HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-21, Page 6All Pure Tea'�i. Sealed`Packets Only Free from Dust Never Sold in Bulk 417011! LIS Why Preserves Spoil, cuts), or fish pie with flour or potato Some of the causes of failure in crust, served with turnip?;,carrots, home canning are, onions or parsnips, and biscuits and First, not sterilizing the jars, lidsbutter, with jam or jelly, or hot choc- gy�ld rubbers, To sterilize, the jars 1 elate, lac ,, d�lsl fps , , Naawl�lll)C,�� Green B21 and the lids must be placed in a large Mashed potato, with creamed cod boiler or cooking utensil, covered with. fish (cream sauce, containing a little --- 7 cold water and brought to boll; boil- � salt codfish), served with lettuce, with d� ed three minutes and then the jars are and vinegar or lemon juice _dress- etwee Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR, before the ready -bored blast -hole, and Bring up their tools before retiring with the powder -bag in his hand, shelter, stood abruptly upright, the stands that same Duncan who, when startled eyes sweeping the grey area aged three had, in consequence of to remain fixed upon one smoki g John's indiscreet invitation, been the spot, through whose thick fumes th cause of some scandal to Ella al`Don- figures of running men could be see Hell: now a ripe man, and a comely dispersing with the haste of terlo one too, having taken after his "black" their upraised arms shielding thei mother, rather than after his "red" heads from the flying slate pieces father, and with no more than a few As the smoke began to draw away ruddy threads among the deep brown two figures became visible upon th of his hair and beard to recall the distant level, both lying upon thei M'Donnell strain. He has his fath-. backs, and neither moving. er's powerful frame without its pecul- "It's Donald Robson's quarry," ran iarly thick set of bones, and his moth- the excited comment. er's quirk, black eyes, "No; it's Adam M'Donnell's." Of the two other members of the "Who can say what quarry it is, un - "crew" present, one had worked with till the smoke's off?" Adam on that far-off afternoon; but "That's Adam upon his back." Willie Robson has lin more need of I "No; it's Duncan." artificial gravity, life having, within, "Why, there are two of them!" these twenty-nine years, furnished "One's moving now," him with material quite sufficient for; Over the edges of the rock -terraces -the genuine article. Custom has long the men peered, horror-struck, gazing sin cet s sled the charm Incpresent re athles sl upon nthe spot of clanger occupation, which consists in loadin which might g r g g so easily y prove to be a the -rough blocks upon a truck drawn spot of death. by a large, patient horse, who sir -1 -- culates the level from morning till, CHAPTER II, night, collecting the blocks from each 1 In the same bow -windowed room in working in turn, to pass them on pre-' which a quarter of a century ago John sently to the miniature engine which and Ella M'Donnell had for the first starts for the sheds whenever a suf- time sat down at their own hearth, ficiently long train has been formed, three persons were earnestly occupied As for Tim hi Laren, he has as little around a fourth. There was only need of artificial jocularity as of any- one man among them; and of the wo- thing else, having for twenty years men one was obviously a menial, her past landglept soundly upon the Burial part in the process being confined to The fourth worker in the crew, and handing pins, threading needles, and the youngest of the lot, is busy pre- giving forth various tones suggestive eing the youngest of primitivetfuse, a and of acute bodily pain, which, however, long to judge from the radiancy of her fat stout oat straw, which, filled with gun- face were intended to express delight.. powder, was presently to be inserted ed admiration. In the blast -hole. With the fixing of lifted out, drained and the vegetable or fruit is packed. Then the jar is tilled with boiling water for the vege- tables or a syrup for the fruit, The rubber and lid are placed in position and partially tightened; then proceed accca'ing to directions. ';lar rubbers are sterilized by