HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-28, Page 8elee""ev,.tere.er° •
••••••••4 4.14..e6+0+0+6 elefeee e .14.894,+.+.+.19+:+.+,+.+:t
F. R.1iS M 1 T H
The Store
TENelE. r
+++.+,4.•÷.4,+,+•+,+,+,+, +4 +0+4+++++4)4.4.+44•44.44444.0+4.
Your potato patch will soon need
its first application of Paris Green
to kill the potato bugs which are
always a sure crop, no matter
what else Is a failure. We have
received our supply and guaran-
tee it to be pure and strong. Put
up in i Ib. and Ib. pkgs , and
smaller pkgs. for those who only
have a small patch. Get your
supply early,
Road Maps
A correct map of the roads of
Western Ontario -a very useful
thing to have. Price 25c.
War Maps of
Gives special attention to the
places around which the
War is being carried on. Folds
up to pocket size.
Price 25c.
Films for
the Holiday
Take your Kodak with you on
the Holiday. A complete stock
of Films on hand,
Corn Solvent
Relieves the pain and remove& the
Corn. PRIC,l5 250.
Pictorial Review
Fashion Book
Has colored illustrations and gives
a correct forecast of the styles for
Summer. With each book there
ISS eoupen good for a 15c pattern.
Ptiee, including the coupon. 25e
July No.
Pictorial Review
We keep the Pictorial Review
Tooth Paste
Makes snow white Teeth,
PRICE e5c.
7he :1124(f..4 Store
Druggist and Stationer
'Mt Darin Of I', 1‘, Smith, Dreggist,
WAS ilOt inehlded In the peirlislied het of
honorees men who signed for the There.
day half holiday, He was out of town
when the petition was circulated but he
litIS since Added bis signature and will
close on dates to be observed. Robert
* '2,I i
mmson's name was also omit ted.
BRUSSELS Red Cross shipments For
May were 1-7t pain; sock, i hospital
shirt. 8 Kilts pyjama, 24 trench keels,
4, t 2 trench suits end 2 quilts, For J one
i the record is 70 pairs seeks, 18 trench
e* towels, 5 suits pwienis and 20 trencli
; Suits. Will the ladies ititereleial, and
• that should mean all, turn out to next
Tuesday afteenoon's sewing et the Red
* -
e. Cross envie.
et A CLOSE CALL - One evening lest
* week "Bob," son of Mike Nicholls, tuck
+ a fresk notion to see what strychnine
,t, tasted like and wben he began to ascer-
tain he hestened, as best he could, to
4 the doctor's office where eeveral hours
! were spent, with no small anxiety, in a
• successfnl endeavor to oven: =me tho
4' poison and the yoneg man was snatched
• fronr the jaws of death, He is able to
4' be about again. The druggiet was 'old
+ the strychnine was to poison rats Bob
• won't try it again.
11* Helmet OLD Boys. -The Huron Old
; Boys' Association, 1'oronto, met on
• Saturday night, with the Presielete, R.
• S. Crocker in the chair, and ek cided to
+ hold a monster picnic Rod tenuion el
• Centre Island Park. Owing to the in.
+ ability of the G. T. R. to supply train
.5. service, the Association has been obliged
• to cancel its annual excnneen 'o the
t County of Huron. The tneml ers will,
+ however, join in the Old Boys' reunion
• at Blyth, next Monday, where a big
+ demonstration of a patriotic nature will
÷ he held
• SOCIAL EVENING.- 'rite Epworth
' League changed the plan of their Gar.
den Party last Monday evening to a
• social in the School room of the chureh
to yiug to the wet weather. Rev. D.
+ Wren was chairman and made a short,
happy address. An excellent and vari-
ed program was presented that pleased
the large audience present It was as
follows t -Sextette by the male members
of the church choir ; reading, Miss Vera
Hoover ; solo, Clayton Jordan ; solo,
Miss Hingston ; yietrolit ; male sextette I
address, Rev. Mr Cralk, Walton ; solo,
IMiss Grace Walker 1 oborua by the
Menelea quIntette i chorus by Crete,
brook and Bruseele choirs. Everybody
did well and several eneoree were re-
eponcled to. A parcel post sale eneued
with Cheater Armstrong in charge that
acted considerable gm usemen t. A
tasty lunch was served followed by ice
creem. The National Anthem -and
4 Benediction brought the proceedinee to
ta close. Proceeds totalled $32 00.
