HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-31, Page 1VOL. 45 NO. 48
'x.5o Per Annum in Advance
New Advertisements.
. 71mo—Goo;Ton lost—Trio POS
Bulls Pon pilo—.10i. Sean,
Notloo—Twp.'or I1oRlllo ,
.-nStoer strayed—Immo Ulan
.: Mon's wear—R. Button W Ferguson.
Anniversary --Melvin() Uhur, i.
Manitoba Flout'—Geo, Thomson.
Servant wanted -Mrs, Ferguson,
Mzs#xxxt, `.e3s
Mr, Laurie, London, was here for
the holiday.
Next Council ineeiing of the Town-
ship daddies will be held here.
A former old resiclent, in 'the person
of Mrs. Jno, Ballantyne, Flint, Mich.,
is visiting friends here. • •
Next Sunday will be Communion iu
Knox church here. Thursday after-
noon at the preparatory service, Rev.
Mr. Mann, I3russels. will preach,
Tuseday evening of this week Rev.
and Mrs, MCOulloeh attended the W.
0.1'..17. Medal Contest at Brussels.
Mr. McCulloch was one of the judges
on the vocal music competition,
. cousin of Rev. J. L. McCulloch,,
a Rev, Mr. McCulloch, Appin, Oat.,
was visiting ab the manse this week.
He purchased the Ford touring car of
the late' Wm. Locking and took it
home with him.
Mrs. Wm. Alderson is regaining her
strength nicely after beroperation for
appendicitis. Miss Laving was threat-
ened with an attack of the same ail-
ment but was able to fight it off
and returned, to her position at Toron-
Next Sunday afternoon two mem-
bers of the Gideons, a religious section-
ectionof the Commercial. Travellers Aasocia-
tion, will conduct the service in the
Methodist Church. Rev. Mr. Wren
is attending. the Hamilton0oeference
at Brantford,
Lorne and Mise Gladys Keeling,
Cargill, were visitors with A. J. and
Mrs. Helm. They motored. in H.
Grise's car. The former has enlisted
with the Signal service and will train
at Ottawa before going overseas. He
is a clever young man and we wish
him well.
Thos. Brown and his sisters, Mes-
dames Will. and Tom Cameron and
,u.,,.. H. Smalidon were at Galt Met
hags. He is survived by his wife and!'
4 children, Mr, Currie was a fIno man
and had vleited in this locality on
various ()coasting:,
PERSONALS.—Mise G, McDonald
was a visitor in London over May 24,
—Jno, and Mrs, Patterson, Hertietou.
and W. and Mee. Patterson visited
with relatives in Clinton on Sunday.
—Miss N. Hratehinson, Fordwich, was
the guest of Mrs, G. Davidson receut-
ly,—R, and Mrs. Blaok-spent Sud'ay
with relatives in Ilarristor.—Bort,
Harris, Toronto, spent the week end
with his parents, i4, and Mrs, Barris,
Howiek.—Miss Doubiedee, Harrietou,
is the guest of her. sister. Mrs. B.
1lemliug.—Ashton Morrison, Toronto.
spent a few days recently at his home
I. and Mee, Reputed, Stratford, are
visiting their uncle, C. Raynard,
Etlreh '
Miss Ahna Schmidt, Tavistock, was
in town over Sunday; a guest of Miss
Edna 1krcLelland.
Miss Danbrook, Miss Tippin and.
Misses Bert and, wenn Barclay. visited
at A. L. McDonald's on Sunday,
.I. McLelland is a recipient of a
beautiful Veteran Jewel for 25 years
continuous membership of Abiram
Lodge, No. 205,
Additional Ethel news may be read
on page 5. It was too late for last
issne-en account of earlier publication
in view of holiday.
The Endeavor of the Presbyterian
church had a social evening in Town-
ship Hall on Monday evening. They
report a very, pleasant time.
R. Hamilton was called to Lucknow
on account ofe illness of his mallet..
She since passed: away,' heti& tak-
ing place Wednesday at Lucknow.
. The Methodist church is going
ahead. The cement blocks are com-
pleted and,Jonah.Flood and B. Cand-
ler, Atwood, - have commenced bbe
mason work.
At the District meeting at Tees
water 'last week Jno. Pearson was
elected to attend .the annual Metho-
dist Conference that convenes next'
week at London.
