HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-21, Page 4be tirussels 0'sx HALF A CENTURY if COME - THURSDAY, ,1'UNE 1't, !t))7 11TRI, 1E7-1917 Is it fair that wh'e ops man .kers to REV,. D. 14000358, LONDON oho trenchoe uvt ret is and gives up lawn -- HO c1' )creta r.' returns hem, 1111.11- The wrilin' remembers very well the ed, aeoiler b1, , 1'a.', a 141,13105 hir1 on the 'Lass on which ace first celebrated tremel)11u s melee, allowed for the 1802 A boy will. 26 cents (.0 00 cents 1'u tui1f,tc:ute of war material? If we el the most) in his pocket, considered ata to have conscription let it be of himself well furtlished 10 meet the 1's cold lemonade" told cake, 60 years ago, Dominion Day, Monday, July 1st, SS, :11th .u; tvc-Il as of mauhoud, 'I'h•s LI( wands of the day in seeming "ice, the o 1'v reit wav w(to solve the probis.01. i 1t is a long Limo to live i1( this rush. 1 Lug modern life of ours, but a review ba): of the conundrums pe"pie of ofthose yettl'S furnishes iudis[;utabla N„3411 0' i'un aro endehvoriug' „„i ('rldeuue that the hand of God Luc is witu tv'11 receive the Gove1'rtmeut hP' I(1111 :eenill; 31',1311011 111 1(3a ,3' 1((Decaa 1t pedes,ople, for good, p 31110110n as the mew postmaster a ti ;aenatu. The (flies was reedere(1 1 .1(((t by the death of C. N. Grifil.1, Al 1 re';ideul 03 the town, Some t,uss A 11. Mnootrove, 10. P. P., will step i,.t the ..aloe while nein.. 3,tholi s'0 ) in v1naa, SI, P., may become the 1(sl 'r, of the Peace feelers proposed € •.... . � a 1,:armed surrender 1)13(101' I..l ' 't retained cheek in the req 1=•, in,” , ,,t. t1o:{ceable, "Peace -at -air p• h, Il sen he the tocsin in Ger 0 ::y tate fart of the Russian ''o:,• ': -s .1. •3'v-,1 the whittle. of ill •11:.•y. '11'' .. „ s will win beyond aI gtles'h, i but ilt'.a, ty support will hasten 1,314 h':nr t of [(twist who wer0 then adults, how 1''•,v are 11003 livnng 10 read these lines, r 11' 3'e and 111010. may be found one who 13,:3ers with us a little while longer, s- Lu3 soon not nue of theta all will be (L chastening r 119'1 Thin Is surety b LL o ht ( ' t[der.ttbnt may not have been a panacea. f311 all .3111 ills ; indeed, we do 1(„t knew of ally material arrange- -.134 that Chap 0301110 be—but we Feel sure that withenl Confederation we would have been far behind our pres- s 3'(,l position, and our people would h_tt" g,iwt Op with narrow views in k3',<piug with n horizon bounded by - the no, row limits of a Province. Now, a 01111)14311(1 14310308 that 11e be - 1111344 to a 001111try which rests on both great uceaus, He knows that he eau traverse the 1,0ntioeut from "the 1st 33hete Lhe Atlantic hisses its bil- lows on the 005k -bound coast of New- , midland, to the West, where the 1,13 Pacific- tells to the beach her 3' ••.•Luer dreams 133 sea -blown intui- t. 1 •, soft and low," without touching ,. 1 „titer soil but that of Canada ; l,, . he. can remove from here to p i t 3.000 miles distant and still 1'e. 1•, , +1 Canadian and under the saline tl : floats over him here. This t,. . (3 nobler aepit'alious than it is r to feel among a people who -,e .33 and insignificant and with. 11 :)' 1: pe of increaseA n d growth. 1, �1 1,: 11.1 P therefore silent it proper i o :•., young na onnlit we i , a9 tL yt ll 6 11 y, y ''2 ARE '14:11:•5.111 , 1 '(3 •, saving but f1' 1 " Imo', r t P will planned expec!a''."(0 t1 uivh.