HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-24, Page 4esersee. to stand too, all »Ight long in t
ttA, Sethi .3,4.1.1Pt mod wondering if when ti
1,311110 113011131 WV be tittle to wiggle o
but, 111 most cases WOwere ready f
the stare. 1 had al wart entertaluet
feeling thee tide wart going Lo b
huge 61100130131, e walk -over in fact,
was a success but by no mentor wa
over. At two reinutee after 5 a, r
by my time, the Brigade numb'
; Itee . e teevived guile the hill behind us opened up,
• 1 et• ' e,•• 1 ,r
leother, 'eeking the Wiliness of I be eight,
14 W1411131- oNeeptilig occasional shells which
Fr lie had thought it wise to place in
t, .ste, —Well various places, This lasted almost a
; eft era en., 1011111111-1 wort tiered if Fri14 would
•• e • . /LW ('1114' over to what was keeping
,;. les. el. write IL 133. Suddenly, with a m '
ar the arell-
I • ,.. • . sr, e•i• from lerY broke over one heads and we
; • climbed the parapet all eager to get
ell 1 ein ,41144'( at hint before he was awake. The
•!,1101,1 of the barrage wiles log was 118 perfect a
the time barricade 13.13 one could imagine. All
• 1e, r 'corny along the litre our men were creeping
et3, nat. over—on their feel; but bent forward.
• • tend, We waited an instant for the barrage
e., •,0 -17e -o 10 lift, then came on. The trench,
there era ere, re•et., 310011 swarmed with
•, r411 Fri! oohing out of the earth like
wild bees, They started with hand
to grt•nailes, these I suppose being near-
s11,11q est at hand, having been altogether.
• •, . emit our surprised by our attack and think -
log perhaps it was only one of those
eee Ie.! it is smell r aids which on our front had be-
. .•,,4 la! ; '444 mue nse eomnion. We settled down
• • • ere end 'e tee lifiee fuel fought just like real
;i Unividiall, 1 was Iv the front
, ,•, y 8.1' nod (4 was 0311.1 play to follow the
•. • .1 : .!. beiestge and do what little damage we
e.silti end let the following 10aves
,•1 -an np, On we rushed but here I
• Idtt, 111,' p44117, as my work, was that
y el helping the wounded, I could not
• e 4011',))'80 fast but 1 worked as fast as
1 (11411111. A heavy snow 51111110 was on,
wet /mow and the mud was fierce,
About this thee Fritz wakened ep
and stinted shelling caw suppoets and
ever creeping up cloeer to us and it
10(13 necessary to get the wounded in
Terriers safe from shell fire. I eetab-
lished a wooden cross and stuck it in
he ground over a dug out to which I
sent all walking ortees and packed a
number. I never before had my
strength so tried as muck was knee-
deep tool a man on my back Wei too
much to last. long but the casualties
wet e getting fewer and others were
0. ening tip to help. We 'reached our
e,jeeti vs- and held it for 48 hours and
then we were asked to mid taking
..leective in which another Batta-
. had failed, It seas over the top
1, fell. 4.111i11 1(1! Our rations were short,
•e ,.„, le, water until next day but we ere
happy to be still in need of it. The
, .• „. 0., „ 1,9.1
„,1 L11 attack was as wholly a surprise
„e es the nWe est, went over and were
Almost on him before our artillery
eorrted. We, on the right flank, go-
iter too fat and having to come back
through our own barrage was an error
told somewhat exciting but we had no
(11.4144414 "4 this time and gained our
evened, the whole (ntering 11 space of
Nearly a mile. We 101411' relieved next
day, came out as we thought to test
('mIs 1( 111114. slept over eight and got a
hurried call up the line next day.
Needle-. to Say We. were "all 10" but
‚14» went just to act as support, to a
Dettalinn who "went over." As far
1'.1' 0011141 see they were still going,
meeting little or 11f) oppositeon. We
se..re sem, relieved and are now trying
regain our dearly hest energies,
We took a host:of prisoners, atnong
them a lot of officers, who asked
where all the Canadians 081(314 from as
there were no ships to Im ing them
over. They also thought Lenclon was
all knocked to pieces with zepps.
