HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-26, Page 411.31attisdz "Dist
11r:Li limy:,;res grow by both word and
1:t•e 'eh at '':(,old be a beery song
to Int ' a c-rn fanner.
1051• tuns vc.y sorry to bear of
,;•,: t judge Holt,
ea. titular department are Yee
,a, te time economy ?
tse the number and the quality
el tee e !emery, Frush eggs either for
.00 . r market are always welcome,
reletiouship between the
mrd Canada is apparent
eo.Mneeee given the Union
,n'.• -,i +n t•cuOins in their
's Kaiser Wilbeim had
g mer 'al from Bel-
- ,,Inn= as the arrival
•-o !d irean rho dupii-
tt else of the Cana -
i' l . ::•t .s feeler r, head off.
.;'rte :Awn thatfrogeequeivey utilized in
heleee to cover
.lee is one way to
wseeltieg" but we think
wee - reek for years and
:.tn. This croak is
e ee r. tl.e neve and
?'f It ate:lent to pre -
very contagious.
l: or real value to
•invion to Great
• y;ee ; ee,e64,tto
1 - eess t.: t lean dozen.
v , ' see• ' tigered out that an
- : r (ewer farm would
n., t -t .. :ion dozen,
'1 ,_ aloe., . : tilt almost every•
Pelf.—without entailing
1.... :••1 r .t, ,..e It's time you
eareeee ,,,listing in
T_t::':. € '.rk•g Hyour broody
bt; tee r ti Issseel or tying a piece
!reel et. ese. o* her legs get a
•nil therc,'v encourage
Wee' .tri,' c rseeete of tide feathered
Cr.-eel:re 1':,t grows rapidly in con -
nee' e et with e•er world's war. Figures
ow ; G, -neo losses state ,} iSr,000,
r �r•tu t st -r ore dead. Add to
t s
British, :it, I r: nch, Turkish and
Re, a lee:.:, .. ..-,y nothing of the
sera' r melees and an aggregate that is
ape '' er:, eeenteei. An attemt to
eeeee.e,ret., i'.- :til losses both on
tee see, '.n preperty, ammupitioo,
R 'weed elmts the beleens of dollars
thet:i!1 eve to be borne for many a
veer eel 011 aver the spirit of militarism
and -' de 'rt ro eeminete, It's an awful
pre._., to pay tee e'reedom.
riint two years 200,000
nes t l , a rola have crossed the
to n ! e, t2' . ntel cry line to United
Stet e. thee: tf them it is said, went
to e is msnt for overseas service.
het would have happen-
ed .;ler breve men who'ere fighting
for !- i , and s'onutry from this Domin-
ion eve p1 }ed the same role? What
rigitt ees. c rr sielgliber to eacrifioe for us
unit,- c.,, tender sur hearty support and
do :n•,- . t/^n sing the National Anthem?
Peeet lee). worthy of the name, makes
mare d�tutr.d some defficuit to comply
seen, bat ell t to more to ler commended
wd e the ng:- is '.forthcoming that
it +r. fit -'win, ,iiering tea great and
ur1.',: r rtt:' e. •rh.. Empire has a good
ri;, a 10 her preed of the courage and
st-te .::rdy beer u . f tee sobs of Canada,
C NE the Termite Public schools is
alt e hint; roe 'ethers for parents of the
pn, d1 c,t' an hour or so each week.
Tes i int idea is to get every
fete,. nmeteer nttereeted in the
ateivities , + school, Tile idea is all
right 'tori tnr,,j.tt be mule very practical
if the varix;::. /mines r•'preset'ted in the
scbortl will tele. hold and Lang on. Too
mem.'; resp ee;ibility i, generally ally should.
erect .>u the '.t.u•here. Some parents am
pees .o think tbet their share of the
wean' 1111, sl;:;xlves titer from any fur.
tizs:t• ti-sp.+nsibility They have so much
felt/ n the t,>.iciler and School Board
drat they bat:d over their offspring to
them tend never "i,ether." A plan cut
off the Toronto Teetern might be of real
sere ce in many 0 comniunity, as we
vat ur': to say there are dozens of par-
ents who never see the inside of a
School house unless they want to lend
the tcadher "a bit of their mind." A
friendly interchange of opinion at a
social gatheriug held at the school house,
if wisely directed, might easily be pro-
ductive of great good. If the boys and
girl! were aware that father and mother
were alive to the importance or school
'work a most healthful atmosphere would
scirrotned them and the teacher would
have nobly a ruffle removed in inaugur-
atiu,; a forward campaign. Surprise the
teacher by a little visit totheschool.
