HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-24, Page 5aileitI`snE $ is t 06.
Gawp (0rA^'r.vid®
Icon in the raid ,/flied, Patel. 50-4
Business Carder
$uoaessor to M. H. Moore. Mae at Ander-
son time, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone
No. 20,
T. T. M'i .4E.
M. B., M. c. P., ra s. O.'
M. 0, T3., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Sturgeon, Aoaouoltear.
011ie° at residence, opposite Melville Ohurah,
}yilllnm street.
Bachelor of-Modloltp3te, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicians and sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior Renee Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr.
A, MogoveyY .Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 46,
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, MoCormiok Modioal Oollege, Chicago,
111, is prepared to teat eyes and at glasses at
her odloe over 110a8 Inman's millinery store,
Office cloys—Wednesday, Thursday, k'riday
and Saturday of every week. 01110a. hours -10
to 12 a, m, , 1 to 6-p. m, Evenings by nppoint-
mont, Phone 1219.
Honor grndnate of the Ontario Veterinary
1 ollegeoure.. i1DaTayb and night calla. Offioe opposite
licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Tesoher of
Organist and Choir Master Melville Church,
Brussels. Pupils prepared for Toronto Col-
lege of Music Examinations. Phone 60x
barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private lands toloan at lowest rates.
H. J. D. OOORa
Ontario's Best Business College
761 Students may enter our °lasses et any t
Mine. Commence your 'worse now and
be gaaiifled for n position by al doum-
mer. During Jnl
and August .d h,'
6.1 year we renewed chile for over 200
office assistants
we could not an -
il i -0t o. ce for our are at demand,
1� pi
Write at once for ourfreo,catalogue. ppY���
D. A. MOLACIILAN, Principal. S1
�b�va'�L 4 O. .t 4, d. A . <,,,t��
Best z rains
In Canada have pnrtlolpnted In the pre-
paration of our splendid Home Study
Courses in Banking, Economics, Nigher
Accounting Oommsrohd Art, Show:.
Card Writing, Photography, - Journal-
ism, Short Story Writing. -Shorthand
and Bookkeeping. Select tho work
whichMost interests you and write us
for porticulare. Address
301-7 Yongo St., Toronto
"ALL RAIL" - also by
"Groat Lakes Routes"
(Season Navigation)
Your Future Is In the West
The fertile prairies have put Western
Canada on the map. Thoro aro still
thousands of awes waiting for (ho man
who wants a home and prosperity. rake
advantage of Low Rates and travel via.
Canadian. Pacific
District P,mesongor Agent
jut. end lelrseRobertsou, fast street,
Godericb, received the sad news that
their son, Pte, Fred, Robinson, had
been killed on April is. The news
Dante its a letter item another sou who
was with his brother at the tinge. The
young man tuns well known and left a
good position with 1Ce Civil Service at
0 ttswa about a year ego and catn0 home
to .cullet,
00010 ns49 ,<r Pawnor
GOING femme Gane Neaten
express...„....7 10 a m Mail - 11,22 a 1p
IDxpross .., ,. 8 ale u in Express 0:07 Pin
too Toronto To Goderiolt
Express 7:00 n In Express 12:04 n m
5xprees.,.,.,, . 5,10 p m BlsPreas 7'96 pm
Going East - 7M6n,in, and 8:40 p, m,
Going West - 1.:10 and 0:0'J p, n1,
A11 trains going East connect with 0, P. It. alt.
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B, stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Looal Agent.
past ix1 l.CtTh
W. R. Erskine has .purchased an
Board of Health met Monday after-
noon in Clerk's office.
Some .0 neshislery ]s being taken out
at the cement plant.
"Pat!' the utile house dog belonging
to J. A. McBain was struck by an auto
and killed,
Board of Trade decided to oil Main
Street this Summer and a committee
appointed to purchase 17 barrels of
learnt, and Mrs, Corry, Elmo, re-
ceived a svito stating that their son,
Lance Corporal James N. Corry, was
suffering from gunshot wounds in
thigh and left arta.
W, G. and Mee. Inglis, Sunnyside
Farm, Elam, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Jessie Bray
Inglis, to Chester Little, son of Mich-
ael and Mrs. Little, 131ma, themar-
-nage to take place in June.
