The Brussels Post, 1917-5-24, Page 7ROYAL AND PRESI- DENTIAL TRAINS MOST LUXURIOUS WAS THAT OF CZAR OF RUSSIA. Interesting ting IIX's tory of the Train in S1'REN000S 'WORK SOON TELLS ON "OU. 11.. Fadsof the Moment I Business Men and Breadwinners brapeiies are featured in some of. the very newest dresses, A very the Victims of Nervous stylish costmue is illustrated here Exhaustion. combining a draped skirt with a blousehaving body and sleeves in one. This When worry is added to overwork model would be most attractive de men soon become the vicuna of ner• veloped in crepe de Chine, foulard, soft xhauetion -neurasthenia- the taffeta, oreven in one of the pretty �4a Use by the President of the doctor calls it Some have no reserve summer voiles, McCall Patterns French Republic, strain; . others overtax what strength they have, If you find that you are The special train 'that the Czar of nervous and not sure of yourself, that strength in their systems to bear the No. 7614, Ladies' One-Pieee Waist; in Russiaused to travel in, with its you sleep badly, and wake up tired and twelve cars providing apartments for aching, your nerves are out of order. the Czar, his suite and guard, a real Other sigma are inability to take pro. Russian bath, kitchens, a chapel and Per interest in your work; your appe- als of the comforts of a palace, was tate to nettle; your hack feels .weak, formerly the most elaborate owned byand you are greatly depressed In spin' any European ruler. ! its, One or more of these signs mean The train of the Emperor William' that you should tante prompt steps to of Germany has seven partly armored stop mischief by nourishing the nerves cars and' a locomotive designed to with the food they thrive on:, namely tt`rithstand even bomb and shell ,,et-; the rich red, blood made by Dr. Wil - tacks. Everything that makes for of- i llama' Pink Pills. These pills have ficiency is provided, including a 11- I cured thousands of cases of nervous brary car, on the walls of which hang disorders, including nervous prostra- hundreds of military maps. I tiara, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and The train of the President of the Partial paralysis, Here ie an. example: French Republic, although not the Mr. P. H. Callan, a well known busi- most luxurious of the official trains of nese man in Coleman, F.B.I., says: Europe, has perhaps the most inter -1 I owe my present health, if not life eating history of them all, says the itself, to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I figured always been an active num,, and Railway Age Gazette. It has fig in more important politica] events' when I began to run down in health than any of the others, and has Far- paid little attention to it stn I thought rigid at some thne nearly all of the Ft only a temporary weakness. As time passed, however, I found myself great men of the world, including, growing worse, and consulted a doctor, possibly, France's sneers greatest enemy, the . who said that I was not only badly Emperor William himself, run down, but that my nervous system Conveyed the Czar. was badly shattered. I lost flesh, my President Faure ordered the train appetite was poor, I slept badly and hurriedly built in the autumn of 1896 notwithstanding the doctor's treatment for the purpose of carrying to Paris grew so weak that I had to leave my 5 sizes;34 to 42 and 781x, the Czar of Russia, whose visit at business and was confined to the Ladies' Straight 42 bust;tattacheddNo. 3, that time cemented the alliance be -'house. Time went on and I was stead- one-piece low yoke in 39 -inch length; ® Mo0ezn Irl - lam NEW SPARTANSI INCOME $1,000,000 A YEAR Brighten The Corner where you are by eating a Ttising Generation Will Benefit By India's Representative in War Cabinet food that does not .clog the War'„ Lessons liver or develop poisons in the colon. Cut out .heavy meats and starchy potatoes and eat Shredded Wheat `Biscuit with berries or other fruits. Try this diet for a few days and see how much better you feel. The whole wheat grain made digestible by steam -cooking, shredding and baking. tween France and Russia. The whole fly growing weaker, and my friends train was built in thirteen days. So were all greatly alarmed for my con - hastily was the private personal car dation, in this condition I was strong - built that not until the tenth day did ly recommended to try Dr. Williams' it occur to anyone that the Czar might Pink Pills, and as the dootor's medi- wish to take a bath. So the roof of clue was not helping me I decided to the car was promptly cut open and a do so. By the time I had used three space made large enough to allow the boxes I could tell that they were help - lowering of a huge silver bathtub into . ing me. When I had taken eight boxes a corner of the car. The tub is there of the pilins I felt able to attend to my . after all these years, and so is the business again, and people were sur - patch in the car roof. The train has prised to see me out. I continued the its own special housing shed at Vil- use of the pills until I had taken twelve leneuve St. Georges, some miles out of boxes, by which time 7 was feeling as Paris, but of late it has been as fre- well as ever I did, and was