••, A.herta, is a case in point where 1130 ; ) candidate, Fred. Davis, formerly o Mitchell and Goderich, was elected -I P. P. recently in a triangular fel" 03313031 1'3' worsted a Liberal wood" and e1) Independent. This 1s the 33 11 141 time a Conservative hat made a tun in toe rifling'' u ..3'rihlet July ' J I let,1917, t b e 9 7 with f est1%{ty anti re ole . (1Azv 114T'a who attempt to palm 1rint(. Speech and song i oonenctod yarns about Hold ups and a-- r 3.ttiun of our national stinks 1r whichi tao(Yver .the chiefre r 3 • h' 'curs m•ecedin 1 3'7 • tIt ,! g sh /ai•1 lnr,ut whew the •would have c - 3 \ I •... e , , 011:,0' thtiu these li,ev. p.,rict•, ' f a: I- ,, Their exnhrr . r . i, T.. 11hen a boy, said to his with: tt ,, .: • the (3 0edal public, A 1' i,, r , , • •y : "Ate people so 1111(11 Lea:•L'i.:r:,teIv 3:3'11{s,9'.•' '-•• 3. [Irish Ihey used' to be u" ]t'(1(' .. , s n mor i, ••1'a iIlio 1 '1 ''Ply fit•a minute, for (MI g 1, e In enel'ess too mush to and : i Aeod in give appar1 u , i s 1 al after a while hie eye is more knave than ; 1 1 { h'• said : '•\Veil, 1)o ,lc ,•f b'r,h. ; \1' tat r 18 that people were �— t:,'1. • y b. ', r than they 00ght to - _ ._..-- to L r ( •1• vet SVP believe the It Id , ,1'l+ may be abandon- ed i,' 33 ,.'I ,d .1'.1 kilt, substituted. Cale 31,.-, ,:,.1111 •n were supposed to be so cosmee d „'1 ; , 1„h3y the presence of n1111 1-icetti,1 troops may Have some- this- , e-1311 p'lpuiarising this mode 'or y.,1 (1(11't rt quire to he Scotch to 11.1.'2' tl1•11 these is a tidyuess nista11' +Ic , .1'. s o r• n the f 314,.e low4.17311. s .ss aompat..1 with a come forniaki lee.;1 to :ing-10 the.l[n10 owes I hi. heens say the kilt Is the ,frees, (sr Loi',. la t 3 a1, tg ;,"me troubles that 113 mote 41111 telt to solve than she 1433itles of theash year against the P F.,:,; '»1 Ole Austrians_. Some of their be'.: fsieiels fest disaster for them 7,1110101: 111: •„ 33153' hackle into the t1.41,t , ' nix( help win the war 00.1 a, a... 1.3..13 will 41 11,11011 to that t.1',,:-, s immense population Au'i 1'n 'rt' it!ties. There appears to t,.: 1 1 ,11:;:.1. 314 liussia'3 internal 333',.ir.• 3111 mesh depends o1( ice -,I + , •, : 114 flntlr]rlty 60100 One w 3' 3 - 1',:' to guide -the ship of S•.ate u-0 ;.;I. the breakers iota a safe 'Pte 3. ttt'..3; ;elk apo:•,,r to be taking a live inteecrt 113 t ( political affairs of the 1((0,1. They. ave t in( paced upon the liidiup lixecnt, :., „le instituting Clubs for the,1,scns-Inn "r 1•.p'1, of interest and moment 1e,.1 =sato{ 11' ivnrk to do their "hit" at toe t1,ui,conling Provinci- al 11' lection I., Alberta Province the other day the Fist woman to be elected to 1':n'Ii' nnint is hies. McKenney, Presi dent of W, C.'1'. U who WAS chosen to .represent the constituenc OFClare 101 m POiiticiat:s who were opposed to female suffrage, used to prate about the impos• sibrlity of getting women to use the ballot but we fancy it will take an earth- quake to stop them on Election day, GREAT preparations are being made to place before the people of this Dominion a proper conception of the progress of this land as on July 1st we celebrate the Jubilee, or the 50th anniversary of Con- federation, Churches, Sabbath and Day Schools, Colleges, Municipal au- thorities and other associations have been ((eked to co operate in preseutng a fitting memorial service for the occasion, The D'.,million Government will issue oonimelOorative post cards and postege stamps and in told Loudon and Paris Jubilee services will be conducted. A most interesting story 0014 he told of great advancement made along material, intellectual and spirituel lines and these 'should be a -strong incentive In the ad- vocacy of a more virileCaunflieu citizen ship as we pass the halt century mark and ((*nuttier the heavy responsibilities that present themselves in this critical period in our history. Monday, ]tilt a')dl, hast been proclaimed for the cele bration of this momentous event in the loud of the Maple, lie re , ' I11(• SY0I id—Ilntttil Il- .ai e. the flight fel war that is 3 (35)3,'1 than tory 0(33' tint i„ • ed3)1' course we do not 111 •311 1•' : 3'in'In that the present tines u.