placing them in a saucepan and pouring boiling water ea over them then letting the rubbers ie stand in this water for five minutes; the rubbers will have also the ad- vantage of being soft enough to slip ed mutton, cooked with fresh vegeta- te over the top of the jars easily, slip, ed as potatoes, turnips, carrots, e- Second, the lids of the jars used in etc.), served with bread and butter en canning and preserving are very im- and apple o• other fruit and bread a- !portant. Old and worn lids are use- crumb pudding ed less, as are those that have their edges Cowpeas boiled with pork and coin- • forced out of shape when trying to,bined with boiled rice, served with a to open a sealed jar. Lids that have, green vegetable orvegetteble salad, fr porcelain lining with cracks or that, and, honey, brown sugar, maple sugar a are loose are useless and might just as', or date sandwiches. n well be thrown away before they cause Beans baked with pork or bacon, e the contents of the jar to spoil. An- served with Boston brown bread and n other point to be remembered is that 1 buttal•, and tart apple sauce and cook- y, when an acid like vinegar is used in les. r spicing and pickling this acid is liable' • to work between the porcelan cap and its metal holder and set up a decom- rposition that may prove very danger- 07.113. CHAPTER I.—(Cont'd,) "The whistle, father! There y i'pon one of the central levels Adam have it, Much good will it do Bess M'Donnell is working away almost as if we've missed the blast!" vigorously as on that former after- * * * * * * noon, The red of his hair no longer The shrill, long -drawn scream of ti screams so loudly against the red of steam -whistle had not yet done r his face, its fire being as though echoing against the walls of rock wh sprinkled with ashes, and his frame the sound of an explosion—a prem has thickened considerably, which is tura explosion, as every experienc the laborer's only way of growing ear knew—covered its final tone stout. Beside him, as he crouches The, men on the different levels, gath ing, and crackers and cheese or pea- nut butter sandwiches, Meat stew (inexpensive cuts'or left- overs), with turnips or other vege- tables, 'including leftovers, and with rice in the stew or flour or cornmeal dumplings; or, fish chowder, made from fresh, canned or dried fish; crackers, skim milk and onion, served with bread and butter and fresh or stewed fruit, Boiled dinner (corned beef or corn - Its tail of "match -paper," ready for Wrapped in a dingy dressing -gown,. the igniting flame, the work will be' though with carefully -dressed hair, accomblished.1VPD Julia on the floor, was on her knees last "That's enough powder, but it will 1 touchestto her sistertFenella'se white dresser take some squeezing. Where's the evening dress, Duncan handed a tool to his father, "Do you know what I'm thinking,1 father?" "Aye?" j HEROISM OF BARNARD° BOY. "That we're fools to give in to the, Fell Succoring the Wounded, Writes new manager's high horse. He knows as well as we do that the iron tools Canadian Chaplain. • are forbidden. Why have none of . At 5.30 on Easter Monday morn - us the spirit to threaten him with the ing the barrage on Vimy Ridge start- lthe steel aw? Mr. Gillies had promised us ed, and immediately thereafter the just because this rman wants to s and make and boys went over the parapet. Five 1 favor with the company, and knows minutes later a Canadian doctor and that he will do it best by saving the chaplain followed them. With the pennies, the promise has been taken doctor was a young lance -corporal;' back. They keep their pennies, and "pure gold," says the chaplain. With we keep the risk. It's infamous!" +the chaplain was a sergeant; "as fine; Adam shook his big head reprov-1 a man as ever served his King," is the ingly, ! chaplain's description of him. Always on rattackin atyou in.sombodagaThe doctor. took the right section, talking about rights and things, when' the chaplain and the sergeant went a you ought to be thankful, in these to the left, searching the shell holes hard dayst just to get along. It's; for the wounded, doing some rough an awful ell thing to grapple with aand ready first aid, andadministering