being con- quently out of its shed as in. gratulated by all my friends on my One of its most impotent gtent trips full restoration to health. I feel now since the war began occurred in Oeto- that if I had used -Dr. Williams' Pink are many others who could survive ber, 1016, when it conveyed the King Pills at the outset I woujd not only the loss of arms in such a war as this of England to the French front, where have saved much money spent in doe- and still be efficient for business. he reviewed in company with Presi- tor's bills, but would have bad renewed For instance, there is a man in dent Poineare fifty thousand of the health sooner. I cannot speak too every pen factory in Birmingham, recommend it to every man who feels troops that had taken part in the bat -,highly of this medicine, and would England -probably several - whose sole businees is giving nibs their final test before they are packed away in the familiar box. He drops each nib separately, one by one, on a sheet of plate -glass, and he can tell instantly by the sound emitted whether the nib ( drawers mounted in one large drawer, is fit to be packed for sale, or only to which can be pulled forward when the be thrown aside as imperfect. stable top of the cabinet is extended. There are people who make a living This arrangement makes for ease of by their noses, sniffing perfumes for access to the drawers. the scent -makers. The art of making Soap bubbles large and substantial delightful perfumes, in which the enough to be used for backgrounds for ladies will delight, is mainly a matter Photographs are developed by an ap- of how much of this and how little of paratus invented by an English that, and there are well-trained noses scientist. which can tell at a sniff when there is just the little too much or too little or whether anything is missing. in 6 sizes; 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St. Toronto, Dept. W. P INVALUABLE SENSES. How Some People Earn a Living by Their Ears and Noses. Most people depend upon their hands for their livelihood, arid so we have come to speak of handiwork and handicraft and "handy." But there tle of Champagne. Outlived Its Day. Unlike the imperial trains, the; French President's train is not armor- ed, and it has no protection whatever against bullets and shells: It was built at a time when no one thought that necessary. The four cars are elabor- ately upholstered in red and yellow silk velvets, and are of wood. They are not of the typical French con- struction, but look more like Ameri- can parlor cars, except that the roofs are not fully rounded at the ends. The interiors resemble somewhat the tour- ist cars used on the Western. railways of this continent, and are not divided into compartments like most English and 9Qontinental cars. Although they are thoroughly com- fortable, it is apparent from their fading curtains and upholstering, and their clumsy and ponderous arrange- ments, that they have outlived their time. They remind you of the old pal- ace at Oiron, the magnificence of which is falling into decay, because no one can afford to live In the place. O The Little Rain. "Ohl she is good, the little rain; and well she knows our need Who cometh in the time of spring to aid the sundrawn seed; She wanders with a friendly wind through silent nights unseen. The furrows feel her happy tears, and lel the land is green. "Last night cloud -shadows gleamed the path that winds to my abode, And the torches of the river -boats like angry meteors glowed. To -day fresh colors break the soil, and butterflies take wing. Down broidered lawns all bright with pearls in the garden of the King." -Translated from tlfe Chinese of Tu Fu by L. Cranmer-Byng. fr His Work. At a ;louse party at a nobleman's country house a guest said to the little daughter of the host: "Your oldest brother is at the front, of course?" "011, yes: he's got the Victoria Cross," he answered: - "And your second brother -•-how about him?" • 'lie's at the front, too, He's been twice wounded." "And is your yotingest brother, the 1.7 -year-old Harold, aleo in the trenches ?'i She shook her head. "No," she said, "he's minding Ing dia." Lettuce, turnips, peas, bade ane! Means, Mature in six to nine Weeks, Born from eleven to thirteen weeks end potatoes front fifteen to sixteen eoks,, weak, nervous or run down." You can get these pills through any medicins dealer, or by mail at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,60, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. HOW DO YOU MONEY? Each Nationality Has Its Typical Method of Handling Coin. You can generally tell a man's na- tionality from the manner in which he carries his pocket -money, for the various methods employed frequent- ly betray the name of the country of which they are typical. The majority of British people carry their money -be it gold, silver, or cbppers-all mixed up In the right- hand trousers pocket. Upon needing any, your typical Briton takes a hand- ful of tine mixture, and selects the coins he desires in an open and uncon- cealed manner. Uncle Sam, across the Boundary, has a "wad of bills," which he secure- ly keeps in a long, narrow pocket- book. Frenchmen, more often than not, are satisfied with an