The Brussels Post, 1917-6-28, Page 4tioxiq. t •4f "m%It
At n spscirtl ileelhlg of the County
00110011 held 111 Godc,rinh•uu '1'uesde
of last week, the following roads it
the diITereflt lunniriprfiities were lies
ignatod.alai will be a801110ed au County
made, to be impeove(l and maintained
under' 11(0 pi0vlsiols of Highway Int-
provenieit Act, The work of con-
struction will be 1101111(10110011 taa 90011
as practicable after the coming into
fot'ee of the necessary by-law 10 that
Road No, 1.—The London Road
00nlrnencing at the Sou111o,1y limit of
the l'owtiship of Stephen on Conces-
sion 1, lhenre Noolllerly to lot seven
and Easterly to the town line, Stephen
andUsbm•ne, theoceNorther l0 ht, (fast
mentioned town line and 101,111,uing
Northerly on the town line of I lay and
luckersmish and. 1 continuing NI' 11101'-
1y on the town line of Stanley and
Tuokersloith, over the bridge aft and
le the Solt 111erly limit or the town of
Clinton and continuing Not 1herly be-
t ween 1 s"
1 oC 25 and 20 the ' 4
fl nvltsbi
of Hallett front the Noeth limit of Ole
town of Clinton to the North town
line of Ht 1
ale G Ch n e
Hostel 1
t B U t4 LC1iv f❑
town line of Huliett and Beet Wawa -
nosh to the West limit of the village
of Blyth, and continuing Nall herly 011
the town line of Morris and East
'SVawanosh, Nom the Nol'thw'Iy littlit
of the village of Blyth to the t3anther-
ly limit of the town of \Vingharn and
('0ntinuiog Northerly from the North-
erly 1111111 of the town of \Vingham to
the road between Ooneessloi S and 11
of the Township of Turuberry to: lot
28, thence EasLelly between conties-
sions 8 and 9 of the township 01 '1'10.11 -
berry 10 the road between lots 20 and
21 and thence Not Eberly to the Noel,
town line of Tarnberry, stave and ex-
cept the portion or this road within
the limits of the villages of Exeter and
Road No, 2. -The Huron Road nom
rnencing at the South Easterly limit
n1119 town Of n 1
f G derlcl and continu-
ing Southeasterly on the Maitland
concession and the Huron Road ('(1n -
cession in the township of Godetich to
the Westerly limits of the town of
Clinton and continuing Easterly on
the town line Tucketsmith, Bullets
and McKillop from the Easterly ]unit
of the town of Clinton to the Wester-
ly limit of the town of Sealorth, and
eontir ting Easterly 101 the South
town line McKillop from the Easterly
limit of the town of 50afot'111 to the
Eaet town line, McKillop,
Road No. 3.-0unlrnenciug at the
Southerly limit of the town of Sea -
forth, the toad between lots 10 and 11
of the township of Tnckersulith South-
erly to the toad between concessions 2
and 3 thence W'ester'ly and 001111001115
Westerly between lots 80 and 31 in
the London Road COnceesiol and 0on-
tinuing Westerly between lots 1:1 and:
16 on the London road in the town-
ship of Stanley to about the Centre of
the 3rd concession thence Nin11,-
Westerly on the Hayfieid road to the
110)11 of thevillage
Hayfield and C<
g N
otther1Y c
the lake road. between concessions 1
and 2 of the township of G (01.
from the Northerly limit of the village
of Bayfield to the Southerly limit of
the town of Godetich.
Road No. 3 A. -Ll the township of
Stanley the road between conceseinns
6 and 7 from the Bayfield road South-
er) to the roc between
a i lots 0 11
1 and South-
erlyc 11
thence Westerly t0 the road betweeu
10 and 11.
Road No, 4.-Ootunleneitlg on the
line between 00ncessio118 5 and 6 of the
township of Usbotne the road between
lots A and 1, thence Westerly to the
town line Osborne and Stephen and
continuing Westerly between lots 5
and 6 of the township of Stephen to
the road between cOinessions 2 and 8,
thence Northerly to the road between
lots 15 and 16, and thence North-
westerly to the Westerly side of con-
cession A. and having a spur in the
Nest concession of the township of
Stephen Sonthelly to the shipping
point at Centralia station.
Road No. 5. -In the township of
Stephen the road between lots 201(1)0
21 from the Westerly 1111111 of t11e vil-
lage of Exeter to the road between
concession 0 and 7.
