HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-21, Page 1VOL. NO, NO, 51 ye 1.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, UNE 21, 1917 W. H. KERR, Prof' ietor View Advertisements , Rrar ante -q, Duff, 7' 'Millinery -Wee Hunter. Artillery horses wanted. Attention -F, R. Smith. Hay for ante -Reeve Plum. CoW for sale -David Petrie, Pasture-GarnleM$xrnutore, North Huron Conaervetivoo, For sale -Rev, 0, J. Moorhoure, Cement -G, T. R. A rent Murray, Teacher wanted -Jae. 0. Peacock. Three new Professors -Western University, 'ta;rrict Witt% Blyth CELEBRATION ON J VLY 2Nn.:- Ar- rangements are well in hand for Lhe celebration of Oanade'e Jubilee lim•ii Monday, July 2-Domiuinn Day. Pen. gram, commencing at 9 a. m., will coneiet of a Calithumpian and '!trade prnceseien, 'vitriol parade, childr•en'e games, automobile parade, ndfirees of welcome by Reeve Milne and speeches by prominent men, senior sports, Base Ball game between Clinton and histo- wel, tug of war, auto race. &o., the clay's fun concluding with Ooncert in Hall at 8 p. ru„ by Forest City Male Quartette. MoncriefF Miss Emma Buttery is visiting in Walton. The wet, cold weather has kept things very backward in this vicinity. F. Harrison, operator West Monk - ton, and daughter, Jeanie, spent the week end under th parental roof here. $ J4'ev corners shipped the that half of June cheese, 285 boxes, on Warbles- ., day, from Henfryn station, the price being 21 cents. Union Church Garden Party on July 2nd, promiees to be a grand success as the committee in charge ie preparing a good program. Mies Anna Icbter and brother, George, and their friend, Vernue O'Connell, of Wilkesbarve, Pa., are epending their vacation at the home of George Dunlap. The latter is an uncle of the former. • Patriotic Lawn Social will be held on the church and .school lawn, Fri- day, July 6th, The Lawrie Family, Hamilton, will entertain, aeaieted by the Ethel Orchestra, H. L. Jackson, of Brussels, and others. There will aleo be sports from 6 p. m. to 8 p. in. Robert Campbell, 14th Oon„ Logan township, was recently married to Mies Alice. daughter of Geo. W. and Mrs. McKay, Mnnerleff. Rev. Mr. Mann, Bruseele, performed the cere- mony et the manse. We wish the young couple prosperity ae they com- mence married life. b Wstern U niversi 4 LONDON it it Z Three More New Professors 3+ •�h •E' a+++++++++++++++++++++++1-7. t Equal to any in Canada Stedente oan now obtain au good en education in Arte and Medicine at the western es anywhere. Preoldent O. S. BRAITHWAITE, M. A.. Ph. D. On Sabbath, Jnite 3rd, If. H. Gilroy look the eervieve .a1 111o++arteff h1 the absence of Rev. Mr. Lundy and his message was 11111011 appreciated by the congregation. • Owing to the going away of James Mann to the West George McTaggart was ehdaen Superintendent of the Presbyterian Sabbath School, 'We wish him A 1. success. Fordwich JOHNSTON - MOON EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. -Last Sunday the union evangelistic: campaign opened auspi- ciously udder the direct it,0 of ,Messrs. Johnston and Moon. Meetings are held in a large tent capable o[ seating 800 people. timidity services are held at 11 a. no., 3 and 7 p. no. Week night services upt.0 at 8. No tuertt.g is held Monday evenings. A choir of 100 or snore voices lead the singing, in charge of Mr. Moon, who is a flue vocalist, Jamestown A new driving shed has been built on thefarrn of W, 13. Wright, THE . LATE JOSEPH 00031Bs.-On Sate; day 0th inst., death claimed an esteemed citizens of Blyth, and a former well known resident of this locality„ in the person of Joe. Coombs, who passed away at the home of his son,in-law, Councillor Jas. M. Outs, The late Mr. Coombs while a resident of Blyth but a comparatively few years of his life, soon won the respect of citizens generally. He was of a genial disposition and soon became known to Blythitee ae "Grandpa" Coombs, Deceaeed had not been in good health for come months and for weeks it had been known that the end was near•. Notwithstanding his ad- vanced age he !knitted -his faculties almost unimpaired to the last. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon serviee being held at the house at 1 30 p. no., followed by interment in I3rus- eels cemetery. In religion deceased was a Presbyterian and in politics a Oonservative. Mr. Coombs was an Englishman by bitch, being born at Oherriton, Devonshire, in the year 1830 and when 10 nears of age came with 2 brothers to Canada and settled in London where the subject of this sketch was apprenticed to the brick- laying and stone rnaeon trade. After serving 4 years he commenced con- tracting on his own account which Ile enntinued in that city for 7 years. In 1852 be was titan ied to Miss Eliza Hillier, of Summerhill, and they moved to a farm in Grey tnwmship, East of .ianlestown. 4 years Inter he returned to London and some months after he went to the Staten where he followed his trade of enntaacting This he continued for upwards of 14 years when he returned 10 his farm in Grey and purchased 200 acres edioin- ing. While working this land he did not cease his occupation as tuaeon and in company with his son -in -haw, An- thony McDonald, who Lhen lived at Oranbrook, built many of the build. lige throughout this section. The P °r" + rauter 1• d• Implement Dealer Is Sole Agent for Fe Laval Cream Separators, Oockshntt • rout & Wood and John Deere Imple- ments and Fleury Plows. Repairs for any of the above lines kept 1' as well ae for Kemp and Saecess •d• Spreaders. Brett tford, McLaughlin and Brockville Buggies and the Adapts Wagon, OS WrA Number of 2nd hand Bindrre for sale. 11 ' Call at our shop, at brid[s , Turn- Number street, Brussels, in charge of e' Allan A. Lamont ETHEL Phone 61 2 rings. •1•444. ref•d••1+rd+•i•ri••U•p•1.+"1 •i•• +-1-b r fir.60866.8.4a1t4tOm.6• et506,Cids•Oeezet lesSOm•9tteez` ttle••s9tl 3 for d Ed tb • Artfflery The balance of our Summer Millinery Will be sold at Bar- gain princes for the next two weeks to clear out stock. Now's your chance. Call and get prices. rr 8 e1 a d? WANTED Ages 6 to years ; height, 75.2 to 16 hands weight, 1200 to 1350 pounds, and 3500 pounds and Stand 16,1 hands. . COLORS—Any except light grey, white or light buckskin. All horses must be sound, of good conformation free from blemishes and broken to harness or saddle. Horses will be inspected at— LISTOWEL, JUNE 30th, 11 a. m. 0' g 11 • • • s 0 0 • 9 • 0 • 8 a 8 • • 0 11111110000010114141110110a4bIla•SS•rriSSSSNO•rSSSSOSaI M0•019 Methodist church, Blyth ; one at Bluevale, two at Walton, and auother at Wroxeter titre today monuments of his work, In July 1908, 34r, Coombs was bereft of his wife and i he follow- ing Fall he went to Blyth and has since rnaile his home with his son - In -law, James Outt, Mr. Coombe was bhe father of a family of 3 all of whom have met with much prosperity, • They are Mrs. Jauttse Chat, Blyth ; Mrs, MrLnnald, 11 ''1101a1, and Jneeph Mimed, Public School Inspector at Saskatoon. Oranbrook J, M. and Mrs. Knight epeut Sun- day with frlends at Atwood. Grey Township Donnell will meet in the Long Hell here on Monday. Deputy peeve MoNahb was at Gode- rieh this week attteuding a special Good Roads seseiot cf the County Connell. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Wren will preach the closing sermon of hie pastorale. Oranbrook people are sorry to see hien go. lieu, J. L. McOullnch, Moderator of Maitland Presbytery, attended an in- duction service ab f.ucknow on Tues- day of Rev, R. McCallum. Belgrave A number from this locality attend- ed the North Huron Liberal Conven- tion at Wingham Tuesday afternoon of this week. The representatives of Belgrave Women's Institute attended the Dis- trict Convention at Fordwich on Wednesday of this week, Remember the Sunday School Lawn Social at Knox church grounds nn the evening of Thursday, July 