HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-5-3, Page 4!Lie Atutostis Vint THURSDAY, MAY 4 tgr7 "Pun" wheat Prntutls well brit with the market atard ng iiia eo per bushel snail likely to to higher the word "free" des; not rut n u.•h of n figure to the n a' •ht Lit now. tdinmy h net I It t, ,....:1 unl A Nltw t, under consideration in some 1t•t re'*,•un.e0 IS a proposal tie f, e ulci'c the u,eof the peo- ple I !e hn must!$ days when p inti .ae: d p et' [tion is sought in the face ..f dl'.• seed:' keter, ,. tut the rye" new be prat- ' eel j 1'. if ' :e fnrtnlug oommtmi- ,t, etlitivation of this .11 Wain crop, It is 1 for stock, will grow ,an some grains and us- +bundant supply of heel" '1 is the slogan for ,:d it is said Soo of a -•ant: to farmers nn y le tee greet Cauadiao eiia•0.:,ning of this is may mean of their fives and t„ h Ll1' a el about conser- eenje wily cannot the set an example by through and closing : }h. c ttinr off thous - :'x on,t'tothecountrv. tee members were wnuiti do no uo- Otta:va we feel • Bee:. —has been v -iron be in the t!.s terrible wast - t :'tiros of units au ;F. !gland and n.; ie the latter to Camp ior• e'i be utilized n 1 t the fe-finer -,r . orad an avla- i t r: akers on a ..fere, In - „s being per - of the i d oy Oouttoll ➢lit ''i oust.!! of the r i tett pal C 1 fowl oh of Grey root in the Township Halle 'Ethel, Monday April 3rd. Members present, Minutes of previous meet- lereed and ado tied, g 1 A. requisition was received froni David Milne asking for certain repa'ir's to the Love Munielpal Drain, peeve was instructed In examine the drain and have elle ueceseaey work done, The Idleof the Hnv ci- pal Drain was let to Gideon Brown for Ii the price of -5 4 is a rod, ce S A resolution approving of the ap- plicationp of the !tide eutlent Tele. phone Association for an ameudtnsut to the Dominion Railway Act so as to insure to all Local and Municipal Telephone systems long distance telephone connections upon tate pay- ment of the established long distance charges without any surcharge or compensation foe alleged loss of busi- ness, &c., was passed and a copy for- warded to Jas, Bowman, M, P. There being no appeals against the assessments in the'Cinburn Swamp Drain By-law, the By-law was read a third time and finally passed, The Yellowing accounts were pre- sented and ordered be Lel ar a or' d ea to paid ;—Hugh Richmond, allowance for wire fence Elaut boundary, $25,00 ; Jas. M. Boyd, iosp.+rting gravelling FShna btly,, $0,50 ; Jas. CJummittgs, gravelling !slims bdy„ 370.00 ; W. J. Clark, Meaning chiniueye and pipes Town- ship Hall, 33 00 ; Robert Dockets, road work, $5 00 ; .1. Goforth, work on road, $3.75 ; W. H. Kerr, printing election notices and ballots, $5.00 Oliver Harris, serving Drain By-laws, $9.50 ; John McNabb, gravel, $1.45 Treas. Lngan, Melville Drain assess- ments, 3198.43. Council then adjourned to meet again Monday, April 30th. A, H. MACDONALD, Clerk. Wroxeter Council The tegnlar meeting of the Connell was held in the Clerk's office on April 18th at 815 p, m. Members pt'eset.t John Adams, D. C. Pape, John Douglas, F. Davey,' with lteeve (1. Reis in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read, it was moved by John Douglas and D, 0. Pope that minutes be adopted as read. —Carried, By-law No. 3 to bnld Court of Revi- sion tuns thew Moved el introa i< v c introduced. U y D. C. Popo and John Adams that Bp - law No 3, now read three times, to hold a Court of Revision be passed as rend.—C tr'ricd, Communication lead from Muskoka Free Hospital. As theta had been do•. Il,ll'1 if 11S glwen in the e village no ac- tion was taken, W. M. Robinson introduced a com- *uuhication from David Robinson 1'ot'- bidtling W. N. Robinson issuing any it, all rhPques 10 the Reeve or Come. Mors of the Village of \Vroxeter.