Road No. 6. -In the L0117110141 of
'Osborne the road between lots 10 and
11 froth the West town line of Os-
borne Easterly to the road between
concession 12 and 13 silence Snnthetly
to the centre mf lot 7 and Snutheftster-
ly between lute 11 and 1.2 to the South-
easterly town line 'Osborne.
Road No, 7. --The town line Hay and
Stephen from the Westerly Iimitof
the village of Exeter to the road be-
tween Concessions 10 and 17 of the
township of Stephen.
Road No. 8 -edit the township of Os-
borne the Themes lioad from the
Easterly limit of the village of Exeter
to the road between concessions 10
anc111 of the township of Osborne,
Road No, 0,-I1, the township of
Hay the road between lots 20 and 21
from the Westerly limit of the village
of Heusall to the road between coo -
cessions 12 and 18.
Hold No. 0 A, -In the township of
Hay the road between concessions 10
and 11 from the road between lots 20
and 21 Northerly to the North town
line. of Hay.
No, 10. -The . I town line me I
and Stanley from the Bast town line
Stanley Westerly to the road between
concessions 12 and 13, Stanley.
gotta No. 11 -In the township of
Tttcket'smith the road between lots
6 and 0 from the illest limit of the vii-
lege of Bengali to the Westerly side
of the 14th Concession,
Road No. 12, -'Phe road between
lots 25 and. 20 of the township of i\Io-
Killop herrn the Northerly limit of the
town of Seaforth Nor(heely to the
North town 'line llc1(i010p, thence
Westerly to the town line Morris and
and Grey, and thence Northerly 10 the
Southerly limit of the village of 131:ars-
eels, and 0Onhinuing Northerly on the
town line Morris and Grey from the
Northerly limit or the village of Bross
sels to the North town line of Grey
anti continuing Northerly between
lots 1 and 60 of 00nc0ss1nu A of the
Hoot i 011emi Conomtltivo
The annual 1000thlg0f the North
11111 no 0onam:vtaaive Association
(for Pinviueial purposes) will be
Mehl iu the Ton 11 hall, A'\ri15hltul,
11riduy, June S0-11, at 2 p_ lu„ for
the r(('1't ion , 1 1 illeets and the
11.0 a wuq)nn of other ](n pm Pant
h 0)(l o ess,
y iv• this is the first tneel log since
] the enfranchisement of women,
ladies are emrtli0lly invited Lo be
p1000111. A nrnmi1001 Indy )'diol
Tor nolo will reldles(1 the meeLiug.
Addresses will also he deli vet ed by
the local Mau11(01'+, Messrs. Bnty-
man and Altugt„ve, and other'
prominent ()onset vat 1005,
A.-1-1. BirmiOghtnn, Provincial
Organizer, will hp presents and will
explain the new Outnt•io )0raiahise
Act by which the (names of all
woolen will be placed upon the
Voters' Lista,
10wllship of Tuenherre to the road be-
tween lots 31) end 31 of eoucesei1I 0,
thence 1,ataLelly to the 1.naL town lion
'1111ilberry, and 111eue 0 Northerly to
the Southerly limit of the village of
Ruud No. 12 A. -In the township of
141cKillap, the road between lots 30
and 31 From the road between 0.1100x.
sions 12 and 13 Northerly to the No1111
town line Red tl etre 1015 et v
1 t I to the
town line Ai tri8 1(11(1 Grey.
atm(' Nit 1'11 - the township of
Morris, the amici lei (0001) CM100SSIMIS
0 uufi 10 11x01 1 he 111181 10)911 line
Westerly to the line helve( en Ints23
and 24.
Road No. 13 -In the township o
Mrgillop the 1 taut between Inas 10 an
11 from the South town line MoKillo
N,•1.11180y to the road between cot
cessions 4 and 5.
1(011(1 No, hl -'The East town lin
111.101100r1 100111 1111' 8%411 11 town line
Northerly to t hl' rend between con-
, e+.inn. 4 ami 5.
