HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-7-19, Page 1VOL.46 N0, i, o Per Anazti>•m in Advance - ONTARIO. TF1 UR,�;UAY, YULI'' Ig igJ
New ABvertieements
Lost—Edger IDnafs,
turas—R, i ar
8te n
tura yot1—Phone 6619:
Militant's—R, 'Thomson.
f•o4al—Robe, Thomson.
Lay for snle—Tom Petro,
Garden. Party—Girl Guides.
men wanted --Bell Boom Co,
Hog for service—Jesse W ghee.
Farm for ease
r on
,C1enrIP sale C,x. IcLaeCar Western G NMcLaren,
List—Village of Wroxe
Your help solluited--tlilton Hunter,
Miss :Jessie blc(ltauchlin is home
from Toronto for iter vtaratinn.
A letter• may be read in another
column front Sapper Holt, who is now
Several front this locality took in
the Evtwgeliesio services at Fordwich
last Sunday." •
Strachan, Hanover; is taking
a holiday at the home of hie mother,
Mrs. John Straohan,
Mian Retitle Purvey passed the En-
trance examination at Wingham. We
congratulate her.
Wednesday afternoon of next week
the regular meeting of the Women's
Insti:Me will be held in Vlretoria Hall,
Full attendance is requeeted.
Mrs. Albert Brigham, Hallett, acid
Mies Mary Xerr aghan, Baden, are
«-".visiting at the fortner's pat ental home.
with Are, Wtn, Moses and family.
ex -Reeve Turnbull and grand
ebildt'en: Crawford. Strachan and
Richard Jaeklin Motored to Kincar-
dine it, the latter's car for a short
Miss Fern Lcktnier and her cousin,
Miss Jessie Menzies are back from
Fordwich where they were visiting.
;The former's school pupils passed the
recent Entrance exam., one taking
Car of
tri1 ats
For Sae
Apply to
W. G. Neal, Walton, or
Geo, Muldoon, Brussels,
ails Werner and 2 daughters, of
Shnunevon, Sisk, are vielting et the
old hom1
psl rad, 1'1 o Poynter is a dau-
ghter of the late ex -Reeve Strachan,
Pte, David Johnston, son nf John
Johnston, let line Morris, ;ie home
fern Ftaneo, He was wounded and
lost his left hared we are sorry to state
but glad it a •tis no worse,- The i67itt
was the h Battalion
Pte Joh
stop en-
listed with, We welcome hila home
and hope his bootees will etlmelate
Many another young man to do his
duty in the cause of Righ teouenoes,
Rev. Me. Graham, Whitechurch,
preached for Rev, Mr. Boyle 'net Sun-
The Patriotic Society would like to
remember Otte soldiers again this
month and this time weave asking foe
a shower of the .following articles
Tobacco, gum, . soap, shaving so'tp,
tooth brushes, tooth paste, salve,
hatidkerahiefs and candies. '1'he earns
could be left at the Manse or with any
of the members in the village on or
before Wednesday, July 25th. Dona-
tions would be thankfully received
from outsiders as well as from the
members of the Society.
FANDrERs' OLvs --A meeting for the
purpose of organizing a Farmers' Club
will be held in Long's Hall on Friday
evening of this week at 8 o'cloctt. All
interested are asked to attend.
Next Sunday afternoon Oo. Sem e-
tary A. T. Cooper, Clinton, will take
the service in the Methodist chute)].
Be ie'the successor to Rev. E. G.
Powell and fe a good epeaker.
ing to the wet evening the Red Oross
Garden Party announced for Tuesday
evening last was postponed and will
be held. next Monday evening, when
the program arranged for will be giv-
en, A good time .is protuised and a
big crowd'is hoped foe.
Mrs. (Rev.) McLean, who Inas spent
the past month visiting relatives and
mends in McKillop, leaves for her
home at 0[Iln!tot (
S t tda
Miss Jennie Mc I L
y, afat
mer resi-
dent of
this locality, was united in
snare' iL P
t g_ atNPtvmnrket, on July 71h,
to Chas. Pierce. They will Make their
home at Sudbury. We wish theta
Sunday afternoon last in the ab-
sence of Rev. Mr, Oraik, at Brussele,
the Sunday School and cnngregation
of Bethel church was addressed by P.
