HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-31, Page 6THE SENTRY aSEAS OF` `THE the tight at sea in these strenuous times•is "Fire first•, ask creations afterwards," But, often "' enough;' there is no afterwards in which to put queries. Also, by means of their own, fellow -destroyers avert the Possibil- ity of being fired into by friends, so TORPEDO-BOAT 0 all is well in that direction. ON THE LOOK -OUT. In the stokeholds, grimy men, clad in the blackest of attire, work in a dim atmosphere that occasionally glows redly as a furnace -door is flung Sketch of a Typical Dayin Life of the open, in order to feed an ever-cryingyp fire --for this is none of your oil -boats, 1 Man on Whom Depends Who eat fuel through a pipe and a1 Britain's Welfare. disintegrating spray, but one of the i An Intimate Glimpse of Real Life on a British Destroyer Patrolling the Coasts. A DAY WITH MR. LLOYD GEORGE GREAT BRITAIN'S HARD -WORK- ING PREMIER. ally satisfactorily settled by the time coffee is reached. At 2.45 p.m: Mr Lloyd George is baolr in the Cabinet Room, to deal with telegrams and urgent messages that have arrived in the interval. Import- ant visitors are also seen. At 3.30 p.m, the afternoon Cabinet Meeting takes place, and. until 7.30 p,m., when it breaks up, there la the same procession of officials and -ex- perts in and out of the room. For their convenience, 'waiting room next to the Cabinet Chamber, with an in- viting fire; has been specially impro- vized, and here, until they are wanted, She was a torpedo-boat destroyer -1 older type, which burns black dle I Mr. Lloyd George will probably got they may read the morning papers or long, loan, low, and black. That is, monde, and whose every ounce of i down to history a,s the hardest -work make whatever notes they think will she was black where the salt of the steam is the result of giant labors. ing premier who has ever represented be useful. sea had not bitten deep enough to turn And as they work they balance them-' the British nation. I Early to Bed. her paint neutral color, or where selves uncannily, for a chance roll+ rli patches of red rust chid not show. might send a man reelingagainst the' nervousofor the most able foro on „his Distinguished 7.30ep Foreigners, di timemato Fairlybattered by wind and wer`her, black boiler faces, and before he could thseven energy, he is sue m cats find Pre0mier, p.m. a good to' r batters actually realize what had happened the seven days in the week day,to sustain to sp the Premier, there being an r hour she was now getting a worse at PP afifteen-hears' working praeti- to apse before dinner. This hpur he Lig than ever, says a writer in Lon- his arm might be half roasted. I tally every minute of which is devot- uses to the greatest advantage re - don Answers. 1 Ballads of the Sea. ed to the business of the State, meal serving it for highly -placed callers, The elements strove to turn her On the mess deck, battened down,' times included, and throughout whichambassadors, and officers of high rank back into herhor; mines and other and with the white -painted walls ex- i he labors at the utmost pressure, a home from the various theatres of submerged dnngere sought to end her, uding sweat in streams, the watch be-; high-powered human engine. Iwar, who can supplement his know] - existence; but still she pressed on, low make the best of their four hours His day begins well before break -edge edge of.those particular campaigns bye careyirr, out her monotonous work off duty. They know they cannot; fast. At half -past seven the long, first-hand information. faithfully and well. sleep, and the work they put in as black despatch box is by his side, and t Dinner is a simple three -course On her bridge, clad in his oldest they try to keep their prone position, he is immersed. in reports from the. meal, consisting• of soup, .cutlets, and clothes, hidden under a thick, duffle in spite of the boat's motion, is far various Government departmentspudding In , l]t •t r' Y, i is aie amp FRENCH WOMEN WIN THE VOTE. 