— No action taken. Following ttecottoes were received:— T. eceived:T• Brown, Collector, 1010i .....$ 25 00 W. 0. Hazelwood, 0th call on Telephone stock ............. „. 10 00 R. J. Rano, school pm'poses-..,,, 375 00 W. S. Mc'. ercher, audit fees,,. 12 00 Alex. McDougall, work 0t pow- er plant 00 A. H. Moffitt, running plant March 42 00 A. Miller, 3 (nrds and at $2 25 15 poles and flag pole 25 25 wI R. Santini n, care of hall, 5 755 W. Granger, work at p. plant3 00 , $49S 00 1 -!loved by John Douglas and John Adams that the accounts received be paid and orders drawn on the Treas- urer forF — the ante. Cart led. Movecl by John Douglas and F. Davey that „Counciladjourn to May 15th or to the call of the Reeve. J. BRi:TFIAvcie, Clerk. .:f their im- c ei Feed, he is leement and bis life !tants if he cited Slates in some :tri:, farms are pro- , end e'te plan is said r'or the culprit and his f int . Tee , ' t;:.'l Cheer program- med camps, Hospitals and s lA trio , eecent homes is a wise and 1. ;r, thp. ,:lent, broad to fruitful reeeite. 1'l .0 weekly e'ncerts, picture se "0; .1n.r, ,on,•s, interspersed with 1 re rt, ...i.,.•t .nes services of a eireeee ire the ,nen are often cheered as3 ewery! e' by the h,orwhen ether• 'Wee tile • ea eve-0rar wearily. What- ever s4ii true to inspir: and bappify slew' 1'io d:,e and in this work the Y. M. C. A. 1,-'v- a emee pert and are doing etfe .., , Meeea Ylunicipal Council is asking the D.01'.nion Government to enact Total I _ehit,ition either ac a war meas• urs oeenbirettiue the question to a vote of he ..<,ptf, Parli: teent should not rtqu-te to be, teeeed and besought in isstiessucl as tee but should lead 111e peoplt; in outs, .r.' ng morel issues. Sometimes til, eiegest barrier to be overcome is titer sefehornn 'ss or vacillat- ing, spirit of our Perliaenentarlans in- stead of a '.villineness on their part to promote and eater into ti set measures frau f.r,cit i 10,,,sine to the people at :iris.. The el, ,',raf., le mien to he -bi an d "or erli n 1 .Ccaaut of •tic ite.11 -hear-A1,1 c ser y they display. 1f (a lets.0, , . O 'l .,, hl a good case, were the ru;o not r, t methods and 'laving nn toi'A," would be the ex- ception inter el of the rule. It is the will of the 1:,u—de 1)01 Must govern and .the M. P.'s eutl ?I. P. P,'s are elected as their representatives, not as the sole cestotlians of reeleje opinion, Ford w ch Measles have lox le their appearance. Jas. Jone', 1 e oiler, Brussele we,e in town last, week. Township Clemiell has purchased 2 read thews wleitl: will be used to good advantage Peter r 1`, Deer 'Jots arrived back from the lits. I t„parts Western eon - (lithe rv' •- • tar. T. 17, t obis wa'• in Wingham where he put r bice' i ail auto which he Will nee in In • 1e levee. Pulpit in Ilu 1 r esbyterian thatch was occupied leet ; iabhath by Rev. F. 0. 'Nichol, of Anlhe.rslburg, W.J. tUdi tilts, Eubet't+were called to Mount forest owing to the serious i11nese of the formers father, Otto, Ashton ;jr., Itas returned from London where he has been. employed hi te munition 1aetory for the past few rnorsth9. Jay. anti 7 e inl-Laughlin, Walton ; Mrs,'1'. kI1 (a'07111i1) and son, &l- am), Corr,, lent •11 M,Laugltlin, and G. and hits. 17 vidson, . \Vroxet^r, were ittun is those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late John McLaughlin on Monday of last week, SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT Mrs. Minifle F0)) off North Pier at Kincardine,—Dr. Minifle has Narrow Escapes One of the saddest accidental deaths that has ever °centred in Kincardine was that of Mr's. Minifle, wife of Capt Dr. R'rn. C. Minifle who is working in that seetion in connection with relief for Belgian and French sufferers. About 12 o'clock on Tuesday noon of last week, Dr. mei Mrs. Minifle walk- ed down to the dock and out the North pier. As they %vete going out they