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The Brussels Post, 1917-5-24, Page 8
•I'Velsfloc®'leak's - ,)-144-031.433130444,01+24443+0+•4+1,440 "rd"f+03'4444 CP 4. o 4 3 4 ilia B u Ins Ili Weil Per Large selling In Wall Paper this last few weeks has left us with broken lots of Paper and small quantities of some pat - [eras which we are going to clear at reduced prices. A- mong them are suitable for Bedrooms, all-over Ronal p:dtern:., colorings Blue, Pin. and Lavender, regular roc a roll, reduced toiee per roll. .......... These Wreathe regular match- 1 ee Borders and• Ceiling. .„„e a Koda € , f, `q`q�''1' �,� ip' •�(: k19 U����9 t1� t 1 you serd 54d !r 310,.t - t of the :1st he elect of the See:mei. IE s -'t has'u'r.:, Kedvk F • o•tr etec ]so+.i. e.1'. $7. we no. ' 3d Br..:.ree t, ;.meta, from $,2 no u7. We Deve4.op :'firms and Print 4=at`ture w 1; - eeieie i'• 1 a''ron. O ntle ereii .. t '-'m- 1 y esir ces lei.Y ,r•1• - �fi est dee F •rs ier Frit.:+y m, : sire t' 1 ; t 2A,:y r star( .y af' ::.loon. ty, ; 95 :Ci • , - s Drt giat and Stationer ► 1 F 414 +0 , ec 04 ee cl•r 3(+41]040+4•t 9•kGfi0•?•+v-:•Fa•4'C4'1.4•f•N4.•k• ere 1 '. � • 1:4. ` NUE -DAY of this week is Victoria t 8 a i `. 1 Day. 1 oe ,.ff the boulevards or suffer the ' -._- .__- . ecei: -gee; .e s. Wien qr . y,+ 7"r ? TOE if I.''...c• ttvtn ar:ver is once DASnr,i , s .- ., a -1 .. - t in the .aid. BARI.F ..a t, ;r, • ... o¢:.. .fcen•.,. iii7R,N Co.C'nr:'eii •will'rot in Gode- s-few flees t: ILA)el EA, you: lap -.r rich on i',teaday. J:tar sth It 3 o'clock. Yead. ?-._.-0- Keen "a .3'.'i". -.'c -:the -t:; and saves , .r.i.::a1e, 1 matin. old. tpply to ' faoa y x c. r J. $. McINTosa. Seeress.. 3ud bailee ere :1t c44771 cn 11 Fr za d frcm premises of under- - Ts 1:, -, :: Lu r e a vn..,- township, en 1.'t:IDA' of es sok n:,rer, ft ,c "' 4° ' ':. i 771•711rar old, grog in c,,!..r _ t u,: cm. Any information I^,t : - r 1= i v, ry w 11 0, thankfully re- 1EIri "5lt L p at slat t,.::0 hese der i gi.3eNrv. lhw.n 6419. ins; I: p , •. weer. G.74;41 ^9 .' t in Brussels, set with 12 LAm.3.33,333111-,"c '.ft• h, .:as.,1nl• ,,,tile 1e l aha ,,r .44 -,ski., Will the finder kindly kt... s.r 4 nE PO.. and Kr+•atly oblige the loos- . general yc. or• CENTRE -1:: b L ,t'tl5 w''.;tr: 1 eet is PA.TrlE for limited number of year old Wing1 ut i ••'3,'.,3 4,7 a r +„n . carts: 0.74's of water. Fur farther particulars BI it t n:o.. i ,t,• In t n': tiaa apply t' F ccuAan BEWLEY. 7th line, Morris. :1,4i 1 9 .y n� 1 Y'y• -Phone �. the 4 WIT r 12..,I1 (Melte nun- for agile. Apply to IAIPR :t tn. :1 - Jan. e i i t:. BrnBaelw. Cermet: ie- : t: , P..1, .,ie, n w-aare old. JNo. MCNAra. `CLI •03:'';11.' , 1 a.,_,' ..a',,� 1 L-I:1,t:••i 74,,}rey. Phone 437. s' ell 1•:y to -. t'.,: , .lid: „ -,r:'. Lutol neenp'ed by Currie sla r0 a. 11.. C, RICIIARDS. c+ear. • A a - ns ,,.f ......,11 • o: n. 4 r !tn ri1G, ,... vfngl«and Rose Comb 1 roma, "5.•tio:' ,,Ld ; +, ..e 0. . 1'.. vn ,el ,ng'.$2 Ong. Price$150 rv1 Nett, , W. 7 rings $2 e A 1 stock. ['tar•. r tV .tm,POonuu:, Brussels., A TiY ,.. 7 0,' 11 '1't •:1. -lo r, To 147.:, -' .r. Portable dwelling above hash'.,' 2;1: :, it ILA! r'.. . d.. r the tot ; 703337".I. C. RronAllIle. beim -' el " ,. ,. i : i.. . t c.1,4-, u. La. 4 S : 1n3, cr..teupaihia Physician, visits Ii ce r the iatY as to Rru, 1 hursday afternoon of each week, f C'hn-mc . ml persons diseases successfully treated, Viutte residences. Consultation at Queen's hotel. Less than Cost nroils Pink Floral Stripe ,.-.., hoc to 1 'S Plain Bedroom Stripe 455 5 roiie Embuseed Gilt Paper .. 5oc 7 re re Heavy Parlor Paper, c0:,tn groun'l....,.