HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-26, Page 1ritsvis VOL. 43 a VO, 43 ,1. 50 Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1917 New Advertisements Por sale—M. L. Cardiff, Oar of esment—S. B. Cole. Pent Selo—R, W. Ferguson, Pigs for sale—J. P, McIntosh. 'housekeeper Wanted -'rem Pews. House for sale—Mrs. H. MoArter. Overland Automobiles—L. Kennedy. Auction sale—Rohl. Anderson estate, giiStr xt 11635 Goderich. • J17DCFE Bove BURIED. --The funeral of Judge Holt was held Friday after- noon. A Masonic service was con- ducted ab the house, after which the body was taken to St. George's church where the church of England service was held. Rev. J. B. Fotlteringharn and Rev, Mark Turnbull, former rec- tors of the church, assisting the pres- ent rector. Mr. Fotheringhans gave a short sermon. He paid a glowing tribute to the late Judge, who was ever faithful to his church and fellow- men. Pallbearers were :—D. McDon- ald, Sheriff Reynolds, W. L. Eliot, M. G. Cameron K. C., Ohas. Garcow, IC. 0., John Galt. Dudley Holmes, ham and and Joseph Kidd of town, were honorary pallbearers. Maitland Lodge No. 33. A F. and A. M. march- ed in a body and performed the last sad rites ab the graveside. Listowel Early Saturday morning at the residence of his brother-in-law, W. I1. Roberts, 123 Waterloo street, Stret- ford, Duncan D. Hay passed away. Mr. Hay, who was in bis 49th year, was a son of the late D. D. Hay, of Listowel, where he was burn, He had lived in the city for about 20 years, up to a few years ago, when he went to Winnipeg. While in the city he was for some years Deputy Registrar and was also connected with the Frame & Fence Company. An enthusiastic curler and bowler, he will be well remembered by the local sportsmen with whom he was very popular. Mr. Hay had been sick for about 18 months and underwent an operation in Rochester about a year ago. Besides his wife he is survived by 3 brothers—Russell and Warren, Listowel ; and W. J. Hay, Winnipeg ; 3 sisters, Mrs. Geo. Climes, Montreal ; and Misses Lily and Elizabeth, Listo- wel. the hearty congratulations of a large number of friends. Me. and Mee. Felker will take up housekeeping in their hone on Minnie street and will be at home to their friends after May 15th, Jas. On died in Turnberry in his 52nd year, The funeral left his late residence, Lot7, Concession 5, Friday to Bhtevale cemetery, A. Concert was put on in the Town Hall and the proceeds turned over to the Byron Sanatorium in London for the benefit of returned soldiers, who are afflicted with tuberonlosis. David Currie, of Wawanosh, who left here with the Huron Battalion for overseas, has been invalided home from England, While overseas he did duty as a guardsman. He was also stationed in Scotland. He receiv- ed an ovation on hie return horn and was escorted to the Town Hall where the M'eyor and Councillors congratu- lated him on his safe return. Fordwich HOTEL, BLtoscsinlrert SHOP AND STABLE DESTROYED,—Much damage was done here Friday night when fire broke Out in the aArlington Hotel, burning the building to the ground and spread to the blacksmith shop and an adjoining stable, which were both totally destroyed. Most of the contents were removed before the fire made much beadway. The cause of ,the flee is unknown, although it is re- potted to have started after the elec. trical storm. After strenuous efforts with Lhe assistance of the ]Fordwich Fire brigade, several other nearby building were saved which otherwise would have been destroyed. W.n;gham A new industry, a knitting mill, backed by a New York company is ex- pected to start operations here on May lst, if satisfactory arrangements can be made by the local Board of Trade. Fall grains appear fairly well at present. Farmers are preparing their niachluery for a ''big drive this week, as the belief is held here that the soil will be ready to be worked at that time. The members of the Epworth Lea- gue of the Methodist church recently met and elected their officers for the ensuing year :—Hon, President, Rev. J. W. Hibbert ; President, F. R. Howson ; 1st Vice -President, bliss Annie Barber ; 2nd Vice -President, Mies Millie Turner ; 3rd Vice -Presi- dent, Miss Blanche Bennett; 4th Vice -President, W. H. Willie ; 5th Vice -President, Miss Hilda Buchanan and Miss Lottie Meridiem] ; Junior League Superintendent, Miss Flo. Imlay ; Corresponding Secretary, R. Manuel; Recording -Secretary, A. Donets ; Treasurer, W. McCool ; Pianists, Miss May Lloyd aid Miss Hazel Brandon ; representative to District committees, J. M. -Graham, WEDDED AT WINGHAie—A quiet home wedding • took plane at St. Andrew's manse, Wingham, at 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon of last week, when Miss Janis% Perrie, eldest daughter of Rev. D. and Mrs, Perri., became the bride of Harold Parker, The bride was attired in a dress of white voile and was given away by her father, who also performed the marillege ceremony. The Wedding March Was played by Bliss Margaret Porrie, sister of the bride. Only the immediate relatives and friends were present, The young couple will have ++++a-+a'+a'++++++++++++++++4. + The Western foundry � Co. Limited + 1 Wiagham - Ontario 4, WANTS SDI Between the ages o + f seventeen 4. and forty-five, to learn + '1' MOULDING, 4. MOUNTING and + POLISHING, + +Pay laborers' wages to start anal pub you under competent in - 4 and give every ( oor- ttnityo learn n, good evade 10 0 + + veryehorbperiod. . Blyth GIVEN MANY GIFTS.—Billy Ander- son, son of Rev. S. Anderson, of Lambeth, formerly of Blyth, was the recipient of many serviceable gifts on the eve of his departure for overseas on his appointment to a commission in the aviation corps. Monday night of last week a number of his chums gathered at the borne of 'Dr, and Mrs, A. Routledge and presented hien with a travelling bag, at the sante Lime Dr, and Mrs. Routledge gave him a lumi- nous -faced wristwatch. On Tuesday night at the Epworth League an in- spiring address was read by the Presi- dent, Sharon Kelly, after which Miss Reta Evans on behalf of the Allied Bible class and the Epworth League presented bins with a bank credit of le manner. The mtn tteGil members ofthes' Verdun Club gave him a fully equip- ped "housewife." He also received a knitted khaki sweater frons Mrs, 0. F. McGuffin. We wish him good luck, + l This is an opportunity + '1' you should not miss. + + + + Steady empioymenegnaranteed, ,t, ^1' Write, Telephone or Dail. ,1^ + ^N ii'+++++++++++++++++++++3i+++ McNair. Mise Creme is survived by her brother William and a slater, Mrs. Elder, both in Seobland. The subject of this notice was a Hoe old lady and esteemed by the community. BELGIAN BELIEF.—An effort has been made by the Oranbrook Red Cease Society to aid the suffering Belgians a box of °lobbing containing 28 children's (Tresses, 15 petticoats, 15 suite underwear, 2 little Daps and 3 quilts and valued ab $45.00 was sent. There wes also shipped to Red Cross Society, Toronto, the following --12 sheets, 84 towels, 00 pillow eases, 80 suits pyjamas and 24 pair socks. Also 18 pairs socks sent to Oranbrook boys at the front. During the busy Spring season the meetings will only be held every two weeks, Oranbrook is wide awake. Molesworth Miss Kate McDonald, Ripley, visited with Miss Annie Elliott. Misses Nellie and Agnes Stewart and Robert and D. A Stewart were in Toronto for a few days. Miss Sadie Seehaver has gone to keep house for her brother, Barry, whn lives Bast of Listowel, Women's Institute and Patriotic Society made a shipment of 10 flannel shirts and 36 pairs of socks to the Canadian Red Gross Society last week, Pte, S. McNeilly, of the 208th Bat- talion, was presented with a wrist watch by Molesworth friends. Also 2 pairs of socks and a flannel shirt by the Women's Institute, when home on last leave, SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the list of those who were promoted ubJeester in U. S. S. No. 10, Howick and Grey. — Annie Brown honor?, Evelyn Hislop honors, Howard Grain- ger, Elmore Thom peon recotn vended, Willie Doig rsculn„ Leonard L'tmbkin recotn„ Elva Brown honors, iliargaret Doig honors, Mabel