After three weelw of severe sickness
and all that could possibly be clone by
human hands and medical skill, Jessie.
Elizabeth; daughter of A. M. and
Mrs. Sweeton, 10th Can. Elora, passed
away on Sunday, May lath, at the age
of 5 years, 7 100111115 and 18 days.
Summary of the Assessment Roll of
the township of Blinn, for 1017:—
Ames cleared 55738, arses woodland
8095, acres slashlaucl 8567, acres waste
land 28, acres assessed $67428, land as,
sessment $2,538,110, bnildinge assess.
moot $1,058,080, business assessment
$24,822, income assessment $500, total
assessment 58,814.842, toted value of
property exempt 530800, childten be-
tween sand 21 870, children between 5
and 16674, persons in the homes 8093,
tnale persons between 21 and 60 759,
days of Statute Labor 4578, births 47,
deaths 15, dogs 465.
A well drilling machine has been in
operation at Trinity Chutch Rectory
and a good flow of water reached at
155 feet,
Methodist W. M. S. have had a very
successful year taieing $195. Three
new L 'were received this
Life nlembers
year. Officers were re-elected.
Blyth coal dealers have been busy
putting ext Winter's supply of coal
an to their customers. April price.
for nut coal was $8.10 per ton with
lOa per ton added for May.
Phe Woman's Iustitote at their an-
nual meeting elected the following of-
ficers — President, Mrs. R. Rich-
mond , let Vice Pres., Mrs. S. Qidley ;
N. Airs. S, Po 1 lestono
2nd Vice Pte I P ,
Sec.-Treas., Mrs. H. Qidley.
Plans are already under way for a
Patriotic and Old Boyo' Sunday, July
ist. A choir of 50 or more voices, a011.
gating of "'Old Boys and Girls" will
sing tte the morning. 5eevlce while in
the evening the"Brotherhood" (50.
the sol vice of sol.
voices w 1b
sooner 115stole will be present and
speak besides ma
uy of Out own boys
and girls win have gone out from Dur
churches and, are occupying important
positions in the service of Church 1uu1
atat,e will also speak L0 us that day..
The alinttal meeting of the leaches'
Aid was held in the Methodist
Church, receul.ly, when the ffullowing
0111001.5 were elected :—President, 5101..
3. Huclistep ; Vice -President, Aire. B.
Taylor ; Ree..Soc„ Mee. (4. el. 01uu17-
bets ; Ass'e-Sec Ahs. A. Slater ;
Treasurer, Mr's, F. Haggett ; Chap-
lain, Mee, Geo. Bing and Mrs. 8, qid-
1 ley ; Auditors,' Airs. 13. Taylor and
Airs. S: Chellew ; Pianist, Mrs. H. Mc-
hlroe ; Aas't..-Pianist, Mee, 1. 11.
Blown. The l,tdies have had it very
successful year raising in all 5123.40.
All acr.0unis,tre paid and a balance of
528 0010 the Treasury.
Master Bruce Martin, who has been
under thedoctoda care since he r, -
Leveed fi um Folkestone, England, ie
H. U puns, .Gautier B/tllwrlyue and
Stanley elet nallhus have passed their
final e•lailhuttio,, al the Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgt'cu,e, 'Poi nntse
Contrite'sto build the 150,000 gallon
cement tank in Listowel roe the
Water anti Light Cnlnn,iselun
beets awarded to Frank Prost, Ham
Mason work nn the new factoy
which 'the. Pest's -set -Kele NI ills fur'
erecting on the old twittery prupl+ety
has been started and the work will be
rushed through,
Miss Myrtle Howe, who recently
underweu1 tui 1 peuttinn at Guelph
i "spitat for app nliritis, has return-
ed home awl „i11 remelts here while
r, gaiting her stseugth,
, linb" Gemghrgnul, eldest, 8011 of
It, le. and Alis. Geoghegan 1(111151, has
resigned his position with the .Impee-
ial flank and went to Verb Niagara to
take an 0picee's 1,110.1111111E course Lo lit
him for it emus Ission in the Anie •i -
men Army,
1r1. 13, Merpby. 1t. O., ISL P,, re-
ceived a cahlegetun from his son,
Lieut, Cecil 11;, hlnrply, of the Cana-
dian Artillery, Femme, atliliug that
his in other, _Lieut. Il, Boulton
M, rely, had been wounded, but that
his eoidition wise excellent, Lieut.