League is to be eongralule'ed, The
Ladies' Aid lent their assistance to the
xacal t eb:rs Pins
1867 -1m. -God bless our broad
THR Giri Guides are to play Base Ball
at Belgrave picnic Friday.
POSTOFFICa hours next Monday Will
be 8 to a. in. and 5 to 6 p. m.
PUBLIC schools close Friday of this
week to resume next September.
P. Amerce, is having a supply of gravel
hauled. into Isis ex eusive yards tor road
making purposes
SEVERAL interesting letters from ei.'-
dier boys are to hand but have to be left
over until next issue of THE. PoST.
C.00rtme meeting will not meet next
Monday evening on account of the holl•
day but will convene a week later.
BRUSSELS Branch of the W. C. T. U.
meets Friday afternoon of this week in
the audience room of the Public Library
at 3 o'clock.
REMEMBER Thursday afternoon of
next week will be the first of a series of
holidays by Brussels business people
during the months of July and August.
BRUSSELS Business Hens' Association
was not able to meet last Monday even-
ing but will hold a short meeting Thurs-
day evening of this week at 8 o'clock.
Try and attend
CARD OF THANKS. -We wish to ex-
press our sincere thanks to the many
friends and neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy during our recent bereave-
C. 0. F. -The annual sermon to the
members of Court Princess Alexandria,
No. 24, C. 0. F., Brussels, will be
preached next Sabbath evening, in
Melville church at 7 o'clock, by Rev. A.
1. Mann, B. A. Brethren are asked to
meet at their Hall at 6.3o to march to
the church. Visitors will be welcome.
THE five flower beds set out by the
Horticultural Society were planted with
geraniums last week, Messrs. Fox,
Strachan and Dames being in charge.
Some mean smiled person stole one of
the plants from the bed corner Turn -
berry and William streets Friday night.
If the theft can be fastened on the right
party they may he sorry for the act,
The Society ask each resident, both old
and young to see that the heft are not
tampered with and we hope this initial
step in beautifying Brussels may lead to
many folk assisting in this line of
work. The intention of the Society is
to put in Tulip bulbs next Fall in same
beds looking to next Spring,
The funeral services on the remains of
MrS. A. C. MacFarlane was held from
Alderside, the home of the late Mrs.
MacFarlane's mother, Mrs. Richard
Edwards, Cannington, Monday. Mrs.
MacFarlane was the wife of Capt. Mac.
Farlane, former manager of the Stand-
erd Bank, Brussels, who went overseas
with the tzeth Battalion a year ago.
Mrs. MacFarlane underwent an opera.
tion a few weeks ago at Toronto, and
was convalescing slowly, when the end
came quite unexpectedly. Sire was
prominent In church, social and patrio-
tic work and was beloved in the com-
munity. She is survived by her hus-
band, 6 sisters (Mrs. D, Martin, 2 Beres-
ford road, Toronto ; Mrs. Weeks, of
Lindsey ; Mrs. Blank, of Lorneville
Mrs, MeKintion, Mrs. Amey and Miss
Norma Edwards, Cannington) and one
brother, F. 5.. Edwards, private banker,
Canniugtoo, Mrs MacFarlane since
the departure of Cept. MacFarlane over.
Seas had resided with her mother, Mrs,
Richard Edwards, Cannington, Death
occurred in the private patients' pavie
lion of the Gummi Hospital, Tartlet°,
Deceased was highly esteemed by a
wide circle of friends when a resident of
town some years ago who regret to hear
of her demise, 2 daughters are left,
lames Bigger. Galt, has been visiting
11 5 veteran cousin, David Ross
Neter Monday will be a Public Holi-
day tool the business places will le eios-
'Jiix gisder was at work on sow,- of
the sows rortuding off the sides al-
lew the water to get away.
Goo. GUIDES -A meeting of tit' Girl
Guides will be held this Thursday , vett-
ing ft' their motile, at 7 3o o'clock All
are • • q steel in I, present, sap cony
the mewl ers of the l'ase Ball team.
