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The Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 4
x,1rusztio "dost r l L leSDAY, JUNE 7, tei7 GALT r teployees of a shoe Factory have been p:eling up a kick for shorter ltotu's and bite. r pay. We suppose they want onpper;eet-. 1». y :1 w wally read the Editorial ,10;na: a newspaper 7 If not you ho'aid hey are specially the spot err t : Editor bas his say about tieuee ne I casioually you might catch . , ays ', while, ,•;c a.,.l'ISs Courts are giving some iitiens of the tangles John .,r friends are getting into in try on trade in defiance of 1L• him;, • s nothing to their credit _eiet �; t',-, have to fork over the cash '•.pr their vie: diens. 'CHF. Po - .'r .voted not be surprised if in week a0, when the potato crop e=,tnl.leted and the early ,r-.edy to adorn the din- , a big etump in the • -;,ods." If the holders •!L. rs get nicely trimmed in the market it will • '.rackets to hold the tears a, enmity who have had to i.. . , .•: of what is looked upon t an ordinary family bill p, fit on the handling of y `lid be allowed' but t:ro the too per cent or .illy time when the law say Nay to such ex - ..,sing excessive and un - leen, This should be case when it applies h .l necessities of the e,ts in vogue for for returned or return- , Alec' soldiers are not should .be somebody authority W make it fault can be found ,, sr rd -off when the boys rump overseas (but even that is 11eer from the Hurrah of the tr -at>t but the borne coming of common sense in pro- , a- t9o-:-.e !crave fellows who have u battles must not be left „ t eieteed.s, Nor must there .t active exceptions in the ap- ,tever the rule is sup 1t te a fine thing to evi- ._... -,.olg generosity but it is terse that will deal with every sou of eieees hotne from tate eie n evy or the wonderful Permanency PP of supplies _... c ,s !. roast turkey and plum pee. ; iv nue just plain "point" f ,r t' :': wyek. Where soldiers c•••ne avocation to supple- m.rn'. , see needs it should be ex- pe•1 r t.. •m 'e LJ:partmental Examina- Yr:;,ti. .., ,e h -sped a larger mea- saie of ' m e will he shown by some n? the e., ieeel cranks who some- teeees 1.: . papers that are grossly _.._a.!r •,, students. They would retire it if they were attending a g•s ca5i u•; a•.,. rather than an institu- tee, slim, 1 to have as its object the de -ell -e w•; ,,. ,ssr-ul information and lay - 0 :.,:; l;r,oad the foundation of wee: ieete e:ways be safe to build ulo;, i i •ro evilence of pronounced ablE, y t.i a questions that even well ecoran vl ::d,,u tionists are puzzled to know rrir.,t •:::to in the mind of the one who prep•tr• •! the enigma, Some would more easily r:',lieve such quizzes indicat- ed a fear teat said party was out of his mind insterei of possessing a surplus of gray matt , If the examiners and Federation department could speed up t , y.i.' tt the results and be a t n. (i,lite as to what is often a 1 is!audio they would have tete, ,,lensing pronounced t )ne long delays are often e e. I en the adults of the homes wall as those who were tape is always more of a `ail. v.:-culrer than a sedative to those 00 • Limet Brussels I expect a car of first- class Lime at Brussels G. T, R. Telephone your orders to No, 524, or see George Baker, Cranbrook exist and strut about with the bragga- docio spirit of "I'm the king of the castle and you're the dirty rascal." The day is at hand of greater independ- ence, and the coming of the wumen vote as an ally, and the "dirty rascal" will be shown plump and plain that he is not a "king" but a "rascal." This is o ot a dream but a growing reality, of which tel,ing illustrations are not wanting, particularly among the young- er politicians and people of Western Canada. More power to them, THERE is little fear that Hon. (so call- ed) Bob Rogers will ever quote Justice Galt and Isis Sworn Commission if be is hunting a new job and needing a recom- mend. A fraudulent conspiracy was entered into between him and Thos, Kelly, contractor, and the enormous SUM of $302,789 was overpaid on the contract. Why was not a more search- ing investigation made you ask so that Rogers' denial would be met by docu- mentary evidence 1 For the reason that Kelly's son, although not a