The Brussels Post, 1917-5-31, Page 3Qucries\: {w �rq�••'� tt 1 yc,•-.-.. Ftrr`t, .v "; n�:i.�'1,17til1,1?,1 y44)0 ?'1M •! Henry G, Belt Conducted by Professor Henry G. Hell- The object of this department le to place at the service of our farm readers the advice of an acknowl. edged authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and Crops. Address an questions to Professor Henry G, Bell, In care of The WilsonPublishing Company, Limited, Tee ronto, and answers will appear in this column In the order In which they are received. As space is limited It Is advisable where Immediate reply Is necessary thate a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the anewer will be mailed direct. Question -M. A. C.: -My seeding taken to see that the fertilizer does with grain last year was tefailure. It not come in close contact with the did not catch. Would you recommend beans in the soil, manuring and plowing the stubble for potatoes this year? Would it do for beans where potatoes grew last year? It was a big growth of clover, also immured, plowed under and potatoes planted. I want to reserve an old meadow to plow under for corn this • year and will also have to plow last year's potato and corn ground for oats .this year? Answer: -The land where your seeding failed, if plowed up and then carefully manured, should make good potato ground this year. I would ad- vise in addition to the manure about 400 pounds of fertilizer: Carrying 2 to 3% ammonia, 8 to 12% available phosphoric acid and 1 to 2% potash. Scatter this down the drill rows when you are panting the potatoes. A good method of application is to drop the seed pieces of potatoes and coverst+This would depend entirely on the them lightly with soil, and then Au!' weather and whether the two wheats the fertilizer along over the hill slid ripen at the same time. In fact, I drills and finish the covering. This should expect them not to ripen to - addition of available plantfood will gether. You should sow the wheat at give the crop a strong, vigorous start. once, All that is necessary to do This land would do well for beans, would be to harrow or disk up the also. ground and drill in the wheat. Per - Question -R. E.: -I have a Piece of haps you will be able to secure spring land that has been run for years with- wheat seed in your community or from FOOD SHORTAGE' SUGGESTIONS The Food Value of Buckwheat is High, As It Is Both a Flesh 1 o- dueer and a Heat and Energy Producer. By Henry G. Bell, Agronomist, Buckwheat pancakes may form a welcome substitute for brealcfast wheat cereal and bread toast, while wheat ranges around the $2.50 a bushel mark, f Buckwheat characteristics strongly recommend this crop for cereal pro- duetion, Buckwheat is a dry grain which can be stored, After wheat, corn and ryer•buekwheat contains a maximum of food in a minimum of volume. Buckwheat is strong in both flesh producer and in energy and heat pro- ducer. It compares with wheat as follows: Question -de. M.: -I have about six- teen acres of wheat that is badly kill- ed in the low -places, and I don't wish to plow the wheat up on account of expectations of a high price next year. Do you think it would be ad- visable to drag up these low places and sow to Spring, wheat? Could it alt be harvested together? • If so please tell me where seed could be procured and how and when it should be sown. If spring wheat is not advisable how would either buckwheat or beans be? Answer: -If it is not already too late when you read this answer and you can secure the seed, I would ad- vise the sowing of spring wheat where the winter wheat has killed out. It is almost impossible to tell whether the spring wheat and winter wheat could, be harvested together or not. Crop Percent. Water Percent. Percent. Protein Carbo- (rr1esa Pro- Hydrates. tlucer), (Hducer), eat aril J;nei i'rp- Wheat 14.4 18.0 66.4 1.6 3.0 1,7 Buckwheat yields -from 10 to 40' bushels per acre. Buckwheat requires from' 8 to 5 bushels of seed to the acre. Buckwheat suits poor, light, dry land. It produces larger yields where additional fertility is supplied, 200 pounds per acre of fertilizer supply- ing one per cent. ammonia, 8 to 10 per cent phosphoric acid, gives good re- sults. This should be drilled in when the buckwheat is sown, or braod- castod and worked into the seedbed by disking and harrowing. You can in- crease the effectiveness of high-priced farm labor by fertilizing the buck- wheat. A yield of 20 to 30 bushels per acre uses the labor much more pfefitahly than a yield of 10 bushels per acre. Finally, buckwheat should be sown later than corn and the small grains, It is therefore an excellent crop for "filling in" where other crops fail. Buckwheat is quoted in Chicago at $3.20 per bushel, Buckwheat Strong Points. Strong food is compact volume. Food suited to storage, therefore, valuable for export. Thrives on comparatively poor suit Makes quick and reasonably large returns. May be planted later than other crops; hence can.be used to fill in "where other crops fail," Buckwheat matures in less than 100 days, Fate Fibro Ash Buckwheat 14 9.0 58.7 1.5 15,0 1.8 INTERNATIONAL LESSON JUNE 3. Leeson X. -Jesus Betrayed and Denied -John 18. 