HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-28, Page 57"117",- -• • 1.4 we - "NI „Alm, K400110b0 ki IONIC THAI JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS ill LIMITED INSVRadirag OrlikPli &OMNI@ WM. SPENOE CON V Hi-YANOE li ARO "Fruit -a -lives" Builds Up The ISSUER OF MARRIAGE D.VAN 6E6 Whoix System .. Sloe In the Post Orrice, ',Awl. ela BRINGS .HEALTH aulainesa Gards JAS. ANDERSON. VE rER MARY SURGEON, kg102100Sor to M. N. Moore, 011ige at Ander- son Bros, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone No, 29, T. T. M'RAE st• a., c. P., S, O. 91. 0. a, Village of Bru69e:1s. Physician, surgeon, Acconallem Office at residenae, inmost: o blehelle (Thera, William (1 0)12. ' OR. I, T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of Collage of Physicians' and our 960114, Ontario. 1 ea -Senior Nouse :Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. (Mem of lace Dr. .A.Idelio)ee. smith Block, Brussels. Havel phone 46. MAUDE 0. EtRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal 1(1281( 0826 Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Ohiongo, 111., is prepared. to test eyes and lit glasees at 21512 0)008 over idiss Inman's millinery store, Office days—Weduesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Ol8oe hones -10 to 12 u. m, ; 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint.. ment. Phone 1219. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, Office opposite Plour Mill, JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for HureR Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone 11 1201 convenient to ma Both Brussels and North Buren Phones, BEL,GRAVE 9.0. P. R. MULHERON Toucher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir islaster, Sielville Church, 111116.911 Penns prepared for Toronto tug - lege of mutate Eau initiations. Phone 102 PRO011fOOT, MOAN & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. 011168 08 tlm Sonars, 2811door frum Hamilton Street, GODERI011. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W, PROUDWOOT, K. O. a. L. 211 ,1.01206 H. 3. D. Cooxa Xsca[ aPiien3s kerns • THE POST HOPES TO 59E.,— Large coal supply Arrive. Council Chamber improved. Better street lighting system. Girls' Base Ball wrens organized, Increases in boolevaul improvemeue Automobile lamps kept burning at night. A few blind piggers nabbed and well pinched. W. C. 'r. U.—Following are the of- ficers for Brussels Stanch of the W. C. T. U. for the current year :—Presideut, Mrs. Tyreinan ; int Vice President, Mrs. Dark ; mid Vice Presidents, Mrs, (Rev.) Manu and Mre. (Rev ) Stafford ; Re- cording -Secretary, Miss Martha Smith ; Correspondtug.Secretary, Mes, Mc- Guire ; Treasurer, Mrs. Dark ; Organ- ist, Miss M, Smith.; Auditors, Mrs. Skelton and Mrs. Lowry ; Evangelistic, Mrs. Skelton, Mrs. Manu and Mrs. Mc- Guire ; Fruit and FlowerMission, Mrs, R. Oliver; Press, Mrs. Skelton ; Mis- sionary, Mrs. Roods and Mrs. Oster ; Anti -Narcotic, Mrs. Leatherdale and Mrs. Lowry ; Temperance in Sunclly Sebools, Mrs. Rands, Mrs. Alcock and Mrs, McGuire ; Franchise, Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and Mrs. Alcock ; Red Cross, Mrs. (Ray ) Ferguson ; Moral Educe- tiou, Mrs. Oster ; Law Euforcetneut, Union Travellers' Aid, Miss A. Budd and Miss Jewitt ; Parlor meetings, Miss Florence Buchanau, Mts. Oliver and Miss M. Smith. The respectable sum of $118.30 was raised by 13) ussels Unica' during the past year. Regular meet- ings are held the last Friday after000u of each month In the Public Library audience oone County finances, BydAws levying the County rate of 3- 7•10 noes, to taise $157.255 18, and oue mill for Provincial War Loan, $42,50e7o ; and authoriziug the borrow - lug of $6o,000 for current expeeses lati• til the taxes are paid 111, were passed. CountV Treasurer's estimates of ex- peudriui.es aud receipts for 191 7 were as follows : EXPEL; orroRas Administration of Justice. $ 9 000 Jail account • . 