5Lh. Wing - ham Band will furnish the program and n good time is promised. Wednesday evening next the -Bel - grave Dramatic Club will present their well praised play, "Lodgers tak- en in," in the A.O.U. W. Hall, Walton, in aid of the Red Cross. Our talent is making a great "hit" with it. The Conference appointed Rev. Sidney Davison as pastor of the Methodist, church. Be was ordained this year and is a height, energetic ynting roan who will do good work without n doubt. lintno• lien it that he will be bringing his bride to the parsonage before unttty months elapse, Rev. 11r. Davison (n expected to oc- cupy the pulpit on the first Sunday of July. Rev. Mr. Parnaby will preach the closing sermons of his pastorate next Sabbath and will leave for his new charge alt Appin the fallowing week. The reverend gentleman was elected Sunday School Secretary for Sinr,lh- e ty District, an nfilce be will fill with credit as proved by his experience in Winghatn District. Rev. and Mrs. Parnaby will take with them the best wishes of a wide c1rcle of friends to their new home. Wroxeter Mrs. T. G. Hemphill is at present a vial tor in Toro nto. • Miss G. McDonald left for her home at Durham nn Tuesday. Misses Death' and Hicks left Inc their hornes an Saturday, Mrs. A. Lamonhy and little daugh- ter are holidaying at Dunnville. Mrs. H. Little, Toronto, is visiting her parents, B. and Mrs. Black. Miss F. Lowry, Pimento, was a -M- eant, visitoe nt,h n 1 eh menfLt. Gut r v y A, Smith \ Vig n lam presided at Lhe High Sohn l g o examinations hold here. Miss Eleanor Hamilton, Conn, spent the week end with 11e0 parents here. Miss Agnes Stewart, Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mfrs. D. Stewart. Tut r.1,' iy. Visa ("Steele 19'Dnagall Mt. Forrest, is the guest of lien parents, Alex, and airs. J1'Dungall; diise A. Kitchen, Tnt'ontn, is spend- ing two weeks with her parents, F, and Al's Kitchen. bliss Lytle Knake, whn hits been teaching sehool at 'amino, New:Orl- rru'io, has arrived home for the vaca- tion, Reeve Reis attended the special ses- inn of Huron On. Connell on 'Pnee- day to Ileal with the finial Roads quer 11"n, D. 111, and Mrs. Walker, Niagara Falls. ale spending n pail of the Slim- mer viten tinn with the latter's mother, Mrs. it i M . J n Gibson. Aliss Margaret I+otls, whn recently graduated fton tri Western Hospital otneto, 1s eoj..ol g a well earned visit. at 11Pr 11.,Itie here. Misses Jennie Allan and Winnifrpcl AJnm'o wets surcessl'ul in the resent examination at the Far.ttlty of Educa- tion. Con gratnln.lions, Rev. Mr, Stride, of Kinglake, is the newly appointed pastor for the Wroxeter (aren't of the Methodist church. Rev, A, J. Love, whn goes to Smits, will ;wench a farewell sermon ort Monday evening. The t)oiry Homestead play given by Ihe Palmerston Deematc Club, in the Town Hall, Friday evening, was a most. decided situcese iu every pnrticn- Iar. The proceeds amounted to $105, whieh will be used to pay for vaarn purchased by the young ladies \Vey Auxiliary in the recent knitting none test when 819 pairs of socks were kr: i tied. The young Lathes ll,ee'niting League o''VVIoxeter, intend braving a Y. L. R. L. Tea on Friday evening, ., June 201h in lmvil Rallym here, This tea ie being given by the losing side of the knitting contest which closed ,Tune 10th. Lunch will be served and collection taken up. Oandy and lee crentn booth, halting pond and fortune telisilg tent &o. .Everybody coma and help to good moose. The knitting eon• testtvas won by Mar ultraStanfle'son's side by a majority of 0 dozen pair of socks 1 doz. of which t1 h I was 1 n ntat.ed by Ja,nestewn, there being 825 pair of gooks knit in the contest, STORES CLOSE U ThursdgAfternoons During July and August The undersigned business people in Brussels have agreed to close their stores, offices and shops dur- ing the months of July and Aug- ust on Thursday afternoons ;- Geo. Thomson J. T. Ross G. N. McLaren Alf. Baeker A. R. McKay S. 0. Wilson Mr•s, J. Thompson Baeker Bros, Wilton & Gillespie A, Strachan Dovuing Bros, D. 0, Ross Gerry & Walker G. 0. Manners J, H. Hewitt R. Fergusou W. A. Grower H. L. Jackson W. F. Scott J. J. Gilpin Walker & Black W, LI. Kerr Jas, Fox R. S. Hamilton 1. 