HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 5rvh>' _..w+a'Iwo+,!an.tA4;ia%`a,-,avuocn»tr,i,x7rv,wa9,sua.n5(
Pt y !+3E F3 eAmni
G/ercaP 9 69iTP14" llido
MCC ill the Pest °laoe, Ethel. S5.4
llednlrioss Oatele
Sucoesaor to M. H. Moore. Oi)loe at Ander-
son Bros. Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone
No, 25,
T. t'. M' RAE
M. B.. M. O. P., & S. 0.
N. 0. H., Villaso of Brussels.
Phyeioian, Surgeon, Moos:wheur
0111o° at residence, opposite Melville Church,
William street.
ilnobelor of Medicine, University of Toronto;.
Ltoeutteteof College of PhvgMians and Sur-
geons, Qatari, ; ex -Senior 1 tense Surgeon of
Western t'Ios ,15s1, Toronto, {Mimi of tato Dr.,
A. 51o$evoy, Smith Block, Brussels.
iteral phone 45,
tiflAILGRE 0. RYN<,'i!
Persona) graduate Department of Ophihal.
mology, Mr,Oorutiok Medical College, Chicago,
111., is propured to test oyes and Ht glasses at
her office over alias Inman's millinery :,tore,
Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, L'riday
and Saturday of every week. OMcekuurs-10
to 12 s. m. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phono 1215,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Dav and night calls. Offioo opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel,
Licensed auctioneer for Huron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Orgeniet and Choir Mneter, Melville Church,
Brussels. Penile prepared for Toronto Col-
lege of Music Examinations. Phone lex
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
OW,oe on the Sonare, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loon at lowest rates.
W. PROuDrOOT, K. 0. J. L, KILLOrtnn
H. J. D. Oooirs
Ontario's Best Business College
,e1 Students may enter our classes at any
rit Nino.C.,n
r inmou your course now and
l be qunlitio-1 for a position by Mldsum-
5 mer. During JOly and August of lost
year we received Dells for over 200
office assistants we could not sup-
ppI Our graduates are in dentaud.
Write at once Ion our rarer: ont,ilogue,
D.A. INCLAOHLAN, Principal. D,
Trus POST would like to see -
A new town flag.
'town Baud resat•rected.
Hydro Electric service.
Everybody boost the town.
Big increase in our population.
Rousing Red Cross Celehratiou,
Few dollars spout in improvement to
Council Chamber.
BRUB0RLo leads in lbo possession of -
No. 1 Fall Fair,
Fine preachers.
Good looking girls,
A first-class school.
Splendid maple shade trees.
Tidily kept streets and premises,
Tiptop water and good drainage.
Su51use Havas.-Commeuciug with
Friday of this week the Summer sche-
dule comes .lute effect in connection
with Brussels Public Library covering
the months of June, July and August.
It would-be well for the public to clip
out the following regulatiou regarding
the rime table aid perhaps save a walk
to the Library when it would not be
o eu •-Librarywill be open
Thursday and Satnrray
afternoons and
Wednesday and Saturday eveumgs,
"ALL RAIL - also by
"Great Lakes Routes"
(Season Navigation)
Your Future Is ire the West
The fertile prairies have put Western
Canada bn the map. Thoro aro still
thousands of norea waiting for the men
who wants a homo, and prosperity. rake
advantage of LOW Rato4 and travel via
Canadian Pacific
District Pa000ngor Agent
Nothing Helped HIM Until He Took
Buckingham, Que., May 8rd, 1915.
For seven years, I suffered terribly
from Severe Headaches and Indigestion.
I had belching gas from the stomach,
bitterst ff u '
cold t om
v c e up Into my
mouth after eating, while at times I had
nausea and vomiting, and had chronic
Constipation. I went to several doctors
and wrote to a specialist in Boston but
without benefit, Itried many remedies
but nothing did me good. Finally, a
friend advised "Fruit.a-tives ". I took
this grand fruit medicine and it made
me well. I am grateful to "Fruit-a-
tives ", and to everyone Who has mise-
rable health with Constipation and Indi-
gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take
' `Fruit-a-tives ", and you will get well".
50n. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 25o.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
istritt cz�s
Woanene's INSTITUTE. - Following
are the officers of Walton Women's
Instituto for the coming year :-
Pvesident, Mre. A. B. Bruce ; let Vice,
Mrs. Jas. Harris ; 2nd Vice, Mre.