2 000 DiVIS100 Court jury fund .....,... so Schools.' 26 000 Gi ... . . ,,,, ,g 2 coo Municlpsl Goverument 8 000 Stationery, etc . ,,,, 1 200 lainetics, etc $oo M iseellaneous 500 Collegiate 'esthete acctrunt..•3 000 County properly 2 000 11011110 arid britiges„.... .... 013 House of Refuge 7 000 Bridge Debenture Interest 1 Goo Bridge Debenture Sinking Feud ..) ...... .... ...... Patriotic Debenture letcreste. 12 000 Patriotic Debenture Feud Canadian Red Crossee..... ... 400 82 000 43 000 Total .....,...,.$162 463 eiteiriers Surplus tete. ... . . .... $ 3 807 Licensee 960 Wang 500 5 207 '.l'OtAl III 157 255 Those who take "Fruit -a -Lives" for the first time, are often astonished at the way V builds 1/291)2 195 and makes Metaled better all aver. They may he taking "Fruit-n-tives" for some speeifie disease, as Constipation, Indigestion, Chronic. Headaches or Neuralgia, Kiduey or Bladder Trouble, Rheu- matism 08 114)12 in the Back, And they finel when "Fruit-a.tives" has cured the disease, time they feel better and. stronger in every way. This is due to the toorriteefut ionic properties of these famous tablets, made fromfruit juices. 50e. 81109, 6 for $2,50, trial size, 25e. .412 6)) dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit - a -lives Limited, Ottawa. Church Chimes The annual meeting of the Synod of Huron was held in London last week. Rev, Mr. Page attended. The Methodist Conference of Saskat- chewan reports an increase of tife 000 in Missionary givings for the past year. Manitoba Conference reports an in- crease of Sam With former reports the total increases tor all of Canada now reach $27,000. General Assembly of the Presbyterian church at its seesion at Montreal raised the minimum satiny to be paid to minis- ters in a regular charge from $,,000 per year to Steen Congregetione un- able to pay the minimum salary will re- ceive assistance from the Augmentation Fund of the (annuli. Tbe Assembly also went on record in a strongly -worded resolution in favor of conscription ot the 11100 p ever and entre other resources of the country for war service, Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, pae'or of Main Street Methodist church, Exeter; was elected President of the London Conference at the first session of the 8.0011101 meeting in Dean Centre Methodist church, London. Mr. Must. worthy 'was runner-up for this honor a year ago and his Appointment proved a most popular one. Rev T. E Sawyer, Ilderton, was elected Secretary and named Rev Byron Snell and Rev Leo • CAM ficillet. CPO milt reoltiA nzeiolioin tiov. iii0er1110l( 1)2 _Punnet Ileeia tar, end Rey. Wm. Conway, Stall:air:al Secretaty. Wroxeter Al Wroxeter, Ontario, and vrithin the Peeeby Levine eliewels thei ce on laterality, .lurte 19, 1917, the eollgrege* lines of -tire Anglican, elethedist turd Presby terlen ohm (lies of IN' l'ogetero met Ingot bee their 111111-11e, Ic ineet- on u1,111,1 prayers armed tumid. mously, by a. standing Vote, 1 lie col- loweig resolution :—"That the Feder - 111 roullorities be urged to grant at mice the Predriletion 'if 1111' rintetifac- Lure, importetion mid toile of Intoxica- ting beverng.es during 1119 war," 1V,BOXISTER 00UNCIL.