H. Gilroy and W. H. Kerr, Brussels,
Me. Gii('oy also sang a solo. The even-
ing service at Providence was also
s,eresaaertyrratat01. rair►••ee•19stisfdt)C6 fbee•e•ee•••••e••ee••ee•••• •
Why •
do BigPackers Feed a
p4.. 10 9
• k. e
m � s
c, ••
I k o I i n
------- .:
There is no 'sentiment with big Poultry and •
- Hog Feeding Plants — quick fattening and •
o greatest profit are .of first and. all-important
9 consideration. - `"+ s
Thousands of leading Feeding Stations use o
e Milkoline and know it excells every other $'
0 . ration as a top-notch pr.'fit maker. e
Milkoline is Buttermilk in condensed form, •
-e making it cheap. to ship and convenient to •
ea handle. Modified makes it keep Winter or a
2 Summer out of cold storage. Reduces loss •
• from disease go per cent. Limited quantity •
i for sale. `Apply to t
€n 0
a•4•d•4.4 .4,44"•t'•re•'t•'r"r'ia'a'ass•a-•rlr+4.4..r"wa...a•a-.1.+4•'sa•d•"a'h'r{'.ra',t.a'4••td'
Give Ue" Your Order for
T. Great Value in a New
Stock or COATS
St raw Hats
Your choice for $1.50
a t dr hue a took at .aur Guaranteed inda o Blue Suits,$30,00
Clearing Stock.
out our 't
Phone Orders Delivered at any time—Phone 24
Bring us Your Produce
`s9 Gents' Furnisher
0mp {l'
� 6russets �
selections from ".aitk i"olk" with her aet1
't"MM'i"1'i'i'" +++444'4M'N{N'M'e4'd"N'h•! 444•4•4441-i4eleldelea ,4+' +++4.444 tuned aces tubilit and Mise .Kate
p Y, as
Congratulations are extended to Is-
lay Orawford, Otttnet'or��Denniti and
Grace E, $riechtel, McI{il'top pnpils
who passed the Entrance, exam. at
Bt motels.
:There WAS an attendance of 81 at
Bethel Sabbath School last Sunday
afternoon. The inteeest is increasing
tie i!`tp
r n
t e lute dance of.
Dundee, Geon e a
g s, supported by a good
hand of rofiicere and teachers a fine
work is being done,
Miss Helen McLean is holidaying et
Mrs, D. McTavish is a visitor in
Toronto this week,
Miss M,ndel Robinson is visiting
with relatives In Goderich.
Miss Ethel Stott left last week for
an extended visit in the West.
Ray Oar•r, Toronto, spent a week
with relatives in this vicinity,
Mrs. Thos. Hoporoft 14 spending a
week with relatives in Toronto.
Rev. A. J. Love and family, Staffa,
epent Saturday with friends here.
W, McLennan, Seafor•tb, visited his
mother, Mrs, McLennan. Monday.
Ross Smith and family, London,
called ort friends here on Saturday.
Wm, Geminil, Pilot Mound, Man„
is calling on old friends in the village.
Miss Margaret Anderson, Mansfield,
is spending the 'Summer vacation at
her home here.
C. and Mrs. Koehler and niece, Miss •
Jean Moflit, Ayton, were guests at the
home of A. H. afoffitt nn Sunday. -
$40 00 was realized at the straw-
berry festival given in the basement
of the Presbyterian church last Thurs-
day evening,
Jas. McKercher and Wilbur Hettin-
ger who are employed in a munition
plant at Galt. spent the week end at
their hnmeshe•e.
The Wroxeter Voters' List for 1017,
hap been issued and was first posted
up in Village Olet•k Beetheuer's office
nn July 1011h, There are 85 frames on
Part 1 and 51 on Part II, 180 in all,
with 35 competent to serve as Jurors.
A. hale containing the following
articles was shipped to Red Cross
headgnartel's last week t—•16 snits py-
jamas, 7 flannel shirts, 72 pan-
t wets c
ant 120p i
A. 3 quilts werea also sent for
el i n
B t, a t Relief.