- 75c F ro •%roue, D;nu.g• Room 3 1'rtr..... 650 rel.. lierwn Oa+n'eah Surface •311 151"r. pattern 600 nee, 1'lain Grou'a'1• Grey in e.4 v1' ., ... •....,... 405 3 e thorn f t. R� a A, c ap0e I+ :i t i7. "g htId lire Mid aft. '17. i`. .. 3 b.. 17.11 x0'11( tl .hey A us 1,R Prnesclitee n:o ,'red to Sealers!: ec tits V etc:y Patriotic t.e,ne.rt l.li..l.,y evwtng ;u Cardno's Itel. A 'MAY ((1332310' . y foe' 1 . ;e is ,lo'ng dilly over :lac. eleerlaedIle old fiax mill F p r'.. It cuts Off . "Imre; way mew," it; t. a 1..,- -n'i (13710 Cieeerr oe I .tic. Fn11-Secretary I"lack aut.: D, c,,".. R 1 tilt ngat- tentlr^', a men i rya;- t 1•;:n, 11rc.1- 0;isdl v if acs: . ;e:,,, to d , a tiret,tt of T t., 1 air:. An marl :lzatiol was f 1n Posr wishes you to practice Aatttapay. X elopeore.3 :-ells. X a•, dh•-coves,•en. X xt ; entb11Fi7,"m, X vice 'w z,'al for Missions. XAtee'1se with present meat prices. JACK McCosn, the umbrella artist, made his Spring call on Brusselites last week. He travels with a horse and covered wagon now and is also owner of femme. a rause and lot at Lucau: Jno. was THE PrnT tow m a 011 who hiking homeward to get his potato crop kept tah on .,.g 0..oducti cie fee April plantae. THE POST is glad t0 note these and felted Sr ,0,Oo ^RS c. a 1, :Ira counting numoerconwulnc6 ,n;1]: home. No better asset on the f5m 7.. .0 the laying ben, Wedding invitations are out for the lnattia<„e 115 Benj. Gr. '•'1' 1 .r, P. t tSIIIR, Rttd Miss Lillian Yost, (our.")Of IJr,.vton. The eeremony will be Dufnre1 on Wedne,dav, June 611:, et the Note .t of P. evi•:lonces of prosperity and to know the '.Mon lar it. 11, FIRE was started on the bank of the Iva, by somebody 'Thursday afternoon 0" .:1st .seers and getttn,g into the dry 1 nve.s soon made beadway toward the LO.,thou505. By energetic work with pail.. n atehouse f, water both and boats were s saved. People cannot be too careful in and Mrs, Rennl.:, L:stewel, gentling against any carelessness with mstchen or other fire starters, such as cigar :entre, &c. MATRIMONIAL -The Grande Prairie Herald of April 24th, gives the following particulars of the Douglas -Moore wed- ding, the: bride being a grand daughter_ of Mrs, a B. Moore, 13russel5 :- One of the prettiest house weddings that has taken place on Grand Prairie was solemuized at rho home of Jas, and Mts. Moore, of Clairmont, on Wedne.s. el at Fflernoon, Anril [8th at 4 o'clock, whet) their only daughter, Mary Isabel, was united in marriage to M. Ulia Dou hss, eldest ,you of Mr, and Mrs. D agette, of NIc,',t. Rev. A, Forbes officiating, The bridal party entered to the strraine of Mendelsohn's wedding march, played by Mrs. Bradford, the only attendant being tete bride's colicin, little Miss sa Margaret Moore, who Was dressed in a pretty white embroidered frock fr,J anti carried e i d the ring a rose a bud, s Tive bride was becomingly gowned• n cream silk faille trimmed with bend, made Bilk lame mid carried a sheaf of roses and va ley liilles. After Ole cere- molly a dainty luncheon was served, the qua: is 110:ryhering shout 25 The house Was prettily decorated with pink car- llatloue and fern. The display of wecl. dine 43fia.iestift,4 to the popularity of the young couple who left for their home that setae availing, • DEPARTMENTAL. EXAMINATIONS.