HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-31, Page 8,yy ,•,p.�M p�rAl,•a:r�.y-• ,J} .,01.4.1•14•/.00.9,0/411.4141, y 61r, .f .. y ,y y y ,yam. y.. P.R. SMITH ' • k A a egeeseeree 34 ?4 ?4'T.: •4 840404 • i•4 •l-++0411+0+ 0+•44+04.4144+•+•44. u yen and add to the enjoy - 10 it pf the first holiday of the S..,nmes. If you haven't a Kodak :e nor stock of Ko.iaks from $7.00 op,' and Brownie Cameras from $2 res n•,, We Eeevelop films and PrEni. Pictures a..d lee appreciate Pour patron- age. A _hough the p lees of chem- feats Besse advanced greatly our cbarges for developire and print - We will lust he the same as last sea nn. H'.liday films left Friday me. Meg will be ready Saturday rif :In son. Store • Some Bargains in I Wall P Large selling in Wall Paper this last few weeks has left us • with broken lots of Paper and .1. small quantities of some pat- • terns which we are going to clear at reduced prices, A- mong them are • 4 4 Patterns suitable for Bedrooms, all-over floral patterns, colorings Blue, Pink and Lavender, regular toe a roll, reduced to 7c per roll....... .......... v These have the regular match- ing Borders and Ceiling, remnants • • • • • • • .5. O • • • Less than Cost • g rolls Pink Floral Stripe ...... 6oc so rolls Plain Bedroom Stripe 45c .. 5 rolls Embossed Gilt Paper .. 5oe 7 rolls Heavy Parlor Paper, cream ground ........... .... 750 8 rolls Brown Dining Room Paper 7 rolls Brown Oatmeal Surface with a little pattern 6oc 5 rolls Plain Ground, Grey in color 400 See them F5 SMITH Store Drugg'st and Stationer 7:,&l:%:>. 'zabos 4 e ms Fuca weather. HAIL to King George ! Loges. news en page 5. Tire 24.11 of May 2917 was the coldest recur 1 Co- a list 76 years. OWING to t' a heavy rains the Matt- haei was doing the freshet stunt last mask. A eAn et tot •^s vas shipped to Cobalt this vet1c icy `,. A Lowry, Ben. Ed- searfrr; sec:er:.ip.1 the car. Coiner of Reed eon on the 1917 Assess - men. Roll, iirnasels, next Monday even - lug at 8 o'clock, MANY a householder is keeping the Biome fires burning of necessity owing t,, the rate, backward weather. SA'roRDAy's Auction Sale of cattle at the Centre. and Queen's Hotel yards at- tracted quite a crowd, Prices were fair- ly high, Beessees grows more like New York e •erg r telt in the multiplication of r. otor care on our streets, especially E.tturday • fternooas enol evenings, A CAR of e•1•„s jars was recently re. c event G A. Deadtnan, the Bee I. ing' _i, vibe utilized in caring far tiiL In :: d +rh:ry crop. He handles t lis clans , ^..:c 1 on a large Scale and in a r t0 ally isesinesslike manner. ENGAORNIT.NT,—P. and Mrs. Ament, Brussels aeoeSues the engagement of their second dangf.ter, Caroline Estella, to John Russel Lynn, Walkervllle, Ont., sun of. James and Mrs. Lyne, Fordwich, Marriage will take place about middle of June. BROKE Nse ARYL—Lag Sa-urday Mrs. Parker F.:stir, Kincardine, known bet- ter in B. '11.518 es WAS Maggie Me- Naughtnr fi-Il awe a stem 'udder while house rte nu awl broke: '•er left arm at the wrist'. Fier eists,, Mrs. Ira Parker, 01 to 'n, is visit sg her this week. Old, -,his here dope Mrs. Foster will soca regaia tl : use of her arm. SIMMER Hones,—Coma-ncinw with Friday of this week the Simmer sche- .dele comes Burp effect in connection with Brussels Public Libr: ry covering the months of June, July and August. It would be well for the public to clip out the fu.iow'ng regu'atio•t regrading the time table and perhaps save a walk tr, the Library when it would not be open •— Li bran Y will be Open Tuesday, v,Thursdar and Saturriayafri,t000ns and Wednesday and Saturday evenings. DIED IN RIO YOUTH —We regret to state that Wm. Charles, only son of W. A. and Mrs. Ross, Fergus, died last Monday, at the youthful gge of x3 years and zh days, He was operated on for appoi dicitis last week. The funeral took place trom the parental home, St, George street, Wednesday afternoon to Balsyde cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were former residents, the former