Robb. Ferguson, an old resident of
Orange Bill, passed away very sud-
denly on Monday evening. Accom-
pauied by his son he had come to con-
sult our local M. D.. for to heart
trouble, daring the afternoon hot
while in the village became much
worse and died before, reaching home.
Sympathy is expt'eeeed for the rela-
tives in their anlooked for bereave
Official word was received here last
week stated that Pte. Rosen Mahon-
ev, Gienannan, who trained with the i
Wroxeter Detachment of the 101st„
had been killed in action. He was a
fine young man and his death is deep-
ly regretted. Pte. Tony Meehan has
been admitted to a hospital in France s
suffering from gunshot wounds in the
back. Bothh
t ese€ nun man
been in the trenches since Christmas,
A brother of the
inner, Alfred bleeitan
is in hospital in England.
Monday evening a few friends of Miss
Mice (Nurse) Iiannilton, who was
home front New York for a short visit
before going nverseas with an Ameri-
can Navy Hospital unit, assembled at R
the home of Mrs. W. 0. Hazlewood
when bliss Jean L. Davidson read the o
following address and Miss Elda P. 1
Hazlewood presented a purse of gold : t
Hazlewood rendered piano select to
Lunch was est ved at the olden, Nu
Hamilton is a daughter of John a
PH'S, amiltowell kr
Ii n, known reside
of this locality, The unit with wit
Nurse Hainilton goes las been on
ted by an American .citizen of ,vet
who in this way is ()Meg his "b
We wish 1
k t e unit t at a voyage o o
the after joy of hone coning w
Peace had been proclaimed,
net, 1 wards yon. It is our wish surd paver
res the! t
t 'il and yon 1 l '
Ut family
d >r
y y lue, net
spared ell o r
i t t P' r •
i h 1 u a
f , long tl,
time i
n you
ors .that, GNPs blessing may r, -;;t on you
loll and ynue' labor. for the Mester, stud
flit• sucee9A inti 1vnnrbig' IJi 1.itlgelr,tn on
tIth this earth. Htgeed nu behalf or Blue -
it." vale Olecnit, 1
Bl uevale
Mrs. Robb, ,Musgrove is visiting
friends ill Tol'onto,
Mies Nellie Burgess, Toronto, is'vis-
iting at hethotete here.
Mise Margaret Jermyn, Toi onto, is
visitin her mother this week,
Mrs, Snell lute returned home after
spending the past few weeks at Olin -
ton, -
Mies Mary Stewart returned home
from Grantl Valley where she has
been visiting friends.
E. Blythe, of Hepworth, is relieving
Jas. Masters, who is On the sick list,
We hope be will soon be o. k.
DOING A Goon Woarc.—The regular
meeting of Biuevale Branch of the
Women's Institute was ,held at the
home of Mrs. H. Diament,' Thursday
afternoon, 12th last, Secretary re-
ported the following encouraging fea-
tures :- -
Turnherry Council, grant.,., .$ 125 00
Morris Oouncil, grant ..,,........ 150 00
Mee. R. 'Hamilton 2 00
S. S. No. 8, Morris (Miss int,
Yuitl, teacher)....., ..., .. 5 00
For .Soldiers' Comforts, M rs:.Lnekhaet,
Mrs. W. Thornton and 'Mrs, Jas. Kir-
ton, each 10 yards flannelette. There
was shipped to lted Cross Irt'adLluart-
et'e 144 suits pyjamas and, 168 Praire of
socks. To our boys overseas 77 pairs
socks and to the Elizabeth hospital at
Topetinghe, Belgium, a bale of cloth-
ing valued at $90.00. The Society 'is
very grateful to the Councils and the
other friends who have helped so gen-
musty thereby enabling the ladiestocomplete and forward supplies instead
of spending their time iu arranging
for entertainments, Ste., to raise the
funds for this noble cause. Their help
is greatly appreciated and Hereby
ed P
Holo 1,
R1OL h x
L nn church 1 was
attended e by large coigte),alfott on
the morning or Sunday, July 15th, to
witness the unveiling of the Honor
Roll, containing the carnes of the
young Oren now enlisted for overseas
service.' who have been at any thee
connected with Knox chtn'ch or the
Young People's Society. The musical
part of the service was pleasing and
appropriate, including a solo, "The
cull of the Motherland by Miss Ca r't'ie
Dittmond and "The Veteran's song"
by alias Agnes Aitchison. At the
close of the sermsu the pastor, Rev.