Bowmen honors, Cecil Grainger, Grant Bowman, istt- belle Doig, Elmore Bowman, Wesley Lambkin, Annie Schmidt, Andrew Doig recomtneyded. teleene N ALLEN Teacher, MoncriefF A delegation from Knox Church is attending the W. M. S. at Brussels Thursday of this week, ' Last week James McNichol, 18th. Con., Elna, had the misfortune to have the lst and 2nd fingers of his left band mutilated by a circular saw that he was taking away wood from at a sawing bee. It is a bad season to be laid off but we hope he will soon be able to resume work. ODR DEBATERS WON,— The pro - grain given at Monkton, by the Men's Patriotic Society on Friday evening, 13th inst., was one of the best of the season. Spurred on by: the success of the ladies in their previous Concert when the receipts were $105.00, the men set to work with a determination to beat this record and they managed to do so—the gate receipts amounting to over $115. Miss Ferguson, who presided at the piano, was the only lady taking part, the rest of the pro- gram being given by the young men. Wm. Harvey made a very efficient Chairman. The debate, Consolidated vs. Public Schools lasted for an hour and a half. Affirmative was champ- ioned by E. Fulton, Moncrieff, and W. J. McPherson, Logan, while the negative was supported by W. J. Burnett and M. MacBeth, Milverton, The judging committee was composed of Rev. J. D. Fergusson and A. Oamp-, bell and M. Morrison, who found in favor of the affirmative. Oranbrook Wm. Mitchell left last week for the West, where he will probably spend the coming Summer. David and Miss elau'garet• Perrie at: bolded the Parker—Perrin wedding at WIngham last week. There wail be no preaching service in the Methodist, churnll next Sunday as it will be Communion ab Brussels, SVnl iou will try his t L et 1 encub ha Ethel i hand as aSSI nh wt at Lthr.1 u iease faotury this season to W, A Brown. This sleek MPH. F. Raddatvttteived word that her son, Pee. Ohrts, Fischer, who went overseas with 0 St. Thomas ]3attalien, was W1,111 Weil ill the should- er while doing his duty in France. We hope no population b injury will be caused and that he will soon be as wall as over, Juo. Fischer and family have ar- rived ti 'remeltsOnaS and I tk n pos- session of the erten on which the fIs been Mirk - 14f. Je ic tl i 1 , )L mer's si 11th The latter hoe moved to the 50 acres be bought frau W, A, Lowry, 101.11 Oen, We wish both the best of success, 0131T.—ivliss 13eley Decree, of whose demise brief reel enee was made last week, was 1)0111 iii Perthshire, Scot- land, and came 111 Oau,it to over. 80 ears ago. She was a sister to the g n. and McIntosh, i2tit Uo 1 n h1 years , holt , wits iu her 80th year, Dearth was due to a awoke of paralysis, which she sustained 2e days provlously. Sise was unconscious Horn the tithe effect ed by her disease. She lived with Mies Lizzie McIntosh by whom she was well cared for, new. Mr, Mc- Culloch, deceased's panto', oon(lucted the service Saturday, 14th best., in- terment being morin hu Oranbrook cemetery, Pallbearers were W. Oaiioronl Win. and Jas. Persia, A, Reymann, Jno. McNabb and Jas, ,tl,. Wroxeter SEED Oats for sale. No, 72 O. A. 0. Price 81,00 per bushel. A R. R iNo 2 Wrosetcr. Thos, Sanderson, Kinistino, Sask., is visiting old friends here. Miss Lamouby, Toronto, is the guest of her brother, A. A. Lamonby. Rev. Mr. Kerr, Gorrie, will preach in bhe Methodist church on Sunday evening. Geo. Wearring and Gavin Davidson have purchased Ford cars and Neil White a Chevrolet. Miss Jeanette Black bas gone to Bengston where she will be employed in the Telephone Office. Mrs. W. Robinson was called to Port Elgin on Friday owing to the serious nieces of her father. A congregational meeting was held in the Methodist Church on Friday evening. After a business meeting an enjoyable social evening was spent. "TEE NEw MINISTER," — Friday 'evening of next week a large company of Brussels people will presenb an amusing and most interesting enter- tainment in Wroxeter Town Hall, entitled "'The New Minister." It is highly spoken of wherever given. Don't