HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-6-7, Page 1VOL, 45 NO. 49
i.50 Per Annum its Advance
Phew Advertisements
Aah.coat round—N. Askin.
Poultry wanted—R, "Thomson.
Alsakenlitkme—E, .lti, S. Phua,
Stt,llion Pedigree—,:fancy Bons.
June requiron,ans—F, R. Smith,
Loost—ntrand Theatre, 8onrurth,
Fruit and Ice Oruam—V,, T, Spence.
Nalco to Creditors—Dugouts Oakley
'istrzxt gems
NEwsY NOTES.—Mre. John Mulvey,
and Helen, Gordon and Stewart spent
the -holiday with the former's parents,
Me. and Mrs. Mulvey, Luean.--Ham.
Richardeou, Toronto, spent the week
tad here,—Miss A, Grant epent the
week end near &orrice—Miss Margaret
Burdett, Toeswater, vieited at W.
klwards' one day last week,—Roberb
ltareis, 7'ctonto, called ou old friends
here last week,—A. very successful
quilting by the Women's Institue was
held at the hone of Mrs, Jas. Ballagh.
--Rev, Mr. Sinclair, assisted by A.
"i oh em took the topic at the Endeay.
or Sunday night•.—The Meth edist
church rotted holding a Grrden Party
in the near future.—R. J. and Mrs.
Douglas motored to Clifford. on Sun-
tlay,—Mrs, 1Vm, Nichol and children
returned to Toronto after visiting her
parents, Win. and Mrs, Lowry.—Miss
Bast spent Saturday afternoon with
Wingham friends.—Miss Ellen Flem-
ing is visiting friends in Mornington
Wm. McMichael, Galt, was home
over Sunday,
Stanley Hall, Harriston, was home
over Sunday.
Charles Coultas visited relatives
here on Sunday.
Pte, P, O'Neil, London, spent Sun-
day at A. Holmes'.
Chas. and Mrs. Elliott spent Sunday
with relatives ab Auburn.
Jin. and Moe, Stewart spent Sunday
with relatives at Dungannon,
Jno. and Mrs. King, spent Sunday
with relatives near Kincardine.
Miss Laura Holmes, Waltnn, spent
a few days at her home here last
H. A, and Mrs. McCall motored to
Delhi and spent the week end with
relatives there.
Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson is in Toronto
this week attending a meeting of the
Chosen Friends.
Roy and Miss Mae Barrett, Wing -
ham, spent Sunday with their grand-
mother, Mre. Hookeridge.
The Epworth League will have .
charge of the services in the Metho- .
diet church next Sunday evening as
the pastor is attending Conference.
Service to commence at 7.30.
Wilber Mathers has gone to Gait
to relieve for to few weeks.
Mrs. Thos. Watt is at present visit-
ing with her niece at Clinton,
Milton and Mts, Edmonson, Wroxie
ter spent Sunday with Mr'e, Wm,
Mrs, Wm, Fry and Mise Ethel King
Wingilarn, visited at A. McEwen's last
Mrs. Ed, Robinson, Winnipeg, is at
present visiting with her parents, Jae,
and Mrs, Nichol.
Rey. Mr, Powell, Clinton, will
preach iu the Methodist church Sun-
day at 10.30 a. In.
Hugh Allison was laid upfor a
couple of days thie week with sciatica
but is improving we are glad to state,
Mise Beatrice Turner, Toronto,
spent a 'few days at her•horue last
week and returned to Toronto Mon-
Henry Mathers received a telegratu
announcing the death of his brother,
Thomas' wife at Escanaba, Mieb., and
he anti his sister Jean attended the
funeral on Sunday.
Over in France they cut dawn wire
entanglements by runntug .nutor cafe
throw h them. We understEttrd some
be thankfdily received. Wo trust
that there will be a goodly number
out to help with this work,— The
Society anknowledge's with thanks,
the following donations :—II, Johns-
ton, $1,00 ; Mrs, Arch. Brydgee, $1.00 ;
Mrs, A, Porterfield, $1.00 ; Mre, T.
Brydgee, 50c ; and for the relief of the
Belgian Funic, $2 00 from Mrs. A.
Porterfield.— Next meeting of the
Society will be held at the horse of
Mrs, John Arrnetrong.
