HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-12, Page 3YOUNG FOLKS _I
You Can Do Your Bit
in the trenches, in the home,
in the office, in the factory
-, in'the store, when the body
is nourished with foods
that build healthy muscle
without overtaxing the di-
gestive organs. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains the
greatest amount of body-
building nutriment at lowest
cost. It strengthens the
muscles of the stomach and
intestines by making them
do their normal work in a
natural way. A better -
balanced ration than meat
or eggs, more easily digested
and costs much less. Ready -
cooked and ready - to - eat.
For breakfast with milk or
cream, or for any meal with
fruits. Made in Canada.
When Ray Coon Went Fishing.
One day, when the long winter was
nearly over and when there were signs
o£ spring in the sunny earners of the
woods, on the tops of the bills and in
the fields, Ray Coon told Mother Coon
that he mounted to go fishing through
the ice.
"Very well," said Mother Coon, "I
think that is a good idea. I'm getting
hungry for a fish dinner myself. But
he careful! The ice is getting pretty
thin, you know,"
"Oh, 1 wont's get into any trouble,"
promised Ray Coon, as he hurried
away to find the pole and the line.
When he reached the pond he picked
up a stout stick that he found on the
shore, and Ile made his way carefully
out on the ice a few steps. Then he
raised the stout stick and brought
down the end, thump! bang! crash! on
the ice until he broke a hole big en-
ough to fish through.
He had to wait a long time for the
first bite. At last there was a sud-
den tugging on the line, and Ray Coon
pulled it back sharply as it begin to
slip through his hands. Then he drew
to the surface a plump fish that he
removed from the hook and Laid on
the ice behind him. From that time
he had fine luck. Three more fish,
as large and as plump as the first one,
lay on the ice when his hook caught
something that he could not move.
He pulled and pulled, but it was of no
Now, while all this was happening,
the Fos boys bad left the tree where
they were idling away the morning,
and had slowly followed Ray Coon to
the short: of the pond. Their eyes al-
most popped out of their heads when
they saw the fish lying on the ice be-
side the hole where Ray Coon was
standing. All at once they decided
that fishing through the ice was worth
while, and that they should like to join
Ray Coon in his sport. Then they
saw that he was pulling hard on his
line without bringing anything to
the surface.
"Hold on, Ray!" shouted Reddy Fox,
"We'll be right there!" -
"We thought that you might need
help, and so we hurried over!" shouted
Rusty Fox.
Ray Coon had to laugh a little to
himself when he saw them running to-
ward the pond, but he was very glad
to see them coming.
"Hurry, boys!" he cried. "I guess
I've caught a whale!"
"My!" said Reddy Fox. "Don't let
him drag you in!"
"And don't jerk the line," said
Rusty Fox. "That might break it."
The Fox boys ran out on the ice and
took hold of the slack of the line be-
hind Ray Coon.
"Now, all tgk'ether, boys," cried Ray
Coon. "Let's' pull him out!"
Something gave way a little, and
Rusty Fox cried, "Pull harder, every-
one! It's coming, and it's surely a
But. they did not pull out a whale or
anything else. The strain of the sec-
ond hard pull was too much for the
line. It suddenly parted with a snap,
and Ray Coon and the Fox boys fell
sprawling backward an the ice.
"Ouch!" grunted Ray Coon.
"Ouch! Ouch!" grunted the two Fox
But they were not hurt, and if they
had been hurt they would have forgot-
ten it in their amazement at seeing
two black heads push themselves out
of the hole in the ice, Then Mr.
Beaver and Mrs. Beaver carne
scrambling up on the ice. It was
plain that they were both very angry,
"What do you young rascals mean
by this?" growled Mr, Beaver. "Pull-
ing our house to pieces over our ears!"
"Yes," joined Mrs, Beaver, "when
we were all sound asleep, too, just as
you ought to be until spring is here!"
"Please, Mr. Beaver, we meant no
harm," said Ray Coon. While he
was explaining how sorry he was, and
how he wished that he could repair the
damage, Mr, and Mrs. Beaver turned
and flopped back through the hole into
the water.