'their Work In War Has Broken Down Prejudice and Converted Parliament` 'France is to be the first nation in the Old World to grant auffrage to its women. Female electors twenty- eight or more years of age have n voice in municipal elections in cities of the first and second class on or before July 15 of this year. This is a stupendous -reform, both from the European and Latin per- epective, writes a correspondent froth France. It is positively'" assured through a substantial majority M both the Chamber of Deputies and the Sen- ate and is to be granted in gratitude and recognition of the devotion and sacrifice of the women of the nation to the cause of France during the war. The bill will come up for discussion and vote With the approval and fa- vorable consideration of tho'rirreneh Commission for Universal Suffrage, comprising forty members of both houses of Parliament, who have given it their joint official and individual personal approval. "For about ten years," says Madame Schlumberger, President of the French Union for Suffrage for Wo- oten, "eighty active groups of Suf- suit, with an ear -protecting hood--• harder than that of those at gun or Pencil notes, initialled "L. G.," nidi- ant function, for here the Premier ed in France, to which evemeninxlall ' espied some aeroplanes in a field; and,: s°nal linen than the dried ]eaves this, in tern, being hidden under an tribe, cate his decisions for he believes, often transacts a great deal of vital walks of life were attached. We have; not knowing whether he was over °f this herb: i Swe t m b AN ARMY AVIATOR'S LUCK. HERBS IN GARDEN CORNERS. Miraculous Good,Fortnno Mone Saved Useful For Seasoning Food and For His Life. I Medicinal Purposes,-' Many an aviator among the nations Have a corner in your garden for owes his life to miraculous good for- herbs. They take up little room, en - tune, like the British air man whose duce hardahips.and will be found .ex- escape is described in Tales of the tremely useful; Moat of them will do Flying Services by Mr, C. G. Grey. I well in partial shade. An oRicer went out on a bombing The useful mints should have a con- expedltion and met a Gorman machine, spicuous place. The Mint green In order to save weight he had left his (menthe vert) is the one that we' de - small aims behind him, but he thought pend upon for mint sauce. Although it was a pity to pass by a good target, not so frequently used for seasoning arid so he decided: to drop a bomb on potatoes and peas, it is excellent for him. But dropping a bomb on a that purpose.. Speaz'miitt ie similarly swiftly moving mark is not the` same, used. as firing at a fixed point, So he in a Catnip, or eat -mint, is a hardy per. the German. Unfortunately ...for ennial much prized by the pet eat and him he also exposed himself to the also used as a mild`nervine for chit- ]ire of 'the enemy, and received a gigs: dren, bulletin the thigh,Sage is of wide use for culinary pur- To be strictly accurate, the bullet poses, and Halt's mammoth sage never struck his trousers pocket, bit a five-; goes to seed, as some of the sages do, franc piece, broke itself and the coin,' prematurely. , and distributed the. assorted` pieces of It is strange that more, lavender is metal about the lower part of his not used in this country. It is a body, l beautiful' plant, A hedge of it in full „Feeling that he was badly hit, the bloom is one of the lovliest sights pilot shut off his engine and dived for imaginable. , It should be sawn early, the ground from a height of about at' it is slow to germinate,. and it may No- sier thousand feet. When he was a require a little winter protection. No - thousand feet from the • ground he thing is nicer for scenting bed ancl.per- oil-skin which utterly refused to keep One man has dug out a battered old wherever possible, in settling ques- out the wet any longer, because of its melodeon, a second has unearthed a tions straight away. - sodden• s --wee her commanding of- mouth -organ, from which at least a Business at Breakfast. fiver. a mere boy -lieutenant, aged not full octave is missing, and these weird I business. At 9.30 p.m. Members of Perlia runt, or ministerial colleagues wh he has not seen during the day Teal workedquietly and persistentlywith- German or French territory, he made a at�otam, sweet asil, thyme ' up his mind to land among the aero- and summer savory are all sufficiently in our own land, so much so that littleg I valuable for flavorings for soups, who has been heard of ser efforts-beyondlpen