HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-10, Page 8• m ni' fre7.. +•+vr+•� 1'0'1'E,o• eq.•'t'*+*+410+• '♦3'1+/4'•41+•+•+•014 *•••14+++ • 4 0 s 4 O • 0 .r R. SMITH Store by Your Kodak Now and enjoy the beautiful Spring season, All outdoors is alive with invitations to Kodak. We carry a full line of Eastman's Koclaks and Brownie Cameras. Kodaks Front$7 .00 u P 131(0 WNIES From $s.00 up. Menthol Quin' Powders After being unable toet them for some time we now have them again -38c pkg. Developing t P9 and Printing 9 Helve youre a Films De- veloped ed ami Printed here. Satisfactory and prompt service, Moth Proof Bell's Pure Fibre Moth Bags. A good piece for puttiug Furs. From 3oc up to 5oc each, Moth Bails sec Ib. Red Cedar Compound, pkg. r5c. Disinfectants Copperas—Dissolve in water and sprinkle where wauted, roc lb. Chloride of Lime -2 size pkgs.- 250 and 200. Zenoleem 250 and 500 tins. PREEXONE The New Painless Corn Cure. 350, WHISKS A good whisk for r5c Others at 2oc, 250 and 35c each• iv GOLORITE 6' 4 The Store Druggist and Stationer G. <i d 4 .1. 01. +4+9+•+4+4+•+•+++4+0+4+4+@ 4.•1•0•E*7+4d+4+0'1'4•1•03.44'4+9+41e+0 Straw Hat Dye—Dull Black, Jet Black and Colors—as bot, Nail Brushes Large Brushes, well made—roc each REXALL SOAP A large transparent cake, nicely perfumed, 2 cakes for 250. High Grade Talcums Yucca, Violet Dulce, Harmony Rose -25e. pit Finished Wall Paper For Kitchens and Bath Rooms. Can be wiped off. r7c per roll. Cheap Patterns in Wali Paper We still have a good variety of patterns to choose from, where a cheap paper is wanted -7, 8 & ee. 1eH gait al i elt7S gterns Hoc, market still booms. Smoot. Board will meet Friday even- ing of this week. TELEPHONE Directors [net last Satur- day for :heir quarierl}' meeting in the Board room of the Library. WHO has the most untidy premises in town 5 Ne,v is ;le clean up time, SPRING d liv-: - - .,f fruit trees has been on the program curing the past week. 7 MONTHS of coal burning is the record and the fu race has to be cranked yet. PRINCIPAL 13. S. SCOTT is the latest purchaser of a Ford touring car and he handles it like an expert. Tuesday next is the date set for the visit o1 the Sanitary Inspector, Are your premises ready to pass inspection 7 NEw TELEPHONES,— Among telephones recently installed on Brussels Rural routes are the following :—E G. Plum, 4rx ; Robert Dark, 645 ; Wm. Bowman, 026 ; Col. Connelly, 5423 ; Jas. Collins, 5723 ; Mrs. Hector McQuarrie, 5959 ; Joe Miller, 2413, Others will follow, FILLS THE BILL —Os page 5 of this week's issue may be read a large advt. c•tncerning Delico Light, for which S. Carter is the local agent. It appears to be the very thing the public require, Light and apparatus on view at Mr, ' Carter's show room. Call in and see how it works and how easily it may be installed. BY notice elsewhere it will be seen that on April 21st Herbert W. Brothers, nephew of Miss Inman and Miss Myrtle Wilson, Brussels, was united in marriage at Oakland, California, to Miss Josep- hine Meyer, of the same place. The groom was a former resident of town and will have the good wishes of many old friends for a long, happy and pros- perous married life. T. C. MCCALL bas been engaged to take charge of one of the creamery wag- ons in connection with Brussels Sham- rock Factory, His routes will be the 5th and 6th lines of Morris township and the loth and lath Cons. of Grey township. Mr. McCall should prove a worthy successor to jno. Cunningham, who has engaged with P, Ament for. this season. IMPROVEMENTS,— Mrs. Howard 1s making interior and exterior improve- ments at her stone house, Turnberry street. Alex. and Mrs, Anderson will shortly take possession and Mrs, How- ard will make her home with them, Mrs, Anderson is a grand daughter.