"Well, it's too bad," said Ray Coon
with a big sigh, "but 1 don't see how
T could help it!"
Then Ray Coon sighed again. "Such
a fishing trip!" he said, "The Fox
boys have taken my fish, and I have
lost my hook and cast catch no morel"
Bis spirits, usually so light, were
very heavy as he trudged homeward
through the woods. He was especial-
ly disappointed because he knew that
his mother was expecting a fish din-
ner; and it was very hard to feel that
his freinds would play a mean trick on
But when he reached home, the very
first thing that he smelled was frying
fish, and that even before he entered
the house! And there in the kitchen
were the Fox boys busily helping hie
mother sat the table for dinner:
"You see," explained Reddy Fox, be-
fore Ray Coon could lied his voice and
say a word, "we thought that we
would hurry light to your house with
the fish, for we knew that you would
be pretty hungry by the time Mr.
Beaver got through scolding you!"
My! How „good that fish dinner test-
ed! 11 -:signer Father Coon nor
Mother Coon nor the Fox boys enjoy-
ed it so niueh as Ray Coon did; and
the host part of the feast for him was
to know that his friends had not play-
ed a mean trick on him, . niter a11. —
Youth's Companion.
11. April Fashions 11
There is a decided predominance of
silks for spring. Among the silks for
suits, poplin, rajah and tussur are
strongly in evidence, and many novel
ideas are noticed in the developments
of these materials. On a suit of gold -
colored silk jersey, black velvet was
used for the collar and for a band at
the lower edge of the coat. Some
suits of rajah bilk are trimmed with
stenciling in attractive calor combina-
tions. The stenciling is done on the
fronts of the coats or only on the belts,
just enough to furnish some contrast.
This is one of the very newest trim-
ming ideas.
In spite of the great vogue for col-
ors in all the brightest hues and in all
manner of combinations, a great deal
of black and white is used. When
A Stuart Spring Coat in Barrel Effect
cleverly handled, this combination is
always attractive. Solid black and
white checked materials with rather
large checks are considered smart for
coats, both for the long separate coats
and for shorter coats to be worn with
white serge shirts.
A good many spring coats have
Those Nervest
If it's caffeine—the drug
in tea and coffee—that's
causing shaky nerves, the
remedy is perfectly plain—
Quit both tea and coffee,
and for a pleasant, health-
ful table beverage, use—
POStUln is a delicious
cereal drink, pure and
nourishing and absolutely
free from any harmful in-
There's a big army of
Postuln users who are en-
joying better health and
comfort since joining the
"There's a Reason"
Canadian Poetutn Cereal Co„ Ltd.,
Windsor, out.
taken on the lines of the new barrel' s'
silhouette, showing that this effect
/is not restricted to drosses only. A
very smart model is fashioned
I nese of the upper part gradually los-
' mg itself when it res
Machine stitching furnishes the finish
W1 th a
deep band at the lower part, the fel-
ekes the band. I 283 King Street East, Toronto
of this coat, which is shown in the
sketch. The material is soft, spring- s too great and the possible gain in
weight velours, one of the favored
spring fabrics.
Ribbons are corning in for a great
deal of prominence this season, They
are not used only for small accessories Ceaseless Vigilance and Perfect Or-
. such as girdles and collars, but have
become much more important and ganization of Special Branch.
have been employed for parsols and Closely allied to the Intelligence
huts. Very wide striped ribbons Services of the Navy and Army is the
combining three or more harmonizing Special Branch of the Criminal In-
eolm•shave been used very effectively vestigation Department at Scotland
to matte parasols and to cover the Yard, in London, England.
entire crown and top of the brim of
Its activities before the war were
light -weight straw hats for sports
wear. Matching parasols, hats and considerable—unobtrusively guarding
handbags made of ribbon or the pretty great persons, keeping an eye on an -
figured silks, are seen over and over archists, and dealing with the suffra-
again, I gette movement. But the war has
made it at once a great centre for
counteracting the German spy menace
and many men who have stood blind-
folded before a firing -party in the
Tower ditch at early dawn have had
cause to curse its ceaseless vigilance.