es, certain that •if they did hap -(dressings and sauces to have places in c our frontiers. We were Working upon p to be German machines, he'would 'th h b• more then twenty-five. Hie second in instruments lead the choruses of the Shortly before nine o'clock the de in, ane] between attending to the cmi_ lines that the felt would end in sic- be well treated by the flying corps. i ° er gat don. Wormwood is used cornmeal was a suh-lieutenant, who happy sailor -men, Music -hall songs,' switch box is passed on to his secre- (tents of the long, black despatch box cess, but we realized that success was Two hundred feet aboveground he (for medicinal purposes and caraway > hada yet t:: neceke the acquaintance plantation ditties, ballads of the old, I tortes, who proceed to act on the pen- I far completely lost consciousness but in cultiSn ca for the seeds,which are of a racer. 1 p tilled instructions. he is at their disposal until 10.30 pm., I a • off. Now, through the war, it is used in cakes, -•••n"••••'•-- --_ and __ ,• old sea and its ships, "Keep the Homel !when his day's work is done and' he, coming -to us in a -modified form. We some curious subconscious way he 1 , The \len to Trust. Fires Burning"—this last with a', Breakfast is served at 8.45 a.m.—aeretires to bed. At the wheel was the coxswain—a touch of mockery at the expense of the' eery light meal, consisting of porridge I If he has a speech of international extinguished mess deck. And then, r eggs, bread-and-butter, and tea. ; importance to deliver, it must be pre - bearded, tri t:vnrihe, weather -harden - the the newer thingsit. Lloyd g ed pelts "+t r. He knew his beat— are exhausted,; Y George eats sperm ly, and'pa ed in this crowded fit hours' they fall back upon the favorite hymns' never exceeds the one cup of tea. knew e c whim and trick. Fears of A frequent complaint is that he fails t woun ed officer m a state of col- ng much favored practid•c in the fat times of peace had known and beloved of all sailormen. q P his gift of extempore oratory his pre- g?s s the world over stand for, We Y for salads and grows easily in most taught inn exactly what she might And, though the end of each verse i to take any interest in his food. This I paration does not exceed the dictation want to abolish social evils and par-, lapse• gardens. ' be e r:: t d to d0 under certain condi- may he punctuated by a hollow groan , is easily explained. There is always !of the headings, and those speeches tieularly the . great evil of alcohol,' He was promptly put into the am- Penne] is a herb used for the nrak- bons, est el she must be bullied,an r and of the straining hull, as she surges, to each meal—breakfast not excepted fare best where the spontaneous action which will hear its first genuine. note bulance and sent Off to the hospital. ingof sauces and also as a ve amid the welter of waters, there is lit- i —a number of important visitors, 1 of his mind is allowed full -scope. of doom with the first da the women There is was found that the bullet had -le y gutable. when persuaded. uaded. lie had brought herY i-- One can Basil sell any surplus of when under the dew.. of big,Ile nr no irreverence, eitherlMinisterial colleagues. h out-' . Week-Eird Rest. of Fence exercise the right of the cut Id largehartery and that the pilot herbs, as there is an increasing de - speeding cruisers, when their knifelike stem, d and a great scarcity in the mar - 1 crows e r een- day. Where he may rely largely welcome it in the gratitude it ex_ . made a perfect landing—right along- Dill is an annual, cultivated for its presses, as well as in partial justice to' side a British motor ambulance. So aromatic, pungent scuds. Roed for its a just cause. y well did he land that for some' min- is a hard perennial with fragrant "We suffragettes of France stand, ales no one troubled about him. When odor and a warm aromatic bitter taste. of course, for everything that suffra-• they-diddgo to loop they found a bad -Tarragon is a fiavori Waiting for "The Day." side a experts, s, o e tensa e , w o are t T baIlot." would ave bled to death in a few min- man encouraged to transact their business From Saturday afternoon till Mon- " utes if the bullet had not niso cul a kers Night after night, ,month after , da m renin IV ' had threatened certain bisection; had Nigh just as if the were meeting him un- y morning Mr. Lloyd George tests slammed her under the lee of a water- month, destroyers patrol the coasts, y g ! PROTECTION OF N.B. FORESTS 1 muscle, which had sprung back and logged : ill,,cfng o1 h. fn the heart waiting and watching far the enemy der more conventional circumstances quietly at his country retreat, Walton i of a pal ;nil held her alongside till who may take it into his head to try A Huge Post Bag gency; but, un es Protection. ' I•Ieath. He is ready to meet any emer- s the telephone has the oilshien, , crew could leap to the de- a "hussar thrust"—a dashing raid The conversation at breakfast may urgent news for him, one or other of his secretaries being on duty at Down- The thorough survey of Crown lands Fixing standard. wrapped itself like a piece of elastic Imperative Need of Adequate Fire ' round the artery and formed, as it were, an automatic tourniquet. strayer' iTr] end safety. upon our defences. Night after night be important enough to prolong the Then. on the bridge, was the they keep their vigil, without a light, meal until ten o'clock. If so, the Pre- rig Street throughout the ,:week -end, undertaken by the New Brunswick .AN ENTHUSIASTIC WORKER. The Food Controller'sjobu signalman - t fel t man of know,-. or sound or sight, to break the menet- he likes Co take things easilyfor these Government has ahead. revealed veryIs of all edge, rnecialized in his own particu- ony of the black, bleak hours. Then, ; mier lights his first cigar, or perhaps thirty-six hours, in order to be in fit important fats. The progress report N. — jam problemsand breads and one of his biggest at longsmokes a pipeful of tobacco in his fa- yP g P Prince Henry's Ambitions Lie in the must he Co sec a standard for lar job, find taking tips from nobody. last, there comes one midnight; vorite old briar, condition for the strenuous week recently submitted cans attention to Direction of Army and Air Service. ,everybody's appetite, says London Never was a signal in that flotilla that the loom of a long, low she e, like' ahead. the fact that while one-third of the themselves—a shapeBy ten o'clock he is in the Cabinet) rows, s. Some people -feed like spar• he didn't a and know the meaning which hurries Room, that fine chaneber, with a The secret of Mr. Lloyd. George's total stand consists of hardwood spa- Recently a number of people were rows, and others like ew•e happy of. Th Iraer•national Code—that and makes no signal. Follows, then,. sturdy mahogany table, overlooking success in dealing with the volume of cies, including maple, beech and birch, watching a very busy and animated How is lie golu to eitmlke Ilia ha conversational medium between ships instant activity, Gun -flashes tear the nark that accumulates each dayis yet these species form of 1.5 g ppy. blackness to shreds, searchlightthe garden t 10 Downing Street. Ills P yper scene. It teas near Didcot Junction in mean ? of all nationalities—was at his fin- beams method. Having a good eye for pro- cent, of the annual cut of the to stab and turn it to the broadest day. tads secretary, the beautiful 141iof pro- -. ends. Stevenson, and her six assistants of portions, he can recognize instinctive- wince. This "inhe nes clearly the op- Water, Water Everywhere. cAnd, if fate is kind, raft is removed from the list of iher s the same sex, have previously gutted he fastensiv the gmid'n°us that se lveave On those :porttinity and the need fats the cjevei- i the morning postpag of from 700 to never -leaves s them un- 4pment of industries to utilize this On neck, at his station, was the navy. 1,000 letters, and the letters and tele- til they are completely settled, class of material. Those hardwoods watch on duty. At gun and torpedo- For ourselves, a battered funnel, grams, which his chief secretaries are .eminently suitable for the .menu man of military age might ems tube they clung and swung and half a dozen holes in deck and bulk- si Tier dicNit f keep have selected for his personal and im- SALT TREATMENT A SUCCESS, facture of flooring+, chairs, turnery, One of the most enthusiastic work- was wealthy en+eigh to keep a chef, crouched, each peering into the night. head, three inches of print in the