- De-. partlneut of Education 11n; issued tee titne•tables for the annual Tune depart- mental examinations. The examilratiou5 for the Middle and Upncr schools, which extend from June 7 to Tune 27 ; Lower school June 12 to June 25, aid for Junior 1'igtb School Entrance and Junior Public School. No Exc0RsxoNs To THE 0. A. C. -Ow - €ng to tt a inability of the Collet:': atttholttte.,c to make arrengemun+s with the railroad companies, there writ be no June a m1105 0115 to the 0. A, O., this year. This will be a disappointment for a great many people In the surrounding Counties who made it an annual event to visit a the institution at this time, Sunda School E x c trsion5 are also rem. celled tUr this year, Roam 014. --As David Ct ant lX N to .aghatn, 16th Cote, u,Grey township, was driving over the iron bridge at i Ssol5 the holdback broko or 08010 111131Sten04 per- mitting the rig to 11.10 ngaims1 the horse. The latter began to kink and Farr keep- ing at it until opposite the Itobt, Thom - eon bloat where it had got in on the cement walk: Harry Keys1lenta handl in stopping the runaway. Mr. Cenning- hain pltiekllY flung on to the ribbons and came off unscathed which was Very fortunate considering the circumstances, If you have any ,*• guests at your H home, are going 1 ' �7 out of town for a . 4. visit, or know of +t *Warty interesting or 2 news, let us hear •• from yon, We 3 2 + 4, always appreciate ii .g mach (Swots. 'l. Phone 31 ... an + DISTRICT Women's Institute will .be held et Fordwich next month. Pos'rorxrci hours on Victoria Day are from 8 to q a, m. and from 5 to 6 p. m. Drn you ever bear this before ? "24th of May is the Queen's Birthday, If you (Inuit give us a holiday we'll all ruu away." ARE you going to be married in June ? THE Pos'r can supply the invitations, annouucements and wedding cards if you say the wort, IF nothing prevents a number of Odd 1ellowspurpose going to Seaforth Fri- day evening to visit their 3 -linked breth- ren there and have the 3rd Degree ex- emplified. LAST Sunday evening a contingent of Brussels Canadian Order of Foresters drove to Cranbrook to the memorial service for their late brother Forester, Pte, McDonald, who was killed in France. Au•roMonu.as are neither few nor far between in this locality, with a number of bicycles and motor cycles by way of variety. A generous observance of the rights of pedestrians and persons driv- ing horses will be always necessary. SATURDAY afternoon the rain and wiurl storm was patterned after the style of Noah's day, the soft water falling in torrents. North of. Brussels consider- able onsiderable hail was added to the atmospheric program. A good rain Was needed and the want was certainly supplied. SCIoor. CELEBRATION POSTPONED: Owiug to the unpropitious weather the program announced at Brussels School for Empire Day has been postponed until next month, This was a wise move as the grouud is too wet for marching and other evolutions. Date will be announced in good time so that no oue need fear missing it. 13's IN BRUSSELS STAND FOR - Boost Brussels. Buy in Brussels. Build in Brussels. Bank on Brussels. Beautify Brussels. Bring your produce to Brussels. SALE OF CATTLE. -At 2 o'clock Satur- day afternoon of this week 4o head of cattle, consisting of cows, springers, 2 year olds, yearlings and calves, will be c•ffored for sale, by Public Auction, at the Central Hotel yards, Brussels. D. McDuuald, Wiugham, is the proprietor and jtro, Purvis will be the Auctioneer. Read the advt. in another column. CORP. VAUGKAN DIES IN AN ENGLISH HosrrrAL,-THE POST was very sorry to hear last week that Corporal ;Edgar T. Vaughan, formerly ot Toronto, who went overseas, died in Bramshott Mili- tary hospital on May nth, of peritonitis, aged 33 years and 9 months and was buried in Bramshott churchyard, Mrs. Vaughan wee formerly Miss Erua Avery and lived iu Brussels for a number of years, She will be deeply sympathised with fn ber bereavement. PRES.EYTERY of MAI'rLAND.