member of the firm, destroyed all books and papers relating to the transaction, If a coin mon citizen played the Rogers role he'd be doing time for years to come but in- stead of branding "Hon." Bob as a thief and putting him behind the bars with a striped suit on him, be is treated to an a land where he s dined ocean tripg E to and wined as a companion of the Pre. mier of Canada. How such tactics will ever bring about a housecleaning in politics is not easily understood, unless the electors rise in righteous indignation, and irrespective of party, banish such besmirched men as Rogers and bis ilk, whether Grit or Tory, out of the ranks of honest, honorable people. Naw war prophets have arisen wbo say tbe great war will not be over for a years yet, notwithstanding all the mathematical juggling with lgi7. The role poor old Russia has been playing has not been very helpful in bringing early Peace proclamations but the Allies are nevertheless putting u a great fightht against the greatest military machine the world ever knew. If men are as badly needed on the part of the Empire why are not tbe thousands of officers who are killing time in England sent tor. ward 1 The boys in the trenches must be supported right royally and fed, clothed and given every possible com- fort and if the first cannot be attained without Conscription thousands of loyal British subjects will say let it come and the sooner the better. While all this time is being killed by the political parties, wbo appear to act as if the flesh pots of office were vastly more Import- ant than putting an army in the field, our representatives at the front are slowly bleeding the Empire to death. What a royal manhood is in khaki over- seas, better or more heroic soldiers never breathed. tical e Let the political scrap P cease at once in Canada andP ut the best men in command no matter what their political creed but let ns win the war and end it in 1917. THE idea of taking a weekly half ho11• day during the months of July and August by the business people of Brus- sels appears to be growing in favor, While the subject is new to our folk it has been the common practice for years in many towns and villages and the fact that it has been continued from year to year is the best evidence of its satis- faction, There are a variety of ways such an afternoon can be spent viz by working about home, attending to Wei. nese matters at a distance, enjoying a little pleasure or whatever else may ap- peal to the party concerned. Usually during the months mentioned there is a slacking off of trade as the busy time of the farming community is on the pro- gram, In several places the holiday is spent on some neighboring farm by the townsmen, with the prospect of building up both brawn and brain. If the large proportion of the business people are agreed as to the plan all stand on an equal footing wben the doors are closed for the afternoon so selected. We would suggest that one afternoon in both July and August be spent with the children and young people in a program on Victoria Park, The Business Com. mittee will report et the next meeting of the Business Men's Association, on Tuesday rzth inst., end that would be a good place to offer suggestions. 't:r, t• meet; le out a very common tree bte ti.ere i; something offensive iF It t • t.:. ween associated with the eeit :r eittetentewhere graft, so often weetj, r 1 well it, has brought a blush • e C. honest subjects of the enpire, even if the cheek of the rc;c. eve; too brassy to permit a teeeeei •if cpi"r L, be seen had there 'r ce ebade of it when the crook - ccs, .,waled. Canada bas won f eee ie 'eneett by her generous gifts t• 1.:t1, .t : money and thousands of 1 oiceeite and daughters for the Em pec'e UO0 i,ul it is too bad that men, loot to r rdittary decency, should tarnish the good name for the sake of lining their pnokets and at the same tithe do injststis-to those who have to pay or suffer my the wrongdoing, Politics is the so ;ince rif government and not a leaf bep.i:,e to grow knaves or scoundrels. just a milk( as crooks are allowed to go wstemiehod, end then defended by titeir party, just so long will crooked people WILL you 30071—Wo botice from a newspaper received from the West, that they