HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-26, Page 7JrmQo. yet ieS„‘
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Conducted by Professor Henry G. Belt
our farm readers of his the advicedeo partment
tiltsa at •
edged, authority on all subjects pertaining to coils and
careaofdTho aWi questions'
Limited,G. i To-
ronto, and enswera will appear In this column In the
order in which they are received, As space Is limited
it le advisable whale Immediate reply 1s necessary that
• e stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the
question, When the answer will be malted direct.
Question—G. 1I.:—lf I plow in a full
crop of clover, would I have to do this
in the summer to get the full benefit of
it, or would it be as good il' I let it
grow on till the fall? Or, on the
other hand, would it be as good if I
took a crop and plowed in the after-
math? I have no stock except fowls
and two horses, therefore little stable
manure. However, I intend to use
a lot of phosphate.
Answer:—At the present price of
food and its universal scarcity in most
sections, I would advise G. H. to feed
the first crop of clover and plow in the
aftermath. If he does not have en-
ough stock to consume the clover it
will pay him to make the hay and sell
it, and to buy feed and plantfood in
the form of fertilizers. Since he has
little manure I would advise him to
use a fertilizer containing 2 to 4%
ammonia, 8 tol2% phosphoric acid,and
if he intends to plant potatoes, truck
or root crops, from 1 to 3% potash,
This will supplement the plantfood in
the soil and that turned under in his
clover. It is very questionable, -and
especially at the present price of
practically all farm feed and produce,
if anyone can plow under a full crop of
clover or any other cover crop, for that
matter. Apply the fertilizer at the
rate of 200 to 400 lbs, per acre.
Question—H, B.:—What distance
apart should the rows of Indian corn
be planted and what distance in the
rows? How many kernels should be
put in a hill? I wish to get as much
ripened corn as possible,
Answer:—The farther south we go
the farther apart the rows of corn
1�a,,c+'ti�ia° t1,Yciitlrl�'7
Ilenry G, I3ell.
and the greater the distance between
the hills, For instance, in the South-
ern part of the United States the
rows are frequently five feet apart
and four feet between the, hills. As
we come North this is reduced to at
least 36 inches and some men even
plant closer,
The number of kernels fo the hill
and the distance apart depends very
largely on the type of corn and the
fertility of the soil; ordinarily the
richer the soil the closer the corn can
be planted.
H. B. says he wishes to get as much
ripened corn as possible. If he does
not care for the size of ears he can
plant much closer than if it is large
ears that he desires. The Nebraska
Experiment Station, U. S. A,, found
that 3, 4 or 5 stalks to „ a hill gave
practically the same yield but the
weight of ears was less with four
than with three and still less with five
than with four. One plant to the hill
gave but two-thirds as much corn as
did three plants. Two plants gave
10 bushels less to the acre than did
3, 4 or 5. The corn was planted in
hills three feet eight inches apart each
I would recommend that H.73. plant
his corn 36 inches apart each way, un-
less the soil is extremely fertile when
he might plant a little closer, and
plant three to four kernels to the hill.
If he wishes to drill it, the stalks
should be ten to twelve inches apart in
the row, unless the soil is exceptional-
ly fertile, when this distance may be
reduced to 8 to 10 inches.
That some source of sediment in
milk does obtain even under the most
rigid conditions possible in a cow
stable is evident front an examination
of any sediment disk through which
the average milk has been passed,
and there is no doubt that thorough
straining will add to the cleanliness
of the product even after all possible
precautions have been taken. The
presence of slime in the separator
bowl after skimming is another sign
that some dirt has found its way into
the milk between the time of its se-
cretion and its arrival in the machine,
provided the receiving or supply can
has been clean up to the time when
separating started.
The separator no doubt removes a
great deal of the foreign matter that
occurs, but is incapable of throwing
out much of the undesirable bacteria
that accompanies the dirt which en-
ters the milk at milking time, so the
importance of cleanliness in caring
for the cow and for the milking uten-
sils is very great indeed.