manager, I tell ye. Ye'll find that; such help and comfort as were pos- out when you're my age. And that; Bible. While engaged in this work the; b new man looks bad to deal with.' young sergeant was killed. The chap-' b We've worked with the iron these' lain had turned aside a few feet to many years, and what harm's come of 1 aslc for direction from some men, it?" Adam, as he spoke, was placidly when one of them said, "Your sere pressing down the powder into the geant is hit." hole, preparatory to filling it up with' "I ran to him," said the chaplain, the dry clay which lay ready. describing what happened, "but one After a moment he spoke, cowering glance told me he was gone. The great' g a little closer to the hole, 1 arterywas shot through, and in a mo - "Yes, fa, my lad ?" ment the bravest, most unselfish man d "Yea father, heavy to -day, Duncan; there's' I ever knew had gone home," misfortune in the air," ! The concluding sentences of the "There's no need for misfortune, seIletter are as follows: "I cannot close long as you are careful," said Dun- without telling of my` intense admire - Min, a trifle impatiently. "That's an tion for the men and officers who ain- extLa's ra no blast -hole, mind, father!" ed this great victory. The battalion of -it's Bessie." holo I'm thinking came out utterly exhausted, but with "Then it would be better if it were deadhe swreit of mourn conquerors.eFor our 1 the blast -hole, father. What's the but, at the same time, I good of worrying over Bessie?" shall always remember with pride and " •You've u' n ve no heart 0 for their your sister, joy heir measureless fafthfulnese.� Duncan. You heard what the doctor What they died for we must live for, said. She'll go the way her mother Never shalt I forget the boy I left be-� hid, And another thing, Duncan"— hind, his wonderful unselfishness, his Adam dropped his voice by a tone to sublime courage. Some day I shall add:seen," The corpse -lights have been see him again, and tell him how I love oDunca ut of the way, a fragment of slate him for what he was in himself, and way, perhaps all the more what he did for others. If only he had 1 vigorously as. be was not as absolutely lived, he and I would have been one unaffectecl by the final remark as he in the friendship begotten of a great wished to appear, experience. He was a Barnardo boy, If Worrying over Bessie would do homeless but a friend and lover of is her any good, I'd worry ten hours a Master," h day to please you, father; but it's not toyy Way to fret for the frettfng'e take," 'You know that she was nearly gone the first time." "But she wasn't quite gone, and She's not gone yet. Cheer up, fath- er! 13y the time we get home toe flpight Who knows whether you won't h ve a grandson waltieg to be cuddl- "But will I have a. daughter?" harp- ed on Adam, when Duncan sharply hi.. tempted him. (To be continued.) Hot Weather Hints. Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those ill with contagious diseases. Kill every fly that strays Cheap Cuts of Beef. into the ]louse. His body is covered The cheaper cuts bf meat ase un- with disease germs, Do not allow decaying material of questionably as nutritious as the more any sort to accumulate on or near expensive cuts, only they require your premises, slower cooking with moisture, The All refuse which tends in any way neck pieces of beef furnish stews. to fermentation, such as bedding - Hamburger steak (small steaks) and straw paper -waste and vegetable mat - roasts of good flavor are obtained ter, should be disposed, of or covered from the chuck ribs. A portion from with lime or kerosene oil. Screen all the back of the forequarter is chosen food.. Keep all receptacles for gar - for a pot -roast. This will include bage carefully covered and the cans some of the vertebrae, which can go to cleaned or sprinlcled with oil or lime. the u. from the Keep all stable manure in vault or pit, underside of the neck, often called the screened or sprinkled- with lime, oil or sticking piece, can be used for braise other cheap preparation. " See that ing or can be cooked in hot water, sea- your sewerage system is in good send highly and served with tomato order; that it does not