passed W. G. Temple who compli- mented him on his catch of fish. Go- ing out to near the end of the pier they watched F. Ouyler who was '.tringiug his fish and after a few pleasant word, turned to retrace their steps toward the town. Mrs. Mi nine's veil immune unfastened and the doc- tor olfewd to assist her in fixing it. Site felt equal to the occasion and while fixing the veil her bat blew off }ter head. Dr. Minifle sprang to re- cover the hat which blew into the lake. When he turned he was horror stricken to see his wife fall over the side of the pier into the water. Throwing off his rap and gauntlets he dove off the pier into the icy lake water. Doming up he saw his wife floating and swam to her and then back to the dock but could nob get ftp, Fortunately Air. Cuyler, who had passed them nn his way .in and thnnght Mee. Minifle had been Sulfur- ing from a weak spell looked back, Not seeing thein he ran hack to where they bad been and saw the Dr. strug- gling in the water and calling for help, He at nnce r'an to Bert Duke's and called him. Cutting down the clothes line lie returned to Dr. Minifle and shrew him the line. De. Minifle seized the litre and clinging to his wife was towed out to r spot where there wits a piece of whaling. Others began to arrtve and Jos, Boyer who had heard the cries at his home, seized a large rope and rushed to the pier', Bort Duke went down the rope to the whaling and just in lima sticceeded in fastening it [found the doctor'sbody below his arms, Mrs. MinlOe was Laken out of the water first in an un• tenacious condition and the doctor then hoisted up, Mrs, Minifle had ap- pareetly sueaunlbed to the shank, lint it doctor and others Worked over her to try and resucitate her, all to no avail, De. Minifle was rushed to Mr, Duke's home where he wag stripped and a physician and others worked ayes' him and after 0 couple of hour's his s s enpldi d constitution responded and his )il'e was saved, Mi's. McArth- ur did great service with her know- ledge of nursing, and later in the ft o0 a era irisa w slnuv d t e n the ISIn• cax'diitene't l hospital. t;e t 4 plal. During the evening the hIev, Malcolm McArthur broke the sad news to him of his wife's death. He wee greatly over- come but t bore upwell w 11 under the terrible attain. Aire. e hair e been ill for o some time past and about a month ago underwent an operation in Walkerton Three 1 ee weeks ago the Dr, 'brought it her to Kincardine 'm c arid elle was regainingher strength, She was the g guest of Mrs, Donald Mackenzie, Princess street and she and Miss Mackenzie feel terribly de- pressed.over the affair, Mrs. Minifie having endeared herself to them be- cause of her deep Christian piety. The affair has cast a deep gloom over the entire community. i The remains were taken to W, J. Morrison's under- taking rooms and prepared for burial. Atwood Elma Council will meet Saturday, May 5th in the Agricultural hall. Earl Switzer has gone to Stratford and is employed in the Grand Trunk shops. Trustees of S. S. 5 have re-engaged Miss M. A, Sanford, Palmerston, at an increase of salary, George Gordon was at Toronto at- tending a special meeting of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters. Mrs. J. A. Hammond, with her Iwo children, have returned from a visit to }ler mother, Mrs. T, Fullerton, Toron- to. Garfield Horn, 14th Con, EIma, had the misfortune to have a finger on his right baud badly cut while sawing wood, E. T. and Mrs. G1eensides were at Brussels on Wednesday of last week attending the wedding of Coleman— Wilton. The sale of home-made baking and tea in the Foresters hall by the ladies of St. Alban's church was successful, Over $28 was realized from the sale. Blyth Mrs. A. B. Carr attended the funer- al of her cousin at Milton. Mts. 3110, Mills has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs, (Rev.) Olysdale, at