Ohas, Drager ; Sec.-Treas., Mre.
George Clark ; District Director, Mrs.
Jae. Harris ; Organist, Miss Della
Harris ; Directors, Mesdames W.
Knechtel, 0. Turnbull and R. Archi-
bald ; Auditors, Mrs. W. Neal and
'Ars. Jno. McDonald.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of Sr.
Rooth, Oranbrook, for month of May.
Examined in Writ., Arith., Draw„
Spell. The star indicates absence for
one or more examination. Sr. IV. -
Edith Dark 93, Gerrie Alderson 80,
Viola Mitchell 78, Calvin Cameron 73,
*Lizzie Betfelz 09, *Lydia Steles 50,
*Ernest Speiran 03, *Pearl Schnook
47, *Pearl Alderson 31, *Elmer Knight,
Sr, I1I.-Verna Hunter 92, Marie
Baker 88, Fred. Smalldnn 81, *Ralph
Noble 54. Jr. III -Myrtle Locking
01, Wilda Speiran 80. Annie MaIntaah
S5, Mina Baker 81, Bessie Leitch 78,
Mildred Sparling '77, Carrie Dar lc 74,
Annie Jeschke 07, *Ross Speiran 55,
*ieauette, McNabb 40, *Lily Berfelz
40 R. McNAIR, Teacher.
Report of Jr. Itoom for the month of
May. Weekly exaluinalma in Writ.,
Comp., Spell., Arith., Read. Sr. IL-
C, Hnuter 83. E. Smalldnn 82, Edith
Sarandon 70, L. Cameron 70, T. Pen-
nington 73, I. Bird 05, *WV. Locking
20. Jo. IL -E. Gorsalilz 85, L.
Jeschke '77, 1. Leitch 72, I. Brown 70.
*K. McNabb 01, P. Bet fetz 40, *J,
Noble 25, *H. Knight 18. 1st Bonk
Excellent -O. Knight, M. Brown.
Primary -Names in order of marks
ol)talnud'>1'. Pon15logton, rack Carl:
even, J, Locking, Jetty Woes on, (1,
Hunter, J. Noble, G. Knight, J.
Smalldnn, 11. McNabb,Y�38 Stelae,
1, OUtaTON, 'Teacher,
ScitooL RErORT.-PoIIowhtg is the
School Report of U. ie. S. No. 17, Bel -
grave, for month of May. Se, IV,-
Examined le final• enhjects M,
SVigitnbtn 72, I1. Peocte,'07, M. Nettl-
es y 04 A, Stonehouse 03, 12. Brydges
57, it IV.-Avith„ ,Spall„ Lit, -i.,
Mn1,.nne '70, Ile Sionehouse '73, E,
M,Uuue 52. Sr.IIL-Sp{elh, Arith,,
Lib. -D, Bridges 84, J. Wightntan 80,
(3, Btydges 09, V. Arntntr ong 68, L.
Taylor 04, L. McDougall 64, A, Ged-
des53, Jr, Ili.-Arith., Sprll•, Geog,
-It. MnKenzie 84, S. Cols 72, 0. Sean -
(heti. 67, G. Jordan 60, A. Corbett 63,
31. Robertson 56, I. Met -tire 55, S.
Whaley 45 Sr. LI.-Geng., Spell„
Arith.-A. Montgomery 93, E, Wight -
man 87, D, Boyle 79, J. McKenzie 78,
D, Armstrong '77, E. Stmn'ttouse 69,
IT Parsons 65, J. Brydgee 58, Jr. II.
-L, Taylor, L. Corbett, 0. Stewart,
G. Stonehonse. Pt, II -Good- M.
Watson, J. Owens, Pt. I. -Good -R,
Cole J. McGill. Fair -J. .Stewart, 0.
Corbett. Pruner -Good -E. Parnaby,
G. Wheeler, N. Armstrong, H, Par-
sons. Fait' -O. Parnaby, E. Corbett.
No. on roll 47..
Average attendancefor the month 44.
W. HAROLn WORK, Teacher.
The following is the report of I.T. S.
S. No, 8 Morris and East Wawanosh,
namee arranged in order of merit.