T wn 1917 Model Ford touring ears f, r .ale,
Apply ti ANeNT .4c0..NALD, Bre ../.1
1401.10 brick eel tag, nicely deeorated, ge
lot and. stable fur wan. Apply at Tux :AST.
GIRTH wanted, one for ki Cohen and other for
dining room. Must have none experience.
Good wages. Apply at, (met., 9tating wages
524 Calleellb, Hotel, Seaforth.
FOR BALE -Log house on Lot 2, Con. 2, Grey,
containing good cedar 'ow, ..ultable for corner
posts, term g, etc. 0. Durr, Bluevale. 2
CHILD'S kid mitts found, Map be had. at
Tee P.F.T.
RAY Fo,e ALE. -The hay on Victoria Park
is offered for sale Offers received up to July
1st. 8 T. PLus, Reeve,
Live Poultry wanted, will take delivery any
day. Phone 00 for prices. Row. Ta DAMON,
THREE Short Horn Halle from 10 to 12
months old for eale. JAS. SEEM Lot 20, Con,
6, Morris. Phone 100.
Swan to rent. Lately occupied by Currie
Bros. as butchers. I. 0, RT CHARDS.
To RENT - Comfortable dwelling above
stores, 1 -oft water. I.O. RICHARDS.
Dn. PAnkeit, Osteopathic Physician, visite
Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visits residence& Conaultatton at
Queen's Hotel,
last week Thomas Corry, a well known
resident of Queen street, Brussels, an'
swered the Roll call of the skies, in his
68th year, He had not been in good
health for past 6 months his heart being
the trouble and pneumonia setting to
last week completed life's course. Fun
eral took place Monday af enroon, ser
vice being conducted by Rev. D, Wren
in the Metbochst church, of which de
ceased was a member. It was a coin
forting message the parson gave on
••The House ot many mansions," Pall-
bearers were F. Roe, J. Burgess, G.
Crooks, R. Oliver, D. Heist and W.
Robinson, Interment was made in
Brussels cemetery. Among those at
tendiug the funeral from a distance were
Jas. and Mrs. Curry, Fred. and Mrs
Curry, Gen., William and Jno, Curry,
Wm. Hodges and Mrs Thos, Dutton,
all of Woodstock ; Mae. Parker, Lista-
wel ; rhos. and Mies Ida Parker, At
wood and Joo, and Mrs. Snarling and
daughter, of Megan Falls, N. Y. • Mr.
Curry was born in West Oxford, attend-
ed the Baptist College, Woodstock, and
Commerical College, London, after-
ward filling the poet of reporter on
Toronto Globe staff for a year. In 1876
he was married to Miss Alice Parker,
East Z are, Oxford Co. and they lived
at Embro for 3 years, then in Chesley
for 8 years from which town they come
to Brussels 25 years ago, Mr. Curry
was an expett orchardist and few men
were AS Well EDS! ed (313 pruning and
grafting, Be also did a big business as
Salesman of Noreen/ stock. He belong-
ed to the I. 0 and was a Liberal in
politics, Fri geently he served as judge
of Fruit depirtmeet at Brussels and
other Fall Fairs The subject of this
notice is survived by Ills widow and e
daughters. Mrs. Sperling, Niagara
Falls, N. Y., Miss Beatrice, who is teach -
Pig ,near Wroxeler, and Miss Alice at
home, who seem in the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement les ,
John end George, brothers deo survive
Mr, (Airy WAS a good citizen and will
he greatly missed. Mrs. Curry and
daughters will continue to make their
home in Brussels,
GOOD NEIGHBOR Digs -The Loteennw
Sentinel says ;-"After nearly a veer of
illness and much suffering, Donald
Smith McIntosh, (better kuown as Dan,
McIntosh) passed Away on Saturday,
lune r6th, in the 66th year of his age,
Mr, McIntosh was born at Ardersier,
Morayshire, Scotland. on July 3951,
and came to (bit country, with his par-
ents, when a lad of fifteen. Like his
contemporaries, he experienced the hard
ships of early pioneer life. not only in
this country, but in tbe Western States
where be settled about the year 1882.