Road No. 10,--111 the township 11
lhll'elL the road between lots 5 ;,nal
uln the South town line Mullet
Nurthet ly to the road hitweeu cooce8-
siuus 8 and 0
Read No, 10, -In the township of
81140, the load h"rween concession
Irtri el 1, ii6,:,e'til 1)ia i1i 'II hl�r i'p
TT'1wic8 ilio (101111 et r Seen JNt080 enl{
111 froth the Booth town line (Norther,
ly to the centre o1' Lhe 101)1 enncesaiorh,
thence East 01 ly w Lb0 line between
lots 21 mid 22 thetw0 N', 11101ly to .oho
1lad between concessions 10 and 17
and t}ulu('e Easterly to the East towel
line Hon ick,
Road No. 80 A. -In the low(1811 1 of
Herrick Ilse rood between c000eesione
10 and 161'r0rn the road het ween iota
20 trod 21 \Vesterly to the 11ne be -
Wee!) 10LH 17 awl 18,
Riad No, 81.-111 the township of
'1'uroberl'y, road between cuueesalous
six and seven Pram the E118t town line
Westerly to the toed North-east of
coiressioi A, at lot 20, thence North -
Wee 1 ly
orth•Wee1atly to connect with road No. 1
on lot 24,
N0IV1'Ir 11171100
No candidate was selected al, the
annual convent ion el' the Nul•111 Hur-
on Libeled Association (Prov tweet)
held in the 'lawn Hall, (Vinnham,
Tuesday afternoon or last week, 11
was decided, in view of the fait that,
it will be 11110(41m •r o
year at IexeL bef i e
thele ea Provincial 1•
t u (.1u1 election, post-
pone such 0 selection until
t L
a later
The meetin was a funs en J 18111 1
ti s
t t tc
one. It was the hugest ever held et'
\\ inghaul and more that( 40 women
delegates were present fur the lir,.t
1 inn,. 'rhe strong patriotic see timeet
of all the spvaket s was nln.t Mar kpt1,
and the meeting was a unit for the
f pioaeeit ion of 1he War 11 1111 all vigor.'
d Ott 011(0 speakers who addressed the s
gathe,ing included Nelson Patna- 3
mens, M. P. P., and 81 s. llnrga(et• l
Hyslop, Provincial olgtauizer of Liber-'
e al woolen.
11.'hree thrive new prnfeseors of la rank
equal to those 01' 1111y Ouutldian IJrli•
ve1.61ty 11-01• just been uppoinled Ity
aha Westin 'l (11O'Prsity, Lmn(loi.
T1118 with the other notable advance -
'molts 111(40 a1 the 14lresteiit in repent
years will gnavel' tett that elmien te cam
1111w se('llre !fB gond ('1111.588 111 Arts
and Ai edIelu0 nt lin \Vesteln as aro
glean any who( e in the Dominion,
Professor \Villisnl Sherwood Pax, a
Ph. D , of .Johns Hopkins University,
a Oaiudiaan who spent wears ]ll the
best mitversfties of the United States
and Europe lo rq,lil) himself in the
very beet 1mlm1ea' possible and who
has for the IRVt six years been a
prominent ptv'fessOt' of Princeton
University, now supposed to have the
strongest classical (acuity in the
Usti ell Slat Ps, IS the new professor of
Olus,ice. Besides his distinguished
erhnlauship and excellent, success as a
teacher, he is (011 11,11111111' of note. HP
hos written many scholarly (arti11(8
it the classical 1 lu rte i tl
in s nod his re.
t f+ P I( S
relit 5(0 ilollar volume nn Roman and
(11 Pek Mythology is one 01 the Most
untable con 11 ihu1inis to that subject,
In 1•eeearch 110 has been especially sec-
(0.sfu1, deelpheting certain texts that
1V1'l0 given by the noted Getman
sehnle1' 110188,1.
Professor Art 1101' A. Livingston,
now Profasso• of Romance
i Ingug5es at 00(001hia Univeesit
New York, is an unusual "lindt',
With the single exception of Gustave
Lw118011, 1 he very distinguillhed'French
critic, he is considered the ablest of
the huge Romance faculty at tide,
one of the strongest American Univer-
Itoes, 'Though fa young man under
5, he has/10001110 known as one of
the best Aoluriean scholars, largely
through ilia voluminous writings, be-
ing the author of two o1' three impor-
tant books and several score scholarly
articles. He is also the most active
of the editors of the well-known
Romanic Review. 1)r. Livingetnn haq
studied and traveled extensively in
Emmpe (and 110 superior teacher of
5 end 11 I'rotn the \est town line Atm
tis, Casterly to the \Vesterly limit i
the village of 8 1 1104018.
