HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-12, Page 5IILi SAIF, aS CARDS,
Mee in the Pont Office, I31ho1. 10.4
L o nun, will sell for better prices, to
better Men, in lees time and less charges
mu 9 oi;her Auctioneer in hast Huron or
he wont ohargo anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arrangod at this Moe or by
personal applioatlon,-
V o Barrister, Solioftor, Ounveyalmer,
Notar7Public, Sc. o5loo-6tewart'sBlock
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solicitor for the Motropolltan Bank,
Business Cards
+++++++++++++ .1..1,++++++++++.1,
•I• ra,
If you have any J•
• guests at your
,1, home, aro going 0 f
• out of town for a .
• visit, or know of vl
b 0 an y Interesting or r
1' news, let us hear' 3•
}• from yon, We 3 2 •ls,'
always appreciate
t such favute.
t igai Phone 31 01' 82
geasairs 'JteJWali' liaavrar
Express 7:13a m Hall 11:22 a m
Express 3:62 n in I Express 5:07 p m
0.11.1 a SPIAN PP'ez zo
To Toronto To Godorloh
Express 7:50 a m I Express 12:04 am
Express 6:16 p m I Express 7:46 pm
Going East - 7:06 0. in. and 8:40 p. in.
Going West - 12:18 and 0:68 p.m,
All trains going Last connect with C.P. R. at
Orangeville for Owon Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent,
Snocesser to lit, H. Moore. Office at Ander.
F.011 Bros.:Liver tale Brussels. Telephone 'strict �y'��'
No. 29,
Yn b p.�'L.C�U'S
T. T. M' RAE Grey
M. B., M. O. P., @ S. O.
M. 0, H., Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Acooucheur
Officeatresidence, opposite Melville Churoh,
William 010001.
Bachelor of Modielne, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physiolnns and Sur.
[.eons, Ontario ex -Senior House Surgeon of
)1,7 astern Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr.
A. Mcgevey, Smith Block, Brussels.
Rural }Moue 49,
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick medical College, Chicago,
Ill„ is prepared to test eyes and fit, glasses at
her office over miss mean's millinery stole.
Office days—Wedneodoy, Thursday, }friday
and Saturday of every week. Offine house -10
to 12 a. in. ; 1 to 6 p. m. Evenings by appolnt-
rnent. Phone 1219,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College Day and night calls. Office opposite
lrlour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call.
Both Hrneaels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Mester, Melville Church,
Brussels. Pupils prepared for Toronto 001 -
loge of Music Examinations. Phone 60x
Barriaters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rotes.
W , PrtoonrOOT, E. C. J, L, KILLORAN
H. J, D. Coons
modern steam-
ers — ¢quipped with
every comfort nod
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"15-k1116 StV5r
Agent Allen Line, Brussels.
Ontario's Best Business College
Ass Students may enter our glasses at an, time, ((01111000100 yusir 0061605 IOWW,md
be qualified for a position by 8ltdsnm-
mar, During July end August of last
your we recrivod Dills for over 200
office a0slatante we could not saw
Our grnduatea fire 10 demand.Hund,
, Write at once for our freo eitalogue,
rD. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal;
6..48,gtevlwseeee�Aaw.aeaed lee< <l
AT •HO 'n"` E
Thotmnnds of nmbltlotis young peo-
hple are fast preparing in their own
omes to 000ap7 luarativo positions OH
stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, civil servants, in fact every
sphere of activities, You may finish nt
college if•oft so wiob, Penittona guar-
anteed. Enter college any day. Lull.
vidual iustruotlen. Export iaaohe•0.
Thirty yohrs' oxperionoe. Largest
trainers in Onnndn, Seven colleges.
Special 6ourso for tenohors,
Affiliated with Commercial Educa-
tor'sAssociation of Canada, Summer
8ohool nt raiment Spottort Business Col.
loge, London.