The names marked with a star have
50188ed one or more examinations :-
Sr, IV. -Ida -Stalker,
M y Roily,
Bernard Oraig, *Maggie Oronyn. Jr.
IV.-*AunieHallahan, Sr, III, -Bert
Craig, hinny Ellis, Viola Rouse, Annie
Kelly, *Margaret Phelan. Jr.III.-
James Stalker. Sr. IL -+Joseph
Kelly, *Mike Healy, *Joseph Phelan,
Jr. II. - Fergus Kelly, *Monica
Oronyn, Florence Rouse, *Ernest
Cumming, Jo. I. -Nora Healy, Jason
Ellis. Sr. Primer -Will. Hallahan,
Vincent Kelly. Jr. Primer -Della
Healy, Marie Kelly, Olareuce Kelly,
Edward Rouse, Dennie Hallahan. .
Smoot, REPORT. -Following is the
Report of S. S. No. 6, Morris, for the
month of May. Entrance class.
Exam. in Hyg., Nature Stu'dy, Geog.,
Omit Art, Hist., Arith., Onp.,Lit.-Har-
old Sellers 71. III and IV. Exatu, in
Nature Study, Geng., Art, Arith.
Sr. IV.-lelina Wilkinson 80, *Norma
Shaw 49. Jr. IV. Oecil Bone 86,
'Earl Sellers 56, Sr. IIL-Lillian
Sellers 53. Jr. III. -Frank Sellers 40,
Sam. Barr 45. Jr. II, Exam. in
Comp., Geng., Art, Arith.-Jack
Shaw 62, Barry Kerr 52, •Willie
Glazier 27. Sr. Primer -Willie Bow-
man, Johnny Barr, Good. Jr, Pr. -
Ruby Bone, Fair. 0. YUILL,
T. W. Teussler, photographer, has
Bold his business to J. T. Fell.
At St. Peter's church last week, His
Lordship Bishop Fallon, of London,
administered the rite of Confirmation
to a class of 28 candidates.
Mre, J. 11. Colborne and Mre. 5, E.
Hick, were at Petrolia attending the
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society of the London Conference.
O encs.
At the annual Convention of the
Ontario Dental Association, held at
Toronto, Dr. G. S. Caesar, Goderich,
was elected Honorary President of the
Hugh Anderson, youngest son of
the late Rev, Jas. Anderson and of
Mrs. Anderson, Ottawa, has enlisted
for overseas service with the Queen's
Ambulance Corps.
Calgary Herald publishes the ad-
dress of Fred, Davis (formerly of
Goderich), to the electors of the Alber-
ta Provincial constituency of Gleich•
en, in which he is a candidate for the
Mejnr and Mr's. Joseph Beck, Toron-
to,fortherly of Goderich, are on a trip
to the 'Pacific coast. visiting friends
enraute at Winnipeg and other pointe.
'irs, Beck goes to Vancouver an a
delegate of the Daughters of the Em-
Septi Olt. 13icl(sett, Trn•tlnto, fot'nlet'ly
of ('3oth•rich, tial his sun, hicut. Joltu
Dickson, who is attached In au anile
levy 111111 at tungsten, vieltotd their
relatives in town, Ml'. Dicicsoi'a e11ly
°thereon, James is with the British)
for'd's le 51ssnpetamlit,
Al. a meeting cathed by Mayor Mute.
uinge to make pr•epar'ations for the
celebration o)' Dominion Day in Code -
rich, ire organization wee effected
as fellows :--Uhltirt0101, Mayor Man-
nings' Senretary, L. L. Knox; Ttens-
urer, 1Vtu, Labe. -
Writ. Kendall dans purchased to new
Walter Hell, 12th Con„ was taken
suddenly ill with append10111s,
Mrs. Longuitre has purchased the
property on King Street from Mfrs.
I'hompaun, of Oalifurnia,
The Iru'ge engine at the cement
plant le being taken out and will he
shipped to Toronto, -
Mrs, Henderson Robb was at Strnt-
fotd visiting her mother who is con-
valescing in the bo'tpital.
