and
miserable. I suffered from constant
Headaches, and had Palpitation of Ike
Heart so badly that Ifeared I would die.
There seemed to be a lump In my
stomach and the Constipation was
dreadful. I suffered from Pain in the
Back and Iridney Disease.
Iwas treated by a physician for year
and a half and he did me no good at all,
I tried. "Fruit-a-tives" as a last.rosort.
After using three boxes, I was greatly
ionpro'ved and twelve boxes made me
well.. Now I can work all clay and there
are no Headaches, no Palpitation, no
Heart Trouble, no Constipation, no
Pain or Kidney Trouble and .1feel like
anew being -and it was 'Teen•a-tines)'
that gave me back my health". •
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit•
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Gamma Femur 1 w. ldl.J fry r
Express 7:18 a no I Mail 11:22 a ni
Express 6:1 o m 2 Express .•. 9:07 p m
To Toronto' . To Goderich
Express 7:3'2 a m Express 11 :48 a m
Exprete 2:27 p in Express 9:94.pn,
Going East - 7:06 a. m. and 8:40 p, m,
Going Weak - 12:19 and 9:18 p, m.
All trains going East connect with 0, P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent,
Prat s erns Items
GREAT growth in garden sass.
'ritE Pos•i' Telephones are Nos. 31 and
ERNEST PLUM has invested in a speedy
Goon Scorning 1 Have you paid for
your P6er for 2917 7 -
BxvssELs should have a new flag as
the o!d one has gone peek.
BRUsexas Fall Fair dates are Thursday
and Prides', October 4 and 5.
THE 0100y heavy sllotvers have kept
the Maitland river well up toward flood -
GIVE THE Pos'r the names of your
visitors, Don't blame us 3f they are
Fox tasty kept flower garden and Lawn
we commend the premises of Mrs. Jno.
R. Smith.
'I'HgAtneut sawmill and heading fac-
tory is supplying a big demand for Sum
mer wood.
Miss Lovette Ballantyne hos been en-
gaged as teacher of the Primary depart-
ment of Ethel Public School.
Jos Qusally has added a stock of
fruits to his supply of soft drinks,
cigars, &c., at the Queen's Hotel.
M. Yolleck has disposed of his house
and lot on Mill street and will remove
in the course of a month or se to'Paren-
t o
Parento t
Tee Pon gives the news.If yen
doubt it compare with other newspaper..
and we are satisfied to abide by the com-
13lVRov0t,IRN'1's are in progress at 3. N
McLaren' resider ' ) r
sce 'Alexander street,
in the way of an nverhauied verandah,
newcement walk, &c.
Now siuce tile wanting signs are ftp
relatiug to eoonol'ile speeding.' Con
stable Oliver ie keeping a look_nte fist
the chauffeur who is trying to "burn tip
the highway."
we are sorry to hear of the 'lines, 1 f
Mrs Wm. Shiite. She is new making
her home with her son, Doc, Shine,
Yloikton. Mrs. Shine has passed the
850 year mark,
'lett old flag pole was taken down as
it had become dozy at the foundation.
It is proposed to splice it and put it back
in place from which to fly the Red,
White and Blue.
l].. A. DEADMAN writes from Merlin
that a pert of the country eros been
"water bound," both rain and be31 hav-
ing deseeuded. No honey so far this
season to speak of.
TRE Pear would like to 5ee,-
A big harvest,
25 oars of coal arrive in town.
Profanity o
stopped by stiff Hu s.
The war come 10 an early close.
Weeds and grass cut along streets.
Big redtietien 3n high cost of living.
Lively Fall trade, Advet•tise and
get 3t.
Word has been received that Captain
the Rev. Joseph Elliott, formerly of
Goderich, has been appointed senior
Chaplaitl at Crowborough, England.
Capt. Elliott left for England in Nov-
ember, 1935, to join the 50000)) oversees,
During that time he has spent fi months
at tile firing* nue, having served at Ypres
and at several parts of the Somine dist-
Methotiltt Cllbfcl3 pt 1410113 t1NAr
klfentfofA lass 0103Olt by lightning end
horned down,
'1130012 devout church goers wjlo- are
opposed- to Conderiptioo should take
their bibles end read carefully the first
chapter of Numbers.
PEOPLEt desire
y whol0 VISItIle. United
t to
Stairs can be supplied with Ibe neves
spry papers on application to D. G.
Smith, R. R No. 4, Brussels.
MEDICAL men claim that some potent
n)1dic1ues fil151y sufficient alcohol to he
considered against the spirit of the
Outer oTemperance Act.