DURING the next 1,70 mouths inane of
the denominations of the churches of
Canada will assemble iu Synod, Confer -
euro, Assembly and Cuugress to consid-
er and tjudicate on improved methods
of rendering more efficient service in
the vineyard, There is an impressiou
abroad that we are on the border of a
great spiritual arousing that will be far-
reaching in its scope. Already the
South Westerly Counties of Ontario
have bad a foretaste, The clergy and
laity are welting up to the ueceseily and
desirability of a downpouring and will
attend the annual churolt gatherings in
expeetatlou of receiving new inspiration
for the coming campaigns, "There shall
be showers of blessing, send them upon
us 0 I Lord,"
iiia would be a clever student of Geo-
graphy who could offhand draw a map
of the world as it is likely to be when
this cruel war is over. Oue thing is
certain democracy will play a large part
and thrones and Empires will have lost
much of their old time arbitrary power.
Old time snobbery and despotism will
be dethroned to a marked degree sed
the slavish fear will give place to a
great and wonderful emancipation as
Nations seek the light of the new day
following the darkness and thraldom of
long years and hoary headed systems.
It will be an occasion for rejoicing if
the manhood and womanhood of the
world will recognize the necessity of
Divine leadership and seek to obtain it.
Ur in Bruce County they are publish-
ing the obituary of a 4o year old goose
who fell a prey to an owl. We were of
the opinion that "as wise as an owl" was
supposed to be a compliment but we
are dubious about it now that this owl
had no better sense than to tackle a bird
that had seen 4o Summers. That par-
ticular fancily of geese must have been a
large one whose longevity was not con•
fined to one member as this "whalebone"
breed bas existed almost to this day. It
may be a good variety to aid the medical
or dental fraternity bet our idea is that
when a goose is old enough to vote the
government should remove it from ac-
tive service and give it a coop in the
Senate to put it out of harm's way.
CoNT1;ro,L Cheerfulness is an indica-
tion of Wisdom. Almost anybody can
smile without much trouble when the
is smoothbut i rc
t 'r the
quires h
"going" q
heroic to keep it up when the storms
break. The best soldiers are made in
the strife and the best sailors when the
billows run high. "Tarn the dark
clouds imide out" has more Truth than
poetry about it and brings its own re-
ward, Get on the bright side of life
and keep there as much as possible. If
it requires an effort tate more good will
be received for the exercise of Pluck.
See the hopeful and happyfiang features
and talk about them to the people you
meet. Let your introduction be "Good
morning merry sunshine" as the days
come. This old world requires whole
battalions of Optimists. Will you be a
IT will soon be a difficult matter to
judge tbe great Conservative party by
its policies as in the past few years they
have forsaken some of the positions
they fought for with great tenacity and
have taken up their quarters in the
trenches held by the wicked Grits. For
instance in the Ontario Legislature the
Prohibition of the liquor tragic and Fe-
male Franchise were supposed to be
two of the big guns of Opposition
Leader Rowell but Premier Hearst ap-
propriated them and made them law.
In tbe Federal House the Goverument
sneered at Reciprocity with Uncle Sam
and doubted the patriotism of Sir Wil-
frid and his followers but lo, the tide
turns and "Free wheat" is put on tbe
program. Years ago a man who (Mang -
ed his political views, whether right or
wrong, was branded as a turn -coat and
foolishly so, because it does not neces-
serily follow that a person should always
think the same concerning great issues.
