HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-12, Page 1VOL. 45 NO, 41
X.50 Per Aiauuti iia Acivccvice
New Advertisements
Prod groin -J. Dickson.
Pay up -A, T. Currin.
Ie rens-I 0 Richards,
1e)-nl-G.P. Mountford,
No nor -Gustave Bisbaok.
Meat prides-Bnekor Bros.
now. fur sale -M. (. Cardiff.
lIonviceienning-F, R. Smith.
flog strnye L -Ii, J. Manning.
Pion hurl treed -J. McNahb.
N,gt,ns for hatching -W. S. Soot[,
Chevrolet -Ampul & McDonald.
Concoct program -P, R, Mullteron,
t is:[;Iict t tints
Miss J, McOlay visited at the home
of D. Boyd for a few clays.
Miss Minnie Dundee, Toronto, visit-
ed at the parental home recently.
She has returnrci to the city.
Margtlarite Balfour has not been
well for a few weeks, We hope she
will soon be free from her nervous
The in'u y friends of Mise J. Mc-
Gaviu were pleased to see her home
even after her Oollege course at
The folk here welcome Mr, and Mrs.
Hulley into their midst and at the
seine time wish them prosperity on
the fared.
We regret to report Mr. Boyle is on
the sick list with kidney trouble. Ho
will he well cared for by his sister,
Mrs. Driscoll.
Rev. Mr. Craik preached a fine Eas-
ter sermon at Bethel church Sunday
afternoon from the text "01 grave
where is thy victory P"
Alf. Jeffrey, Montreal, "was a recent
visitor• aL Walter Swallows. Be spent
a pleasant time with hie younger
brother, John, who works for Mr,
5 wallow,
Bunn Cate for Bale. No.72 0. A. C. Price
$1,00 per Wallet. Ar,sx, McBsncnaa,
R. R. No. 2, Wroxeter.
Wm. Goldner was a holiday visitor
at Listowel, •
Clifford White left for Harriston on
Monday where he has a position.
Mrs. W. Patterson spent several
days recently with relatives at Hem -
Meter flowers were very suitably
arrenged in the different churches
here on Snnday.
Misses Grace Stocks, Cassie .Harris
and Della Rutherford, Toronto, spent
the week end here,
A. A, and Mrs. Lamotby and little
daughter returned on Monday from a
few days visit in Toronto.
Duncan Cameron, Grand Valley,
who has been visiting Iris sister, Mrs.
F. Davey, is ou the sick list.
J. Kalbfieisch, Milverton, was a
visitor with his daughter, Mrs. 0
Reis, last week.
Miss Cassie McDougall, Mt, Forest
g r ,
visited over Sunday with het parents,
Alex, and Mrs. McDougall
Miss Annie Mimeo and Ashton Moe -
risen, of Hamilton Normal School,
are home for the Easter vacation.
Merton Howe turd son, Dunnville,
and Miss Beatrice Howe, Leamington,
are visiting their father, Geo. Howe.
The Recl Cross Circle has arranged
to have a honorous musical cnoedy
entitled "The New Mistletoe", present-
ed by Brussels talent in the Town
Hall here on the evening of May 4th.
Misses Bessie Lovell, Ilamnilton ;
Pesti Kaake, White River ; Lulu and
Clara Rutherford, Toronto ; and
Eleanor Hamilton, Mt, Forest, teach-
ers, aro spending the Easter holidays
at their homes here.
Pte, Alex, Rasmussen was home
this week on his final leave before go-
ing overseas. Alex, enlisted in Toron-
to last Fall with the 234th Batt. Hir
many friends here wish hint a safe
voyage and hope he will return in doe
course unscathed when the final vic-
tory for Right has been won,
Organist of Knox Church, Kincardine • Local
reprsesntattve of Landon, (Ent(.) College of
Mesio ; visits Biuevnls on Fridays, Lessoin.
on Plano, Violin .and Voice culture,
Address Box 11, Kincardine
School re -opens next Monday.
Fall wheat does not look any too
John Geddes, Belgrave, spent a few
clays with Rnht. Shaw,
Geo, Mowbray has moved his family
here from Whitechurch.