So perfect was its organization at
the outbreak of war that it was imme-
diately able to send a detachment of
men to work at headquarters in
France, while the remainder speedily
unearthed the tangled schemes of en -
Passing of Winter Leaves emy spies in England.
The Special Branch was originally
People Weak and established to deal with Fenianism in
Depressed. England, and for many years was
nutriment is too slight.
These patterns may be obtained
from your locol McCall dealer or from
The McCall Co., '70 Bond Street, Tor-
onto, Ont. Dept. W
As winter passes away it leaves
many people feeling weak, depressed
and easily tired. The body lacks that
vital force and energy which pure
blood alone can give.
D,r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are an all-year•round blood
builder and nerve tonic, but they are
especially useful In the spring. Every
dose helps to make new, rich, red
blood. Returning strength commences
with their use and the vigor and cheer-
fulness of good health quickly follows.
There is just one cure for lack of
blood and that is more blood. Food
is the material from which blood is
made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
double the value of the food we eat.
They give strength, tone up the stom-
ach and weak digestion, clear the
complexion of pimples, eruptions and
boils, and drive out rheumatic poisons.
If you are pale and sallow, if you
feel continually tired out, breathless
after slight exertion, if you have head-
aches or backaches, if you are irritable
and nervous, if your joints ache, if
your appetite fails and food does not
nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills will make you well
and strong. To build up the blood is
the special purpose of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and that Is why they are
the best 'spring medicine. If you feel
the need of a tonic at this season give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and
you will rejoice in new health, new
strength and new energy. Do not let
the trying weather of summer Find you
weak and ailing. Build yourelf up now
with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—the
pills that strengthen.
Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and do not bo persuaded
to take something Glee. If your dealer
dons not keep these Pills they will be
seat by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2,5U by writing
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Olrt,
They Contain No More Nourishment
Than Other Green Vegetables.
We sometimes hear the conpi'aint
that by neglecting to use the mush-
rooms that grow wild in the woods
and fields Canadians are wasting all
important food. The would-be econo-
mists tell us that it is easy to dis
tmguish the edible from the poisonous
vardetits, and urge us not to despise
this food supply, which, like the man-
na of old, conies overnight and asks:
only to be plucked and eaten. They
sometimes attempt to show that in
nutritive value a pound of mushrooms
is equal to a pound of beefsteak, That
is an exaggeration that the chemist
easily disproves.
As a matter of fact mushrooms con-
tain no more nourishment than any
other of the green vegetables and clo
contain as much or more indigestible
material. Protein, which is the muscle'
building and waste -repairing element
of food, cotntams nitrogen; and so food
analysts formerly assumed that they
could estimate the protein content of
any food by the amount of nitrogen it
contained. That is how the mistake
came about, Mushrooms contain, it is
true, a considerable proportion of ni-
trogen, but so do crab shells.
Some of the nitrogenous constitu-
ents of mushrooms, furthermore, are
substances related to protein, but
readily converted through putrefactive
changes within tl• without the body
into active poisons. The amount of
actual utilizable protein is perhaps as
much as is contained in cabbage or in
other greens, but scarcely more.
A good mushroom, properly cooked,
is a Very Madam Morsel and as such
is a welcome addition to the dietary.
If you aro absolutely sure that the
variety that grows on your lawn or
in the neighboring fields is of the
edible kind, by all means cook it and
eat it; it will do you good and start
the secretion of the gastric juke by
reason of its palatibility. Birt if you
have the lenst doubt of the innocuous.
n nocuous-
ness of tine growth --and ninny p0it0in-
ons kinds look attractively immee t
you had better leave it alone; the risk
composed entirely of Irishmen—in-
deed, up to the outbreak of war it was
still largely staffed by men from the
Emerald Isle.
Few men know more of what may
be called the criminal side of high
politics than its veteran chief, Mr.