Road No. 17. -In the township o
Gley the road betwt•ei concessions 1
and 12 loon the \1'e=st town line Gres
Easlec ly to the 0111111 between 1018 1
and 1.0
Road No 18 -In the township 0
Grey the toad between eoncessinns
and 8 Rohl the \Veer Yawn line GI es
Easterly to rood between lots 22 am
Road No. 110 -111 1110 loweship 0
Grey and cuunnenril5 at 1110 road be
tweet( concessions 15 and 1(3, the road
between lots 25 and 213 Net Hotly to
the toad between concessions 0 and 10,
thence W'eslerly to the load het veer
nes 22 mei 23, thence Northerly to (1(e
mead between 0e1110e.a10110 7 11(1(1 8,
Short addresses were also delivered
by W. H. Kerr, l3&'18sels ; John King,
Bluevale ; \\lin, Bailey, Dungannon '
Oh00les Stewart, Kingsbridge,tied
The meeting was adjourned for an
hour to allow the delegates to attend
the funeral of Richard Clegg, a Yo rater
Chairman of the Association, and a
00111(100 worker
• p 1 t Liberal eta oY the
town. Following efi1rers were elected :
1 es'( e
P 1] 11 t• "e I, r a
p President -Ar til Al 1 Ise i.
Vivra-President-Sheldon Bricker.
f Second Vice -President -Mrs. Wil -
1 liana 13, Ferguson.
'• l'llirVice-President-W,
H. Fraser.
5 Secrete'y-H. 13, Elliott, _ e
Treasurer J, A. Marton.
The meeting called by the West
1 Wellington Liberal Association at
Detrylon did not 1081111 in the placing
1' of a 15(1(1 idate in the field, Air. inc-
. Ewing, ex.141. P. 1'., who was the can-
didate at the last contest, aonotulced
his withdlatwal from the field.
The special feaLnre of the gathering,
, in keeping with the calling of woolen
to the 0.'uvent.1011, was atl address by
Mee. Philip Kiel,, of the Woman
Liberal Federation, of l'orolto. A
large 11110)11.1' of women attended and
they Iver. given equal 1•ept•CseitIOLioi
with the mets nn the committees, two
of the offices 111,11, going 10 thein,
The election of officers •
thin 1a rPal ed
as follows : P eside I Dixon, r t J. O. L 1
Mal 'tori
Ia let '\'ire•Preside 1 Mrs.
] 1 t, 1 e.
• James Shannon, Lina risLon • 2 ld Vi -
1 re
President, Alvin Stockton, Miulu;
Secretary, ,lahi R. Scott, Clifford ;
Iheasut•ei•, Mrs, G8at5e Awde, Druy-
Conveners were named as follows ;
Arthur villege, Harry Matl0tte and
Mrs. J. M. ROaeh ; Clifford, De. Black,
Miss Oros ; Drayton, 0. B. Hein 7,
]Visa S. Keay ; Hariis1on, lir. Mc-
llurr'hy told Mrs. (Dr.) McCullough ;
Palmer81m1. G. Y. Donaldson and
Mrs. S. 11. North ; Peel Township, H.
Sturbridge, die's, John Shul0on ;
Alaryboro Township, W. Newstead,
Mrs. 117, H. Walker ; Minto, Mrs.
George Bronghton, and llis, \\r0).
The Convention will meetson the
111)1 of September again to name a
can010103 for the Local Hoose,
111 •ll'01;'151001, to the road between
loth 25 anuli 2(1, [hence Northerly In the,
Neel het ween enne'eeaimtl,1 1 and 2.
Rosi No. 20. -In the township of
I;ask. Wnwase,-h, the toed between
concessions 8a . d ) from r ex r m the Best
lint Ills
1 1 l\t+ t t to the linebe-
tween l i - 32 and
Riad No.31 lira lu.ul line Turn-
berry and East \Vawauneh frier the
Northwesterly town line 'Tnenberrv.
Easterly to the toad hetee.•u, lots 17
and 18. 'm
n f c 0110 sl n 13. '1'urube,ry
thence Nertheesim ty on the deviation
toad and contlnni, c across the bridge
the e.,
at 1 1 este' tally 110)11 of the town 0f
Bowl N ., 22, -The town lice of East
and \\'est 1Vawanosb front the road
between concessions 10 Iltid 11 North-
erly to 1110 North town line.