C. Tate paid a tribute to time mut be -
ng played by the young men in
carrying on the Anglo-Saxon love of
Liberty and when the Roll of Honor
had been gracefully unveiled by trod
ittle girls, next of kin to two of the
oldiere represented, Nellie McKinney
and Olive Garniss, he read aloud the
,antes to
scr(bed ori the Roll as fol -
owe :—Lieut. Walter If Burgess
l g4F,
Sergi. Jas. McNaughton Signaller
Howard G. Haney, Sapper A. E,
Thomas and Ptes. J, Malcolm Scott,
A. L. Posiiif, Alfred Ennis, Frank
Shaw, Leslie McKinney, Harold V.
Kerney, Leslie S. Winch, Ralph
Shaw, Bertram Badman, Leonard
obinsen, Ben, Woodley and Colin
McNaughton. The occasion was one
f deep feeling for the large number
,resent, including many of the rely
ives and friends of the soldiers who
were being honored. The Honor Roll
which is the gift of the Westminster
Mid, presents a pleasitrg appearance
eing framed in oak and hand lettered
u Old English with illuminated title
iitials in green and gold.
very pleasant time was spent in the
Methodist church Saturday evening
when a large number of members and
friends from the three appointments
gathered together to celebrate the 20111
'Wedding Anniversary of theit paster
and his wife, Bev. D. D. and Mrs.
Thomson, Arthur Shaw trade a vary
able Chairman and kept the folk
laughing by his many funny stories
and ,jokes. A short address was given
by Rev, 0. Tate ; recitations by 111 isses
Mary Stewart and Eva Breckenridge,
Frank Stamper and Robt. Shaw ; duet
by two little ,lathers girls ; solo by
Margaret Garniss ; duet by bb's, Mo -
Call and Mrs, Ed. Johnston,• and last
but not least a talk on the War by
Major 0. V. Jewitt, who has been
through an '
f the hardest, K t fighting
at Cite Sominead t
'Vitt*, ew Ridge.
is att able speaker and gg
ave tt vivid
description of life in the ttrnrhee and
what our boys are doing. Also gave
a' description of. the tanks in action,
His only two brother are also lighting
to France and ire expects to return
sltoa'tly as he is only off on $ months'
furlough, He is a son of Rev. George
Jewitt, of Springfield, formerly or
Blyth. Next: on progttun Mee, and
Rev, Thomson weee called to the plat-
form and presented with a gold head-
ed umbrella for the pastor and tt quart-
er -cut oak china cabinet to tits, Thome
son, • Mrs. I1,1ph made the p1 er'tt bit'
tion and Meg. Harry Somme read the
following address :--
'I'h, Ii ev. AND MRS. 'J'rtn;tteoiv
1Ve, the toe -mhos end adherents of
tlne'Methodist ohurc1t, i3lnevale Cir-
anit, wish t0 colntnetnto n,te with yon
the 20th anniversary or your wedding
clay and to offer, one congratulations,
t.5 the look over the 3 years spent
amongst us, we Crest tvfill npprecin-
Udon or yot1v cheerful and helpinl pees.