The first Foob Ball match of the sea-
son will be played Saturday evening
of this week, commencing_ at 0.30
week attending the. funeral of their o'clock, between Listowel Juniors and
cousin, James Currie, who died on the Ethel, in grounds on D. W. Dunbar's
previous Wednesday from a bemorr- farm Web of Ethel.
Council met here last Saturday and
put through the usual quota of busi-
ness. The Court of Revision on As-
onlyreduced t
ement Roll
Nast. Council
by 700
be held at Oraubrook.
spite unfavorable weather there was a
gond audience at the Township Hall
Thursday evening, at the annual
Entertainment under the auspices
of the Methodist Church . Ladies'
Aid. Rev. J. W. Johnson
,presided, The talent was excellent,
Mise Hammond, Atwood, .rendered
her solos in first-eliiss voice ; Miss
Muxworthy, Exeter, elocutionist, slid
her part splendidly and both were
heartily encored ; Mise McNeil, Ethel, -
sang well as
she always does.
orchestra, conducted by H. L.
Jackson, contributed their instru-
mental numbers in a way that won
hearty applause. The Drill by 21
girls and Burton McDonald was well
done. It was called "War on the
Western fronds the directress being
Miss McLelland. Interwoven into it
were recitations by I3et'nice Cole
representing Belgium ;. Rhea AIe-
Lelland, France ; V. MoOall, Britain ;
and :Myrtle McKee, Canada 'while
Marjory Thomson and Berton McDon-
ald took their parb in duo course. Drill
reflected credit on -chose taking part
and the trainer as well and would
stand repeating. The talent wits
thanked by the Chairman Proceeds
totalled $05:00, which will be applied
on the Building Fund of the church.
The ladiesaro to be eongratulated.
:Chose Lakin part were—Bernice and
Bertha Cole, Pearl Dobson, Istria
lriitchel), Lotbie eVard, Rhea !JcLel
Lund, Pearl Love, Leila Vodden, Ella
Mitchell, (Beelike) Flood, Verna Mc-
Call, Margaret McDonald,, Lily Sand-
ers,. May Vodden, Lizzie Cleaver,
Myrtle and Jessie McKee, Pearl
J aures, ° Audrey .Bremner, Susie Row -
tin at Brussels
I expect a car of first-
class Lime at Brussels G.
T. R. Telephone your
orders to No. 524 , or see
Baker gra
@• •0000 ®-3.•••O******00••••••
Brussels ussels Z
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•OPEN - •
Friday & Saturday each week
__ •O
Tr us for Amateur
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• Printing and Developing •
2Groups Laken at your own home q
• anywhere in the county .
p . .-* Picture framing Dearly Done_
• We make -Enlargements frau •
c old Photos. et,
2 G. S. FREE Photographer
9 •
eeet asaOe•a• 5,1-.4 ee•O••••••O••Po
An d.verse ry
Will be conducted
Sunday, June 10
etlla.in. and 7p.m.by •
RevJ1Banka Nelson,D.D:, Hamilton
A liberal offering is requested at both
services for Building Fund. • •
o am,a
s,a-n ver +c ..----
. fele..4.41,4J-1.+4.4..444 4 i.,tt4.+4
R. W. Perguson
+449+++++++99 +99 N9+9444.14+44+9401.
As the season for Men's Sumtnee wear willstem be here
the nice warm days will make you think of something cool.
Men's 2 -piece Zimmer Knit Underwear reg-
ular $I,00, for, per suet i.. 90
Men's Sailor I-Iats, regularG $2.50 for .,
2 00
styles, all
iVIen s Genuine Panama Hats,
regular $4,00 for ... 3 00
All Wool Socks, uaranteed,per pair ... 60,
, >; ,, p •
Silk Hose, all colors, regular
Per pair
•. 5
Nice rangeP of Sport Shirts at Reduced Prices.'
L'ratld new line of 5oc Ties • for 35
_. e he e,
No Old . Mk, Compare ;hose Prices b f rey ing Isew r
Conte' Fee eritiehee
Monday Evening
Commencing at 8 o'clock,
Dr. Nelson will Lecture on
. "Bullets and Brotherhood"
All will be Welcome 1
Special Music Sunday and Monday
Evening by the Choir,
Admission 25c and 15e.