-• .•.{1 1(l. fault. Th,t'e is still e : .n :0 . 1 sin and suffering and s,1- 1 1 1i ' 101 1(1 1. rause the heart of .1 e eat 1.1-'13 to (old.. and almost to I•. ,, thi6 , no bad as , I oe t t so , e our „ 1 \\ ho have u le ,, 1 1( (Tithe 3 are favored ati 0 w I r, ekoe 1st \Ve are 0111,... 1 I 4l 1 1'-I dlZatiull IIIPIn I, It.. . f'I t i1.13 03 „' t that the gru{u 1 • .3 of CO ,'e have ever b 1,.,,• tip, 3' r is this all. '1' , • • • „g3' , morality i. 51111"' , ' i1( • 511111' , iillprov- I 1, • el..,, ch, (despite lit i9purer,sti one- , K m,• t'.•• n 131 pre. at any p vi es ,• Ile that walketh in the ([lir l , . e,- -even gulden candlesticks would doubtless find more to c0m- me31 and l+se 111 Cind0(1111 than be found in the :even ehurcles of Asia. Lod. Ina rift erste nor memory by 11 glaree at 1,1411•• improvements wade in material ((3.'g, even within the brief p rind 0f ih1, r('nliection of (many of the leader, 3'i 11113 iPosT. In the matt el' 111' letter postage -5 cents 50 years ago, the(( 3a1ee 8 nent8 and in 1800 reduced to 2 rents. 'J'he old hner- chant Ship 111 whirl our parents came to Canada required from six to twelve weeks, 1(r let (13 Irishman pelt it, "7 weeks and 1333 dams," to cross the At - lam le—new t1(+ voyage is accomplish- ed i1( less than that 110111ber of days. Then came I.53 telegtpph and click, elicit, event the message and with ligh Ulinng speed burl( mune Ole answer. 7`Ihe old .stage coach has long since been wt. tled out of tune, and i1( its place "Theisen layer 1wenp4 proudly on Ie his exultant ('(311 .e, At speed whieh 31051+ in lo, 011w3ud Light The birdie free wing 1)1re' azure Heide of ligtlt," It is within the easy memory of living men bow Morse and his eleet(ic tele. graph woe ridiculed in scientific circles u!1 to the very time when the put his first line hr operation. When Cyrus W. Field was trying to arouse the people of England and Anl10'ioa to help hie( in 111(1 plan of the A1lantle telegraph, be made a trip to England and visited many of the nobles, but their foxhounds anti the chase %vete peomine(1t in their minds and the scheme of t.elegietphy was of little o' un (100011)11. AL 1138)', Air. Field ven- tured to talk with one gentleman upon the 134Igliehinaul'4 favorite sutyb- ject or (loge, Mr, Field said, "Sir speaking of dogs, you have aroused my 311Le1e,1 in the subject, and if you 1' will (ndul!.i, e m cold like to ask you if you could I would ihuagine a dog nS large as the Howse of ParliamelI.33" "Well, indeed, Jhs Pield, you really mannish nie with such a strange ques- lion, but 1 .mild imagine a (Ing 88 large as 111,51, blr. Field then S(dd, "(Lan you imagine a (101{ as large 1(8 1,nu(1013 33' 'Pl1.1 Englishman slowly assented that, he could imagine a 310g 044 large (15 I,ond0n,. Ah', Field said, "Gan yon imagine a dog as large a3' Uingland 7" That Wee a po801. hilt 11.3: last Ire said, "Well, 1 suppose I could imagine a (log that huge," Gnus. W. Richt said, "Indulge the in one more suppo5311111, (11,1(10 you imagine a degas ling as from Liveepool to New Yorks` The gentleman finally agreed, Then, Mr. Field said, "'Che dog that,' I aur trying to get you Interested in, le a clog, that when you pinch his tail 4 (Continued on page 4) 1 701 ONTARIO AFFAIRS• •••••♦0•0•♦••O040.0.400 NOBODY SEEMS TO LIKE THESE TITLES Unfavorable and Sarcastic Comments on Another Hereditary Title— Like Plain "Misters" If