HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-31, Page 4r•''t ,ami a. M ,,,areeeeea tjtielteeei111 fel' 11Meeks id to tine n 0 $ , .i,1 can tette for reeve to school is a wrlks, This is a recent change In the >,. tete PL0vincial Health I2egelations, Goan e'1 le. is e ,142 ry tG i 1� I eeetIf, t i49n 1h.' we • h". ,,. 1, i, i L.luieDe- •-. iilvendee t'an. !mauve/ 14 '1 patients s o1 41e4 il0 j J 1'01100 eeeeen ren tt�n., gun and ,, r •,pe a,lether r.n''erl and • : n,t. Fi 'Neal:' 41, r t or y. "Win the war" is the slogan, If 1<nssia cannot control her military opine - 'loos and has brokeu down .iu her share el.' the great task, the crushing of Mill - team is pens the less compulsory aud the strenuous work of winning becomes :ell the greeter task on Great Britain, i mice and Italy; The new situation delnaads a re organization of the allied ."orgies and vastly increases the responsl• bitty of every British subject as well as every American citizen. We do not re- quire to be told what the result would be if Prussianism won the day, How will we measure up to the duty of the b,iur ? Would we like to hear the boom o cannon on Canadian 2011 or see the snamarine menace play its part on our 1 res, rivers and frontiers ? It's so hour tee thougbtful consideration and heroic duly doing, 1 '1 Ir Jioutreal, ss the metropolis of r 1 / •,ryes Province, would set a. better rlc:unple et patriotism the probabilities ere the l'rovince would present a better t ere before the people. Bigotry and tet •')•le..s will not inspire loyalty nor 1 i.t ' w writs from the world. As au in- :l rift of the Dominion of Canaria t.t frt+<r ""•-"ec is the "weak sistet" in present- .; is , ; ., tribute to the Motherland in word ;,t e,• ;.:1 deed, While there is no desire to be e.leiteary there is a limit if exceeded de- . elite; a sharp curtailment of a re - u t,uery elemeut, to call it by no harder n^'+ne. 1 111 :.hurt e t the 1 ;:Alai Address to Maitland h•..,ri •.0 01- I met enel W. M. 5, Presbyterial ,1'. 1 Cy the President, Mrs. (Rev.) A. J. Mann 'file renewing is the address It pre - Voman's Missionary c1c toot tbleitldand Presbyterial by 1. t]tev.) Mann President, ab the r re •: n t t'euvetltion held in Brussels p',. >,t th. a the thitd annual meeting of Uaitland Presbyterial of the W. M. t;e inset, with hearts filled with e'eee24 1iy 7i+el, giatitude to our Heavenly Path - 0., et Tile : r who bath blessed us, with all spirit- s v ;t atland temporal blessings since last 'o „r� del met Ingather. The days have ':•t,: filled with many duties of home, .:'1110 c•h and State pressing upon us at eve/ y side and only as we relied upon 11;, Wisdom, His Grace and His n. eitet- . .ei:gth have we been able to ac - •1 ,,, :.ns fn ' ''neplieh anything that will endure. T: u._ ::;t tr 1'',r how true are the words of Our -easier "Without Me ye can do noth- , cin: in leg" and with loving, reverent hearts we would say "Not unto us, 0 Lord, net unto us but unto Thy name give glory for thy mercy and for thy T. u t h's sake." Last year our hearts were grieved over the deficit that threatened to 1 t e• the growth and nt' n m, 1 1 w h a0 lona ce t g n h. t ewe tit of our Soolety at home and abroad. Never did Ibe work of our hospitals, schools and evangelism iii -0.1.1V ..,em clearer to oor hearts as we • I. inr, irh realized what it would mean should err t.• .,rm, there have to be retrenchment. It 71,10 end ryas our testing time and we praise „ t ,,; (led for the rejoicing that fills our n him hearts to -clay that He gave us the r i , rreat victory. I•low thankful we were to o t. 10100 of rend in our Messenger "The deficit :;u.