Salem. Monday last the passenger trains on the G. T. R. resumed their old schedule with the exception that Lhe North bound 11.25 a. m. will be at Blyth 25 minutes earlier -11 a, in, Master Fred. Fawcett left for Trow- bridge where he has accepted ern- ploymeut for the Summer on the Poem of Ben. or e McCormick, rni k c brother o Rev. R, J. McCormick, townPRe , 1 0. H. Beese was at Toronto attend- , ttend- t mea ing o le n uric Ml lets Association and was present at a meeting of Canadian Order of Fee- 1 esters to disenae ways and means of combating the proposed raise in rates next September. AN AGED COUPLE Fell How They Regained Strength and Vigor Steubenville, Ohio.—"My husband is 79 years old. and I am 78 years of age and we owe our good health to Vinol, the greatest strength creator and medicine there is. When either one of us get into a weakened, run-down condition, Vinol has never failed to build us up and restore strength. We have often said we . would not be living now were it not for Vinol," —Malty A. Laic, We guarantee Vinol to create strength for feeble old people. F. R, SIIIITH, Druggist, Brussels. Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns. .10.4g41114.4411,1114W Miss Alberta litethere left for Guernsey, ,Sisk„ whore she bas se- eurea a wheel. Icer friend, Itlies Merle Gerry, of Fort William, a form- et' resident of Blyth, has a school at Wolverine, Sesk„ which is only about 0 milesH di tiwht from where Miss ss Stothers is located. Annual meeting of Blyth Public Library was held with almost the entire Board present. t, Folio in S of- ficers were eleoted for ensuing twelve months :—Ula 1 limitn Dr,J. 1e - Taggart; Libritfian JoA, N. Stotllers; lissom” 1 th Y Gardine•.' "e , t te(av D. bo y, D,U•`t•�r u Lc i en. Board d Bad of Man ag e - me hbrRev. W B. Hawkins, Rev. Geo. Telford Rev. , R. J M cUortniek, John McMillan, J. H, R. Elliott, Jas. Mc- Mumble, W. Jas, Siios and A. H. Thomas. Finances were in fairly good condition and 75 new books were added to the Library during year. Goderich Bakers have raised the price of bread for 1?s pound loaf. The W. U. Franz was the first of the Winter fleet to leave Goderich harbor, The Town Council has decided to purchase a supply of tarvia for use on the streets. Special collection was talcen up in 8t. George's church for the relief of the persecuted Christians In the Turk- ish Empire. Last week 147 members of the Gode- rich Horticultural Society received 65 gladioli bulbs. These bulbs are a superior kind and cost the Society $238. Fred, J, Naftel, son of 0. J. S. and Mrs. Naftel, Bayfield road, has been transferred from the managership of the branch of the Bank of Montreal at Tweed, Ont,, to a similar position at Amherst, N. S. Contents of T. M. Davis' livet•y.J am were sold by auction at the premises on South street. Notwithstanding the wet weather a large crowd attend- ed, many buyers being present from a distance. Baptist anniversary servicee will be held on May 20 and 21. Prof. J. H. Fernier, McMaster University, will be the preacher and lecturer. A. B. Greenlaw, Detroit, will sing on Sun- day and Monday, 60 Collegiate students, 28 boys and 32 girls will be assisting in greater TWO sols YEARs NE UFF[REO (I EruUU-a-Made i t�vcsIi Him Feel e As If ,Walking On Air ORILLI c n 0 Nov 28th, 1914. "For two ar r over r yo s, I was troubled with Cons10a1io0, Drowsiness, Lack of Appelite and Afeadackes. One day I saw your sign which read "l''ruit-a-tives make you 'feel like walking on air," This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a yeti), short time, I began to fool better, and nem I/eel fine. I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the (Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends", r DAN MaLEA N. 000. a box, 6 for $2.80, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. food