- Presby. tery of Maitland met in St. Andrew's church, Wingham,. Tuesday of last week. Principal business was the call which the Lvoknow Presbyterian con gregation extended to Rev. Mr, McCal- lum, Tara. Induct€on will b • held 'Tea flay, June Igth, Rev. J. L McCulloch, Cranbrook, Moderator of the Presbytery will preside ; Rev. L, Perrin, Armow, Mill preach induction sermon ; Rev. J. S. Hardie, Lochalsh, will address the minister and Rev. G. N. McKenzie, Kinlongh, will address the congregatiou. Ministers appointed to represent the Presbytery of Maitland at the General Assembly which is to convene in Mon- treal the second week in June are l- Revds. Hardie, Lochalsh ; Reid, South Kinloss ; Little, St, Helens ; and Ruth- erford, Pine Rivet. . MODAL CONTEST -Under the auspices of Brussels W. L. T. U. a Medal Contest will be held in the Methodist church. Tuesday evening May agth, Two class- es, one in Singing and one in Elocution will compete for a Silver Medal. In addition to this talent from the different churches will take part in the program. Admission fee will be 25 and 15 cents. Part of proceeds will go to Red Cross work, Program begins at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is hoped for. Win- ner of iunerof the Silver Medal will compete for a Gold Medal at County Convention. FERGUSON- BALLAGH.-A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. S, Ballagh, on Tuesda Mayt th at Teeswater,5 y high noowhen her eldest daughter, Mise Eva May, was united in marriage to T. Russel Ferguson, both of Tees - water, The ceremony was pet formed by Rev. W. A. Bradley, only the im- mediate relatives being present. Those from a distance were Miss Ruby, Owen Sound, and Wilbert W. Ballagh, Toron- to. Gifts were many and beautiful, showing the esteem in which the young couple is held. Following a 'dainty dejeuner Mr. and Mrs Ferguson motor- ed to Wingham where they left tor Tor- onto and points East, the bride leaving ct- in a becoming suit of blue broad- cloth with tures, apple green hat, Friday evening previous a nntnbar of the young people of the village met at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Constantine and surprised Miss Eva 13allegh With a kitchen and duster Shower. The various useful and necessary articles were hung ft n a cord each having suitable verse at- av ng a s I Melted. A very amusing time wag spent by all present, A dainty lunch was served, the guests surrounding the bride-to-be singing "She is a jolly good fellow" after whicb they escorted her, with magical ceremony, to her home, The groom is a son of Reeve and Mrs. Dougatd Ferguson, a grandson of 1Mrs, James Ferguson and a nephew of Mrs. R. T. 1-iingston, of Brussels, The num. emus relatives and friends of Mr. Fergu- son, here, wish him and hie bride many happy, prosperous years. Floor and Feed Feed Wheat $2.25 bus, Manitoba Oats - 9o, bus, Shorts 2.25 cwt. Middlings - 2,50 cwt. Feed Flour 3,25 cwt, New Stock just to hand.' Alf. E3a.eker, BRUSSELS. -DEALERS 111 seeds say the demand Ms year has exceeded that of any prev'ous season. Tun wisdom of postponing the Red Cross Celebration for Victoria Day Was ver' manifest as the weather has been cold, wet and 010st unsuitable for any outdoor celebrations where a' large at- tendance was desired and finances ex- pected to materialize. THE annual meeting of Brussels Branch of the W. C. 1', U. will be held in the audience room ot the Public Library.Friday afternoon of this week, Reports will be presented and officers elected for the coming year, All inter- ested will be welcome. BE THANKFUL. -Poet C. T. Davis of the Arkausas Gazette says, in his prose - poem way 1 One thing That a poor man has To be thankful for These days is That be hasn't got stomachs -L€keSix a cow-" A SUGGESTION As TO LOTTIE.