The assurance that milk delivered
at the dairy,, where pasturization takes
place, is free, or reasonably free, of
sediment, should be worthy of con-
sideration by the wholesale purchaser
who, in his turn, should reap a bene-
fit from the ultimate consumer to
whom he can guarantee this milk as
heaving been cleans and thus safe from
the time it leaves the cow's udder un-
til it arrives at the consumer's resid-
The farmer's part of the undertak-
ing to supply pure,. wholesome milk
must start with the taking of pre-
cautions previous, even to the secre-
tion, of the milk. He should satisfy
himself fully that his cows are entire-
ly healthly; and in order that the
small amount of dust that will in-
evitably get into the milk pail may'
be as harmless as possible, he must
provide for a plentiful supply of sun-
light in his stables. Then if the
cattle are always kept as clean (or a
little cheaner) all the year round, as
they would keep themselves on a
good, well -drained pasture field, and
the milkers obliged to wear well -
washed clothes, and take a bath fie.
quently, the chances of the milk being
satisfactory are pretty good. Of
course; aeration of the milk and thor-
ough cooling must also be attended to.
Mother's Method.
The bright boy in khaki was dilating
on the woes of Army life.
"Yes," he said to his old mother,
"we don't •get much in the way 'of
fancy foods, or anything like that.
Our camp cook's all right on stows
and soup, but he can't go beyond
them, The other day, you know,
when I want beck, I took tt cucumber
with- tee, that I was going to share
with one or 'ewe of the boys. I give
it to the cook, and asked him to get
it ready for us, and what d'you think
he did with it ? Put it in the oven and
baked it,"
"Oh, poor boy!" said the fond mail-
er. "A pity I couldn't have been there
to look after you, I'd have boiled it
lovely for yea!"
Sell off all hens in their third year,
as soon as the rush of laying is over.
The last call for hatching is now
on. Chicks hatched after the first
week in May cannot be expected to
prove good winter layers.
Brood chicks that are closely house -
ed and fail too heavily are very likely
to develop weight too fast in propor-
tion to their strength,'
It will cost the farmer no more
money to raise pure-bred poultry than
it will to grow scubs.
Turkeys do beat when kept separ-
ate from chickens. If the two are
kept together the turkeys are likely
to take chicken diseases.
Dampness, lice and filth are deadly
foes to poultry of any kind.
Since hens on range produce more
eggs at a lower cost and fewer young
hens die than do those kept in con-
finement, poultrymen are urged to pro-
vide outside yards with plenty of
green feed for laying hens. Hens on
range produce 15 to 44 per cent. more
eggs at a feed cost of 15 to 36 per
cent. less per dozen than hens kept in
In Spring fowls require more care-
ful attention than at any time in the
year. All the accumulated debris of
winter lies on the surface. Then
comes a warm spell, and the surface
of the ground gets muddy, while the
filth of winter sticks to everything
that touches it. This is the time to
keep the hens. dry and to give them
straw to stand on and to work in dur-
ing the day.
There are two forms of strangles or
distemper, viz., regular and irregular
strangles . The symptoms of regular
form are: cough, atthriftlness, fever,
difficulty in swallowing, nasal dis-
charge, swellings between jaws or
about throat, which form into absces-
ses. In irregular form the same
symptoms occur, with less difficult
breathing, and the abscesses may
form any place, externally or intern -
Attend to couafort,ajrply poultices of
antiplalogistine to throat, lance ab-
scesses as soon as ready, give 2 or 3
drams hyposulphite of soda out of at
spools 3 times daily, do not drench.
If breathing becomes very difficult
send for veterinarian•
On easy with the horses at the start
and see that collars fit,
Mares in foal should be given regu-
lar work but not overwork.
Farm horses usually could haul
larger loads on the country roads if
waggon tires were wider, and less
damage is done to roads by wide tires.
Different horses require different
kinds of foods, the same as different
people; study each horse and see what
kinds of food he does best on,
It is a lot better and cheaper to feet;
and care for stook so that they will la!
in good health, than to pay doctor to
got them back to the standard after
they once get down.