have a Society designated K. Y. M. 5 , which means in plain Anglo Saxon "Keep your mouth shut." Membership is said to be small as it appears to be difficult 10 Bee up to the one rule, •••••444.444444*. ONTARIO AFFAIRS 444♦•00•••O••• /H►•OOY►000®@ Farmers, Laborers and Buslnese Meth Represented on Organization of Resources Committee After some months of earnest but restricted efforts by the Ontario Or- ganisation of Resogrces Committee, that body, enlarged and enriched by the addition of a number of promin- ent, private citizens from the ranks of agriculture, labor, finance and other interests, has now widened its scope and 1s performing even greater ser- vices toe the province, particularly in Its efforts to cope with the food eltua- floe,. ft was in the legislature on March 2L lila, that Mr, Rowell, seconded by Mr. Proudfoot, moved a resolution accepted by the Government, calling for the most thorough organization •poaelble of the resources of the pro- vince for the successful prosecution of the war and the maintenance of our agricultural and industrial produc- tion, and recommending the appoint - 'meet of a select committee to look into the matters, including not only the work of recruiting men for the Canadian Expeditionary Force, but alae of ensuring a sufficient supply of labor for the agricultural interests and the necessary industrial operations of the province and of promoting thrift and economy among the people, there- by strengthening our financial poet - tion during the war and preparing for the period of subsequent reconstruc- tion. At the time, Mr. Rowell emphasized the importance of agricultural devel- opment and the need of handling vig- orously the pressing problem of farm labor, which was becoming more and more urgent as recruiting continued. Mr, Rowell's resolution was adopted unanimously. A committee was ap- pointed and as a. result of their recom- mendation the Organization of Re- sourcee Committee was formed. At drat only members of the legislature eat on the committee and it is to be regretted that outsiders who have proved ved such efficient helpers, 'were not brought In earlier, In conference with the agricultural interests they perhaps could have done something last rear in agricultural production and et any rate could have worked out at a sufllcieetly early time more detailed plans for the present year. Even as it is however, the committee has done and Is doing splendid work, which reflects great credit on the Op- position and the Government which -brought It into being. TALK PROHIBITION OF MANUFACTURE ,Province May Also be Given Right to 6'1+P Import rt of Liquor—. 9 Rood Problem An @xteneton of prohibition even ierom tine measures in force at present 'in Ontario, Manitoba, Baekatchewen 'and Alberta, is becoming a live sub - j edt of dlkcussion. For some time Mr. 'Rowell has been contending that eith- ;er the Dominion Parliament should pass a measure of Dominlon-wide pro- 'hibltlon during the war or as an al- ternative that they should enact a law which would allow any province• to prohibit the manufacture and imports,- tion mportstion of liquor ty a resolution from the legislature of that province or by a vote of the people of the province. Mr. Rowell emphasized the relation of liquor to the present critical food sit- uation. "What justification le there" he has asked, "to continue in this 'country the waste of food materials in the manufacture during war time of Intoxicating liquors" Sam Liberal. member for Li m Carter South WIlingtgn, speaking recently et Parkdale, declared that not another bushel of grain should go into the snaking of liquor. 