miss it as the proceeds will be devoted to Red Cross Circle purposes. See the bills and program and secure your reserved seat tickets. Wm. Underwood, Howlett, received official word on Saturday that his son, Alex,, who enlisted with Wroxeter Company, of the IOlet Batt„ had been wounded. Word was received on Monday by John Gleams that his son, Sheriff, who was a member of the 189th Batt., was wounded, Also Herbert Edgar, of the 152nd Batt., eldest son of Jas. Edgar, Howiek, These young men all went overseas last Fall and have spent some months in the trenches. We understand the wounds in each ease are not serious and we trust they will soon recover, Walton °An of Oorn, 800 bushels of Barley and 800 bushels of Oats for sale, 0. H, DiAari, Walton Elevator. J. Nr Campbell recently received word telling him that one of his nep- hews had been killed in action. Mr's. E. Johnston and daughter, Miss Eva, of Kitchener, spent a few days at the pareonagelast week. Why not be a member of the Libr- ary ? A number of good books have arrived. Inspection of all books is in- vited. Regular meeting of the Methodist Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. David Crawford sr. Thursday, 26th inst. Wm, Crawford has bought a house and lots in Brussels and intends going into gardening and poultry raising on a large scale. Mrs. Wm. Dennison has been on the sick list for a few days. We hope she will soon regain her usual health and vigor. Service in the Methodist church next Sunday night at? o'clock. Pas- tor will preach on "Three essentials we need for to -day." The friends of Sidney Howitt, Shed- Glen, Ont.. will be pleased to know he successfully passed his fleet examina- tion in Theology. He is studying for the Methodist ministry. Pte. Cleve. Peterkiu, brother of Mrs. (Rev,) Oraik has reached Eng- land safely. Pte. Norman Peterkin, another brother, is back in the trench- es after being in the hospital for a few months, PTH. CLARENCE BENNETT WOUND- ED.—Jos. and Mrs. Bennett received a message this week that their son, Pte. Wm. Clarence Bennett, had received a gun shot wound in his left knee while doing his duty in France on Friday, April 13th and is now in a French hospital at Wimeuaux. Clarence enlisted with the 181st Hur- on Oo, Battalion who left Camp Bor- den October 27th, 1916. He went to France on January 28th. Some very hot fighting has been on the program for the past few weeks. The many old friends of this brave soldier boy hope he will soon recover. Thos. Musgrove, who recently re- 'urned frees England, received word on Tuesday that his second son, Mar- shall, had been killed in action, The young soldier, who was only 19 year's of age, enlisted with. a Simcoe Bat- talion, and had spent several months in the trenches. Little can be said to relieve the sorrow of thefather, broth- ers and sisters but they have the deepest; sympathy of friends and their load is doubtlessly lightened by the remembrance (Ameba died gloriously and as 0 soldier fighting for his King and Onucltey. A younger brother, Joules, is in England with the Wise Battalinil, a true wife, an indulgent mother and a first-class neighbor, ever ready to do a good turn or help those i0 need, The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon of last week, service being concluetrd by her pastor, Rev, R. 1,'. Page, Burial was shade in the family Ore Brussels cemetery, Pallbearers were James and Alex. Wallace, Wm, and Adam Sholdice, Albert Hodgins and Angus Mc0uaig. Mrs. Sholdice was the last of her generation. The relatives share in the sympathy of the community in the passing away of their loved one. Jamestown Mrs. Edward Bryans, Brussels, bas been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. McAllister, 1st Con„ Grey township. We were sorry to bear that Wm. Locking, who was being nursed by Mrs, Wallace for some time, died early Thursday morning of last week. He put up a brave fight. PueemI'IONs.—hollowing is the re- port of the Promotion Examinations of S. S. No. 10, Mot:rie, Names in order of merit. Sr. IV.