leak, is up -to - sauce. Then there is a peice for corn- date and not exposed to flies. Pour ing which joins the sticking piece and kerosene into tha.drains. Cover food contains the thin flat ends of the chuck after a meal; burn or bury all table and prime ribs. refuse. Screen all food exposed for The hindquarters contain the best sale. Screen all windows and doors, known and most expensive cuts. especially the kitchen and dining- ; The round is divided into three cuts, room. Don't forget, if you see flies, the upper being the most expensive. their breeding place is in near -by filth. The loin is good for braising or It may be behind the door, under the casserole use. The first three slices table or in the cuspidor. If there is n0 dirt and filth there will be few flies. Timber for Shipbuilding. Every local freight train on the on the vein or muscle on the front part of the leg make a very good steak, or the whole makes an economical roast. Meat should be roasted, skewered or tied in compact form, and should rest skin side down on a rack in a dripping N.T.R. is carrying east in carload lots pan, Dredge with flour and sear over spars and other special timbers need - the outside in a hot oven. After this ed in the construction of wooden ships, add salt and pepper and dripping from an industry which is experiencing a it - Cook at a low temperature and great revival at various points in the baste frequently, Ribs may be roast - Maritime Provinces, says the Times of ed just as they are or boned and Moncton, N.B. Some of the shipments rolled. Only the first five ribs of the consist of heavy timbers to. be used forequarter are suitable for this pur- for masts and spars of wooden'. ves- pose. se's. There is also considerable ship To roast a cheap cut of meat, rub ment 'of planking and wooden ribs for salt well into the meat, place in a the vessels. The most curious part crock, cover, place over a slow fire. of the shipments, however, are the When taken out it will be brown and more tender than if roasted in an oven; also, it will have a nice gravy when thickened. Do not put any wa- ter on the meat. Meat cooked this way is exceedingly tender and palat- ble. Nutritious Combinations. Numerous palatable combinations of two or more food materials which can e prepared by the housewife with ut little trouble are suggested by ood specialists. The following the some of the sug- gestions: Boiled rice scrambled with eggs, served with a succulent vegetable, such as stewed tomatoes, canned corn, reen peas or beans, and bread and, utter, and nuts and raisins or other ried fruits. Green peas and canned salmon with white (thickened milk) sauce, served with corn bread and syrup. Meat pie (meat from inexpensive "Go, make thy garden fair as thou caret, Thou workest never alnne, ,perchance he whose plot 18 next to thine Will see it, and mend his own," --Robert Collyer. Tomatoes grow well on almost ally soil, and .rich, friable, sandy loam is considered beat for a heavy yield. wooden "knees" which are really the crooked roots of trees, sawed into sizes suitable to shiubuilding pti"r- poses. These "knees" can be made from ordinary timber, but builders prefer the natural bend of the roots, which are very fibrous and tough. Quite an important part of present day lumbering operations is the dig- ging up and cutting out of crooked roots suitable for this purpose. The small knees are used f,or bracing stein and stern posts and similar parts ex- posed to heavy strains. Tails on lambs are unsightly, unsan- itary and reduce the market value. Calaloorne mattea no. 1 Keep Furnace Firma Clear, In order to recover small articles dropped through the door register grating of a hot air heating system without the necessity of removing a. section of the pipe mesh grating's may be fitted into place. No, 0 gauge, wire mesh may We used in places just large enough to fit into the metal box below the register. The best time to do this is as soon as the fire is out. The .Englishmen, as a rule, makes a just and impartial judge, and a core rupt British judge is almost unknown, —Sir C. It, Lucas. ' -T'd fe ^Fanalcarranmgam..ma irsla RQss Self Sealers for the home Canning Of Fruits, ' Vegetables and