being a son of the late Robert Fess and Mrs. Ross's maiden name was Miss Tillie Kneehtel, sliebeing a daughter of the late, Wm. Kuechtel, Sympath» will be extended to the be- n -rived in their sorrow, !'Hullo te” Rseee iINO 4 officers • who assisted in raisins; and .raining the sena Batta;ion, "The Hutnnt," here been released from their command and are expected home 1n the pear future, They are :—Lieut—Col, Coombe, Clin. ton ;: Major Hays, Seaforth,; Major Hetungn, Exeter ; sill Major Sinclair, Wingham, Major I•leamnn in writing home stated he had been offered a "Safety First" job in Englau& but that if hecoltle. not go to: France with the boys he would prefer going bomb. He stakes "I stn stare leaving the boys with sinter0 regrets but they understand the position I am in and they eertainly re - 50111 the way We are being used." 1 HELP the Belgians. "THE New Minister,"—Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening of next week. Don't miss it. H. KEYS is building a new cement kitchen at his residence, corner Church and John streets. THE disagreeable weather rather gave a black eye to Victoria Day and sports announced in towns were cancelled. Is your subscription in arrears to THE Pose 7 A number have been squaring up to end of 1927 for which they have our thanks, --o— EOLITSE Fountain Pen lost at the school or on the street. Pinder please leave at TEE Poem. Ors BIITTON, with Masonic emblem, lost in Rrnasels, Pinder please leave it at THE Peer. GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to SMRs, JNo. FEaanSON, SPECIAL valve in Manitoba Flour at GEORGE TBOMEON's, THREE Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12 months old for sole. JAs, SPEne, Lot 29, Con. 6, Morris. Phone 180, GoI.OBrooch lost in Brussels, set with 12 pearls and en emerald, Will the finder kindly leave at TBE Poem and greatly oblige the loos- er, WELL bred Collie pups for sale. Apply to 1010. CuaRIE, Brassele. STORE to rent. Lately occupied by Carrie Bros. as butchers. I. 0, RICHARDSS. EGGS Ton HATC0BIN0. Single and Rose Comb torosetti Leghorn .E2 settlnha 5850 g•5 1 stook, W. 8. SOOTT, Phone 6x, Brussels. To RENT. — Comfortable dwelling above stores. Soft Water, I. 0. RICHARDS. DR. PARKER, Osteopathfo Physician, visite Brussels Thursday afternoon of eaoh week. Chronic and nervous diseases sneeessfully treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel --o— Tee District meeting of East Huron Women's Institute will be held at Moles- worth on Wednesday June 3oth, Miss Collins, Ancaster, is expected to give an address, A number from Brussels motored to Wingham last Tuesday to the Liberal meeting. Alderman Ramsden, Toronto, was the outside speaker, who gave a good address. LAST week Lieut, Stewart Scott, of Brussels, underwent a triple operation at London hospital and favorable con- dition is reported, We hope be -will soon be able to return home, His wife and mother were at London with him. A BUSY half day was spent by the Red Cross Circle Tuesday Y afternoon sewing ib g anti -vermin suits for the soldiers, The Circle purpose forwarding each of the Brussels boys One of them, Mrs, Henry Hoover favored the ladies with a fine reading and Miss Verne Walker sang one of iter ever welcome solos, HELP '11.15 BELGIAN UIIILDREN,—Tues- clay afternoon of next week all the ladies of Brussels and locality are asked to meet at the Public Library audience room, with ;needles and thread, to make over garments for needy Belgian children, The merchants have made generous contributions and folk who have children's clothing to spare or garments that may be cut down will do a great favor by fetching them on Tues- day, A bale will be made up and for- worded as soon as possible to Belgium. Help the needy and do it now, Tens New MINISTER.