In 188e he was united in marrisge to
Nellie Kennedy, and to this union were
born two sons and 3 daughters, all of
whom survive him and were at home at
the time of his death. Mr. McIntosh
was a man nt many good qualities, kind
and generous to a fang Ile took an
active iuterest in all live topics and was
a great reader which enabled him to urn -
verse fully and intelligently ou current
topics, His bome was open always to
the stranger and no young man ever
carried a youneer heart than Dan. Mc-
Intosh, We shall all miss him and miss
the many pleasant times be gave et un•
der his roof. In their great bereavement
we extend our sincere sympathy to those
who mourn him The funeral which
was held on Monday, to the Kinloss cem-
etery was largely attended and in a de-
gree proved the esteem in which deceas-
ed was held." Alex. and Mrs. McIntosh
of Brussels. who were neighbors of de-
ceased in North Dakota for 20 years, at-
tended the funeral of their old friend.
People We Talk About
Miss Minnie Edwards was visiting her
sister, Mrs Longfoot, at Stratford
Will. MeLeunao, youngest son of the
late M. McLennan, was a visitor iu town
last week.
D and Mrs. McCall and Miss Loretta,
Calgary, have been renewing old friend-
ships in town.
Rev. Georgie Jewitt, Springfield, is
here this week owing to the serious ill-
ness of his father.
Erratt sect Miss Mabel Erma., of
Auburn, were visitors at the home ot
Jno. Hunter, John street.
Mrs, Parker Foster, Kincardine, was
a visitor in town for the week end with
her sisters, Princess street. -Miss Millie Grewar went to Brandon,
Manitoba, to visit her sister, Mrs, R.
N Barrett, formerly of Brussels,
ex Reeve Leckie has hardly been up
to concert pitch during the past week
but his mauy friends hope he will soon
be o. k.
Mrs George Beaker did not go West
this week as her health was not con-
sidered Komi enough. We hope she
will soon be fully restored.
Miss Hazel Stamper and Miss Jeau
Yeo were visiting Mrs Ben, Whittard
Saturday and Sunday. They are front
B u 'vale, Miss Stamper being a niece
Gem ge Kerr went to Sault Ste. Marie
last week to attend the funeral of his
nephew, Wm. Rialaudeon, who was
killed by coming in contact with a live
le W. earl Mrs. McFerlane, F. and
Mrs M c Paden e and Fred, Wood,
motored from London and spent the
week end with J. 'I', and Mrs Wood
and family
Lieut. Moir Thomson spent a few
dim In townlest week, He late a notion
to try the aerial service of King George.
The soldier laddie is the only son cf '1',
It end Mrs ThOnlson, Seeforth,
Pte. Will. Buchanan, a nephew of M.
and Mrs. Buchanan, Bruesels, was
among those who gave up 1110 lire for
King and Empire. His parental home
was at Westfield, where a memorial set..
vice was held last Sunday after000n.,
Deceased was a school teacher before
Rev, and Mrs. Wren and children
leave for Mt, Forest, their new field of
labor, Friday of this week, The framer
begins his pastorate next Sabbath. We
wieli them well in their pew home,
Lieut. Stewert Scott and Mrs. Scott
at rived b'wk from the hospital at Lon -
4031 Mouday evening Fle is Improving
nicely after his operation and his maty
Weeds wish hito speedy convalescence.
Church Chimes
Rev. W 5 5 afford, B, A., the new
pastor will uoielect the services in the
Methodist Church at Ix a, tn. Rua 7 p,
next Sunday
Next Sunday morning in Melville
church 'be Sabbath School will join the
=ruing eoueregation in a Special
Patriotic service
Rev A. J. Malin last Sabbath morn -
leg dealt with the outline of Canadian
problem.; and in the evening showed
how tho Bible helped solve them,
Tee P,eetoi 'e theme in St. john's
church las Sunday morning was "En..
d with power Crum on high" from
which lio showed the necessity of open.
trig the Iiiiart to the reception of this
power to be ready for service. Evening
service was cancelled.
Commencing uext Sabbath afternoon
ire agenda ..ce Contest will be entered
upon by the Methodist Sabbath School,
lireseels, te Lei mr July, August and
tie • emper. Next Sunday a Patriotic
and Missimaioy program will be given
in view 0( 11 being Canada's Jubilee.