—S, Johnston, V. Johnston, R. Kernaghan. Jr. IV. —G. Robertson, A. Wheeler, G, Mof- fatt, S. Smillie, G. Kernaghan, J. Miller. Sr, III.—R. Campbell, M. McDougall, L, Fraser, M. Johnston, D. McDougall, H. Robb, J. Messer, G, Eckinier, L. Johnston. Sr. II.—B. Campbell, F. Balmier, V. Sellers, H. Thomas, M. Breckenridge, C, John- ston, Jean Messer, C. Robertson, E. Barges. Jr. IL—W. Peacock, S. Mof- fatt. Pt. II,—E. Johnston, L. Robert - snit, 0. Kernaghan, 3. McDougall. V. Eckinier, P. Johnston. B. MAOQuARRIE, Teacher. THE LATE MRS. ADAM SHOLDIOE.— Last week reference was made to the departure of this fine old lady, who paid Nature's debt on the Sunday previous. Mrs, Sholdice had eaten her breakfast in bed and bad a cup of tea at noon. Shortly after she com- plained of pains in her stomach and her daughter got her some ginger tea which appeared to relieve her. A few minutes after when Mrs, Anderson went upstairs to see how she was the old lady was on her knees by the bed- side but her spirit bad gone to God who gave it. Deceased, whose maid- en name was Jane Wallace, was born at Oastleotway, County Tipperary, Ireland, and came to Canada in her girlhood and lived in Tuckersmith township, Huron County. Here she was united in marriage to her late husband, whn died on January 17th, 1902, aged 72 years. Their family consisted of 9 children, the sons being Achim and John, Manitoba ; James, McKillop ; and Wm., on the home- stead, Grey township. Daughters are Mrs. Tiro. McLeod, Manitoba 1 Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Walton ; Mrs. Geo, Muldoon, Brussels ; Mrs. Thomp- son McIntosh, Dakota ; and Miss Susan, of Walton, 39 years ago Mr. and Mrs Sholdice and family moved from Tuckersmith to the farm 11 miles North of here where Mr. Shol- dice died. Mrs. Sholdice and Miss Susan went to live with Mr, and Mrs. Anderson 2 years ago. The subject of this notice had been a hearty woman and outside of neuralgia enjoyed very good health considering her advanced age;,, She was ambitious, industrious, +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++4 +N� + e. + 4. Vemsereggell ant Sale Have 50 Pairs of Worsted and Tweed Trousers at Bargain Figures 2.00 to $2.75 Also Snaps in fain Coats R. Call and see the Goods which are First-class. Gents' Furnisher W. 'del" t,ISOnBrussels + + + + + +N+!++++++++++++++++++++ +++1.4.4.++++++++++++++++++++k Grey Dan. Machan returned from a trip to Preston, Galt and other points. Miss Maggie, daughter of Cuthbert and Mrs. Butchinsou, left last week for the West. Mrs, J. Mitchell and daughter, Miss Alice, of Hamilton, visited at Jas. Grant's last week. Miss Jean Grant attended tlsePark- er—Perrie wedding at Wingham 'Tuesday of last week. The tile portion of the Hoy Drain was let by the Council to Gideon Brown at, 85 cents a rod. Some fainters plowed up their Fall wheat but others will hope for a half crop and leave it untouched. Port Dennis, Walton, was a wel- come visitor at the home of Dan. Machan, of Union locality last week. Mrs, Angus Lamont, 7th Oen., has engaged Jno. L. Davidson, Brussels, to take charge of her farm operations this year. Deputy Reeve McNabb is at Toronto this week attending the 0, 0, F. High Court. Mrs, McNabb is also visiting in the city. H. and Mrs. Taman, Blyth, were visitors with Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, 10th Owe, and also with James and Mee, Burgess. Nurse Brown, of West Monkton, has been nursing Mrs. R. Hastings of Atwood, for the past two weeks. She is a graduate of the Sarnia Hospital and is certainly a credit to it. Miss Alice Richmond, graduate nurse of the Royal Alexandria Hospi- tal of Fergus, returned to her home at Atwood on Monday of this week. She has been nursing in Newmarket for the past two months. While engaged in clipping a horse Hugh Lamont Jr,, 10th Con., received a kick in the face that might easily have proved fatal. He is getting over the blow all right only does not want to try it again. ex -Reeve Turnbull is improving slowly and is able to get about a little. He retains his weight but is bothered with neuritis in addition to