—The interesting F,ntettaiement will be repeated in the Town Hall, Brussels, Friday evening, 8th pros„ being the date arranged ter, It is under the auspices of the Red Cross Circle end proceeds will be devoted to Rad Cross funds, Plan of Hail will be open at Fox's Drug store, Saturaay of this Week, A largo attendance is asked as the talent is generously giving their time for the good of the cause and by hearty support it may obviate the neces- sity of an appeal In the Way of a canvass for the same work. Reserve your seats early aid give it a boom this Way, Pro- gram will be well worth hearing, Y .iW,nnhY Hello I 611111111111111111111111111111111 Have you vacant land you would be willing to allow other folk the use of rot a potato or other crop right now ? If so will yon let T110 Poise know at your earliest con- venience. Hello No. 2 Who are desirous of seouring such plots -to plant and look after so that they may increase their sup- plies ? up-pplies? Will you say so to THE POST at once. Hello No. 3 A list will be opened at THE POST of Farmers desiring help for the coming season so that persons who have spare time would know to whom to apply. A FEW weddings are on hand next mouth. Are you in the number ? If so THE PosT is ready to supply the invita- tions, announcements and wedding cards. Mrs. Alfred Seeker, Mrs, P. A. Mo - Arthur and Mrs, John Brown were at Exeter on Tuesday attending the funer- al of an uncle, a brother of their mother, Mrs las. McArter, TaaswATER News of last week says :— Russel T. and Mrs. Ferguson returned from their honeymoon trip on Monday and will occupy Miss Case's bungalow on Brownlee street, SEVERAL portions of cement svalk that have sagged are being "doctored" by Caretaker Oliver this week. It makes a noticeable improvement and will remove a gathering place for surplus water, Ties POST'S figures as to motor cars owned in Brussels was disputed and on taking a new census the number is found to be about 40. At a low calcula- tion, we suppose, this will represent at least elzo.000. THE POST notices that Miss Laura Ament, Brussels,,, is complimented by the Stratford Herald for the part she took in an Empire Day Entertainment put on by the Normal School pupils entitled 'The Welding of Canada". Miss Ament represented New Bruns- wick. Miss Argo Ross left Toronto recently RS one of a draft of nurses for overseas. She graduated at Johns Hopkins Hospi- tal, Baltimore, Maryland, a year ago, Nurse Ross is a daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ross. former well known Brusselites. Tea Pose voices the senti- ment of the community in wishing Miss Argo the best possible success. Anon- a score of Odd Fellows from Brussels motored to Seaforth Friday evening and visited the brethren of Friendship, Love and Truth, the hosts putting on end and 3rd Degree work. Short program of speeches and music ensued, followed by a well served lunch. Our triple linked folk say Seaforth did themselves proud and a most enjoyable time was spent. MONDAY of next week will be Ring George's Birthday and will be a Bank Holiday— God save our Greolooa King, Long live our noble King God save our King 1 Send him victorious Happy and glorious Long to reign over es, God save our King 1 LIKE THE Socha.—Following letter to Mrs, Rankin, mother of Mrs. A. Mc- Guire, Brussels, speaks for itself :— DEAR MRs, RANKIN —Just a line or so to thank you for the socks you sent. I re- ceived a pair the other day and I can tell you us boys certainly do appreciate the kindness which our mothers and sisters of Canada have shown to us. I have been in the Army two and half years now and we certainly like the home knitted socks a lot better thau the issue. So I will close hoping this will find you quite well. ONE OF THE BOYS, . France, May 3rd, 2917, LATE EDWARD CHRISTIE.