Road No. 23 -In the township of
Ashfield the road between lots 9 and
10 (West) from the Not til town line
Ashfield Southerly to the Lake Shore
Road at Kintai I Mai Nal C1111111114 South-
erly nn 111e Lake Shore road to the
South town line Ashlin1i, then East-
erly t0 the Lake Shote Road in the
township of 0"I110l(1e and thence
Southerly on the bale Shore road and
continuing 00.00 lip S
t 1 allfurtl bridge re o
� 1
the Eastrly limit of the town of
Road No. 21:. -Int the township of
Ashfield, the foul between lots 15 and
10 (West) f, nm the rout( between con-
cessions 12 and 13 Nol•lhetly to the
Nootli town line As11lield.
Road Ni. 25 -To the township of
Colborne the ((lad betlw P0(1 Pon 01.0.04111 1)8
7 and 8 from (ho Lake Sin, e Bond
Easterly to the town lice, \Vest \Va-
warlosh, theme Moutilt•asterly on last
mentioned 1(1(vn line turd continuing
Southeasterly on South town line of
Bast WaWannsh to the road between
lots 26 and 20 of the lnwnohip of 'Jul-
itoad No, 2i Io the township of
Morris the marl between concessions
0 1111(1 10 from the 14•tsterly limit of
the village of Myth 1;a0stP1'ly to the
road between tuts 10 and 11,
Road No, 20. --The town lineof hast
and West, LVawIaui,911 1'11',11 the South
town line of last \Vattvau,osh Norther-
ly to the road between (.i11cessinn8 4
and 5, thence Westerly in the town -
stip of \Vest Waw(urrslt to the road
between lois 21 tarn 22
Reed No, 213, -The town line of Ash -
Held ;sod
sh-Held;sod West W amours!, from the
North side of femme -elm' 14 to the
South side of r rneen,1011 1 and con-
tinuing Southerly ❑all 11 u
t n 1110 ,
road be-
tween lots awe t ] 1r,,
1st d u,
a 1 West of f O,
township of Colborne to the toad he
tweet, eenee,siens 7 and 8
Ronal No. 27 -1 -In the tocol_lnp of
Ashfield 1110 1,1,1,1 het 111rpfl
4 and t1 from the East town litre
Westerly to 111e roan between 1018 0
and 7 llln•g1.
Road No, 27 11.-11, the township of
Aslitlelrl, the road between 111npes-
sione 8 and 0, from the hast town line
Westerly to the road between lots 3
0(11 4 (Basel,)
Road No. 2S -LI 11,0 township of
Howlett, the lend 1101 1 eon lots 0 1un1(3
from the rand bet wrel, rniel•ss)ona 2
and 8 NoelbellyIn the 01,10(1 1eltv0en
C0110exe1/ Ila 11 ,,ial 1(1.
110411 No. 351. br lir 1oWte,l,l)l of
llotviek theImut 8141 wenncntee-sions
8 awl 0 111(11111' Bast town line \Vest-
erly 10 1,110 .ftltsleriy limit of Ole vil-
lage of Wroxeter,
Pte. W. J.
Good Writes
from England
Mrs. W. H. Kerr,
DIME. FRIRND.-Please convey 1.0
the members of the Red Oross Oil ele
toy eineere thanks for the socks lvhich
reached me yesterday. It was indeed
kind of them to remember me. I
might say that the short bread was
very acceptable, conning as it did in
the middle of Ole forenoon. It is a
long time between breakfast and din-
About a week ago one Battalion
wart bl'Oken up and some 850 Men are
g,.iig to reinforce four Alberta 13at-
talion8 at the front. Quite a .unmher
or 13atl1tlimis in camp Isere have sent
men over during the past week aid I
expert by the time you receive Ilhis
Lh,at I will be in Prance. We have
had unite la time for the last few days
with two or three picnics 011 Lend
Perry's and Lord Middleton's estates,
two lovely spots. Yesterday, the
24tH, was spent al. Godelnlhlg, 4 1111108
from here, where as Divisional Fieid
Day was 11010. There Must have been
r or 0 ( r , 1
U7(UOaelllr Isthere,
Have 1 stn clown l to fo the 161511 lines
several times to see Oapt. 0. Cl, Val -
ston( ! NIL. Ronald Sinclair, 1 lent. P,
Scott and lust blit not least "N1ppel"
Weather 38 very hot. here and one
('shunt help hit shill for a erer.I breeze
din pet from the Roekiee. The steel
helmets, while no doubt, very useful at
1)w front, are not a very 0nuhfoetable
01101 shade.
Ail hoping that 1 will have the
good lurk 10 411001 Joey in 'Vermeer it
uuttid be it more plela8ant meeting
though if Harold were there Lo C0111.