Thos, Stewart received a car of
Portland cement this week.
Miss Laura E. Holmes spent the
holidays at her home in Petters.
Mrs, Andrew Iiolmes is on the sick
list. We hope she will soon be o.k.
Mr, and Mrs. Watt, Wingham,
spent the week end with Mrs. Snell.
Misses Bernice Shaw and Flo.
Aitchison were home for the holidays.
Mrs,' Nellie Burgess spent a few
clays this week here with her mother.
Mrs, Milton Smith and Master Ross
are at present visiting relatives at
Geo, Greenway, H. Sinnamon and
Wm, McMichael were home for the
Easter holidays,
Over 50,000 worth of hogs were
shipped from the station here last
Tuesday and Wednesday,
Mrs. Robb Shaw received the sad
news of the death of her youngest
sister, Mrs. Zetterstrnm at Roissevain
ancl she and her sister, Mrs, R. Nichol-
son, left Tuesday morning to attend
the funeral.
Tower tall , Brun Ps
Friday ev'gl ApriP 2
Part I
1 OPENING CHORUS "March of the Men of Haeleoh" Barnhy
2 PIANO DUETT "Merry Wives of Windsor" Otto Nicola'
3 VIOLIN SOLO "Concerto" De BerIot
4 READING Selected
5 SOLO "With Verdure Olad" from "The Creation" Haydn
6 OII,ORtJS "Soldiers' Chorus in Faust" Gounnd
7 VIOLIN SOLO "Patriotic Memories" Edwards
8 SOLO "Mavis" Oraxton
it READING "Through the Flood" from Bonnie Brier Bush
Part II
3 O1101.1US "Hail Smiling Morn" (By request) Spoffo'th
2 VIOLIN SOLO Seleetecl
3 READING "Sally Ann's Experience"
4 PIANO SOLO "Pit(,iiotie Medley" (By request)
5 VIOLIN ,SOLO Selected
6 SOLO "When My Ships Conte Sailing Homo" Doral
7 READING "A Smith Sermon"
8 VIOLIN SOLO "Fhtale" fano "William Tell" Rossini
9 CHORUS "Ruseiatt National ilyrnn" Lwoff
Plan of Reserved Seats opens at Fox's Drug Store on
Saturday, i4th Inst.
Mete A.vLhtu' Shaw spent a few days
I h, week with relatives at Toronto,
N,•>.r Smnley Rev. G. J. herr, Ger-
u v 11 c educt the services in the
11 cin dial Ohurch.
Auc sew Holmes received it telegram
Mona ty etatiug that his son, Harold,
wits severely wounded, receiving gun-
shot wounds in head, back, legs and
urine, Elis runny toenail here wish
frim a speedy recovery,
Lieut. R. Ferguson was hozne from
Windsor for Amster.
Rev. Me, Budge, Hamilton, was
calling 0u relatives and old friends.
Miss Grace Ferguson, assistant
Superintendent of Niagara Falls Gen -
oral hospital, was home for Easter
Mrs. (Dr.) Guildfoyl, London, is
visiting at the manse. The Dr, is at
Salonika with the Army Medical
Mrs, Turnbull, mother of Mrs,
(Rev.) A, M, Moyle, is back from a
prolonged visit with friends in the
United States.
After it holiday visit with her nep-
hew and nefee at Hamilton Miss Jen-
nie Budge is back to Belgrave and bac
taken up housekeeping again.
The Patriotic Society wish to
acknowledge with thanks, a donation
of 5:5,00 from Robt, McGuire. Society
shipped this month to Hyman Hall,
London, 10 shirts and 30 pair of socks,
Next Monday Nelson Higgins will
commence) teaching school at Bayfield
to finish nut the term. Mrs. Higgins
will accompany him. He is a good
toucher and we wish him a successful
Leat Sabbath evening Rev, Mr.
Pari by preached a fine sermon in the
Methodist: Church on "The walk to
En nnau=:." Easter Music was well
sou:;.; by the choir and Mrs. 0, B.