Harry Ratcliffe left for Toronto to
resume hie former.• position as purser
on the steamer between Toronto and
Pte. Clarence Smith, who returned
horse wounded from France some-
time ago, has been honorably dis-
Mrs. J. A. Mcl3ain spent a few days
at Hamilton and Toronto coming
home accompanied by Mro. MoSaiu,
who has returned home from
The quilt given by Mre. Arthur
Peebles to the Patriotic Fund was
drawn by Everett Coghlin's little
girl and the lucky g c y h alder of ticket 299
was Stanley Ford, Atwood. 300
tickets were sold realizing $30.00.
And, McKee is feeling some better
at present.
Miss Mary Aylesworth, 'Waterloo,
visited at her home here.
Mise Norma Cook, Toronto, is spend-
ing a month at her home here.
Albert Johnston, 9th Onn„ deliver-
ed a fine team of Clyde mares to Thos.
Sanderson, Wroxeter, for which he
received the handsome sum of $500.00.
Edward Of., second son of Wing and
Mre. Rogers, of this village, who has
been working for the past year in
Harriston and Wingham, has enlisted
with the Forestry Battalion, This is
the second boy to enlist from this
family, the eldest son, Frank, having
gone overseas this Spring with the
While taking down part of the old
house at the mill Emanuel Schwandt
bad the misfortune to be caught under
a falling wall and received a severe
squeezing and shaking up. No bones
were broken and we hope Mr.
Schwandt will soon be himself again.
Ed. Matthews, jr„ who was working
with him, had a close call, one of his
legs being caught in the falling debris.
r -t
Misses Annie Elliott and Elia Fras-
er were visiting friends in Wing-
in -ham.
Hugh Spence and Master Bert, of
Listowel, were visiting at H. Grain-
Mre. William Fraser and Mre, H.
F. McAllister visited with friends in
Miss Florence McDonald has gone
to Toronto where she will work in a
munition factory.
Rev. Mr, Stevenson, Toronto, oc-
cupied the Presbyterian pulpit in the
interests of the Lord's Day Alliance,
Amos Snaith, Thomas Elliott and
William Fraser attended the Liberal
Oonvention held in Winghatn, Form-
er was chosen Ohairmau for Grey
George McAllister, Miss Gladys
Field, Guelph, and Mrs. A. M, McAi-
Iister, Bloomingdale, motored up to
Jim Elliott's and visited for a couple
of days
Alf. and Mrs. Wright and Miss 0,
Wright, Toronto, Jim Leppard and
H. P. Spence and the Misses Grain-
ger, of Listowel, attended the funeral
of the late H. Yeo.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute held on Thursday,
June 7th, at Mrs. D. P, Stewart's.
Everybody is asked so be sure and
attend. At the last meeting the an-
nual report of the Society showed
the total receipts to be $704.80, and
the expenditures $597,04, practically
all of which was used for Red Cross
F. S. Howe's many friends will be
pleased to learn that he is able to be
atouud again el his recent ain aft 1 i re illness.
A memorial service in limier of the
memory of Pte. Sid Bassett was held
in the Methodist church on Sunday
A. Torrance has received oflioial
word that his son, Pte. J. Ben, Tor-
rance, has been discharged from the
hospital as being permanently unfit
for further service.
Several complaints have been made
lately that beds of flowets belonging
to private citizens and especially the
beds of flowers planted by the Horti-
cultural Society on Victoria street
have been damaged and flowers pick-
ed by parties who apparently have no
regard for the property of others,
To protect its members and the plots
planted on the streets, the Horticul.
'ural Society, offere a reward of $16,
for the conviction of any one found
picking these flowers or otherwise
damaging this property.
Faculty of Medicine of McGill Uni-
versity has announced the hotter and
pees lists for the first year class
Peter Heinbeeker, son of Peter and
Mre. Heinbeeker, Listowel, Meade the
class and is prizeman for the year,
He came highest. in the aggregate of
all subjects, in general chemistry,
physics, anatomy, zoology, and was
near the top ht all the other subjects,
Mr. Heinbeeker is a graduate of the
Listowel High School.
What might have developed into a
very serttitte lire broke out on 'Monday
evening of last week about 8.30, when
the barn on J. P. Walter's premises,
Main street, was discovered to be on
fire, There are several building° very
close to the 'barn and a brisk breeze
fI Uri��
Here's a1efter-f rn a local user
'°/DDLCooL }T
Simple -Durable
Thick (tares -Long Life.
gets veL�3tb
n • „(sS.A-_Lv kN
9e ,
1,0100", ^tie vLL 8% eN'''at 5e
, efAs' wee. Nee' ibe' Lgeti tilA .