11. H. Boulton jr., is filling a reepnrl•
slide position in the artillery and has
been in the (11 id, sol of the fighting.
The massy I,'irnds of William
Speisc0 Sr, will len 'n With deep mgr0t
(11' hie selectee diocese lilt, Spenl0,
who hue enjoyed hie'usual good health
until now ryas Working le his garden
and towards 0901ftig complained of
feeling tired, Ile took a sl.roke, his
tig115 side being affected, and 51tic0
there has not, heed much change In
his condition. It is hoped that he will
enjoy a speedy, re00ve1 y.
A•rleal for the Bale of the': British
Exchange hotel In beteg "Made, whets.
by Wus, Haines, 131yth, has twinned
possession, Claire Sweets selling one
to biro,
i'he atone house on the corner of
Theorist and Platte streets, helely 0c-
,alpled by the late 3, 1,, (4811511, has
been rented by Judge Diekarn and
the proprietor, Thee, Wallis, is hay-
ing extensive altere111011e 111a(1e 111 it
preparatory to its occupancy by the
Judge. Hardwood floors 1815110 been
taint throughout the house. Sheds at
the back have hoot, pulled down, and
it peat and commodious back veranda
befltopening off the den at the rear
of the 'soiree, while a sleeping porch is
being erected over den. Large
veranda is being erected ac1'050 the
front of the house, which will
materially acid to the appearance of
the building, while old front porch ie
used as a cover' for an outside cellar
entrance, A neat'1,rlck garage ie be-
ing put upend Many other improve-
ments about the house being Made.
Help Belgian Children
The letter given below was received
by Mrs. Hermiston, of Listowel, form-
erly of Brussels, and speaks for itself,
Somewhere lis Belgium.
DEAD MoTHloe.—I am here in the
land of Duch devastation and destruc-
tion 150 you could never imagine if you
tried £orever-018, itis awtnl, houses,
villages, and towns all torn up—piles
of earth aid such holes, you could
bury 10 teams' of horses—homes ruin-
ed, everything as though some ter-
rible cyclone had struck the places
and ruined them forever.
I am still driving a car for a prince
-next to the Crown Prince of Bel-
gium and mother I want to interest
you in this lam about to tell you.
Ills brother, Prince Reginald Du
Croy and his sister were taken prison-
ers by the Germans, the brother es-
caped but his sister, the princess was
with E(lith Cavell, when she was
taken prisoner. They tried to get
Miss Cavell off but could do nothing,
The princess was arrested with her
but was condemned to be shot with
her,' but her Royal birth saved her
(her mother' is King Albert of Bel-
gium's sister) but she was sentenced
to ten years' imprisonment in Ger-
many, hard labor, They don't know
where she is and both her brothers
wish she had been shot. It would
have been easier. The brother who
escaped has a hospital here and yes-
terday I was there when 800 little
children came—naked, sick, wounded,
hurt little kiddies from less than 1
year to 12 years old. Half of them
did not know their own names. You
see mother they go into a town like
Listowel for instance and take the big
and girlie, women and men to
Germany to make nlunitious,-leaving
the ,.very old and wee little ales to
starve, Awful, isn't it and suchch
dear little childen.
You would break
your heart mother, if you sale them,
even I burst out crying—poor little
things. Isni t it awful to think the
little ones should suffer.
Mother, they cut holes in bags and
put their little lees through h and tied
them around their necks, Dozens
were in bed covered up, trying to
keep themselves from starving—no
clothes to put on.
I have given all I can but money
Ontario Reformatory
Made `itrong By Delicious Vinol
Lakeport, IS. H,--"LJm• little girl 8
you'd of age woe iu u debilitated, run-
down condition ' and lied a stubborn
cough so she 1100 weak anti ailing all
the iime. Nothing helped her until
we tried Vinol. Then her appetite
increased and site le strong and well, and ,
1 wish other parents of weak, delicate
children would try Finol."---Gso, ,9. I
This is because Vinol contains beef
and cod liver peptone:I, iron and '
manganese pelltouatrs and glycero-
phosphates which she needed.