"THE Nslw AIINISTElt."—This hum-
+++:3•++++++.-++d'+++•r +4+++4+
'k mr
Ice 'ream ,
4' Sunkist Orangt-s
W. ill, . ,'E fi, kt.•as�:riteinr
Jr 1-'4 ✓"., ,J, I3ruvoelites were practicing on SUr11e i ii tlid l: i! ffi velrev r .
4• � �lr,kla .;•
Lemons and Grape Fruit 4'
orousEntertainment Will bepresented *• Biggest Bananas In :'own -�
1 in Brussels Town Hall Friday evennlg e•
of this week, commencing X at 8 o'clock.All kinds Fruits in S :,"son
Reserved seat plan at Fox's Drug .l. 4,
store, Proceeds go to Red Cross. r Full line first-class Gioc-
hearing ,',ir" cries an Un ectlont;ry .;
evening last, under the auspices of the I .F _— -E'
Women's Institute. Choice solos 4'
were rendered by Misses Walker and : ;t, Telephone orders peomp;?y e
Arrange to attend as it is well worth d C f
FINE TIME.—A very successful Con -
Campbell and F, H. Gilroy, Brussels ; t' attended to, 'Phone No, ,.s
P. H. Malheron'e organ solos were ern ee 229. Call us up and have e •'
Betgrave joyed by all and recitations were well ?'' chat about prices. 4'
Belgrave School Report may be read
on page 5 of thie issue,
Rev. Mr. Parnaby is attending
London Methodiet Conference this
Mrs. John VauOamp and Mrs. W.
H. Ferguson attended the District
Execubive meeting of the Women's.
Institute in Brussels on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, May 80th, the mem-
bers of the Patriotic Society endladics
of the vicinity met in the Foresters
Hall and packed 31 boxes for our boys
overseas. Each box was filled to its
capacity with delicious fruit cake,
cookies. candy, and Maple sugar:
The Society wish bo heartily thank all
who contribnted in any way.
Tho regular meeting of the Belgrave
Branch of the Women's Institute will
be combined with the annual Summer
.meeting and will meet in the Fores-
ters' Hall next Wednesday, June 13th
at 2,30. Mies Conine, Ancaster, rep-
resentative of the Department, will
give the address of the afternoon,
Music will be furnished by local talent..
Ladies of the community are cordially
Society held their regular meeting
Monday evening, June 4th, at the
home of Mre. Root: McCrea. At this
meeting it was agreed to collect all
old papers and magazines and a ship-
ment be made at a later date, Any-
one wishing to help out in bhie way
could leave the same at Mr. McLel-
land's anytime during the next two
weeks.—Tuesday of next week there
will be an afternoon of sewing iu the
Foresters' Hall for the Belgians.
Donations of clothiug or money will
• eteet-
• 4
Carriage Painting and Woodwork Repairing given prompt
• mutt careful attention at a moderate price.
,mss • The only local agents of the original Fleury, Wilkion, Frost
Fe Woocl, (all parts of plows), Oliver, Oockshut , Nip, l
Leaf, Kid and Kangaroo, Punch told Judy Plow Repaire. Com-
plete stook of all litres carried. Compare the genuine with the
r substitute and use no other.
General �locksmiths
and orst shoeirs
Satisfaction Guaranteed
ilnp ement Repairs
Look your machines over early and renew all broken parte.
Over10.000 exact duplicates of the original pieces of Fioeb 8c
Wood, Deering and McCormick Implements carried in stock.
New work second to none. Bee our stock when needing a Wagon or Buggy,
Lawn Mowers Sharpened and put in good shape.