rere at itll'oui' thine') awed social gath-
erings and a svitipal by is oto' joys hitt
sorrows, we tette this nppo,tnnity of
oxpt'essieg our gratitude to you and
your feinity for lho services so kindly
and latviegly given. We ask yon to
eititle china caltinetand nnthrella
a slight token of Mir gooddwill to -
We understand that your offered
services as a nurse have been accepted
by the Government of the United
States and that you are about to leave
for duty in France. To combat dis-
ease and to care for the feeble is at all
tithes a noble calling but that phase
of the work you are abeet to under-
take will bring you directly in touch
with patients who in all-round man-
hood were the flower of the Nation,
hut, who by renew) of man's 1ithuutan-
ity to mon, in a moment of time have
passed ntit of vigoious strengtlt into
dependent weakness, Many a wound-
ed soldier has invoked the Divine
blessing upon tine nurse carrying the
lamp lighted by Florence Nightingale
and made to glow with increased
brightness by one who a few months
ago, to friend and foe, .proved faithful
unto death—Edith Cavell. We are
confident you will prove a worthy
member of that bawd of women 19ito
rare givittg their services to help and
to beat. When you are in the Midst
of death acct hav
ee n
sa allmere h
alt aids fail to gnat ch from it nee inch
of rims and t.het'e struts luny here else
to tern ,night we he allowed lo put
you in remembrance of the "Angels or
Alone" and 1 he Angel of the Covenant
who never fails: A number of your•
Pelotas at 1Vtoxetei` and vicinity de-
t express to you their apprecia-
tion of the step you have taker and
ate glad to have you repeeseut the
community at the front and would
ask . yon to accept this purse. We
wishto convey through it, in a ennttll
ntrasure. 'our kindness of 'feeling to-
tvarde you and tine interest in the
defuse. 1Ve ,lest and; prey that the.
war may soon be over ittidthat yrrti
may return to your home in gond,
health. 'Signed in behalf of your
friends, E, P. 1IAzrrwnori,
J' L. DAX'onsoty,
Nurse 'hotline') was completely taken
by surmise but in to few appropriate
eon tan nes expressed her heartfelt
thanks for the very kind address and
the uuexpeeted but ninth appreciated
gift, She wnuid nftonthink of \Vtox-
etet friends while away tend hoped she
week! dothe )tnntelatrd credit tts she
onttettvot•sd to pot teem het 11111 ditty,
Sirs, George 'Allen sang a couple or
t'hoicn solos, 1,lige 1l, Carie gave it few
41 rs. Tltn tlso was 1 s v s also presented with
et beautiful hoclnet or (lnr,tnlinne i'rom
YotwgLadnes' els'.., wines! 'b: used
to teach ' in the S. fi 'tit. '1 b rn ort
made a very suitable telly •• lel 1lre,nk-
ed the friends for 1 hell m.411,1111)1 atom,
kindness and gond wi,ht s. It. had
00015 as a coinPltte hilt priso ud he dill
not know anythingof it until 5'. eloek
that evening when he were regneeted
to conte over to the chu1011 ttt. 7 20
After many hand ehtrkre and well
wishes the happy gathering broke op
at 11.80 p, m. The congregations are
to be commended for their fore-
thought and - generosity and we pee -
diet the kindly net will pt eve a bless-
ing to all concerned.
Mrs. J. Jermyn, idni eels, is spend-
ing a few weeks with Chris.. and Mrs,
Rogerson, 8th line.
Miss Viola McLeod motored with
friends to Stratford and spent the day
with her cousin, Neil Forbes,
Misses Mabel and Ferns Feanois,
Hamilton, are enjoying a visit with
their cousin, Miss Mande Bryans.
We congratulate Chas. Cole or pass-
ing his exam. in vocal music, with let
olaes honors. He is a pupil of P. R.
Mnlbernn, Brussels.
Steeper Gordan Ferguson is home
from Ottawa and will assist len haying
on his father's farm, Be is with the
Dominion Signallers.
Mrs, William Bryans bas gone to
Bloomfield, Ont„ to visit at the home
of her son, Charles, who is the Manag-
er nf the Standard Bank there,
At the recent Entrance exam. at
Wingham, Mande Bell and Edwin
Martin were sncoessfel. They are
pupils of Nn. 5 and are getting a good
start cif. We wish then SirrCees.
Compliments are extended to Misses
Mande Bell and Nora, VanCatnp on
passingtheir Primary
n e
lino taking lst class ha
nlA. They
stat en under n td
ei Dlias
Mae Wilkin-
Mrs. Leslie and bliss .Lon, Preston,
Miss 11tty Pasenioi•e, V'inghatu ; •Mrs.
Scott, Miss Hanson and Vernon Scott,
Toronto ; and Mrs. A. Bryans, '.bliss
Serve, Brussels and Dr, E. E.