—The follow- ing obituary notice refers to a cousin of Mesdames M. Fraser, P. Stewart and R. Cardiff, of Brussels :—Ethvard ehristie, who for the past 20 years has been p:,st- master of Exeter, passed away on Fri. day, tech inst., aged 74 years and months. The deceased had been ailing for several months and failed very rapidly. He was confined to his bed only a few weeks. Deceased had been a resident of the section for nearly 60 Years and was widely known through- out Western Ontario. He was born in Scotland and with his parents came to Canada when he was tz years of age. The settled on a farm m near Fl.v t ooc late and with the exception of a short time spent in Seaforth end Mitchell Mr. Christie spent most of his life in Exeter community. For a yesr or so he con- ducted the old Mansion House, later going into the livery business which he conducted for a number of years. A- bout . o years aa o he R Was appointed PP o d Postmaster for Exeter which position he held ever since, Mr, Christie was ever a lover of good horses and knew oce when ho saw it, He was a memb, r of the Agricultural Society in his town for many years and for a great number of years filled the position as President. In the capacity of judge of light horses he visited many of the Fairs throughout Western Ontario and became widely known and had a host of Weeds, He is survived by his widow whose maiden name was Margaret Carling also one daughter, Mrs R. B. Rogers, Toronto, and one son, Edward J., Ex,•tr r, One sister and brother also survive, Ctrs Wm. McEwen, Hensel! ; and John Christie, Killarney, Man, The deceased was a member of the Masonic Order ; I. 0, 0, F. abd Chosen Friends, Funeral was held on Monday afternoon, a pri- vate service being held at the house, afterwards a public service in tbo Pres- byterian church. Rev, W. M. Martin, London, a former pastor of the Presby- terien church assisted Rev. P, Nicol with the services. A tribute was paid to the deceased by a public proclamation calling upon all places of business in town to close during tho hours of ser- vice, A number of friends were present from Hensel', Seaforth and other places to attend the funeral. Pallbearers were Sanders, a ders, r R. G. Seton,, 3. Seohn nior W. 8. flutter, People We 'Tank About Mac. McDowell is seriously ill with pneumonia. John Gray, Brantford, was home for the week end. Harry Champion was home from Galt for the week end, Miss M, Pipe, of Cobalt, is here on a visit with relatives and friends, Ashley Lowry, Toronto, was calling ou relatives and friends in town this week. Miss Hattie Downlug was called home this week owing to the illness of her sister, Miss Lizzie, Miss Margaret Henderson and Mrs, D. Calder, Winthrop, were visitors with Mrs Jas, McDowell. Mrs. Payne and son, Wilton, Galt, were calling on relatives in Brussels in the persons of the Wiltons, Jas. Oliver and Alex. Fox, who are employed in a'l'oronto munition factory, were home for the holiday. Fred, Wood, who is attending London Collegiate, was home for a tew days, returniug Monday morning. Mrs, Small and children, Wingham, were visitors at the home of Mrs, Cbnmpion, the former's mother. 'V. H. Peter, Bervie, was a caller at tb; home of Jno, Hinter and family, 131 issels, last week. He is a son-in-law, I iss Winnie Long is home from Tor- or,o after a stay of about 6 months in the Queen city, which she enjoyed first- eless. jno. and Mrs. Montgomery, Win• throp, spent Wednesday in town with Mr. Montgomery's aunt, MrsJas. M c• Dowell. Thos. Ross, Chesley, was here for a short visit last week with relatives. He is a former old boy whom we are always. glad to see. Lloyd Jackson and George Edwards. were visiting under their respective roof tot es for a few days. They are attend- ing; Stratford Collegiate. Mrs. -G, F, Eddie and D. Fountain, Lyndon, were in town over Sunday. Trey came up to see Mrs.. McDdwell who still keeps very poorly, ^Irs, J. G. Tremaine, Toronto, is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Jno, Long, Flora street. The ladies visited another sister, Mrs. Norman, in Kincardine, Miss Lizzie Downing was off duty, threatened with appendicitis, but we hope she will soon be able to be back to her position as saleslady in A. Strac- han's store. Wm. Coutts and Mrs, Christena Smith, of Galt, are visitors with George an Mrs. Thomson, The former is Mrs. Tl.omson's brother and an old business man of the Manchester of Canada. Capt. 3. M. Moore was here for the week end from