111. R. SMITH, Druggist, 13eussele,
Also at the best Druggists in all On-
tario towns.
gees such a little way here, egg„ 25e.
each, meats $S 20 tt lb., but ler $2 25 a
lb,, rice 25e. a lb, t. rabbit 44,50,
1 have seen old men and women ELS
old 818 my grandmother stand in line
fon' hours to get a little bit of potato
00 meal just 10 keep thein from starv-
The people vers good industrious
people not very poor all good workers,
many in fair circumstances before the
war 111181 now they do not even know
where their children are. Anything
will be gladly received for the. chil-
dren. Yon could send the clothing
to Hospital Elizabeth, Prince Regin-
ald Du Oroy, Paperinghe, Belgium.
Give me clothing for these little cllit-
dret no lrlatter what you do without
—the suffering is beyond description
—anything, stockings, underwear,
dresses, anything that a child could
I have been from one end of France
to the other and from one end of Bel-
gittn to the other belonging to the
Allies and I have seen things I will
never forget.
Good-bye Mother, and work hard
for these dear little babies.
Pte. Ralph Shaw Writes of
Overseas Trip
Monday, 5th day at eee—
DEAIt Boren FOLKS. I'm starting
this letter early and will have plenty
of time to finish before I get a chance
to mail it, which will not be until we
reach land and that is some days voy-
age away yet. So far all is going
nicely, that is for some of us. Yester-
day about 90 per cute of the bunch
were sick but most of them are on
their feet to -day. So far I have kept
up anti feel flue, but there's no telling
what will happen before we land.
For 3 days now we have been run-
ning in 0 storm. Saturday night was
wild and no one was allowed on deck
from 430 p. m. until 10 a, m. yester-
day. This old tub did some fierce
pitching and rocking and everything
movable in the line of dishes, furni-
ture, etc., was battered to pieces. It
WAS that, thee put So many of the
boys down and out. Now we have hit
warmer weather but it is still windy
and web and as it is a head-on wind
the boat runs more smoothly.
This is our 5135 day at sea and I
think we are about half way across
end 1 sure hope so. I never was cut
out for a seaman. It does seem like a
dull way of existing with nothing but
water in sight for days ata time. We
have a little company though as there
nee 8 other transports and a crosier in
this little fleet. There are other crus -
leis on guard a short distance away
and in a day a' so we will be met by a
ember, of destroyers, 'ers so that aur voy-
y -
e a r ss the war r zone should be c o a
One has little idea of while the ocean
really is until Ise takes a trip and a
voyage across in a transport gives a
fair conclusion of life Din the deep. Of
course we are mines the luxuries of a
first-class steamer and we see only the
hard, rough side of it, Of one thing I
am sure this will never induce anyone
to travel very much, Most of the
boys are of the opinion that one more
trip and that back to Canada will be
quite enough ocean going for them.
Dont get the idea that there is no
pleasure for us. Every evening we
have a Concert on deck and it helps to
drive away the blues. In the mess
+44. Y-1.04.0 ;'.+••Fit••+A•FP'Q-0•+$ a,.4.i•4+41+•+4+6.1.6+•+
'Prig Tillie is math Thiie!
Oj .,�)tirf'-t 3"
P�'Wli y 5,G
The Farmer
and His K'i dak !
Pictures—like this one—of the sheep in the pasture are
easy to make in the simple Kodak way. Your Kodak
will give you
Profit as Wel! as Pleasure
for the same Kodak that pictures the sheep will picture
equally well. your Prize Stock and Crops, in addition to
all the Special Features that make your farm the home
it is. Ask for Booklet—"The Kodak on the Farm."
KODAKS from $7.0o up. BROWNIE CAMERAS from $1,55 up.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 444444 +i*s•r••l••d•ed•e•••1ee+•
r FARM �\
Here's u jefter-roma -local user
\i-e",��' ti.~�lal • ' �e,0a 1 jai•+���v
7- r
tiVv el- F iii• o +a'
eQv`�44c�: a�fetc.
,goo Qa c gyub
4 aAttt ttt5,,9'Lr4 t. "ten ,
11Fa'a complete electric
plant designed to
furnish light and
power to farfln8,
'country homes,
slimmer cottages,
yachts, houseboats,
rural stores and
it betters living
conditions and
pays for itself.
�l1 5f • +y
130 .J8ee'de Cee,\' ,3'11\e,a.