91113et SIDAY, MAY 24 Tete
ut ,
1,(11 ,,•,(1 4111
• 41 ,
f; • • fee,
s r•s
• to. 1,,
• t' th,i1
1., t 13 et.
' -oitel
-1, 3003.0
'113( 11(00
.. 1'11 we
N., , .eenie
• ,'• , 311.-13.
A. „eve us
, "(etr-
e, eut, 44 the
' • th-
.1 10 rare
t1. •1.11 the
r, rnit,trY, 4,1141
t sleeve
tee erilv thing
e (1 1 Div Thie is a brief nuthtie. I think I could
,, 1' "001 4.10. V311tV 0(111(111144 4(41111 not tell it all, We
thee \rile 12 days and nights with only one
• here ni4111.'s sleep, I am wen and have not
• . tee tel'' eresstele 1 aeked God to protect me
, as,to those (hinge oyer which I had
r, iie mettrel end to give ine strength to
1.. t„, tie my duty in taking care of the
sse alerted. He has clone all this and
mete, I limy.- !tett a lot of tuy best
friemis end1 feel badly not so much
2,41.111.111 RS they were good living fel-
Imes but, for their Immo folk. I ex-
pect emu to 14408 14 good long division-
al est.
Pee. H. L. MeNAtemT, 907006,
Stretcher Bearer,
102, Canadian Battalion,
tibr: '4141 10144 France,
'1. d 'Caught,
''11 e • 11(1, the
• '!, !,
h --'.,id-
. -134 in11401,
• '!! • fee this time,
;,r, te, all.
. • Neer, es Peel ar-
e ,10011 11(1
'4'4 1414(104114
•,'".41.', net et hand
tt 411t,1 1' sock
04 :11,1. 1 lost nry
etitt ..e V,11, 011 1,110
al. 1 great-
. 5,1preir
!eft I,. perusal
,,,ti 1 ill ree, fry to
I 11100114,
. 11 11,1 114
• • v! t I Om. a,11..
,• ','.r•
‚4, .4-1 1;1 bet thet emild
, .„1 ete eine 11111
• 1 te hetet.. eseter
•e. • . line terve, 14, 8
, . •0,1 end vet y ',Mel).
meperet 11111 1007.3
o 1. ,9(o41(11.31
eielr (.11
ini (4, 11.
!.11.1,31 tyo (3031,1 not
elor94 1,130
,1,11,104e4 v31111114 18
!i! er.rel 1
•i,, e„ 1 31,111 11
• tie .3( '11411clid reet, ertf-
;•-1 40111191 31 et,11 the
•eerrentably fast,
.• • . 1.0 1130
,• •• VARY 10 litnt the
' •• , Ittehlently
1, r' 1^ oot,tle ft•i• the ex-
imee 1401(000 fate
,1 Ir, Ire morning 1,111
• e wiirr testi neg.
'111;111511 (nitre for
1 wee awfully
.1..•1 14,4 1(1V13. W110 1144111131110
A33. Tire eeepettt, lost
• . • e 314 11113, 1 think turt Jost
,‘, • .8 cirred, At 8,110 orders
! '4, • treneli, we
'-•.• 1. . 141 hill (1000 111 MINI
. ' .9,13 who wi-tes stuck
,,, • , , veeld,s ttr iteln
1 e e • 1, 41, trey beet all night to
'ee•-• 11 eeetriee in good spirits,
.1 • ' e 14 pt very quiet, tread had
1111130 Nary Davidson returned on
Wednesday night last from Schumak-
er, Ontario; where she spent the 'Win-
John Reichard left here on Satur-
day for Kansas to be present at the
Convention of the Drinkard clergy.
Andrew McKee is not at all well
these days and is confined to the
hense. We hope he will soon im-
\Vora was received here by Jae,
111,11 1111.e. 0.attauttele that thele son,
eery Ceetanach, of the 158rd
leo tenon, was serimisly (11 with
pneernitnia in England.
Tire residents of this vicinity were
elmetted 00 Tuesday morning of last
week to le(I,r') of the sudden death of
Mee. John Jaccputs, near Lakelet.