recovery from a broken leg, Old friends hope the coining of Spring will aid him, Don't forget the Clearing Auction Sale of Fares stock, implements, &c., at Teasdale Whitfield's, Lot 23, Con, 13, Friday afternoon of this week, The big list may be read on page 4 of this issue. F. S. Scott, Brussels, will be the Auctioneer. Farm has been sold to Angus Brown. Busses Lillian Richmned and Tillie Hird, of Fergus, returned to their homes at Atwood last week. The former will be granted her Normal Entrance and the latter her Lower School on the completion of three months work. They wore both suc- cessful at their recent exansinatious, A. D. and Mrs. Grant, 8th Con., re- moved to Stratford last week, follow- ed by the best; wishes of the com- munity for h eir happinesss and res y r in Etat . Their atthe idlers . P Classic city is 210 Uambrsa Street, Stratford has a goodly number of residents from this neighborhood, pos- sibly a score or more who are ae asset to the city. Tuesday of this week Pte. Harold Jaoklin, left, St, Thomas, with the Battalion he is associated with, and after a abort sojourn ab Halifax ex- pect to go overseas to complete their Or ainenS m d then J D iu in the big i c o - fiICt in 'lance Pte. Jncc11] wishes old friends Goodbye and hopes to came back when he bas done his "bit". We wish hum a safe retiree. llIATreteme1AL— On Wednesday, April 11111, a quiet wedding took place at the home of James and Mrs. Col - 'slough, Dinsmore, Saskatchewan, formerly of Grey township, when Rev, A, Y nung, of O u Hook united in nnrriage their daughter: Jennie E. bo ford Davidson, Welham Routs Bridal chorus was played by the bride's sis- ter, Lillian. Bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a dress of Georgette crepe and silk overiace with rosebtid trimming over shadow lace, The many and costly presents testifiedto the high esteem in which the bride was held. Bride's travelling shit was dark blue abifiott plueh with hat to match, Mr. aid Ml's. David- son Will reside on the groomn1s farm, South of Elrose, Sask, 041•••••••••++K•0.O•`••••• Free • Bros.' • e Studio - Brussels m ♦ OPEN o • • Thursday, friday & Saturday , • Bach week until May lst, After • • that date Friday and Saturday. j • This is the last week of our o Special Bargains a e on all Photos. o OGroups taken at your own home v • anywhere in the country. • p 0 • Picture Framing Neatly Done 9 11.4'D441? -1•6 ...• a 6 c.46090b4.OP00 W. H. HERR, Proprietor Rev, E. G. Powell, Clinton, will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, He bus been reek, - ed with a fell house on, several1,0eas- ions. Don't forget your collection. The Presbyterian church has in- stalled 2 double gasoline lights which: thoroughly illumhiate the building from centre to circumference, They were purchased from Fred, Davis. Will, Murray, brother of R. J., G. T. R. agent, has just finished his course at Stratford Collegiate and is now engaged with Geo, McCall to work on farm for Summer months in order to get his Normal Entrance. W. T. Spence was aroused very early Monday morning by a young gentleman wanting 0 marriage license. W, T. after thinking the matter over carefully and getting a look ai the would -be -bride, she gave her age 16 years, absolutely refused to gat the license, thinking there might be ,.onle- thing bellied it all that might r; hire an investigation. WM. LOCKING DECEASED.—After a heroic fight for the past year or more William Locking, a well known and highly esteemed resident of this lo- cality, passed away early Thursday morning of last week, aged 52 years, 4 months and 8 days, The funeral took place from the house of his brother, Robe„ 12th Con. Grey, Saturday after- noon. Service was conducted by Rev, ibir. Johnson, Ethel, and inter- ment made at Brussels cemetery; Deceased was unmarried and is sur- vived by 2 brothers, Albert, of Galt, and Robert. Mr. Locking had resided in this locality for many years and was an industrious, exemplary man, respected by all who knew him. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—The Union Church Choir met at the home of George and Mrs. Michel, llth Con., on Tuesday evening of last week and presented Mrs. Michel with a cut glass Berry dish and silver spoon. Address, which was read by Miss Ruby Hind, was as follows ;—DEAR FLORENCE. — We, the members of the Union Church Choir, have met here tonighb to wish you every joy and happiness in your new home. For some years past you bave faithfully and willingly helped us in every way with your excellent musical talent, and we hope you will still continue to do the same as you will still worship with us in Union Church, As a token of these senti- ments and a little remembrance of our pleasant associations, we ask you to accept this cut glass berry dish and silver spoon. Signed on behalf of the Choir, Laura Speiran, Organist, Della Whitfield, Beatrice Whitfield, Ivah Speiran, Katye Denman, Ruby Hied, Myrtle Speiran, Mildred Boyd, Mabel Richmond, Alex. Speiran, Frank Boyd, Will. Speiran. Miss Mildred Boyd made the presentation. Mrs, Michel made a fitting reply thanking the choir for their kind words and fine gifts and world always be pleased to render assistance to the advancement of the work of the church. A pleasant time was enjoyed and lunch served and the company separated feeling assured that Mr, and Mrs. Michel's was a good place to visit if an enjoy- able few hours were wanted. Morrie Township Council minutes rimy le read on page 4. Thos. Pollard, Clinton, is vieitt..g with. his son, Oharlee, Eat „ravel read, This week Ed. Henderson and Miss Eva Jamieson, both of 3rd line, were united in marriage at Listowel. Mrs, Mceliehaei, Brantford, vets a welcome visitor at the parental home with 13. and Mrs. Bone, 3rd line, What about your entry for the Field Crop Competition in connection with East Huron Agricultural Society? Rend the advt. couceruiug it 111 this issue. Sunshine Methodist Church anni- versary Sabbath afternoon and evert- ing, 29th, inst. Rev. Mr. McCormick, Blyth, will preach and a Male Sextette from Brussels Methodist Choir. will sing at both services. A clearing Auction Sale will be held at the home of the late Robe. Ander- son, Se Lot 4, Con. 4, Morris, on Fri- day afternoon of next week, Sale is made by the Executors to close up the estate. List may be rend on page 8 of this issue of THE POST. WEDDINs. — A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. H. White, 469 Gertrude Avenue. Winnipeg, when Eva Edna, youngest daughter of Mrs. Jolty, Mc- Cutcheon, Wroxeter, Ont., was united in marriage to Herbert Alexander, eldest son of W. H. and Mrs. Nixon, Winnipeg, Rev. Dr, Salton offici.cting. The bride, charmingly gowned in a dress of cream messaline silk and carrying a boquet of bridal roses, entered the room on the arm os her cousin, H. White, to the accompani- ment of Mendelssohn's weeding march, played by Miss Luella Se bite, After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served. The happy couple left on the noon train for Southern points, and will be at home to their friends at 517 Walker Avenue, Winnipeg, after April 15th. Miss Mc0utcheon iefered to is a sister to Mrs. S. Fox, East gravel soad. recently of Brus- sels. Ethel CARofcement received. Persons requiring any, phone or see S. S. Oous, Ethel. Wilfrid Eckinier is engaged with Ohas. Lamont for' the Summer. Mrs. D. 0. Ross, Brussels was a visitor with her mother, Mrs, S. Ames, Tuesday of this week. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church are arranging plans for their annual Entertainment on Thursday, May 24th. We have now 3 autocycles in town, They create quite a noise. If the war was a little closer they would appear like dispatch riders. Contract for cement basement for Methodist church has been let to S. S. Cole, He is having the blocks made ready for rushing the work along. The moving picture show Wednes- day night was fairly good, but not in- tended in anyway to benefit Patriotic Society, Red Cross or church. It seems difficuit to geb a good attend- ance. Sap has almost quit running, W. Hall and Geo. Addy were the chief manufacturers of the sweet stuff, Product is about the same as previous years and process of manufacture ex- actly the same, what caused the ad- vance in price ? MATRIMONIAL.