—A new verandah is being built by John Sanders, He bas also levelled up the North side of his lot, Mr. Sanders has exhibited considerable enterprise in the improvements helms made in his proper- ty,—Robert Dark and family have mov- edto Queen street, immediately East of W. A. Grewar's, which property has been considerably improved this Spring. Mr. Dark has installed a telephone for the ce cony D e e i n of those wishing his Services, which is No. 645; BELGIAN WEDDING.—A ahttrch wed. ding was the acme of interest Wednes- day'morning at 10 o'clock, when Griel Verheye tied Miss Annil Verannemann, both of the Boundary of Grey and Eima townships, were united ie marriage by Rev. Fr. Fallon, in St, Ambrose church. Miss Alice Wilton played the wedding march, Bride was attended by Mrs, Johe Gaynor and the groomsman was Henry Vcrannamanb. The former came. from Zivers Capel, Belgium, 7 years ago and the bride from Mooeshdo, 4 yeare sinus. The happy young couple will make their home • on the Fraser firth, • The weddingparty Caine to Brussels in, autotpobils. Good wishes are extended. It wasquite a eolecitienoe for.the,ceremony to take piece in Bros. sols. Iirrr riff the boulevards. RE.D CROss Wont —All Red Cross finished work is a,ked to be returned by Wednesday of next week so that it may be packed and shipped. —0— Pacnxrvhand baby carriage, also baby cotter for sate. For particulars apply at Tie Posm, Ar'r0 PARTIES ATTENTION 1-5lary Pick- ford mill be Seen at the New Strand Theatre., Seefertb, MOT 17th, 13111, and 11104, in the new picture "Lees than the Duet" by far the larg- ..et produntion in which she has ever appeared. Price 15 .eats. TnUNG housekeeper wi.hr's position end chtld 6 yMire. Apply t0 GILBERT P1111110050, Albert street, Brussels. A Gaon Scotch doe for sale, 10 months old. Apply to wu,r,nt ,SNIDER, Brussels. DEEMER cultivator seed box for Hale, Also MasseyHarris cultivator with seed. box eom• plebe. M. L. CARn1IF, Phone 428. HOME and 8 acres to rent in Graham's Sur- vey. Mae. H. MCARTE5. Phone 1218. Pion for Hate, -8 Sows with littera at foot— Tamworth and Berkshire Cross. J. P. MOINToaa. Phone 551 Scone to rent. Lately occupied by Currie Bros, as butchers, I. C. RICnARDS, EGGS roll HATntirNo.—$t She and Retie Contlt Brown Leghorn Eggs for batching. Price 91.59 for setting of 16. 2 settings 32.60 A 1 stock. W, S. 140022, Phone 5x, Brussels. SIX head of young cattle for sale. Phone 428 DfARR L. CARDIFF. To RENT. — Comfortable dwelling above stores, ?oft water. I. 0. RICHARDS. DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Thursday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases sueoeesfully treated. Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. 0 AUl'uux COURT SI'rrINGs —In order to meet the peculiar conditions existing this year, it bas been arranged that the jury and the non -jury sittings of the circuit courts in Ontario shall be com- bined and most of the sittings have been arranged to take place after harvest. The date for Goderich is November 5th, with Justice Sutherland as lbe presiding judge, WRITING from Aneta, North Dakota, 00 May znd, M. McKenzie, a former resident of this locality says :—Seeding is going rather slow so weather has beet, cold and wet. Had quite a snow storm this time last week. Glad the tide of war is turning in favor of the allies but sorry so many of our Canadian boys have had to pay so dearly to accomplish it. About 12 of our Aceta boys left yesterday to don the colors. COMM INSPECTION AT SCHOOL GROSYNDS.