- eetpeete. piped cut, our responsibilities met cct, ra e and a surplus to begin the year's work," Total $100,270 and surplus 17,420.00. It is indeed the Love of ('ini't coneeraiielll us and We ars 01.4(1 to note that this was not made it1, by a few wealthy contributors but Prean every Province, Presbyterial Auxiliary and ,Mission Band, loving, loyal hearts poured forth their gifts into the treasury that the work of (lilies might he advanced still more rrul we are thankful that Maitland Presbyterial stood the test and in every department of the work there ha4 been increased offerings, mem- be^ship and interest. ‘Ve cannot thus tabulate what I feel is the most important of all—the spiritual growth in the members of our Society, as we fen in the veryfirst principle of our work if each year does not find us more consecrated, morn devoted in love to Christ and in Arieing to be living wit §saes of the . Npel we are sending forth into all tui' world, Yet, ladles, I am confl- 41 to that prayer has had a larger 111 our lives than it has ever had h- fore—for we still meet under the shadow and strain of this cruel war- and as I read of the increased corn 1. hntinne I wondered if IL is because the mothers, wives and sietere of our elmrrh have learned in the yielding up of their dear ones to go, and it may be lay amen then' lives for the cause IA 1 ight.enua11ess and liberty, for God mot home, to realize something more the awful price with which we , 'e h . lederrne(1 when clod gave up His lly sot, to suffer and die that we might be saved from sin. What e c,. r iuf,ttr Put' hardened hearts to-d1t y 1know, that Ourr Father wther knows ewe pag of suffering, for Be trod the pathway before ue. As we fer- vi'tetiy work and pray for our brave a,ldiers of the Empire and her Allies mid we trust that God Will bring victory Le our mime, we realize that the work of the Master's vine- yard 01081 not be neglected Never h fere was there such a call to men and wnloen everywhere to cast away from their livee worldly pvide, folly and 2elii8h ambition and live for the things that are worth while and make our lives a channel of bleeeing to ethers. .,s, ',11 11 11te l li .ti: -c r Lit Pte ,taut? a44 1s,\ ctlm• hi;: r'tiein-, of the •:11 to 1.::2 ' thein ! 4e4 . •,r ,':ked 5. .ate.: .i greet ta- CI; .'l ate, Aid "era , for thio • -481(.1 let the oiler 7 at i r 1 d 11 .... - -1 op with In rt ('•.e, f..: khe ,dn i.: til. „ 1'I 't".n ff01st h<r , f ,.. .1411131. 1' 10„ ee t, • ,. n and pe care u , 41; 41 . 0.0110(1 41411411441 ereendi- .'v :awl i l ,' about Con ,. all t ari4.:n in ..-. .',urt,:" ,et., is a i:'},*r_c 1 t,,Ivor tqu.lity';f ie i , led. !Ind, rfr.r e encie sf tempera. c:;rng 11, f!713 1 <0411 61 y . •.. , 11,1 00..4114 or 1 a ie at,le doubt 11:111 effect 2 r bo,ly of 10111 I !III Cs1rIria, .:.11„ . '1 e ;0;114 1. over. u :'1 Lh"t the ri. c ,.lied for if ise of the 't ,• 11 unonoity rf pelitl, it afHlia- f:o 1 t: i".(''trued-oii;crfp. r, 1+•--, 11'1:1 1)c1111n1on 14' .;: , ,n+ in 'orf rum is direly rat. 1 1tu effeetiv0 aperatloti In 1 el 4...tie, A e0neerlption of (...,u'h :at 1.:1111.., tabes is. demanded. TEE PRICE OP v1c TORY Until we'malce amends for standing wrnnge '1'o China and the Hindus by our Nide I"ighting for liberty, why ging the songs Of patt'lotlie peicle 7 Vail the Chitrob 04 01111et Milted Ma11118 Pone -square against the shock of aotlntleee Pooe, And trumpets forth, to all, her, Lord's comma lide— The 011(1 of wee, wl10 knows Until the trade in "drink" ie 'swept away, •Until we let Cht'iet break the chains of sin, 'Until we learn to labor and 1014pray Do we deserve to win P 0 King of Kings, Thy Kingdom come with power ; liumauity is seeking after Thee, Teach us, 0 Father, 111 this stirring hour The price of victory. As we read the reports from the different departruente of work in India, China, Formosa, Corea and the deaf' Homeland we thank God for the oppot'tenity that gives such a breadth to one life. We live, nob only 111 the community in which we dwell, blit wherever 0r r prayers and ifs oflove 1t )y !; eto do the Master's work,How arnestly we intuit uphold the Noble men and women who represent us there by prayer that they may re- ceive grace and strength for their tasks. Oh Tliou by whom we cotne to God The Life, the Truth, the Why, The path of prityerThyself has trod Lord teach us hew to pray. They have a Soy' foul privilege that kings may well envy -for "How beauti. ful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace butt bringetl' good tidings of good that publ't811eth salvrt- Lion. " Our foreign staff of men and tvornett in all our Miseiou fields number 2130. ''hese represent us in the share of the heathen world. As we read the re- ports of our teachers, doctors and nurses