1-18. Golden Text -Iso. 53. 3. Mothers and daughtere of all ages are cordially Invited t -o write to this department. initials only will be published with each question and Its answer as a means of Identification,. but full name and address must be given in each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be Mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed, Address all correspondence for this_departmentto Mrs. Helen Law, 235 Woodbine Ave., Toronto. "Reader": -1, Eggs should be pre- water and a good soap. Dry skin care - served in water glass during March,'fully, apply to the spots an ointment April, May and June, when they are March,'fully, of 1 ounce soap liniment and 1 cheapest, 2. Protect the young I ounce ether well mixed, and allow it to cucumber plants from the striped! remain on during the night. Wash beetle by covering them with wire net ! off in the morning with warm water ting. Spray with Bordeaux -arsenate 1 and rinse with cold. Continue this of lead as soon as the plants appear; !treatment until the blackheads have again at the appearance of the third disappeared. To contract the pores leaf and a third time before the plants I wipe the face with a little alcohol or begin to form runners. See that, the eau de cologne. Frequently pimples spray strikes under the leaves as well. appear with the blackheads, and when as on top, For the cabbage worm, this is the case make an ointment of dust with tobacco dust, pyrethrum, the following ingredients, 2 grams hellebore or spray with arsenate of beta napthol, 20 grams sulphur pre - lead of obedience results in lead or powder with dry arsenate, cipitate, 20 grams potash soap. mix an objectionable tyranny, be it ever so "Enquirer": -Balfour is pronounced thoroughly and apply to the pimples velvet -sheathed, that is dangerous be - Bal -as in balance-foor. It is very at night. This preparation may be cause the child loses the power of in - hard to convey the exact pronouncia- used at the same' time as the black- itiative. Isis will becomes flabby tion -of Joffre by phonetics, but the J head ointment. Do not be discour £rem want of use and he slowly but is soft and the re is hardly sounded aged if you see no improvement in surely becomes incapable of any ef- at all; it is almost as though it was your complexion as the weeks slip by. fective action except when under the written Joff, with the ffs a mere It sometimes requires months to get f im 1 d blkhl direction and guidance of another -a i Teaching Obedience 11 "Do you think," asks a mother, "that my little boy of three is too young to readily obey?" No and yes. The very fact that the question is asked is evidence that. the child was not taught to obey ear- lier; if he had the mother would have very little difficulty in securing obedi- ence at present. It is both possible and practicable to begin to teach obedience when little folk are from ons to two years old, and taught thus early it Becomes second nature, and parents avoid the very distressing and humiliating contest of wills between themselves and the children, who simply must be taught to take and act upon the advice of a wiser and older person, both for their own protection end for the comfort and well-being of others. Yet in most things, and especially in child training, there is a golden mean. While obedience must be ex- pected, severity must be avoided. The rd op Meath. Viviani is pronounced anacaass. nice prospect for the days when he Viv-a-an-e. "Perplexed": -1. A felon is an in-! P record that they all forsook him and ' must shift for himself and perhaps for fled, which Mark places after his J. D. 'V.: -The following are the lection of the tissue around the finger a family. words, "But lot the scriptures be ful- i dates at which the several nations en- nail. The constant application of a tilled." tared the European War: wet dressing, equal parts of alcohol I Therefore, one must constantly bear 9. The Exangelist sees the Master 1914, July 28, Austria and Serbia; and water, may check it. If it pre- I in mind the physical, mental and spiri- purposed to keep his disciples out of, August 1, Germany and Russia; Au- greases a surgeon should be consulted, tual helplessness of children, and for fromtemevil and keeat p me foht rll is work. them gust 3; France; August 4, Belgium blathe infection 2. ory can arse check greatsecre- Thom taking advantage ofat reason if for no them. refrain f nAn We must assume that he made them and Great Britain; August 8, Montene-i • gro; August 23, Japan; November 5, tion of gastric J_.