—Wednesday 9 a. M. the firs! annual inspection of the B. C. S Cadet Corps took place before Capt. Barclay, 1, C. C , M I No 1 On. err de there were 3 officers and 24 oldet , many be- ing absent on farm leave. Company Commander C. Best took charge of Company Drill and displayed thorough knowledge of his work. He was assist- ed by Half•Company Commanders H. Currie No, f and O. Hemingway No. 2. The cadets were inspected in Company drill, squad drill, signal work, physical drill, rifle exercises. Number of visitors were present, including the School Board. Following the March past, Inspector 13arctay spoke to Instruction officers and cadets, cotnplimenting them highly upon the excellent showing made on parade, the fine spirit displayed and the thorough manner in. whiob all lirdnehes of work Was conducted. For Mee of the corps and considering that Otitis the first year, of the work, he was greatly surprised to find it so efficient. comparing well with the work of crack CorJ.S of the iarger Collegiates. At the conclusion Instructor Principal Scott thanked Capiain Barclay for words of commendation and assigned all the credit to the cadets and officers, mentioning particularly the valuable aasisrauce of Lieut. (Rev,) R, E, Page. The Inspection closed at 10,3o and Cadets were given a holiday for re- mainder of forenoon, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ® If you have any I. r . guests at your + I 11 bottle, are going out of town for a'3 { + 1 •l, 4' visit, or know Of N Ah airy in terestiltg or + news, let us hear 4. yfrom port. We 3 2 r �� always appreciate -/ fn 4 '1'Efaa sluch favors. ..5,. M aa�,vnG Phone 31 or 32 1 'C •1••i•''r+++++++++++++4•++3++++4•'1••S + Miss M ,unx. BRYANS resumed work in her office this week after being laid off for the post month from au attack of pleurisy, Wore SILVER MEDAL--Sergt, R. D1. Siuclair, of the isrst overseas Battalion,. has been successful in winning the semi- finals in a boxing contest test lri progress forr so le weeks m England, in which the best men of the class known as light weights for the 5th Division were en. gaged. In the last bout he bad the mis- fortune to break the thumb on his right. hand. A haudsome silver medal was the reward presented by the O. C. of this division, General Garnet Hughes, GREYHOUND TRIP AGAIN —The White Star Line, Detroit, announces the au nual excursion by steamer Greyhound from Goderich to Detroit, the date be- ing Tuesday, June I2th, returning on Thursday June 14th, Fare from Gode- rich to Detroit and return will be $z,00. Greyhound will arrive from Detroit, M,nday June nth and on that evening the usual "moonligt t" trip will be given under the auspices of the Goderich Musical Society. This announcement will be received with great pleasure by the people of Goderich and viciuity, especially in view of the fact that there will be no regular passenger boat ac- commo3ation this Summer. It will be operhaps the onlyopportunity most of ur people will ave this season for a water trip and with good weather there 0R2 be no finer, more delightful trip than this and the cost is very moderate, Keep the dates in mind and watch for the advertising announcements of the White Star Line. ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING Tuesday evening of this week the an- nual meeting of Brussels Methodist Sabbath School was held, Rev. D. Wren presiding, Brief interesting re- ports were presented by the various de- partments of the school marking pro- gress. Following is the officiary for nextv ear:— Superintendent, W.H Kerr ; Assistants, F. H. Gilroy, Chester Armstrong and Albert Lott ; Secretary, Roy McKay ; Treasurer, A. E Hersey ; Paperariaus, Misses Ruby Plum and Viola McCracken ; Supt. Home Dept., Mrs W. Rands ; Cradle Roll, Mrs, H. L. Jackson and Miss L. Downing ; Con- ductor of Orchestra, H. L. Jackson. Teachers, F. H. Gilroy, Dors. Rands, Mrs A J. Lawry, Mrs. I. Parker, Mis- ses I. Bailey, Mina and Clara Hunter, Martha Smith and Mrs. Gilroy. Assist- ant teachers are H. L, Jackson, J. T. Wood, Dlrs. Tyerman, W. H. Mc- Cracken, C. Armstrong, A. Lott, Misses Downing, Buchanau, Cunningham, hark, Leatherdale and Hingston. Suptds, Cabinet, Pastor, 1st Assistant Supt., Secretary, Treasurer, Leader of Orchestra, Mrs. Rands, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Gilroy. Missionary Program Committee, Misses Downing, Roe and Mrs. Oster, A. Lott and R. Ferguson. $78 0) were given to Missions, $loo 00 paid on piano, $5,00 to S. S. Extension Fund and $5.00 to Educatioual Fund, A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the Orchestra for their touch appreciat- ed service. jute 19th was set as date of next meeting to discuss forward plans for the year. ENTERED INTO REST.