-The Owen Sound Sun has this to say of an adventuress not unknown 3n Brus- sels and district :-"Poor old Lottie Tillotson (alias Judy Maguire), the fake returned missionary from Hawaii, who exploited balf the religous and women's societies in Ontario, about a year ago, including the Young People of Knox church, Owen Sound, seems to have got in wrong with the immigration authori- ties on both sides of the line, and she will soon be a woman with no place to go. '1'be American agent insists that she belongs in Ontario, while Canadian officers say slle is an Ohio Buckeye. The ladies in Knox church might buy a lone Georgian Bay Island for Lottie, and thus relieve her of international difficulties," People We Talk About Ernest Plum has been holidaying at Clinton, Toledo and other points. Bert. Lott has been pushing trade in the Northerly country along the W. G. & B. J. T. Wood made a business trip to Toronto, Kitchener and other points last wk and and Mrs. Churchill and daugh. ter, Norine, of Megaw, were week end Visitors with relatives in Brussels. Miss Edith Deadman has passed her rst year's exam. at Varsity in the Domes- tic Science course, She is a clever student. hers. S. 'P. Plum's health shows some improvement and we trust the more favorable weather will tend to complete restoration. Our old friend John Hunter, John street, is not having good health. his condition causing anxiety to his family and friends. Co, Secretary Elliott, of Huron Co., Children's Aid Society, was iu town Thursday of last week in connection with his work. Mrs, loo. Coates has moved back to town from Cranbrook and taken up residence in the Dr. Graham double house, Mill street. . Mrs. Stickel and son, Lloyd, and Mrs. Allin, of Detroit. are visitors at the home of j. T. and Mrs. Wood, Albert street. rhe visitors are relatives. Mrs. Henry Woods has not enjoyed as vigorous health as usual during the past Winter but is hoped the return of Sum- mer will aid ber in the recovery of this on, t Miss Richards and Mrs. Cutbbertson andboson, Gordon, Goderieb, have been visiting in Brussels'with I. C. and Mrs. Richards. Mr. Cuthbertson is overseas doing duty for his King. Mrs, W. F. Stewart, of Oakwood. has come to Brussels to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. N. F. Gerry, We welcome her back to town where she spent a good many years, W. A. and Mrs. Lowry are combining business and plea•.ure in a trip to Hailey - bury, Cobalt and other Northern pointe. They left town Tuesday afternoon and will be absent for a week or so, W, F. VanStone, Wingham, was in Brussels for a few hours last Monday. He has a warm spot in his heart for this place as he spent his boyhood and voung here and is always welcome man backh,ood here Pte, Carl Etnigh Was in town this week. He is enroute overseas but has been held at St. John owing to quaran- tine, Carl is an old Brussels boy, being, a son of Wm. and Mrs. Etnigh now In the West. ••4N4•44.44•••••e••••••••' 4. •O • Studio • o. OPEN o O friday & N t rda each week • Amateur Tr us for Ama i a o • Printing and "Developing e, Groupss taken el your own home.4 aw c n 1r'Pe in tl1e'conntr • Picture Framing Neatly Done I We Make Enlargements from • old Phn os. • • • G. S. FREE Photographer • • s 1]s••••••••• 41,6.4'.