Thick Plates—Long Life.
•,5' •vo4. oa
09' Ct1
rto,7.w3 op3
��� 86 rt0
0V1‘. 50.
PRICE $390 oo
Sarni,. Carter
room there is a piano and this with
violin, autoharp, mouth organs, etc.,
entertain those who stay ]Weide.
When the sun is shitting one sees
Borne lovely colors on the water.
Every breaking wave makes a rain-
bow on the calla water close by
and one can see it down to a great
depth, Will finish this later when I
have mote news.
Thursday, April 25th—
Well, mother, itis now S days since
we last sate land and some say that
we will see Ireland to -morrow and
will land about Saturday. Of c0nrse
none of us know. We are running
now into the danger zone but as yet
our escort hasn't met us so I fancy
we are quite a distance out. Ewer
since corning on board we have been
compelled to wear life belts on deck
and from now on we will have to
wear them at all times. Since 91111day
morning or Saturday night, to be ex-
act, we have been almost constantly
kept below d to storm, but
to -day all is clelm andthesun Is shin-
in r beautifall and everyone is en ,v
ing life better than antime in the
past 10 days. Every one is full up on
ocean travel and all will be glad when
the reach land.
A couple of days ago 6 of us got a
fine goose dressed and roasted, with
it were vegetables, bread. butter,
cheese, jam, pudding and real ten, so
we managed to have one good f:., d on
the old tub, as (me fellow termed it
"the 11150 bright spot on the Atlantic"
amt I think was the war we all felt.
Still we are counting im several more
whets t-: e 1,utd,
asset oar. I hear 111111 we won't land
until eltneluy but even by then we
will be lanky I suppose. Just now the
si}"ilrl of laud, ecru :1, South sea
wont be a welcome sight to one and
Friday afternoon—Iron back at letter
writing again. This is our tenth day
on the open sett and Still Inc land is in
sight. We are all gond and tired of it,
but we have no choice he are matter
and so will have eo stay where see are
for 2 nr 3 days yet, From Saturday
until y,vteeday we were kept below
deck owingtonfetce storm. It. wasr
like one It 1 111 111 nn light, excepting
g 6
electric, very little tile rIr i 11d 0 out of
evert 10 nu..ri sick.' So far I Have es-
caped eese siekne-e and eat every
Meal and as often as possible between
To -day is the calmest and warmest
we have had yet and all are enjoying
it in the fullest. We are nearing the
war zone, hence our speed hue been
cut down and the vessel zig-zags back
and forward expect
considerably. I
the convoy will soon meet els alai all
are counting on being in port by
blondtly at the attest. I surely hope
it is true. Now it looks as if our voy-
age is about over. This morning land
has been sighted and I believe we are
praclieally out of the danger of sub-
mari::e attacks. To -day is cold and
dreary on deck and the horizon is
so smoky saw that the land we sawas
very dim in the distance. Several
very interesting things have happened
but I'll say nothing of them now.
Later on if I remember, I'll tell some
of our experiences. If I get a chance
after landing 1'11 send a cable, if not
then this will he the first word you
will have. I meant to arrange that
asoon 0
5 2s word of our auival mashed
T pertple would
told by phone bot we had no time to
arrange anything Bye-bye for now,
Will write whenever I can.
Sincerely, RALPH.
Roadster $950
'Country Cub $mo
F. o. b. Toronto
Subject t0 chance ,ni(hout notice
A Car of PReasing
She design of the new Wfllys-Overland Light Four is notablyl
pleasing and satisfying in lines and proportions.
Crowned fenders, sweeping in their curves, and unobstructed]
running boards, emphasize the long, low appearance.
This car is a beautiful example of the modern tendency toward
straight, flowing lines.
The attractive finish—in keeping with the other distinctive
qualities of this Willys-Overland car—completes its thoroughly
stylish appearance.
And the tremendous volume of the Willys-Overland factories'
makes it possible to offer this efficient, stylish and comfortable
car at a reasonable price,
:C `tee'crp..:.,.
t,; a
\ 5fe
• N RL
LWingh ' Agent—m
Dt" Willys-Overland Limited, Tomato, Oat.
I Witlya.Ts'nlght and Overlatr AutonlobRcc, tbntmeld1l Cara -