�Vill:insou and hiss May Hopper
rendered a choice duet.
The annual Easter Thank -offering
of the W. Mr 5, of the Methodist
chutch was held Tuesday afternoon.
Pastor gave an excellent address on
"Woman's place in the world". Mrs.
0. Procter contributed a practical
reading no "The woman who was al-
ways going to join." Web rendered
enlos were sung by Misses Margaret
Procter and May Hopper, with Miss
Edna Scandrett as accompanist, Mrs.
W. Pr'ncter, Pres,, gave appropriate
remark's on Eastertide. A generous
offering was received,
,SPLENDID Tisix.-A large gathering
Wtte held at the home of W. H. and
Mss, Ferguson, 5th line Morris. Tues-
day night of last week at which was
represented some 60 of the friends and
neighbors of the locality who took ad-
vantage of the occasion to pay their
reslleces and do honor to their son,
Sapper J. Ferguson, D. S., who was
hoore of his last leave from Ottawa
where lie has been training for some
months prior to going overseas. The
evening was bright, the weather be-
ii,g all that could bo desired permit -
tem. all the numbers of the various
families interested to attend. Selec-
tion; were ;given on the vonephone
doming the reception and comfortable
arrangement of the guests, Richard
Prnettar, Councillor of the local War
siereiliary, called the gathering to
leder and in a few well chosen intro-
ductory remarks explained the object
t,f the gathering and he then M-
ee, elrs, Taylor to the chair. The
5...t manlier en the program was an
a -id ,,.s, which was well read by
Theme. Bell, as follows :-
6001',;.- We, ynue friends and
tree 0)n•rs, ale gathered here to -night,
with fi','iege of pride and regret.
eVe he;v,, learned of your call to over-
sea., duty and as we realize that part-
ing .mum come to us all, out. earnest
piety:e le that the kindest blessings of
the,thiighty may rest on you in that
far, distant land, We alt admire the
stale' yon have taken in enlisting to
serve' your King and Country, and
alarou;;h we ate severed for a time,
reule:eller your friends will not forget
you rod are holing that the time will
ene>: come whet) all Nations shall be
aL 1':•v,•,t. As a small token of the
•est.' •:n'n whielt you Oro held in this
locntily, we piesent you with this
tveietearth, not for its value, but as
1..minder 01' the kindly spirit in
oh),•h tt is given, May you be blessed
,o y,"n,l health and spared to return
0., >,o 1'O'in val'e and sound, is the
see, n vi ni' ri feuds, Signed on be-
ef 1 h.• friends and neighbors.
b Pi;nc'Ttste t5"nncill0n• War A uxiliat'y
eV. d, Nlouor.so n, Pres. Local Branch
The p, •oolatinn was made by Mil-
dred Ru - sell, Watch is a gold case
midi one ut handsome design.• Reci-
pient mode a short but suitable reply,
1iant:J ugatll who bad responded and
,tnjtrec ated the epit•it which prompt-
ed the necasion. A0 impromptu pro -
et en, ,vee then rendered which cell -
41141 c..1 of an aide address by G. W.
Ni.'lteleon, which Was sincelc and
pointed, He enlarged upon the im-
ltort.anue of the occasion, the honor
which we bear and Lho pride) which is
ours in nue young snlclio'. Too mach
h"nor NE MO1 be paid to our heroes,
with hese wishes that lie may soon
rettree again safe and sound with duty
well done. Those called on for
sp ,e:hee wet'e James Anderson,
W, 11. Armstrong, Mrs. Joseph Clegg,
F',lwin Armstrong; Mrs, Vancamp,
Janis Michie, James Russell and
Samuel McOnrcly. The first two men,
tinned having sons at the front wish-
ed to be excused. Those responding
expressed good wishes, Mr. McOurdy
in strong, clear Levine etnphasised the
thought that there is nothing too
stood fora Moldier, There was MUSIC
llnre. V)olin eelertions by J. T.