'1'1-61" Ford Motor Co. announces that
there will be' no reduction in price of
their cars on August 1st, as in the past,
but an Increase is likely to take place at
an early date.
Pte, Harry .E Lamb, . a nephew of
Lorne Addle, of Detroit, and cousin to
Jas. Ballantyne, Biusuels, is reported
wounded in France, His home was at
Stratford. Another brother, Pte.
Archie, had been injured in a prior en-
DuxiNO• the pest week THE Pos'r
sent out a large number of aceouuls for
subscriptions, job work and advts. each
one small. In itself but the aggregate
larger than we can afford to carry on
our books. Look at your label and see
how your stand. If in arrears please re-
mit promptly,
PRACTICAL ettintclt UNION. -Though
Church Union bee been laid over by the
Presbyterian Church until after the war,
the Brantford Presbylerieu churches
have adopted it for the Summer months,
every church of that denomination
uniting with a Methodist congregation
for the Summer. 'Phis applies even to
St. Andrew's church, the only church
against -tablets in the city, the members
meeting with Slant Avenue Church,
Friday evening, July zeal, - the Girl
Guides of Brussels, purpose holding a
Garden Party on the Public School
grounds. 'Good program, Tenderfoot
badges will be presented to those pass-
ing the Tenderfoot test, It is expected
that Capt. E. E. Bryans will give au ad-
dress on "incidents in a year's stay at
the Battle front." Reserve the loth and
help the treasury of the Girl Guides.
M, G, RAN0FORD, son of John Rano-
ford, a prominent stock raiser and farm•
er, near Clinton,L vas specked by his
Jersey bull, and had a very narrow
escape from being killed by the enraged
animal8 Thursday, July 5th. Mr.
Ransfod was making some repairs in
the stable, when the bull broke loose
and attacked him in along passageway,
which made escape almost impossible,
and as a result he fought the animas for
over 15 minutes, and it is fair to assume
that very few men, except they posses-
sed unusual strength, could have emerg-
ed alive from the encounter. Mr. Rens-
ford suffered nothing more serious than
some broken bones and bruises.
AlJOTION SALE -John Bynens pur-
poses reulnviug•to the West and has
announced an Auction Sale for Satur-
day afIernonn of this week at 3 o'clock
when Auctioneer Scott, Brussels,
will offer his live stack, household ef-
fects aitd glowing garden products
for sale. The proprietor thinks he
would like to Ir is hand.in the
Great West He has been employed
KS a section hand on the G. 13 R. ale.
13ynens and wife came from Belgium
It few years ago.
The 100 acre farm of Jnn, Fells, 2tel
line, has been sold to Alilton McVettie
and 11r. Fells has purchased what is
known as the Higgins fariit on '1'11011 -
berry and Morris boundary. We
Wish both purchase's prosperity.
$968 00 is the amount of die County
grant to Morris township for Red
Cross purposes. Treasury Arthur
Shaw hal been given authority to dis-
burse the money to the various Socie-
ties engaged in patriotio work. It
Will be most acceptable.
Next Commit meeting will be held
Monday, 23rd inst., at Ethel.
P10 Cecil 1loKbnton's address is
nnty 161st Battalion, 0. le F„ Amity
P. 0 , London, Eng. His No. is
What might have been a Serious
affair happened to Will. Simpson, of
Atwood. \Voile Will, and Iles. Simp-
son and baby and Mrs. .tae. Porter,
Detroit, weir coming. up t0 visit at
the home 1d' Hugh and Mrs. Pot ter,
10th Con .:f Grey, the water coveted
he road a tot 0r Ethel and as he was
driving through, although 1110 water
13.918 up to I. he buggy box, they
thought all was well until they came
to enlVrl1 and 111113 the depth of
water 00111(1 an see 3vlien he 51110e 10
3', 013 111'nve oyer the end of it. All.
friday& Saturday Ouch week
• • Try us for Amateur
• Printing and Developing
jGroups taken at your own home
• anywhere 3u the countey.
sPicture framing Neatly Done
• We wake Lnlargemeuls from •
• old Photos. '•
G. S. FREE Photographer o
went down into 5 feet of water'. The
horse they feared for a time would
get into the rivet' and the buggy up-
set. The women were thrown out so
had to evade to their necks to get out,
They got off safe only losilig a suit
which teas 0130) led away in the mus-
s ant. Portnnately thele was a houee
nearby whittles they wended their
way, were glad to get ban dry cloth-
ing and felt thankful they got out
without being drowned.