0. Richards Miss DI. E. Ross W. J, Methttcken Miss Inman W. F, SLreLtuu Wm. Little W. P. Fraser W. M. Sinclair Jas. Ballantyne Business places close at 12 o'clock on these half holidays. ' A number of members of the M. M. Society suet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Harris on Saturday evening and pre- sented Mrs. D. lttcTevish, a former member, with a silver bake dish. DISTRIOT I. 0. O. F. -A. gala day in Oddfellowehip was held in the Town Hall on Thursday. The District meet- ing was held with District Deputy Mo- Vittie, of Blyth, in the ninth. There was to full delegation from each lodge of the I. 0, 0. F, in the district. The report of the Secretary -Treasurer Dodd showed the finances and;mem- bership to be in a most healthy condi- tion. O. E. Augustine, Dungannon, was elected District Deputy Grand Master for the coining year. John Dodd, Wingham, was re-elected Disttiot• Secretary. In the afternoon a lodge of instruction was held in the Town Hall. More than 150 brethren were present. Initiatory degree was conferred on 2 candidates ftoin Tees - water. The degree team did good work. Blyth lodge coeferrred the let and 2nd degrees in tine style. The SeaforLh brethren exemplified the 3rd degree in the manner which has caused their reputation to extend over the entire district. Deputy Grand Master Mann, Hamilton, was present and made an address on Oddfelluw- ship. Wroxeter brethren were hosts at Itineb, at which Deputy Master Mann ,• J. Groves, Wingham ; W. II. Kerr, Brussels ; Past Grand Muster Popplestone, Myth ; and Rev. 111P. Absry, Londesboro, responded to the toast liet which concluded one of the most successful meetings ever held by the Wroxeter Oddfellows, Morris firs. (Dr,) lleCutcheon, of Wilkes• barye, Penn„ is here on a visit at the home of her parents, Thos, and Mrs. Clark, 5th line, D. and Ales. Malal1 and daugh- ter, of Oalgary, ase visiting. at the fmer's parental • home, 8th line. o. They are welcome. Jim. and Mrs. Petah, of Edmonton, + n alt kern n a visit with relatives and. (lien de. They welcome back o y are v t e' th a cid henna. me. Both look well. Hiss Florence Cook received word that her brother, Pte, W. H., had been wounded and was in o. French hospi- Ltd. 1Ve hope he will snon be o. k. Recently James Russell, 5th line, sold 17 hogs bo James Taylor and Jno. At metrnttg, fm' whish he received the fine sum of 8505 00, He sold them iu three lots getting 81615, 815 60 and $14:50, respectively, per ctvt, The Signaller Instructor exalts. were passed by Lance -Corp. John G. Andersen and Lance -Corp, 7.'aeker both IOlst boys. The former 15 a son of .lames and Mrs. Aidersnn, 5111 line. Tait POST extends colgraluletions and wish the boys a safe return from civet Seas. The sad news was received recently of the death of Pte. Fred. Etringtot, whose borne was at Dungannon, He was 20 yetu•s of age, belonged to a meted tie gun aectinn, was wounded nn Jute, 5111 and died on the fish. De- ee tsed wits the eldest; son of David S. IS..eitigtoit and a nephew of MIs, Wm. Sottch. Don't forget the amount Sunday School (Itot It' ti Party of the Jeoksorr rhnrch at. 0 theme of Wm, end Mrs i'aylnr, 9th line, on Friday evening of ;this Week. A geed pregtauu of vocal aid instt'unteutel mnsfc, ad- dressee, .5ta. Tea serve..l feoni 6 to 8. Refrc'shrtirut bnnth will also be on the ground, The pastor, Rev. Mr, Mc - Got nick will be eheirtnitn, A. How- lett Is the 8, S. Superietsndent. DiicD AT F3RGUS Ho9PITAL.