Deceased expired unexpectedly at her
borne, early Tuesday morning from
an attack of heart weaktreee. Mrs.
Jacques was for man y year e a member
of the Anglican (Minch, and her whole
life was spent in harmony, with her
Christian profession, She was in
every sense of the word a model wife
and mother and none (multi know her
but love end achnire her. 1 -ter cheer-
ful and amiable dispoeition drew to
her ninny warm ('1(140(114 14141110 from the
111(1117 circle and her memory will for
many years remain fresh in the hearts
of those who knew her best. The
vanancy which her death has caused
will 1100140 11981(3 be filled here. The
funeral winch took place from the
homestead on Thursday afternoon of
last week was very largely attended,
the feneral service being conclneted
by her pastor, Rev. 1111. IL Roberts,
rumbaed by the Rev, Mr, Fare, Kin -
(terrible. The pall bearers were six of
her sone -in-law. Beautiful floral
teihutee were received in the form of a
lovely Gaireedar given by the 'family,
a wreath from the Lakelet Patriotic
League and *Tette% from Rev. and
Mrs- Emmett Jaques and Raney and
lerkinswiller, of Clifford, The re-
mains were laid to rest in the &roily
plot •at Fordwich cemetery beside
there of het' husbend,
Ontario Women's Liberal AseoclatIon
Hoide Provincial Oonventien-41e.
owls Much and Work Hord
1 Three are day, of now things and
a new ttort of political convention wail
the gathering of Liberal women trona
all parts of the province in Toronto
on May lith, for the annual meeting
of the Ontario Womeres Liberal Astro -
dation. There was no sign of &Ma-
teurlehnsaa or inexperience 'either in
the executive handling of the carotene
nor In the range and depth of the sub-
jects discussed. Woman's training in
other societies is standing her in good
stead in these larger responsibilities
that have been placed upon her,
The morniug opesion was devoted to
businese and to the discussion of Vas -
tic problems, and a luncheon et noon
was follovrod by a public meeting with
Mr. Newton Rowell and Dr. Magee
Clark, M.P., from Red Deer, as the
chief speakers. Axaong the plaorse'rep-
resented by delegateat the confer-
ence were; Paris, Brampton, Cale-
donia, North Bay, Kitchener, Welling-
ton, Lindsay, Picton, Hamilton, Dunn-
ville, Beameville, Guelph, Strathroy,
Bowmanyllle, London, Oollingwood,
Drumbo, Woodetock, and a number of
Among the topics discussed in the
morning ware, "After the War, What?"
and "Production." Mrs. Henry Car-
penter said, "Let us adopt the slogan
'Steed behind the flag with the twee*
Mrs. David Williams of Oollingwood
p,roposed that women should stop us-
ing cake.
Mrs. Robert Glasgow referred to the
Patronage system as "The stalk on
which grow the beautiful blossoms of
graft." "Too many representatives,"
she said, "are so much afraid of their
Party and of their constituents that
they don't speak of the Isigheet things
that are in their mind. Let us show
theta that we will be behind them if
they develop statesmanship," Mrs.
George Law of Drumbo explained the
motives that led to the organization
of Liberal women in that village.
"Drumbo Liberal women," she said,
"organized to study and to learn how
to vote and hove to be of service to
the community. We want the countrw
to be better bemuse we are there."
Mrs. Rowell thought that whether wo-
men wore Liberals or Conservatives
they must all have a more serious
purpose e -.ow than ever before. If
the women would stand behind the
beet things the slipcase of the best
would be assurred," Mrs, J. M. God-
frey, in discussing the work of the
Association, said that true Liberalism
meant the liberation of spiritual en-
ergy. "Surely," she said, "we should
strive to make the politioal arena as
clean as our own homes."
Mrs. J. A. Macdonald was re-elected
President of the Association and Mrs.
Margaret Hyslop was appointed Or-
ganizing Secretary.
Dr. -Michael Clark gave a scholarly
and inspiring address on the war with
references also to the tariff, Mr. Row-
ell in addition to discussing problems
relating to the war, referred to the
race track evil, quoted from Detroit
papers showing how Detroit deplored
the going of their young men across
the river to Windsor to gamble at the
race meetings.