—Saturday last, on the morning of her birthday, Alis. Rosetta May Turnbull, youngest daugh- ter of the late Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Kerr, Brussels, met her Pilot face to face, and entered the harbor of Blessed. ne.s. She heti made her home at the Methodist Parsonage, Colpoy's Bay, with her brother-in-law and sister, W, A. and Mrs Mathews, since her mother died 2 years ago, and though not rugger. for the past year was only io bed 7 weeks prior to her decease, She re- ceived every attention from medical at- tendance and good nursing but gradual - le faded away and very peacefully and with glorious anticipations went home. A short memorial service was conducted Suudav afternoon at the Parsonage by Rev, Mr, Prudham, of Wlarton, who spoke on "The recognitiou of angel life." Carl Witcher sang a very ep• propriete solo "There's s beautiful world on high." Monday morning the casket was brought to Brussels and a funeral service was held in the Method st church at 2 p. m. Rev. D. Wren, past- or, -vas assisted by Rev, E G. Powell, Clinton, a former pastor of deceased, who gave an appropriate address on "The Heavenly Life," The pastor also added words of comfort. Miss Carrie I1iugston rendered a solo, Miss Bailey played the Desd match Rs the ear e,e moved out, Pallbearers were W J McCracken, P IT, Gilroy, S T. Plum, S. Carter, • 1-1 L Jackson and A.E. Hersey. The plan of the services [vas cho0111 by diceaaed Lrinral wreaths covered the ca'ket from Oxenrlen and Colpny's Larhea' A d SoCioties, Misses Kathleen and S' el la Witcher, Colpoy's Bay, Mrs, M,exwe'I, Sarnia, Mrs, A. J. Lowry and. Mrs Jin Oliver, Brussels, T.Leslie and MutHerr, Clinton n anti local relatives. Interment was r n t s ntaleiu Brussels Cemetery, The s0hject of this notice Was married to 0 E Turnbull end her baby daughter, Elva Margaret, z menthe old, is buried in Brussels cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews ac- companied the casket to Brussels and other relatives from n distance we:e Rev. Dr. Rn'ledge, Clinton, an uncle, and j, Leslie and Mrs. Kerr, also of Clinton, nephew and niece. In her girl- hood days the stthjt51 of this notice was a member of Tun Po"r staff and spent a number of years in Brussels, One parti- cular fea'uro of the last few years of her ire was her constant devotion to her aged mother, the late Mrs. (Rev) J. L. Kerr. The surviving sisters and broth- ers are Mrs 5. 3 Gilpin lsruseels ; Mrs, Dr.) Cavanagh, Owen Sound; Mrs. W. A. Matthews, Colpov's flay ; Rev. W, P Kerr, Vancouver, 13, C., and W. H, Kerr, of Tux Pest ( asset'_ Harris FARM IMPFEM EATS Binders; Mowers, Raises Drills (all sizes), Bain Wagons Saw Outfits and Gasoline En- gines, a8rSeveral good Second Hand Drilla on hand for sale. John Long AGENT BRUSSELS Shop next Town Hall, BRUSSELS us ELs Electric Light is havio g g a vacation once mora owing to shortage of fuel. ENSIGN C. A. CLARY of t Salvation Army, Wingham, wishe S the to thank the people of Brussels tor the sum of $35,00, given toward the greatSelf-Denialeffort which goes to support the Army's Social Missionary and Military operations. The canvass was made Friday of last week. PIANO RECITAL —The Toronto Daily News of April 28, had the following :— "At the