___ Turkey. normal motion of the stomach. 3.' bullies of the most objectionable type. 1915, May 23, Italy; June 3, San 1 Greens and green vegetables are the There should be a sufficient amount of best source of iron for blood building, obedience with a requisite amount of 4. The eyes should have a rest from liberty and freedom, so that there may reading and from all kinds of fine be ample opportunity for the children understand it was his will that they a, l aisn imus• unbelievable number of parents are +• should hide from a very real danger: nothing less, surely, will explain their absence from Calvary. The one who, Marino; October 14, Bulgaria. with the best of motives, ran into 1916, March 8, Portugal; August 28, temptation unbidden, gained, nothing Rumania. but bitter experience from doing so. 9 A 1 17, pini 8, United States of work, Out-of-door recreation, such as to develop whatever natural initiative , America; April 7 Cuba gardening Verse 1. Brook -The term implies First he endangered himself and leis and almost any form of out- and independence they may have. To out clover or manure. Thus land is f the elevator men Unless a ravine that was dry except to the comrades by hewing et Manchus s quite sandy and contains practically no humus. Now, if 1 apply 12 good loads of manure to the acre, which would be the most profitable crop for me to raise, corn or potatoes?• -I raised corn on similar land last year that went 60 crates to the acre, with manure, Would this ground hold moisture sufficient to grow a good crop of potatoes? Answer: If you have potato seed, by all means potatoes would be the most profitable crop for -you to grow on the land- in question. I would re- commend adding fertilizer to the man- ure, as per answer to M. A. G. Under normal conditions you should not have any trouble from lack of moisture. If you have to buy potato seed, at present prices it,maybe more profitable to grow corn, but this you will have ,to decide from your own local con'tiitions, If you -seed it to corn, I would advise adding about 200 pounds of fertilizer'. 'to the acre, spreading it broadcast and working it into the ground before you plant tine corn, It should carry from 2 to 3% ammonia and 8 to 10% phosphoric acid. Question -W. A. C.1 -I would like to' get your opinion in regards to plant- Mg lant ing beans in hills, planted 28 inches each way. Do you think the yield would be as good' as if they were drill- ed? They could bo worked.both ways and kept much cleaner and less seed would do. The seed is so high in price this year it would be quite a saving in the cost of the crop. Answer: -I am very much in favor of planting beans in the hill, especial- ly on land tha'6is likely to be weedy. or where disease has been prevalent. As e rule, the yield will be almost as high as if they were drilled and fre- ' quently bettor as disease is not so like.. ly to spread from one plant to another. would gg n su est the seed be tested to learn what percentage will germinate, and 'since seed is so high-priced, that the drill be also tested to see if it plants the quantity of seed desired. I would able put on about 200 to 800 pounds of fertilizer to the acre. The fertilizer may be put on broadcast and worked into the ground' before the beans are planted, or it may be put th on as e beans are planted 11 care is some o • • door employment will be found bene- deliberately "break" a child's will is you are able to get it close at hand it 'rains. Its Old Testament name Kid- head. Then, to preserve his conceal- A. J. L.: 1. In the partly shaded ficial. nothing short of crime; to prudently will be too late to sow it. In such ion has been turned into a Greek ment, he three times disowned his location you describe, you should be Bide that will is the only word, as if it meant "Cedars Brook." Master, Better have "forsaken hid able to grow lettuce, early or late cab- "Housewife": -Onions and water guide e not natural for a Cild wise want course. case either buckwheat or beans willwell remove the smell of paint from a Ites make a splendid' crop. In fact, Y A garden -A, orchard in q .place and fled" -as Mark put it, who a bags, cauliflower, or spinach. Do not to abs Man of ourgreatest men 1' if • b bi d th (M k room. Slice several onions, put 3 Y gr' would prefer the planting of beans as them in a pail of water and stand the were anything but "good" boys; their they can be put in any time up to the pail in the closed room over night, surplus energy and creative power last of June, just so they have time W. A.; -Probably the reason baby spilled over into naughtiness, some - enough to ripen off before frost. In house of the supper, and then went crieslift him __that times ave" waywardness. because this case the ground should bo thor- straight for. Gethsemane. Jesus oft- 88. The earlier Gospels do not name "School Girl": -The cause of the so- hurt him by not lifting him properly. more legitimate outlets were not lug gughly disked or liarrotvesl up and times resorted tenths] -This is ons of the aggressor, nor the officious slave called "blackheads" is the clogging of fin lifting a baby, grasp the clothing gested or offered them; and just here tie einstanaes of John'sexactknowledge tubo thought to please his master by n poresgrease,just below the feet withyour right is where the guiding spirit of a wise worked down, after which the beans of the incidents which attended the special show of zeal Peter fortun- the with dust and which g t may be planted in rows 21 or 28 inches Jerusalem Life -of our Lord. All the ately escaped doing more damage. As hardens and pits the face with tiny hand, slip the left hand under the baby and sympathetic adult is invaluable. apart. A grain drill with part of the Evangelists narrate the coming of it was, he canoe very near being de- black specks. The first step is to from below upward until the head is Have you not heard the mother who grain tubes stopped up offers the llest Judas. John only remembers that tected (verse 26) and suffering for it. thoroughly cleanse the skin. Every reached, supporting with the hand issues a seemingly inexhaustible means of planting the beans. WRen the spot was one belonging, it may be, The Jewish leaders were contemptu- night wash thoroughly with warm and lifting the child on the left arm. stream of commands to her unfortun- planted this way some fertilizer can to a friend or disciple, where Jesus ously indifferent to the disciples: if ate offspring? Having heard, do you Mark 14..82 called Gethsemane, the scene of the agony, which John does not record (The New CenturyBible). 2, Probably Judas went first to the nmso pro a y one a same ar 14. 52). Of those -See John 17. 12. The verb is changed to the active; there it is "not one of them was lost" 10. Having a sword -See Luke 22. try beans, eggplants, corn, tomatoes. 2. Dahlia roots need warm soil and warm weather, so it is not safe to plant them at this time. also be applied. The best way probe was in the habit of going with hisdis-they could smite the shepherd, the ably is to stop up the fertilizer tube the es+ltnacad that knows thatherefore he eknew would Lfler lto them would camee alatl caitemthe mob .directly over the row containing the P g beans but allowing the fertilizer to that followed. run down the tubes on each side of the C y) ' 11. Only Luke knows that Jesus h g i d f l preparation healed Manchus, He got the detail - so the present writer believes -from Paul, who was there and in the thick of it. He heard and quoted those last terrible words about "the authority of darkness" (Luke 22. 58; Col. 1. 18). The cup -John had not reported the Master's earlier. use of this phrase (Mark 14. 36). 15. The other disciple was the auth- or (John 21. 24). He was known unto the high priest: the word is that of Luke 28. 49, and implies more than mere casual acquaintance. That he was an eye -witness is much more im- portant than that he should be an apostle. Court -The quadrangle round. which the house was built, 17. The maid -Compare Rhoda in Acts 12. 18. Thou also -She there- fore knew that John was one. "In absolute voluntariness of his surrend- the original the question is put in a er. "Once before, the majesty of his form that suggests a negetive answer, wads had overwhelmed those who 'Surely thou art not' " (The New Cen- had come to arrest him (John '7. 46) ; tury Bible). I am not -Peter prob- and it would have been so now, had not ably thought lie would not be allowed he willed to be taken" (The Cam- to stay to "see the end" (Matt, 26. bridge Bible). 