London visiting at the home of Mrs. Alex. Hunter, his mother- in-law. He returned to the Forest city Monday a. m, Mrs. Moore is visiting in toren. H. Montgomery and Jack Johnston, Detroit, also Will. and Mrs. Montgom- ery and childeen, Seaforth, were in town Tuesday. They came to visit their auntie, Mrs, Jas. McDowell. Trip was made in H. Montgomery's car. We welcome Mrs. D, Crawford and daughter to Brussels. They moved from Walton this week and have come to reside with Wm, -.Crawford, Turn - berry street South, who is son and brother to the ladies, respectively. Thursday of this week Mrs. T. R. Grant, Winnipeg, mother of Mrs. W. H, Kerr, town, is celebrating her Both birthday lathe enjoyment of compara- tive good health. Brussels folk extend congratulations to this former resident, who is real smart for a person of her advanced years, Wednesday of last week Miss Addie Cardiff, daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Card iff, 7th Con„ Grey township, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the, home of her sister, Mrs, R, F. Downing, Mill Street, Brussels. The patient is making favorable progress and will soon be able to be about es usual her many friends hope. James and Mrs. Jackson, of Clinton locality, formerly of Grey township, were visitors with Richard Roe and Mis. Crich last Saturday. They were old time friends, Wesley, a son of the visitors, has passed bis final examination at Philadelphia College in Deutistry and purposes practising under the Stars and Stripes, We congratulate him on 1 his success and hope his profession will t prove both congenial and profitable. EOT'D 1075 TH STA DAR Bit OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 239 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, D ® Manager. VIELSiirilleirlaetsSLWeffEEMNBIlffiriMaitiMIELEfl Miss Carrie Ament was visiting Wal- ton friends during the past week, Pte. Speer was visiting relatives in Brussels. His right arta still bothers blur. Win, -and Mrs. Clouse and Lawson spent Sunday with James and Mrs. Mc- Kie, Wingham, This week Mrs, Win, Jackson and daughter, Blyth, were visiting Mrs, Alex. Smith, John street. Roy and Mrs,'Purvey, of Morris, ace companied by Mrs. John Oliver, town, spent Sunday with relatives at Montan. Miss Dora Smith end little niece, Miss Ruby, of Borden. Sask , will melte an extended visit to the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Jno. Jackson is visiting Brus- sels relatives and friends. She expects to go West to Wiwa Hill, Sask , before long, Dr. and Mrs, T. T. McRae and Dr, F. T. Bryaus were in Toronto this week. The M. D 's were attending the wawa' Proviuelal Board of Health Convention, It is.an fmportaut gathering, Church ,Chimes Communion will be observed in Mel- ville church next Sabbath. Rev, Mr. Malcolm, Wroxeter, will preach at the preparatory service Friday afternoon. The President's address given by Mrs. (Rev,) Mann at the recent W. M. S, Convention may be reed on page 4 of this issue. It is well worthy of perusal. Rev, 5, Wren spoke last Sabbath morning from the well known words "Come unto Me all ye that labor and :are heavy laden, &c." The evening dis- course was on "Neutrality" and was a close fitting one and well directed. e, • ynarnriz 4. i Trnc .. v v 6For that tired and weary n The Little Stars Mission Band of a feeling that comes to Melville church held their'aunnal Enter- es nearly every one at this n•,. tainment Wednesday evening of this • season of the year we •6 weak. Report will be given next issue, g cannot too highly recom- Mrs, Addie_ Wright has tendered her • mend resignation as instructor of toe Metho- 4' PENSLAR dist church' choir, owing to her inten- tion of removing to Toronto In the v DYNAMIC •• course of a month of so. Her eldest @ TONIO p son, Lawson, is already in the Queen ® Very beueiicfal in all an - city and Byron has attained an ulna -b oncll and •exhausted p cational status here that will entitle ilio • conditions of thesystern, to enter advanced classes in Toronto, sleeplessness, arc, Mrs. Wright has been in town for the r.