Wingham Business College
GEO. SooTTOs, W. T. merits,
President. Prinoipal,
SCHOOL REPaoT,—The following is
the report of the Caster Promotion
Exams. of S. S. No. 2, Grey. From
Jr. IV. to Sr. 1V.—Jean Turnbull 87,
An ria llcradzean 78, Margaret Nolan
74, From Sr. III. to Jr. IV.—Harvey
Johnston 82, Clara Kirkconnell 72,
Andrew Rirkconnell 71, Jessie Kirk-
connell 69. rem Pt,, II. to Jr. II.—
Bert Johnston. From Pt. I. to Pt. H.
—Evelyn Cunningham.
AMY Role, Teacher.
PR0.14oTION EXAMS,—Following is
the report of S. S, No. 10, Grey, for
the Easter Promotion. Honors 78%.
Pasts 60%,—Sr. III to Jr. IV—Vallance
Inglis 86, Gladys Whitfield 84, Isabel
Inglis 82, Lenora Patterson 80, Mae-
garet Stevenson 79, Eric Whitfield 77,
Leslie Beier 70. Jr. .int to Sr. III—
Roy Patterson 84, Edgar Whitfield 68,
Gordon Speiran 66. Se. II to Jr. III—
Gladys Neabel 88, Eveline Ellacott 85,
Orval Whitfield 84, Wilda Speiran 77,
Laura McDonald 75, Flora McDonald
74, .Arthur Whitfield 72, Myrtle Hal-
lenbeck 70, Mabel Oox 05, Douglas
Greig 62. Walter Witrd 00. Jr. 11 to
Ste II—Lama Patterson 76, Myrtle
Ward '75, Eldon Whitfield 73, Ewart
Whitfield 69, Melvin Otu'nochan 68,
J38rtie Neahel 61. Sr. I to Jr. II—An-
nis Inglis '79, Kate Stevenson 78,
Bertha Speiran '76, Victor Becker 75,
Leslie Patterson 70, Lillian Whitfield
64, Nelson Whitfield 60, Primer to I
Form—Doris Neabel 80, Clifford
Brown '79, Eltner D•llacott 64.
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
report of S, 18, Nu. 10, Motels for the
month of March. Examined in Arilh,
Ca'eog„ Lit„ Gram„ Oon]p„ and daily
work. Tolal number of maelcs 440.
Entrance class—R. Torvey 406, E.
Ramsay 400, *0. Forrest 285. Jr, IV'.
—R. Ketnaghan 246, *S. Johnston
242, *V. Johnston 157. Sr. HI. —
Exam, in AriI,h,. Geog„ Rend., Lit..
daily work. Total 400.—G. Robertson
389, A. Wheeler 289, J. Miller 283, S.
Smillie 277, G. M,dfat 255, G. Kevlag-
htut 157. Jr. 11L—L. eraser 870, Al,
Johnston 829, J. Messer 806, H. Robb
291, M. Mcllougall 283, D. McDougall
dib, G. Ecicmier 214 L. Johnston 104.
.11. IL-136xttm. it: Writ., Ariele, Read.
Lit., and daily wink. Total 810. B.
Campbell $32, ',H. Thomas 264, F.
ivekmiel 237, 0. Robertson 237. W.
Peacock 137, *WV. Sellers 130, 00,
Johnston 88, *E. Karges, Pt. 11,
Examined in daily work,—Good—S.
Moffatt. Jr, I:—Excellent—E. Johns-
ton, L. Rnbe•teou. Good --V, Eck-
mier, J. McDougall, O. Kernaghan.
Fide—P. Johnston. *Absent from
exam. Red Cross contribution, $3.00.
B. MACQOAR11IE, Teacher,
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
result of Promotion Exam. in S. S.
No, 6, Morris. Names in order of
merit. Jr. IV to Sr. IV.—Nortnnn
Show, Mina Wilkinson. Sr. III to Jr.
IV.—Oecil Bons (hon,), Earl Bellies.
Jr. III to Sr. LV,—L]Ilinu Sellers, Jim
Hogg. .SI. II to Jr. III.—Frank Sel-
lers, Stun, Barr. I to Jr. II.—Llarry
Kert•, •lark Shaw, 0. YletLL, 'Teacher,
llotingis t
result of the Prtunntion ,stun, in S. S.