— At "Maple Drive Farm" D. W. Dunbar, a hams of D 7'atm the joyous cn o nuy,numbering about 50 assembled on Wednesday, lith fest„ to witness the tying of else matrimoni- al knot between William E. Brown, proprietor of Ethel cheese factory and Miss Stella G., daughter of the host, As the Wedding March was being played by Miss Elsie Dunbar, sister of Hid bride, the principals took their places, the bride being given away by her father. Rev. J. L. McCulloch conducted the ceremony. The only attendant was Miss Marie Riddell, cousin m of t le groom whoa performed the duties of flouter girl in good style, the wedding ring being curried in a tastily decked basket. Bride wore a becoming costume of white satin with Georgette crepe and onr'ried a beauti- ful boquet. While the register was being signed George Dunbar sang in good voice"Love's Love's Ooronation,'' Af- ter hearty congratulations the guests sat delve to an elaborates road of the spread of f this life: The good things s o g the bride and groom weir proposed by Rev. Mt', McOilloeh and appropriately responded to by Mr. Brown and Mr, Dunbar, Wedding gifts were choice, numerous and valuable, After enjoy- ing a splendid time the company sep- arated wishing Mr, and Mrs. Brawn many happy prosperous years, The young couple will make their home have, 11re groom being the enterpris- ing proprietor of Ethel cheese history. Belgrave Next Sabbath Rev. err, Parnaby will preach at Blyth, Rev. Dir. Mc- Cormick conducting anniversary ser- vices at Sunshlue in the afternoon and evening. The evening servi,te in the Methodist church will be cancel- led for that Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Anderson, who is 89 years of age, has returned to Munson, Ohio, with bee daughter, Mrs. Burk- holder, The old lady has resided in this locality for over. 50 years. Site is wonderfully smart for a woman of her advanced age. Robert Anderson, re- cently deceased, was her sou. The farm of the late Robert Ander- son, S. e, Lot 4, Con. 4, Morris, has been leased to Thos. Brydges, a neigh- bor, for 1017 cram:, The Executors have announced a clearing Auction Sale of Farm stock, implements, &a„ for Friday afternoon of next week, May 4th, at 1 p. m. Executors are George Procter and Jos, Wilkiuson. F. S. Beebe, Auctioneer. The Women's Institute purpose packing boxes to send to the soldier boys in England. and France, in the Foresters' Hall Saturday afternoon of this week, All who wish to std a contribution should bear this in rand so as to be in time, DAVID SrNn \T DECEASED,—' A splendid ratan linseed off this scam of action when Datrld Sproat answered the iRole call of the skies last Tues- day nigt, its his 33rd year. Me. S =lt fn' about 20 roathadlivtc1 here P known b � ever. - eara and was Well k y g 1 body. He was big of stature and hod. a hearts and will correspondingly large. Nobody ever sought his help in time of need to be denied. Over a year ago be underwent a serious nper- atiau at 1Vhugham hospital and had 8 since but at hue advanced age they only gave temporary relief. An at- tack of pneumonia was the immediate cause of death, Mr. Sprout was born iu Scotland a n n s mid several occasions visited the land of trove heath and s e shaggy wood. Twice married, his widow was Agnes Harwell, of Sea- forth. They had no family. The subject of this notice lived ab Egmand- ville before coming to Belgrave and his remains will be interred there Thursday of this week, Service wee held at the home here Wednesday evening by Rev. Dir, Boyle. a1 m e ber of the Sproat was a to m p loyal church and a very' For staunch Liberal h1t politics, at years he was engaged in the mercan- tile business. -Mrs, Sproab is sym- pathised with itt her bereavement. Rev. kir, Boslcing. pester of St, John's Methodist church for the rest 4 years, and formerly of this locality, has accepted an invitation to take char;,:' -of the ehurah •at '1'halnesford,and will leave to June,