a man wishes to bring down upon himself the disapproval of the press and the people of Canada, one effec, t{ve way in which he can do it is to accept an hereditary title, It wag only a few months ago that a flood of and unfavorable comment protest came at the bestowal on a Canadian of such a title, "In the free democracy of Canada," Mr, Rowell said at that time, "we are not improving conditions by import- ing hereditary titles passing from father to eon, If this is the first, 1 hope it may also be the last," This statement, and the sentiments expres- sed in it, were echoed and reechoed throughout Canada. The Ottawa Journal Press (Conservative) said: "The public attitude In Canada is web expressed In the comment of Mr. Rowell," and The Christian Guardian said that they would like to second with all the emphasis they might, the remarks made by Mr. Rowell regard' ing the granting of Canadian heredlt• ary titles. Now there is another flood of pro- test because another hereditary title has been granted. "A lot of Cheap John titles in the paper this morning. They are getting as common as dander Ilona," was the comment of the Toren, to Telegram. "The hereditary title plight to be kept out of Canada, This country does not want a little arlstoo' racy of its own," was the comment of the Mai and Empire, ire an the Liberal 1 m d p , press joined in its disapprobation, The Toronto Starme out that a p 4i 4 Its recent conference in Washington; t g i ?ranee was represented by M. Vivian!, Great Britain by Mr. Balfour, the -ni ed States 21' Wilson andMr L t Stts11 o by Lansing,and Canada Sir Thos, White and Sir George Foster. In title ease these aro only life -time titles, "No mutter what may be said about them," the Star thinks, "there is sure. ly no defence for this new practice of distributing hereditary titles in Can. ada," "They are conferred," says the Star, "in defiance of a public opinion that Is, we venture to say, practically universal throughout Canada." COMBINES AGAIN Discussion of , them Revived by Re. port Combines as a factor in the high cost of living are again attracting at- tention.F. . W O'Connor, Federal Commissioner investigating1 e cost tl of living, in his report recently pub. lashed, thinks that the provinces have exhibited "little or no interest an the enforcement of laws against accumu- lations of products, unjust prices and combines," He thinks that the pro- yinclal authorities are primarily res- ppuplble for the enforcement of the law respecting the cost of living. The government of the province of Ontario is particularly affected by this charge. They have immediately de- nied Mr. O'Connor's allegations and claim that they have done all they could under the law. The Liberals in the Legislature have been criticising the government on this question of combines year after year. Their resolution this session was as follows:— "In view of the present high cost of living and the increasing burden upon the working classes and those is receipt of limited incomes, due to the high cost of the necessaries of life, this House condemns the abandon. went by the government of the in- vestigation and prosecution of the illegal combines formed to limit com- petition and to enhance prices , It is the duty of the government to investigate all alleged Illegal combin- htlons In restraint of trade and to prosecute vigorously all those who am pear to be violating the law." This resolution was voted down by the government. WOMEN'S POWERS DEVELOP RAPIDLY IDLY Morris OBITVASY,—After an Illness extend. lug ((3141' 001111 Months chars peeled aloe), On lrt4day the Bill ilea„ at the heiie of his daughter, Mrs. Rich,rll Scutt, ewe her •f the 18oneere in the person of \Vin, 1310,80. , ]le was 0 tnttll u11.l:'17 known, tesnected stud in L110 eaullir life of file cnmltuunity manfully ',toyed his part, 1310 it Nov. 9, 1837, in 13111 township of Oat (weight, Durhew Co„ be was Married fu 113110 11' Mies Jane Bruce and 14 years Inter with his family moved to Lute 11 and 12, 001). 