No, 8, binrlis. Nlunes in order (,f
merit, Sr. INT.—Honors-1810u Wat•--
wiok, George Fell,Ethel Gaieties,
Fuwnk Gneiss, Charlie Rosman, Wil-
lner Tien ney. Jr, iV.—Mai anrie Gras -
by', Harty GAM'Isa. St% IIL.—Alfred
John010n,'61ny 1Varwirk, Fred. Brew-
er. Jr, 111,—.10 net blcVetlie (lion.),
Walter Sellers, i6c it ), Melia 'Purvey
(hon.) Lillian (lnrniss. Fraser Ales -
turd, Bertha Sonch, (1harlie Warwick,
Sr. IL.—Kenui•tlr tloVettie (hon.). Jr.
IL—Gordon Hamilton, hlnyd Turvey.
]r, I—Margaret Mt:VetLie, Hazel
Hatnilton, Bert Gat hiss, Fletcher
Fell. M. F. Yt11tt,, Teacher,
Elnett Municipal Council met last
Started ay. .
Mts. William Inglis, near Atwood,.
sustained a broken nem,
James Melvin Olehwid, of Etna, has
enlisted in the 0. A. M. 0. for overseas
Aire, 130elimer, (nee Pearl McKee),
of Los Angelos, California, is visiting
with Wesley and Mrs. Boyd,
R. A.. Thompson was at Guelph at-
tending the Instructor's Convention
barn e starting on his work as Dairy
Instructor of this district.
Samuel Love purchased John -Val-
lance's farm and George Gordan cold
hie hoose th Mr. Vallance, while Me,
Oruden bought Mrs, Longmiro's reel -
James Watson Guy, of Junior,
Bask„ and lilies Lena Isabel (Nettie,
Atwood, were quietly wedded at the
Presbyterian Al3118 , 11,1$1,0w el, on
Wednesday mowing, t+latch 28th,
Rey. J, M. Nicol olliontthig, The
bride wore a smart travelling snit of
navy blue serge and a 116000000e
black hitt, Me, twirl Ales, Guy will
spend it while in London, Merlin and
Atwood. before leaving to take up
their home on the groom's ranch
twat' 13ateleford,
M101 Bessie Davidson, who has been
in Western Canada for nearly a year,
lute returned home,
D. and Mrs, £YleOutehoon, who resid-
ed near Bethel church for many
years, will be interacted to hear that 2
of the daughters were married recent-
ly. These tvere Misses Eva and
Mamie, The family have been livilig
in Regina for acouple of years and 16
was there the weddings took place.
Mrs, W. 3, Tnglien has been quite
in and is confined to her bed.
Miss Hazel Oosens went to London
where she has secured a position,
• Albert ivlorphy is moving into the
village to the house lately occupied
by Ivie Oosens.
Arrangements are being made for
the Epworth League anniversary—
May 20th and 21st.
A baptismal and reception service
was held in connection with regular
service Easter morning,
Lawrence Mc. roe 1
0 is in Toronto
Mee week to try his examination
for entering the aviation corpse]
John Morse has moved (morn his
farm on the boundary to thevillage
and will soon be getting things in
1eadinessfor starting the cheese fac-
James Rowe's health is gradually
Jos. McLaughlin has been nursing a
severely sprained ankle,
The new mail -carrier on Fordwiolt
Route No, 1 is Jos. W. Beewitheriek.
Caretaking of Methodist church
here bas been let to James Matthews.
Joseph Davidson went to Carling-
ford owing. to the death of his step
0. W. Reichard was laid up for a
few days with an attack of blood
poisoning in his arm.
Walter McMichael was appointed
Village Trustee to fill vacancy caused
by the removal of 0. E. Wade.
Miss Josie Hainetock and John H.
D. Mowat were married in Trinity
church on Tuesday of last week.
After the ceremony a reception was
held at the home of Isaac and Mrs.
Gamble. The happy couple left for
Toronto:the following day.
D. Macdonald left last week on a
week's visit to Washington.
Union Good Friday services were
held in North Street Methodist church
at 11 o'clock.