Whether it is increased publie..ser-
iousness arising from the war or a
revived interest in public aftairs, M-
ing to Woman Suffrage, or a combina-
tion of these and other causes, a
political transformation is Occurring
in Toronto, evidenced particularly by
changes in the Liberal Party there.
For a number of years the Liberal
Party locally in the capital was aelth-
or as strong nor as admirable as It
should have been. Within the last
few months, howeYer, evidence is ac-
cumulating that citizens', men and wo-
men alike, of the very highest type,
are commencing to take an interest
in practical public affairs as applied
in. Toronto Citr Riding Associations.
The latest sign of this stimulating
development is the election and ac-
ceptance as President of the newly
formed Parkdale Provincial Riding
Association of Mr. S. J. Moore. Mr.
Moore is an outstanding baliinees
man; one who has been a leader In
all movements, amide economic and
religious, for the good o,ijhe commun-
ity. Mr, Mark Bredin, another gentle-
man of the highest type, le President
of the new North East Toronto Pro-
vincial Liberal Association, and for
the South West Riding there is Mr.
G. G. S. Lindsey, also one of Use lead-
ing citizens of Toronto. Associated
with these leaders are large groups
of men and women representing var-
ied interests in the city, all co-operat-
ing in public affairs and exercising
their responsibilities: of citizenship,
particularly 1n these critical times of
the war when 80,07 man and woman,
in some capacity, should Nerve the
At the Parkdale meeting Mr, Row-
ell took rather a serious view of 'the
war situation; deplored the apathy of
the Ottawa Government and declared
that whereas in other count:lea gov-
ernments have used the best brains
of all politioal ',artiste here the goy*
eminent hag not attempted to nae tho
best brelne of even lie own party.
Sane Carter, M.P.P., assailed the Pat-
ronage evil and favored a Most getter -
out treatment of returned and disabled
'soldiers. hill. Margaret Hyolop said
she had been brought up on the Short-
er Cateohitim, porridge and Liberalism
and that they were all good thing,
Mi-, Plunkett Megann read a report
Of the work of the Toronto Woe:toes
Mend Aseociation with its record of
War geririce.
Soft, C ear, Smooth $kin Cornea With
The else Of "FRUIT.A-TIVES".
86 Drayton Ave., Toronto,
Nov. 10th, 1915,
A beautiful complexion is a handsome
woman's chiefglory andthe envy of her
loss fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear
skin—glowing with health—is only the
natural result o (pure Blood.
"I was troubled for a considerable
time with a very unpleasant, disfiguring
Rath, which covered my face and for
which I used applications and remedies
without relief. After using "leruita-
Eves " for one week, the rash is com-
pletely gone.I.am deeply thankful for
the relief and in the future, I will not be
without "Fruit-a-tives".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
A Letter from Pte. Cleve
Denbo] to Carter family
—I guess you will be anxious to hear
from me and to know that I am all
right. Hale and hearty. I think I
88711 7011 two field cards, as I couldn't
mite but now I ern able to write you
a letter, I wish I could tell you all
about the big advance but that is im-
possible but you will hear all about
everything I have gone through some
day. Well how did you speed Easter
Monday 1 Ha I Ha! You know as
there le a wet 010 War On (1014 11010 1
Wash t able 111 bay() egge cooked
just 1(14' wity 1 like thorn best, Well
auntie, this Hulett thiek 1 gin able to
tell you and Dien not the hell'. We
jumped out of our Demelles and gave
old Halsey 11111 the biggest stainer's: in
411B)1•1:::, ilrlifee.
e0 or good luck 1 sir w teld
turd a hearty handslialt V 011-11 Hari
Wylde, about 10 minutes before we
went over and that old 8' 73(4 21 (4111
1(410 ley mind, "(lee but, it's grant to
meet, a frietel (‚-111 70' (1101(1(1101(1ur otntown."
1 Many, but (11) 4304 11114)1v w true it
that Davey is leonine ed 119(4111. I hope
thee 12140 Is it la good (1>4114(911(1>4114(911to take
him to England mid not too bad that
14 will etleple him soy. 14 was a
grand sight as we frit ged ahead.