Ear!y Valentine Bush Beane, ready to pick In 35 days, 4 ozs. 15c, Ib, 40o
Early Model Blood -red Table Beet Pkg. 10c,'oz. 20e, 4 ozs, 60c
First and Best Cabbage, solid heads Pkg. 100, oz. 30o, 4 ozs, 90c
Early Gem Red Table Carrot Pkg. 50, oz, 25c, 4 ozs, 65o
Citron for Preserving, red seeded Pkg, 6o, oz. 16o, 4 ozs. 40c
Early Malcolm Sweet Table Corn Pkg. 1Oc, Ib. 40c, 5 lbs. $1,90
Prize Pickling Cucumber (great cropper) „Pkg. 50, oz. 20c, 4 ozs. 60c
Earliest Wayahead Head Lettuce Pkg, 10c, oz, 30c, 4 ozo. 90c
Early Hackensack (Sugar) Musk Melon Pkg, 60, ea, 20c
Richard Seddon Bush Garden Peas 4 ozs, 16c, Ib. 40e, 6 lbs. $1.75
Select Yellow Dutch Onion Setts Ib. 35c, 5 lbs. $1.70
Earliest Scarlet Olive Radish Pkg. 6c, oz. 10e, 4 ozs. 300
Extra Early Milan Turnip (earliest grown) Pkg. 5o, oz. 20c, 4 ozs, 50c
Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet, for cattle 4 ozs. 15c,
V2 Ib. 250, 113. 45c.
Rennie's Giant Yellow Intermediate Mange; IA Ib. 25o, Ib. 45c
Rennie's Derby Swede Turnip, for stock feed I/ Ib. 37o, Ib. 700
Improved Jumbo Swede Turnip (Elephant) ys Ib, 37o, Ib, 70
Rennie's Kangaroo Swede Turnip (very hardy) ..,,%a. Ib, 35o, Ib. 65c
High Grade Compton's Early Yellow Flint Seed Corn Bus, $3.26
5 bus. for $16.00,
High Grade White Cap Yellow Dent Seed Corn Bus. $2,75
Earliest Six Weeks Seed Potatoes Peck $1.00, bus. $3,50
Extra Early Eureka Seed Potatoes Peck $1.00, bus, $3.50
Seed Corn and Potato Prices do NOT include freight chargee.
Pakro Seedtape, "You plant it by the yard."
2 pkts. for 25c. Ask for descriptive list.
Rennie's Seed Annual Free to All.
Cotton bags 30c. each extra.
Order through your LOCAL DEALER or direct from
iWWm. REgNNIE Co„ Limited
E luKing and Market Sts., Toronto
Lesson V. Jesus Welcomed As King
—John 12. 12-26. Golden
Text—John 12. 13.
Verse 12. The common people (mar-
gin)—John is sharply distinguishing
the masses from the "classes."
13. The branches—Specially as-
sociated with Tamernacles, the most
joyous of the Feasts. Hosanna—
"Save!" (Psa. 118. 25), a prayer ad-
dressed to God. It had come to be
used rather like our "Hurrah!" but
with a religious tone, like "God bless
you!" He that cometh—The Messianic
name. In the name—Join with Bless-
14. Found—Mark tells us how, This
was a case of deliberate fulfillment of
prophecy: he would claim before the
people the peaceful royalty that the
animal suggested. The horse being
the symbol of war—it was used for
nothing else—the ass represented
peace: there is no suggestion of lowli-
ness about it, however true it is that
he came in humility (Matt. 31. 5).
15. See Zech, 9, 9. The context is
all concerned with the abolition of
war. Is r.ot this the kind of "Second
Coming" that we are called to think
and pray and work for It is an in-
tensely practical ideal—which is more
than can be said for some "Second
Advent" dreams.
16. Glorified—For John this
"glory," or complete self -revelation,
culminates on Calvary.
17. The crowd that saw the great
Sign is busy telling those who had not
seen it,
19. Here is the turning point of the
story. The Pharisees are every-
where the Lord's real enemies, who
won their purposes by malting the
powerful but apathetic hierarchy do
their foul work for them (John 11. 47-
53). Here they are pictured as in
despair. No more vivid evidence could
be given of the completeness of his
triumph. They little knew that the
appalling deed they contemplated was
to ire the Divine way of truly enthron-
ing him over the world—a tipster world
than they could see!