TPhone Nos.
as and 41x '� 9
eetee400000000000ere00046AOad0eeees40000 Mee 0000eeemetestee ee
'1-++•1.4.4++4.+'1'4'4'+++4' ++++44+•1.;.+ Aon.l„t•'k'kd•4++++'l,+4,4444••'r•l'44'0
As the season for Men's Summer wear will soon be here
the nice warm days will make you think of something coal,
Men's 2 -piece Zimmer Knit Underwear reg-
ular $l.00, for, per suit 90
Men's Sailor Hats, regular ular $2.50 for ........2 00
Men's Genuine Panama Hats, in all styles,
regular $4.00 for ... 3 00
ted per pair ... 60
All Wool Socks, guaranteed,
Silk Hose,all colors, regular 75c, per pair 65
Nice range of Sport Shirts at Reduced Prices.
g p
Brand new line of 5oc Ties for ... 35
or buying elsewhere,
No Did Stock, Compare these Prises bag ro y g
R. W. Ferguson
Gents' Burnisher
1 M 1J B s is and ' 4.
given ty Mi Hoover, ruse
Mise Johnston, Jamestown. A. H. ''Ta he Star' €yroc&orjf
Musgrove, M. P. P„ Wingham, was Horne of Good Old Cheese
Present and gave a very able address -:
on Patriotism. A very interesting ee e.
Cross quilt which fell to Alts. Wesley
part of the program was the draw- 4,
ung of the lucky ticket for the Red + o T. pence
Jermyn who put it up for anetion, 4, Proprietor E H21
It wont to the highest bidder at! 4•
530.50. Proceeds at the door were. +000,1-1,1•+++++++++++.+'l'.:4+'i3'
543,35, malting a grand total of $135.21
raised through the quilt,
Gran brook
Mrs, Jno. Coates has moved to Brus-
Deputy Reeve Jno. McNabb is at
Co. Council this week.
Will. Forest, of Detroit, is visiting
under the parental roof.
Miss Bertha Calder, Toronto, spent
a few days at the home of Jno. For-
Mrs: Wm. Blair and daughter, of
Portage la Prairie, are visitors at the
home of J. P. McIntosh.
There will be no preaching service
in the Methodist church next Sunday
afternoon. Sunday School as usual.
The following Sabbath Rev. Mr.
•Wren will preach.
Last Sunday afternoon Mr. Stumph,
a commercial traveller from Kitchen-
er, gave an address in the Methodist
Church on the "Gideons." He also
sang two solos. It was an enjoyable
"THE NEw MINISTER,"—This hum-
orous Entertainment will be present-
ed in Brussels Town Hall Friday
evening of tbie week, commencing at
8 o'clock Reserved seat plan at Fox's
Drug store, Proceeds go to Red
Cross. Arrange to attend as it is
well worth hearing,
Mise Panabaker, of Hespeler, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Chambers.
Joe Nicholson was in Toronto and
Brooklyn last week for a couple of
P. J. and Miss Lizzie Bishop.have
returned after a three weeks' isit in
AL's. McNeil, of London, has been
visiting her daughter, Mies McNeil,
Ed. Pollard and family, and Mrs.
McAuley and children, Brussels,
were in Ethel on Sunday.
Mrs. Pollard sr. is not as well as her
many Mends would like to' see her
but hope she will soon be better.
Ed. and Mrs. Stephenson and little
daughter, Niagara Falls, are holiday-
ing in town. 35d. is doing web at the
B, and Mrs. 'Laing have gone to
Brantford, baying received word that
their e-a'aucison, Carl Lamont, had his
bip dislocated.
Mr, and Mrs. Porter and children are
visiting at A. H. McDonald's. They
motored freta Burlington. The ladies
are sister's,
Geo. M. Mitchell is working part of
the school grounds. this year. The
nbiect is to have it in better shape for-
enhool garden next year,
In the absence of Rev. Mt'. Johnson
at Conference next Sunday Robert
McKay will conduct the services in
the Methodist churches.
Some of the property owners on
Queen street aro now negotiating for
a sidewalk. We hops they will be
successful in procuring the same as it
isbadly needed.
Reginald 5, F.lemsworth, formerly
gone over-
t this village, hasrecently
ft evi
n Regina,
seaswith the &1flL•h Batt. f
t g ,
Sauk, He is it brother to Spence
I-Icntsworth, who was killed in action
OD June 13th, 1016.
John Harrington has ranted the
woodwork department of the McNoil
blackstuit•h shop and will attend to
wants of the public in woodworking,
general repairing and painting. He
should do well as he is a first-class
The ladies of the community are
asked to cotne to the Township Hall,
Tuesday afternoon 12th inet„ to cut
and sew articles for Belgian children,
Anyone having arttcles suitable for
making over please bring them.