mediate attention, are awaitinghim. '-- etc. There is also a large amount of ars was a slight, fair-haired, fresh- but he found that an average of five Every gun was loaded; the pressure newspapers, and a couple of weeks in The Premier is occupied with his Wounds Heal More Quickly By the poplar suitable fon a menufactme of 10 the complexioned fad, who was always meats In rises days was sufficient to of a tri Ager would belch forth death dockyard hands, during which time correspondence until eleven o'clock, Constant Irritation. soda pulp. to the fore in any job going, keep jtsutin as fit as a fiddle, and, L1ke a and steel. Every torpedo -tube was the crew enjoy once more "the bless- when there is either a Cabinet meet- The successful salt -solution treat- It is estimated roughly, on the the Why, the laddie s cut his- finger!" thsean full. man, he,chose to be lit rather swung outboard, and the torpedo- ings of the land and the fruits of their sis of present information, that on the suddenly exclaimed an elderly farm than full. heads peered forth over the dark wa- labor." ing or, as of late, a meeting of the Int- meet of wounds was described by Sir entire Crown land area fires have, dui- Br's wife who was looking on, "It's a At Ilia outer evtreme is rho stony tors Lilts e 1l eothertly ae any de.,troofrsheScrew he re- after 1 ani s awaagain: hi Patrol night l eitinter l apt Council. tiawork of going royaluently l institutiomroth n the its discoverer, other ereda at the ing the past 40 years, caused a loss of bad cut, too, see Trow it's bleeding: I told ei a yai•kaliire a°tar• There wore fused to ride the waves. Even at the dawning of "The Day,"nd aipray for through his letters to see Ministers or experiments being illustrated by phos stumpage that- would now be worth wonder if he'd let mo bind it up for four of diem at a oertaiu hotel in the Government officials whose business is tographs thrown ona screen. $14,280,000, tvitiita potential idantafac- him to keep it free er diit7 provl•nces, the breahtVtst hour was twenty knots an hour she sliced that it may not long tarry. urgent. lured value of some iss0,00Q000. "I shouldn't bother 1111.17: f 1 were In certain hospitals in France, said you, fixed foe eight-thrlrty, 5101 the York - His them, so that her deck was ! His system of answering letters is Sir Almroth, soldiers come in within These figures indicate- the enormous ma'am," interrupted an Eton boy, sbdrenimn was down to a ddc. The eternally wet. Ever a few inches was , The Tact of a Child. , to ear -mark them with instructions, or an hour or two of being wounded, and losses that result from repeated for- who was standing near. "It's Prince others were still in bed, 13reakifaet sea -water, surged along them, swirl-, The story conies from London of a very rapidly to dictate the gist of, the by keeping the wounds constantly ir- est fires. The results thus far secured Henry, the King's son, you know; and was dais served, tine early-rdser had ing and stn ting round the seamen s little fbeinguase , t s an: went out. the wisdom „ FOOD AND FOLLY Problem For The Food controller In England, where some hundreds of .Phe other day, for instance, a min Eton boys had turned out to help the strohad foto his slat, and ordered a Army Ordnance Corps. They pushed -nisch, and to life course of conversa- trolleys, hauled Wagons, and loaded tion remarked that this was the first trucks with an eager zest which any time he had broken,, bast for thlrty- s urs: He of choice. 11e itt a girl who met at tea an officer replies. ri orad -they heal within a couple of from the investigation amply prove he simply hates fussed." " I 1 1 d ` q feet, and occasionally, when the de- ; who had lost a leg as the result of an m of the New Brunswick "That the King's son! said the I About 10 o'clor c the other three stroyer bowed ling proud head to the artillery duel. Presently she went to Not a Moment Lost. weeks. The great problem of heal- Government in starting and 'cantina- farmer's wife in amazement. "Why,; turned up --or down -acid celled vent- ing deep wounds is not to kill the ing this study, which will furnish a he's working harder than the lot ofI fermi* for their coffee, toast and biggerocean, a wave swept long, tearh ngatthethan tlashings - nursery