in the great warir they are do- ing ,to alleviate the suffering of the body and mind let us pray that they may be able to lead the sulfering ones t0 Jesus, the great Physician of body and soul, So that all may have an intelligent understanding of the work S would plead then the Messenger and Record fiod a,plaee in every borne, 'There is more value in these two magazines than any other investment you can mare. iThrough their letters we feel 1 personally acquainted with Lhe-twular- eve and learn their needs. Then the Fiume Heipels Department is such au important branch of the work. It makes it possible for any woman in the church to feel she is a this oh t)aCt Of t a n le work. I passing n tv let us note the threefold meaning of this department. You are Bowe Helpers in that being unable to at- tend meetings, in your homes you pray and give to our Missionary work. 244d these gifts go forth to lands that do not even know the sweet, sacred meaning of "Howe" but being brought to Christ you are tans enab- led theough our workers there to help therm establish, Christian "Homes" relieve love may reign supreme ; and last the reflex influence comes back in to our own lives and mtikes us better mothers, wives and daughters and fitted to be truer "Home builders" here. Nut more than 80 per cent. of the women of our chnrch are interest- ed yet every one is needed as the fields are white•ves nto harvest. lar L, Wen v have n t Auxiliary in all lot a A l y but two congregations, an excellent tribute to the faithful work clone by your past President. We tenet these may 80011 be organized. While ;5701 mole was sent to Toronto our in- crease in membership was only 27 and there is a great field of oppOlLanily there for os to interest these friends who have not yet united with 118 iu this Work. Our Mission Banti Seere-' tart' has been most energetic in striv- ing to reach the ideal, a Mission Band in every congregation, and the trust her labors will not be in vain. With- in the last8 year's membelehip anti givings have almost den bled, 111 1018 577 members $278,00 ; 1016 59S mem- bers $499.00. We are glad to welcome new Bands and tt•it91 many more will follow for it is Lhe mast irnp.n•Lantde- partmeut of our work, we must train our boys anti girls to be the mistiinrr cry workers of the future, Auxiliat les should give much sympathy, andin- terest to this work and thus enaonr- age the leaders of our Mis5100 Bends. The call for supplies for enc• schools and hospitals met with a generous response. What this means to our busy workers on the field we ran never know as there ate so many de- mands upon olein and itis for 115 Ln be faithful in keeping their storehouse aupplied. Weremettiatoutfaithful Secretary', lt4 a ckhart has beets i B O compelled to resign through ill health r and HELP . WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ontario Reformatory GUELPH oleo Mrs. McKenzie, our Treasurer, who filled her position 86 aeoeplebly, bot we trust they may soon be restored to again take up work iu the Master's vineyard. The work of 01)1' Stranger's Secre- tary• still w fee•u' hut i1 the t li] new 41 et 8 lalgerceuhes itis filling .a long felt need in welcoming the stranger he our midst. As we go rot ward into the ftiluie we look to God to guide us each step of the way. We hear a great deal these days about thrift and economy. Extravagenceie deilannced on every side and yet, ludies, there is an extra- vagance for which I would plead -let us like Mary be wasteful in our love to Jesus. Let us take our all and lay 11 at leis feet for It is only as we ewe - vendee all we are and all we have L0 Him that our lives can be all that He has meant them to be, In closing, permit me to thunk the members of the Executive for their helpfulness in all platters pertaining to the work then came before us ; the Vice -Presidents for their fnithfulneas in visiting the Anxiliarias allotted to them ; aloe the different Secretaries for so efficiently attending to the work of their several departments. May we go earnestly forward to fulfil His commission "Go ye into all the world and preach the Goepel lei every creature," Meeting of Huron Co, Council The Council of the Corporation