—The regniar meeting of Weexeiee Ceencli was held lhe Clerk's office al 8 tie:leek p. Members prese(t, I), 0.' Pope, J. (Moulin-. Peed. [1.1')')', .161111 Adams with Reeve C. Itele in the 91112011es of last mom leg eyed. Moved 1)y Jolio Douglas, seconded by D. 0. Pope, that We adoptl the minutes us read. (tarried. Following aneoulite %vete received :—Robt. 14111911 woo It 111 grade; hod ilk 011, $7 90; James Mc- [Celt:hoe, fire filling boiler, $1.50 ; A. 11, eieffirt, teeming ;Mort 31 nights, *3875 ; .1 Velma, work on road and gravelling, $11 00; 11 .1 Rani*, general school purposes, $275 00. Moved by D. O. Pope, seconded by Feed. leavey, that the newer ets received be paid and orders dram) 1111 the Treasurer, for the sante. Carried. Moved by 31,110 Adams, seconded by fe 0 Pope, that we adjourn to July 17111 or to cell of the Reeve. Carried, J. HHETHA.1712R, Clerk. G. GABEL RETEI INSITRANCE.—At Os. geode Hall, Toronto, on June 14 : Gabel V. liowick learmet s' Mutuel Fire Ins, Ore—I). L. relerlarthy, K. 0 , ea 0 Betty (Lio te wepll) foe 13i81 (tiff H. Guthrie, 1C. 0., and W. M. Sinclair (Bennett?) for defendant. Arthur fill a policy of Si e insurance for $5,000 to 'recover $8,480, interest and ousts. Judginent :1 find that failuve to trutke statutory 21 relaration in peeper form arose form mistake. 1 Mid that. plain- tiff did sign schedule setting forth the amouet of claim, which is now admit- ted, I find that nr) further or other peonf of lose have been asked for, and I hold that melee these gil•VIIIII- scaodea it would bre inequitelde that this insurance should be deemed void re) forfeited for imperfect proofs of loss or from failure l.n fromish declaration Re caned for by statutory condition. 1 find tha1 acle- metro clieclosures was made to Ell agent end think that WES )218171,40a tr) the contrary in the norelitions or in the epplication Ls unreasonable and 1110585.8e ineff..etive. Judgment for .• Model Eighty Five Cour Simplified Driving HIS MODEL, is a great family car •L because it is so easy to handle. All electric controls are on the steering colurrm--within natural reach. The wheel is large and easy to steer with. The shifting lever and emergency brake can be reached without changing your driving position. So it is just as easy for your wife or daughter to drive this Overland Eighty - Five Four as it is for you. And as you know, that cannot he said of all cars. Step in today for a demonstration. $1250 Overland Model Eighty -Five Four 35 horsepower 1l5-inth wheelbase Cantilever rear spring. Want= casolinc system 4 -inch tires Brewster green body Auto -Lite martins and lighting system Other Overland Fours Model 80-1)our Roadster, 1 0 g Four oa a er. 950 Country Club Sport Model, t1210 LIVr;ourimadluig. 107S All priced 5. o. b. point of shipment Subject to change without notice L. KENNEDY, Agent Wingham 4114 1)11eerifirfi6 intertiet rpom empary e, 1e4f, with Poets, Stay for I lilt Ly days. ere Grey We believe Hartwell Spell's'', has the honor to have the straightest rows of grain el) the lath 001)., if 1)0)2 1,1 the towel:drip of Grey, The ohtkl ou say they ere like the lines on their copy hooks, ?dr, Speiven is certalilly 22 straight going fellow but, we thlek majority of 1119 In/de friends would forgive 11110 if he eia step aside and lake mita himself a Ivife, The lady. ftiereis might not be so totatilnieue. Jo Igiiig fermi the way some car driveler keep the eeir tee of the toad they must. think the 111101) is plenty good errough for the old man with the horse mid (uggy, the rum) who sweat that the road might be lerilt. It