Mrs. (Rev.) Joseph Elliott has re-
turned from Montreal, whore she
spent the Winter.
Barry Stowe has bought the bus
business from Thos, Davis and has
leased the barn, the lease dating from
the 1st of liay,
John Tiffin left for Cttbri, Sask.,
where he expects to remain for the
Snrliinel', Mrs. Tiffin will remaiu at
their hone nn Brock Street.
Lance-Oorporal Roy Black has been
seriously ill with pneumonia for the
past six weeks, but is improving. He
is in the hospital in England.
For ehomolth of March the deposits
from Victoria public school in the
penny bunk were $110.00 from 872
depositors, and from Central school
$3350 from 187 depositors.
Mrs. W. G. Willie is visiting at the
home of her mother, Alts, 0. 0. l�ril-
son, in Detroit.
Miss Bessie McMichael has accepted
a position on the staff of the Oanadian
Bank of Commerce here.
Seaforth Horticultural Society has
a membership this year of 215, an in-
crease over last year of 105 members.
Mise Marion Watson and Miss El -
coat left for New York to take a
course of training in the Roosevelt
Hoopi sal,
L. G, Weir, of the Royal Hotel, has
,purchased a moving picture theatre ill
eleaford and intends moving there
Aliso Barbara Sproat, from the staff
of 1110 He man Kiefer Hospital, De-
troit, is spending a few days at the
parental home of Jno. and Mrs.
AUTO_ •F Fr ,.a '''r(r J,ay
Thursday, friday & Saturday
The Dangerous Condition * Each Week 3:
Which Produces Many Well I snug OURKnown Diseases. j k • SpecialBargains x
* on all Photos. Side to May lst
"FRRUIT.A.TIVES" — The Wonderful
Fruit Medicine --will Protect You
Autointoxictttiou means self -poises-
ing, caused by continuous or partial
constipation, or insufficient action of
the bowels.
Instead of the refuse matter passing
daily from the body, it is absorbed by
the blood. As a result, the Kidneys and
Skin are overworked, in their efforts to
rid the blood of this poisoning.
Poisoning of the blood in this way often
eauees Indigestion, Loss of Appetite
11 Disturbed and D s. bed Stomach. It pro-
- ro-
duce Headacll 's and Sleeplessness. 11
*;aythe Kidneys and bring on
Pain in the Beek, Rheumatism, Gout,
and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief
cause of Eczema—and keels flee whole
systenannbealt/n'byiheconstant absorp-
tion into the blood of this refuse matter.
"Fr uii-a-tines" will always cure Anto-
intoxicaiion or self-poisoning—as
"Fruit-a-tives " acts gently on bowels,
kidney's and skin, strengthens the
bowels and. tones up the nervous system.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited,
Dr, Beattie, of Toronto University,
addressed the boys of the Collegiate
urging them to assist the farmers in
the Summer.
The managers of the Presbyterian
Ohurrh entertained the Session and
Sabbath School Teachers to tea in the
basement of the Church.
Rev, J. A. Hacking attended regu-
lar session of Perth County Council at
14Iiss Erie Hawkins went to Toronto
as the North Pertlt delegate to the
Teachers' Convention being held in
that city.
R. T. Kemp, marble dealer, has in-
stalled an electric power compressed
air stone cutting outfit and in future
the work will be done by power,
Percy Peppier, who has been award-
ed the contract for carrying the until
on 13„ R. No. 2, has curt:Rimmed his
duties. Wm. Hamilton has again
been awarded the contract on Route
No. 3.
By a vote of 119 to 206 Listowel rate-
payers supported the bylaw to loan
the Perfect ICnit Mills, Lilnitecl,
$15,000, to assist ]n he erection of a
modern spinning mill on the tannery
property. Already a large frame
strneture on the premises is being put
into shape for a storehouse, and as
soon as the weather permits the new
plant will be proceeded with. It will
belof concrete, one story in height, 76
by 150 feet.
Car flour, Bran
Middlings, Corn and Wheat Chop
High Grade Clover and Timothy
Seed for sale at right prices. Also
Mangold, Turnip and other Seeds.