Stymie, recently home from France,
were visitors at W. H. Fergueotes,
A cement driving shell, 28x40 and 0
1551 1)10, bas been built nn the tine
farm of Alex. Metanchlin, East gravel
road, .lohu McNabb had the contract
and did a good job. Mac, is a good
Farmer and likes to have everything
comfortable and trim.
Mrs. George Kelly and children were
at Stratford last week nulling on Rev.
Mt', Hoagies and family, former old
ft•iettds at Seafm'th. We. are sorry to
bear that Ma Hodgins' health is not
good and he has to desist Rout his
duties as clergyman, but we trust the
rest will aid t him.
A welcotne visitor to Morris is Mise
Mary Kernaghan, forrnetly of the dth
line. She bolds a gond position with
the Livingstone firm at ,Baden and her
years spent with them is the best evi-
dence of the acceptibility or her ser-
vice. Old friends are glad to see her
looking so well.
M ATRIDIONIAL, - On June 20th, at
Saskatoon, Richard D. Oarcliff, broth-
er to Elston Cardiff, 5th line, was un -
ted in marriage to Mise Evelyn Stan -
will make their home at Iveton, Sask.,
where tir, Cardiff: is farming. Rela-
tives and old Friends in this locality
will be a unit in congratulation and
good wishes to the happy young cot -
We are glad to heat that the pupils
nf No. 3, known as the Miller school,
5th line, who wrote nu the Entratnee
examination were all successful. L'liey
were Margaret Hanna, Lillian ItICAt•-
t.er, Mary McNab (honor's) and. Cecil
Somers (honors.) Mary NaNali stood
2nd formarks arnong those who tried
at Brussels, taking 526. Will. Hoover.
the teacher, and pupils are to be con-
gratnlated, Regret is expressed that
Mr. Hoover will not accept another
engagement. His plans, however, are
to attend a Toronto Educational insti-
tution, entering next Fall.
Grey Township news may be read
on page 5 also,
A valuable horse was killed by light•'
Meg recently on the farm ofO t
a les
1'IeCynatrte, 10th con
Miss Muriel Hooter, lith con., ie
holidaying with relatives in Wawa -
nosh. We congratulate her on pass-
ing her Entrance Pxmit, aviIb honors
ab Brussels.
A second sister of Mrs Edward Gar-
vin, Mrs. Win. Logie, of Nassagewaya
township, Helton County, passed away
to her reward. This was the,secotd
sister to depart: this lit'o during the
past month, Decet
was 7
lY e
of ego,
Bottoms.— Congratulations nt'e ex-
tended to Sties Sadie E. MoNnir,
daughter of Jame:: D. itnd airs. Mc-
Nair, she having passed the E1)8Hnee
examination with honors. Milts For,
rest, her teacher, also shares in the
On the tette
nl' Robert rt Davidson,
121:1t conn, is located a vet couvenient
rove, often 121,0(1 for pin-lnic parties.
The proprietor does not object to folk
lowing a good time (here bot thinks
the least people aYtight do is to ask
peratnlssinn before taking poesesslon,
Some folk have had the news to horn
tip some of the fence mile,In take. n
'fire and did not even say 'Thank you.
Then, aro a few other prnintielit's, if
Preaticcd, wolid show good Paste on
!he. part of pis -netters arri they should
be sure that they leave the place in as
good shape. as when they amide their
Ii'. ki. ,I,,ERR, Pro/irietor
Srhn.,l l:: ritu';d liritssels
on V't'i'Iay e-:~,,•,:;liii;4, J my 20th
At a o'aluutt
AtIche'ss by Capt lilr.) Ed, Aryans
"A Year es K E7, at the front"
Gond pingt•am ineluding Girl
(.1 tilde \trod'• 1 ih "t, the
ground. Pt nt.eittation of
Adinleeion 15 Cents.
Rev. It. l; Page Allis V, Bowman
Chairman. Acting Capt.
Mrs„ 1. Fnx
Predident Ladles' Cwnmrttes,
wan weather is unfavorable Enter-
tainment trill be held in the Towu
visit. Mr. Davidson is nor likely
to say Nay to pleasure seekers but has
a notion that els owner he might be
consulted before pic-nic parties drive
in, mithe themselves at home and help
themselves to whatever they think
they need.