1% le tntereatfng to note that a emi- tter e,ampalgn in Great Britain is be- ing waged with the greatest vigor by the "Bpeotator"—one of the most con- servative journals in the British Isles. Mr. B. B. Neeley, Liberal member for Humboldt, in the House of Com- mons, has given notice of resolution to allow the provinces to prohibit the manufacture and importation of alco- holic liquors for beverage purposes. Rumor at Ottawa thinks that the Gov- ernment may adopt some such pro - TO STOP GAMBLING IRumoeed Action for Duration Of War, AithouRh the Woodbine In Toronto land other race meets throughout the province have been held this May as fecund, with large attendances, there Sr* indications that public opinion sgalnet war time racetrack gambling ie having an influence, and rumor says that the Dominion Government will `stop all betting on race tracks for the period et the war after the 1st of July. During the recent session of the legis- datere, the Liberals carried on a vile- orous campaign against race track [ggmbling during the war. If it Is cut oft the province will lose, accordlag to ttho estimate of the Toronto News, afloat $126,000 a year, Those who favor the suapeneion of racing, how- ever, ofatra the province would be far 'better off even with the direct lose of revenue which would be involved. Dtreotors of the Ontario jockey Club Ole net enthusiastic about the propos- al. One of them, George W. beard.. more, Reid that 1f the Government topped racing they should atop every- thing. He thought, for agamete, they %heuld atop the Ivlovtes rather that] the raelea. 008 CLIMATE We've a beautiful climate, my friends, don't you think ? Saturday started with snneleine, but Welted black as ink ; Towards seven p, nt„ when it started to hail And the wind speeded up till it blew a whole gale. - It lightened and thundered' until the earth ehook ; Rain fell, and made rivers of ate eamlet and brook ; And teutp'rature fell about thirty de- grees And most folks I met were wet to the knees, I thought of a friend in the long days gone by When we lived in the West, good chums, he and I ; Who said, "There are two seasons here, that is all, Nine months of cold Winter and three of late Fall." Sure, my good friend was right about that, I surmise, So about heavy clothing, here's what I'd advise I "Put 'em off" on June 30, but keep thein nigh, And climb into them on the first of July. OLD'uN in Loudon Advertiser. Pte. Stanley Sample Dies in France DEAR Mit, KERB,—We notice in your paper from time to time the nutnber of boys from Brussels and those who have lived in Brussels, that have fallen on the battle field in Fiance. I am going to ask you to publish another dear boy's name who gave up his life for King and Country on Vimy Ridge, Our dear boy, Stan- ley, enlisted with the 40th Battalion Weyburn, nearly 3 years ago and then volunteered for the 2nd reinforce- ments, After training aehort time in England he was connected with the 29th Battalion in France on Nov. 1st 1915. He was wounded on April 20th 1916, and was not able to go on duty until about Nov. let of last year. He u n then went anti ht duty and a short time before the charge on Vimy Ridge he transferred back into hie old Battalion. He was severely wounded on the 9th of April and died on the llth. Stanley was 20 years of age and a fine big man, about 0 feet tall. There was a great change on him since you last saw him. 13e was a good boy and had lots of friends wherever he went. We are all very sad over the loss of our hero. I am enclosing a letter from the Matron, 'I'hia hoe bean n veey batikeettt•il Spring here and we ane hill Llltottl h seeding yet We are putting it] about 320 trot es of atop title year and it keeps us hustling with two oiil fits We lied the worst Nilotic) last year that, 1 have ever seen in this cottntey as we were both hailed anti rusted, Hailed 00 per cent and coated to a finish and the first rust ever seen in this section, We are putting in 100 acres more hop- ing to get back some of 0111 lent t'we'e Ion, It has token a lot of money to buy seed title Spring, Mother looks for TnE Poste every week, She is keeping pretty smut foe 81 years of age. I remain Yowl, A NTI'i ON SAMPLE, Pangman, Seek., May 27th, 1017. DEAR Mao, SAMPLE —1 aril more than sorry to have to write you this sari news. Your son, Pte,,Sianley, 420173, 29 Ooy„ C. 1;, F„ died very quietly this morning. lie was severe- ly wounded and from the beginning we were afraid all our careful efforts would not be able to save his life, Please, believe the, when I say you have my true sympathy in your trouble. I have seen so many of these splendidly brave men suffer and all without a Bingle murmur or regret that they have given theft lives. It melee me very sad at times. Yours truly, U. A. Uretk, Matron. 18 0. 