Sc nod of Diocese of Huron met OD
10•11 lune, with a splendid at-
teudance of Utah clergy and laity.
There were many matters of impurtance
clieeuesed. First it was decided t bat the
minimum stipend of the clergy, owing
to H. C. L , should be fixed at $1200
a year and Rural Deanery meetings
were io be held to plan how to bring the
sane into effect. The question of ad-
mitting women to vestries • was again
beought forward by J. Rumford, Cite -
ton, and delisted upon for about 2fr
hours Herm the vo,e, by orders, being
taken the mrition to amend the present
Capron to adm t women was carried by
an overwhelming majority. Synod was
In fever of the Conscription Act and on
a metinn by Rev T. H, Brevin, second.
ed by Rev R Norwood, It was earned
the. clergy ref Heron would not claim
exemption from the Act. It was de.
camp that lettere should be seat from
the Synod to all members of Synod
serving OVOISeRS, Rev. Canon Howard
moved that the name of the young
man, the first Anglican V. C from this
district No 7, he incorporated in the re.
port of the A Y P A. of which he was
an active menu er. No other mune of
Anglicans could be inoluded because it
wnul,i entail inn lengthy a report of
minor honors - Rev. R. 18 Page was
present from Brussels and Wm. R.
Stewart; delegate from Walton. A
rural Deanery Meeting of this dist.
rlct is called at Clinton, I hursdav June
28th, ce 2 p. m. to debate and decide
how to achieve the end referred to, of
retaining the min,nrum stipend of Crum
for the clergy. Rev, R E Page will be
East Huron Women's Institute,
The 15th annual meeting of the East
Huron Women's Institute was held in
Fired wich Wednesday after noon,
June 20th. District, President, Mrs.
S. S. Oole, El hel, occupied the chair.
Meeting opened by singing the Insti-
tute Ode followed with player by
Mrs. J. T. Winters, Forclwich. Mrs.
(Bev.) Walden welcomed the ladies to
Ferclwieli in 15 few. kindly words and
Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson, Brussels, On be-
half of the Institutes, voiced the senti-
ments of all present when she express-
ed her gratitude for the kindly wel-
come extended to the delegates. Re-
ports given by the 9 Branches showed
an Institute membevehip of 286, Ethel
being the banner branch with 42
ineuabere.. Evetty branch had done
Patriotic work:- even where a Red
Cross Society had been organized the
Institutes Will worked along those
line. Biettice Report, given by Mrs.
J. Robb, Brnesels, was very satis.
Following officers were elected for
present year :---Preeiclent, Mrs. S. S.
Cole, Ethel ; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs.
Robb. Black, Bluevale ; 2nd Vied, Mrs.
BEAP orrice • ToRoorro
Advances to farmers are made
a special feature by this Bank. e38
G. H. SAMIS, MEM Manager.
J. J. Mt:Gavin, Walton ; Secrentry-
Treasurer, Mrs. John Robb, levus-
sels ; Auditois, Mie. John Hewitt anti
Miss Margaret. Stewart, Brussels,
Each Branch in the Distrait has also
appointed a Disti lot Directoe. Sand-
wiched between the reports and ad-
dresses was music, to which altnose
every Branch contributed a number
and there were also two excellently
rendered vecitations one foe• "The
Mist Battalion",by a young lady
from Gcnrie anthe ether "Iu the
tonal way" by little Miss Marguerite
Balfour, Walton. Miss Conine, An -
caster, gave a splendid practical ad-
dress. -
Ethel Blanch extended a kind in-
vitation to the Institutes to hold the
next annual meeting in their village
which invitation was accepted.
Following resolution was adopted
"The District of least Huron Wometes
Institute, now in sessien, propose that
we ask our representatives in Parlia-
ment to use their influence with the
Dominion Government to enact a
Canada -wide Prohibition law making
illegal the manufacture, importation,
sale and advertising of liquor for bev-
erage purposes and also the opening
of bars on Sunday.
The members of the Board of Avis
clelture, who held their annul meet-
ing the same afternoon, joined the
ladies tee the luncheon hour and the
Fordwich ladies Nerved a generous and
appetizing lunch tee about 278 dela.
gates for which the hostesses received
a hearty vote of thanks,
A5,000K.-In Morrie township, on June 25th,
1917. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aleock, a
OARDINE.-In Grey township, on June 22nd,
1017, to blr, and Mrs, Fred. Cardiff. e sou.