The man who keeps cows is well fix-
ed for raising hogs.
Hogs will eat alfalfa hay, and pay
well for it. That was proved the
past winter on many farms where
economy was practised by substitut-
ing hay for part of the corn and tank-
age or other millfeed which it was
customary to feed,
It is essential that the brood sow be
fed a well balanced, succulent, nutri-
tions, milk -producing ration while
suckling the litter. Dairy by-pro-
ducts, such as skim -milk, buttermilk
or whey together with meals such as
shorts, ground oats, barley, oil cake
and the like, are all highly suitable
for the feeding of the sow at this sea-
son. These are also splendid feeds
for the litter at weaning time. If
dairy by-products are not available,
digester tankage may to some extent
supplement these feeds.
Kitchen slops, ground barley and
shorts formed the greater part of the
ration of a pig which took first prize
at a recent show. The pig had the
run of an alfalfa pasture, with a
stream at the foot of the hill in the
same lot.
A nation which does not realize and
does not fulfil its duty of service to
the world has not reached the highest
conception of national Life.
G, A. Robertson, St, Catharines,
Sweet cherries are yearly increasing
in popular favor; and this popular
favor will increase or diminish only as
the product put on the market is gond,
thereby increasing the demand; or
poor, thereby decreasing the consump-
tion. Not many years ago the sweet
and so-called sour varieties were Mar-
keted at practically the same price per
basket; the sweets are much more dif-
ficult to produce and to market than the
common or sour varieties; and an im-
petus was given to planting the sour
cherry at the expense of the sweet;
since then the sotir cherries have de-,
creased steadily in price and the sweet;
have increased until now a. sweet;
cherry orchard in full bearing is at de-
cided asset to any farm.
Location: Sweet cherries should be
planted on a deep, dry, Well drained
soil. No other tree fruit will re-
spond any better to good treatment,
but planting on an unsuitable soil is
andiodised i
disastrous, t a wet will
prove fatal, Therefore, when shoos -i
ing a location, a high, dry, sandy, or
gravelly knoll is best, turd a proper
system of underdrainage will prove
beneficial. Close proximity to a to'tvn
where a requisite number of good pick-
ers may be had, and frequent and
rapid shipping facilities is desirable,
Sweet cherries bloom very enriy,
varying in the last few years fr'otn say
ne early ars the 28rd of April, and
sometimes ne bite 1114 the 10th of May.1
Meat of otil1 popular varieties b}oom1
heavily and set freely; when in full
bloom a few hours of hot sunshine as-
sisted by the presencs of myriads of
bees will set 0 fait' crop. This nuty
be followed by a week or ben days"of
cold wet weather, with perhaps a few
degrees of frost, but if properly set
the calyx of the blossom forms a lit-
tle blanket to protect the tender fruit,
and this drops only as the cherry
swells or as the stem of the improper-
ly fertilized fruit shrivels and drops;
hence planting an orchard near a body
of water which will modify the tom-
peratul•e, will often insure a crop
when a few utiles inland the few de-
grees difference in temperature may
-shorten it materially, if not destroy
ing it entirely for the season,
Varieties: In choosing the varieties
from a commercial standpoint, annual
bearing is the most desirable, and
coupled with Chia a fruit that is good
size, color and flavor and also good in
shipping quality, The tree should be
a rapid grower, strong and hardy, The
varieties that so far I have tried that
conform to this standard named in the
order of ripening are: Blade Tarturian,,
Napoleon Bigarreau (white), Elkhorn
and Windsor. I have also fruited
Lambert which ripens after the Wind-
sor, and is pt'ornising, being of good
size and finvo', and I may also add
Bing, bosh of these being grown in the
west, tine latter ripening about tine
sante thtie as itlkhorn, and is an excel-
lently flavored cheery.