10, Morrie, where' he resided until moving to 131yth Irl IBM, where to made his home until the time of his death. Deceased wail it member of the Masonic Order of long standing Notice to Creditors I,i the matter of the estate of Margaret Cunningham, late of the 'Township of Grey, hi the County of Huroa, married woman, deceased. Notre le hereby Even pennant o "The Re. t 1'a v 1 , 1 t landsthot s nl •Marts" that (i creditors and elherrimring clahneLKnhiel the estate of the 314311 blurgaret C'unuingham, who died on ct 1111,1110 the Seven311 day aft f A lril3 A D„ err r,. eat(7 t 1'u or hrfore the 11lt1i dor delude, • 0,, 1017 to send 1)yf• pool prepaid Or deliver Ou'De4onoapldnn, tthoef Rdseticxe.ofd(3s aetID.11Eed5 nu brook Post O'ftce, Onnreo, their Ohrettan nod Rurnntnes addres504 and deserIpt loon, the full Item looters of their eleime, the statement or their /autumnis and the nature of the .cele airs of 100)110d b7 3338m, A1,d (dither take notice that after stash lad nlentlmvrl dere the sold Yzeeutr!z will pee- ned to distraint(' the mete of the demeaned unmet; the 08111es entitled thereto, tering re - 131t' d only to the (define of which she shalt then hove n0tlee, and the said Executrix will not he liable for the amid enact . or any part [henn- a to tiny ',neon or penmen of whose claim 1,01300 shall not have been received by 1.r at the thne of such dt,tribullon, Doted at Cranbrook thin 0114 day of June, A, D. 1017 JARS 8, ANDONALD, Ezesutrix. Notice toCreditors In the matter of—the estate if Eugenia Oakley, late of the Villege of H usels, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. Nelee le bereb7 3313.(3 purmaat 00 "The Ra• viee8 Statutes of Olefins " thns all oredttors end other. having eldme against L Led le of 1)11, sand Eugenie Oakley, who died on or ¢A, . 10(3 iabout the rThirteenthdde n! list ,• d 4 u•eurrg0lred on or before they6t11 day ori July A D 1017, to send by peat prepaid ords• to le co one of a Exeoutors of liver,0 last Seat, eht and ficd■ Ontario, of paid Christie?' et n, ,sr,(smee,Posidd'roOffice, Ontario, ,03'tr l 011 .t the r ti 1'r s ddsee lull elation, ell 1 ons the end n loran a v i I 1 Dol 1 nert,eulnrp of their 3(0(14 the stat mal. I or their nca,ntntn 1(d the of the ■ 1(r a 31 i A l,1' rt'h held b7 them Aud fl8& 33 take (13,, o the after snob Lei mentioned date the amid Etoeutors will proceed to dietrlbute the assets of the deeeneed among 135 pat(les ertitird tl.reto, h st,le 1st• gird on1f• to tla• 111inls n[ which ahoy shell then. Intoe e, cud 1i the staid rcntorm will liebl not to linbin for the aald cossets or sayhart thereof to any 1858011 or persons of wose linins notice inch not hese been reerind by 1 hem nt the time of mach thlibutloa, Dated at Brussel. (111.a 0th doss of Jut., A. D. 1017. T. T. BORAII, 8zesulors, F. E. SCOTT, 1 andptteredWeenucteudrhit0••••.f••4•••M••rN�NMN4N••N!f•1 N.•.•4 00-44 ieltheir totting bang emtvrved from the lams,. 