5@): it was a typical example of doing 8. This gives us the other side of the evil that good might come. one dropping the beans. Question -J. B. H,: -Isn't, it consid- ered poor policy to plant corn in ground that grew sugar beets last year, if only a light crop? There are two fields which are desired for corn and beans. Ono 1e sod and the oth- er grew beets last year, soil about the same. Both corn and beano require rich ground, which one will be best to follow beets? Answer: -Regarding beans and corn following sugar beets, the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture studied 115 farms and found that, following sugar beets, the yield of corn was increased by 12 bushels to the acre and beans 5 bushels. This would indicate that either corn or beans could be planted in the ground that was in sugar beets. From these figures we ought not to judge that sugar beets make thee soil rich in fertility but rather because they are cultivated during the summer the soil is put in better tilth for the growing of the following crops. I ad round i tatthes r comm d h u e would e � g be put to corn and that beans be put in the sugar beet land as beans do not do well on freshly turned sod or whore too much fresh manure or organic matter is added to the soil. If about 300 pounds of fertilizer analyzing high in phosphoric acid are used on the corn land and probably 200. to 250' on the bean field, good crops should be secured this year. Market in June. Alf, roosters, old hens, early broil• ars, green ducks. During the first week in June, kill off, dispose of or remove from the ---fleck, the male birds after the .breed- ing season. Their presence in the flock after this date causes a loss of a million dollars a year to Canadian farmers through the sato of partially incubated and bad eggs in the produce which is marketed. All old liens should also be, marketed at this date. The propere way to carry a fowl is to. placo it 'under the arm, the head poletini; to tlho rear, and the feet hold ,}firmly by the hand, In this way the bird can be Carried for miles without the least discomfort to it or the pote- son carrying it, In 1cnn)or years, the common prac- tiae was to Barry poultry by the legs, hoed hanging downward. Tile wail a bad mode and one that never was geed by regular poultrymen, When the cad is flanking downwnrd there ie no- thingh t' h bloodto It tiring to' prevent n nus of , and it is the belief that many casee of vertigo can be traced to such acts of earelessnels, But still snore gruel is listing the body by their wings. Should the fowl struggle when thus handled, it is a I machine, says that two men can ruin very easy matter to snap the cords of machine, weigh milk and strip twenty cows per hour. Ho used the machine on.thirty cows the first morning. probably find them there (The Handy ofnmentar• . - 3.T e mantu eo the made to overpower resistance was due to the fear that the Galilean would rally to him, Cohort (margin) - Presumably the Jewish leaders had asked Pilate to put a company of iris soldiers at their disposal, to arrest a dangerous character whom they would, of course, bring to him for trial. They would be under their own chiliarch (verse 12), but Judas was guide. Note how eager the Jewish coalition was, each section sending its own servknts. 5. We have not sufficient informa- tion to tell where the traitor's kiss comes in: this narrative is manifestly independent, and the eye -witness who writes here does not seem to have seen that incident, which was reported by Peter through his pupil Mark. 6. This is told to bring out the fie ainr Give each calf a chance to drink wa- ter at least twice each day. What the cream separator has done for farmers in the way of improved and labor-saving methods of creaming milk, the milk machine will dein milk- ing cows, which is one of the most troublesomne jobs on a dairy farm, W. H, Johnstone of Moose Jaw, Salk„ who uses a three -unit milking the wings and thus permanently In- jure the bird.' Poultry roughly handled lose confi- A test of the whole herd does not dente in their attendant, and lose of give the needful information; this confidence ire the hennery often has a matter of cow -testing is a strict ques- bad effect upon the egg crop. 'Besides, prion of individual cnpaeity. any method that points the least bit Sixty martins of two creameries in toward cruelty should not be permit- Prince Edward Island averaged 884 ted, Gentleness is a virtue that even pounds of fat per herd, after two hells appreciate, years of cow -testing' these sixty herds. The mash for the chicks may col- averaged 956 pounds of fat; this is a sist of equal parts of bran, middlings gain of seventy-one pounds of fat per and cornmeal, and half part of beef herd, or eight per cont. scrap, but the composition ie more or When we cOnsidee that a five -dollar less dependent on the feeds that are calf may grow into a hundred dollar molt avnilablo; cote, it seems preposterous to send it Pullets that are stunted by, poor to the butcher, ' feeding during the first few weeks of Ton many farmers do not realize their lives will prove n decided dis- the feeding value of skim milk, They appointment from the standpoint of think that because the fat has been re- tiree, egg production, moved ❑ much larger quantity of milk should be fed.. As a result, the calves aro often overfed, The most effective method for body lice of hens is the application of a dilution of either mercurial ointment or blue ointment, Mercurial ointment contains fifty per cent, of metallic mercury. Blue ointment is a min- i:ure consisting of sixty-seven per cent. of Mercurial ointuncet end of thii.