Patrick Quinn, M.V.O.—himself an
Irishman. Though the work of him-
self and his men has been done large-
ly in silence, it has contributed in no
small measure to the safety of the
Mrs. Timothy Bowes, Blissfield, N.B„
writes:—"I have always used Baby's
Own Tablets for my three children and
I can speak very highly of them as I
could not get along without them.
Baby's Own Tablets are the only medi-
cine I would use for my chIldren." The
Tablets cure all the minor ills of little
ones and the mother who always keeps
a box of them In the house may feel
reasonably safe against the consequen-
ces of sudden attacks of illness. They
are sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wil-
liamsMedicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Simple Transposition.
Little 4 -year-old Bessie was putting
on her shoes for the first time and got
them exchunged,
Going to her mother, she said
triumphantly. "See, mamma, I got
my shoes on."
"Oh!" said mamma, "but you have
them on the wrong feet."
Bessie looked down thoughtfully and
said. "I don't see how that can be,
These are all the feet I got."
1 Eyes inflameded Eyeeido-
e� Eyes inflamed by eapo-
to son, nasions arms
quickly relieved by Buries
Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
Ey lust Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye
Salveiti 'ubes25c. ForfookallheEyefreeask
Druggists or Muslim Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Battle of Waterloo Was Won on The
Play -Grounds of Eton College.
We disagree and argue about the
date on which the war will he won. But
there is just as little unanimity re -
gat -cling the place where victory will
assert itself,
First we were told tha` it would be
the Western Front; then the Eastern,
Next carte the information that the
war was being won on the high seas.
All these seemed reasonable sug-
gestions; but look through the fol-
lowing list of places where we have
" Zam-Buk la a valuable addition
to every soldier's kit" This re•
mark was made by I !out: Cbl, A. C.
B. Hamilton -Gray, R,C.R„ Welling-
ton Barracks, Halifax, N.S. He
says further:
"I can tweak from personal ex-
perience, as I have need E,.nt-13uk
myself tor ,cuts, burns and rUeu-
matlsm, and, believe there is noth-
ing to equal tt"
Zanr link, the great herbal bairn,
is a boon to the men in the trenches
sit ends pairt'end heals so gniekly,
and instant aplYlicati,n of Zaln.Buk
prevents all possibility of festei!ng
or blood•potsaning,
Don't forget to 13111 50100 Zanl-
Iiek in your next parcel to the
front. All druggists, or Zane llnk
Co., Toronto; 50c'. bor, 8 for s1 e;
IsSL'E No. ti
sinee been assured the deciding issue
will be fought out The munition
factory; the shipyard; the purse; the
wheat field; no potato patch.
One wit suggests that, when victory
comes, we shall have to thank our
hen -coops! This is a long way from
tile playing -fields of Eton, to which
we are supposed to owe our victory at
Still, in a multitude of counsel there
is wisdom.
Had Fourteen fits
In One Afternoon
But Is Made Well and Strong By
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Mr. R. J. Thompson, of Uxbridge, Tells
the Story of 111s Terrible Trouble
and Almost Miraculous Cure,
Uxbridge, Ont., Apr. 2nd, (Special.)
—Mr. 11. J. Thompson, living near
here, had fourteen convulsions in one
afternoon. The doctors did not think
he could live. To -day he is well and
strong. He says Dodd's Kidney Pills
did it, But let him toll his own story:
"I am delighted with Dodd's Kidney
Pills," Mr. Thompson states. "I have
only taken eleven boxes and I feel like
myself again.
"I was taken 111 very suddenly. I ate
my dinner and went to take a man
home. I just got about three-quarters
of a mile when I was taken with a con-
vulsion Rt. I had fourteen that after-
noon and the third day I had nine
"The doctors said I could not live
and if I did I would never be able to
do anything again, as I had chronic
Bright's Disease. But thank God I am
doing my own work once again, by the
use of Dodd's Kidney Pills."
Bright's Disease is the most advanc-
ed stage of kidney disease. It eau be
avoided if the earlier stages of kidney
trouble are remedied by the use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills,
Then and Now.