6 • . • • s (5 ' o • 6 • • • ••• 6 • •• • The New Series 6 6 • 6 • • of his 41111, Diane Brown, Klug OA se le I3Iyll1, by the Iirelhlen to that Met diet, Outsell tyhet'r ger! lee tens ere duete,i by the pastor, Rev, 11. J.Ilie- oortui' k, assisted by Iter. (3e111 (8 'Polfol,I of 4It. Andrew'■ 011111 ell, A1111 lire, Nr, A'wey, of 1118 hl't'dry- tartan rinr,•h, 1-,nndeshuro, 'I'Iie .353. ing Lir 1lie deli t, aria most appropriate and its 0110113;111 was nugthettlet) 3,7 vocal essIBLanr3' of 100111 (('38 or Mlle Methodist chinch elude, \Vitiehaw, Reuhsio• wet u convey 13 to 133.1033 ceoirtety 3Vheee the lee), sail rites wele pc•1 fit toed 111 enmplin nee wit 13 the Usages of the Alrtseide 0,1115. 1)3'• ceased tune bereft 1' hie wire 81.0.(1(1 yea( 0 ego, 1111 haves (n mourn lir lou, 4 sous 81111 2 311 ugillrrs, homely 1 —Huhi. 011(1 1111' I l( "u'rl, Morrie Isene H., Blyth ; CI, AI los, Deadtrnnd, S. D. ; Kate. \•Viii• Newcombe, North. Batl.Iefurd, 'Sask., and 'Mrs. Richard Scott, 13lyt11, Floral 113hn1es IAId on the casket attested to the esteem in • which the deceased WAR held and the r 0) wally of o h. family have l h t m the c u mm�i1y 111 thele (erenveu end, Hog for Service The undersigned will keep for aervioe on Lot 2, Con 6, Grey, n lhoese.beed Yorkville., hog. Tern. 01.00, With privilege of returning if nwomnary. JESSE IN] 5,14101, Tad Proprietor. Two High-class Stallions O e a 43 0 • • • e 6 3 3 6 6 e 4 6 • 6 • 6 0 a • 4 • 0 ii' f l r• • • I. • The only Car in Canada selling' at less than 6 00,00 equipped nil \vitt Electric Starting and $�7 9 FP 6 Lighting System, More Wonderful than ever, ®P`►� Ir-r7*rv-v-woPT7-wrv-o'r'rTy-#1 Two of the highest einem, MORE beautiful, en Standard Equipment royally bredhorses ever offered for the conoid• 0 oration of breeder. In this community. In the tud eesenn 11111:— Inspected and Enrolled The Grand Circuit Champion ELMER DICKSON 61626, A. T R., 2.00% 1010 race record, one of the Host benuliful and !retest holwee ever seen on the Grand Oirouit, Ebner Diekaon went the third mile .3 Columbus. Ohio, In 2,00, with • the last half in one minute in 1010 He is bred In the purple with show -bone anisb Will Hand this season at his own stable at 3lyth, ex. , aepgng on Thursday afternoon be will go to Swartz's Hotel, Winghnm, for night 1.Frldny, 1 • • • • Valve in head Motor 6 Electric Lighting — Starting 6 System 6 Selective sliding gear esTransmission, 3 speeds ® Forward and Reverse ♦ New front and rear Spring • • Brackets to 33111'8 Hotel, elaeP(3Ie, ear noon, ns Hotel, Bras0els for night ' $ntnrde$g• home to him own stable for noon where he will remeln until the. following 'Thursday afternoon. r 1 roll In coact ell[[ EI e P 4t 114E MEDIUM • 61,512, A. T Ii , the uebeitten show horse, be or I(.. ism eyeveryone hoe tl need reel e d If ilii Ile is Lll I111OA bred ton or heard 1. borer y. e h , i n e 11111.1111. With eine 1 w v and breeding, a,3'3 d further i,i .umpi ted to r.r.1 hl Dolts 1 tilt Len "ton ton. at Is le at 14171)1 .•{encs Lie 034) i•Irnvr his ow,-bornnt 817111 Hominy nm morning end proreed to ?eft (wet (31 Rotel, 3)1 1 '11, for noon, then to ,,101, t Hill for nitltt; '(,e will to Colborne Rotel, Gotta 31014 t. here he will rrineln until Wednesday teeming ; \Vednesd ny to Del, Gardiner's. Rol• meaville, for noon, then to Graham's Hotnl, (Anton, for night ; Thursday Mono tube, own tab(. at 131.,111 where he will rennin until the following blondey morning Write for bill and further information Alone 111 TBOMIAS 2, 0003.T1R, • Myth, Ont,- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 • • • • 4 • e • o 6 THREE SPEED • 6 t/i er�l4 4 •• Da 1 _ t n 1 t • • • ��.1 TWIN • • • The machine tlwt takes yon 4 there and gets you back. Does • it ea,y aml cheap. 50 chiles to the gallon of gasoline. W ith a 81de0ite 0 eltnr1ed you earl take your friend along. Choose your own speed, O frnuh 5 miles per hour to 80. , Develops 12.1). p. Easy handled—just • like big brother. ✓ Write:for free Catalogue. Buy a DAYTON and enjny life. 0 • 66 ' •Motorcycle Exchange6• Pe 3'r •pP s • 4 s 752 Broadview ave., Toronto o• • • •..