-Last Snmdtty night Alfred Button, 7th line, died at Fergus Hospital, whither he hod gone a fete weeks ago for an op- eration on his throat for cnneer. Helmet tn h t t been well fair the past few years and it is said the operation showed the growth to be of a canoes - nus nature and the patient, passed away as steted above; Mr, Batton was in This 550th year and was a native of this township, his pttrettal borne being in locality of what is known at Button's seined ihone.% Some years age he moved to n l Lot Clot t, t, 7. He owned 150 pewee, Deeeneecl was maze vied twice, first to Elizabeth Alcnek, by whom he had n sell land nn her de - mien he mat'ried Niles May Gibson, of Brussels, who survivesliim. The re- mains were Bron ht home Monday, mud funeral mole place Tuesday after - norm, Rev. I). Wren, Brussels, cons clotting the service. Interment wan. made in Ternesels oetnel:nry. Deceeeed was an industrious, honorable tnnu, e Liberal in politics and an adherent of the Methodiet church, Visitors ab the home of John P. Kelly for Sunday last were M, and Mrs, Fare and daughter, Goderieh, Mrs.'Polly ttnd daughter, Chicago, and John Welsh, St. Louis. They made the trip in the former'e car. RED CROSS GARDEN PARTY, -Next Tnesday eveuit g a Red Ornss Garden Party will be held on the school grounds of S. S. No. 6, known as the Anderson school, 3rd line. Wingham Band will supply a musical program ; Miss Mabel McDonald, elocutionary numbers and there will be vocal selec- tions, violin and bagpipe music. Pro- ceeds to go to Red Ovose funds. At- tend. Walton The programs are out Inc the 21d Annual School Fair, to be held here Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 12th. It is going to be a dandy. Wednesday of this week a goodly number of Walton members of the Women's Institute attended the Dis- triet0ouvention at Fordwich. Annual Garden Party of Duff's Church will be held Wednesday even- ing, July 4th, Bigger and better than ever. Watch out for the bills. RED OROea CONCERT. -Next Wed- nesday evening the Belgrave Dramat- ic Olub will present the popular pplay, "Lodgers taken in" in the A. O, U.W. Hall, in the interests of Red Oroee work. Wherever the play has been given it has won favor and a big crowd is hoped for Wednesday even- ing, The admission fee will be 25 cents• Mrs, Alex. Gardiner is the local President and Mrs. A. B. Bruce the Secretary. Help a good cause along. REv. MR. Lh7NDY'e FATHER DEAD. -This week Rev. and Mrs. Lundy were called to Brampton owing to the demise of the former's father, Joseph S. Lundy. who passed away on the old homestead on Sunday, in his 80th year. His partner had predeceased him by 3 years. Deceased is survived by 4 sons, (Rev. R. A., Walton ; Bar- rister Fred., M. P. P., Edmonton ; Barrister Joseph, Toronto ; and Thos. on the hontestend ; ) and 8 daughters, (Mts. Norman McMurchie, Acton ; and aliases Lottie, teacher in Toronto, and Miss Jessie in Winnipeg.) Deceased was an exceptionally flue man, who lived an unobstrnsive Christian life, but whose integrity and worth was a pattern to the community. Grey Oouncil meeting next Monday in Long's Hall, Oranbrook, Miss Elsie Mayberry, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Donald McTaggart, 10th Oon. A prenic will he held in S. S. No, 6 Friday afternoon of next week, Good time expected. Percy Mitchell, of Kelfield, Sask., is here on a holiday visit, Folks say - but you can't believe all you hear - and he may return a bachelor. ENGAGEMENT, John and Mrs. Steiss, 9th Oon„ Grey township, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Elsie E„ to George H. Evans, wedding to take place on June 27th at theparental home. Tuesday of last week a quiet wed- ding took place at the Presbyterian Masse, Brussels, when Rev. Mr. Mann performed the ceremony be- tween D. C. Blackburn, Ohatham, and Miss Agnes J. Duncanson, of this township. May their joys be many. Tuesdaythis n f h e week MiGertrude ee Speiran left for a visit in the West. She was accompanied by Mrs. Biggs, of Virden. Man., and Miss Nellie Not's- wotthy, Ingersoll. Miss Speiran