••4••4••• a Brussels 1187'D 1074 TWA STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MAD OFFICE • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. as BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. It SAMIS, ©:I O Manager' W. H. and Mrs. Maunders and daugh- ters, of Idaho, arrived here Tuesday night, They came on account of the Illness of Chas, Ritchie, John street, who is Mrs, Maunders' father, A recent letter' from Airman Wilfrid Lott who is iu England told of his sensations in sky scouting with au aerial corps 1,000 feet above terra firma. He has been promoted to a Lieutenancy THE Pose is pleased to hear, Pies. Cleve, Denbow, Harry Wylde, Leslie Lowry and Lisle McCracken, of Brussels, were all in tbe Vimy Ridge battle. With the exception of Harry, barring slight injury to Cleve., recount- ed in his letter on page 4, the quartette. came through unscathed. Jno. and Mrs. White, Stratford, visit- ed fora few days with Mrs. W. W. Har- ris, Queen street. Mr, White is one of the Classic city's progressive citizens -and has done much in the past 18 years to make Stratford well known. He must have paid out many a thousand dollars in the prosecution of his packing house business. Word has beeu received from Eng- land that Harry C. Moore, eldest son of 1)r. and Mrs M. 13. Moore, Listowel,. formerly of Brussels, has been given a commission as Lieutenant in the Itn- perial Army, Liettt, Moore went over- seas as a Sergeant in the troth Bette- lion, His friends at home extend hearty congratulations on his promotion. THE POST is pleased to note that Nurse Kate Deadman has graduated from the' Toronto General Hospital. Graduating exercises took place last Friday, G. A. Deadman, Brussels, being present at the interesting ceremony in which his daughter took part. Nurse Deadman will not be home for a while as she is filling the Superintendent's place in the meantime. Church Chimes Ascension Day was observed by ser- vice in St. Ambrose R C. Church. The new officers ot the Epworth League were installed Monday evening. Mrs (Rev ) A, J. Mann attended the W. M. S. Convection at Toronto last week. General Assembly of the Presbyterian church will meet in Montreal the fl week of Tune, The Hasley -Fisher Evangelistic cam- paign opens next Sunday at St. Marys. Meetings will be held in the skating rink. Last Sabbath morning Rev. D. Wren Fp01t0 on "The Humiliation of Jesus" and in the evening preached a sermon ou "Hagar, the diffident " Rev. Mr. Manu and Rev, Mr, Boyle, of Belgrave, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Melville congregation ap- preciated the visiting pastor's discourses. Rev. D. Wren, J. P. Woad and W. H. Kerr attended Wingham District meeting of the Methodist church held et Teeswater Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, There was a large congregation at the union service held in St. John's church last. Friday evening. Rev, Mr. Page Rave a very appropriate address. Where were the men ? Rev, "Billy" Sunday must he doing a good work as a gang of Old Clouty's satelites, both clerical and lay, are after his scalp 'These foul tips don't binder "Billy" from knocking out home runs when the bases are full. Rev. Will. Buster, son of john Hunt- er, John street, Brussels, who has been preaching at Beach Lake, Penn., has been stationed by last Conference at Hawley, in the same State and a rising town. Old friends here wish him abundant success in 11is.labors. At the annual meeting of Windsor District Methodists Rev. A. W. Tonge, of Amberstburg,, who is just com- pleting his 40th year in the ministry, asked, owing to poor health, to be superannuated, His request was grant- ed. He was a former pastor at Blytb and well known in Huron Co. Jubilee services, celebrating Rev, Dr. J. W. Mitchell's soli year in the minis- try, will be fittingly observed in Knox church, Mitchell, Moderator of the General Assembly is to be present, as also Rev, Supt. V. W. Byrnes, of hdelegated Northern Ontario,who is orad h del g Y the Presbytery of Ottawa. Represen- tatives of the Presbytery of Stratford, together with a number of the clergy and several leading Elders, inclnding ex -Lieut, -Governor Sir joins Gibson and Sir