Everybody Dome and lend a helping
Improvements have been made to
the inside of Will. S mice's store by
painting, etc. Will. believes in have
ing everything in a sanitary condition
and deserves credit for keeping up
the standard of a modern and up-to-
date groeety and restaurant in a vil-
lage like lethal,
True NEw Pelo ST.mR."—This hum-
orous Entertainment will be present-
ed iu Beusssls Town Hall Friday even -
ing of this wank, commencing 8
o'clock, Reserved eat plats at Fox's
Drug store. Proceede go to Red
Grose, Arrange to attend as it is well
Worth hearing,
Our village is astir once more with
the noise of the chopping mill run-
ning again, It certainly livens up
the burg to a great extent.
The Dramatic Club, of Palmerston,
will give an A 1 concert in the near
future under the auspices of the
Women's Institute, the proceeds in
aid of Belgian ChilJren. Watch fur
the date.
Jas. and Ml's, Mann have gone on
their 'Western trip.
bliss Belle McTaggart, Toronto, is
visiting friends in this locality.
Next Sunday afternoon F. H. Gil-
roy, Brussels, will conduct the services
in. Knox Church in the absence of
Rev. Mr. Lundy,
A Patriotic Allied Lawn Social is
slated for Friday, June 29th. The
Lawrie Family, Hamilton, is expect-
ed to take part in the program.
Drops are growing web now,
This week Reeve Shortreed is in
Goderich attending Huron Co. Coun-
Last Sunday afternoon was observed
as Flower Sunday in the Jaekeou
Wm. Sellers has invested in a Ford
touring car, purchased from S. Garter,
local agent, Bruesels,
A number of pupils in the township
will write at the coming Entrance
examination to the High School.
Mere. John Shurrie, 4th line, accom-
panied ni cl her sou Clifford,back to Galt in
hie car for a visit nd will call on
Stratford relatives before coming
home. •
Walter and Mr's. Fulton motored
from Harriston and spent the week
end with Jno. and Mrs. to ebb, 6th line,
Morris. Miss Grace &0111 accom-
panied them to her home,
On account of the absence of the
pastor who is attending Conference at
London, the usual aftert,aon service
in Sunshine Methodist church will be
withdrawn next Sunday.
Work has gone ahead with a rush
on the farms of W. H. Maunders, East
gravel. He bas been here from Idaho
on account of the illnees of his father-
in-law, Chu. Ritchie, Brussels.
• A Garden Party will be held at the
Anderson school, 3rd lint:, on June
26th in aid of Rod Oroes. Wingham
Band will be in attendaneo. Watch
for bills with further particoi;crs.
James Bowman, M. P., was home
from Ottawa for the week end, return-
ing Monday morning. Mrs. Bowman
aceompanled her husband to Ottawa
where she will spend a week or eo.
"Tis New MINISTER."—Thi. htuno•-
cue Entertainment will be presented
in Brussels Town Hall Friday evening
of this week, commencing at 8 ..'clock.
Reserved seat plan at Fox's Drug
stove, Proceeds go to Red t,;ross.
Arrange eo attend tee it is well wwt11
f'.CRo>: To3ANKs, — We with to
thong, neighbors and friends nds for tt
and • s ofkindness to our u,ther,
the. late Mrs. Jno. Mason, dm Mt her
illness and expression of sympathy to
the members of her family sine' her
decease, They were highly appreelat-
od, we can assure you and will never
be forgotten. Yours Gratefully,
TIIE Maims F.t:uuay.
The pallbearers at the funeral of the
late Aire. Jno. Mason, Thursday of
taut week were James Ireland, Geo.
Henderson, Walter Yuill, Jno. Brig-
ham, Wm. Taylor and Chas. Lowry.
Rev. bit', Avery, Londeeboro, took
chac'ge of ,else service in Burns' church
and at the ,;rave. Amon{,
Mrs. J. G. Hill
from a distance were bl
and son, Wm., Portage la Prairie,
Man, ; Mrs. Mcleachern and son,
James, and Mre. Snu, Hinelte, Hol.
elein; and Mre, Hugh McEwen, Pal'
Thos. Bryant", who has been work.
ing in a' munition factory, at London,
has Dome back to Morris and will
spend some mouths in following tip
drainage centrads, at which he is
quite an expert, The principal
trouble appears to be to get tile at the
time desired. Mr. terrine opened his
campaign at Frank ,,Martins, Sun-
shine; following up similar work dome
last year, Good drainage yioldslarge
returns and without tardy waiting
for it,
4111 line wire fences and made a good,
job of
Addition Walton news on page 5 of i
tills wenn.