is a good way to see how emelt gentleman thele is about a man when he halves the road with you, Evert sums of um: ministers forget to observe the law of the land when they meet, us with our horse, la say nothing about breaking the Golden Rule. Eth Of Mee, R. Hamilton's health is not very good we logret to state but we hope foe early improvement. The Girls 02 (1(6 Patriotic Olub will quilt lire autograph quilt given them by Mrs. 3111111 Brown Friday after- noon, June 29112, on G. W, litiVii. AM me enrclielly irivIted to eorrie 11)1(1 see the quilt, have tea and help a good nese. Molesworth HYMENEAL —eFairmount", the flee home of Henry and Mrs. Armstiong, Molesworth, was the scene of a pleas- ing event. %Wednesday, item 20th, at 3 p. 115., '611611 their only daughtee, .Aeria L., WES WO gad in marriage te George (nester Arlene), eldest son of G. and Airs. Adams, Teowbeidge. Rev. C. J. eloorehouse officiated, reed Miss Eden. %Wilson pr esided at the pid1111, Britle, who wee given away by her father, was becomingly gowned in blue voile, wear' ter he customary veil and Orange blossoms. Hee bnquet was mutilations and lily of the valley. Mine Edna Wright, Toronto, was idesuraid, and Russell Grainger, el olesworth, supported the groom. The bade received teeny handsome gifts, including a subetantial cheque from the grocen's flatlet% At the con- clusion o? the ceeeniony luncheon was served. 141e, and Nit's. Adams left on a 811011 trip to Toron1n, the beide travelling in blue taffeta silk crepe de chine blouse, and white het. On their return they will reside ne the 4th Con, Elem. Tits Pose' joins with the many friends of the young couple in extending creigrattilittions and beet wishes for many years of happy mar- t ied life.. PRESENTATION. — A happy event, yoL ime mingled with 5222120 1) regret., MIS held at Molesworth on June 19th, when Lire friends of Miss Aida Arm- strong assembled to show in a tang- ible way their appreciation of her nutny sterling qualities. Miss Arm- strong was presented with a set of knives, forks and spoons, accompanied by the following address : DEAN FINEND.—As you MT abolit to seve1 your connection with our community and church, we wish to express our appreciation of the great service you have so faithfully accord- ed us as (organist of Molesworth church, You have helped to make our worship more harmonious and by your service sob us an example of M ue worship. You have given cheerfully or your talent., time and interest in helping 10 make all the undertakings of our church and Sunday School a success and are will min 30022 1)00801320 and smile of welcome none than mere winds can tell. We will not be able to fill the blank you leave and we wish you to accept these knives, forks and spoons as a token 05 00)2' appreciation of your faithful and cliental) service. While we lose, others will gain, mid we pray God's blessing on you wher- ever you rutty be. Signed on behalf of the Ohurell and Suriday School, Wm. Gr ainger, Alex. McCracken, Mrs. Thompson and Rhoda Dean, DEATH OP MRS. Jew. G. IiirreerELL. —I3y the death at Molesworth 0,1 Saturday morning, June 10111, of Obvistiana aleVicae, relict of the late John 0. Mitchell, this community lost one of its most dearly beInved and highly testier:Led residents. Deeetwed, who was in her 68th year, had erij.iy- ed good health until June 3id when she 1912.5 0111110511 681111 paralysis from which she never rallied end front whirli time She 89928 ent able to speak. The bite Ohristiana McVicar wag born Apr 11 8, 1850, in township of Vaughan, ()ono( )' ot YovIt, and Moved 891111 her ocretils to Grey township in 1862, taking ler thew residenee about 21. miles West of M,,leswnrlh, On March 8, 1877, she and. thilm G. Mitehell wet e united in holy bonds of matrimony, and Lo them were born 0 daughters and a WO, namely ; Mt% Robert F. alelizies, Omitted Hale, Sask, ; Mrs. Hugh Thoutenti, Pelmet., Sask. • Meet Metein Calder, 1311rgesseille, 0.29.; Miss Nettie Mitchell, 13urgessville, Ont. ; Misses Laura and Ide, Motet'. worth ; and Jellies A. Mitchell. 