'Those It hak chid 11(411118, some w 1 th
smile ell (digest with it stern e
set faz,
lar all eX 14sSiolet meant. the same—
"Go A heed."
1 have told you before about the
chiteteee life that seem to have.
'Well auntie it was with um on thatdty, day, as It didn't matter where I went
g flew pasb e, except one
little piece of 811(8(1,01l which hit me
on 110 1>51(10 02 6110 knee, I knew
lesti been lilt ts little but it, never both-
ered 111(3 until efter, when we were
bidding what, we had won and it wits
a little Reiff for a couple of days but I
nevee went out of the line as it was
only n. sweater nerd is all eight now,
healing up line.
I received your parcel to -day and
everything was peat; and couldn'e
have areived a better time.
I hope you are all well. Do not
worry AR I 111111k1 will see you all
sometime soon.
0 1 I must tell you drab I am WIRD!.
log a German overcoat to keep myself
1014101 until we get 0111. own, for you
know we didn't Wear 0140l'11081'8 Into
the line as Uses, are ton much weight.
Yon will emelt when I tell you (hall •
0,318 eating German bread too -that we
found in the dug outs. Good-bye and
love, to all. OLEVE.
(9•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0••••••••••••14
#••••0040"00 6•4
• •
0 , .• 4 .!,
..,..t *1/4 7.-",--,:,'''''''-' ---------41 -, . '
'..., 4.,,, • '
,,,, :,,,r.
• 11) . i..2,),-,
..4 7 '' ,'•lr'. 11,l ---"r ul- ?, 'i•Att 141%2ett-41,411-1; a. -e's----7.'-eir.
se,...e.r.,...senie .e.e-e-
- ' ,er. 03
4 The Piew Series
The only Car in Canada selling at less than
• 4 $700,00 equipped with Electric Starting and 0'4
• Lighting System More Wonderful than ever,
f, I
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of William
- Locking, late of the 'Township of
Grey, in the County of Hume far.
mer. deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to teheptor
121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all
creditors andothere having claims against the
estate of the said Willlard Looking, who died
on or about tbe Nineteenth dny of A prll, 8,1*.
1017, are required on or before the Twenty-
sixth day of May, A. 11)917, to send by poet
prepaid, or deliver to Robert Looking or Wil-
liam J.taharpe, 008,11100.414P, 0., the Executore
et the last Will and Testament of the deceaged,
their Christian and surnames addresses and
desoriptions, the fnll p44001118149 of their
claims, the statement of their accounte and
the nature of the securities Of any) held by
And further take notiee that after such last
mentioned date the said Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute tho assets of the decanted
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the airtime of which they shall
then have notice, and the said Executors will
0014 1)5 liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claim notice than not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution.
Dated 415 9111 day of May. A. D. 1817.
45-0 Solicitor for the said Executors,
00000632100000220000000.140018600 0081•00000000000000618000000
The Chevrolet
O ALI t Service it 'Hon .
.0 o
O 0
O mraccii0=0= im=,,,..2.00.0z,maacummioa inmitiw 0
O a
• E are now prepared to give the best of satisfaction a
to all in the Automobile line. Repairs for all
• Cars will get immediate attention, We, have installed a
O ion Tires always on hand. Call and test us in above lines 2
6 • Oils and Grease kept, Dunlop, Goodyear and Domin- •
• an up-to-date Gas Pump for Auto Service. Best of 2
At Ewan's Garage, Main Street, Brussels
• 0
• 0
• in the Buggy Line •
•This year our Mee are better and more up-to-date than ever. te
• •
O Rubber and Steel Tired Rigs of best material. 25 yeare has •
• given us experience to have nothing but the best in this line.
li 0
• All Jobbing in Wood or Iron promptly attended to. 2
• , lie-rubbaring Buggy Wheels a specialty—all sized Rubber. •
a Best attention given to Repainting of Buggies and a a
• Speciaity-male of Autos. 0
a e
• . Orders for New Designs 02work,
• 0
The D. Ew Carriage Works
--•-• -- -
4444,441•84•004'••••0884•• -a -pe oeo-p0000e••••••••••••••••••• •
Here is .