$•$.x.•♦6••6.466.646••6♦ •.•4...4.........•.•••4••• 0006•♦•414 • • 6 • • 6 • e • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • •• • • ♦ 6 6 6 Here is Big �rotbr Among the women who are organiz- lig in order to study public questions and to be able to fulfil their new res- ponalbilitles of citizenship, are those of the city of St. Catharines and the surrounding diatr)et. At a meeting of the riding commit- tee recently held, attended by both men and women, at 'was decided, first, that women should he added to the Executive of the St, Catharines Libel, al Association, and secondly, that wee men's Liberal Clubs for educational at onal and patriotic purposes should be form, ed in St Catharines Merritton and other points in the constituency. it was interesting at tills meeting to see the development of women's opin- ion. At first they said modestly that this was a new field for them and that they wouid just have to feel their way, 1 slowly and cautiously, While this ae f undoubtedly true, yet before the meet. hag was far In prOgres8 the women, an. eluding several from country points 10 the riding, were taking a leading part in the discission, were showing the keenest intelligence on the natters be - lore the committee, and by their own action had established themselves ss' rarely a. important factors in the work, Thle Name thing is Occurring all over the province, and the adaptabil. ity of Woman to being revealed every, Staunch Frame • • New front spring Suspensions • • New accelerator foot rest • Ample road clearance • Cantilever springs • In"uroved Upholstery Mohair 'I'hp Nou•skid Tires on rear wheels 6 ' • Garage at D, Ewan's Carriage Works 0 ♦ 4 N • 4 • 4 Mme McDonald••• • • AGENTS, BRUSSELS •• • 0 e ) 6 4 r 6 1911 ford d Tou in Car and 16 Runabout r al • for 9 • 6 4 .... •6.6•.......................................14•40 COPT°RTA' ROUSSE IND LOT FOR 1•11.-080i well ..d el.lara, fruit trees, k., Al..1 aerie 1st ser nra3oa with Targe eleble and drilled well, Tor further particu- lars as to price, tonna, k3'„emity toTuepos0, Brussels, SHETHIN STAMP ANDREW F. EYEUEV A •ON Proprietors MONDAY will leve hie own staple, Lot 21, 2311 Line, Morrie, and go hast In 011iiheat' smith's for noon; then South 1% miles, then WesSY . igravel road to Oru.sela then to Robe, g 7 Nichol. g for night. - TU154DAY—Eo,t-to gravel road, then South 018th. Line, blo'rie, to Goo Kelly's for noon; then South to b'mndery, west 1y miles, and North to Herlook line, then West to Bert AI- len'e for night. WEDNESDAY—North to boundary, Ener 1 mile, then North to Wm. Taylor's for noon; then North to 0133 Line, Morris, then West to Wm llird'a for night THURSDAY—North to 0th rine Morris, then West in John WIghtman's for noon; then North via Belgr.ve to 2nd Line, Slorrls, to John Coulter' for night. FRIDAY—Best to Agar Bron for noon; then Ninth to lot I.Ino, Morris. East- 2% ndlee Hold home for night, where he will remain until Hondy morning. CUMBERLAND GEM 185 (1 82861 (8088) u nrolmsnt Na 1807 I,3.pe0)ed and Approved. JOHN J. McGAVIN, Prop. This well bred horse will stand ter service during the present seamen at his own stable., Leedbir7, Lot 29, Con, 12, MoYIllop, Executor's Sale For tin purpose of winding sP the estate of the late John 13nllnmtyn3' the lauds and prem• Ism, athlete in the Viiinge of Cranbrook, eon- telnin l aoole 10 acres of land and upon which there in erected n oouportnble frame house and frame barn, e1' offered t o off 831 e 1 I e f1' sole, Full knownupon ad terms at agile will b1( made YIl 11 I1. 