^ 750 & 81.50 per bottle -` past 7 years and has proven her ability 4' 4 as a an iu both piano and volt e mu i cl' .i s a culture. She will have the good wishes s (t�( e,F$y of a wide circle for a prosperous future '5 in her old home city, .e lin r t Food The weekly Epworth League meeting y was held Monday evening, the uew gar- den. Food for Flowers, Made ' President, Miss Florence Buchanan, be- . 1. expressly for Plante lug in charge, Interesting program . p;yri,in home lir was as follows ;— Hymn ; prayer; Bert ,• c, cis», Prndnies ltettllhy Lott ; solo, Miss Hazel Lowry ; explaoa e> growth and tarty and tion of evening's program by President; onerous flowering, , The Sun, Miss Eva Biyana ; The d g g' :j Istoon, Joe Armstrong ; recitation, "'Tile 4* 280 & 40c per pkge. es New Moon", Esther Pollard ; talk on the Planets, Byron Wright; blackboard talk on the Constellations, Miss F. Buchanan ; solo, Clayton Jordan ; an- nouncements for next meeting ; hyteu ; jMoined.izpah Benediction. to members London Methodist Conference will meet in Dundas Street Church, Loudon, on Thursday, June 7th, at 2 D. m. dinisteria'session opens Wednesday at 2 and the Layman's Association will C !a n 4 .a Suilpho F, Tobacco Soap '1) Ono of ties very best ar- 4• boles for Rose Bushes, to • 4 shrubs, &c. Will not in. as jure the Planta. • ISo per pkge ¢> convene Wednesday at 9 45 a. al Jno: J c ` ' . 'r., e s Fox , Ferguson, Sarnia, is President of the • t latter, J. T. Wood and W. H. Kerr are• • Con• ay delegates from Brussels, Rev day morning's sermon was one of deep 1'ID. Wren, M. A., who transfers int import to the church, viz;—"The emllton Conference, went to Brant church's Mission and Power" and at the ford this week where it meets and h evening service he spoke on "Four will also take a look -in at London t say Good-bye to the brethren with whom Ezekiel's vision, phases of Christiauity" as illustrated by he has been associated since enter Next Sabbath representatives of the rug the ministry. The reverend gentle Gideons, an organiz4tion associated with tnan is invited to Mount Forest for nex the Commercial Travellers Association, term. will conduct the services in the Metho- dist church, Brussels, at II a. m. and 7 p. m. This Brotherhood has a wonder- ful story to tell of advance in Christian service and their work is growing in interest. Anniversary sermons will be preached in Melville church on Sabbath, June god, at 52 a. m. and 7 p. re. by Rev. S. Banks Nelson, D. D„ Hamilton, Offering will be devoted to Building Fund. Monday evening the above named rev. gentle- man will deliver a popular Lecture, en- titled "Bullets and Brotherhood" at 8 o'clock. Special music both Sunday and Monday evening by the choir. At the close of the Metbodist Sunday School, Ripley, Miss Laura Kellam, was presented with a handsome clubbagby the members of the Sabbath School and Mission Circle. Presentation came as a complete surprise to Miss Kellam, who replied in suitable terms to the address, and thanked the scholars for the hand- some gift. For past 4 years Miss Kel- lam has taken a leading part in Sabbath School and Mission work and her re- moval will be a decided loss to the Methodist church. At the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, Mrs, (Rev,) A. R, Kellam, Ripley, was presented with an address and a supply of linen by the adies of the Society as a slight recogui- ion of her faithful service and co -opera - ion during the past 4 yearse 11 Ili: 'C L • , '.111 1hl ei r HE en ® i 1 mmo r 1� 't p c. i• t ., a aSense are taking to our Bach- elor Suits like ducks to water. Good reason why, too. Notwithstanding their good looks, good work- manship and good wear- ing qualities, they are the biggest bargain ever offered to men, being the first guaranteed trade -marked;, nation- ally known clothes to be sold at $650 (c 4, / �.SUIT le sold exclusively by D. Cf°,, ,0 s 11••,: r:r'111 f1. l.t .:..... ,. 