MaLkom-In Wroxeter, on June 22nd, 1017, to
Dr. and hfrs. Al eLeod, a son.
CoonnAnn-ASIDBIRFON.-At Melville Manse,
Bru.sels, on June 20th. 1e17, by Rev, .A. 21.
Mann, B. A., M r. Alfred Cochrane. to Mies
Joanna, daughter of the late Quintln and
Mrs. A nde,son, both of Morris Townehip.
OREWSON-VAIMKNER.-At the family reel -
d Lebanon. on June 20th, 1917, by Rev.
G. 5.13,13, Mr. Jno 21. Oroweon, of Grand
Vallee, Ont., to Miss Ida le May, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Faulkner,
REite(f,,,L2 jb Ars non
t the home of the bride,
on Jima 20th, 1017, by Be,, J. W. Johneon,
Mr, Robert Frederiek Heron, of Shaekel.
ton, Seek , to Miss Lulu Etta, daughter of
Mr. and We. Wm. Jacklin, Grey Twp.
0IIREY.-In Brussels, on June 28rd, 1917,
Thomas Curry, aged 87 years, 2 months
MA OVA RLA N 7dsyo:-At the Private Patten PP Pall.
lion, Toronto, on June 2100, 2017, Mabel Ed-
wards, beloved wife 01 0031(011, A. 0. Mac-
farlane, 110th Batt., 0 le P., and deughter
of the late Riehard Edward& of °Alder.
eyde," Cannington,
TITIIRSDAY, JULYS -Farm, farin stook, im-
plements, Ste., 8 54 Lots 20 and 21, Oon. 7,
Morris, Oslo unreserved at 1 p. m. Dougald
McDonald and Jno. Hyena, Execetters for the
late Alfred Button, P. 8. Scott, Ana.
Potatoee per bag
Wool (unwashed)
Wool (washed)
02 90
2 90
14 00
5 00
5 00
82 40
2 40
19 00
10 00
STOOK, Implanesews, Feamean
The Executors of the eet9te of the litte 'Alfred
Button have instruatect P. le. Bootb,Auctioneer,
to sell by Poblio Auotion at BY. Lot 20, eon. 7,
Morrie, on Thursday, July 0(13,0(1 o'clock, the
following valuable property, ylz horse 4
years old, 1 Mere ID years old supposed in foal,
1 team 7 years old, 1 driving the 9 years old,
1 fre611 env, 1 now to calve in the Pall, 4 cows
duo to calve 1 Spring calf, 4 yearlieg steere, 4
yearling heifers, 1 boar, 2 sows in pip, due time
of nate. 2 pip 0 monthe old, 00 13033158550500100
10 goslings, 0 old duffles 40 YOUllg ducks, 1 met
sleighs, 2 wagons ono wlih box, 1 klassey-Har-
IVie°' tle'ruse, rpw, .rir' 1
new, 1 land roller' 1 Nuxon seed drill 1 hay
fork, 1 set Wings, Igrindstone, 1 funning mill,
1 set plow Minims, 1 set double harness, I set
Riegle harness, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 stone bent 1
log boat, 1 cook stove, I heating etove, 1 cream
eeparator, I &turn, 28 cedar pone, qnantity of
hard mid soft stove wood, clapboards, chain;
and other article/1 too numerous to mention.
The farm, containing 160 acres, more or les&
being 354 Lot 20 and le,te uf SX Lot 21, Con, 7,
Morrie, will aleo bo offered for sale, There le
a bank barn 60E40 fent with oement etabling ;
shed 111x26 feet, with hen house, driving filled
and cement hog pen ; good cottage honee 17 x
25 feet ; drilled well at house ; ale° 40 fumes of
Spring crop, 20 acres hay and Julianne in pas-
ture. If not sold will be rented. Sale without
reserve owing to death of proprietor. Terme
-All sums of $5 00 and ender cash ; over that
amount 7 months credit given on approved
joint notes ; 4 per oent ofe for cash on credit
amounts. Terms for farm made known day of
Atm Sone EVANS,
Thos. Miller, Clerk. f akar%
Ontario Statutes1917
Copies of the Ontario emotional Statutee for
1017 have been reeelved by me for distribution
to Justices of the Peace, end may be obtained
on applioation et my office in the Court Rouse,
Goderieh, or will be forwarded by Exprese up•
on request. 0. SEAGER,
Clerk of the Peace,
Goderieh, 28th June, 1917.