We are all at times haunted by our
own past thoughts, and probably the
Kaiser is no exception to this rule, I£
a copy of Edward Legge's new book,
"King Edward, the Kaiser, and the
War," just published, should fall into
his hands, he will certainly get the
jumps when he reads of his old let-
ters. Here is an episode of his acces-
sion as German Emperor: "What a
succession of joys and sorrows have
passed over our family! Here am I
suddenly placed by Providence on the
mightiest throne of the world to be
the guardian of the European Peace.
What a splendid task for me to work
night and day to administer to the
wants and wishes of my people, and
to think that the magnificent army
obeys my commands!"
—o—o—o—o—o�—o—o—o-0 0 0
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freozone." This
will cost very little but will positively
remove every bard or soft corn or cal-
lus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com-
pound 6.) lied directly upon a tend
aching corn relieves the soreness in-
stantly, and soon the entire corn or
callus, root, and all, dries up and can
he lifted off with the fingers.
This now way 10 rid one's feet of
(oris was latroduced by a Cincinnati
Mall, w•lro says that freezone dries in
a ntetnent, and simply shrivels up the
Kiteflying Has Been Favorite Amuse-
ment in China for Centuries.
The kite is one of the oldest toys in
the world, It appears to have had its
origin in China, where for thousands
of years kiteflying has been the favor-
ite amusement not only of the child}'en
but of grown persons, too, In Japan,
Burma, the Malay Peninsula and
other Eastern lands, kiteflying has
long been as popular with all classes
and ages as it is in China, From the
Far East the kite long ago made its
way to all other parts of the world
The young people of the Far East
would eonsider it as very poor sport
to fly kites as plain and simple as
those which Canadian boys fly. Their
.kites are of many shapes and sizes,
Most of them represent a bird, or a
fish, or a dragon, or some other curi-
ous imaginary monster. The frame-
work is commonly made of bamboo,
and the covering is colored paper, or,
in case of the best ones, silk. Often
the kites have tails of great length.
The grown-up people have kiteflying
festivals in which all the people of the
village join. On such occasions some
of the kites are of great size and of
most elaborate design. At night they
are sent up with long strings of lan-
terns tied to them. Nor are the peo-
ple content with kiteflying simply as
a pastime. They have contests that
rouse great interest—contests in
which one person tries to keep his kite
in the air longer than his rival can, or
contests in which one person tries to
make his kite bring down or destroy
the Kite of the other.
In our times the kite has become a
very useful tool of science. Men use
it to study the conditions that prevail
in the air far above the earth; thus
it helps them to forecast the weather.
It also helps them in building airships,
in taking pictures, in signaling, and i11
life saving on the coast. The Chinese
have long used kites to tow boats, and
to drop their fishhooks well out to sea
while they themselves stand on the
This Simple Role
Soon Strengthens
A Delicate Stomaeh
It really is unnecessary to dace your-
se1P with pepsfn pills or artiarlal diges-
tives or to live on a miserable nursery
diet. Irl you will obserre .one easy rule
5051 can eat the hearty, nourishing, foods
that your npperlte Creves and YCar body
needs. That rule is to take a teaspoonful
00 Blsurated Magneela in a half lass or
trot water with each meati Bleu,•ated
Alagnesla is non-lasatl ee and harmless
and possesses tnediclnal Ouallties that
Promptly overcome impaired digestion.
fermentation, acids tl', catarrhal condi-
tions 0f the stomach, gas. distress after
eating and other stomach disorders, As
magnesia le prepared in various ways be
certain to inslet on ahtalning it Ln the
Blsurated Dorm, eapeclatlY recommended
for stomach purposes. Sold by all drug-
The amount of moisture in the soil
is much below the normal. . All the
n.ore necessary, then , for early and
thorough cultivation for conservation
of soil moisture.
IT is always safe to send a Dominion
Express Money Order. Five dollars
costs three Bents.
Alfalfa removes much lime from
the soil and grows best or soils well
supplied with lune.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Bristles are set in the ends o
new coat hanger so it can be use
a brush.
' S1 per battle et dealers or dellrered.
15 F YOUNG, P. O. F., 616 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can,
absorblac sod Abeerbtne. Jr.. are made la Caoad6
4� 1w
A Willing Victim.