L ,
e•a\N iL .L
eNeV1.01 ��tj't. �9 tot coet ,LeLLtl,
O NV' r? °see Qo L4 pec
p v.
a` n Ct3,r3Lr:�;ta.
etq Bopp :tQeto 4Lsatia ,�bo o tvo tv°�gAo`�l� p9 ..,
. fit v5
uitip' t1,L G LL N L�`' ,C �r `i
oe et,%o,"'b z5A Neq„i,
vete it 4p L><t�
Ls a complete electric
plaint designed. tc
povi CN) v�yLr
Turr4 s Ol .: and
•\p�� ecty �a°rA° -j.° toz a '
8 0e ti,8,4L6 9 C,t t
o y p be til•
5 N14v. G eSljecpyL��, c,�+yoC
4 ' v° cox
tut nG tL bee {lpp 5.1
oP Ioti
It use a Heber
cone tee art:d
1 P151 t to- ltsett
PRICE $1390 00
e Agent, Brussels'' •�
was blowing at the time, Fire bri-
gade made a prompt response to the
alarm, and as the water pressure was
excellent the lire was soon extinguish-
ed. The building, however, was bad-
ly damaged, and the loss is only part-
ly covered by insutance. How the
fire started is not known,
Roy Sims returned to Toronto after
spending a week with his father,
Postmaster Sime, and other relatives
in town,
North bound G. T. R. morning pas-
senger train now arrives at 11,3o`in-
stead of 11 as has been the case for
the past month.
Capt. R. R. and Mrs. Sloan arrived
from overseas, Quite a number of
friends and citizens were at the depot
to welcome them home, The Captain
is here on 3 months' leave in an
endeavor to recuperate his health.
Wm. Smith, teller ire the Bank of
Hamilton here, has been transferred
to one of the Winnipeg branches of
the bank and will act hi a like (rapa-
city there, Harvey Mason takes Mr,
Smith's place in the bank here and
Miss Kathleen Blackall has become
junior clerk.
RevWalter McLean, Hanover,
visited here last week. He accom-
panied his little daughters, Mabel and
Joy, who will visit their grandparents,
A, and Mrs, Elder, while Rev, and
Mrs, McLean are in iIontreal in at-
tendance at the General Assembly.
Why Not Advertise ?
(Peterboro Review.)
Several dray loads of catalogues
were recently received in Peterboro
from mail order houses in 'Toronto,
and the postmen were for a few days
almost worked to death delivering
this bulky matter to tite various ad-
dressee, An almost equally large
number went out by rural delivery to
the farmer,.
It is haat to estimate or even ap-
proximately guess how touch treetey
is diverted ftoin this city to Toronto
and other paints by this class of busi-
nese. And yet the patron_: of ,110
mail order houses a a net
• blame foe their appareui: lr r l••:d
pride. They are sisup!y f, r
the influence of tl:(.4 art ud . i '«=r1.1:.'
the art th st nece2 frits
masers The men orde.: o .t
a lavish use of ,ti.nte , i t
returns for Chet f�-
ut - S n:. %r
cannot be said fordecal
There 'Inc merchants in .5,. . y
who advertise steadily and ei t . t-; .,•
ly, Anyone eau see that the e2 . ; 'e
teen whoses r
stores a tt a most ,. .0
and with whore busiite e e. to
other lines there is rte ttgr, :; ,.:.t
among the dealers not to :, ',-rr•. ea.
If one broke the rule the s:'h,.'
be obliged to follow the ; s:,u'! 'a for
their own safety. Can r,. t,tr.L'r
be blamed; can the dealer• , eeiplaiu, if
the former consults his eidO
catalogue and making hie eeleeri..1,
sends his money to Toronto.
An atsteement to keep nut of • he
advertising columns has ono f„at:+ •1
to ree,'uturnd it. It distr'ibuto.s
•30presion among the pm.tiee IA)
contra t as d alt euti r the '.'
1 Quebec,, to common,
- .,am.„
'here Rpt
Light Four
Subject to °Sea n,
without ,naive
Overland success C5a 1
e 50 CCIi
)n that one
might take it as.a matter of co
But make it have a personal application
to you,
-because the cost of any car is too much
money to be carelessly spent.