Mr. and Mts. Bone, of London, and
Mrs, A. Sholdice and Misses Ella and
Kate, Walton, were visitor's at the
home of L. and Mrs. Porten, 10th col.,
They motored over in the fernier's
Grey township Voters' List for 1917
hes been issued and 3.9010 first posted
up on Jnly 10th. 'There are 1027
mimes nn the list, 892 in Part I and
182 Part If. 5013 sue competent to
,et've Ding George as jurors.
Alts. Lech, Gorrie, called on friends
Rev. Me. 13e11 is visiting with friends
3n Toronto.
Miss Jean Hunter, Fnrdwicb, visit-
ed at T. McDonald's.
Miss Nellie Elliott is visiting with
friends in Port Burwell,
Mr, and Mrs. McKee, 'of Manitotba,
visited with friends here.
Mrs, ,lira Elliott, Chicago, is visit-
ing with her mother, Airs. H. Grain-
Miss Florence McDn111L1d has return-
ed to Toronto after spending a week
at her home here.
Mrs. R. Mitchell and Miss Mabel
have left for a two months' visit with
friends in the States.
Miss Kate Campbell gave a very in-
teresting talk on her wetk in India to
a large number of ladies who attend-
ed the missionary meeting. She is
very devoted to the cause and this is
her 3rd furlough.
Mrs. Simpson, Vancouver, is visit-
ing at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Ed. and Mts. Coates returned home
after spending a few days with friends
at Wiarton.
David and Mra, Nichol, Saskatoon,
spent a few days at the home of Mr..
Air. and Mrs. Tabor and family
uiotot:ed to Potter's Hill and are
spending a few days with Mrs. Tabor's
Jtio. and Ml's. Vine and daughter,
Daisy, acccnipanied by friends, ruoto-
ed to Blyth and spent a couple of days
with friends.
Willis and Mrs. Jackson, also Do.
Blake and little son and daughter, of
Winnipeg, are visiting with friends
in this vicinity.
Rev, and Mrs. T. Wesley Oosens
and Miss Govenlock, Cornwall, were
spending part of their holidays at the
parental home of the former.
3. and Mrs. Milhaasen and daugh-
lets, Kitchener, motored here fur a
short visit and on the return trap were
accompanied by Airs. Daily.
The lawn social under the auspices
of the Patriotic League, on Me. Code's
lawn, was a grand success. Weather
WILE ideal, the crowd large and pro-
gram splendid. The grounds were
nicely decorated with bunting and.
flags and plenty of seats were pro-
vided. Booths were on the ground
and a very pleasant evening; was
spent. Program 001101sted of splendid
addresses by Rev. T. Wesley Unsens,
nwnll Dr. Blake, u•and
F. W. Hay, W. P. P., Listowel. Musi-
cal part included a solo by Miss Luella
Scott, Listowel, two trios by Miss
Hermiston, De, McDowell and Mr.
u4.40•$••00.. •@.•..•••b.0.0' •0••.
▪ E.&S. ■ 0
General Blacksmiths
and Horseshoers •
Satisfaction Guaranteed =
Oat'riage Painting and Weed wet k Repairing given prompt
and careful attention ata rrtnderate,.price.
The only local agents of the original Fleury, Wilkinson, Frost-
tw Wend, (all parts of plows), Oliver, Oockshutt, Nip, Maple
Leaf, Kid and Kangaroo, Punch and Judy. "'tore Repairs. Com-
plete stoop of 1311 lilies ea.ried, Conpare the genuine with the
subslittit-e and tooe no other.
Implement Repairs
Look h yntri' machines Over early and .renew all broken parts.
Over 10.000 exact duplicates of the original pieces of nest. &
Wood, Deering and McCormick implements carried in stock.
New work second to none.
Lawn Mowers
Phone Nos.
8S and 41X
Bee our stock when needing a Wogon or Buggy.
Sharpened and put in good shape.
Er 84 S. PLUM
• •••••••••••••••••••m1•000•••••••••••••••••••••••••
€,rier'snt), 141014V/0i, 31, OMeat by (1)e
, church choir, anti savers,' numbers by
I the orchestra, In charge of Robert e
Bowes, Ed. Coates gave selections op e
hie paranoia, Chair was very accep. m
tably occupied by the pastor, Rev. •
AConway,i C 1 whoalso Iso e
yat 1.hm•t d
add ltss Receipts
e eipte uruoulted to 1;129 •,
and DVS]. $60 was taken at the booths. p,
Oltpttun Hol0le0, Toronto, paid a 0
flying visit to our village lust week s
ant l viewed the hntue of hie gland -
fat her, the late kiehard Sul ton,
3liss Hattie Leech, New York, Miss
AltOahe, Stratford, and eliss Hardie,
Listowel, ale guests lit the home of J.