1'h s :reek W, 1•I, Shot treed is at
Montreal as lay delegate to the anneal
eeseion of lie Presbyterian Assembly.
Rev. and Airs. Lundy are visiting at ti
I3ramplon. fu the fen mere; absence
F. 11. Gilroy, Brussels, will take ,1
cbar6o ofmorning service rest Sun-
Arrangements are being pushed
along for the Scheet PP IV. here. winch
will by held in it.pten bt,.•. Watch 1
ofor the pYnget, :-hielt wilt I,c a
ttt, memmemut
Several milt, r or hc. %TV etter i :,m-
itseet ver, Lt. tt D:ettit. Ls.- ;
t:111,1VC yi, ei 1 ,Nave's 0:: 'rocs- cs- ;
day ,1rt ;!n
annual meson,, at
FY).11.1, eliectrl:.
J. WV, end Mrs. Peteiiaon, Idontrc:ti,
were herr, for Om week ,1,111. the
Mime; I rth l y h: ins, recognized as a
hcllc t y i+, the 0. P. It, with whim
-r ,
, a
Mr, niri,.onisemnh3ed,
"TIF tense 1VIIi" irER,"--This b tim-
orous Entertainment will be present.
ed n Brussels Town Hall Friday
evening of this week. commencing at
e'ciotk. Reserved see.t plan at Fox's
Drug store, Peoceedr go to Red
Cross. Arrange to attend as it is well
evnrth hearing.
SUIrttEl3 MEETING,—'Phe Womeu s
Institute will hold their Summer
meeting in the Workman's Hall ort
Feeley, June 15th, _at 8 p. m. Miss
Collins, of Ancestor, speaker from the
Department, will be present and give
an address on "A Girl's Preparation
for Life," Mis, Ham will also give a
paper on "Sunny Side of Life," A
good musical program will also be
SCHOOL RErosT.—The following is
the report of the Junior Room for the
month of May. Names arranged in
order of merit. Jr. II.—Exauthted in
Arithmetic, Spelling, Composition and
Geography.—D. Murray, D. Riehl, E.
Ryan, R. Bruce, A. Riehl, G. Pollard,
R. Drager, C. Ryan, M. Dennison, A.
Hoy, E. Anderson, A. Ryan, L. Ryan,
M. McCall, T. Ryan, Jr. L—M.
Kreuter, G. McCall, 0. Hoegy,
Sr. Primer.—J. Shortreed, B. McCall,
and A. Lydiatt (equal), R. Shnidice,
W. Clark, F, Harris and M, Farquh-
arson, (equal), J. Drager, Jr. Primer.
—R. Holland, M. Pollard, G. Murray,
A. Ryan, M. Bolger, L. Steins. Bs-
ginnere.—I. Hoy, T. Nolan, 0. Ryan,
0. Steiss, N. Murray. Enrolment 37.
Average daily attendance 31.
A. W. GARDLNER, Teacher.
A Ford touring car has been pur-
chased by Levi Parr.
A couple of drainage schemes were
before the last Meeting of Grey town.
ship Council,
Reeve Livingston and Deputy
Reeve McNabb are attending County
Cotttiril ret Goderich the week,
ex.Reeva v
James Turnbull V eta able
to get to Brussels this week. He still
has to be accompanied by bis crutches.
Lewis and Mrs. Steiss and John and
Mrs. Wilson, of Atwood, motored to
Stratford and Tavistock and spent the
week -end visiting with relatives.
W. 0. Jackson and daughter, Mies
Delta, of Ohesley, were vi"itcre with
Jno. cud Mrs, Jacke,,n, the former's
parents, 5th Cou., during the past
James Parr, West gravel road, was
taken ill with an attack of pneumonia
but is improving nicely now we are
pleased to state and will soon be as
hearty as ever we hope.