Soa.-Troae. Pastor.
land, Marjory Thomson and Burton
McDonald. •
WoitnN's INSTITUTE.—The Ethel
Branch of the Women's I»stitute held.
their anunal meeting at the home of
Mrs. S. S. Cole Thursday May 7th. ' 12
ladies were preeent. Meeting opened
by singing the Ode. Minutes -of the
last meeting, were read and approved.
Secretary then read the Financial
Report of the Institute for year bee
ginning May 18th, 1910 to May 17th,
7917, also an itemized report of Red
Otoss work done by the Institute and
found correct, 30 quilts. 9 pillows, 52
pillowcases, 83 sheets. 50 bed jackete,
48 suits pyjamas, 14 day shirts and
00 long night shirts, 185 pairs socks
constituted the fine list. Speeial men-
tion should be made of an autograph
quilt made by Mrs. John _Brown,
through her zeal -and energy raised
340,00 for the Iced Cross. We wish to
thank all those who so kindly helped
with the Red Cross work. The follow-
ing is the result of the election of
officers for the g 1 roman " .
Year :—Presi-
Mrs. 1. Coleis c P
t Vi a- Tea.
Mea, J. Flood ; 2nd ice Pres., Mrs.,
Robs, Bremner Dist.
Elizabeth Hall ; Dist. Director, Mrs.
A. H. McDonald ; . Directors, Mrs.
Wm. Hall, Mrs. P. McKay, Mrs. A.
McKee ; Auditors, Mrs. O. Eckmier
and Mrs. T. Vodden. Mrs. Vodden
and Mrs. Flood sang a duet very
pleasingly and Mrs. 0. Eckmier gave a
reading. Roll Call with quotations
from Shakespeare, Meeting closed
by singing National Anthem.
farmer' in the West. Mr.McKenzie
is optimistic as to ftu-rul•rs -being
organized to reap the full value for
the' raw tnaterial which be produces.
Ae the close of the meeting lunch tend'
hot eoffeo was served by the ladies.
Seafo h
Jona McN .ins Gooca,—Tho rather
sudden death occurred early Wedtie--
day morning of laet week of an old
and highly esteemed citizen of Sea -
forth, in the person of John McNabb,
at the age of 81, He had been ailing
for some time, but confined to bed for
only shout a week. Ile came to liea-
foith ill 1870 from Iiarriston, and was
for many years to the employ of 1),
D. W ilson,-the "Egg King. ' He was
a native of Kirkoswaid, Scotiand. lie
was •a staunch Liberal and a Presby-
terian. 'Be is survived by his wife,
2 daughters, Misses Belle and Nellie,
at home, and one son, John' R., pro-
dnoe merchant at Dungannon,
TAO POST gives .the news. Lend a
hand to help it do better.
Automobile crop is fairly good in
Grey township this season so far.
Tuesday a number of Greyites were
3.p Wingham attending the Liberal
Mrs. Jno. 3. Ritchie, 18th Con„ has
gone to Galt, Ayr and other points to
visit relatives and friends.
There will be League service in
Union 'church next Sunday evening.
commencing at7,30 o'clock.
Wm. Fulton's No, in the Telephone
Directory is 289, when it should be
285. The former No, is that of Jno.
A. McNair. If people would make the
correction in their Directory now the
confusion would be done away with.
That it pays to, raise the right kind
-was made plain this week when An-
drew Lamont, 10th Oon., sold a couple
of 3 year old steers, the best of which
brought him $17800 and the other
3164 00. Samuel Walker was the buy-
er and shipment was made Tuesday.
By way of - illustration' Ali, Lamont
disposed of 2 similar steers 6 years
ago when be took about 3200 as
against $33200 this week or in other
wnt•ds he received within 322 for one
what he got for two. Mr, Lamont is
a good. farmer.
Bel>g rave
Iter Me.Boyle gave an impressive
discourse nn Sunday morning making
a strong appeal to his hearers for con
fessinn of Natimtal and individual sin
'also intercession on behalf of the late,
cold Spring for weather suitable for
the crop,its
our country is appeal-
ing to ts citizens for. 4.leo that
Great 13ritaiu;nay bo aroused to her
great anvil in the Liquor Traffic and
the shortage of food which is caused
through the manufacture of intoxi-
cants. The widows and mothers of
our Nation, who have been bereaved
or are anxious on accoiitib of the war.
were not forgotten. The choir sang
an appropriate anthem.