has just completed a term at the Stratfard Normal and sire may teach in the WHest.uh 6 W. A•IcKay and daughter, former reeidents of the 9th Con., left for Earl Grey, Sask., where they pur- pose making their home. The former has been bothered with rbenrnatism but we trust he will Boon be free from it. He lived in this township for the past 28 or 80 years. Owing to other picnics being held on the date announced last week for S. S. No, 3, Grey, a change has been made from Friday to Wednesday afternoon of next week, June 27, in James Cardiff's grove. Football, Baseball, races and refreshments, Arrange to be there. DIED IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. -A telegram on June Ise and later a let- ter et - ter to Mrs. James Knight, of Grey township, lore the sad news of the death of her Rioter, Mrs. J. Tr Ross. Mrs, Ross' death came snddenly. After tea the had gone to her room to prepare to go out and remaining longer than was expected was caller's and it was found she had collapsed. She was only able to speak once, death soon followed. She was a daughter of the late Lachlin McNeil, of the 14th Con. The Mercury of Estevan, Sask., gives the following particulars :-Among the older resi- dents of town there will be regret felt at the news of the death of Mrs, T. lInss, of the Indian Mission School, at Ahousat, 13, 0. The deceased was formerly Mies McNeil, a sister of Mrs. P. 0. Duncan and H. J. McNeil, of Lt'stevan avid Was nll enrnestand much beloved worker in church and Sunday School and ovary endeavor for the good of those around her, 'l'het she decided to give her whole life to mis- sionary Work and went to Ahousat, B. 0., where elle took charge of a miss sloe among the Indians of Vancouver Island, A few yea's age site was married to Rev, J. T. Boss, bead of the mission field on the ielaod, under whoa she had Inhered for some years. Three years ago Mr, and Mrs. Rose visited the Haat and spent a short time with Omit, friends in Between. On Saturday last (June 2nd) a wire was received by Mrs, Dtitrean telling her that Mrs. Rose had died the pre- vious clay and would be buried at Albeell, 13. 0., the chief town in the district in which she had given the North Huron Conservatives The annual meeting of theNorth Huron Conservative Association (for Provincial purposes) will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, Friday, June 29th, at 2 p. m., for the election of effluent and the transaction of other important heel ness. Ae this is the first meeting since the enfranchisement of women, ladies are cordially invited to be Present. d prominent lady from Toronto will addreee the meeting. Addresses will also be delivered by the local members, Messrs. Bow- man and Musgrove, and other prominent Conservatives. A, H. Birmingham, Provincial Organizer, will be present and will explain the new Ontario Franchise Act by which the names of all women will be planed upon the Voters' Lists. best years of her life for the help of the poor natives, Much has been told' and written of the splendid work ac- complished by MTS. Rose and her memory will be revered wherever the great missionary work of the church is known. AT REST. -Friday, June loth, there passed away iu the person of Mrs. L. Huller, one of the old pioneers of the 12th Con,, Gray township, in her 84th year. She was born of Christian parents in Hessen, Darmetadt, Ger- many, and she died as she had lived, always trusting in Jesus and never afraid to meet death. Deceased was a faithful member of the Lutheran church. Site left behind a good example for others to follow. Mee. Jae. Denman, her daughter, was at her bedside nursing her, faithfully at any time of her sickuess. Although able to go about once more and eti- juy the Spring breezes she was taken suddenly ill with silent pneu- monia and heart murmur and passed peacefully away beyond the Jordan Asleep in Jesus." The funeral was largely attended by