ordinary leath- er purse, Not so with his hereditary foe, for a purse, gaily embroidered in silks by the fair hand of some Gretchen, is the money -receptacle of the conceited Hunt The poorer classes of the Italians tie up their small fortunes. in a gaud- ily -colored handkerchief, which they mysteriously conceal somewhere about their persons. Many of our Russian friends pre- fer to hide their precious savings in their boots or the lining of their clothes. FLANI)ERIN9, P DY A1Uoi' '.r NOwi, Ifl ,G fLEnbV; g'hiI contemporary diaetory of the Canadian Expeditionary poree leaned by the Ose edien QoVee'ament,. fi bffiuiRl. BoocS -1'' '�•r LloaN oars Siouemon vm.yMa.l weal sow tM to mum prow 14CIVABir Olt earaoe, Awls Made in Canada SOME RECENT DISCOVERIES. More Achievements in The Fields of Science and Invention. A new invention for oiling moving ch' consists of electrically con - A Mao of Renown. One of the results of the war which The Government's choice of the Will be beneficial to the nation is the Maharajah of Bikanir as Xndio's repre- fact that the young people have been :Antatl'.e at the special sittings of the turned out in one way or another to War Cabinet will give great satisfac fend for themselves -the soldier in tion throughout our Eastern Empire. field, trench, eamp, and billet; and the An aide-de-camp to the King, his I girl in munition -factory, bank, hospi- Highness is a vigorous man of 30, tal and shop. with a yearly income of $1,000,000. Them, can be no doubt that the past He rules over a State of 26,816 sire quare 1 1 th times the sof Softly, ays an English writer. Either Wales, with a population of 700,000 generation was being brought up too ml es, neat y tee y • th m titer seemed deter- People, and is entitled to a salute of rho state 0f e 0 mined to do everything for the chit- seventeen guns when he arrives at or dren, instead of letting them do as leaves a garrison town. th elves The At the beginning of the war the; much as possible for ems Maharajah offered the whole of his result was a'i"acic ee indepencth.ce r I State resources to the King as well of a sense of responsibility, which the a his personal services and his fain- " u to ous camel corps has done invaluable " war has already cured. s Instead of training ch 1 p work in Egypt, Ile served for a helpfs 01 , personal he labor an and year on Field Marshal Viscount helpfulness, to share the labor and re- sp nsibility of the home, mothers have French's staff, and has been mention - been content to let children grow up el in despatches. easily, without ever feeling the pinch, without ever knowing what the work Proved Once More of every day meant. It has been a 11 if the esson taught as to the benefits of "hardness and discipline shall have been under- stood and taken to heart. Many a big lade will refuse ever to sleep softly again. He has clone with feather -bed methods for the rest of hist That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Rheumatism. ma y earthly career. Let the women fol -i Harold D. Bertram Had Inflammatory trolled oilers a number of which can low suit. Let then copy Spartan be operated from a centrally located methods, and the future of their chil-i Rheumatism and One Box of Dodd's dren will be a surprise and a pleasure Kidney Pills Cleared It Out of His to them, by reason of its wholesome, switchboard. An Englishman has invented a coin- in-the-slot oin- in the slot `machine which tells the progress and self?confidence and System. speed at which a train is traveling by splendid success. Southampton, Ont., May 14th (Spe- .tile dropping of a coin in the slot e otal)-That rheumatism is caused by Lower sashes for windows have been AUSTRALIA'S SOLDIERS disordered kidneys and that Dodd's invented which, instead of sliding, — Kidney Pills will cure it is again swing outward and upward to any Plan Adopted by Commonwealth proved by the case of Harold D. Bert - Might Work Well in Canada ram, a young =an well and favorably desired distance, the purpose being to obviate drafts in rooms. A photographic camera attachment has been invented by a Colorado man which permits eight photographs to be taken on the same plate or film. An attachment has been invented by an Ohio inventor which, when attach- ed to a knitting machine, makes imita- tion fur by knitting a tuft of hair into each needlefull of thread. known bere, He bad inflammatory From South Australia comes some rheumatism for two months. Dodd's interesting information as to what our Kidney Pills cured him, sister commonwealth is doing for her j „The doctor said my trouble started returned soldier. with the grippe," Mr. Bertram states. A soldier who had spent fourteen ''My hands and feet were badly swol- months in active service and leas len and the doctor did not seem to be wounded says that in his neighborhood doing me any good. My grandmother, each returned soldier is allotted eight- Mrs, G. Grasser, advised me to take teen acres of reclaimed land on the Dodd's Kidney Pills, I took one box English inventor has • a Murray river, eight acres for Trutt, of them and I haven't been bothered An table fork, diamond shaped • devisedvead of oranges, etc., and ten acres for tillage. since. I am clear of the rheumatism," This particular individual has six That Mr. Bertram's trouble came cows, a five -room house free, and a from his kidneys is shown by his other loan of $2,600. He says that in two symptoms. He bad stiffness in the years' time he will be "right on his foinis, was tired and nervous, and feet" there were flashes of light before his The Government has a large farm eyes. He had a dragging sensation where they train the men how to across the loins, was always thirsty farm. !and felt heavy and sleepy after meals. In Canada our Government has aim -I Rheumatism is caused by uric acid 1,600 feet deep and a mile and a half farms, and so far with very little sue- in the acid blood. 