Teacher Wanted
Teaoher wanted for S. S. No. 8, Grey town-
ship, Huron County dutie9 to commence after
vacation. Normalieepreferred. Applications,
with testimonials, and stating salary, received
up to June 00,11. W. H. STEPHENSON,.
Sec -Treae ,
R. R. No. 1, Ethel, Ont.
Pasture Farm to Rent
The undersigned offere for rental the 100
Imre farm, Lot 3Com 8, Grey, known as the
Gentles farm. Ample water supply. Immed-
iate po9sess1o1(. Apply to
. . .
During the past few
weeka a great deal of in-
terest has been taken in
this beautiful flower.
Having had many en.
quiries as to the manner
of cultivation as well as
the names of the differ-
ent varieties, I wish to
state time I will be very
pleaSed to recel ye any or -
dere for (the bulbs at any
The WI, of course, is
the proper time to plant
the bulbs but in view of
present conditions I
think it would be wise to
place all cyders as early
as possible in order that
there may be no cheap.
pOietinent when plant-
ing Hine CIOIII0B. I have
a complete list or all the
best varieties from one
of the beeefirms and wilt
be pleased to receivd or-
ders from any desiring
to secuee some bul be, at
the same time will sup.
ply full instructions as
to peeper method of
plantitig. A beautiful
bed can be made at very
little nest,
James Fox
• Druggist and Stationer.
Teacher Wanted
Teacher wa,14 for 10, S. No. 10, Morrie,
Huron Co. Onmpetent 2nd Uses Profe-si ona I.
Duties to commence 8ep1 401. State expel. -
fence and salary required. Applications re-
ceived up to July lot Address
12. No, 2, Blueyale.
+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ i-+++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 00 $
52 3:
02 +
tt illepeSepittli
The 1917 Ford Touring Car
f. o b. Ford, 01+4.
You pay less for this car but it gives
you more enjoyment, more mileage' and
longer service than those which cost more.
The Touring Car gives the utmost in
automobile value, pride of ownership and
Buy a Ford this year and save money
-when saving is a national duty.
S. CARTER, Dealer
a- I • .1r.w_
Bargains in
en's YJar
As blre season for Men's Summer wear will soon be here
the nine waren days will make you think of something cool.
Men's 2 -piece Zimmer Knit Underwear reg-
ular $1.00, for, per.suit •••
Men's Sailor Hats, regular $2.5o for ...
Men's Genuine Panama Hats, in all styles,
regular $4.00 for ... ••• ••• •••
All Wool Socks, guaranteed, per pair
Silk Hose, all colors, regular 75c, per pair ...
4' • Nice range of Sport Shirts at Reduced Prices.
+ • Brand new line of 50c Ties for
No Old Stock. Compare these Prices before buying elsewhere,
R. W. Ferguson
2 00
Gents' Furnisher
+++++++++++'+4'÷÷÷9.9 -9-').4.1-,94.1.+4..54.4.5÷-54.++++++
64••••644•40400o0644.0044••• I
E.&S, Plum
General Blacksmiths
and Horseshoers
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Oarriage Painting and Woodwotk Repairing
and travel nI attention at a moderate mice,
The only Ionat agents of ehe original Flenvy, WilkInann, Frost
& Wood, (all parts OF plows), Oliver, OnCkellta, Nip, Maple
Leaf, Kid and Kangaroo, Punch and holy Plow Repairs. 00n1-
plete stook of all lines (151vied. Compote the genuine 551 1.11 the
substitute and use /30 other,
given prompb
Implement Repairs
Look your machines neer cutely and renew all broken parte.
Over 10.000 exact duplicates or the original pieces of Float &
Wood, Deering and McOovinick Implements carried in Block.
New work second to Me. See our stock when needing a ,Wogon or Buggy. 6
Lawn Mowers Sharpened and put in good shape.
E. & S. PLUM
Phone NoS.
83 and 41x •