During the past week Mre. Hugh
McKinnon, 7th Con„ took an auto
trip to Clollingwood, with B. 8. and
Airs. Scott, Brussels, and visited Dr.
and Mrs, Robertson. The latter is a
daughter. ,
Tom Arinstrong bee tendered bis
resignation as teacher of 5, et, No. 3
where he has successfully -taughb for
the past 5 or 6 years, We understand
he purposes attending the University.
The people of No. 3 will be sorry to
have him leave.
i°l.'Iti ,via b11N1 .tEru,"—This 11nm-
crous EntortailllyWutwill be piesc:nted.
in T3ruseeis 'Town Hall Friday even-
ing of this week, connneucing tet el
o'clock, Reserved seat plau at Fox'e
Drug nu»e, Pro oeds go to Red
"roe,,, lir
C tan ,atop attend let^ud as ,•. is w.,1/
w, t 1
\S m and 6 e'
1 6th line, at-
tended elle funeral of the leets Mrs.
Stephen King at Gerrie, on Thursday
of last weep. Deceased was Mrs.
Ward's grandmother and was 91. years
of age. Bert and bars Bray, lOth
Con„ were also in attendance at the
futlo'al, Mrs. King being the great
grandmother of Mrs, Bray.
and well known resident of this town-
ship, in the person of William Lucas
sr„ passed away Monday of thio week,
at the home of his eon, Lot 28, Con, 3,
13e had been in failing health for
some year's and wile in tiro 83rd year
of his age. His wife is deceased, 3
sons, Joseph, Win, and Thos. survive.
The funeral took place Wednesday
t to Molesworth cemeteryy,
Rev, Mr. Bell conducting a enitable
service, air. Lucas lived at Lisbowel
for a while prior to his coming to bus
eon's home.
Scwooe RErotvr.—Tito follnwlug is
the School .Report of H. 8, No, 1 for
the month of May, Sr. IV.—Examin-
ed in Hygiene, Composition, Spelling,
Gt'ammee and Daily Work. Jessie
Miller 71, Muriel Move,. t30, Rusecl
Grant 57, Jr, .lee—Examined ill
Comp„ Spoll,, Gram., Arith. and
.Daily Worlc—Eettrain Hemingway
71, *Robert Engle 40, *Ernest Coch-
t'ane 85, Sr, III,—Examined in the
ervfts es
R i 'it77 q Y MIRA
Will be conducted
t} IIIc. [Mint dig f ?
- The annual meeting !f, r.t l -t. �' ^li,t'Ltt
Huron Lemma 'tear.r.atiun, ,'tar
Provincial a`lu r-., will l,, hi or•e
Town Hall, Wittgliata, 'i'utte aa, tune
19th, commencing at 3,10') u..iocli b•
rue for the elnetini: of Meleers and elle
G nomination of a ,;aneidate 'fur the
Ontario Legieiatttre.
Prominent lady and genclemeu
speakers will be preseut to fuidreta the
nee the women of th.' "t .v r Nees
peen gi-:':,n i.be fee v'. 'i,, • •, t,t:,-,u
') u9 C'r1 C c` y,
Cf' of the tuner eve iu .zit ' ^ .,tl a ;.ted
ki ""- ,
take parr e thy •r a ,' t me,t
at 11 a. in, 'and 7 p. m, by ing. F i z. ewes -met •t,h
tui 3, S ty ladies and geetiene , - , e.
p� �,.lj y ��,y,�-) f i 9
�P 1, ,Rl811.n. ainior al ,mil -on
.e li'.teral oil circ? ie requested at both
„ervices for Building Building Fund.
Monday Evening
Commencing at 8 o'clock,
Dr, :.raison will Lecture on
"Bullets anti Brotherhood"
Ali wilt be Welcome 1
Apecial Mucic Stonday and Monday
Evening by the Choir.
Admission 25c and 15e.
'JAMES FOX, A. .1. IAANW, 8. A.,
rice.-Treas. Pastor.
Sr -r1:18 subjeute.—Marjory Hoover 77,
eNormttn Hoover 07, Margaret &,cock
51., *Wilford Elective 17. Jr. Le—Ex-
amined in Arith„ Spell., Comp. and
Daily Work.—Elva Hemingway '78,
Roy Askin 71, Lena Miller 60. Jr, II.