There need be no confusion in selecting the
sound valvae at the same ,price -slake
comparisons and see if Willys-Overland
does not spell the answer with mathe-
matical correctness.
Do not miss the significance of the over-
whelming production that makes it possi-
ble for us to give better cars at lower prices.
More than 400,000 owners have been
guided to Willys-Overland by their de-
sire for beauty, cornfort and luxury in
addition to utility.
1 i t
Due, 1. .
to its gigantic fa 1 rt
Overland industry diem
economies; has never found t
to skimp or rob a car of value la 01.1tr
to compete; but is able to .give srlrplus
value throughout the entire car Ter fn,
less money.
i'Vli iht may not male right, but a,;> has
made Overland auras? t..
The Overland Licht Four freri7, the sta,td-
point of mechanical excellence, easy rid-
ing colufort, roominess and beauty is
incomparably a better car Than can be
had in any other make at anything like
so low a price.
Come in and see the Willys-Overland
Motor Cars -the Light Four and the
most comprehensive line of cars ever
built by any one producer.
Agent e Winghatin
Willys-Overland, Limited
)dead 011lee end Works, Toronto, Ontario
��-?"t 't
:i _
-.17/7". 7/Kir.C.."-A-=7-k,-
}. i/,.
i�i�!f� I'III11 -n,'
11i i.i III 1, 5'!epi :'
>'a r.
� ay�yy �.
The 1917 Ford TouringCar
f. o L. Ford, Ont.
You pay less for this car but it gives
you more enjoyment, more mileage and
longer service than those which cost more.
The Touring Car gives the utmost in
automobile value, pride of ownership and
Buy a Ford this year and save money
-when saving is a national duty,
S. CARTER, Dealer
,_ - r.1
Septi Olt. 13icl(sett, Trn•tlnto, fot'nlet'ly
of ('3oth•rich, tial his sun, hicut. Joltu
Dickson, who is attached In au anile
levy 111111 at tungsten, vieltotd their
relatives in town, Ml'. Dicicsoi'a e11ly
°thereon, James is with the British)
for'd's le 51ssnpetamlit,
Al. a meeting cathed by Mayor Mute.
uinge to make pr•epar'ations for the
celebration o)' Dominion Day in Code -
rich, ire organization wee effected
as fellows :--Uhltirt0101, Mayor Man-
nings' Senretary, L. L. Knox; Ttens-
urer, 1Vtu, Labe. -
Writ. Kendall dans purchased to new
Walter Hell, 12th Con„ was taken
suddenly ill with append10111s,
Mrs. Longuitre has purchased the
property on King Street from Mfrs.
I'hompaun, of Oalifurnia,
The Iru'ge engine at the cement
plant le being taken out and will he
shipped to Toronto, -
Mrs, Henderson Robb was at Strnt-
fotd visiting her mother who is con-
valescing in the bo'tpital.
Harry Ratcliffe left for Toronto to
resume hie former.• position as purser
on the steamer between Toronto and
Pte. Clarence Smith, who returned
horse wounded from France some-
time ago, has been honorably dis-
Mrs. J. A. Mcl3ain spent a few days
at Hamilton and Toronto coming
home accompanied by Mro. MoSaiu,
who has returned home from
The quilt given by Mre. Arthur
Peebles to the Patriotic Fund was
drawn by Everett Coghlin's little
girl and the lucky g c y h alder of ticket 299
was Stanley Ford, Atwood. 300
tickets were sold realizing $30.00.
And, McKee is feeling some better
at present.
Miss Mary Aylesworth, 'Waterloo,
visited at her home here.
Mise Norma Cook, Toronto, is spend-
ing a month at her home here.
Albert Johnston, 9th Onn„ deliver-
ed a fine team of Clyde mares to Thos.
Sanderson, Wroxeter, for which he
received the handsome sum of $500.00.
Edward Of., second son of Wing and
Mre. Rogers, of this village, who has
been working for the past year in
Harriston and Wingham, has enlisted
with the Forestry Battalion, This is
the second boy to enlist from this
family, the eldest son, Frank, having
gone overseas this Spring with the
While taking down part of the old
house at the mill Emanuel Schwandt
bad the misfortune to be caught under
a falling wall and received a severe
squeezing and shaking up. No bones
were broken and we hope Mr.