1;.•)l tu',l Dltitnli,• ; 51011)11 and organ in -
1 001.1 >t>tl by RiellardrPeocter;lVlotor
'Venlig on his liar mnnirit ; vocalinum-
b, rw by .Amies ''realer, Charlie 'Cote,
Mee. ,tllehin and Mtu•y Cole, Nora
Vancamp, Nellie and Violet Anderson
Carload of
Bran .., ... $1 90 at car
Shorts 195 "
Middlings ... 2 10 "
Feed Flour ... 2 70 "
Recleaned Oats u„ge So
Car expected last of this Week,
Alfa Baeker
Phone 5 Brussels
and Elizabeth Ferguson. Rousing
choruses by the pupils of No, 5 school.
Accompanists were Maud Bell, Mrs.
Taylor, ElizaeProcterl and Miss Speir.
National Anthem brought the pro-
gram to a close. A bounteous lunch
provided by the guests was served
with specially prepared coffee, which
all enjoyed. A variety of games and
social chat was indulged in by old and
young, while in the cosy corners old
friendships were renewed and ex-
changed which will not soon be for -
gotten. In spite of the gloom which
enshrouds occasions of this kind on
account of the uncertainty of life of
those going out, a pleasant evening
was spent which was largely due to
the goodwill; and geniality which
prevailed among those present.
"Lodgers taken in” was the title of
the play presented by ten of our
young people in the Foresters' Hall,
Thursday evening of last week, under
the auspices of tete Patriotic Society.
Weather and roads were not the best
but the play was given before quite a
large and enthusiastic audience. The
stage decorations added much to the
success of the play, Each Member of
the; cast did exceptionally wells The
characters were taken as follows :-
Gerald Majilton, John Stewart ; Mrs.
Gerald Majilton, Edna Scandrett ;
Felix Hopper, Charlie Johnston ; Ben-
jamin Badpay, Harold Work ; Prof.
Cornelius Crusty, H. Kirkby ; Tom
Trumpet, Alias Frederick Vanderbool,
Rev, Mr. Boyle ; Madge Beauclaire,
May Hopper ; Timothy Thiniry, Neil
McCrea ; !lira. Timothy Thiniry, Gre-
ta Armstrong ; Alice Thiniry, Eujean
Geddes. Rev, Mr, Parnaby gave a
few introductory remarks and be-
tween acts, Miss Jean VanNorman
and M. Henry each rendered a solo in
their usual good style, Mrs. Ernest
Geddes was the accompanist. Pro-
ceeds amounted to $91.00,
DIiss Mary McLelland, from Strat-
ford Normal, is at home.
Another wedding or two are said to
be on the progam before long.
Miss Ella Hansuld, Ailsa Craig, ie
spending her holidays at home.
A. H. and Mrs. McDonald and son
spent Easter in their home town,
The Girl's Patriotic Club will meet
at T. Vodden's Friday evening of this
week at 7.30 o'clock.
Archie McDonald was at Brucefield
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Fred, Dunlop, a cousin.
Russel and Mrs. Love were Laster
visitors with the formet's parents, W.
H. and Mrs. Love.
The Kreuter sale drew a large
crowd to tawu on Saturday. Proceeds
of sale totalled about $1,000,
Mr. Hamilton, Lucknow, who
bought 0. Raynard's place, moved
here this week. We welcome him.
C. Raynard has moved to the place
where J. McLelland has been living
and the latter has moved opposite the
After a long tedious Winter Mrs. S.
Ames is again able to be around,
looking remarkably well for a person
of her age.
Miss Hannah Oorrah returned to
her home at Woodstock after a vieit
of 2 months with her sister, Mrs. D.
The cement and gravel are on the
ground for the new basement of the
Methodist church, Will commence
work as soon as weather is favorable,
Wedding bells rang merrily Wed-
nesday in connection with the matri-
monial alliance of W. E. Brown and
Miss Stella G. Dunbar, Report next
Jno, and Mrs. McDonald were in
London over Sunday visiting their
son, Pte. Stuart McDonald, as he is
expected to leave for overseas this
CARD of THANKS, -I wish to tender
my best thanks to the neighbors and
friends for their sympathetic words
and ]rind deeds during Lhe illness and
subsequent death of my wife. They
were highly appreciated.