—Examined in Arith„ Mem., Spell.
and Daily Work,—Ethel Davidson 80,
Kenneth Tyreman 69, Ida Cochrane
67, Johnny Fischer 63; "Johnny Per -
tie 47. Sr. Pr.—George Davidson 88,
Clifford Alcock 73, Oarl Hemingway
67, Elsie Fischer 64. Jr. Pr.—Excel-
lent—Sinclair Hemingway. Fair—
Willie Cardiff. Average attendance
22, JEesix M. MIENzIEe, Teacher.
Capt. R, le, Sloan, late of the 33rd
Battalion, who returned to Blyth
last week, does not expect to return
to the front. Oapt. Sloan's large
agricultural and fruit interests here
will take all his time. The captain
has the greatest praise for hie treat-
ment in the war hospitals, where be
was confined for some time. After
his recovery he was married to Miss
Rene Denuett, of Blyth, who went
overseas, and with his bride returned
to this country.
Communion next Sunday in the
Presbyterian church,
Mrs. Jas. Ritchie and M a NilesRitchie
ars guests of relatives at Galt.
T, W. Gibson, Toronto, spent Mon-
day with old friends in the village,
George Howe is spending a few days
with his son, Merton at Dunnville.
Howick Mutual Insurance Directors
met here Tuesday of this week in
regular session.
Rev, A. J. Love is attending the
Loudon Conference which is being
held at London this week.
A Patriotic service will be
held in the Episcopal olturch on Sun-
day afternoon when the Honor Roll
will be unveiled,
R. and Mre. Earls attended the
graduation exercises at the Western
Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, when
their daughter, Margaret M. Earls,
received her diploma,
The Kuittingg Contest, conducted by
the Y. L. R. L. of Wroxeter, closes
June 16th. All soxn handed in after
that date wilt not be counted in con-
test, Now is the time to get busy.
--The business people of Wroxeter
have decided to close their respective
etor'es every Tuesday evening during
the coutimumee al the war. On these
evenings union prayer sorvicee will be
heal, alternatin
g is the Anglican,
Methodist and Presbyterian churches
and commencing at o'clock, to
a11 the people
aro cordially invited.
In the death o i•sabella Donbar,
f< b
Wife of George Barnard, at her home
here, Wednesday, Wroxeter losses
one of its oldeet residents. The de-
ceased had attained to the age of 84
years. In her younger days she bad
been a very bright -and active woman,
but some yeore ago sutfered a bad
fall from which she never fully recov-
ered, She is survived by her husband.
3 daughters and 5 sons, in whom
much sympathy is expressed in their
bereavement. The Amaral took place
to the Wroxeter cemetery Saturday
afternoon, service being conducted
by Rev. J, Malcolm,
Tuesday evening, May 29th, was the
occasion of a unique event in the his-
tory of Salem Methodist church,
where a large audience assembled to
witness the unveiling of the Honor
Rall, It was in the form of te Maple
leaf atel was made by Gavin Muir,
Wroxeter, Tho painting in green
with. black edge and lettering of gold
Loaf was done by J, F. Oke, St. Thom-
as, Both designer and decorator re-
ceived many compliments on their
work. Misses Gallaher end Abraham
unveiled the Boll, coutteining the
names 0E22 young mon who have an.
sweredthe call of the Empire, 2 of
whom have made the supreme sacri-
fice, Pte. Houghton, died while in
train at London and Pte, It', Brown
was kilt; t o. t'. iiitt:.r> to ;1-
tee c s' c •t, t, ' . ei s, i- : e,
I P. P. ,end 14, I 1 't,
4,halr'utrn c f the 'iVr; r . t rt.
Ilev. A, J. Love I bit. It .i ••d.
Music by lo:ia,i tai• ; ..
Cot:RT r' R tv,n C al.,
—Court 't? Revision
Foil for 191 stet '•. tee Cettre itseee
at 8 o'cloce p. n, "etch seers,
D. 0. t.. oikr, red. u ce
O. Reis in chair. .—tie
the usual c ',tit they took teem aet,,s.
There bee,, uo appeals, it w:te mor-
ed by D, 0. Pope, emended by r, ed.
Dammy, that we io:tiirni the Assess-
ment Roll for the year 1017, Queried.