Meats Roan cent no, 580 ELnit fn. W, • Toronto Jellies have high food value Make as many as you can. They will be worth a great deal to you next winter. "i'ure and Uncolored" makes clear, delicious, sparkling jellies. The purity and FINE' granulation makes success easy. 2 and 5 -lb 10,20 and 100 -Ib cartons sacks iso Asko r !ANTIC y u Grocer for SUGAR or, azonsaai ''VER think how often you too have barely escaped a similar diseater—cr how aeon cleetructiva Lauren may at any moment envelop all you poses and hold door 0 Roil pArroteatlon Innate that you rootyour barrio end home th indo�nmrblo materaa�j— pp�a,ttlor'a'Y:1•:OtR,,GI�•" Shingles. Tbua you roh to erclag esd Sro of that pori, to destroy, end. what's mors, Obtain tka 0630 rate of fasuronce. Pedlar Shiuc1 . aro dao proof ficin:t wind ran naso and rot. aoundfcrecnar•at,�ona Writrata.: the "RICht Roof•' Oooktat w.Q,, PEIHA PEOPLE 0000 ashud testi 4 o digelicao ane 7raotgrlc,; Oahcwa, Ont. Drenches: d bl• Montreal Ottawa London Winnipeg Ms With Rural Ontario (-c� For Business. - 3.. e.180011.i = A. i »•L r Rather a unique way of stating it, but it will attract your attention and that's the first .duty of a Birt. The matter of Hotel Accommodation is a serious problem just now. Since September last, many hotels have found it necessary to close'i, The WALKER HOUSE (The Rouse of Plenty) ttas eotuplly° doing ext enormous business since last September. HsWonderful ietp1oe, afid eve detail connected therewith have beenresponsible for its tremeadons ationegA The house Is more like a home than a hotel, so skilfully elpd wiaely le Itmanaged. Whenyou come tie the city stay et the WALKER HOVSE, where home -like comforts, are the dominating characteristics. Special attention paid to Ladies and Children travelling without escorts, at Toronto's Famous Hotel, Reasetiable Rates THE WALKER ROUSE GE ` a,R 8 CALLS FOR, L't1OPOTTt3 q 0 170Tet MOI BLOQ. 'rOaexTa 0 p`.ATAlaa P :,n3era 1. 1 1 not only because It Is a really good disinfectant, but also because it has the a.dva.ntoge, poeeeseed by no other, of drying white— not dark or colorless, VAC Carbola lust ea you would any disinfectant, ft will Uaint your poultry houses staples, plggartes, cellars, ate., whiter than white- wash. and at tate seams time disinfect them as thoroughly as if you used a solution of carbnlle acids times stronger than the dilution or- dinarily used for disinfecting purposes. Anti you can do 11116 with lees tabor and In the same bene required to whitewash or dlsinfeot alone. Costs ly rr Bfto snit�Btooaticilnotblister, finite peal f—leheposonusnor us-wl 1.grtt the x10011':1 shine--Marmut ites to man, besot or fowl—hit mils 1109, Pi11toa, Fly -eggs, And the Germs of Mouses such 00 MID, while diarrhea, cholera, glanders and the molly Others 0101 8af the vitality pari reduce the prnduotion of nendtry and live- stock r n-1 sameltlrto, eau a setnrc money loss. fiarbcla comes In can- veal rt sized package" doesn't soot] 0y rttanding, FR) ran be ltopt Oh "r n 1 1 ,rly to use when convenient or on a rainy day, ft Ilse no dis- agreeable "Our and con be applied to wood, brick. stone nr cement 0111 aeon or over whitewash. l;ndorsed by agricultural colleges and exl n Irncnt't1 Slallr. ren. 130111 by nemere DVCrywear0. rxo t7 air, scree 8e dD r Tn :efmonVo, Oamaa.11 w.,r.usR ir4,a.nrlah SUMMER SHOES CAN'T Until yourself to slippery leather, in canoe, sail boat or yacht. And, of course, you have to have Fleet Foot Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or -low shoes are the proper accompaniment of Summer apparel. And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much less than leather, that, it is 'real economy to wear them. Look trial and ,neat--eraoy yourself—and save money, by wearing Fleet Foot this stznlrner• 202 WAR'S. CHANGES IN:41,1. • LONDON LIFE THE WORLD'S WAR THROUGH A WOMAN'S EY/3. ' Description of Life in Olt } London Under the Shadow of that Great Conflict.] In London we don't talk any more about "earning out bread -and butter." No, indeed! It's "earning our oat - mime and margarine!" Our minds are getting extraordine arily economical, too, writes Ellen Adair early in May. At a dinner the other night I heard a men