Mortimer Clark, have signified their Wish to attend, The service will be held on the evening of Friday, June 251. A celebration unique in the history of the Presbyterian church of Stratford was held for the purpose of fittingly Commemorating the Both anniversary of the entry into the ministry of Rev. John Key. 35 Street, treet Born iu Perth- shire, Scotland, he wes licensed to preach in the church of Scotland exactly 50 years ago. His first congregation Was at How -wood, in Ayrshire, but a few years Inter he came to New York and then to Canada, His charges in- cluded Milverton, North Morningtoe, Wellesley,Deer Park Toronto Nor- wich, with, Brookson and Park, Rev, Mr, res 1 tied in thePresbyterian 1{a i M1! ) Kay pt church, Brussels, on various ocea5ions, We extend congratulations. The storm at Atwood on Saturday did considerable damage' to some of the farmers' barite North of the village. 1 t10. and Mrs Co hlinand eon Ste art driving home from Listowel, were thrown from their buggy aid all re- ceived injuries, A branch of the Royal Flying Corps is to be established at Montreal. Col. Currie, M. P. for North Silncoe, proposed a fiscal policy for after the war. A lynx 5* feet in length was shot in Brelthsupt Park, Kitchener, by Ald, S. Gotton, Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour is expected to arrive in Ottawa next Saturday and to address Parliament, Tillsonburg Horticultural Society will hold its annual tulip festival in 111e Council chamber on May 25511 and 26th. David O'Neil, Turin, Saturday, sus- tained a broken rib. He was loading a colt when it suddenly reared, knocked him down and then stepped oe him. The severe hail and thunder storm which passed' over Komoka district on Saturday evening, did considerable damage to tomato and cabbage plants. Harold Mawson, aged 16, and Harry Smith, 15. of Hamilton, were drowned in Burlington Bay owing to the capsiz- ing of their sailboat Saturday evening. ' A hired man, lately from Toronto, whose name could not be learned at the time of reporting, was burned to death in a barn that was struck by lightning, near Paris. Members of the Independent Order of Oddfellows in St. Thomas have received notices that the question of new insur- ance rates levied by the Oddfellows Re- lief Association will be discussed at the annual meeting on July 2591]. Martin Monk. a liveryman of Hanover met with serious injury when a portion of the stable wall fell on him, burying Wm under a pile of brick and mortar. When rescuedit was found he had bsdly dislocated his shoulder and many bruises about the bead and body. The funeral of Christie Gale, post- master of. Exeter, was held from his late residence, Main street, Monday after- i noon, the service al 1 p. m. at the house being private, after which the body was taken to the Presbyterian Church,; where a public service was held From the church the cortege proceeded to the Exeter cemetery. The Reeve of the . town requested all places of business to close from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. BORN GREENernne.-In Atwood, on May 12th. 1017, to Mr and Mrs. J. P. Greensides, a dough. ter -Ellen Catherine. HoLnas,-in Grey township,on May 121)1, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, a daughter. LYNN. -In Howlett. on Mny 19th, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. H Lynn, boundary West, a eon -Alexander Fraser. Ney.-In Howielr, On May 0th, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nei, a daughter. RUTTAN -In Howiok, on May 6311, to. Mr, and Mrs. Anson Button's [laughter. Wm'retee.