Gratefully yours,
Wm. MoLEon,
There are a few pieces of Red Orme
'sewing at Mrs. Dilworth's yet and
may be had for the asking. The .In-
stitute is anxious to have it complet-
ed SO that the bale may be shipped in
April, Kindly call and Mrs, Dilworth
wit give you what you want todo
and help on this good work.
meeting of the Women's Inetituts
will be geld at the home of Mts. A. H.
Macdonald, Thursday, April 19th, at
2.30 o'clock, Topice, "Common sense
applied to housekeeping," by Mrs,'
Pollard ; "Labor saving devices," by
Mrs, B. Barr ; recitation, Miss E.
Chambers ; reading, Mrs, D. Sanders;
roll Cali, quotations from Brownieg,
A good attendance asked as there is
Important business to be transacted,
Mre, J, K. Brown has sold out ber
interest in Ethel Cheese factory to leer
son, Will., who has been manager of
it since the death a of his father,
wish him first -plass swerves,
Tem LATE Mao, McLEon. The
funeral of the late Mrs, Wm. McLeod,
of whose decease Tap Pose, made
brief retention last week, took place
last Friday afternoon to Mount Pleas-
ant cemetery here and was largely at-
tended, Rev. Mr. McCulloch conduct-
ing the service. Deceased was born
nn the homestead of her father, John
Lamont. West of Ethel in 1874 and
was consequently in her 431.d year,
In 1903 she was united in marriage
with her now bereft partner. In addi-
tion to her husband she is survived by
three sisters, Mrs. Menary, Purvis,
Man, ; Mrs. Carter, Toronto and Mee.
T. Turnbull, Grey township and Nor-
man on the homestead, Mrs, McLeod
was beloved by everyone, Cheerful in
disposition and always ready to help,
She was a faithful member of the
Presbyterian church and will be much
missed. Pallbearers were, John,
Archie and Alex. McDonald, Ivan
Campbell and R, Barr. Friends were
present from Listowel, Drayton,
Moorefield and Toronto, Mr. McLeod
and other relatives share in the
sympathy of the community in their
Mies Jean E. Clutton is spending the
Easter holidays at her home near
Misses Gertrude and Edith Ames
were visitors with'the Misses Johnston
013 Sunday.
S. J. and Mrs. Wright, Ethel, were
visitors at the home of John McLen-
nan on Sunday.
Nelson Hayden attended the funer-
al of his father, W. M. Hayden, Fer-
gus last Friday.
D. L. Strachan, Hanover, and Robt.
Mc0osb, Pine River, were welcome
visitors at the home of Mrs. Jno.
Strachan. The former is a son and
the latter a grandson.
time resident of this locality, in the
person of Peter Gibson, passed away
at his home in Hamilton, Ontario,
Mouday of this week, aged 55 years.
He leaves a wife and a son to mourn
his loss. Mr. Gibson was born °on the
let line of Morrie township and made
hie home with the late Wm. Moses,
hie uncle, during bis youth. He was
the only brother of Mrs. le, J. Hoover,
9th Con., Grey township, who with
Mt•. Hoover attended the funeral
Wednesday of this week, which took
place from deceased's late home, 100
Ontario avenue, Hamilton. Mr. Gib-
son wawa fine man and will be favor-
ably (remembered by the older folk in
this locality, who will sympathise'
with the bereaved in their sorrow.
The cause of death was anaemia from
which he had been ailing for the past
year. He went to Hamilton when the
first radial ran from that Pity to
Beamsville and :has been with road
until ill health prevented him [attend-
ing to his duties as conductor,
Last Sunday evening at the End-
eavor Miss Ivah Speiran sang a choice
Miss Ella Struthers is visiting at
her home during Easter vacation,
She is employed by the J. D. Ivey Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
Miss Lulu McDonald, teacher, spent
the Easter holiday at her home in
Stratford. School reopens next Mon-
Gordon Whitfield is spending his
Easter vacation at home, 13th Con,
He is attending the Dominion School
of Railroading in Toronto, taking up
the art of Telegraphy and other lines
of station work.