Schwandt will soon be himself again.
Ed. Matthews, jr„ who was working
with him, had a close call, one of his
legs being caught in the falling debris.
r -t
Misses Annie Elliott and Elia Fras-
er were visiting friends in Wing-
in -ham.
Hugh Spence and Master Bert, of
Listowel, were visiting at H. Grain-
Mre. William Fraser and Mre, H.
F. McAllister visited with friends in
Miss Florence McDonald has gone
to Toronto where she will work in a
munition factory.
Rev. Mr, Stevenson, Toronto, oc-
cupied the Presbyterian pulpit in the
interests of the Lord's Day Alliance,
Amos Snaith, Thomas Elliott and
William Fraser attended the Liberal
Oonvention held in Winghatn, Form-
er was chosen Ohairmau for Grey
George McAllister, Miss Gladys
Field, Guelph, and Mrs. A. M, McAi-
Iister, Bloomingdale, motored up to
Jim Elliott's and visited for a couple
of days
Alf. and Mrs. Wright and Miss 0,
Wright, Toronto, Jim Leppard and
H. P. Spence and the Misses Grain-
ger, of Listowel, attended the funeral
of the late H. Yeo.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute held on Thursday,
June 7th, at Mrs. D. P, Stewart's.
Everybody is asked so be sure and
attend. At the last meeting the an-
nual report of the Society showed
the total receipts to be $704.80, and
the expenditures $597,04, practically
all of which was used for Red Cross
F. S. Howe's many friends will be
pleased to learn that he is able to be
atouud again el his recent ain aft 1 i re illness.
A memorial service in limier of the
memory of Pte. Sid Bassett was held
in the Methodist church on Sunday
A. Torrance has received oflioial
word that his son, Pte. J. Ben, Tor-
rance, has been discharged from the
hospital as being permanently unfit
for further service.
Several complaints have been made
lately that beds of flowets belonging
to private citizens and especially the
beds of flowers planted by the Horti-
cultural Society on Victoria street
have been damaged and flowers pick-
ed by parties who apparently have no
regard for the property of others,
To protect its members and the plots
planted on the streets, the Horticul.
'ural Society, offere a reward of $16,
for the conviction of any one found
picking these flowers or otherwise
damaging this property.
Faculty of Medicine of McGill Uni-
versity has announced the hotter and
pees lists for the first year class
Peter Heinbeeker, son of Peter and
Mre. Heinbeeker, Listowel, Meade the
class and is prizeman for the year,
He came highest. in the aggregate of
all subjects, in general chemistry,
physics, anatomy, zoology, and was
near the top ht all the other subjects,
Mr. Heinbeeker is a graduate of the
Listowel High School.
What might have developed into a
very serttitte lire broke out on 'Monday
evening of last week about 8.30, when
the barn on J. P. Walter's premises,
Main street, was discovered to be on
fire, There are several building° very
close to the 'barn and a brisk breeze
fI Uri��
Here's a1efter-f rn a local user
'°/DDLCooL }T
Simple -Durable
Thick (tares -Long Life.
gets veL�3tb
n • „(sS.A-_Lv kN
9e ,
1,0100", ^tie vLL 8% eN'''at 5e
, efAs' wee. Nee' ibe' Lgeti tilA .
L ,
e•a\N iL .L
eNeV1.01 ��tj't. �9 tot coet ,LeLLtl,
O NV' r? °see Qo L4 pec
p v.
a` n Ct3,r3Lr:�;ta.
etq Bopp :tQeto 4Lsatia ,�bo o tvo tv°�gAo`�l� p9 ..,
. fit v5
uitip' t1,L G LL N L�`' ,C �r `i
oe et,%o,"'b z5A Neq„i,
vete it 4p L><t�
Ls a complete electric
plaint designed. tc
povi CN) v�yLr
Turr4 s Ol .: and
•\p�� ecty �a°rA° -j.° toz a '
8 0e ti,8,4L6 9 C,t t
o y p be til•
5 N14v. G eSljecpyL��, c,�+yoC
4 ' v° cox
tut nG tL bee {lpp 5.1
oP Ioti
It use a Heber
cone tee art:d
1 P151 t to- ltsett
PRICE $1390 00
e Agent, Brussels'' •�
was blowing at the time, Fire bri-
gade made a prompt response to the
alarm, and as the water pressure was
excellent the lire was soon extinguish-
ed. The building, however, was bad-
ly damaged, and the loss is only part-
ly covered by insutance. How the
fire started is not known,
Roy Sims returned to Toronto after
spending a week with his father,
Postmaster Sime, and other relatives
in town,
North bound G. T. R. morning pas-
senger train now arrives at 11,3o`in-
stead of 11 as has been the case for
the past month.