I Attached yon can take 7003' friend itIong, °twee vete own speed, •
• TWIN •
: •
* .... The machine Hest takes you ;
O ,----'-- there and trete yen back. Does •
I. it easy and cheap, 5 es to I, se gallon of gasoline. With a sidecar,
e ft mn 5 miles per hour to 00, Develope 12, h, p. Easy hatidled—juet .
• like a big brother, .
2 Write for a free Catalogue, Huy a DAYTON and enjoy life, •
• •
2 e
epr ,
i P
• e
• I 752 Broadvicw ave,, Toronto * 40
44••••••••4••4••44 e• * 4. 4 se 4 s•••••••••••••••••••••••••,
Standard Equipment
'Valve in head Motor
Electric Lighting — Starting
-Selective sliding gear
Transmission, 8 speeds
Forward and Reverse
New front and rear Spring
Staunch Frame 2
New front spring Suspensions o
New accelerator foot rest 0
Ample road clearance •
Cantilever springs •
• G
Improved Upholstery G
Mohair Top to
Non-skid Tires on rear wheels 41
• Garage at D. Ewan's Carriage Works
Amed & McDonald ..**
i HIT Ford Touriag Car and '16 fluaabout far Sala
2 •• *4 ***** 440 0 4%* •••*0•• 0 41•4 01140000•4400.0.000440.0••••
15973 1107861 Enrolment No. 1887
Inspected and Approved.
This well bred horse will stand for service
during thetiresent sermon nt hie own stables,
Leadhury, Lot 22, Con, 18, AlcKfllop,
Court of Revision
Village, of Brussels.
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Brussels will be held in
the Council Chamber, on Monday, the 4th
day of June, next, at 8 o'oloolc p, m, Alt
parties interested will please take notice
and govern themselves accordingly.
F. B SCOTT, Olerk,
Smartie, May 10th, 1017.
Executor's Sale
For the purpose of 4017(8(115 1114 the entree of
the late J01111 Ballentyne the lands end prem-
ises, situate in the Villege of Oranbrook, eon-
taining some 10 acres Oland end upon whioli
4)010 (8 ereoted e comfortable frame house
and frame barn, are offered for stile. Frei
' pertioulars and terms of sale will be made
, known upon application to the Executor, An.
thony Reymann, Oraniwook, or the under-
signed. W. M. SINCLAIR,
40.41 Solicitor for the Executor.
^OMFORTAELE 11075811 .8080 LOT 11041SAD19.—Good well and cistern, fruit trees,
&a, .Also 6 acres in cormratIon with large
etnble and drilled well. 'For further particu-
lars es to price, terms, &c., apply to Tile Poste,
For Sale
28X acres of farm lands in the Township
of Morris, adlolning the Village of Brussels, In
one field. There Is a to
gravel pa, (11 open-
ed no, !rein 2 to 800000, 41 has been tested
and enough of gravel there to supply the town
and vicinity for the next quarter of a century;
0 building lots on Turnberry street ; 1 lot on
George street, near the railway station ; also
Brussele, 15th March, 1017.
my private reeidenoe on the river bank, earner
of William end Albert streets. For further
partioulars apply to the undersigned at hie
residence, J. 111409011,
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for' -stile big floe 190
acre farm, being Lot 12, Ana part of Lot 18,
Oen. 6, and 80 acres on T,',17, Oen. 4, Township
of Grey, Enron Oonntr. On the former is a
gond briek house, extre good barn, 80 x 100 feet
ell comented end water -Metalled, Imre in or-
chard, .2so 0980(814 131 chiefly bash. Also 100
11008>, being Lot 12. Con. 0, le Ramo township
12 acres of 08(148 (0084 Pall rheat and over 40
fumes plowed. Both farms in good condition.
Por further partieulars 08 11 prices, terms rind
conditions, apply on the Premises or write
Telephone 4010, Ethel P. 0.
• # to-
The 1917. Farci --F•or,sring Car
f. o b. ford, Ont.
You pay less for this car but it gives
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The Touring Car gives the utmost in
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01 CARTER, Dealer
, 11111