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write
department, Initials only will be published with each question and its
answer as a means of Identlflcation, but full name and address must be
given In each letter, Write on one elle of paper only. Answers will be
Mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed,
Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs, Helen Law, 235
Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
A, M. 8,:-1, In the vacant spots in and the amount of work done, Part
your flower border plant perennial of this water is derived from the food,
phlox in white, pink and yellow. They 4 A good ointment for dry skin is
like the sun. It is always wisest to
buy large plants. '2. Spraying is the
best way to water planta. This not
only keeps them clean, but, as you
know, plants absorb moisture through
the pores of their leaves, and they are
therefore much benefitted by spraying.
3. Dahlia roots should not be put into
the ground until the weather is settled
in, two ounces; baro -
glyceride, one ounce; cold create. six
ounces, 5. Whether one should drink
hot or cold water before breakfast de-
pends upon whether the gastric juice
is too acid or not sufficiently acid, If
one's stomach does not make enough
hydrochloric acid, she should drink a
and the ground warm. They are very little cold water half an hour before
Liable to rot in wet and cold ground. 4. meals, because this will stimulate the
Did you ever try cannas for the large gastric glands. If one has too much
acid she should take a glassful of hot
water half an hour before eating.
bed in the centre of your lawn? Gan-
nas being large plants need space to
show up to the best advantage, and H. M.; If your lett e g
require very rich loamy soil and heat. reports are not so good as you would
The flowers are very showy, but are like, the reason may lie in her physical
not suitable for cutting as they are so condition. It is not at all likely that
tender and easily bruised. If the bed she is wilfully lazy and inattentive.
is eight or ten feet in diameter, place The first step would be to have the
a ricinus (castor oil plant) in the family physician make an examination
centre, surround with two circles of fur eye defects, adenoid growths, den-
cannas, say, the inner circle King 'tal diseases, and things of that kind.
Humbert, outer Alphonse Bouvier; and; If she is free from these, it will be
geraniums for the base or outside necessary to look elsewhere for the
circle. As the canna is a tender cause of her failure to do wen at her
plant it cannot be transferred to the studies. In the first place, is she pro -
permanent bed before June 1st. Itperly nourished? Does she take just
flowers during July, August and Sep- the right quantity of food at meals and
tember. Be careful to cut out all; of the kind suited to her age? She
dried blooms and seed pods. It en -;should not be permitted to nibble be-
courages freer blooming. j tweet meals or to have too much
K. MeL.:-1. Here is a remedy for; candy. Too much food causes poison -
brittle nails which I hope you will finding of the brain, while too little or of
effective: Oil of pistaehe, ?: ounce;' unsuitable variety causes the brain to
refined table salt, ie dram; powdered function freely owing to lack of
resin, 14dram; powdered alum, ?¢ nourishment. In the second place,
dram; white wax, 1;,f1, drams; carmine,! are you allowing her to have too much
111 drams. Rub well into the nails "fun" out of school? If she remains
at bedtime, also after bathing the ! up late at night, and does not get suf-
hands. 2. Lotion for red, oily nose: ' ficient sleep in a well -ventilated room,
Sulphur precipitate, 1 dram; spirits of she will be unfit for school work be -
camphor, 1 dram; glycerine, 1 dram; !cause of physical exhaustion. As
rose water, 4 ounces. After bathing; to automobile rides, it is true that they
the nose in very hot water, mop the, furnish plenty of fresh air which is
lotion on with absorbent cotton. 3.! good, of course, but Iong and frequent
The amount of water required by the; rides keep the child in a state of
body daily is sufficient to balance the nervous tension and excitement, which
loss through the sl -in, kidneys, lungs , is the reverse of good. In short, the
and other exceretory organs. This; manner in which you are bringing up
has been shown to be about two and the child must be scrutinized to dis-
one-half quarts, the amount depending cover the cause of her backwardness
much upon the temperature of the air at school.
I irl's school
The Rainy Day.
I want the sun to shine again,
I want the rain to stop.
It marches like the feet of men—
Drop-drop, drop -drop, drop -drop!
I do not like the rain a bit,
I do not like the mud.
The cows all turn their bucks to it,
And sadly chew their cud.
I press my nose against the pane
Until my nose is flat,
But all I see is just the rain—
Pat-pat, pat -pat, pat -pat!