Toronto College of Music on Thursday evening last a piano gradua- tion recital was given by Miss Ireue G. Sheriff, of Lucknow, Ontario, Miss Sheriff, who is a pupil of Mrs. G. H• Smith, Mus. Bac., has ability and musi- cal intelligence which were evident throughout her program." Miss Sheriff was very successful in her recent musi- cal examinations and is now entitled to have "A T. Coll, M" attached to her name, Old friends in Brussels con- gratulate Miss Sheriff, who was on the teaching staff of our school, on her suc- cess and wish her the attainment of her ideal, People We Talk About Herbert and Mrs. Cunningham and children, Palmerston, were visitors with john Cunningbam and family and Mrs. Jno. Manning, Turnberry street. 5, Leslie and Mrs. Kerr were here from Clinton last Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs May Turnbull, an aunt. They motored over with Rev. E G. Powell, formerly of Brussels We regret to hear that Chas. Ritchie, an old and well known resident of this community is not having very good health but we hope a change for the better clay S0011 ensue. Harold Lowry, Harriston, was home for a short visit this titeek. He is man- aging the livery of W. A. Lowry and is full of business. Harold says Harriston is enjoying quite a boom with its- factor- ies. The old friends 01 Mrs. jno. F. Stew- art, Toronto, will be sorry to bear that her health has not been up to the usual standard but all hope the better weather will aid in her restoration. She is a former Brusselite, THE POST is sorry to state that Mrs. Thos..Oakley has been quite ill during the past week but we wish her speedy convalescence. She has been making her home with Mrs, D. Robb during the past Winter. During the past week Tack Leckie, 13. A., law student in the office of Mes- srs. Rowell, Reid, Wood & Wright, Toronto, took a breathing spell at the old home here. He has just written off his second year's exam, and is greatly enamoured with his acquaintance so far with the legal profession. Charlie Leckie is home for a holiday visit staving completed his final exams. in connection with his Arts Course at Toronto University, He has accepted a position in the office of the Wm. Davies Co., Toronto. For a young man be has had a varied experience in busi- ness circles. teaching, &c., which should prove helpful to him. He is the young- est sou of ex -Reeve Leckie, Brussels and has many good wishes for his future. IMMOINIMIMMEMIMe EeT'D 1075 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of menu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SANIIS, ElO ®- Manager. Mrs. Caleb 4Vltiting, a former resident of Ibis locality, died at Oxbow, Sask., a few weeks, aged 77Y years, She is s ur- vived bybel huohaud sons and a a 4 daughter, The older people of Brussel S will remember deceased Family went West a good. many years ago. Missri Brothers, Mu el B nth rs who has been attending Toronto University, is now teaching at Dirt Hill, Sask, While en - route she had to wait et Moose Jaw for train connections, To her pleasant sur- prise she met Miss Linda Colvin, whose home is at Brussels, on the street. The latter has a millinery position in the city. It was a very pleasant occasion to both and the time was most thoroughly enjoyed. Ohurah Chimes Mothers' Day. Sunday May r3tb. Wednesday evening of this week the Union Patriotic prayer service was held in Melville Churcb. Rev. Mr. Mann gave a very appropriate address, The Little Stars Mission Band of Melville Church will bold au open meet- ing on the last Wednesday of May for which a program is now it course of preparation. After reading some more about Fam• ins and Starvation and Failure of Crops read this in an old Book :—"While the earth retnaineth seed time and harvest and cold and heat and Summer and Winter and day and night shall not