111111=linn NORTH HURON LIBERALS. There was a splendid attendance at the North Huron -Liberal Association annual meeting (for Federal purposes) held at Wingham Tuesday afternoon. The speakers were :—Ald, Ramsden`," Toronto ; 111:, G. Cameron, ex -M. P. P., Goderich; Archie Hislop, Liberal candidate for North York ; and Wal- ter O. Bean, Liberal Organizer for Ou- terio, All the speakers strongly de- nounced the Bordeu Government for its conduct of public affairs, for the prevalence of graftin war contracts and its inability to stop profiteering. Necessity of organization for election purposes was urged on the conference. Following officers were re-elected :— President, W. H. Robertson, Gode- rich ; 1st. Vice -President, John Gilles- Whitechurch ; 2nd Vice -Presi- dent, Joihti Henneberg, Fordwich ; 3rd Vice -President, Joseph Dalton, Metall ; Secretary, James McMurch- le, Blyth ; Treasurer, A. B. Carr, Blyth ; Auditor, William Iebister, 1-Vingham. Municipal chairmen were also named. Resolutions of sympathy with Rich.Clegg, Wingham, in his illness ; ex- pressive of 'confidence in Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Barrister Rowell as Liberal Leaders ; and with the de- mand for a larger 1tee list of necessar- ies f,r the farmer, &e. BORN EnNimao,—In Grey township, at May plat, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Jncoh Ziegler, twins, son and daughter. The hitter woe still born, MARRIED ELLIOTT — HENRI% — On .11ay 24th, 1017, at Bow•manville, Ont„ by Rev. J. W, Ree, Miss Jean Gertrude Elizabeth,Joungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S, J. Henry, Bowmanvllle, to Mr, John Stanley Elliott, youngoet son of Mr, and 0110. John El- liott, winghoni, Ont. DIED MASON.—In Morris township, on May 28th, 1017, Jana Watt, relict of the late John Mason, aged 81 years, 0 months and 11• days. ROSS—In Fergus, on May 28th, 1017, Wm, Charles, only son of 1V, A. and tlra. Ross, formerly of Brussels, aged 18 years and 21 days. Notices of Births, Marriages and Depths aro inserted free in. Tnr. PORT, In Memoriam Notices end Carols of Tbnnka will be charged for at the rate of 60 cents oath, . BRUSSELS MARKET 12 446 115 40 15 00 6 00 0'hent f iia `•as Trtrley 1 utter Eggs H oga Hay Potatoes per bag S2 60 76 60 11 86 16 56 10 00 6 00 Steer Strayed Strayed from tho preinleea of the undersign. ad, Lot 80, Con. 6, Grey, it light roan year-old steer. Any infermatten as to ]tie where bout,+ will be thankfully received. ISAAO CLARK. N.OTijCE Any ratepayers 1n the Townehlp of McKillop who wish to pay their Assessments for eon. struction of the Klnburn Swamp Drain lin Hallett) in cash onn do so before the 00th day of July, 1017, to G. K. El otland, Treasurer, or the Dominion Bank, Mnarceth. A fter said date ter all aesossuhpnts not then paid Debentureti will he issued on a 5 year term at 6% interest. 48'2 M. MURDIE, Clerk, esozeos0000sesooaaeoes000m asotes aowlootataomemessee osee c� • 133 t-, 0 C1 Ago IHMEMEEMEIO J,J E are now prepared to give the best of satisfaction to all in the Automobile line. Repairs for all Cars will get immediate attention, We have installed an up-to-date Gas Pump for Auto Service, Best of Oils and Grease kept, Dunlop, Goodyear 'and Domin- ion Tires always on hand, Call and test cls in above lines At Ewan's Garage, Main Street, Brussels The Oh wr E ��t i, n IL r fV 107:-2(11:r7,, la f s t Ts � li 1. i.; -t ;4'_,11 raa.,n-,nu—,-.,•�2�:�.,.t0 C8`���rtr,*�,.r--,.e-+, •---•—°'mar In the Buggy Line 1, t E; r• This year our' Rigs aro trotter and more up•to-data than ever, 0 4a Rubber and Steel ".Tired Rigs of beat material, 29 years has given ns experience to have iintlling but the hest itr this line. %a All Jobbing in Wood or Itvin preensn. tly attended to, 0 Re•rubbering Buggy Wheole a epieinity—a11 sized Rubber. eta ( Best attention given to Repainting of Bur• • Buggies and a Ci Specialty made of Autos. 0 Is Ors for Nem Deslgna of work. Orders es a The D• EwaCarila e I:orks • sQ /toigtOpcle•Oesee asilos messes £9seaceeesseeesseeeeessee•• ut