Friday evening of this week Ed.
Fulton and Wm, McPherson will go
to Monkton to debate with Messrs.
Burnett and McBeth on the question
"Resolved that the Oonsolidated
Schools are better adapted for advanc-
ing the cause of Education than the
present School 'system. Debate is
under the auspices of the Patriotic
banquet was given by a number of the
prominent citizens and business men
of Rodney, as a reception to the new
manager of the Royal Bank, W, E.
Hanley, formerly of this locality, and
as a farewell to Mr, Zimmerman, the
retiring manager. After an excellent
supper had been partaken of toasts
were proposed to our King and Em-
pire, to the financial institutions, etc.
Brief addresses followed the various
toasts after which a pleasant evening
WAS enjoyed by all present, closing
with kind felicitations to the honored
PRESENTATION. -Pte. Elmer G. Mc-
Kay, who has been taking signalling
up at the special training school Ex-
hibition Otunp, Toronto, in conjunc-
tion with his Batt„ was home for
Raster. Friday evening of last week
his uncles, aunts and cousins of Mon -
Orloff section met at the home of his
parents, 14th Cone and presented hint
with a purse of money, Arnold Mc-
Kay read the address and Violet Mo -
Kay presented the putse in the name
of the relatives. 'Twos areal McKay
gathering, Evening was spent in
music, singing and games. Tho com-
pany dispersed to (heir homes, wish-
ing RItner n safe return, The Betts,
lion for overseas had the call to pre-
pare to go but later it was rescinded
for the time being. Address was as
follows :-Drealt Menem- We, your
friends, have gathered to spend a
social evening with you before you
are called across the seas from where
you have heard the call from the
Motherland and have answered it by
donning the khaki where many of our
brave boys have gone, We hope yen
will do your ditty tend trust that God
Will pard you from every danger
and that you may be spared to a safe
Car of
Now of Ethel Stab' e
I secured [hie ear when prices
were down ural will be able to
give a decided advantage to
purchasers who unload from
car Thursday and Friday of
this week.
Phone 4311
return to us. We tisk you to accept
this puree by which you may re-
member your Pokily-. a. tI+ .erieff.
Signed in behalf of !can' t,.lntices,
Arnold and Violet 11eKoy,
Oen of Cont, 800 bn'rheis of Barley and 00u
bushels of Oats for sale - 111 1>nnosn,
'Welton Elevator.
We are glad to see Mrs, Hugh Ful-
ton out again after het• serious illness
of the past three months.
Mrs. James Craik, mother of the
Methodist paste)', has returned home
to Thamesville after air extended visit
at the Parsonage.
Walton lted leve s worker. inc ear..
Lately busy folk ..n.' 5.1,1111 ho lieve-
theee motto was-- N > reseation of
labor until cessation of war.
Easter services were held in the
Methodist church last Sunday morn-
ing. The pastor had for his theme,
"0 1 grave whet'e is thy vitt ry +"
Reserved seats for Concert given
under the direct.i1' P. R. illulheton,
at Brussels, cm Friday April 20th, will
be on sale at W. G, Neal's store from
14th to 18th, See program elsewhere,
Miss Jennie McGavin who arrived
horns from McDonald College, Guelph,
the end of Mer.'h, had her two
friends, Miss Irene Davidson, Taranto,
and Miss Hazel Richter, Hamilton,
spend their Easter holidays with her.
Work at Macdonald's [hill was sus-
pended for some time on account of a
bad break in the machinery, Mr,
Macdonald had just got his men to
work when the break occurred. The
repairs will be rushed as there is
plenty of work for the men this
Next Sunday the pastor will preach
a special sermon to the young people
On Walton circuit on Self know-
ledge, self reverence and self contra,"
Services at Providence at 11 a. ur.,
Bethel, 2.30 and Walton 7 p. m.
Cordial invitation to the young folk.
Regular meeting of Walton Wom-
en's Institute will be held next Wed -
nestle), afternoon in the A. 0. U. W.