•ty- three per cent, of vaselhio and, therc- fore, contains thirty-three and one- third per cent, of 11)0101117, -ltieh Pond For The Tarin. Why shouldn't a fertile? raise fish as well as chickens? Given proper fresh water supply and reasonable epees for a pond, an netonishing quantity may be had in two or three years. • Tomato Culture. nre Tomato seed sown in boxes in the house in Murch will produce plants that will fruit the same season, Plants ready to be set out can be purchased from seedsmen. In buying plants select strong, sturdy plants, avoiding the tall drawn specimens that are fre- quently offered. Where tall, spindly plants of tomatoes must be used pinch off the top. This will check the up- right growth temporarily and give the plants an opportunity of becoming stronger. It also causes them toI branch. There are several systems for grow- ing tomatoes. Some prefer the one o steins onl stem system; one or two are trained to a long stake. Th keeps the fruit off the ground and lets the sunlight and air reach all aides of the plants. Another system le to set the pie is under trol11ses•mnde by running nar- row strips of wood along stake about two and a half foot above the surface of the ground. Two strips are run about two feet apart, braeed with cross sections very two feet to :form a rigid frame or trellis, The tomato plants ate setout under` the middle of this framework and : trained up through the Centro, the frame support. ing the plants when they are laden with fruit. Another method is to make a trellis the shape of a funnel, setting this over each plant. A barrel hoop on supports is another form of the same plan. When grown on a large scale field culture is the system practised. The plents are set out in long, straight rows, cultivated by horse, and the vines are given no support. This system may be used also in small gar- dens. Beans a Valuable Crop. Beans have a two -fold value. They rank among the valuable foods, con- taining a higher percentage of protein than wheat or oats, and even meat. Beane are also of value from a soil cultural aspect, as they belong to a most important class of agricultural plants termed legumes, which are cap- able of taking up indirectly the free nitrogen of the air and storing it in tubercles on the root system of the plants in a available :form of plant food for future.crops. The last week of May or the first week in June is usually the most suitable time for planting, although the time of planting may vary slightly Y according to district and season, but should not be delayed after the soil has become warm and dry, Some of the best yielding varieties of field beans are Pearce's Improved Tree; Schofield Pea, Medium or Navy, Common White Pea and white Wonder, These varieties require from 112 to 115 days in which to reach the proper stage of maturity for harvesting, After planting, but before the plants wonder that her young folk are lack - appear, which will usually be from ing in respectful attention or are re - three to six days, depending largely sentful, even rebellious? True, it is a upon the weather, it is advisable to constare temptation for the average harrow the soil lightly with a slant- Parent to "don't" and "do" poor little tooth harrow or even a light smooth- Johnnies and Marys, but it is a temp- ing harrow. This operation will break the crust, destroy weeds, help warm the soil and stimulate rapid germination of the seed and growth of the plants. As soon as possible after the beans are up, and can be seen in the row, the single and two -row cultivators should be used. It should have their interests of play or work be the aim of every grower to keep the which it may be inconvenient for them soil stirred on the surface. Thus as to leave at a moments notice. Given promptly as practicable after each time to finish or to prepare for leaving rain and in time to prevent the form- the child will render more cheerful ing of a crust the soil should be stirred by means of the cultivator. The work of cultivation also should be kept well in hand early in the season so that little cultivation need be given after the blossoming stage of growth has been reached, If you are looking for speed you are most apt to 'find it in horses of the color we call "bay." If on account of the scarcity of