Mete the family circle,
Must close, again thanking you for
parcel, 1 remain,
Yours very sincerely,
888020 PTE. W. J, GooD,
0. Onye 202nd 13a1te
Can. .Almy P. 0„ London, ling.
Willey Clamp, May 25, 1017,
fall Term from Sept. 4th
5 Commercial, Shorthand and Tel-
ography Departments - we have
18thorough emu Pea,expel fenced instruct -
1 ors and we place Graduates in pest- 'a
((111118. De11(8,111 upon n,1 for trained iY
._ help is !lily (Imes 1(18 number gradu•
Y�a' sting. Get oar free eattAogue.
14 D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. g
L`1a�5 v.;rAVA24. .0 Xt.avC,rHA24.ti,yllev1,1411, 1
t'siiplri ihiltlliwll twig ) tttli14i1 f?ifl ti's
1111(1) (n;Iwhpfo, v
13)(11)11(1 Of 1 h apppnlnllnente jos])
(111000 .of Ifrofes8er (Video,' 43,
1,ord, 1.1.141)."0"1.1, as I'rofes'lim 01' 1\fa111e-
(natiee. Dr. Pal ti ie considered on
the highest authority one of the two
ablest 111e11 (0) the mathematical staff
of the CTnivereity of Michigan, Ile
also h11,1 studied in Europe and in
A111P1 i11411 Universities, taI. og his Ph.
t0 11'11111 Harvard, (4 (0 1(le other •
twm, he hos proved to he a vt+ry p190 Z
dnotive ecbul,u', two b. uks and (Ashy
scholarly articles in the beet matins. i
rna(leul Magazines of EurlNl) awl the ♦e
United States being to his veed]t, 1
solver 1' lhem written in 13'ret,cb, lie •
is obairluan of the Chlcal,n secl fun of
the Ante' Wan Alatheilatral So'iely
and is r•onsldeetel among the hooding
mai hsnort Livia its e f 111e United Stites,
\Vii h a shelf made up 111' then or 1his
stump, it would 50,•111 nuuecessary for
nut' Western Ontario pupils in go be-
yond L0nd011 to $001100 a University
education of the highest rank. The
special efforts pot 1,a111 by the Boned
of U,ivernm'sof \Verdi -en Uiiversily
to bring those
superior scholars to
this clisu•irt should he taken advent- Q
age of by our ycrwlg people, 41,
The state t
m n was made
at Londe n
Methodist COnfererce that 3q6 Metho-
dist ministers had donned the kheki •
since • '
. e the onlbrexk of
Two High-class Stallions ••
Two of the highest class, most beautiful, i
royally bred horses ever offered•for the eoneid•
oration of breeders in tile community, In •
theetad season 1817: -
Inspected and Enrolled
The Grand Circuit Champion •
(58, most T R., fula fa rano record, one of088811 •
the most nCircuit. t Elms horses ever seen 1 •
on the Grand 101 Columbus,
Elmer ,, Dickson1020 went •
the third -dieno one minute
in He with •
611( last half in ooh smote io se10 H, ie bred . •
In the thio sus with stow horse flnfea wil.'•
oepti goi Thursson athla-0wn80rr stablest,111 sto•
Sw(Itz on Thursday Afternoon he will id y 1 •
to Hall's Hotel, WinchIl,evasm, for night ; Cenbrs •
H Hall's Hotel, Bfor night
for noon, andCentral to 1
Hotel, stable
f for night • re he wit home in , •
un it the following for noon Thursday 811 woo remain
until thetollowing Thursday atternooa,
Inspected and Enrolled
51,522, A. T re , the unbeaten show horse. Lit-
tle need be raid of Ike 51 edlum es everyone hes
Peen or heard of hin Be
o a a champion bred
horse and speed
show inane furh ere,qua•
e1snipin vhis colts ass brei(h ding and marka le •
$ramping hl(.1+111 his leavehis
remarkable at •
charaBlyth is ist Monday tin 1111 and
proceed own barn at •
Blyth Dtubur morninganden to
Smith 85110)1 ♦
Hotel, Antoni. fd r noon, then eo0(81. a Hill •
for , where ; Tuesday will 10re ainorn until HWed Gods• ♦
rich, ing • o will rrtlain .Gr Wednesday
Sol- O
learning ; for noon, 3to Dol. Gardiner'$ Hotel, •
mee Clinton.for r noon, titch to home to Hown
te, for night ; e he will home to ills own
folable lowing
NI he ngr Writ until the
a011 furtgg r nforr, morning Write for kill
and 'Further information. Pions 112,
Blyth, Ont.