I want the children out again,
I want the weather fine.
I don't know how to wait till then—
I want the sun to shine,
When I Spank My Dolls.
From my dolls I have chosen three
(whom I consider sisters) of whom I
am going to write a story. Emmeline,
who is the oldest, is a lovely girl with
long, dark curls, Unfortunately she
has a high temper. The next in size
is Winifred, wile is quite different
from Emmeline, She Inas short light
curls that shine in the sun like gold.
Winifred Inas a very loving disposition,1
The youngest daughter, Laura, has'
short, brown curls. She Is a sweet,
utishicvous little girl.
One Wednesday we had planned to
go on a picnic, Wednesday dawned
bright and clear. We were all dress-
ed, the lunch was peeked. when Wini-
fred suddenly exclaimed:
"Where is Laura?"
Where was site? The naughty girl!
I wyou.
Littleilltell Laura had been told by her
mother never to go near the flypaper.
Now Laura had not meant to disobey.
She just thought she would like to
rout the flies on the flypaper before
she went on the picnic.
Site knew where sheet of flypaper
was, so she went -into the parlor, which
was dark at that time. Little Laura
tumbled over a cushion on the floor
and site fell. Her }read wept into
something sticky. Now she knew!
Laura was frightened. She ran
upstairs and hid in a closet --her
Pretty brown curls one sticky mass.
They hunted everywhere, At last
Emmeline looked in the closet where
poor Laura was hidden.
"Laura Browne! S'ou'rs a nice
mess; Whitt has happened?" she
cried. With that she pulled Leta
out and was shaking her in a high
temper, when I, their mother, came in,
Emmeline turned and when she saw
me slue let go Laura and looked very
How Serbia Destroyed Ha Motor
Cars to Prevent Capture
by Invaders.
Cars at German Invasion.
During the great retreat of the
Serbians in the face of the Teutonic
invasion, the condition of the roads
was such that many motor cars had
either to be destroyed by their Serbian
owners or left to fall into the hands
of the invaders. The former alterna-
tive was generally chosen.
In Ipelc, writes Mr, Fortier Jones in
the Century Magaeine, there were
many automobile., meter lorries, li-
mousines :•rad touri:it ears. They
were drawn up round the public
squares in itno o:=inr r(AV s. Apparent-
ly from habit, the chauffeurs potter-
ed about them, l oli•'hing the plate
glass and nickel and cleaning the en -
ghees. But when evacuation was an-
' minced they drove a little way out of
the town. Some of them had brought
hand grenades, and, leasing the en-
' gins hemlines they lifter} up the,
hoods, struck the percussion caps of
the bombs, which they dropped beside
the cylinders, and then ran. Seven or
eight seconds later the racing motor
Would be blown to scrap iron.
A Novel Plan.
-Other chauffeurs saturated their
cars with petrol and set them on fire,
Limousines became roaring furnaces
and then exploded into glorious bon-
fires. But those methods were as
nothing compared with that which one
chauffeur conceived and, by setting
the fashion, brought several others to
Three or four kilometres out of
Ipelc one of the roads turns at a right
angle and shrinks into a two -foot trail
• cut in the side of a sheer cliff three
or four hundred feet above a stream.
There is no fence; the earth ends and
'space begins. Having arrived at this
point, to step out of the ear, let in the
clutch and push down the accelerator
was less dangerous than the grenade,
easier, quicker and far more exciting
than the fire. It was a great game.
There was a long gray car that
took the brink like a trained hunter,
leaping far out over the edge. As its
' power was suddenly released from the
friction of the road, the engine roared
land trembled like a live animal during
the infinitesimal instant that the car
hung upright, held by its own mo-
mentum. Then the motor dragged its
nose downward as true as an arrow
until it struck the steep slope, down
which it went in quick somersaults.
The tires burst with loud reports that
could be heard above the crash of the
breaking car. Before it rolled into
the stream it became a ball of fire.
Taking the Leap.