of the Coun- ty of Huron will meet b4 rho Council Chamber 'o • f erIot on Tu do the 5th day o Town God ., ea y, da - P June at 8 o'clock. yo , W. LANE, Doted May 21st, 1017• Clerk, Two high-class Milan Two of the highest class, most beautiful, royally bred horses ever offered Portheoonsid- eration of breeders in this community. In the stud season 1917:— Inspected and Enrolled The Grand Circuit Ohaf rpion ELMER DICKSON 51,220 A. T R., 2.0114 1910 race record, one of Oho most beautiful and fastest horses ever seen en the Grand Circuit, - Elmer Dickson went the third mile nt Colombo% Ohio, In 2.06, with the last 11011 In one. minute In 1010 we is bred in the purple with shote horse finish. will stand thisaonson at his own stnblentMyth, .ex- cepting on Thursday afternoon he. will 0o to Swartz's Hotel, Winghatn, for night ; Pridny, to Hall's Hotel, Blnevaie, for noon, and Central Hotel, Brussels, for nicht ; Saturday home to his own etnble ter noon where he will remain until the following Thursday 0180, noon. Inspected and Enrolled IKE MED1UMVt "L 2unbeaten q iso. it- o ,need T. R., the show o tee nerd be roto of Ike Medium/et everyone s brad horn or heard of him. BeH0 horse. „champion horse and p end breeding, hoar, lurch errs etempy1, speed and with 1,is nod remarkable is charooteris i s. to with leis ewn rsn barn at characteristics. s, Ho will love his own harp at Blyth Monday morning and proceed to Peffer's Hotel, Auburn, for noon, then to Smith's Tull. ler nicht ; Tuesday to Colborne lintel, Gode- rich, where lie will remain until Wednesday morning ; dov to Del. Ge diner's, E'ol- mosville, Porr noon, .then to Grtiimm s Hotel, Olin Ern, for night ; Thursday home to his olvn stalewlegBlyth where he will remain until (01' the following Monday morning. Write for bill and fufthhor information. Phone 112, THOMAS J, CO 9 hh 0nt. ATTRACTIVE PRINCE W. J. COOPER, Proprietor Enrolment No. 6022, Form I 010NDAY—Wil( leave home, Lot 110, Con. 10, Grey, 81411 0 East and North 1 c Jos. Donald - son's, Dime, for neon ; then South and West to Raseell I11ddle'e, Con, 14, Elton, for night. TUE4DAY—South and West to Luke Spelt, an's,18th Con. Grey,for noon ; thou West and North to Jacob Long's, Oranhrook, for night. WEDNESDAY—West to Thos. Miller's 801 Line Morris, for noon ; then North and Bast to Central Hotel, Brussels, for night. THURSDAY - North end East to Adnm Tnrnbull's, 8th Line Grey, for n0071 : then Heat and South to his own stable for night. PLLDAY—North end Bast to John Helbine'e, Con, 2, Grey, for noon ; then North rued Bast to R�ohnWalker's, Elmo and Wallace henna" erg, g SATUt1DA'Y—Southo4(1 West to for noon{ then to his own stable wherehe will remain until the following Monday. •••!••4) ••o•G••9•'F0!?0•eb 400o406e06•!l009o0004440000 C, 4 Here i ••• e 0 0 • • • • °• /_' ' '(lg ' �� t TI -I R> E; S PE E D e 1. 41 S r ,? • k ��as��g pj�jg'r� :� <rl .. ' � 4� icor � r t. � ,,gin. • r:.Knv • `\\ �- t:.� .TWIN • m EThe machine that takes • yen ! • — there and gets you hack, 1341054' • it easy and cheap. 50 miles to the gallon of gasoline. With a sillerine attached you earl take your friend along. Choose year own speed, 0 tn horn 5 utiles per hour to 0O, Develops 12 h. 11. 'Easy handled—joet • like a big brother. -• O • Write for a free Catalogue. liuy a DAYTON And enjoy life. .• * • • •• 40• : o• MrExchantile pver' • s 752 Broadview ave,, Toronto o. •N!••••••••••!•••••••••!v •••••0•••••••••••4•••••••• 0 e • e e e '5 ONTARIO' AFFAIRS ALL on :A CHANCE TO EXPRESS VIEWS Oomooratlo Nature of North Bay Con, Democracy for men and women with an opportunity for presenting their views on public questi0u5, was the outstanding oharaeteristio of the Northern Ontario Liberal Conterenoe held In North Bay. A- numberofim- portant matters of particular interest to the North i oun were introduced oa t TY v by delegates and debated vigorously, A number of public' men, including Newton Rowell, the Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux, Hon. Geo, P, Graham Sam. Garter, M.P.P, aid S. Mame,ivi.P.P» were present and gave excellent s 'Ocahes, hut the fullest opportunity war; also given private °Etiiens who ailed themselves of the thence to eeerese