tees••••••►•N•••••••••••••• 0•••••••.•••••♦••♦•♦•••••• •
Here is •
Big rather
D t
a ®n
The nominee that takes you
there and gets you hack. Does
it ea y noel cheap. 50 miles to the gallon of gasoline. - \\ ith a sidecar
e ite.i ".•d you can take your friend along. Ohoose your 010(1 speed,
f, tun 5 luiles per hone to 00. Develops 12 h. p. Easy handled -just
like big brother.
\\ title. for free Catalogue. Buy a DAYTON and enjoy life,
Pepper Motorcycle Exchange
752 Broadview ave., Toronto
44i#404.** *.*44044 440.440.0. 1.04610it*0144 r f+i**0
The New Series
•�..1116416..L1...&.J .6ZA.•�� AZ"d.A..a.AA11 '•►
The only Car in Canada selling. at less than
$700.00 equipped with Electric Starting and
Lighting System. More Wonderful than ever.
•1.•PO44^4r'�^•••PT^®®P�""•^4r P����v�Tr
Standard Equipment •
Valve in head Motor
Electric Lighting — Starting
Selective sliding gen r
Transmission, 3 speeds
Forward and Reverse
New front and rear Spring
Staunch Flit me
New front spring Suspensions
New aeeele,'ator foot rest
Ample road clearance
Cantilever springs
improved Upholstery
;Mohair 'fop
Non ,.laid 'Tires On fear wheels
Garage at D. Ewan's Carriage Works
Ament & 11cDoneld
♦ 1911 Ford Touring Car and 19 fluallout for Sale
Notice to Creditors Executor's Sale
In the (natter of the estate of Margaret
Cunningham, am late nl
f 1110 8
e lowushil
of Grey,iu the ,
(. not of Harou
married woman,deceased.
de as d
Notice is hereby nix xl t
Sseven p p 1 To lhaRe-
isedand otheroh ing &Mine o that all estateoreditrs
and said
M rgsret Clxime ueam,xt the estate of
or about the Seventh th day o A 00 ho died nu
ar about red or, or
b er (h A cr1t, A. D„ 1017,
Are required on or before the a til do,' of deliver
.18 E.7 t■ scDd by poet pExecutri of the
to Jane i E. McDonald. the said x ,he
teat will k P Tt Office,
to sold rOhriedeceased, ae
.nd Surnames
brook Post. dr,,on-,endio, their Oer,',, ten
and porio l,.rodd their+ end desmeptate els.
full their
accounts a of tand
naterleima the the am 0.0'
of their noy mt(is bad the nature of the scene•
Ries lie Ivy) held by thaw.
And further take notice that atter such last
mentioned date the said Exocntris will pro.
ooed to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having re.
Bard only to the aloins of which she shall then
have notice, and the sold Executrix will not
be liable for the saidassets or any port thero-
ef to any person or versant) of whose claim
notice shall not have been received by her at
the time of such distribution,
Dated at Oranbrook this 8511 day of June,
A. D. 1017.
JANE E, MODONALD, Executrix.
13078 (13886) Enrolment No. 1587
Inspected nod Approved.
This well bred horse will stand for service
during the present seasons at h15 own etsbles,
Leadbnry, Lot 22, Oon. 13, IleRillop,
700 the purpet 11 of winding up the *Ante of
the Inca 31,5n Bollnnlyon (110 lands and prem.
684. situate in the Piling° of Orman cun-
tainingsome 18110000 of land and upon which'
there Isr
e eatrd x comfortable
and frame 1A11ore offered for sale,Fall
particulars and born, of sale
knownon application to the Executor, An-
Ih Reymann, Crsnhroolr or rho ulder-
gned w.01 or A1R,
40-I1 Solicitor for the Executor.
For Sale
281 acres of fora lands in thT
e ownship
of. Muerte, ntl'ulnit g the Village of Brnesele, in
one field. Ther, 1 ,
1 rood 11 1108 pie, if open-
up, from 2 1( i (owes I1 has Snooty
t tested
and enough of gravel thereto xupply the tir'1
and vicinity' Por the next quarter of a century:
e building 1,010
on 1115 cuTrry atrr of lot en
George et; ,11' the railway eat near stet loll, . x180
107 priv,ie re-idrace on the river hank, corner
of Million end Albert streets. 11'00 further
arllealors apply P i p y to the o pnd.1. 11E0KIE. at his
residce, L
Bruaselena, 18th 5100011, 1017. J.