1 theCured food. strain the apart by German experts. • - cess, as the large farm, a long way uric Pillout of blood. Dodd's Kid. French electrician has invented aney Pills cure the kidneys. wireless outfit powerful enough to from civilization, does not seem to s pick up any message, when,it is eon- just appeal so the returned soldier. smaller It proposi- nected with a metal surftibe, and yet ion possible that the better. small enough_ to be carried about in tion would suit him better. flat, asserting that it is more easily cleaned than the usual fork. A German invention is an unsink- able lifeboat which is equipped with doors that automatically close upon its occupants, in the event that the boat upsets. Wireless messages have been sent through 'the earth between mines ed' rather at placing men upon larger the pocket. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�— A -new kitchen cabinet has all its ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT 1 THANKFUL MOTHERS Mothers who have once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones are ahvays strong in their praise of this medicine. Among them is Mrs. Mar- celle Boudreau, Mizonette, N.B., who writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little ones. I am very thankful for what they have done for my children," The Tablets regulate the bowels and stomach; cure constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; in fact they cure allthe minor ills of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE SONG OF MERRIT. The Oriental Idea As To What 'Were Good Shoes. John Chinaman often has peculiar ideas about the wearing apparel that he buys in America. dor one thing, he always wants boots that are sev- eral sizes too large, for he believes that hi that way he gets more value for his money, In addition to exces- sive size, boots have to possess other peculiar characteristics before they meet his full approval, as the follow- ing story indicates: A California merchant offered a pair of fine boots that he had long kept in stock to a Chinese for three dollars. The Oriental finally took them, but twel days later he brought there back. "What's the trouble, John?" inquir- ed the merchant. "Ilam good 'boots.'] "Him no good," declared John. "Him no sing -song boot. Veily soon Wear cit. Me likee singsong boot or me cptohee beck t r c xee d ells . "Singsong boot!" exclaimed the merchant. "380 me Oahe," "Me t'ink you Babe, all lite," replied John. "Wha' fo' him boot no singe') knelt! squeak! when Chinaman wal..ee, alto same good boot?" Whop the mercbant had given hint in exchange for the flue boots a pair of goarst cheap ones that squeaked ,oudty, Jon Chinaman departed high. iy fia ts80 Some European railroads are expert,. menting with electric locomotive head-! lights so mounted that engineers can direct their rays in any desired direc- tion. New wide -brimmed hats for women have a piece of glass in their brims so that they will not obstruct the vision when pulled down to cover a wearer's eyes. A woman is the inventor of a suit- case made in three parts and with legs that unfold to support it when it is opened so it can be used as a dressing table. 1' Victory the Kaiser cannot 1 have. Peace he,must have. -Sir Percy Scott. WHAT NO SLEEP LAST NIGHT? If tea or coffee was the cause char a to POSTUM and sleep! "There's a 'eason' P`rgm{i>Yt.C`�+ No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers -It's like magic! His Ambition, A small boy's idea of greatness is to play ball in a uniform. 0rtnmrd's Liniment used by Pitysiolana. Going It Strong. "My young friends," said a member of the board of trustees, who was aa- , dressing the school, "let me urge upon th •t of not only Beading you a necesst --o-o-o-o good books but also of owning them, Naming the New, Town. "What are you going to name your new town?" "Can't tell you. We have two fac- tions." "So?" "'And it's hard to decide between 'em. One crowd wants to call it Middletown, the rther Centerville' =o-o-o-o--o-o-o I so that you may have access to them Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or at all times. - Why, when I was .r any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be young man I used frequently to work lifted right out with the fingers if you all night to earn money to buy books, apply upon the corn a few drops of and then get up before daylight to read them." freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does not even irri- tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. The Golden Rules. Do as you would be done by.