4 sisters and one brother also seevive, ntrinely : M,'e. D. Livingstone, Brus- sels ; M,'14. Schooley, Smith Valley, Nevada ; Mrs. Jas. Strachan, James- town, turd John McVicate• Stnith Val- ley, Nevada, Her husband predeceas- ed her tweet y 8 months ago, having passed away Oct. 28, 1916, Deceased WAS blessed with a kind and loving disposition and made friends wherever she known. She Wag 'a 11111(1 20111 sympot hetic 2, lend and twirelibor and deep sieretity was One of her chief chrteacteristice, She was 11 life long and faithful nietnber of 1110 Presby. terian 01102 011 and took a deep interest in all branches of the church. Hee demise 10 (2 decided loss to the chureb, the members 01891111h, with 1109 many ft leads deeply 9931011 1)81 death, Fun- eral took place on Monday efterennie Service was held in Molesworth Pres- byteeittie chtieele end iiiterment made 111 elotesworth cemetery. Reit, T, A. 13t'll emnbinted the eereicee. Mrs, Seirooley and Alias Grace aleViear, Smith Valley, Nev. ; alias 51, Living' Orme, Detroit I Miss CoOper, IVIles Moore, Mies Onutte, Mb Forest ; W. 111. MoVlear, Torontle and James and Cecil Cooper, Iterrieton attended the funeral, Sincere sympathy of the en. 0091flitil)i)0( 14, eVieenrieti irl hp 1 payed fartlity 10 MOW WW1' Of WOPPOW• A, L Cooper, Clinton, field Sec- retary for Huron Co. Workers, ')'ho Executive Committee ne the Perth Dimity Temperanee Alliance met at Mitchell mei accepted 11181P. Edge/aloe of Rev, E. 0. Powell tte held Secretary, who is now workitig under I be ditection of the Conittlittee of 0,,e Hundred. The new license inspector, Mr. El- liott, Stratferd, NOM 18 noting as 111 - Spector for Petah County as well tte Stratford, was commended by the Executive for the splendid work he wae doing 1,1 enforcing the Canada 'eortriliFtyetiatice Act • throeghout the or The Executive committee or the Hi/roll Clounty Manch of Ibe Dentin- len teeterteeenee 411141100 Glen Met raid selected re, T. I,100e2, 0110ton, to act as Field Secretary for Ilevou 00111ItY) ,Ilde, Cooper hes beet' p20111111 82)2) Identified with the Term/avarice emelt of Huron Cotinty for the last 15 yeers, having taken an active part in the work of the Dominion Alliterve and the Committee of Dee Elte,dr ed ; also was the organizer of the present County Tempevanee AesociatInn, starting in es Secret -al y, and len year completed hie term 22E 140110rery- Frealdeet, and is at present a Viee- Presideet of the County mid also Chalimeni for the Committee of Otte Hundred, These two Countlee will continue the harmoirlous relations Hutt have existed between them since the intro- dtiction of the 0, T. A., and they in. teed to "stay On the job" until line last vestige of the tier& is citiven from their borders. T. L. liaarilton, Listowel, Preeiderit of the Pettit Alliance, and Rev, J. F. Knight, Hensel], President of the iiteeeo tierce tie WOO .111,111 1205)5544) t0 Arai presided al the meeting of theie respeetive committees). A. eteong reeohrtion were linseed (1811. 