Farms for Sale ,a0
The undersigned offers for sole his fine 150
acre form, being Lot 12, anti pert of Lot 18,
0011, 0, end 80 80009 on Lot 7, Onn. 4, Township
of GreS Huron County. On
lformer is
good slar,,7)frbcem�ned weber Installed, emuo
bo 30 acre; Is chiefly -bush. A Ise 100
tutees, being Lot 12 Con. 0, In seine townohip.
12 ems of extra good Fall wheat and over 40
acres plowed. Both fauns In good condition.
For further: pit rticaie 011 as to prices• terms and
amtdinone, apply on the nremis0' or write
Telephone:4010, Et1(01 P.O.
The Clydesdale Stallion llleaburn 2nd (17.069)
Enrolment No. 4704 Form 1
llL('ABURN 2ND [17000], Black, with face and both hind legs white ; foaled June 801h, 1914 ; bred by Henry 13one, Brussels, Ont.
n (Castlereagh [8040] (10324)
sic Thomas unlp. [03 1] .
Prince Thom/tit [4028] S (00St) l truly Lawreorr• 14-117] (3780)
(10202) (Oomely [57111 (10701).... H.wltwoni [2000] (8004)
17 '� Kat t, 15712] 1618)
MEA1'3URN 2ND [17000]
Meabut'n (imp.) [13710]
'1i•,iby (imp,) [28788]
Fyvie's Pride [90 ]
12580 (Leidy Sir Ifverlutl 34)00. -353
( ) 13alon'S Pritle [3007] ] [ ] ( )
Douglas [12007] (0122) (l�Ianr s,l� nifr, si35;�]I 203)
(14610) (Rosie of Compstnnend In el y 2nd [ 2t)u ll; ISUU
(Gold Mine GOU41JU5405.) 1Goldlirlder [2907] (33,07) )
(Ardlethen [1048] (11246) •1 [ ] (9010). ,11.011 LriLhrnilull [21008](J35$7)
(Queen of 1•learts [0611 l Dal'r en [651161 (6805)] (6607)
(1320) Prince nr' \Yule$ [16U0 (073)
PrieceAlexander (ions') (leauie Black [31511 (81-1)0)
t[0375] (8839) Earl Hynrlford [60281 (7070)
l Darling ,
Susie, by Dai I G range (4850)
Sir Everard [3000] ((1858) fTop3alliulb (18 i0)
Baron's Pride [30(17] f Rosie nI' 1(11Id (an 321(1 (7437)
(0122) (Forest Queen (4253)
(Springhill barley [7002,1 (2429)
Batson Rub 10016 li: nl 081 Nellie [4254 (4740
Ruby Reuel T233 l )
P9"1"""1 r
n t hw(ratl 2fl
1 U
1208 ' -t f 0
( lashw I 1 (301)4)
P 0001
s Beat (pejo { 4
_ I 1
r Y .
B 1 rt 1, e
�R Z t [388
9] of C[19181 (1 (0211) fPrince Rnb til [28011 (7135) OS)
[10181] (1.3566) (Robina [OOUI] (12182,1.,,. j 1leroine [1448] (8122) 11
niece of Quality 2)73 �Cedric(ilnp,)[22021[1087) (1{nllee ekrinnWales
Mngiri�i (4078](1398
,(10410) (.)Came Roy (hop.) (28(14] (Da "'i' y 11.0011 (2221[ 1( )
Queen of Quality [2291$ , (11703) (Lily of Lingslilt. 18513] (2912)
(17874) ' (Oraieh ono -r Dnrnh'y J��u IlIPy ['1•101] (222)
aOar 11110. [0568] (12318) , .. . (ilo)() [2(27 (56(17) 1 i (a [18303] (5.13)
Mabel of CIe111111 [656!1) Glenlee (3113)
(0036) (Clendrie Oonleiy [0500] (2880)
The imported Shire Stallion, BIaisdon Colin [807](17770)
Enrolment No. 2766. Forth I.
Princess Alexandra
' (31218)
Maggie 18207
6 ( )
These Two well bred Stallions will stand for service during the season at their own stable, Lot 20, Con, 3, Morris.
HENRY BONE, Proprietor.