pota- toes it becomes necessary to utilize the kitten. This early lesson will r potatogrow- should planting, every gro later bring the boy to your side just er come -by keep in mind the breed to as promptly as it brought the toddler. growing a special breeding One mother tvho began her teaching tation to be resisted, for you can read- ily see the demoralizing effect upon the child of receiving so many orders that it is impossible to obey them all. Give only commands and see to it that they are obeyed. Give fewer "rush" orders. Children and willing service. Many "orders" or "commands" can be courteously changed to requests, such as "Mary, when you have finish- ed making that mudpie, will you get mother a spool of thread?" instead of, "Mary, get out of that mud instantly and go to the shop for mei" Do leave a child a "leg of self-respect" to stand upon while doing the will of another. One of the best lessons for the very little tot is to come when called, the first lesson that we teach the puppy or plot from select seed, No great harm is likely to result in plating culls in fields where the crop is to be harvest- ed strictly for market purpose. In sorting out the culls for general plant- ing, the best tubers may be selected for planting a seed breeding plot from which the 1918 seed potatoes may be secured next fall. Olkie &®ss A Question of "Ps" "Pink is the proper color," the lithe rabbit politely informed Araminta Jane, They were having a most de- lightful afternoon tea. Dorothy Anne, who had been feeding them daintlee- bits of dike, goosoteu and crackers- had quite suddenly decided to see Whether any of her flowers were up and had left the white rabbit and the china doll together under a large tree in the orchard. "I ani euro blue is the proper color," Araminta contradicted, still very politely. That was how it started! Both were euro they were right and soon they trade such a noise that a little squirrel time to sec whet the trouble tvae. "Ilrownl""he maintained stoutly when they told him of the argument, A 'craw hopping after n fat worm, stop- ped long enough to ow, "Sleek." And he was upheld by the raven, who hap- pened along soon after. "I'll go and eslc the owl, offered the squirrel After they had erg ,ed theme selves hoarse without coming to any agreement. "Surely I know, for she picked me out herself from brown and black-eyed dolls," Araminta sobbed. "Surely she must know that blue eyes are the heti" of obedience somewhat late said that once she had taught her boy to come immediately when he was called, just as he would if he were a loyal soldier and his captain summoned him, she felt that she was mistress of the situa- tion, because the habit of implicit obedience in one thing was formed and 11 gradually influenced his conduct in others. Keep in mind that the successful parent not only requests or commands but follows the order issued, and sees that they are obeyed, Better give a youngster no orders than to allow them to be disregarded. Be sure to obtain the child's full at - Back scampered the little squirrel, tention before giving him instructions; "He says it's a question of 'I's'," he he cangot then offer the excuse that he announced breathlessly. has not heard or did not understand.' "Silly, isn't that what we all know, We mean the proper color for eyes." Just then back from the garden danced Dorothy Anne and Elizabeth and Ruthie, her little friends. "Oh, look et Dottie's new doll, Aren't her eyes the most beautiful bluel" ex- claimed Auth, peeking up Araminta anddancing up and down with her, your "no" be "no," never changing it "But look at the cutis rabbit with unless justice and circumstances war - its cunning pink eyes," Elizabeth said, rant such a change. Thus will you "Dorothy, whet colo• do you think have peace in your household. eyes ought to bo?" Dorothy looked carefully at the big In these days when farmers become brown eyes of both her little friends, used to the rapid work of the motor, "I ----i" she started to say. The little squirrel, who had been the quick -stepping farm horse tip- waiting tomaster and man alike, Slow waiting to hear the answer, suddenly peals a chuckled to himself, "Now I know horses make slow men, and in order what the Owl meant," ho whispered to get the best work out of the labor - to the rabbit as ha scampered past er and to encourage him, a good tont pini, unquestionably n'ondets great service 1)o you? on the farm. When it is practicable iet the child have an explanation of why he must do thus and so, but also teach him that, like a soldier, he must learn to obey without being given the reason, know- • ing that it must be good as coming from his parents. And do let your "yes" be "yes'' and