The lapse of years often requires almost
a right -about face but sometimes it looks
a trifle funny, especially when a General
i:lectiou is drawing on, A policy of
"Canada First" is required to be inaug-
urated, and the flag nailed to the mast,
instead of doing crooked things for
party purposes and thee whitewashing
the crooks. We do not think an election
should be held during the war but
Canada's record will shine with greater
lustre if the crooked places are made
straight by the ousting of every man
who refuses to live an honorable life,
boot in and out of the House. Thievery
and graft will never imbue young
Canucks with the tbougbt of honor and
Integrity, Selfishly electors may desire
to see their particular party fill the
Government benches but we shottld
esteem measures greater than men and
demand from our legislators laws that
will elevate and ennoble, A mall does
trot require to be a "sissy" to defend
the right, rather he needs moral beck -
hone, a clear bead. high motives and an
outspoken fearlessness that men will
have to regard. Something more is
needed than enough popularity to see I
cure a nomination or win a constituency,
At Hamilton, There Was a Woman
Vlce•Chalrmen and Women
Speakers—Men Too
At the first big conference bald by
the Liberals in Ontario since the
granting of woman franchise, in
Hamilton recently, women played an
important part, They added not only
a touch of color but they brought
with them also a keen interest, sane
judgment and good advice.
The main topics of the conference
dealt with various problems arising
from the war, the question of returned
soldiers and the inevitable difficulties
coming in the reconstruction period.
Mrs, Jas, Harrison of Hamilton was
Vice -Chairman of the conference and
Mra, G. G. S. Lindsey of Toronto was
one of the chief speakers following
the dinner. In addition to taking part
in the joint conferences, the women
also had a separate meeting to die•
cuss their own problems of organizing
and meeting the responsibilities of
their new privileges. The delegates,
including both men and women, carte
from fifteen constituencies, extending
from the Niagara border to the
County of Oxford.
The Hon. George P. Graham and
Newton Rowell were the chief speak-
ers at the banquet; both of them dis-
cussed the war, Mr. Graham dealing
with the inadequate measures taken
by the Borden Government and Mr.
Rowell emphasizing the seriousness
of the need of re -enforcements for
the Canadian army at the front and
also the essential importance of in-
creased food prodectjon.
Hartley Dewart, C. M. Bowman,
P. F. Pardee, J. A. MacDougall of Ot-
tawa and George Gibbons, President
of the Liberal Club Federation,' of
Ontario, were among the other speak.
Terrible Task In Saving Up For Gov-
ernment House
Chas. Bowman, Chief Liberal Whip,
and his friend Nelson Parliament,
member for Prince Edward County
have evidently been reading some his-
tory recently and doing some neetho-
matius. At the Hamilton dinner Mr,
Bowman, wire shared the credit with
Mr. Parliament, brought forth a brand
new story on Government House, and
one which probably aroused more in-
terest than any other individual in-
cident. Its outlines were as follows;
1—Total cost of Government House,
2—At what time would a man have
had to begin setting aside the sum of
$500 yearly, without interest, to reach
this total?
3—(a) Would it have been at the
time of the Battle of Waterloo? Be-
fore that. (b) When Columbus dis-
covered America? Before that. (c)
When fling Alfred burned the cakes?
Befort that. (d) The beginning 06
the Christian era? Before that.
4 --It would have been 280 B.C.
6—At this period in Roman history,
it was twenty years before the open-
ing of the Carthagdaian Wars. In
Greek history, it was shortly after
the death of Alexander the Great. in.
Egyptian history it was the age of
Ptolemy II. -230 years before Cleo-
Not for years has so much work
been done by the Legislature in a
seven weeks' period as was accom-
plished in the session recently brought
to a close. There were also more night
sessions than usual and, taken gener-
ally, the members stuck closely to
business. Both the Government and
Opposition seem well pleased with the
results. The former says they are
glad to see Woman Suffrage on the
statute books and they point to the
buoyant condition of the Province's
finances. The Opposition on
other hand claims that the principal
measures of the year were Liberal
policies and that the Province more
and more is being governed by the
Opposition, The laws passed this sea-
alun which they claim are theirs in-
clude Woman's Franchise, increased
nickel taxation, First Aid in Work-
orkmen's Compensation, Loans for Agri-
cultural Purposes and control by
munclpalities of the production as
'well as the distribution of electrical
power under the Hydro System.