Margaret, aged four, had eaten one
of two boxes of berries that her moth-
er had purchased for company. Her
mother cried, "What would you do if
you had a little girl and she ate a
whole box of strawberries?"
"Oh, mamma!" she exclaimed, eag-
erly, "I'd make her eat the other box."
Minaret's Liniment for sale everywhere.
1rEWrrr*PEs: Zo3 SALE
.8 Offices f r eat IKTNO n good OntJar o
towns. The most usefitl and ln'terestlag
:Tsall busineeaes. Fall information eO
plication to Wilson Publishing Com -
pony 75 Wast Adelaide Street. Toronto.
Hand. $12.00 up. Send for special
price list. 'Varsity Cycle Warks, 413
Spading Ave., Toronto.
�/ internal and external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. On Belknap Medical
Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont
"Clean All„smopRER
Gra ftp®ut11D
Por all Boiler Food Watere
Cyclone Shaking and Dumping Orate
Bora for an require:arents
Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment
co., Limited
Tel. Gerrard 3060
e0 McGee St. - Toronto
When buying your Piano
insist on having an
Dag Remedios
800K ON
And How to Feed
SCnlled freethe toAuthnnror eddress by
118 West 3Iet Street, New York
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles&
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula&
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lemenestt
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cute,
Bruises, Boot Chafea. It is a
Does not blister or remove the
hair and horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
f a for special instructions and Book 5 M free.
d as ABSORBINE. JR., antbentie liniment for mankind, re-
e.duces Scram. Painful, knotted, Swollen Vdne. Cnneeo-
trated—Daly a few drop. required sten application. Piles
corn or callus without irritating the ,. Book "Patent Protection" Prue
... ....';' -rue
surrounding skin.
a4BG®C'� do SONS
Don't tet father die of infection or Formerly Patent O5k, Examtncr. Esteb. 1877
lockjaw• from rd
whittling at his cams, as ST. JAMES ST., MONTREAL
but clip this out and maks tiro try it. Branches: Ottawa and Washington
1f your druggist hasn't any freezone : 1 '1
fell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale drag house for you.
Giv. a tine day:: between now
and sluing to pruning the orchard.,
Regardless of price prospects this
year it will not do to neglect the fruit
trees, Neglect this }ear means poor-
er returns Ib xt year and the year
=nerd's Liniment Cares Burne, Etc.
With a steady winter and continu-
ous blanket of snow, conditions 8o for
are as favorable as they well could
be for a fruillul season of production
in 1917.
To whom 11 may concern: 'rids is
to certify that. I have used MINAlllr'S
LINIMENT myself as well as pro -
seethed it in my practice where a lint,
meet Was required and have never
failed to gi'1 lire desired effete.
C. 1, KING, M.D.
'Mere will be no 1;513,. for repairs
to tools or Harness after spring we!1(
bel il:s, Now iH the time to attend to
all that sort of skint;.
Minard'a Liniment Believes Neuralgia,
011, is a scientific prr•
peret ion.
It is 'n pure mineral
oil, therefore cannot
turn rancid.
It rentains ne acids, end
so dors not deatrey stitch-
iVoreka tenon up nil block
lestbet- makes It blight,
.shiny. nlieble-newleeking•
COMPANY. Llmited
Throughout Canada
Have a Bottle Handy!
Sloan's Liniment is assigned its place among the trusted family
remedies in thousands ofinedi-
eine closets. Confidence in it is
based on the uniform effectiveness
with which it banishes the pains of
rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lumbago
sore stiff muscles, bruises, sprains and
strains. Cleaner and easier to use than
mossy plasters or ointments. It ppenebates
and relieves quickly without rdbbtn .
At all druggists, 25c. SOc, and $1.00.
�Z fo an Distemper
Ana pprevents others iusvfts r tllh 'disease no.lnatter how 6
pesesI. A.Il god drata7tleta snit turf good! h0ueae.
Oi1Stuitsta !unit 8 oft tttotog4$ti,, R ldlw5, Ytrd., no.'. a, A.