R. and 11 re. 01:1e, These three ladies
are Illirqes,
the tiundny ilchnnl bold a pie.uie nn
Mi. Code's lawn tied rt very pleasing
Hine 13µa 00e111. )(e3'. Mr, Conway
introduced 81'vend new games which
warn thoroughly enj"yeti by ow 011116.
ren and ynuu1 people'. TliP proceeds
of the bevels amounted to $17.
Jas. 'Thomson is moving into his
new store 3n the Horton Jordan
A by-law to raise the necessary
money to pay in1etest on tate bonds of
the On1ac 3o West Shore Railway was
passed by town °outsell.
Word lute been'r'eeeivet that Donald
Ai, Mulfay has been g3veu a' 0011.101i5 -
01110135 -cion rind is mentioned in Sir Douglas
Haig's dispatches for gallant conduct
and devnt1nn to.duty.
A. M. Polley left far a trip to the
White 111oLnttains, New Hampshire,
Boehm and other Etistern points.
Mrs. Hector eleFadyen is accompany-
ing her father on his journey.
Miss Irene Sheriff, Lucknow, was
the guest of Ahs. 'Phos. Brad nock,
1Veoxeter School Board has secured
the services of Miss Amnio Murray,
Gorrie, for the coming year.
Miss Vera Johnston has been engag-
ed te
ngag.edtu teach in the junior department
of our public school for the coming
year. She surceeds Miss MacMorran.
Mfrs. D. G. Kerr and little daughter,
171eltnor, who have been spending
some time visiting relatives and
friends at Dorchester and London,
have returned to town.
Dr. L. N. Whitley has purchased
the residence of Mrs. Wm. Evans and
will take possession shortly. J. H.
Neil has bought the house and shop
belonging to J. K. Williams and will
get possession in September,
Orange Lodge went to Stratford to
celebrate the 12tH.
Miss Kate Broadfoot, Hamilton,
was a visitor at the home of Barrister
and Mrs. Holwsted.
Miss Jean Govenlock, Calgary, is
the guest of her blether, R, Goven-
lock, North Main Street.
The Piano lamp given to Ole Red
Groes by Mr. Keating and T. G, Scott
was won by Earl Vanlv'gmond, the
lucky ticket being I35, Amountreal-
ized was 595.00.
The girls of Roxboro Red Cross ate
an band, etie
h: d. Their sale of
homemade cooking 1 and quilt realized
$185 over expenses. Quilt was won by
Airs. P. Eckert, McKillop.
Cecil Hodgins, son of Rev. and Mrs.
J. W. Hodgins, Stratfod, formerly of
Seaforth, has enlisted with the Royal
Canadian Mounted Rifles. He is the
third son to don the khaki.
0. Riley, Tuekersmith, received
word that his son, Pte. Chas. Riley,
had been wounded on June 29th in the
left thigh. He enlisted with the 161st
and went to the trenches in Jauuary
Winthrop Orangemen went to
Stiatfctd on the 12th,
ales. Hugh Ross bas completely re-
covered from her recent illness.
Mrs. Robert Grieve, Manitoba, is
visiting her sister, Aire. Hugh Ross.
It ie about 10 years sinceshe W00 here.
Henry Benneweis j1'. is in poor
health this Summer. He was laid up
witlt rheumatic feyer for some months
in the Whiter and Spring and has not
got over it yet,
Joseph Btewate' found his Percher -
on antro lying dead in the field and
Chas, Little found one of his best
horses with its leg broken, The
animal load to be shot.
Jno, A1, Govenlock had Lon Aber-
har't, Seaforth, engaged with his gaso-
line engine petuputg the water out of
the clay pit in the 111e yard. Owing
to the wet season this is the second
erhL Lt
time the last had l ') he pumped roped out.
Airs, Lucas Ross, McKillop, has re-
ceived'frorn France the medal won by
her son, Sgt. Ross, in France, On
one side 10 the head of King George
and he other the words "For
Bravery on the !field", while around
the rim are the words Sgt. E, Al. Moss
and his 0010 bel'.
The patriotic races advertised to be
hold 013 laritlaty, ,1Lily 18, owing to wet
weather were postponed X111111 July 21.
The annual decoration° service of
Listowel Ledge I, 0. 0. P. No, 100,
MO held on Sunday ufteitloon at 4
James Bartley brought into The
Stamleud office a strawberry measur-
ing 53 incites in circumference and
weighing • nearly 107,.