Agricultural resorganization was et-
fected by a Government act which the
Government claims will increase the
efficiency .of the department by pro.
siding more officials to take care of
the work, The Opposition strenuous -
1y opposed the Government plan, con.
'tending that the multiplication of of.
flees would lead to ineffectiveness and
claiming that what should be done
was the appointment of one oustand-
ing man as Minister of Agriculture
and another as deputy, without the
complicated system as at present of a
Minister, two or more Deputy Minis-
ters, a Commissioner and an Assist-
ant Commissloner, hardly any of
whom are able to gave their whole
time to the work.
The Opposition claims that the Gov-
ernment's increase in taxes on tho
nickel company is still entirely in-
They themselves would
make the rates much stiffer. In re-
gard to the refining of nickel the
Opposition's policy Is to compel tho
refining in Ontario or at any roto
;within the British Empire of all On-
:tarto nickel. The Government's bill
merely provides that nickel taken
from lands hereafter to be granted
shall be refined la Ontario, but does
not cover tho case of the committee
already established, including the lm.
Micmac) operations of the International
Shekel Company.
Judge licit, GoJerich, !les,
The death of Judge Philip Holt
Wednesday morning of laet + sok re-
moved one of the best•known men in
1-117 full Collet y. The Judge wee born
in Barbary, Engiend, itt the pate 1832,
and came to Huron Oo. as a boy, Ile
received his education in the Berrie
Grtuutunr statool and took up the
study of law, !de passed as to brainstem
in 1870 and was appointed a i;, 0. in
1800. He was it partner of the l.tte
LieutaGovernor Al, 0. Cameron, Ii.
Judge holt toots a deep intoreet in
County affairs, being in the Comity
Council for 12 year's, Ho was Wmd,'n
in 1001. 0n July 10, 1002, he wee ap-
pointed Deputy Judge of Huron, and
on December 10, 1002, he was trade
junior -Judge. He was a lifelong
member of Huron Lodge, No 83 I, 0,
O. F„ and Maitland Lodge, No 83, A.
F. and A. lel. lie was also to member
of the National Olub, Toronto.
The Judge was one of the beat -
versed men in the Anglican Church,
being a delegate to Lhe Synod many a
year. He also took a deep interest in
Red Oross and hospital work, It was
through his effort that the local
hospital was established at Goderielt
and he took an active pare in the
management until a year ago, when
he suffered a stroke, which °untitled
him to his room until his death
In 1870 be married the yonugrst
daughter of the late Ven. Atchdeaeon
Ellwood, who survives him, Otte sat,
Geoffrey, of the Toronto Uuivetsity,
and one daughter, Coustttnce, at
home, also survive.
The funeral was held on Friday
under. the auspices of the Masonio
May Expropriate Gravel
As one result of the Highway legis-
lation passed at the session of the
Ontario Legislature just closed, au-
thmity will be given to County road
Engineers or Superintendents to se-
cure needed maternal for road work
without waiting for lengthy round-
about purchases, negotiations or
Council by-laws. In the future, the
Superintendent, without the passing
of a by-law or resolution by the Coun-
cil of the county, may proceed with a
tenni of exptopriatiou of any gravel in
the. county, Ile must first stake an
offer for the gravel, and if the owner
within 3 days does not agree with the
Engineer for the sale of the gravel,
the Superintendent may upon 7 days'
notice apply to the County Judge for
an order fixing the price to be paid.
The Judge after hearing such evidence
as be deems necessary may fix the
price per cubic yard to be paid far the
gravel, and direct; that upon the ten-
dering to the owner of the pr•itre fixed,
the Superintendent or Itis elnplrtyees
inay go npou the lands and inti the
gravel required. Any ostler re•:'c' can
he enforced under the Judgc' Orders
Enforcement Act.