-In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tiny 2051, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wil- liams a son, still born. DIED Oa* -w oaD,-In Walton, on May 2011,, 1017, David Crawford, in his 80th year. JAOQDRe.-At Sherwood, North Dakota, on May 10th, 1517, George Jacques, formerly of Howlek. VAUGHAN.-At Bramshott Military Hospital, England on May 11th, 1017, of peritonitis, 170th Ba 1., aged 80 ygar T. earsnand 9 menthe late Notices of Births,. Marriages and Deaths are inserted 'free in Tim POST, In Memoriam Notices and Cards of Theses will be charged for at thereto of 5O cents. each. For Service The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 21, Oon. 10, Grey. s thoro'-bred Yorkshire hog. Terme, $1,00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. DONALD MOTAG DART; 47-4 -Proprietor. Meetin9 of Huron Co. Council The Council of the Corporation of, the Coun- ty of Huron will meet in. the Connell Climber hr the Town of Goderloh, on Tuesday, the 5th day of June, at 8 o'olook. W. LANE, Dated May 21st, 1017. Clerk.: 44404444049+410404400.444}400 e 4 . DRUG STORE • t•+t- ••t'.h•i•.t'.h•;• fee+++'i'•4:*+++++ o • ��F AMAIA M• . - O ODynimic Iornc I 0 0 e Por that tired and weary ,0feeling that comes to A nearly every one at this season of the year we 4 cannot too highly recom- mend oPIINSLAR DYNAMIO. TONTO 0 Very beneficial in all an- S • amnia and exhausted conditions of the system, O sleeplessness, &c. F • 7Sc 8c V.60 per bottle ' 5 O S Plant Food p.. Food for Flowers. Made 3 ,w3 5) H 2 expressly For Plante 3® 9' gl'own 4u house or gar 4. den. Produces healthy A growth and early and generous flowering. • • 25e & 40c. per pkge. a a • Sulpho Tobacco Soap O One of the very best ar- e tides for Rose Dashes, • et shrubs, c. Will not in- 0 b jure (he Plants, o 0 15c per pkge o James Fox 4. Druggist and Stationer. v • 41]. a• • STORE 0 • 0.0••0•'0 • 900 41704700000`414047047 BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 42 75 $2 75 Oats - 70 80 Peas 2 60 260 Butter 1 85 185 42 Rogo 186 181E Hay 10 00 1000 Potatoes por bag '5 00 5 00 Notice to Dram Contractoro Tenders will be received by the undersigned up. to Monday. May 28th, 1817, at 2 o'clock, for the construction of what 15 known ns the Walsh Drain, in the Townships Mk East Wow- anosh and Morrie. A marked cheque for $60.00 to acoompany each tender, Plans and apecifi- c0t10ns may bo Been at the Clerk's oflloe. .0,N, CAMPBELL, ALEX, PORTERFIELD, Reeve, Clerk E. Wewanosh, Blyth, Belgrave, ATTRACTIVE PRINCE W. J. COOPER, Proprietor Enrolment No 0028, Form I MONDAY -Will leave Home, Lot 80, Oon. 10, Grey, and go East and North to Jae. Donald- son's, Elma, for noon ; then South and We -t to Russell ltiddle's,.how 14, Elmo, for night. TUESDAY -South and Ween to Luke Speir- an's 10th Con, Grey, for nook ; then West and North to Taoob Long's, Cranbrook, for night. WEDNESDAY -West to Thos. Miller's 81111 Line Morris, for noon ; then North and Becht to Central Hotel,i3rueaele, for night. THURSDAY- North and East to Adam Turnbull's, 8th Lino Grey, for noon • then Haat and South to Ma own stable for night. FRIDAY -North and East to John Helbine'e, Oen. 2, Grey, for. noon ; then North and beet to Hugh Walker's, Elms and Wallace bound - cry, for night, SATDI%DAY-Month and West to for noon; then to his own stable Where he will remain until the following Monday, 'I••F3F•F4'4„4,.4-d„h•II•'Q•d'•F'F3••F+4'•4••FQ'•k•F+44'14444+44a•+•;••P•Avr,4FA'•N•i••I+•4•-F•A•d,47 ,4, + +t+ n,- ti. - 4 1F t ices- b 7iMMt i Have 50 Pairs of WZrsted and Tweed Trousers at Bargain Figures $2.00 to aAIsoSnaps.in Cts ,1. Call and see the Goods which are First-class. S5,' + + R. W. FC'1,6 Gents' Ftt welsher a- C±rti$Se13 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44444++++++++++44+ •