cease." Extensive preparations are being made for the Hanley -Fisher evangelistic campaign, which will open in St. Marys shortly. The skating rink has been secured to hold the meetings in, a tem- porary wooden floor is being put in and a large platform erected. Walls are be- ing covered with building paper and additional lights are being installed. It is thought the rink will hold over 2000 people . - OMITTED FROM REPORT,—In- oar re- port of the W. M. S. Convention last week three„ omissions were discovered when too late to rectify, hence we now call attention to them. First was a choice solo well sung by Mrs. jno, Meadows at the afternoon session, en- titled "Just one tender lamb is missing." and, referred to the appointment of a Nominating Committee consisting of Mrs (Rev.) Boyle, Mrs. (Rev ) Perrie, and Mrs. Murchison with Mrs. Boyle as Secretary, whose duties will be intro- duced next year. The 3rd item was the well presented closing words by Miss Smillie, of Walton. They were tb'tugbt ful, optimistic and urging a renewed consecration to the all-important work of winning the world, At the Canada Conference of the Evangelical church, held recently at Mildmay, the stations of the North District were provided for as follows :— North District—J. G. Litt, Presiding elder ; Bridgeport, S. R Knechtel ; Chesley, S, M, Hauch ; Crediton, E. D. Becker; Dashwond, F. Meyer ; Elmira, G. F. Braun ; Elmwood, O. G. Hall. man ; Hanover, A. W. Sneer ; Listowel, H. H. Leibold; Maitland, W. H, Camp- bell ; Mildmay. J. S, Burn ; Normanby, S. E. Schrader; Parry Sound. S. Schlo'ztauer; Port Elgin, E, M. Gisch- ler ; St. Jacobs, M. L. Wing ; Strat- ford, W. 5, Yager ; Walkerton, 5. H. Krenzebach ; Waterloo, Emil Burn Wallace, D. H. Brand :• Zurich, F. B. Meyer ; C. Braun, member of Chesley ; Prof, E. E. Down, member of Listo- wel ; D. Kreh, member of Stratford and n with Comonu. ' 3 ense are taking to our Bach- elor Suits like ducks to water. Good reason why, too. g Not ithstandin their Notwithstanding good looks, good work- manship and good wear- ing qualities, they are the biggest bargain ever offered to men, being the first guaranteed trade -marked, nation- ally known clothes to be sold at HL $150 is eold exclusively by D. C. ROSS U. E, Deidt, member of Normauby quarterly conference. EPwoa'rH LEAGUE.—The annual meet- ing ant electionof h e g l ec of officers the M the' dist Church Epworth League was held on Monday evening, May 7th, with Rev, D. Wren in the chair. Following are the officers elected forear 19r7-28 i— Honorary-President,The Pastr Presi- dent, Miss Florence Buchanau ; Asst. - President, Mrs. L Parker; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Pearl Dark-; and Vice•Pres, Miss Mina Hunter ; 3rd Vice Pres., Miss Eva Bryans ; 4111 Vice -Pres„ Bert Lott ; Rec.-Secretary, Miss Laura Leatherdale; Cor.•Sec., Miss Ruby Plum ; Treasurer, Roy McKay ; Organ- ist, Miss Isabel Dark ; Asst. -Organist, Miss Martha Smith ; Auditor, W. McCracken, League has had a very successful year and has to its credit $7o.00 for Missions ; $2o.no 50 church ; $ro.00 to piano fund ; $7.00 to Con- nexional Fund and $3 oo to General Ep• worth League Fund, making a total of $IIO,o0. BORN ROHERTeoN.—In Grey township, on May 6th, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Robertson, e sou—Russel Leonard. MARRIED BROTHERS—Mtoyan, In Oakland, Cal., on April 2185,1017, Mr. Herbert W. Brothers, formerly of Brussels, to Mies Josephine Meyer. VaRneYE—VERANNE6iANN: In St. Ambrose church, Brussels; on May 9th, 1917, by Rev. - Fr, Fallon, Mr. Griel Verheye to Miss Annil Verannemann, both of Moncrieff locality. DIED MOEwiN.—In Goderich, on May 9111, 1917, Thos. EScEweu, formerly of Jamestown, need 57 years. STnPNENSON.