The meeting hold in the Foresters'
Ball last Friday night, nutlet, the
auspices of the Farmers' Club, was
well attended from this locality,
realty also being present 1 i from the
viehnity of Blyth, Brussels and Wing -
halts, _ who are interested in the very
highest development by the tilierseof
Cho' soil. The chair' was taken ley
}Inhere Coulbes, who inbrodecod
Roderick MclKonzje, Winnipeg, an old
who has been
tl b
Ashiield toll ishi n 1 a- a
y, v
active. ler many yeare in the Grain
the • es
anizti Li_ W ons of t
Growers' erg
rand at present; holds an tw ror$attt
position order the Dominion 'govern.
mote in the htserests of the farmer.
He gave a good deal of information
ae to, the value of eo-operation to the
John Clegg, h'as purchased a Ford
bottling car.
Clifford and Mrs. Sherrie, Galt were
here over Sunday,
A Chevrlrot touring ear bus been
pntcbased by Msnno Jackson, 8th line,
A number of Liberals attended the,
anunal meeting at Wingham on Tues-
day afternoon.
:Arthur Shaw, let, line, will represent
Bluevale oirenit as lay delegate at
London Conference next weelt. ice's
an old band at the business.
The annual Sunday School Garden
Party of the Jackson church will be
held at the home of Wm. and Mrs.
Taylor, 9th line, • en Friday, June
Every Morris township Pathmaster
should adopt the beet methods. looking
toward'permanent good roads when
the annual Statute Labor is being
done. Make every day count.
A League Lawn Party is to be held
this (Thursday) eveieing at the home
of John Hopper, 3rd line, under the
auspices of Belgrave Epworth League.
Good program will be rendered.
Ire the report of Belgrave Women's
Institute instead of Miss Maggie Ma
Callum, on the Program Comtmttee,
it should have read Miss Maggie
Wightman. Meetings are held the
3rd Tuesday of each month.
A successful operation was perform-
ed Wednesday of last week on Mrs.
Elston Cardiff, 5th line, and reports
concerning the patient speak of satis-
factory progress, Early and complete
convalescence is hoped for.
Jno. McCall, who has been living
at Lucknow decided to go West
to Abernathy, Sask.,
a car of
this week- with i
Tuesday of
stock,Rea Hewas
accompanied aced
p by
his son,.Gordon. Mrs. McCall and
Gertrude will follow later, visiting in
Brussels and Morris in the meantime.
We wish,Mr. McCall and family suc-
cess. His 'brother James is located at
Last Sunday a Biew Ribbon -Day
was observed in connection with the
Jackson church Sabbath School, The
pastor preached a very impressive
sermon, baking his text from Numbers
chap. 15 and verse 38. A knot of blue
ribbon was worn by each person as a
remiode1of three things, is
now thy Creator in the days
of thy youth ; 2ud—Remember the
Sabbath day to keep it holy ;. 3rd—
Remember that Jesus Christ of the
seed of David was raised from the
dead according to the Scripture.
This is the first of a aeries of sermons
on the Red, White and Blue.
Anderson, daughter of Junes and
Mrs. Anderson, 5th line, gave a Birth-
day Party last Monday everting. The
guests included were her girl friends,
pupils of S. S. No. 5 and teacher,
lilver .bocl was in the spirit of 'nbila-
tion as the various out-of-door games
were indulged in and carried out with
heated contests by the young lassies.
A bountesius tea was served in Mrs.
Anderson's usual good style. A 8
story birthday cake, nicely decorated,.''
containing the usual birthday,
trophies, was a feature of note, one
story being seut to brother Private.
Jack, who is doing his "bib" overseas,
which no doubt will be appreciated.
Vocal musical selections were render-
ed after tea iu patriotic and National
ales whieh were heartily eung. The
evening was enjoyed to the fullest by
all present who brought gifts that
were tokens of good wishes for the
coming years to the young lady.