Good variety of Potatoes for Table
or Seed.
We J. McCrd ken
Ring Phone 48 or 27. 30-4
T h e Lowest Price d
Comp(ialta Motor
Vehicle hi the World.
• There is no louger any ex -
entre for walking. It is n0ty
cheaper to ride. (-et out into
the great ant -doors. Go
where you please when you
blot r <A a cycle
(Front Wheel Drive)
%'ill tale yon anywhere and everywhere quickly and coulforttably. 11 is as
r ependttble 0,0 u motorcycle. It le clean and comfortable, easy to start, and
control—a simple twist of the wrist does it, There is nothing else like it any-
where. Drop in and -let its show you,
Pepper Motorcycle Exchange
35o Danforth ave., Toronto
Agents for
Thor and Dayton Motorcycles
. Picture Framing Neatly Done
No action will be taken by Inspect-
or Elliott ttgttinst Mfr, Boehuier, of the
Queen's Hotel, Listowel. The goods
recently seized did not show tt per-
centage of alcohol sufficient to war-
rant an action.
At the meeting of the Epworth
League following officers were elect-
ed :—President, Miss Pnreell ; 1st
Vice -President, 1', Osborne ; 211d Viae -
President, Mts. B1atehfod ; 3rd Vice -
President, Mrs. Karges ; 4112 Vice -
President, A. Calder ; Treasurer, 0,
V. Blatchford ; Secreeary, bliss Jean
Ridge ; Pianists, Miss Vera Seaman
and Miss Francis Millyard,
Farmers of this vicinity hevo organ-
ized an association to be known as the
f Breeders shoe i
n lio
Listowel Horse sed er A B 1 t
and have elected the following
offices .—President W Turnbull
Vice -Pres„ G. Nickel ; Sec,-Treas., J,
Henderson ; Directors—J. Maybury,
W, Mason, D. E. Campbell and A.
Bradford. A committee to purchase
the best Clydesdale stalIinn money
can buy was formed, He will be
brought here to better the standard
of horses and will he used by the
members of the Association,
Huron County.
Jarvis Anderson has purchased the
barber shop outfit from William Mole,
Dungannon, and will conduct business
in the Old stand.
Wesley Harvey was offered $7,000
for his 100 acre farm, 3rd Con., Stan-
ley, but refused to sell, This is $800
more than it was sold for 5 years ago.
John Al. l.lenn,-Stanley, disposed of
a very fine 12 months' old calf to Hugh
McDonald, Hensel], for $119. This
calf was sold at Toronto for Easter
Biarneystone", the large 5 -year-old
thoroughbred Shorthorn bull owned
by Henry Smith, Hay, died from in-
digestion. It is only a few months
ago since Mr. Smith refused to accept
$1000 for him.
Dr, J. A. Rollins, formerly of Exe-
ter, who is assistant superintendent of
the Asylum at Mimico, has been
granted a leave of absence for several
mouths, and has moved with his
family to London, where he is occupy-
ing one of his residences in the city
on Bellevue Ave.
Perth County
South Perth Agricultural Society
Spring. Fair will be held at Stratford
on Tuesday, April 17111,
Lieut. John Keyes, a former well-
known Stratford contractor. who
went overseas as a private in the 34th
Battalion but was later made a
Lieutenant in the Pioneers, is ill in a
hospital in France, according to word
received by his wife.
A number of letters from the boys
in France have reached Stratford in
which they say that all the 110th
Battalion are now in France, with the
exception of about 8 teen, and by lite
tune of this letter all will be iu the
trenches before this.
Rev, Dr. W. F. Wilson, familiarly
known as "Move on Wilson" of Toron-
to, died at the age of sixty.
A portion of,the Toronto Golf Club
grounds will be; used for the raising of
Lorenzo Bengiet, a young merchant of
McGregor, Ont., died at the Hotel Dieu,
Wiudsor, from a gunshot wound receiv-
ed while cleaning a revolver.