The Prospect of War ie Europe
The following sketch wa, pt hushed
in March 1500 and the pro•Ili:thi ns
made 27 years ago have born borne
OM, in the present European it.',•i ict :
M. John Lemninne in the Paris
1latin gives his views on the poor
prospects of peace in Enropr'. In
spite of all the pacific &H arrl.iohs
horn thtoues, he says, the sit cation
has not changed. The makes eon-
totue to prepare for the great and
inevitable liquidation. The eta tent
German, Prof. Virehow, told hie elec-
tors the other day that he we old re-
new his proposition for general die.
armament, and added that it, was im-
possible for the people of Eutof,n to
continue as they are. "It is true,'
says M. Lemoinne, "there tnael be a
solution, but, unfortunately, that
solution will not be -disarmament.
The nation trust come to a plain ex-
planation of their intentions, 'then
they will rush at each other, and the
combttt will finish when there are no
more combatants, when the human
race will be bled white, and, ashamed,
horrified, and exhausted, it will at last
be forced to repose. To -day people
think only of one thing, auci that is
Ute best and surest method of butch-
ering each other. The coming great
melee of humanity is getting to bra
more tend more indescribable. It will
he nothing like the pretty little bat-
tles of old times, which will appear
lllce mere duele when compared with
the war bitable coming, When I bear
the Duo d'Aumale describe so elegant-
ly the fights of Tnrenoe earl Conde
I Kirton, tile '1Vlarwloic drain, $t1I2.110 ;
i`hns, 13t atlshaw, broken platy, *13 Fro ;
John Gaddr. r h'
s ict m t icl a Ln
t A. 1.,
Oon.2 iia. ,
sit r it '2 0-
an A et 1 0 0 e•
it ,`r A,M
lan'en, Hy -Laws and Olrrkts fees
Wctlsit Drum, $27.501 Thos. Miller,
Aasresnr ea4usry and postage, *81,00 ;
Mtu.iictltitl 1VoiJd, atgtViees, $1,80.
(� 1 U.,, ..il ttdjuurned lu moat Moucltty,
Dreadful Pans All The Time Un,tl PI•
Took "FRIliT-A-TIVES".
Verona, Ont., Nor. llth., 1915.
"1 suffered for a number of years
with Rheu,nalism and severe Pada in
Side and Back, from strains and heavy
When I had given up hope of over
being web again, a friend recommended
"Fruit -a -tines" to mo and after mill'
the first Lose I' jell so mrtclh taller that
I continued to take them, and now I
am enjoying the host of heath, thanks
to your remedy ".
If you—who are reading this—have
any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or
suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In Tho
Back or Stomach Trouble—give "Fruit -
a -tines" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit
medicine will do you a world of good,
as it cures when everything else fails.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt
of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited,
with their little a, my corps I say to
myself that they were small affairs, in
which each individual engaged had
his share, But to -day where will the
individual be ? Lost completely in
the great avalanches of slaughter.
Our touch -vaunted civilization will
certainly have good reason to recoil
in horror ; but for all that, we must
nut deceive ourselves. The war will
come • i isas certain t t eertat t ns death. We
may try to put it off as far as pos-
sible; but itwt i1
1 have its day,its
hour, although we may try to t it
off till the marrow. Let us, then, be
ready for it, always ready,"
Morris Council
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Town Hall, Monday, April 9th.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and approved on motion by
Laidlaw—Fraser. The By-law on the
Walsh Amain was read and on motion
by Laidlaw — Joltnstmt was finally
adopted. A polit.ion was received
from Geo. Blathers and nihers asking
for a Municipal Drain. On motion by
Fraser — Elston the petition was
adopted and a copy ordered to be sent
to the Engineer by the Clerk.
Acccsut1t.a were presented as follows
Ohms, Pollard, work Last Boundary,
*4.00 ; 'Phos. Bolger, work East
Boundary, *1.00 ; Jamey Marshall,
work West Boundary, $5 00 ; Geo,
White, work 9th Con., *1.1)0 ; Felix
Finds Health In Our Vino],
Cullhtsvillo, Ill.—"I suffered from a
nervosa breakdown and terrible head-
aches and was tired all over, totally
worn out and discouraged, but as I had
a large family 1 had to work despite my
suffering. I saw Vinol adverticed and
decided to try it, and within two weeks
I noticed a decided improvement, and
now I am a web women."—Mrs. Arra
We guarantee Vinol, our non -secret
tonic, to strengthen and build up
weak, run-down, overworked mothers,
delicate children and feeble old people.