remark, casting a meditative eye on the soup tureen: "Good heavens! Look at all that perfectly good 'steam running 30 waste 1" And I hear that an enterprising tradesman is going to put a cheap magnifying pair of spectacles on the market—"for use at meal .times." Afternoon=teas-in-town are things of great disappointment now. I con- fess onfess I used to love the London after. noon-tea-in=town. But now the "re- strictions" are so complicated! To begin with, you get your little sugar "allowance." If you're lucky and the waiter's nice, you may get two' small knobs. Then comethe sandwich "rations." "Sorry, madam, you're only allowed two!" says the "garcon" sym- pathetically. And this bathe most ex- clusive London tea -place! Flag Days Galore! Flag days are always with us. t every turn one is buttonholed by some. sweet young thing—tray dangling, in front of her, the smile of the prover- bial siren on her lips—and patriotic- ally endures the pinning -on of.the said flag and the handing over of good English money. A flag.fiei5d of my acquaintance s delighted at the entry of so many ne allies into the war, "We shall onI be able to allow them half: a flag d soon," she says, "or there won't enough' 'days' in the year to go round." I know a brainy young man who h invented a sheet of cork that fits over the lapel of his coat and so prevents the "ancient pincushion" appearance it has worn since the flag craze cam in. A young airman crashed to earl while flying near his home in Londe His father—who did not, of course, know that the victim of the accident was his own son—rushed to his aid and helped to extinguish the flamin machine.' "Shall I ever fly again?" the nine- een-year-old flight lieutenant asked e doctor, "I hope so," was the answer, though the doctor knew there was n ope. The airman died soon after. In Prison Camps. The miseries of prisoners at the risoners' camp in Soltau, in. Germany, re causing much talk in London just ow. A Belgian soldier who escaped as thrown additional sidelights on the harrowing stories. There are 80,000 prisoners, and a reat number of them have to work in wamps, with their feet in water the hole day long, whatever the temper tune or weather may be. Not only re they badly fed, but the German etty officers strike them with the butt nd of their rifles and kick and othbr- Ise misuse them. Many more are sent to work in the ines, where the treatment is partfcu- arty brutal. "If we ever refused to do more work rough utter exhaustion," said the called Belgian, "we were either de- ived of food or tied to posts for six urs at a stretch!" "Another faJorite puniehmtentwhich e Huns delight in inflicting is to aka us stand perfectly still for an ntiie day, the face exposed to fierce nshine or to heavy blinding rain! "In Soltau we received neither meat fish for months, but just enough up, rye or maize bread to keep us ve. ,r War's Discoveries. We have now passed the 1000th day war. Nearly three years of war, ih loll period the face of Britain and Europe has changed ten thousand dl Nearly three years since the mous "contemptible little army" held the Kaiser's onrush at the Marne. There have been many discoveries that time. The first discovery of the war wae—c tre 1915 it was the machine gun, In 1916 it was the big positional i. And now the selves. Plowboy, rk—all fighting "Tommy" n Guard, " etch for the .t Bavarian. 1nv nciblo" itin for her g m absolutis o rechmes tli •ape; and th —, ustice and scally the lest about th always knocked eliedacoul A m r C i 0 i W y ay be as e h London. g 0 great discovery is --1 baker, hostler, 0n their own neer- "Tommy" is master of ,the Prue- Poilu" is 2001'0 than a rained Saxon, Hessian Germany is to -day life. :Russia is freed iii. America has come e balance of stlfferh( e religion of the Allies Truths' man .who !ticks • the o rich 15 3110 man who off t h h p a n h g w a • a P l w th es pr ho th m su nor 00 all of wh of fol fa up in tr gut Dur cle its! ala m 01 fig1 fro in t Ent is' I lou, 11013 as h work as soon sic of dollars to spend, alto le only one venomous snake ireet Britain• --the adder, It is v rt .0gnieed by the bleak zdg- lam down its book, and the bla:elf c. cn its head, in til (1 11:0.11