Capt. R. R. and Mrs. Sloan arrived
from overseas, Quite a number of
friends and citizens were at the depot
to welcome them home, The Captain
is here on 3 months' leave in an
endeavor to recuperate his health.
Wm. Smith, teller ire the Bank of
Hamilton here, has been transferred
to one of the Winnipeg branches of
the bank and will act hi a like (rapa-
city there, Harvey Mason takes Mr,
Smith's place in the bank here and
Miss Kathleen Blackall has become
junior clerk.
RevWalter McLean, Hanover,
visited here last week. He accom-
panied his little daughters, Mabel and
Joy, who will visit their grandparents,
A, and Mrs, Elder, while Rev, and
Mrs, McLean are in iIontreal in at-
tendance at the General Assembly.
Why Not Advertise ?
(Peterboro Review.)
Several dray loads of catalogues
were recently received in Peterboro
from mail order houses in 'Toronto,
and the postmen were for a few days
almost worked to death delivering
this bulky matter to tite various ad-
dressee, An almost equally large
number went out by rural delivery to
the farmer,.
It is haat to estimate or even ap-
proximately guess how touch treetey
is diverted ftoin this city to Toronto
and other paints by this class of busi-
nese. And yet the patron_: of ,110
mail order houses a a net
• blame foe their appareui: lr r l••:d
pride. They are sisup!y f, r
the influence of tl:(.4 art ud . i '«=r1.1:.'
the art th st nece2 frits
masers The men orde.: o .t
a lavish use of ,ti.nte , i t
returns for Chet f�-
ut - S n:. %r
cannot be said fordecal
There 'Inc merchants in .5,. . y
who advertise steadily and ei t . t-; .,•
ly, Anyone eau see that the e2 . ; 'e
teen whoses r
stores a tt a most ,. .0
and with whore busiite e e. to
other lines there is rte ttgr, :; ,.:.t
among the dealers not to :, ',-rr•. ea.
If one broke the rule the s:'h,.'
be obliged to follow the ; s:,u'! 'a for
their own safety. Can r,. t,tr.L'r
be blamed; can the dealer• , eeiplaiu, if
the former consults his eidO
catalogue and making hie eeleeri..1,
sends his money to Toronto.
An atsteement to keep nut of • he
advertising columns has ono f„at:+ •1
to ree,'uturnd it. It distr'ibuto.s
•30presion among the pm.tiee IA)
contra t as d alt euti r the '.'
1 Quebec,, to common,
- .,am.„
'here Rpt
Light Four
Subject to °Sea n,
without ,naive
Overland success C5a 1
e 50 CCIi
)n that one
might take it as.a matter of co
But make it have a personal application
to you,
-because the cost of any car is too much
money to be carelessly spent.
There need be no confusion in selecting the
sound valvae at the same ,price -slake
comparisons and see if Willys-Overland
does not spell the answer with mathe-
matical correctness.
Do not miss the significance of the over-
whelming production that makes it possi-
ble for us to give better cars at lower prices.
More than 400,000 owners have been
guided to Willys-Overland by their de-
sire for beauty, cornfort and luxury in
addition to utility.
1 i t
Due, 1. .
to its gigantic fa 1 rt
Overland industry diem
economies; has never found t
to skimp or rob a car of value la 01.1tr
to compete; but is able to .give srlrplus
value throughout the entire car Ter fn,
less money.
i'Vli iht may not male right, but a,;> has
made Overland auras? t..
The Overland Licht Four freri7, the sta,td-
point of mechanical excellence, easy rid-
ing colufort, roominess and beauty is
incomparably a better car Than can be
had in any other make at anything like
so low a price.
Come in and see the Willys-Overland
Motor Cars -the Light Four and the
most comprehensive line of cars ever
built by any one producer.
Agent e Winghatin
Willys-Overland, Limited
)dead 011lee end Works, Toronto, Ontario