F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels,
Alec at the best Druggists in all On-
tario towns.
The Lowest Priced
C o clip p l e t e Motor
Vehicle in the World
There is no longer any ex -
mise for walking. It is now
cheaper to ride. Get out into
the great oat -doors, (410
where you please when you
T,1S:'i D't•'tA ■ Y ON
Motor Bicycle
(Front Wheel Drive)
will take you anywhere and everywhere quickly and comfortably, 11 is as
c ependablo as a motorcycle. It is clean and nomfortable, easy to start and
control --a simple ovist of the wrist does it. There) is nothing else like 11 any-
nywhere. Drop m und,let us show you,
Pepper Motorcycle Exch; rage
350 Danforth ave,, Toronto
Agents for
Thor and Dayton Motorcycles
May 28th, .
A, 1IAOEwene, Olerlr,
Henry Thornton itt preparing to re-
build file bongo wdiielt he bought and
had to bring home 1)i sections.
A very 'wetly turd ling took placeOMFORTAaLE BOUSE AND LOT FOR
al, the home ofUbutles Regelie, when '
Sam -Good well and cistern, fruit trees,
bis eldest da Lighter, Lena WAS united &c, Mao5nm•og in oorporntlen with large
to Charles Vonetock, aprosperous amble and drilled well, For further partleu-
Iare ea to pride, terms, &e„ apply townie Posw.
young farmer of Rnalock, Ont. Brussels.
Reeve J, 11'1, (•lovenlock of McKillop,
WWI in Ottawa representing the ttown-.shiu at theGoud acs Convention,
Mrs. Robert Govenlock and sol,,
Thomas, of McKillop, were in St.
Marys attending the funeral of Ml's.
Govonlock's uncle, the late Dr,
The People's Column
Lob 22, Con, 0. Grey,One of the best powtare f arms in the township, Running water
and shade, Terms easy.
0841 D, MILN75, Ethel,
Auction Sales
STOOK, IMrf,su1Nme, &o, -F, S, Scott,
Auctioneer, les been htatrneted by the under-
Mimed to sell by Public Auotiott et Lot 28, Con.
18, Grey, on Friday, April 27th, at 1 o'clock,
the following valuable property ;-1 heavy
draft mere rising 0 years, 1 honey draft horse
rising 5 yeare, 1 general purpose mere tieing 0
yetws, 1 driving mare quiet and reliable, 1 road
mare rlaing 7 years, 1 spun matched Peroberou
geldings rising 2 years, 0 fresh °owe with
calves at foot, 0 good Durham cows supposed
in calf, 2 fat (tows, 5 steers rising 2 years, 12
heifers rlaing 2 yearn, 1 Durham bull 14 months
old, 0 holfera rising 1y ear, 4 ateera rising 1 yr.,
1 thorn' -bred Hampshire sow in pig, 8 store
pigs about 2001bs„ 50 pure bred Burred Rock
bane, 25 Brown Leghorn hen.' 25 white Leg-
horn bens, 1 Manny -'Harris binder in good re-
pair, 1 Mammy -Barris mower in good. repair, 1
pair, bay loader new, 1 Deering hay rake near-
ly new, 1 Co°kahuttdlea drill nearly new, 1
Peter Hamilton cultivator, 1 Bisael steel land
roller, 1 disc harrow, 1 No, 21 Fleury single
pylow, 1 Front & wood. plow, 1 Oookshut t two -
furrow gong plow, 1 potato plow, 1 $uoaesa
mamare spreader nearly new, 1 set diamond
harrows, 1 stuffier, 1 turnip sower, 1 stone -
boot, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 Clinton Fanning mill, 1
Petrolltt wagon (now, withbox, shelving, arat,
nec,tyoke, complete), 1 !err wagon with box
and spring seat, 1 hay rack, 1 stock rack, 1
gravel box, 1 set sleighs with banks and 501 -
stars, 1 rubber tired buggy nearly new, 1 ileal
tired buggy, 1 jumper ()utter, I set double
breeching harneee, collar), and tops, 1 set dou-
ble harness with bsekbands, 1 set double driv-
ing harness, 2 sets single driving barnese, 1
Pine water trough 12 feet long, 1 grindstone,
1 eat 2000 1b scales, hay fork, ear, ropes and
slings complete, number of good anchor poste,
2 sugar kettles, 1 Standard dream eeperator, a
number of grain bags, 1 root pul per, 1 washing
machine new, 1 cook stove, quantity of house-
hold furniture, 2 ii0Rnt, mint. cans, 2 robes, 100
bus. lied wheat, 100 bus. O. A. 0. No 21 'seed
barley, 100 bus seed oats, quantity of feed oats,
10 bus. of timothy reed, 1. bus. of millet seed,
10 tons of hay, a quantity of lumber, forks,
chains, hoes, shovels, and other articles too
numerous to mention. Selo unreserved at, the
proprietor hue sold his farm. Terme-ss end
under cash ; over that amount 10 menthe cre-
dit given on furnishing approved joint notes,
5 per cent off for °welt on credit amounts.