A ponderous limousine followed and
tucked its nose into the slope without
a spectacular leap. It was like a fat
old lady falling downstairs. A large
French motor lorry ploughed a ter-
rible path down the cliff, pretty well
giving knock for knock, and finally
grinding to splinters the wreckage of
the other ears on which it landed at
the bottom. Eaeh make o1 car took
the leap in an individual manner.
Sometimes they flew almost to bits.
The tires invariably blew out with
loud reports.
One famous and inexpensive Ameri-
can car made the leap. It had got up
good speed, and its lightness sent it
far beyond the brink, where it floated
four hundred feet above the river. It
acted almost as if it wanted to fly.
But once it started on its downward
course, it gyrated with incredible
swiftness and, bouncing on the river
bank, flew beyond the other cars.
swam. the stream and came to an
eternal resting place on the farther
Canadian Expedition Brings Folk-
Songs and Chants.
The music from the far -away
IIAwaiian Islauuls was the first dis-
tent land's song to take on the nature
sof a craze in America. Its spread in
:the last year has proven how quickly
I it has been the public's fancy.
Now the music of another distant
and less known land has made its
appearance, and Rids fair to attract
public favor.
The recent Steffanson Canadian ex-
pedition into the Arctic lands has
brought Eskimo music to us from Ice-
land. Very carefully did these ex-
plorers note down the folic -songs and
chants as they heard them from the
lips of this strange people, and the
songs have been accurately translated
so as' to make then comprehensible to
us. This music has now been guaran
teed permanent preservation by means
of the phonographic records whieh
have been made recently.
The important feature in cotnoe-
tiott with Eskimo music is that it
still retains its primitive form and
spirit. While the folk -songs and
dances of all nations have come to us,
they lave never reached us in their
unspoiled and o•igimtl forte.
The discovery of the music of the
"Land of the Midnight Sun' empha-
sizes the intereatieg fact that no mat-
ter how small, sparsely populated,
crude and primitive a land is, it has
its own individual form of musical ex-
much ashamed. Laura was frighten-
ed and asked me if she was going to
be spanked, but I said, "No, Laura,
you do not deserve to be spanked. Em-
meline does."
I then took Emmeline, who was cry-
ing, and spanked her and put her to
Laura came and told me the story.
Then I took her attd Winifred to the
barber shop. where Laura's curls were
cut off. When I returned, Emmeline
"Mother, aren't you going to punish
"Look at her, Emmeline. and tell me
if you do not think she is punished
enough," I answered.
Emmeline looked at Laura, who was
standing there feeling the head which
the barber had robbed of its curls.
She was crying. Emmeline really
felt sorry for Laura and promised that
she would not have "temper" again
and she didn't. Laura was never mis-
chievous again. We all missed the
picnic that day!
Care of Orchards This Year.
The British embargo plaeed upon
apples and canned fruits containing
sugar may be a serious blow to our
Ontario growers. If this year a good
average erop is harvested in all parts
of the continent, as appears reason-
able to expect, our local markets will
have to dispose of all of the fruit that
ordinarily goesoverseas and a vigorous
advertising scheme will be necessary
to again introduce our quality fruit
to the Canadian consumer, Low
grades and poor varieties are bound to
he at a decided discount this fall. On
account of the great prevalence of
scab in 19'15, it would ire poor economy
to leave all the spraying out. If the
grower of necessity has to cut down
labor, and has no San Jose scale or
very few oyster shell bark lice, the
dormant would be the best spray to
leave out.—Fruit Branch, Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture.
Mollifying a Creditor.
One of Hawkins' principal creditors
was a ratan named ,Loy, and one morn-
ing the impecunious undergraduate
awoke to find this worthy tradesman
seated in his bedroom.
He was rather taken aback, but not
in the least nonplussed, and he greeted
the intruder with a senile, saying
"This is indeed a pleasant surprise.
Sorrow may endure for a night, 'but
joy cometh in the meriting!"
The creditor looked at him blankly
for a moment, then his face was 11-'
dominated with a beaming smile, and,
slapping his thigh, he cried delighted -
"Why, that's very good, very good
indeed, sir. And now I'll say good -
day to you, sir, and leave it to your
consideration to settle my little bill as
soon as you can."