their views. The appointment of a non-political and independent Food Controller was wbly urged by a group of delegates and a resolution to this effect was oar-' elect nnanlmously and enthuelastieal• ly. That pensions of disabled officers and mien in the Canadian Army should be equalized, was another resolution passed. The Government's method of spending iooney for colonization roads 411 New Ontario was condemned. The expenditure of the money, the confer.. once felt, should be controlled by the municipalities and not by party work - ere. It was contended also that legis• !anon should be introduced to enable the Hydro Electric Commission to d'e. velop Northern Ontario water powers without application from muuicipal nn ganlealions.- Encouragement by the Government .of prospecting and de. tee -or -Mg of mineral lands with the building of a 0041,0015 smelter for smaller holders, was advocated and also the construction of observation towersalld the exclusive amP3lo'ment. ` of expert fire rangers. Mr. Lemieux, Mr. Graham and Mr. Rowellall urged, in this time of crisis, the necessity or concerted action by all Canadians, 11= respective of racial origin, in the fur- therance of the war, Attempts to cause internal divisions at this time, were deplored, "What Cauada needs at the present moment," said Mr, Lemieux during the course of en eke Quant speech, "ie a leader who can ' lead, and an Honest Government." Mr. Graham complained of the failure of Sir Robert Borden in the critical times of the war to take into consulta• tion Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr..Rowell, in addition to discussing the war, +,inmq®a1,4y:+rwuWrM4/.7.1001.41l' /1.77 •9.40.,••••••••••••••••••09•••4b•0•4190400d40• •0••44 • • O 0 • 0 e • O • • • 4 0 4 'p A a 0 0 • • 40a 0 • • • • • ! • • A The New Series yet O���J,.►A.s�.da�e.��A.d�A.�.e1..1.�►d.A<Lm 1 The only Car in Canada selling at less than 1 $7oo.00 equipped with Electric Starting and - Lighting System. More Wonderful than an ever. Standard Equipment Valve in head Motor Electric Lighting — Starting System Selective sliding gear Transmission, 8 speeds Forward and Reverse New front and rear Spring Bracket§ Staunch Frame , New front spring Suspensions New accelerator foot rest Ample road -clearance Oautilover springs Improved Upholstery Mohair Top_ Non-skid Tires on rear wheels Garage at D. Ewan's Carriage Works Qo bled e 1'.;. A :. ;:r COOdd1S11 ford Touring Car and '16 babQof for dale 0 0•!0!••!!!!••t•e•• •®!•!G!O d4tGa•••Q DGt?!••8?fi9•W!1! AGENTS; BRUSSELS promised that when the Liberals came An Italian mission to the Uuitad into power in Ontario they would take States arrived at Halifax. the biggest men that could be found to tackle the problem of the develop- ment and Battlement of New Ontario For Service commensurate with the posnibilittae of that great 0000117. WOMAN MAKES BIG pe,t SPEECH H NORTH {�I;3 TH Women speakers of front -rank ghil- lie, aro being unearthed at almost every Liberal 01051 og held these days in Ontario. The latest discovery is 14Irs, George S. Souter, President of the Women's Liberal Club .of. North Bay. At the banquet in connection with the Liberal Conference held in that town, Mrs. Soutar, in competition with outstanding men of the Liberal Party with years of training in public speaking, measured up to the highest standard and made what was acknowl- edged to be the speech of the evening Mrs. Soutar in a clear-cut style, arae from affectation either of nervousness or of bravado, sounded a clarion call for clean politics and competent vigor- ous government. "So long as the Lib- eral Party," she said, "lines up for good government, you will have the loyal support of all the Liberal women In our .district and of nla4.y a good Conservative, too." "The womeu of Ontario," she continued, "are not go- ing to poll an illiterate vote. In New Ontario we women are going to study and etudy bard along. the linea of good, clean government, and 1 tell you we women will get the good clean gov. erlhment we demand. 