Francis James McKay, a New Zea-
lander, 35 years of age, au ex -member of
Canada's military force, pleaded guilty
to four charges of uttering forged
checks, and was sentenced to seven
years in the penitentiary.
ANGUS SIMESON, Sarnia, Ontario,
says :
"I have used Homestead Bone Black
FerLilizer and want to tell you that it
is the best fertilizer I ever used, both
of my (miens, beets and potatoes."
WM. PAOH, Lambeth, Out„ says :
"I purchased Homestead FerLilizer
from 11. Hamlyn, Lambeth, merely as
A teat, The results wore wonderful.
The ground between the rows was
covered by the tops. The yield was
extra good. I can easily see how any-
body would be greatly benefitted by
using Homestead Fertilizer,"
JOE MOSSEAU, Dells River, Ontario.
says :
"I used Homestead Bone Black Fer-
tilizer last Spring on my potatoes and
am so well pleased that I must write
you about sante. I made a Lhorongh
test with two bushels of seed potatoes.
They produced 40 bushels and where I
did not fetilieo they were a failure."
CLARENCE RALF, Orwell, Ontario,
says :
"I bought 'some Homestead Bone
Black Fertilizer front Charles Mimard,
and used it on part of lay onion,
Where I used it I had three times the
crop I had where there was no Fertil-
izer. My corn was lite same."
Write Michigan 010•boi Works, De-
troit, for free book and particulars
about their homestead Bone Black
Sind f v onrt c..7.,"'ac and learn of our other valuable prcmlums. 18
Dalel . b. a -Hunter Seed LONDON
00@ Co e0
TDa d Co., Limited, CANADA
ee-`(�cuf` e
Address a postcard to us new
and receive by return mail a
copy of our nets illustrated 80.
page catalogue of Garden,
Flower and Field Seeds, Root
Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small
Fruits, Garden Tools, etc.
SPECIAL.—,Ws will a10
send you freo a packet (value
15c) of our andce
Giant Flowering
Pliant ['hwerir' Cernatlen This carnation is n great favor.
its; the flowers are large and
fraerant era ts well outdoors Transplanted into pots in the
to ,• t. ' tS I L..r11 r oly from October till the end of May. Extra
pleats ,.re " iy p �, , front them by cuttings, "pipings" or layering.
• +44-44-H44i••.-A++S••i"i++++++++*+++++*++++4.+++
UR THANKS are due for the appre-
ciative words, sales and orders booked
in connection with our Millinery
We will be pleased to fill your orders and
supply your needs from our up-to-date stock
and at reasonable prices.
'd E 0 Ross
• Fie;•Fr't-e.y.-s•g,r.',.,5,Ce•'O2d@{ •••14,•+•404•.♦•600♦•O®09@•di•®••,
ter?-,=�Ir• '' '�
.-111 at r!,
.r rr
e dr�,yti▪ r. -
To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario.
Keep hens thisyear
GG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom
or never been experienced, certainly wake it worth
anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so
you have fr:s11 eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same`
time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that
something. towards hel ''�,p• Britain Cana
you are doing b p—O ,►
and the Allies achieve victory this year.,
Iu. t aced production of food helps not only to Towel•
the high root of living, but it helps to increase the
urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export.:
It saves money
o^f isospent eggs andPo i
at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose,
effort is needed for more vital war work.
The 1.1 ria Department of Agriculture will ve
r.0 c 1 gr gY
every possrii.' r ssis'ance by affording information about
poultry keeping. 'Write for free bulletin which tells how
to klep hens (uddt'ess below).
"A vegetable garden
for every home',
Nothing s115'111d be overlooked in this vital year of the
war. Tho 1'\'par;ment earnestly invites everyone to help
increase production by growing vegetables. Even the
smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro-
duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is
not essential.
On n quest the Department of Agriculture will send
valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc-
tions for prerering soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A. plan
of ct vegetable garden, Indicating suitable crop to grow,
best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will
be sent free to any address.°
Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign,"
Department of Agriculture, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto
Oitstark Department of _Agriculture
W. 14. Hearat, Miniotor of Agriculture
Pallinmcia8 Buildings Toronto 11