0. S., B. E. F., France, - 5pq Yyp,ar„4Airp Y"Mrg.MMSMrYq RUBY' ,Fn,':+rNYMYFxiT .. ei , , _MAeMXt.Y, c,:p i1 44.44aoms44306044440400044•♦••••0••••440©004000000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Op 60 O • • • ;rc.ru&dats _ c.,....vr'v (5 • • The New Series A Two Nigh -class Stallions Two of the highest alas, most beautiful, royally bred horses ever offered for the consid- eration of breeders in this community. In the stud season 1917:— Inspected and Enrolled Tho Grand Circuit Champion ELMER DICKSON 51526, A. T R., 2.003 1016 race record, one of the most beautiful and fastest horses ever seen on the Grand Circuit, Elmer Dlalison went the third mile at Columbus, Ohio, in 2,05, with the lest half in ono minute in 1016 He ie brad in the purple with show horse finish. Will aldnd this season at his own stable et Blyth, ex- cepting on Thuredny nrternoon he will go to Swnrtz's Hotel, W inghon, for tight ; Friday, to Hull's Hotel, Bluevale, for noon, end Central Hotel, Brussels for night • Saturday -home to his own stable for noon where he will remain until the following Thursday afternoon, Inspected and Enrolled IKE MEDIUM r Lit- tle 51,522 A. T. R. bite unbeaten dhow horse. e everyone has [ Ike Med fettle av tie need be said o I y champion bred him. ho is s 0 seen or heard of p Mcrae and,a e champion show horse, with eras quality, speed and breeding, and further le stamping lily s, Beil his own re n ba n nt Blyth Monday Hn will leave his own been ne n ubur .nor noo and proceed to 's Hill for Hotel, ht ; Tuesday noon, then toeSmith's HILI roc , night ; Te way ro Colborne until Wel, Godo• rich, where he wild yt o D Wednesday Rol - morning ; Wednesor noon, then Del. Gaham's's, tel, menton,, for noon, then to h Graham's Hotel, Clinton, for night ;Thsday home to kis own fstable atollowing Blyth where hen wilmorning. remain t forl the further Monr nfory tion. P. W 112.e bill and further informOMA. Phone THOMAS J. COULTER.th nt, ••••••••••••••••••••••41-114044* •••••••••••••••••••e0••••• °o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • s i • • • • • • • •• • • • Here is Big Brother THREE SPEED Dayton TWI N • The machine that takes you there and gets you back. Does it easy and cheap, 50 miles to the gallon of gasoline, With n. sidecar attached you can take your friend along. Choose your own speed, from 5 miles per hour to 60, Develops 12 h. p. Easy handled—euat like a big brother. Write for a free Catalogue. Buy a DAYTON and enjoy life, • Pepper Motorcycle Exchange 752 Broadview ave., Toronto • • • • • • • • • • 4. O • • • • O 0 O • • • • • •• • ••• s • • •0 • • •• • ••0 •••••••••••t••♦••••♦••••04)•••••••O••••••••,••••••••• • • O • • • O 0 O • • ••0 0 • O 0 0 • •d ♦ The only Car `in Canada selling at less than $700.00 equipped with Electric Starting and Lighting System. More Wonderful than ever, Standard Equipment Valve in head Motor Electric Lighting — Starting System Selective sliding gear Transmission, 3 speeds Forward and Reverse New front and rear Spring Brackets Staunch Frame Now front spring Suspensions Now accelerator foot rest Ample road clearance Cantilever springs Improved Upholstery Mohair Top Non-skid Tires on rear wheels Garage at C. Evwan's Carriage Works Mf1i:LakI AGENTS, BRUSSELS '5 • 0 0 ♦ A 0 • • • • • • O ♦ 0 0 a 6 a ♦ • A 4 • • ♦ A • ♦ ♦ • • • a> • 0 A 0 0 • 0 0q 0 • O •0 1911 ford Touring Car and '16 Runabout for Sale O O • O 0O.Of•••00•••••••••••••••••04060.60** *i009•MM.00•-•• NOTICE Any ratepayers in the Township of 1\1011ltlop who wish to pay their Assessments for con- struction of the Kfnburn Swamp Drain lin Hnlletti in cosh can do so before the 80th day r TD to to G. K. Horth. Stensv rer, or o 7 y, i r h. Atter said date the Do motion Blink, Sato L t0 1 assessments r all as. n denas not then paid Debentures will be issued ona6 year torn at 5% interest. 