—In Grey township, on. May let, 1917, Jno. Rosa, infant son of Wesley H. and Mrs. Stephenaon, aged day, TURNDUru. At the Parsonage, Colpoy's Bay, on May 5111. 1917, Mrs, Rosetta May Turn- bull, youngest daughter of the late Rev, J. L. and Mrs. Kerr, of Brussels. Notices of Births, Marriages and Deaths are inserted free h1 THE Ponn, In Memoriam Notices and Cards of Tbsnke 'will be charged for atthe rate of 50 oente each. BRUSSELS MARKET Oeteat 42 76 32 90 0 75 Barley 110 115 Butter 85 15 55 Hoge 00 10 00 Hay 010 9 10 Notice to Creditors Io the matter of the estate of William Locking, late of the Township of Grey, in the County•of Huron, far- mer, deceased, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Locking, who died on or about the Nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1017 are required on or before the Twenty- sixth day of May, A. D. 1917, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Robert Looking or Wil - Ilam J. Sharpe, Oranbrook P. 0., the Executors of the lest Will and Testament of the deceneed, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full partioulera of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities df any) held by them. And further take notice that utter such last mentioned date the said Re Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the sseetsete of the deceased sioenget the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claime of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or pereone of whose clam notice elan not have been received by them at the,time of such distribution, pat ed the 9111 day of Say,A, D. 1017. W. 105 SNCLAIR, 96•8 Solicitor for the said Executors, CUMBER LAND GEM 18978 (185851 Enrolment No, 1887 Inspected and Approved. JOHN J. McOAVIN, Prop. This well bred horse will stand for service during the present season at his own ateblee, Leadbury, Lot 22, Con. 18, McKillop, •••••1.111••001.00••11••♦1 :F 0 X g 9 i • •t.• A at• 1 :44 a i p0 ♦ i I • °e The Pony is in perfect acondition and sound in : • every way to the best : 0 of my knowledge. a a The outfit consists of o a Pony Cutter in good v condition. •• ' • Rubber Tired Pony a condition. Buggy also in good s • ♦ • $Also Harness which • i has been in use for sev- i • eral years. i IBargain. Will sell above at a • James Fox Z 0 Druggist and Stationer: ♦ I9eJzJat. 0 •e STORE • 0 DRUG STORE 14+++++++++++++4t+h+++++ A 9 • 0 O e • V • 0 Pony and • • s A PonyOutflt O • For Sale Court of Revision Township of Grey. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll or the Township of Grey will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Saturday, the 20th day of May, next, at 10.80 o'clock a. m. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves assordinggtyy. A. 13 MACDONALD, Clerk. Ethel, May 8th, 1917. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Raven Navigation) Your Future is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. Thorn aro still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Lew Ratan and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket ONces:147-145 St.James St., Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Piece Vigor Stations. •144••0•5O9E'J•••••♦®•9••4>vi L+5••O••••••••••4••••••••♦• 0 b Here is • o • O • e 4 • se0 • 0 A }+ r •^� ti�lr\^.E�1;/til+ • o 1 :r,:: ea d �� TWIN e • • q The machine that takes you j 0 /��` there and gets you beck. Does • 8 it easy and cheap. 50 miles the gallon of gasoline. With a sidecar •0, e attached you can take your friend Along, Choose your own speed, • Rota 5 mitre per hour to 60. Develops 12 h,' p. Easy handled -just • • like a big brother. • • • Write for a free Catalogue. Buy a DAYTON and enjoy life. •w • •• •• • •• 0 e erMotorcycle Exchange.• pp_. •• 752 Broadview ave., Toronto • 044•••44'••0••••••••••.01•••0♦•••••l/0•••00••••0••••0 O • • • A • • • • • • • • s •• BigBrother THREE SPEED Dayton