About 5 o'clock Monday evening the
spirit crit uP Mrs.
u ol
resident of the 8rd line, departed from
bhe tsnentene of clay. She had a
stroke of paralysis the Wednesday
previous, which at her advanced age,
was more than her powers °mild over -
tome, Deceased's maiden name was
Jean Watt, 'bee birthplace Aberdeen,
Sootlamd, and her ago 81 years, 6
months and 17 days. She came to
Canada whetr 7 years of age and spent
some time at 13iubroolt, near Buell -
ton, before coming Westward to Bul-
let township, 56 years ago last
August the subject of this uoblce was
married JohnMason, pre-
deceased her by a year. They spent
some years in Leuliett and came to
the 8rd Line, Morris township in 1882,
where they lived continuously. Tito
surviving : ohildten are : — John,
Wawanosh ; Wm.; Iittllett, ; and
Aletl , at home ; Mrs. 3. M. Martin,
Clinton; Mrs. Hugh Moses and Mrs.
Jas. Hogg, Morris ; Mrs. Jin, Hill,
PortagePrairie, . . la Man ' and Mrs.
"4 t n li •rn Holstein, One of
� I Il c t. 13 n L a
farnily, of 0 dangbters and 3 sons only
Mee. Geo, Knox, Hallett, is left scrum
the demiso of Mts. Mason. The fun-
eral sial took place Thursday foi.onoon of
title week, service beteg conducted at
the home by Rev, A, J.
ceased spAstorbat 11.80 o'clock. itt-
Varmant will be made this afternoon
in the Burns Cemetery, Willett, in
the faintly burial plot. Mrs, Mason
W. H. KRRR, Proprietor
was a kind, motherly woman, faithful
to all her duties and was a devoted
member of the Presbyterian church.
The old folk are slipping away one by
one and soon their:• name and blessed
memory will be all that is possessed,
pending the meeting bye and bre.
Mr. Mason died May 3rd, 1910, in his
85th year.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
in the school room of the Methodist
church Tuesday evening at the Silver
Medal Contest, under the ausptees of
the W, 0. T. U. of Brussels, Rev. D.
Wren, 31. A., occupied the chair and
there was a good attendance.
There were 2 competitions, vocal,
music and elocutionary renditions and
the various aspirants for the honors
acquitted themselves admirably. In
the former the list was made up of
Muriel Hoover, Marion McLaucblin,
Elva Oliver, Irene Wilkinson, Vivian
Harris, Marjory Campbell, Marguerite
Wilton. The Judges who were Revds,
3. L. Mc0nlloch, Oranbrook and Page,
Brussels and L. R. Rattan, awarded
the palm to Marjory Campbell, whose
solo was entitled
bi and
lists on
entered the sts in ancon
were palled upon in the
order ;—Luella Fulton, Thelmw'Bur•
gess, Ernest Blaine, Marjory Hoover,
Florence Stewart and Inez McNichol.
Decision was given in favor of Mar-
jory Hoover by the trio of Judges,
Miss Isabel McNabb, Miss Beatrice
Curry and Tom Armstrong.
The winners were called to the plat-
form and the medals pinned on by
Mrs. R. Dark, the past President, who
deserves much credit for her energetic
work,in arranging the contest. All
the other contestants received a nice
book, Misses Grace Walker and Flor-
ence encs Buchanan, who lent valuable aid
presenting the gifts. The accompan-
ists were Misses Bailey, Walker and
Wilkinson, Mrs. S. C. Wilson and P.
R. Moiberon. Program was extended
by addition of other meritorius talent
as follows :—Piano 'solo. Marguerite
Wilton ; quartette, Mrs, J. Meadows
and Miss Vine Bowman, A. Straehan
and McCall ; piano solo, Wilma Gal-
braith ; address, Mrs. (Rev.) Fergus-
on ; Ladies sextette, Misses llingston,
Walker, Rands, Dark. Bailey and
Ounningham. Entertainment con-
cluded with the National Anthem and
the Benediction.
Financial proceeds totalled $80.82,
divided between the Red Cross and
W. O. T. U, after expenses wore de-
ducted, The young folk are to be
congratulated on the success of the
contest and.itshould encourage them
to develop the musical and literary
talent so well displayed Tuesday
Grey council
Municipal Council of the Township
of Greymet in the Township Hall,
Ethel, Saturday, May 26th, as a Court
of Revision ou the Assessment Roll
for the year 1917. Members all
present, Reeve in the chair.