Hall at 3 o'clock. Topic "What wom-
en in other countries have Sone along
patriotic lines" will be introduced by
Mts. Jas. Harris. There will also be
a discussion on the subject.
ENCOBBaoINi,-Thr annual Vestry
meeting was held at St. George's
church on Tuesday. Very atllo4ao•
tory reports were prerente.l for the
past year, 550 being in hued over all
expenses, Guild has a meg egg of
$72.00 after expending 5133 and $25
for Red Cross ; Young People's St ele-
ty has 5711 00 in their treasury ani the
Sunday School, $•115. Plans are teeing
formulated for a renovation and itu-
provement of the church and premie-
rs. Wni. R. Stewart was reelected
Rector's 'Mirage and Treasnu•er and
Fred. Scarlett again chosen People's
Warden. Sidesn>en are Richd, Hoy,
Harold Bolger and Thos. Mose. Dele-
gate to Synod, W. R. Stewart. St.
George's church is to he congratulat-
ed. Rev, R. E. Page is the esteemed
Public Schools re -open next bfon-
Other Grey township news may be
read ou page 5.
Mrs, James Armstrong, 0th Ooi„
was visiting relatives and old friends
at Auburn and loc,slity.
Miss 011a Aznlst.'tom is home from
Acton, where she is teaching school,
for the Easter holiday,
Last week Wm. Turmoil[, 3rd Con.,
received $100.75 foe 3 lige of a last
Fall's litter. He get $15.25 per cwt.
Ile ME.1XORtAM.-Iu s•u1 and hiving
memory of our husband and father,
Alexander Stewart, tvhn passed away
on April 10th, 1915, aged '77 years and
8 months.
Far and often our thoughts do wander
To a grave not far away,
Where they laid aur dearest husband
and father
Just two yeare ago to -day.
MATRI1rONIAL.-A. quiet but pretty
wedding took place tat the Methodist
Parsonage, Ethel, Wedueeday after-
noon of last week, when Rev. Mr,
Johnson united in marriage bliss
Florence May, only daughter of Al.
here and Mrs, Whitfield, to George,
youngest sun of 0. and Mrs. Michel,
llth Con. of Grey. The bride, wlto
was unattended, wore a becoming
costume of Russian green serge, with
a white satin blouse and white het
with touches of green. Groom's gift
to the beide was a sunburst of pearls
and a handbag of steel, gold [mounted.
Dir. and Mrs. Michel drove to Brussels
where they took the afternoon train
fol' a short trip Ln polnte Beet, They
will take up residence 011 the Michail
fine homestead and entnnellee mate
tied life under moat favorable condi•
tiers and with the hest wishes of a
wide circle of relatives and friends for
a long, happy and prosperous life.
James Mopes, Oth Con., went to
llantilton this week to attend the fun-
eral t
1 of hie cousin the late Petr Gfb-
, e
Miss Jonnin Rands, who is on the
teaching staff' of the Puhlie Schools at
Toronto, is home for the holiday ar-
riving Thursday evening of last week.
(envier), eon of Rev. E. G. and Mrs.
Powell, 01811012, is holidaying at the
home of Chester and Mrs. Armstrong,
IOLb Oon, The latter is Gordon's
CA110 07!' TEANES,-We wish to
ackuowledge the many kindneseee re-
ceived during the illness and after the
decease of wife and mother in the per -
5011 of Mrs, Hugh Cunningham. The
deeds and words of sympathy were
greatly appreciated we can assure
you. YnurM
Hung Ouserme eetu Atw Grulykeertme.
passed away to her rewatsl s y,
7th ince, the spirit of the 1'n,_' Mrs.