Notice is hereby given that any person or
parsons desiring to have any bnalness concern-
ing the stook on Lots 20 and 24, Con. 18, Grey,
are requested to cull and see or write
11.8 <Minton P. 0.
Executor's Sale
For the purpose of winding up the estate or
the late John Ballantyne the lands and prom-
isee, eltuato in the Village of Orenbrook, eon•
taluing Name 10 acres of land andupon which
there to erected a comfortable frame house
and frame barn, nre offered tor este. Pull
pparticulars and terms of sale will be made
known upon application to the Executor, An-
thony Reymann, Oranbrook, or the under-
signed, W. M. SINCLAIR,
45-11 Solicitor for the Executor,
For Sale
2835 sores of farm lands in the Township
of Morris, adjoining the Village of Brussels, in
one field. There in a good gravel pit, if open-
ed up, from 2 to 8 pores, It has been tneted
and enough of gravel there to supply the town
and vlolntty for the next quarter of a century;
0 building lots on Ternborry street ; 1 lot on
George street, near the railway station • also
my pprivet! residence nn :gee
he river bank, corner
of \Milium and Albert streets, For further
particulars apply to the undertf ped at his •
resldeoee. J. LECKIE,
Brussels, 15th March, 1817.
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale hie flue 180
acre farm being Lot 12, and part of Lot 18,
Con. 5, and. 80 sores on Lot 7, Con. 4, Township
of Grey Huron County. On the former 1s a
good brlok hoped, extra good barn, 60: 100 Leet
-all cemented nod water installed, Bore in or-
chard, &c, 00 acre, is chiefly bosh. Also 100
acres, being Lot 12. Con, 0, in some township.
12 acres of extra good Fa11 wheat and over 40
nares plowed. Botit farms in good condition.
For further particulars as to prices, terms and
conditions, apply on the premises or write
Telephone 1010, Ethel P. 0.
•4'•4••4.0•:04.4.4e40-I.0+0+0•l04.0'h0+0'h04.0•÷0.+0+0+414: •
aild Anniversary
• _
0 In Fine Cut Glass, Fancy China, Silverware, Rogers'
Silver-plated Flatware in Tea Spoons, Cold Meat•
° Forks, Table Spoons, Knives and Forks and•
some of the newest
Fancy Pieces. •
• •
•- J. EN •••
Back Mantle Clocks
Oak and Walnut Kitchen Clocks
o Noisy Alarm Clocks
d Call and see the Assortment.
• I
• 4-2,44+4)44+.4.4,49.1..+944,444.4.. 4•••h09'•'t'•+40+0+•'N•+••i'•4,44•t
The , 1917 Ford Touring Car
f. 0 5. Forth, Ont.
You 'pay less for this car but it gives
you more enjoyment, more mileage and
longer service than those which cost more:
The Touring Car gives the utmost in
automobile value, pride of ownership and
Buy a Ford this year and save money
--when saving is a national duty.
S. CARTER, Dealer