friends and neigh- bors who had learned to love her for her kindly welcome and companion- ship. Those left to mourn her loss are Mrs. J. Denman, Mrs. J. Hanna, 0. Bleckert and H. Schmidt. Rev. Mr. Baumann, of Monkton, conducted the service assisted by Rev. Mr. John- son, Ethel. Pallbearers were W. Evans, H. Richmond, h. Speiran, J. Speiran, J. Boyd, D. Neable. Inter- ment was made at Cranbrook ceme- tery. Bluevale DIAMOND WEDDING. -To to few only is given the honor and privilege of 80 continuous years of happy married life, This honor however has come to Thomas and Mrs. Jewitt, Bluevale. Both air. and Mrs, Jewitt are natives of Yorkshire, England, and came to this country wheu quite young. June 18th, 1857, they were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by Bev. Mr, Cade and a few months after they moved to the 2nd Con. Morris town- ship, settling upon a farm which at that time was a bush lot. There they began to hew out a home for them- selves along with the other pioneers of Morris, Mr, and Mrs. Jewitt have been lifelong members of the Metho- dist church former being a local preacher for manyyears and ou many Sabbath days walked 30 miles and preached 8 times. A family of 6 eons and 4 daughters were born to them. They are :-Jonathan, Isaac, Watson, and Ernest, of Shelbrooke, Sask. ; Amos, at the Sault ; and David, of Bluevale ; Mrs. Wen. Pugh, Thessalon, Algoma ; Mrs. D. 1',rrington, Dungan- non ; Mrs. Bauch, Morris ; and Mrs. Jas. Lake, who died 15years ago. Monday, June 1811, a number of their old friends, children, grandchildren and great gtandohildren gathered at their home in the village of Bluevale to help them celebrate the 60th an- niversary of their wedding. After spending the afternoon in games and social chat they all sat down to a sumptuous dinner. The friends join- ed in congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt on the anniversary of their diamond wedding and wished them many more years of happiness. Among those present were Mr, and Mrs. Jenkins, Geo, and Alts. Turvey, who are also pioneers of tide 14 98 '' p section, havingsettled here about the he ewtne time as Mr, and Mrs, ,Lewitt. Mrs. Jew it's maiden name was Jane Pike and both she and her husband are in their 31st year and enjoy comparative good health, Mr. Jenkins, one of the guests, is in his 88th year, Many old friends who were lint at the party ex- tend hearty good wishes to this worthy couple. r Ethel OAR of cement has arrived. Customers may nrornre quantities desired by application to Station Agent Murray, G. T. R. Ethel. J. A. Cole and son, George, went to Mowat this week to work in the Cole new mill. The annual Sunday School Picnic will he held July 2nd in the grove here, IC is free if you fetch your basket. Mr. and Mts. Driver and Mr, and Airs. Bonis, and Nelson and Alma, of St. Marys, were visitors at W. Slem- innn's, Jas. Overall and daughters, Dnfsy end Helen,Battle. and S. Smith b and D. Oampbll, Molesworth, were 'Visit- ing at Jas. McLelland's Sunday, Miss Lillian Davidson, who was re - cantly operated on for appeulieitis is getting along nicely and is now*visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Percy Annotb, At. wood locality, The Dramatic Club, of Palmerston, will present the play "A Woman's Honor" Friday evening, June 22nd, ander the auspices of the Woman's Institute, Admission 15 and 25 cents, Proceeds for the Belgian children. Read Mies Hunter's advt. concern- ing Millinery bargains, Work at the Methodist chat ch is being ruslted along in fine shape by both carpenters and bricklayers. Bernice Cole and Della McKee were writing at the Public School leaving this week at Brussels, We wish them Menem5. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Bell, Molesworth, preached in Knox Church bere, Rev. Mr. McCulloch be- ing at Moleewortb, The Girls of the Patriotic Olub will quilt the autograph quilt given them by Mrs. John Brown Frlday after- noon, June 29th, on G. W. Pollard's lawn, All are cordially invited to come and see the quilt, have tea and help a gond cause. 