Percy and bite. Mitchell left for
their home at Kelfield, Sask„ this
week carrying with them the best
wishes of the community. It is said
Miss Ohristena Dickson, who -is a suc-
cessful teacher, has iesigued her school
and will retain home with her moth-
er to take the plane of her sister, Mrs,
51] tebell,
gOtvuto to the high price and scarcity of cool
annual must be cash on delivery.
Ci YER (ilei.
'Can ofs t v
e to n has arrived vo for A, S. Cole.
a Env
C rtera
may ro.
r.• quantities
de reed
np ,ncatiun r tstnn A{,(nt Murray, G. T. A,
Mrs. Ge"rge Dane and Miss Marjory
McKee, Toronto, are visitors at the
hotue of Andrew Metres, Mrs, Dane
is !t sacra' of the latter,
The Ethel pupils who passed the En-
trance examination at Brussels were
Matgaret MnDnuald, Vera aleCall and
Mae Vt'ddett. Como alulations,
Last Slabiurth evening Robert MC -
Kay condo:1ml the service in the
Methodist chnreh in the absence of
the pastor and did well.
Peroy Mitchell and bride left for
their home in the West Tuesday of
this week. MSS Minnie Bateman ac-
companied theta on her trip to points
iu Saskatehenvnnand Alberta,
II. and Mew, Ziemau, Preston, who
have beer: visiting with Moe. and Mrs.
Davidson for the past week, returned
to theiro
h net aeenm n'
by Miss
tDacnit „cF
1 1 an P- t
X elided'e
vt it
toPteston, t{esptk'r, Kitchener and
On (einph U"n ora n year's terns itt
the school at (1t , 1tg (are.+,, 51iss Ella
ilaustlklwat p >. Is1 With a hand-
some club liag ed au address from
her pnpils in tic -ouitiou of her faith-
ful sst•vice's She also received a
beautiful Bible fleet the Sunday
School. Miss Hansuld will teach at
Kent Centre ,text term.
List of Succosaful Candidates
The foll/,ntingiethe. list of success-
ful candidates at the recent Entrance
extuninatinins at the various cen-
tres, Names being ta'ianged alpha-
betically :
At this centre Marguerite Wilton
made the highest marks, 531* Mary
McNabb, No 3, Morris, Made the next
highest, 526,
Clatence Anderson
Hari let Bolger
Harry Botger
Esse Burgess (hon.)
Islay Crawford
Cameron Dennis (lkot•t
,Margaret Hanna thou.)
Murielioovet thou.)
Grace IZneclntel
Helen McQnttrrie
'fettle Mr Oall
Matgmtt MoDretald
Maty McNabb (hon.)
Sadie AteNair (hots.)
Inez McNichol
Howard Mitchell (hon,)
las. Nolan
Cecil Sotuers (hon,)
Archie Stewart
A w Turnbull (iron,)
Mae Vodden
Marguerite Wilton (hon,)
Of the Separate Sehool candidates
Mary O'Leary sinnd highest with 542
mtu'ks : of tine Public School canal -
dates Ernest Edge was highest with
532 uuuks ; (irncr Herr, Ivicliiltop,
was highest ht the Inspectorate with
552 marks to her credit,
Fred. Archibald
Malcolm Artuetiong (hos,)
Anna Atkinson (hon.)
Belli Barton (hon,)
Plot since Beattie
Melvin i31anshard (hos,)
Evelyn Carden (Ikon.)
Amnia Delle (hen,)
Greta Denuisoh (hon.)
Adam T)ndite (hon.)
ielnya Heade
Ernest Edge (hon.)
Reil Edmund (hon,)
Ivan Iht•eyth
131111e Greig (1100,)
3' -lost i' t ihon,)
• art.,,
• t 11 re.1
1 ,
, ut• lith,••
11 '
Mary llelai•Ih
(trate it e e {both)
Ka ,i.• 1„11 tinier
I u Nt '
birl „ren
l,Frit d ttvn
Lhanld 5i'5ab
es.,, I. ;tatter's
i>.,tt1 + ."nt thou.)
te , 11 „•knell
y' thou,)
,,r1 ,1 ,
'-Ir'l' i'•-: ry
lava Step',,6
Eva. St! nn,;
(I t'r'ain tt :Lt t
XI yi t le Tto k.'t
hurl, Th. u•psnu (hon,)
Jartt'e t p Mill
" quirt-1Vor1 el
1.,t,r, n 'elt,lter
1S'at••l,r 1, c^atley
fidio11 \t t „ht,
At tins e1 etre the highest market
were need' by Aileen Kennedy and
Peiranu Me lntyt'e 530 each ; the form-
er is a \Vit,gham pupil the latter is
front Bluevale,
J. Henry Aitchinson
May Allen
Jas, Allen Ikon.)