48-2 M. MliRDIE, Clark. For Service The undersigned ;All keep for service on Lot 21, Con. 10, Grey. a thoro'•brod Yorkshire hog. Terme, $1,00, to be paid at tine of service with privilege or returning if necessary. DONALD 61OTAGGART, 47.4 Proprietor, CUMBERLAND GEM 15270 (18086) Enrolment No. 1807 Inspected and Approved. JOHN J. McGAVIN, Prop. This well bred horse will stand for service during the present season at his own stables, Leadbary, Lot 22, Con. 18, 510Ktttop, Executor's Sale For the purpose of winding up the estate of nd and prem- ises, Ballantyne na the In s the into Joh B I t S rnnbrook con• n the Village of 0 leas eituntof U y R and upon whlclt i' n me 10 sores of ford a u tui t1 so1 theregg comfortable bl, frame haunt r is se brei nom n n andframebarn, oro offered for wile. Fall known upon and fermi of cele will t untie known uponatni,Ctiontothe Executor, ou, An- thony Rnymnuu, Crn W. M III or I mffiur• signed M. or the Ex 4PtP Solicitor for the Executor, Steer Strayed Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot B0, Con, 6, Grey, it light roan year-old steer, Any Information as to his whereabouts will be thankfully received. ISAAC CLARK. ABLE HOUSE AND L01 FOR O tFORT U n � y SALE.—G„d well end ratloo hint largo , 00stn Also d illes well. 1. For furhther large lore 11 and drilled t rel,. For further g POST, Bunn to price, terms, fie., apply to Tug PO¢T, Brussels. For Sale 2814 acres of farmlands in the Township of illorrin, adjoining the' Village of Brussels, in one field, There in a good gravel pit, if open- ed up, from 2 t0 8 nares. It has been tested and onoogh of gravel there to supply the town and vicinity for the next quarter of a century ; 6 building Mtn on Turnb'•rry street ; 1 lot on George ntreet, near the rsilwny station • also my private residence on the river hank, aoreer of William and Albert streets, For further particulars apply to the undersigned at his residence, J. T.ECIKIE. Brussels, 16th March, 1917• Farms for Sale The undersigned oilers for70ale his fine 150 acre farm, being Lot 12, and part of Lot 10, Col, 6, and 80 nares on Lot 7, Con, 4, Township of Grey, Huron County. On the former is n x 1n feet s oxter tlbled, nen 0 oo brick haw*, good g 'narc ht or• md`t nice installed, ell cam cited i v 00.r 1 chiefly buki, Aleo 100 nares, cin 8. t es s y na acres of extra 12.Con. 0, in eat a township. 12 neral of extra 000d Fall ingot and over 40 nares ether p Both farina In good condiFume aro, For further apply on the premises to prises, wr lis ofd conditions, apply on 05(4Jcror T, ite JOiIIi JAttK50N, Tetephonel4010, Ethel P. O. elASIMINCIA {:=.0.1.•141411 The Clydesdale Stallion °eaburn 2nd ((7069) Enrolment No. 4704 Form 1 MEABURN 2ND [17060], Black, with face and both hind lege white ; foaled June 30th, 1014 ; bred by f•Ioney Bone, Brussels, Out, (Sir Thonas (na321) p, [O191] (Castlereagy Law h i30 111(.17] (3730) Prince Thomas [4028] >1 (3)031) Plashwnod [2009] (3004) (10262) `Comely [6711] (10701).,.. Kate ]6712] (1515) Fyvie's Pride [9649] {Sir Everard [0003] (5353 ) SBaron'ePrile [3057](12580) 11016) S?,QRoolsdie&olfnCeo[m49p00s09n(1(iOs t1()1i') iCugirngmor'l [4001I1570 )sen)f hrestQueen 1po17283 ) Lady Douglas [12(67o1 11'l.of .Leitheuhall [210081(13587) Ardlethen [4018] (1121(3) Darnle s Hero 7097 5697 tQtteett of Hearts (63141 iP111156 a [6516] (6366)] ( ) Princess Alexandra (132(39) Prince of Wales [4509] (073) (31218) (Prince Alexander (imp,) Jennie Black [3164] (3100) Maggie (18207) J (9375] (8800) fy�ar) Ilyutlforcl [6(3'28] (7676) tDnrli16 ,Susie, by Emil Grunge (435)) _reit, Everard [8066] (5353) (Topgallant (1850) Baron's Pride [8007] r (li,uste of liillellan 132401 (7437) (9122) Forest Queen [4253] (SPringhill Darn'y 7(1(32] (2420) Baron Ruby1004fi (7233) (Forest Mallin. (4264] (4740) ( 3 Flas}twond [2909] (3604) (11268){ I!lashwnod's Best (3 639] 1Y. F. of Bnghouse [38301(6308) Ru of O la el ton (0211 ](HB y r [19181] (13856) Robina [0901] (12182),.in [4.148] (S `22)(7135) (Oedvie (imp.)1'2262](1087):Priuceof Wales [4509](073) 'Prince of Quality [2178] iKtiorktlnn Mitggie [4076) (398) (10416) (Jennie Roy (imp.) 1'2.3011 {Darnley [4491] (2221 (11708) `nl�y rl•IDJj (222j 513] (2012) (Oraichmore Darnley laDiate Flora [13455] (848) Oaring [0558] (12313) . (imp.) [2127] 6967) nloe(363) (Mabel of Clcudrie 0559] (0035) Olendefe Comely [0500] (2880) MEABURN 2ND [17069] SIRE— Meabtirn (imp,) [13710] (16006) DAM— Ruby (imp.) [28788] (31227) Queen of Quality [2201 ] 2208 The Imported Shire Stallion, Blaisdon Colin E3071(17778) Enrolment No. 2766. Form I. These Two well bred Stallions will staled for service during the season at their own stable, Lot 20, Con, 3, Morris, HENRY BONE, Proprietor.