production, All but 4 of these have already arranged their farts em- ployment and these will not be avail- able until June 20 to July 1st, Listowel Rev. J, R. Wolsencroft has resigned the pastorate of the U. 13. Congrega- tional church in Listowel. He preach- ed his farewell sermon Sunday even- ing. Rev, Mr. Wolsencroft will go to Gobele, where he will have charge of the U. B. Congregational Church. Saturday afternoon was "Tag Day." Several of our young ladies, namely Misses Stella and Ada Moore, Olive Bamford, Norma Hermiston, Rove Foster, Marjory Mogeever, tagged the business part of the town, and they wish to thank all who so gener- ously responded to their appeal. In a few hours they collected $70.03. This will go to help furnish a home for re- turned soidiersin Stratford. ••••♦••♦••••••••••fit*d'•®•ea- Gee* o* 0.6Mfb00••••••ete••••0 • • Here is ♦ ♦ • kBrather •• fe G1�r�,sac_a o • •• � T�;; K/ 't TIIREE SPEED •$ •••Dayton • • • •• �r � TWIN •• • • e The machine that takes you 0 • there and gets yon back. . Does • • it easy and cheap, 50 miles to the gallon of gasoline, With a sidecar • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 • • • • • ••••••••4••••••••••••••••••••♦Ov1•e4•U••••••••••••A•••f) • attached you can take your friend along. Choose your own speed, • ♦ from 6 miles per hour to 00. Develops 12, h. p. Easy handled—just • like a big brother. Write for a free Catalogue. Buy a DAYTON and enjoy life, •i • .Peppr try Exchrnji •• • 752 Broadview ave., Toronto • lNiL•[113H1 Meet, 1118iluii !bird! Balanced Greatness Bigur '1190 Fo Light $ �Q0 Six v Prices Effective Apr9 ist Light tours Touring • • S905 Roadster • • 8930 Country Club Suri, Big Pours Taving• Sttpo Roadster . .8u70 Coupe . . . 81730 Sedan • . • 82030 Light Sixes • Touring • • 81380 Roadster . . $136e Coude • . . Poo Sedan . . . $assn Wiliys-six • Touring . . $send Wilts -Knights Four Towing 81930 POW COepe • 82310 Pour Sedan • $s730 Pont. Limonsine$273o Light Touring 82730 Advance in price, Bi Tour and Light -Six mod- Ols. May 221 aexl—de• fared tool tale tdate corm t advertisements appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of Abri 4514riccs/. o, b. Toronto Subject to thangawitheut deists The Overland Big Four—again improved and refined is the car that built Overland. This car for nine years has un- dergone steady development and refinement with the help and advice of an army of owners which now totals over three hundred thousand. The unprecedented accumulated experience in building this type of car has taught us true balance as nothing else could —the value of right weight— the true tire, gasoline and oil economy—tile utmost attain- able riding comfort—the lines that truly express refinement and beauty. The price is $1190 until May 1st thereafter $1250. The Light Six is the same model with changes conforming to approved six -cylinder con- struction and is likewise an excess value car at the price, $1380 until May 1st—there- after $1435. These cars represent a safe pur- chase at a very considerable saving on 'a basis of com- parative values. Our April deliveries are limited. • L.Kennedy,Agent �191gi9ai11 Ij Willys-Overland, Limited Head 001ce and Works, Wed Toronto, Canada I„! 1111 '�111�i i.:iil!etll IL1111711 .. '•, a + ',i+Rik'? 4.:.;o,1;f4Atka"htaN4t',�wYaesnn,C/sawlna llM,.k+tuwa„r ittirifia kittsj `lk ,..,r.aa, � .�w ••••400 .4,40.00•••••••••• •••••b••0••••••••••••••••• b • • o • 0• • •.I, ��y,�i%�' tat, • • .! i ;ems x .s••�Ri\tr. l ' �. c • • V3i • 0 • a • 6 • • • • �+"rt � •'b ,, r$x. a's._y .La. �+.,Lf.