1011(( ,1 '!A '1 t r i• Runtyotv f totrothe r the o,An signs Reymann Cranbrook. n1' LIR under- signed W. 61. oI the Executor, 4011[ $olloitor for the EzecuOor, For Sale 2834 acres of farmlands 1n the Township of Morris, ad Oldeg 1/10 Village of Brunets, { n 1'+o field. 7horr Is i1 •0011 K revel pit,open- ed t sten fromh 2 to 8 arras. I( hos been [town end enough of r ravel thus 3'r supply the town and ildingid tr for a colt rry n r ors century 3' 1 d bonding fors 00 r the railway. arr 87 1, nt ; 1 Int oleo My Ori etreresnear the (th river dation ; ((leo My IDI cin and Albert t ohoedvorRonk, urther of Wt1111ut1 141411 Albert atreot0. For further particulars apply to the tt,dersignod at his reelde"eo, J. LECKIE. Sentinels, 15t11 March, 1017. Farms for Sale Thn undersigned offers far sale hits ane 150 mire farm behig Lot 12, end part of Let 18, Con, 5, and 00 acme on Lot 7, C,m, 4, Townahtp of Grey, Bicron County. On 1110 [onuer iv o good brick home, extra good barn, 00 z 100 felt all ee11011E0 end water installed, acre in m- antel, eve 80 antes 10 oideay bush, Aliso 100 nerve, being Lot 12 Con, 0, In 00150 tmvnshit. 12 norm of entre good Fall wheat and over 40 acres plowed, Both forfeit 111 good condition, Nor farther partianlnrr ,w En pricem, terms and 'med1110(g, apply on the premises or write JOHN JACKSON, Telephone14010, Ethel P. 0. The Clydesdale Stallion 'Meaburn 2nd (17069) Enrolment No. 4704 Form 1 IN31A13II[LN 2ND [170091, Black, with face and buth hind legs %visite ; foaled June 30th, 1014 ; bred by henry Bone, Brussels, Ont. MEA13URN 2ND [17009] D1R1l1— Ueaburn (inp,) [13710] (10000) DAM— Ruby (imp.) [28788 (331217) PriaLeTl t 4 e hi nand 0 28 [ (10262) I3'yvde's Pride [90.17 ((2580) Lady Douglas [12057] (14516) ArIlethen [4048] (11240) Princess Alexandra (31218) Mar2 18 Maggie 137 ) , Baron's Pride [3067] (9I22) Baron Ruby[100151 11.208 ( ) n b of0 h rIt n n v (10181] (113850) i•rince of Quality (2378) (10416) Queen of Quality [22018] (17874) (lathe [0558] (12313) ... 831' '11°14” (3140',. (9331] (Castlereagh [3010 (10321) Led 1 nWreL1. a 417 3738 0081) r v ( nail[21/09) L6osh v I0 3804` 11 t !) - b 11 107((4 l ) C 111 7 '�!Cate (b712](1018) 3907 Ilarml's Pride Sir !Semen d [81100] (5353) [ ((13brt41 Queen [4258] (7283) Rosie of Ooinpstrn,end33122) {Maier' 4g(u (4406] (1.187) Lel [41)311] (6536) { {Gold f)inder LPU7 811(807„)) •SGthid Aline [2904] (9540). 31,141' Lei thelthell 321008](18{ 87) (Queen of Hearts [6514] (l)aritley'S 11 ern [7097] (01197) (13269)) I. h iloess [6515] (0335) Priace Alex, nder({mlt, [9375](8890 Darling Prince of Welter [4.5(10] (073) 1.1 Nth 13131114 [315.1] (8 011) Eitel liyndfilial [0028] (7078) 'Bmsie, by 123rD Glltnge (43o0) Sic Everard [8080] (5853) (Topgallant (1850) '�CReale of Iiillellun [,4240 (7437) (LoreetQaeeu [4253J (Springhill Dm'n'y E7(362� 2420) a M 1 liP 20 1 t t Mans 11 4 47'15 [ 1( ) (7288) 1 r � 1(t 3'I I In hot d ZULU .6)4 (11'Iashwnn(i's Hest 0[t3»3 ] IY.,.1 of lioghmlor [8830)(5308) (Ltubintt [OOOI] (L'Llf0)233) (1 mime linbeei [2801] (7135) l Heroine [4448] (8522) Ceiltic (1mli.)[2202] (1087) J 1'[n"1o11110oilWMi'tlgesgic15(04013)5(67(3 8) (Jeau3o (toy ("111:0011;72j (Lily J Defeat, y [44911(222) (11793) (LLiiunloy�[4493] (22 j8513] (2012) Oraichmor8 1)nrniey -{P3iora [13355] (813) (.1np.).[2127] (5097) 0310(354' (803) Mabel of Oleudrie 135 9 1 (UU85� Ulendrio Oomely [8500] (2888) The Imported Shire Stallion, Blaisdon Colin Don 07770 Enrolment No. 2766. Form 1. Yahese Two well bred Stallions will stated for service during the season at their awn stable, Lot 20, Con, 3, 1VLorris, HENRY BONE, Proprietor.