Following appeals were received and
caol of
—Wn, McKelvey,
on Pt. N)tt LoE2J.
Wm. m Theat-
made ti
Com 8,not ,
on Lots Pt.1 aft
or, agtinst assess at
2, Walton, no change made ; John A.
McNair, against assessment on Loi. 15,
coo. li, assessment reduced 3100.
Geo, Baker was assessed for Pt, Npt.
10, Oon. 12, instead of Wm, Sermon.
Dogs assessed against Edward Wood,
William Rathwell, Elizabeth Me -
Donald and Geo. Graham wore struck
off the roll.
Court of Revision was closed and
Assessment Roll as revised declared
to be Aesessmeut Roll of the Town-
ship of Grey for the veer 1917.
Council now proceeded with general
business, Minutes of previous meet,
Mg were read and adopted.
A position- for • a Municipal Drain
was received from Robert J.
Dougborey et al, and upon being
found sufficiently signed vitas received
forwarded to Jolter Roger,
and a copy~ g
r •ion to examine
h. instrt ct s
0, L. S., with
the area deset•ihed and report. to the
Engineer's report on the Hall Drain
and Bishop Extension was read and
Report of iirgineer on tite Livhng•
Wu Drain was read and on motion
teas refeered bank to the Engineer fo'r
the consideration of some proposed
changes on Lob 28, Con. 15,
Following accounts were presented
and ordered to be paid :—John Mc-
Donald, ]amber, $0.00 ; Mack L,
Cardiff, work on Con. 12, 83.50 ; Rob-
ert H. McKinnon, Assessor, postage
and stationery, 31.50 ; Geo. Snelling,
bo .rd and expenses, re John Barbeau,
31133.55 ; tie,,, Meehan, taking T. Bar -
beau to Clinton house of Refuge,
355.00 ; Jits. 31cKay, repairing road
end drawing tiiu, $23,00 ; Andrew
Ilneban, work on Oon. 17, $10 00 ;
Wm, V._ McKay, work on Elute
boundary, A. G, Bishop, repairs to
Inglis Drain and repairing culvert,
37.50; Lawrence Wheeler, farm
bridge, Tee:Mull Drain, $20.00.
Connell adjourned to meet Monday,
June 25th next, in, Long's Hall, Oran -
A. Id, MACDONALD, Clerk.
Wingham district ;Meeting
and frond wishee extended tcN he re-
moves to Rev, I) Wren, olio has
served e , e t it aSunda) tit Noel
Seete...n.r and Fiit catcali3,,n3.i, nett
it trauslttrin;.: i.. ltoutil;n, • .u
ence, beteg it;Vi- ,t to 3 1 r , 1t ' ;
and to 'f eswtie . i ;! t s th it 0 nir,'-
esy and haspita,rty ar. ,glad tit .'r •-
gates. 'lees: wet, tppeop 't I1
eponded to and w; reely rca ,,,tt 1.
Dist;tct nr.eti''lg Ley '-' 11
rneetiu Ifturetch;e
lteecwatet elet. tod Nte Pave great -y
improved their rihutr h :roperty at d.
under its past.OVA t+ of It •v. Mr. Dur-
rant, have made .a flu•, t.. natl.
\V highaani l)istt .t is n iticipating Ia
big l4vangelietir crusade next Sall Yoe
which both clergy and 17,`•Ly are p'e-
pared to cine up in the hope t,f a great
sweeping revival.
Few changes of rnln ser'• Lr. antic:
paced in Wingham Dr=tiir.i At.,tn,J
those who have to move 1e tt
Bruseels and Ripley 'Aloe. 93. 'it,
bort is invited to Ewes ' .
E. F. Arm rtotg, cre the .
peoted tot become 0 ;V. 'i 1 •.
The Dicbrlt.i, :. ....tie.;
cordiality an e,..,•,. ,rt .-'-i
through; rat tee t s iced,
The annual May District meeting of
Wingbam District was held Tuesday
and Wednesday of last week in Tees -
water Methodist church, Rev. J. H.
Hibbert, Chairman of District pre.
sided, Rev. D. Wren, Financial
Secretary ; Rev. W. A. Walden,
Social Service Secretary and Rev. H.