�... ",fppy, . �p- •' '� F:L•, k- IIF! ! (; ,�,� • _..ilii r f • Ql� 1 t 1 : ice.. ,—���• heft �,a • •p aw • O o • The New Series 0 • • • • •+ CGy ve '�• s Z �. •e.i .. alb► vlu v ♦ •• o The only Car in Canada selling at less than o ♦ • • $700.00 equipped with Electric Starting • and o o LightingSystem. More Wonderful than ever,• • • o7grr-Yv•v'O7,•—®w.s,rv-orT•rTvw,•'-w'w'• : • • • Standard Equipment • • • Valve in head Motor Staunch frame • o Electric Lighting — Starting New front spring Suspensions • o System New accelerator foot rest 2 • Selective eliding gear Ample road clearance oTransmission, 3 speeds Cantilever: springs 1 ♦ Forward and Reverse Improved Upholstery i i New front and rear 'Spring Mohair Top o •Brackets• Non-skid Tires on rear wheels I • Garage at D. Ewan's Carriage Works • • o • • • • o 1 • 4. • • . • ♦Ament • • AGENTS•, BRUSSELS o • o 1911 ford Touring Car and '16 Runabout far Sale • • • ♦••t•••••0•00•0•••••♦••a•• 41)No•A•••••O0•••O.•0•sr••.-,4v Board of .Education has decided to remodel the Public School this year as far as economically possible, and to rnake the necessary repairs to the High School. Mrs, H. B. 'Morphy and Miss Mi,rphy have returned home from Grimsby, where they have been spend- ingg the past few months. The many friends in Listowel and Perth County of F. R. Blewett, K. C., Stratford, will learn with deep regret of his serious illness. For some time past Mr. Bletvett's health has been failing and for the past couple of months his office in Stratford has been closed. J%Jr, Bl ! w o att is at present with relatives in Toronto where he is receiving every attention possible, but it is feared Limb his health will not soon be restored. Executor's Sale For the purpose of winding up the estate of the late John Ballantyne tbo lands and prom- ises, shont° in the Village or (h'enbrook, con- taining some 10 cores of land mid upon which there to erected a comfortable frame house and frame barn, are offered for sale, Full particulars and terms of sale will be made known upon application to the Executor, An. thong Reymann, Orxnbroola or the. under. signed, W. M. SINCLAIR, 4048 Solicitor for the Executor, COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR $Arlo,—Good well and cistern, fruit trees, 6,o. Also 6 acres In corporation with largo [table and drilled well. Foc further particu- lars as to price, terms, &o., apply to Tns PosT, Brussels. For Sale 281, sores of farmlands in the Townehlp of blorrie, ,tdlohdng the Vitiege of Brussels, in ed field, There is a goon gravel pit, if ed up, from 2 to 8 scree, It has been tested and enough of gravel there to supply the town and vteluity for the nest quarter century; i a building Iota on Thruberry str(PLR; 1 lot on George street, nem' the railway station ; also my private residence on the river bunk, corner of wulin m1 sac Albert e t etunt.. a For further partmeld mice. ripply to Lhe. under. ignedLEO' at his residence, J. LEORIEh Brussels, kith Murch, 1917, Farms for, Sate The undersigned offers for:sale hie ffne 180 acre furan being Lot t2, and part of not 1 Con. 0, and 50 pares on not 7, Onn. 4, Township of Grey, Baron County, On the former is a good. !midi house, extra good barn, e0 x100 feet 1111 cemented and water Installed, acre in or• shard, e&c 50 num ie chiefly bush. Also 100 acres, being not 12 Con. e, in sine township. 12 acres of extra good Poll wheat and over 40 acres plowed. Both farms iniigood condition, For further partionlnrs as to prices, terms and conditions, apply on the premises or write JOIINJACKSON, Telephono'4010, Ethel P. 0, tlk\ t lei Hart 4t� . 7$7 s`t,. 119.1'1��I(I+III II j11 t1( ,7J11�1 t ill / JIi It t/t •.x.11,-��II.�("41 I� "MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford Touring Car $495.00 f, o b. Ford, Ont. You pay less: for this car you more enjoyment, more longer service than those which cost more. The Touring Car gives the utmost in automobile value, pride of ownership and economy. �. Buy a Ford this year and save money —when saving is a national duty, but it gives mileage and S. CARTER, Dealer BRUSSELS _