Hugh Cunningham in her tee )t ..ear,
Deceased was one of a Mae., iv, , is;
mush missed in the hone alel '" in-
munity, being an oblig;ng 1 , t> ,r, a
kind and indulgent mother vie e a
helpmeet whose Sarre a.ivier•5v:� al-
ways e. help. She was b"ro
Aug. 3rd 1807, and early fu 1.1' :10010
with, her parents, the late Wm. and
Mary McLachlan to the farm nn w'>ich
they fee so many years resided, 10th
Con. of the township of Grey.. The
other members of the MnLetr•vlan
family were Mary, who died many
years ago ; Robert, who died on the
homestead and Mrs. R. K. Metheeold,
Cranbrook ; the only surviving teem -
her 0f the family and who will eeeee
the sympathy of the neiglll er hue,i in
her loss and loneliness. It, tine ',Ito
Mane of the deceased there is left the
hueband and son, Roy, who will be
much sympathised with in their great
loss, Mrs. Jas. Pearson. Grey town-
ship, is a step -daughter. The deceas-
ed bore with her sickness of a few
weeks in the most uncomplaining and
cheerful way, indicative of the strong
faith in One who will save from the
power of sin and death. For weeny
yeare she was a faithful member of
Otarnbrook Presbyterian church but
since her marriage was eoumeeted
with the Ethel Presbyterian co.1Gre-
gation and on many occasions du. fug
the passing year's witnessed to the
dying love of a crucified and ripen
Redeemer, She was married to her
now bereft husband on New Years
Day 1890. Funeral took plane last
Monday afternoon to Mount Pleasant
cemetery, Ethel, the services being in
charge of her pastor, Rev, Dir, Mc-
Read Morris news on page 5.
Township Council met last Monday.
Misses Robb are house for Easter
vacation from their schools near
W. H. Maunders has returned to
Idaho after a visit of a few weeks in
this locality.
Fall wheat is said to have come
through the Winter quite favorably
in most places.
Miss Oora Speir was home from
Toronto over Easter. She is a daugh-
ter of James and Mrs. Speir, lith line.
Ws are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Simpson McCall, 7th line, is not very
well but we hope she will soon regain
her vigor.
Misses Muriel and Helen Kerney,
Guelph, have been enjoying the East-
er holiday at the home of their uncle
and aunt, James and Mrs. Speir.
Harry Bosman and his mother went
to Brandon, Manitoba, to attend the
funeral of their brother and son, the
late Engineer Bosman, wino wee killed
last week.
3110. Mooney, 0th ]rue, who has been
Val invalid for the past year or two,
has not been even as web as usual
during the past week his many friends
will regret to hear.
We are pleased to state that Wm,
McCracken, 4th line, who has been
seriously ill with pneumonia, is im-
proving nicely now and will soon be
as good as ever we hope.
Sunshine Methodist church will bold
anniversary services on Sabbath, 29th
inst. At 2,30 and 7 p.m. Rev, Mr, Mc-
Cormick, M. A., Blyth. will preach
and a Male Quartette from Brweeele
Methodist choir will, sing at both seer•
We are pleased to state that Mies
Fannie, daughter of Jno, and Mrs.
t.'lrasby, 2nd Line, Morris, who was
operated on 3 weeks ago for '.p
pendicitis, is making it good recovery
and will soon be as well as ever we
David Erringtion, to former Mote
risite, while assisting in cutting 'nod
with a circular saw, had the. misfor-
tune to have 2 of 3 fingers nearly
seemed from his left hand by the saw.
His home is near Dungannon now.
We hope he will make a rapid re-
The Easter Song service given at
the Jackson church last Sunday pass-
ed off successfully and reflected credit
an Mrs, Ray Fear, the choir loader
and organist. Service was given by
the choir and members of the Sunday
School in song and story. Rev. Mr.
McCormick gave a short timely ad•
The sad news was received of the
demise of Mrs. Letterstrom, of Bois-
sevain, Manitoba, wbo was formerly a
resident of this township, her maiden
name being Mies Refa Fraser, She
went: West about 4 years ago. Fier
health had not been good for Lhs past
O months. She underwent an operas
tion for appendicitis but other ail.
merits followed sapping her vigor.
Her sisters are Mrs. R. Shaw, Mrs. R,
Riaholeon, Mrs. Jno, Geddes, and Mrs.
Jim, Mustard, of Morris ; and Dh s,
,Tae. Robertson, Boiesevahn, thre
brother also survives, Wine who le in
the West, Old friends stere were very
sorry to hear of Mrs, Letterstrom's