7 WRITING. -This week the follow- ing 7 Ethel pupils are writing at the Eutranee Exaruivation at Bruseele :- Verna McCall, May Vodden, Isms Mitchell, Marguerite McDonald, Blake Howlett, Bertha Cole and Wil- lie Dane. They should give a good account of themselves. DIED AT A GOOD OLD AGS. -Tues - "day night Mrs. Margaret Anderson died at the horse of her nephew, Robt. Bremner, Lot 25, Con. 8, Grey, in her 90th year. She was a sister to Mrs. Andrew Bremner. Deceased was born in Co, Antrim, Ireland, and came to Canada with her husband, Wm. Con- way, 85 years ago. On the death of the latter the widow was afterward married to the late Mr, Anderson and resided on Oon. 4, Elmo.. They had no family. Mrs. Anderson made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Bremner for past 6 years. She was a bright old lady whose faculties were retained to the last. The funeral takes place on Thursday afternoon of this week at 1.80 o'clock and interment will be made in Listowel cemetery. LONDON METHODIST CONFERENCE Following is the list of stations of Methodist ministers in nearby locali- ties as arranged by the Loudon Con- ference for the coming Conference year, commencing on Sunday, July 1st :- STRATIfORD Stratford (Central) -Wm. H. Graham, B. A. Stratford (Trinity) -G. W. Dewey. St. Marys -Chas. M. Marshall. Mitchell -Albert J. Langford. Listowel -J. Edwin, J. Millyard. Milverton -Robert A, Miller. Trowbridge -W. Oooway, B. A., B. D. Wallace -(Lebanon) -H. F, Ball. Atwood- ugh J. 1Tair. Monkton-A. E. Doan, M. A., B, D. Staffa-Arthur J. Love. Fuliarton-W. Shoup, (Geo. Bennett.) Harmony -Edgar J. Roulston. Embro-To be supplied. W elburn, (Belton) -J. Edward Shaw, Kintore -1'. A. Allen. Chairman -W. H. Graham. Fin. -Sec. -Geo. Dewey, S, S. Sec. -A. E. Doan. See. Social Service and Evangelism.... A. E. Miller. W INGHAM Wingham-D. F.eArmstrong, B. A„ B, D. Kincardine -Herbert J. Uren. Lucknow-R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B. B ruseele-Wm. E. Stafford, B. A. ; F. J. Oaten, M. A., Ph. D., Field Secretary Domini ec t on Alliance. tante. Teeswater•-0. R. Durrant. Ethel -John W. Johnson. Fordwich-Wm. A. Walden, B. A. Gorrie-Geo. J. Kerr. Wroxeter -Frederick Stride. Bluevale-David Thomson. Ashfield (Lucku- )-S. J. Bridgette, w B. A. •' Salem -F. E. 0 e 1 dale. Bethel -0. Gerald Lawson. Ripley -John Henderson. Bervic-D. W. Williams, B. A„ Dun- can Guest. Tiverton-Oharles S. Hawke. Whitechurch -Duncan McTavish. Belgrave-Sidney Davison, Chairman -H. J. Uren. Fin. -Sec. -R. J. Garbutt. S. S. Sec. -F. E. Olysdale. Sec. Social Service and Evangelism - W. A. Walden. GODERICH Goderieh (North street) -W. L. Rut- ledge. D. D, c Godeftch (Victoria Street ) -J. J. H. ( OaL•erhout, B. A., B. D. Clinton (Wesley) -A. E. Jones. Olinton (Ontario Street) -J. A. Agnew. Seaforth-Geo. McKinley, B. D. Holmesville-Arthur Sinclair. Blyth -E. J. McOorntick, 13. A. Dungannon -I. A. McKelvey, S. T. L. Nile -J. W. Hedley, M. A. B. D. Benmiller-P. S. Banes, 13. A, Auburn -F. S. O'Keel, B. A. Walton -F. W. Craik. Londesboro-0. O. Kaine, Bayfield -W. E. Darling, B. A. Varna -J. E. Jones. Chairman -J, A. Agnew. Fin, -Sec. -Geo. McKinley, 8, S. Sec. -F, W. Craik. Social Service and Evangelism -J. McCormick. EXETER Exeter (Main Street) -S. W. Mux - worthy. Exeter (James Street) -J. W. Baird, B. A. Pnrkhiil-Alfred E. Lloyd. Elimville-G. A. Barnard. Centralia -W . A. Finlay. Hen n s Il J, F. Knight, M. A„ 13, D. Crediton -O, W. Baker, 13. D, Grand Bend -Harold Winans. Sylvan (Parkhill) -S, Salton. Allem Oraig-1. T. Snowden Ph, B, Lucan-R, H. Barnby, S. T. 1), Granton -F, G. Robinson. Woodham -A. McKibben, 13. A. Kirkton-A. W. Brown. Chairman -S. W. Muxworthy, Fin, -Soo, -R, H. Barnby, S. S. Sec. --C, W. Baker, Social Service and lavangelistn--J'. Kui111tt,