Total Y. M. C. A. fund raised in
Listowel during the recent campaign
totals $17,260 75, of which 910,021.50
has been paid in cash. This inclnele0
a 6110(31131 ft'om t1, L, 5613lcolttl for
by. M. 11. Moore is removing iris
live)y business and veterinary sue-
geon's office front Inkery 01i
serest to
Main street. In future with R,'GVid-
enn, he will occupy the premises
formerly 0rcupied by W. Osborne,
one door least of the Publics Library,
Jose lh Bn .i r mo ries
1 e n let, i p nr 0f Che
Queen's Hotel,was fined $5 and costs
by Magistrate 00511)ne for obstruct-
ing the constables ill connection with
the search rondo on June 16, as a re-
sultet which Boehmer was ptevinus-
lyfined $100 and costs His battend.
e1William Arnold, VMS also fisted t $50
ends as a result or this raid,
Barrister Thompson, Stratford, prose•
cited and Barrister Dray, Listowel,
appeared for the defendant,
etsisee nseg€3e SeieteaeSeailiWeata=p` ee y toe t3nuSi€awCiFOu
e y,,-.,,.,.,,•.sm r„ -yam
The ChM 'vro et
Wsrfad er.11F '1E:5119.39y, 3i29i6:a3l(aP. ;i;1:;' ;3;,"9,.,...:5 1.
8 I: are now prepared to give the best of :,esti: ,+t 31•.11
to all in the Automobile line, Repairs 1 Ir all
Cars will get iin)nod ate attention. We have inst,'llcd
10, an up-to-date Gas Punlp for Auto Service, 13e: -.t of
D Oils and Grease kept, Dunlop, Goodyear and Domin-
ion Tires always on hand. Call and test us in ab''Vl' fines
At Ewan's Garage, Main Street, Brussels
• in the ; ; c. ,i g y Line
• This year our pigs ar0 better and more U)'3106121p than 21(1'.
00 11ubber1u)d)+lrelTired ]figs of best material, 23yc,,,r::1n,;
e given us experience to have uothiug but the beet in this tine,
All JnbbAm; in Wood or Iron promptly attended to.
lie-t'uhhering Buggy Wheels a specialty -all sized 1151511er.
Best attention given to Repainting of Buggies and a
Specialty made of Autos.
Cider,. for New Designs of work.
The •D. Ewan .rriage Wore
• 11
i sSiii4R215 75•tlet:SJr *e02ot@)Tib)0066B12 Sietda.0000000 8000. 0030 iotJ , :' pRS 3
Rt. Woe. Bro, John WaLanl, 0, D.
0. M. of N. Huron District. No. 5, A.
F. & e1. M., Very W. Bro. Thos.
Blackacre and W. Rr,. A. Suther-
land of Bern/Lid Lodge No. 4325, A. F.
& A. AI., are ts46ending the annual
meeting of the Wand Ledge at Belle-
ville this week.
Luxton Hill, who was confined to
hie home through illness, is able to be
about again.
Footer' Brigham and wife, from the
West, are visiting at the 11011)33 of the
formet's father, John .Brigham. Itis
15 years since he left home hese.
Word was received that Pte. Chas.
R. Coupes, who enlisted at Blyth
with the 101st, haci been wounded
with gunshot in the back, arm and
thigh on Jo 13 3rd,
Misses Mary and Jean AlcMnrchie
and Iona Stnehers, Blyth, and the
plisses Chowan and Walker, Clinton,
went to Beawsville, where they will
do their bit In helping to garner the
fruit crop.
A eablegtaru from I)r. 1i ', lisl,'i
announced his safe at'rival in Ii»glalol
with the ()median Mediral Cos pe.
A, W. Beacom, Iiullelt had del
misfortune to lose a 5,10 01'1, hnl,•,
p1041304041 t0 1145331• kern 1- ill a 1.7
'Mrs, I.1ud3;.'l JL4 1.,nn, 1, a13 -•,
Alva., dnughle1 of J C8. 1? , 1 -:A
underwent an operation n ) len•
eitis. Laet report she was mogte,.,-
lug raves. ably.
141030003 PRL••scNTATio\
their depai'Lure from Mo: t a, R,• . ,
and Mrs. J, F. Fergusson w2•2,2 ,• )"•ntit
ed a farewell by the Plea'' • u co:,-
gregathon. 311. Popp u, , be. n
15 years 313 611121.5[. The pr Lulls .1
1'0 Rev, and tilts. Fes l :113 -1
Fergusson of a pale of f„ ."h n, s
Made. 11any eulogistic reeiesense'3
were made to the happy li;:Linta
existing between prtyloe and pe0pl-
11ev, 151r. Fet guss0)) was elev.!, of ti..s
Sttatfned Presbytery for mar. 3 year
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