B. Parnaby Sunday School Secretary.
rethren werein
their places on the firsb day, when the
business dealt with their particular
department of the work. Death was
reported of Rev. W. W. Leech, a
superannuated brother, and Joseph
Bassett, a probationer, who answered
the call of his country and passed
away in a German hospital, being
taken prisoner. 3 ethers belonging to
the District, are still on active service.
A. J. Love, Wroxeter and T. Grainger,
Whitechurch, are continued on pro-
bation and George Bennett, who has
been at Bethel and W. Lawson were
received as probationers.
Tuesday evening a public meeting
was held when fine addresses were
given by Rev. W. A.. Walden, B. A.,
Fordwich, on "The 4000 year cycle,"
ancl Rev. D. Wien, M. A., Brussels,
whose theme was "8 years experience
in Wingham District." The church
choir gave a choice program of music.
Wednesday molnning, despite bad
weather conditions, a large majority
of the apppointed lay delegates joined
their clerical brethren. Forenoon
was filled in with the reacting and
comparison of eirruit schedules from
which it was gleaned that 37,162 had
lteeu contributed "or Missions and 'a
grand total for all purposes of 347578,
aft average of 025.37 per family,
The W, M. S. report 31502. Member•
ship was reported as 4193, a slight
increase. 3837.00 was raised for Edu-
cational Fund. 807 have enlisted
during Lhe past year; Rev. Mr. Brig-
ette was chosen Secretary and Rev.
Mr. Thomson assistant. Bev. Mr.
Clydesdale was elected Statistical
Secretary. The reports showed good
work to have been clone during bhe
Cest year and the outlook for next
onference year ie most assuring.
Rev. Mr. Walden was chosen to
represent the District on Lbe Station-
ing Committee of London Conference
and the various ministerial end lay
delegates were allotted to the varinne
oate.t a and District V021inrl
n r3.
Lumen elected to Con er
nee were
—Messrs, Howson, Greer, Bu+.hanan
Pollock, J1 n nt Kerr, Wood,I
in kt'Lt
T. Henry, yFinlay, D. Henry Carle-
ton, Shaw, Scott, Pearson, Lowry,
and Reid.
Reeds. Messrs. Bradley and Mantoll,
Preebyserian and Anglican pastors of
Teeswater, were introduced to the
District meeting. ".rd spoke practical
words of good cheer,
A layman's Evangelistic Oonimittoe
was named to ant, in
the Conference Layman's Asso nation,
follows: -President, hr. Caldwell,
Kincardine ; Vice President, 3. Joyub,
Luekrtow ; Sea-Treas., 13', H. Gilroy,
Brussels ; Oornmitbee, F. R. Howson,
Jno. Bryans, Jno, McDonald and H,
The Resolution Committee, oonsiet-
ing of Revds, Messrs. Gatbubt and
iron 'and W. H. Kerr, itresentecl
resolutions concerning .the question of
Dominion Prohibition P : ,hi ition anti- the wet
canteen, Race track gr.mbltng, and
infringement' ten the Loads Day under
Teeuce if greater
were carried unanimously and
copies ordered to be forwarded to the
M, Vs, of this district,
ResoluLiots of thanks were also
passed to Ii•ev, Mr. Iinlrb
err on the
efficient wayin which he had tilled
post ost of hairman for past 6 years
64°1965e111 I6�?d�ii itBaR�;
Monday eveeine n the w tate
newly orge,.u: ed e .306a: m 1 : 1 -
nese men in L- nes, s wet .11
oil Chain'. '1, arca chile tc 1-
ment. Tliere was .,, g.:ev ee e
anti the lire 1,etereea 111,1.efe,l 1 in ;.•s
best welch -net that "gce pee
into it by theme totes.-, i - when
should mean everybody in to ., 1.
After the minutes of the nut meet.
ing wars read and adopted the report
of the Nocnivatiag eouimittse appcin t-
ed at fust meeting was read, Reeve.
S. T, Plum uccupy:ng the. cinair.
It was as foliuws ;—lion, President,
J. Leckie ; President V.T. II. Keel ;
1st Vito President, telul sr n ;
2ud Viet Prtyidsnt Jame Fux;
Secretary, I', 11. Oilrety : Tr : toer,
G- 41. Semis.