1t used to bo rigid that women did not have time to take an Interest in public affairs, but with. the Coming of the war w0 have discovered that many of the matters which claimed our attention r were ace(1lo88 and useless and that for real public service we can and we must secure the necessary time," Fully half of those present at the North Bay banquet wore women, some of whom came in train quite distant points in the North. jNOTES: OF THE WEEK Sir William Hearst spoke on "The machinery of Provincial a Goverment," at' nv i Gn oLaL on Hall. all. Siri W lltatn gate an historical survey of provincial h11: er'y from the time of the Treaty of Parts, and pointed out the distribu- tion of power between li'ederal and Provincial Governments. Dc inucietion of war time racing was made by Rev, J. W. Atken8, of the Motropolltan Methodist °aurah, To, route, "It is a ecan4aloua thing' he said, "that tate Ontario Government re- cently limed another Ilconae inereaso, frig this sin of gambling," Mr, Newton Rowell at the North 13ay Canadian Club, urged the forum - tion of a war eabin.et for the Detain. ion, Sir Adam Beck is Inclined to think that the Government would be Jue11,. iced in electrifying at least the main !lues of the Grand Trunk and the Canadian Northern 11 they take them over, Ho says that electrifloatfon of steam raiiweye le the United. States le pxoceeiling rapt41v. The undersigned will keep Ter service on Lot 21, Conn 10, Grey, a thoro'-bred Yorkehi1e bog. Terms, a1 00, to be paid at time of service with privilege or rDONALDYMoT A GOA HT. 47.4 Proprietor. 1 CUMBERLAND GEM 18878 (18980) Enrolment No. 1007 Inspected and Approved, JOHN J. McGAVIN, Prop. This well bred horsewill stand for eerviee during the118001115900m iat his own. stables, Leadbury, Dot 22, Con. 18,.MoKlilop. Executor's Sale For the purpose of winding up the estate of the tote 70110 BRllant •ne 111e lands and ()P.m. ises, ).m- ise(, situate in the Village or Ora,rbrgok, enn- teining some 10 soles of lend and upon wihiolt there is erected n comfortable frame hoo,e and frame barn areoffered for e t, n o ad n sole, Pull yynrtlautars and terms of eine wilt be made known upon appllcntionto the Exegutor, An. Nicely Heymann, Oronbrobk, or the under. signed. W. hl. SINCLAIR, 40-11 Bolioitor for tho Executor. • • • • • • • • • i • • 2 0 • 4 • • 0 4 0 9 A ! •• • • • • 0 ai d ra u v 41, v • 4 • a 0 O • 4 4 9 4 O • • 0 • • • • • • • ,• COMPORTABLE ROUSE AND LOT POR YAta1,--Good well and cistern, fruit trees, &c, Also 0acre.. in corporation with large stable and drilled well. For further particu- lars as to price, terms, &o„ apply to Tu5 Poem, Brussels. . .. For Sale 2801 pores or fare, lends in the Township of Morris, adjoining the Village or Brussels, in one field, !! i gravel Ile T2 1 Therein n oast 1 t ve6 it if open- ed. n- g p pa and e, from 2 to 8 verves, It has been tented and enough of (er the n thane to er of aly the town 0urlvirnit foueoastquarttroYu centore 0 bog oton rnberrythe rallw sy goettten ; 1 tot on also yGeorgeprivate street, neer the rthe river Mellon ; also my pprivate 81111 residence nn treets, bank, crther Of William and yAlbert a undersigned Poe further po•8enbhrs apply to the undersigned E his residonels J. LECSIE. Brussels, 16th Naro11,1fg7. Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for"solo his line IRO nave fe1m, being Lot 19, end pnrt of Lot 10, Con, 0. end 80 neves on but 7, Cnn, 2, Township Of Grey, Baron County. On the former 1s n good brick house, extra good barn, 00 x100 feet all cemented rod water installed, acre in or- chard, i&a 80 acres la ehiefly bosh. Also 100 acres, being 1.ot 12 Con. 0, in sante toW.nship 12 acres of extra gond Nall wheat and over 40 nitres plowed. Both farms in good condition. Per further partioulrrs as to prices, terms and conditions, apply on the »remises or write TORN JAOB'SON, Telephone14010, Ethel P. 0. alta _ �II 1 tet'; 1!l II "MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford 'roaring Car' $4 -05.00 j. o L. Ford, Ond. Y -5u a less for o this Crgl•..b t II pay car:;but it gives you more enjoy=ment, more mileage anti 1111 longer service than those which cost more. ',`;The Touring Car gives the utmost in automobile value, pride of ownership and economy. ,IIS Buy a Ford this year and save money iW—when saving is a national duty. III I 4 p S■ CARiR, Deafer" 11 BRUSSELS 111 11