- Persian. Do not that to a neighbor which you would take ill from him. -Grecian. What you would not wish done to yourself do not unto others. -Chinese. Ono should seek for others the hap-, piness one desires for one's self.-Bud- dist. elf. Bud - dist. He sought for others the good he de -1 sired for himself. Let him pass on, l -Egyptian. All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. -Christian. Let none of you treat his brother'- in a way he himself would dislike to I be treated. -Mohammedan. The Harder The Further. The musketry instructor had just been giving a lesson ori the rifle to one particularly "green" set of re- cruits. e- crttits.. At the end he asked:-- "Now, is there any question you want to ask?" One dull -looking "Johnny Raw" stepped .foE•warti, blushing awkward- ly. "Yes, my man?" said the instruct- or, "encouragingly. "Please, sir," etdinmered the search- er after knowledge, "be it right that the 'artier I pulls tllc trigger thing, the Sarther the bullet goes?" A slice of lemon or a dash of vine- gar added when boiling meat or fish improves the flavor, Man tither has for years been more expensive,than horse or machine lobar, and the disadvantage of employing mon Where Machinery can be used is increasing. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LIN- IMENT. St. Peter's,'C. B. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N. B. THOS. W. PAYNE. A Difference. If you feel the tip of your nose you will find that there is a tiny cleft there. People with negro blood in their veins are said not to possess this division. Ask for anis rd's rind take no other. Granulated Eyermls, Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sea, Dustand Wind quickly relieved by Nadas Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 505 per Bottle. Marine Eye $aiveinTubes25c. For Beek ettheEyeIncase Druggists or Merin Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The Best. "Which one in the language of flowers do you consider the most elo- quent?" "A. pair of pressed two lips." 5dinard'e Liniment Lumberman's Friend. A New Tense. Teacher -The sentence, "My father had money," is in the past tense, Now, Mary, what tense would you be speak- ing in if you said, "My father has money?" Little Mary -Oh, that would be pre- tense, MONEY ORDERS THE safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Chinese Typerwriters. The first Chinese typerwriter has been designed; it carries 4000 Chinese characters, and weighs forty pounds, but the contemplated improvements may reduce the weight to twenty pounds. Anvil Sparks. Good nature is n key that fits many locks. Religion must souk in before it can float out. Man may be into architect el a home, but woman is the builder, Moss grows on a man's hopes if he waits for something to turn up. We say: "This is a hard old worlds" but what are we doi.•g to soften it? Golden hopes of an etepnity are better titan a safe deposit box in a bt.nk. The Panama Canal miles long from ocean is about fifty to ocean, Seep Minard'a Liniment In the hones. Cabbage plants for early crop should be set out, setting them deep enough to cover the stems. NEWSPAPERS PRA SALE PROFIT-MAKING MEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario li;towns. Tia most useful and interestlns. of ail ti nitieeses, Fuji information oa application 73 Adelaide 'WilsonPublishing Toronto Com- pany, MXSrBLLAO BOWS �IC`t'OLES, NEW AND SECOND 5 Band. 5i2,55 up. Send for special Routf 110e. Ave., Toronto ycle rl'orks, Ore ('LANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC,. lJ internal and external. cured with - nut pain by our home treatment. Write. us before too late. Or. Hellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwocd. Ont. When belying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO FUG L PIANO ACTION 1 America's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dag Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York n0010 ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed :railed free to any Wrest by the Author fi QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Miuing, Cticmical, Oivil, ldeebnnicnl mrd Electrical L'ngiueeriug. HOME STUDY Arta course fly correapondensc, Degr ce with one yenr'e attendnucc. Summer School Navigation School .Wry and August December to April 18 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar Purely Herbal—Bo poisonous coloring Antis e p tic—Stops .hl cad -poison Soothing -Ends pals and smiting, eta. pure -Best for hehy's rashes. Heals ell sores, 50c. box, All Drng$tsus and Stores a big knee like this, belt your horse may have a bunch or bruise oft his ankle, hock, slide, knee of throat. will clean it off without laying up the horsee. No blister, no bai`f gone. Concentrated—only a few drops required at an application. $2 pct bottle deltoid.. tlsett ay nr Inc�� ler evedat loseeetlont sell Bonk 3 01 free AIOSORBINIL, JR„ the and. testis liniment for niAni.iml, reduces. Pltnfut sw,lilnee, aninrerl rasnds, Wena,. moiler., Varicae veins, slim rain and l0C,mnmtinn. Pricy $1 rtnd00 8 Sma, e1 druggist; or ,letivared 14. 0. HAMA, P. U.1'., 513 tvmans Aldo., hionirsal, Oaft 105orbins and ]ibsorbin r. Jr.. era ash le Croda, ISSUE No. tom -'17.