11(15 foe 13(10111)1 1111 Probibit ion. 1 e at Brussels I expect a car of first- class Lime at Brussels G. T. R. Telephone your orders to No. 524, or see Georg, Baker, Crenhrook Prize List of Second Annual School fair of Walton aod Adjoirthig Eections Comprising Walton, Leadbury, Nos. 2 and 12 Grey, No. 9, McKillop, and No. 9, Morris, to be held on School and Church Grounds, Walton, Wed'y, Sept. 12 Officers PRESIDENT FOSTER BENNET1' SECRETARY 35138 A. GARDINER TREASURER W. G. HEAL COMMITTEE Angers McCallum Be,111th't(a Ryall Mat giteet McLeod Gotdon McG evin Mabel Campbell Harry Rine Oanieron Dennis Islay Crawford Vein Crozier Roby McRae Clifford Ritchie Katie Williamson -Harvey Johnston Margaret Nulan Andrew Turnbull DIRECTORS TEADHERS Miss Dickson Alin Gardiner Min Roe Miss 14ayter M. W. Long RBI.. OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. Lundy Mrs. McDonald TRUSTEE Oliver Turnbull SPORTS COMMITTEE 300, McDonald Jas. Harris W, G. Neal Rev. F. W. Craik Rev. R. A, Lundy. 1?rize List CLASS I. Vegetables and Fruit All Primes in this; Case donated by Women'e Institute In 2ND 8111 (a) 12 Potatoes 25e 15e 10e (13) 8 Yellnw Leviathan Mangels 25 15 10 (e) 8 Red Mangels 25 15 10 (d) 6 Ears Golden Bantam Corn 25 15 10 (e) Squash 25 15 30 (5) Pumpkin 25 15 10 (g) $ Tomatoes 25 15 10 11) Cabbage 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 1) Cauliflower j) 6 Onions (from Dutch Sets) k) Onions (Potato) 1 pint I) Beans, i pint - (m) 8 Radishes (11) 3 Parsnips (o) 8 Carrots 25 (q) 1 Citron 25 25 (p) 3 Beets (e) Collection of 6 named varieties (3 of each) from father's or -25 chard (a) (b) (0) (e) (5) (g) (13) (i) (a) (b) (u) 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 CLASS IL Flowers Bunch Dahlias 50 86 • 15 Mr. W. r Bunch Gladioli—let 50, edid 30, and 8rd 20 Dar- win Tnlips---By Mr. Win. liartt 131110:11 Sweet Pen 50 85 15 'Mrs. Lyddiatt Bunch Asters 50 35 16 Dr. '1'. T. McRae Bunch Pansies 50 35 15 Mr. W. G. Neal Bunch Snapdragon 80 20 1st, Fountain Pen, by Dr. McKay Bunch Verbenas 80 20 1st, Fountain Peu, by Mr. 0. Aberhart Bunch Nasturtiums 30 20 1st, Knife, by Mr. Frank Sills Best Bouquet 35 15 18t, Whipped Cream Set, by Beattie Bros. CLASS 111. Poultry Collection Chickens (pairs) 1 00 00 40 By Mr. Downing and Mt'. Waghorn Pen Utility Fowl (3 pullets and 1 cockerel) 1 00 60 40 By Mr, S. Wilton and Dr, Bryans Pate 1.8g11021119 25 15 10 Pale Rooke 25 15 10 Pair Wyandottes 25 15 10 Pair Geese 25 15 10 Pitir Duck 25 15 10 Coop made by Exhibitor 50 85 lst, Watch Oltain, by Mr. Savauge, Seaforth Bird House 1st, Sweater Coat, by Stewart Bros. 2nd, Flash Light, by Mr. H. Edge CLASS IV. Live Stock All animals born in 1917 turd to be led out and 'drown by Exhibitor Colt 100 50 85 15 By Messes, L. Blake and John Ryan Calf (pelt fed) 1 00 50 35 16 By Messrs, Watt and Millet. Lamb 1 00 50 85 15 By Meseta, John Bolger and 101322 Harris CLASS V. Nature Study Col. Mounted Weeds (cone. Men 11810001 00 1st, by Miss triolcsori Col, of Weed Beetle With titemee 1 00 1st, by Mr. Brun 001, of Wild Flowers with common names 1 00 let, by Rev. R, A. Lundy Col. of Mounted Leaves Of Trees With namee • 1 00 let, by Mies Humphries 50 85 15 50 85 15 50 35 15 50 85 15 OLASS VI. Art, Writing, Etc. (a) Welting (1st verse "God Save the King", open to pupil, ureter 111 yes -'i 50 35 15 1st, by Min Ada Gardiner (b) Writing tlst verse "G(2d Save the King") open to 1)11)1110 (1801 10 years 50 35 15 lot, by Min Ada Gal diner (c) Map of Europe, showing the battle line the latter pale of August 50 35 15 13y Mr, Long (11) Sketch in \Vette, Colors, open to girls up to 15 years. 