Industrial Committee --J T. Weed,
P. Ameut, D. Ewan, R. Fleoneme. weed
P. Scott.
Business Committee—feed. Tlae.tt-
son, N. le. Gerry, A. C. Seeker, J, T.
Ross and W. le. Stratton,
Improvement Committee—D. 0.
Ross, A, 0. Dames, R. Leatherdale, B.
S. Scott and I. O. Richards,
Music Committee—J. 0. .'ones, W.
a. RI/i-
u -
A. Brewer, H 1�, i t,aon H i
and 'R.. in-ul t c u
lanai P
F' t,ut
Legal and Lar
nal, Sinclair, cS. t3tra li tn, .i r •,
F. R.Smith • a n d R. F. D c w
Reception t:,nti Kee:mat :xi r .remit-
tee—M. Ble,211, jus. Bai' n ,
Hewitt, W. teibesp;e end e
.On motion of 73 S $ so:ee
y . d . Dames, ea rbc. report ,v.. .,ret:et-
The newp
pPresident took the chair
and outlined the proposed work of the
Association and invited t tie he e t e, .,t -
operation of Brueselites get •>aLy
whether on the offieiery t tre-a.
On motion the pFreseut staff of offi-
cers is to hold office for the ta'.ante cf
1917, 3.11 the Convene s of Commit-
it -
tees were present and r e •n i^:.)51.1
Couch with the utemhers . f their 0 .
speorivi Oamitittoes,
Atter a tsar • term a s' i•ln ne
Rules to ;Lvtt
c..no •.gan zee:.ca
mot;+,n of Idesst:. Wood end `,fir .5e
the Legal told Finance Cot: .;it:: e
was asked to peel>are a ,Ir-ant
mit it at next meeting,
A communisation .Jas tt ad Moe
Winghamrel'tiv• to Bt. eeeee. ado;,
ing a weekly hat' ',Aide. en ,. '.1
day during July and August. Art - Eerestin;discussion en er in which
goodly number took pari- Thursu:a
was looked apo, us it mere suitabl
day for Brussels, in Ouse of the ),flat:
being tried. The tensinese Committee,
will make a canvass of the business
people and learn their ,uiud and will
report at the first m.x,ting of the
Association, The quest.iou of olos.ug
earlier on Wednesday and :3atucday
nights was mentioned also and, if
agreeable to the majottty, t how, nt•
so may be clipped off, p...;cut-.ala• ,,• t
Saturday night,
The question of
tion was introcuccd by .. i
opened the we.g t'tn at i •ee` 1
of opinion ail bre u i , t
dosirabilitee o' add , el .: se' a , t
the mattot. A, tion
to he within file atnvt
cct f
7 .:a t
dilelll:ai (.Uminit de Nt_ a iC
pd ace to act, owing to the tart edee ori
pr eurptuess it 'soil ti ut_g egeded
upon and report later to tete 1,t
tion. Mn. f ititatten sale t .cel 11,5
propriety of tha.Bu- n .-ca i c .lhlirl
the farniers1»'lieharvest aod ,:favor-
able verdin etas ntv,tn ucod by is
number who r.',oke,
Sevc•al (1.mveuc s of Co
spoke se to their see
with the oiga'nizat:on Lied e eeleati
It was agreed that the •3. •:.'ciaLic c,.
hold its next, meeting Tuesday evening
Suite 12th, prompt at 8 p. ni. to receive.
reports t from the various Committees
f Tri
and mark out a program ofractice!
g .a
work. Kindly malts cots of dart and,
bring ani,tdter person with you
The members of Brussels Municipal
Ceuucil were left eieat ,:f ,tffloeso that
tit' u sought
in case of Choir salt c t4 1 ti � n ug
they would have a free Ilan to deal
With s lails inestighth.f
re al
11'eve: ybus, .:me men will ct't, one
above list of „floors end pin it up it
vturi nae to kunw
may rove a salt r
who compose the oieleiar .
A membership of a roam; 1.00 sh'.auo .
be forthcoming when the roll itt epee -
ed and if this le attained 11 err ehuut t
be runnel—Meg doing in aur sung litthu
bows that will hotter conditions, for