and got her Noah's Ark, In Ilaving a knack of bringing visitors microbes, for they multiply again, but the presence of the guest she broke at once to the point, he is not long in to induce the white corpusclesscientific basis for the administration their put together. Dear me, dear eggn, only to be informed that. they grabbing eat kneestan 1 tuiklcn�r eel ing off of the legs of each animal. disposing of them, and they go away creep out of the blood-vsseland ofmCrown lands for many years to me, but I'm going to offer to bind' Nisi had been served at eight -thirty, ac- ro d When asked for an explanation she pleasant, im reseed by his hustling,'attack the ietfecting microbes, ,e- - ---------" i- transpired that ingry answerer, "Oh well, 1 ( As elsewh th reach him the the lorlrahtrentan had eaten sixteen i ra> down to its ever h, y p cgs are such use- decisive manner. l In other words, the problem is to ere throughout the forest But before she could depths some saa•mcial victim, At less things! All of my animals have Mr, Lloyd George remains in the convert dead into livings aces and sections of Canada, the equate to ren- Ilia:mien the grey trousers, sweater, and eggs and toast to tnthey under the in - these time Wren posed the bight ea a one too many!" A child who evinces Council Chamber until 2 m. when spaces, tion agar n against is for adequate pierce- house cap had joined fifty other ids l ivaoent imprces5lon they were all far rope around their waists and the near 'such delicate courtesywill almost as- thep' , to induce the white corpuscles. Aster tion against fire. The New Brunswick ona hauling job, and, with a hand -1111m, to est solidi thing, gun -crews etuug sena- I cured]proceedingsgterminate, for that panic thelar comehes out of the bloodedallvessels. After Government now has this whole mat- kerchief roughly fled round the hi- A Serbian soldier once disposed cinusly to elevating and training Y grow to maturity a member of morning In order that the the surgeon has removed all dead les- ter under consideration, and ft is to 'ured hon was his tugging awayat meal In the presence A d of a wheely oe-• society universally beloved and wel- full agenda may be dealt with thebe assumed that modern Y gg gD of an English f- tt crews hugged their wee sue the wound is irrigated with weak hank ons with a closeness that :vas RIM p- tome for the gift of thoughtful con- amount of time that can be devoted salt solution and the white corpuscles and up -to- a thick rope with the rust, neer, consisting of ten pounds of beef, mist •; ]deration for others. Her imagine- to each point is strictly apportioned,' are coaxed to come out and destroydate methods will be put into elfeet, I It is Princeiienry'e one regret that t,eu pounds oC bread•and•butter, with amorous. Then, as th> dant+;.r passed,' sympathy will prompt her to be- with the result that usuallyfrom following the progresalve lead taken he is not yet old enough to ,join Che 1 a lrandfut of fa�tiow canrcllos as dessert the microbes. a snigger of eerie rive Rg jeering passed after it. come "the sweet presence of a good twelve to fifteen separate decisions n some of the other =provinces. , loamy like his brother, the Prince of The Food Controller might anew the Wales. candles, but he would draw the line at A New War Iloitor. I Prince Henry was 17 on March 31. ten pounds of beef. An Eye for Everything. ; diffused," Her life will be a ministra- are made at a sitting. "Another milt ' Aert ea one. 't we lick- tion without sanctimonious pose, and While the Cabinet or Imperial War ing '011I up?" !the will make friends without an effort Council is sitting a continuous stream The gunner ---a seasoned warrant- because It is her nature to be kind. of Ministers, secretaries, under-seer°- off,cer, who had workers his way up.' _- -- -- - taries, heads of departments, and Gov-? ward from boyhood—passed along the Basuto Chief's Loyalty,ernment officiate passes in and out of decks as opportunity offered, clinging I 1 the room, the reason being that as ton three -inch -thick grass -hawser, The Britsh High Gommessioner for stretched between bridge and after- South Africa reports that the Para - gun support, to act as a lifeline. mount Chief of Basutoland has for-, His job was to keep an eye 00 