Archie Anderson
Evelyn .Angus
Mand Bell
Edda Bennett
Nellie Boardman
Wm, Out•rie
Jack Davidson
Ella Dobie
Doris Fells (hon.)
Alba Galbraith
Harry Gannett (lion.)
0111e Hamilton
James Batelle
Viette Hill
Gavin Holmes
Sydney' Holmes
Oswald Hutton
Alice Imlay
Gordon Irwin
Mabel Johnston
Velma Johnston
Aileen t hen
•. {
7+di Kew
.1, "iY
t1 Ltd tot
herrn Mr 1),atell
Trude Mel lwaitt -
L'ndtvin Marlin
Herold Mille
I is rcourt Untidy
Allan Morten
Mer' Net lusty
Pen son (hon.)
David Petrie
(la t1,net Pt,noeli
Alert in heist
Eunoia Re ver
Mharaat•tet. Robertson
Mary Robertson
Stanley Robinson
Thelma Sanderson (hon.)
Aggie Stonehouse
Late et i a Sturdy
heft la Tan vcy
Iran VanSiune (hon.)
bfnt7eli"e 1Valker
wt Wilkinson
Agnes Williamson (hon.)
Clayton Zurbrigg,
At this ceetre William Ross was
highest with Slit marks,
Barry Allen
Beryl A'-llt.nn
I Illl;w Dam. (lanai
\ ild,'t 1)rt,
Elsie I', ahledee
P 1.Itnubh•dee
.3',,lel tiff
J .lie F nous 111o11,1
Chester stet 11 lkinson,
Alive lltir8
(;.sd,,n mot ',maid
Attic• 5'I ltesev,ve
Thos. N, t ihun,)
1111l gill el Page (ltOn,)
William I 1 4s thou.)
Itutc,n t-0,1,111
iat, z'i , 111l0lt
Lillie Vin 11<•
Ilatr.'1.1 At r1, (hot.)
1h .11,1,>en \t't', tlake
George 'Wylie.
Merjm ie A slItne (horn)
Orme (1 shalt
Anson ii,•:tthlterlieg
51111412 Drumm ling
Oatbeef rte Poster
Esther Handing
Harald Ktanieb
Ruth Lennard
Ruth bleitenzte
Beery Rogers
Frieda Williamson.
Mon i
Cr e
At the Red Oross Tea in the church
school room last Friday evening $7,00
wee realized for this worthy cause.
Archie McLean was home for over
Sunday, Ho le with a 0. P. R. bridge
gang. They have been working at
Moffatt, Mac. is a good band.
A. et next Sundal ys a1'it�ernoonll bat 2n80ttin
Knox church here in cmnneotioe wills
the death, in France of Pte. Ernest
Harvey, He enlisted in the 110th
Perth Battalion anti was killed in
action, He was a highly esteemed
young mean. Victor 'Parr reported
some time ago its missing will also be
t emembered.
k'nllntving wits the address present-
ed to lilies Lulu McDonald before her
removal Eton M(nicriet'f, it being ad.
oontpanied by the gift of a signet
ring g. ,_ ,
Tnt years ago them cams to
us a quiet, nntesuming girl, her fdiity
aflying tend tedions one, training
young minds, She has fulfilled, eon.
scirttlinertly, and sneoessl'ully, but not
alone to work Inas her time been given
as our Sunday School and Church has
felt her presence, especially .to our
droit she has been west helpful, As
olioir menthol; we hope itIiss M.oDon-
aid will accept this little token of door
friendship, whieb carries with it the
best and sincereet wiehee for a bright
and successful future,