1st, $1 Box Stationery by Ale, Fox 61) 35 15 (e) Crayon Drawing of Fruit, open to 2nd 0112.88 13y Miss L. Ballantyne 50 35 15 (f) Garden Book 1 00 SU 35 15 1st, by Miss Amy 1(00 (g) Col. of Snap Shots. 181, rel Snap Shot Album by hie F. It, Smith 50 85 15 open to pupils of & 8. No.11, Morris (Walton) (ti) Be.t Plot. $1 00 by Mr. A., Gardiner (11 Most Mannerly Pupil. $1 00 by Miss DI Smillie OLASS VII. (a) (e) (d) (8) (1) (g) (10 (1) • Domestic Science Darning on Woollen. Stocking ((1bout 1 in, square) 25 15 10 Crochet, Lace 25 15 1(1 Plain Hemming ' 25 15 111 .13est Dres•sed Doll, open to girls - 10 years aiel under 50 ;33 15 Best Dressed Doll, open to gide from 10 to 15 years 50 35 15 Layer Cake 25 15 10 Apple Pie 25 115 10 Oandy We(1ge) 25 145 10 Candy (Meple Creatn) 25 15 10 Pah' SOOICS. 141, fercket, by J. le. Duty 60 30 8 Button Holes, 1st, Pair Gloves by M. Brodeviek, Seaforth 35 15 CLASS VIII. Open to Children 9 years and under 3 Otwrots 3 Beets 3 Onions (from Dutch Sets) e Piet ()Mons (Potato) Pint Beans Sunflower Head Bunch Pansies Bunch Nestle' tinnis 25 15 25 15 25 15 26 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 B1111111111°5 15 rrelt Asters 10 Pt izes for last 4 by Mr. A, Sutherland, Seaforth (j) Pair Bantams 25 15 10 25 15 10 25 15 10 23 35 1(1 25 15 10 lc) Pale Pigeons 1) Rabbit or Hare In) Oat or Kitten (e) Any othee Pet (o) Bird House. 1st, Knife, $1.00, by Mr. G. A, Sills 50 25 CLASS IX. Open to all Girls in District over 12 years eta Loaf of Brea. 25 16 • 10 (b) e dozen Bans 25 15 10 (c) 1 Pint Apple Jelly 25 15 10 (d) Tatting 25 15 10 (e) Table °anti e in Dark Linen 25 15 1.0 (5) Pair Fancy Towels 25 15 10 (g) Pair Etubtoidered Pillow Covers 25 15 10 ((1) Pair Knitted Socks 25 15 30 (1) Ool, Eyelet and Solid Embroidery 151. $1.00, and 211d 50e, by B.L.T. Club 25 tj ) Crochet Yoke, Ise Parasol, by Mr. McTavish 30 20 CLASS X. Open to all Boys in District over 12 years (a) Sheaf of Wheat 1 00 75 50 (b) Sheaf of Oats 1 00 72, 50 (u) Sheaf of Weary 1 00 75 50 Sheaf to be 6 huffiest') diameter, grown on fath- er's fovea and eeleeted by Exhibitor. These prizes donated by Messrs, John Leeming, Thos. (31(111), A. &minim, M. Black, Cr. 391d.1- 1181'):,, A. 0, Dames end W, Beeker, Bird House 1 00 60 40 13y Rev. Mr. Craik and D. 0. Ross Best 10 01111, speech on "Advantages or Farm Life" 1 00 50 35 15 By Messrs, John McDonald 92)111 5815, Harris. CLASS XI. Open to Boys or Girls any age Best 10111111. spent) on "How 1312301] for my Plot and the Lessons I Leterned" 1 00 50 35 15 By Messes. Turnbull and Harris, CLASS XII. Open to the Little Ones under 7 years (a) Best Suutiower Head 25 20 15 10 05 (13) -Any Pet 25 20 15 10 05 (e) Best Bird House 25 20 15 10 05 RULES 1, Entries .Free and opee to Pepils of the Five Schools listed oe face of 0119 Prize List. 2, All exhibits; of Vegetables 1)2(1(1 Flowers tuner be Needled faint state I n finish by 1391111)1 1201', PANISNTS PLEASE NoTr: —8110w and Lear)) the boys mei girls all you like bet do not do the 58011) 101' them—otbet wise the exhibits will not be accepted. 8 All Exhibits must be in place by 1 o'cloelc. Suggestions for selecting Exhibits SHEAVES—Beve straw full length, remove 10080 lenves and trim off the bottoms. MANGELS—Select most flutterer in shape and have thorn all as near 02 possible. SWEET 0011N—Select well matured ears with well filled and straight rows. ONIONS—Median) sized and smooth, remove loose leaves, oARRoTs—Metlitmi sized aricl 1101003.11, bee front stuntmen and line in quality. BEETS—Medium ettert, smooth aud macron 11( Odor. POTA'1;08. 01ilal—Evert in size, 801001,11 With shallOW 6 ,