warded to him the sum of £40,000 as a everything; io see that all was stern- gift from the Paramount Chief and ally reedy in rase of the need for sud- the Basuto nation to the King for the den action. On him devolved the re-' purposes of the war. The gift has sponsibiltly for opening fire as 5000 , beenwarmly acknowledged on behalf as any dark shadows came out of the' of his Majesty, who has approved of the money being used for purchasing and any point that has not been clear - each question is reached the Premier insists on the experts being called in for consultation. Lunch, resolving itself into a little Germans Wear Paper. Boots. Fror�rt tis reliable source comes the th information that e Germans are go- ing very short of many necessaries for the supply of their armies, notably leather, which is so scarce that Ger- man soldiers have been for long now wearing boots made of a compressed papertheu ° i substitute. In Trkeh army the leather shortage is such that t has put many divisions right out of i fish, or a meat entree, and a milk-pud- i the field. In coal and iron ore, how - ding, is served at 2.10 p.m. At this I ever, things are not bad. The Bocho frugal repast he is joined by Cabinet has developed extraordinarily large re- colleagues from the morning meeting, sources in Austria and Poland, which were neglected before Hindenburg tools things to hand, surrounding blackness. for the rule of of aeroplanes, Ied up is £artier di _..... __ aCu6500 and g ener- 1 A new order is shortly to bo inati- Be ]s 8 member of the Eton College ' tuted, named the order of the British Offiaera' Training Corps, and last Empire, for special 500V10es• rendered August spent a wook in camp at Tad - in connection with the war. Awards worth with a battalion over 400 will be made to women as well as to strong.' men and will be distributed through- out the Empire. Therei w 11 bo a number of Classes' in the order, beginning with grand commander, the ne81 to be knight or awards will be lady commander, and in one class made to men and wo- men who do specially goed work in munition factories and similar under- takings. A first list of awards will Shortly be published. Besides that of seeing service oe the battlefield he has one other great ambition, that,of being an airman. British Admiralty chemists have p'erfeetod a device for generating in a few nthtutes sufficient smoke to mask a vessel fair hoots. An vessels are being fitted up with the device as a means of . escape from submarines: TOM, We (oMESJ OUR CAIS f WE'LL GET rite 11811' ONE. I WANT To STOP IN -MS DSLIcATESSEel \SHOP — '01 ,413 C2. . of kailLE) 3:1111.f$ s. I WANT BM. or= SAkDINES AND sOME- I I{AVE SOME VEk'1 PINE. LIMBURGER, NICE ANb t� '[ ` RIPE 1 l .ac'ti oPEll TliteT DooR, LET ,s HAVE A LITTLE /tire. IN HERE. ("/t' --•.=..fit feu..,..,,...".I REPLACEMENT OF WAR LOSSES Protection of Child Life Must iteceive Greater Attention. The importance of infant welfare work at this stage in the nation's crisis is daily becoming more generally re- cognized by all classes of the commun- ity. For many years our public health authorities have been sowing on what seemed very barren gr•ouncl, bet the outpouring of the nation's blood, the willing sacrifice of thousands of 'the best and most virile of the rata, has caused the apparently lost seen. - to geiininato, and there are new prose pects of an abundant harvest. Hod wo looked after our infant life during Ilse last forty years there ought to have been to -day between the ages of 18 and 40 another 1,300,000 mon available for the fighting forcos. In other words we have allowed, through our blind- nese, thousands of men 1.o die in their infancy, male babies born often healthy and in all respects capable in due timo, if proper attention had been given them, or if theft home conditions had been better, of growing up and doling their frill duty to the nation as our eplondid eons to -day are doing in the battlefields of the world. Because of ignorance which is curable, bccauee bf iinpi•opet conditions around them which aro removable, thousands Of these fellow eitizehs of ours whom wo shall 'too late' wiehod we had saved, no* 'die within twelve m0itth5 of their urrlvl in the world, •- W Ii 1?d- mintds, in ,Iour•netl of the Royal Sam- ary-Iuatitute, lt