Moved by Fred. Danvey, seconded by
D. O. Pope, that Court of kievition
now close, Carried. A epeeiai meet -
Ing of the Council was heal itt the
Clerk's office at 8 p. en, o'r:lnck Phute-
day. Members present, D. 0, Peine,
Fred. Danvey, Jno. Adamt., Reeve 0.
Reis in the chair, An account was
received front Leouatid Brown, tor
assessing village of $25.0e. Moven by
D. 0. Pope, seconded by Beene De:.n-
vey, that theaceouut rec••:vere be meld
and order drawn on the a reasurer for
the same. Carried. Cork was in- '
structed to order a car of coal. Mov-
ed by F. Danvey, seconded by D, C.
Pope, that we adjourn to the 10th day
of June or at the call of the Reeve.
Carried, J, BitETHATJEit, Clerk.
At a regular meeting of the Col.
legiate board, consideration was given
the re-engagement of the _rreeent
teaching staff for next year The
board was unauhnous in he apprecia-
tion of the efeorts of the teachers to
maintain the high standard of cdicieu-
cy for whioh the school is noted, and
increases in salaries, ranging from 550
to 8100 per annum, was granted to
each teacher. The following compose
the staff : J. F. Ross, M. A., principal ;
A. 0. Hazen, science ; Miss 14lcKiniey,
classics ; Miss Weatherill, commer-
cial ; Mies Allen, madame ; Miss Bel-
em, assistant,
A meeting of the Prestdeeee ted
Secretaries of- :several Arrioultural
eoeieties was held iu Wing rate, Inlay
pith, for the purpose of organieleg a
eircuie of Fairs, 1tteawotur. Tern -
berry, Brussels, Ripley a'aei Luaknew
Societies were repreemetste.
A District Society ;vat
with Wm. McQai lin e,100 Jo ^.I,.'v,
President and Secretary of Ont ttnow
Society, elected President. and Seu.^e-
tary of the District, A membership
fee•of $2.00 a Society Wee deutled ou.
Executive committee of the' Dist-
rict is composed of the Secretaries of
the Societies and esfch Society is
entitled to four representa-
tives, being the President, Vice -Presi-
dent, Secretary and one Dile Cor.
Dates of the Faits of the 3c _ i . of
the Dlstrwt are at, ' „i 's
Sept.2n 1 2C eve. 27
and 'bi Teeswatr etc,. u 3;
Brussels, aim, 4 and 5 .,
Oct, 0 end 10.
East Wawre,.ik.eei,t reotireea;
Oouneil m'it nil 1 sty DAY .Mt t. Court
-of , Revision ,n1 the Aesee'�mcnt nidenide.;
embers allp recent. ..tfet temtels
^must assessm nue . Ir =eve. 0
couple of ebauges of names front t 'n.
resideute to ow1-ers and outt tsog
struck e ti being the ex . nt of busi-
ness of Lite CourtoeRae rs;1:tx'1017,
Mr. Gerrie thee itr sed et -c oucied
by big. Irwie that the eloe t ul ;ie. ;s•
ion be nut'- ,los,'0 aro e , .111 is
now ret lard, with these. ell. mem; 1,e
the Asa t,tment Roll for tirs enrr';ot
year, t u1ied,
Council then proceeded with gener-
al business. Minutiae of previous
meeting were read and approved.
L+"ugineer's report on the Kelly
Drain was read provisionally adopt-
ed. Tenders for the construction of
the Walsh Drain were t'eceivcd £rota
Meeers, Loan, Hallahau, Stalker and
Marshall, ,The tender of Mt'. Logan
at $1140,00 being the lowoet was am
Usual By -Law far the t
y e u itr •nt 'Rowe-
rug iof
money 1,0 meet the. ordinary Town-
shi ,expenditure was read and pawed,
Four a00ounte were tied -tired -to be
laid as follows :-0, O. l.% Hall rent,
30.00 ; Wes, Wiglaiteriau, salary as
Aseessot', $70,00; CJ.' A. Jews, ling!-.,
beer's fees, ou the Walsh Drain,
`67.1,20 ; A, Pot'terllsid, fly-teevs and
()levies epee ou Walsh llrain, 530,50,
Council adjourned to inset again on
Monday, June 25th,
A, PoRTtnftklmtn, Clerk.