HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-4-5, Page 4ee '1" eeeeeeeeeeeer eeneeeeereeeseereeeeaer reee-
Cbc $r nods past
Dii bettertnek elid be happy
PitOsranTs for a big apple crop are said
to be good. This will be welcome news.
How would it do for everybody to be
Irish -at least to the extent of growiug
a patch of potatoes ?
Do you patronize the Public Lib.
raries ? It's an easy road to gain useful
knowledge, that is if your choice of
reading is wise.
A Peovreclee election IS mooted in
Ontario to be followed by a Dominion
conteet. The women vote should be
recorded in the former.
Is you have a spare dollar don't forget
the proposed Huron Co. room in the
Byron Sanitarium for any needy soldier
Male who suffered by exposure over.
Peeyour work for the days to come ems. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeteet.0.00,
aud theu proceed to work year plau. It
saves nutuy a step teed many a worry to
draft out 0 program ter every day, per-
haps only a mental one but a methodical
sod purposeful way of carrying through
the duties oe Per poeition or situation
will do aleph to avoid bustle and motel
as well as pbysleal strain. Books are
published and leetures given on
"System" but few are practical enough
to be of much service, better is a rule
that will not undertake too much in a
single day but by the practic: of fore.
thoeght and foresight, as far as it pos-
sible, be ready to meet the unexpected
or the exacting with deliberation and
energy. "First Ald" has a wider sigui-
ficance than knowing: what to do on the
spot if a person falls into the water or
takes a fit. By training or plain:dug it is
possible to be prepared for emergencies.
Suttee people are "sputterers" at their
work and keep themselves and every-
body else in a "stew" but a better
method is tu speed a few thoughtful
moments In systematising your day's
work and much of the fussing will be
eliminated if sea a plan were followed,
Worry kills more people time work.
Jum. est 1917 ushers in the sorb year
of the ConferleittLion of Canada aud 1 1917 is a year to be marked by the
Jubilee celebrations will likely be 011(13. entrance of a number of women into the
(-rots, especially if the war were to mid. : legislative halls and their debut will he
This is April and none too soon to Het ' watched with interest, One of these is
plane on foot to observe the day by a
fitting program.
Now that Spring is on the way a note
of warning is souudtcl to the bens to the
tffect that whatever working of the soil
they may undertake it must be com-
pleted before the garden ie finished.
Their method of "raising" roots and
vegetables is not in keeping with modern
methods of Aerieolture.
TflEiten no discount On the Canadian
soldier boys when it comes to meeting
the enemy. Too bad though that so
many manly fellows are called upon to
go through such experiences. The way
to stop it is to crush militarism, It is a
system thaz is cruel, brutal, overbearing
and devi::sh, without a iedeetning
feature, All that is scientific about the
system Miles to the greater marritag or
destruction of life. Tolerance may be
a virtue but not with a mad dog or a
lunatic. 20111 century civilization should
scorn such a program. Fighting may
be a dog's game but it certainly should
not belong to humanity in this supposed
enlightened age.
ROOSEVELT15 to lead an ext;:itlitionary
force of 100,000 American soldiers, it is
said, in France, associated with the Al-
lies. It is financed by a group of
wealthy men in New York. Whether
this is correct or not there is nothing
outlandish about it as the objects and
sines of the Allies apply with equal force
to United States. If it is to continue
to deserve the title of "The Med of the
Free and the borne of the Brave" evi-
dence must not he wanting by act and
deed as well as word. Uncle Sam could
adopt no better move bo Nation build-
ing than to heartily lend his support to
the rights and privileges of the weaker
Nations. This is one way to add lustre
to the Stars and Stripes.
WHAT a foolish notion some people
have regarding life, viz just as soon as
they meet with some rebuff or can't bave
their way (whether right or wrong) up
go their hectie, away goes the dashboard
and after this exhibition they resign
their office or their sbare of the work.
A cool head and a steady nerve is worth
a good deal in such situations and if
argument will not suffice, after stating
your case plainly but kindly, cast your
ballot or poll your vote and wait the out-
come. Your judgment may not always
be „fight or your plans may sometimes be
superseded but don't fly off the handle
and fume as in so doing you lose your
influence and deft at the very purpose
you aimed at. Lucknow has a case .
somewhat similar type where two Cottu-
cillors resigned because the three other
members of the Board elected a Con-
stable, contrary to their choice and a'
it larger salary. You take note of almost
any argument or controversy and be-
fore long one or botb of the parties get
"tuad" and as a rule, forsaking the
ground of discussion, they pitch into
personalities or outlandish statements,
the utterance of which may rankle for
many a day Some four wear a cabbage
leaf in their hat in the Sommer to keep
their he u1 cool and we have often
thought if you and we, metaphorically,
carried round with us such a preventa-
tive what a large amount of contention
and scrapping would he avoided and
good fellowship and friendship would
prevail. Not a mollycoddle variety but
an eaderstandable, kindly method by
whieh we would better understated the
point of view of those with whom we
differed, Gond advice was once offered
in these words, "If it be possible as
Much as lieth in you, live peatably with
all mere" Try the "cabbage leaf" plan
and let us know how you come out, in.
Stead of having your little tantrum over
Some of which you have not telt any too
nioe, even after the lapse of months, It's
a good idea to come to the coach -Won that
We are not the only pebble 00 the beach
and thereby pay some attention to the
judgment of others,
Miss Jeanette Rankin, who was choseu
in the State of Montana, her father be-
iug a farmer and cattle rancher, She is
no "gos'en" who will have everything to
learn 50 10 what is what but a matured
woman ot 34 Summers, with a Univer-
sity edueation and a practical experience
along the line of social welfare. As her
dad was a Canuck-and of Scotch
descent -take it trom us Miss Rankin
will likely give a better account of ber
ste,vardship than 9 out of to nude legis-
lators who go to Congress, Many of the
isisties, and laws governing them, relate
to the home and the community life and
a wide-awake, intelligent woman, of a
practical type, is just as likely to under-
stand the situation and work out plans
in the best interests of the people as the
average man and perbaps more so.
Politics would be improved and legis-
lation bettered by the advent of woman-
kind into the arena. If you don't be-
lieve 11 open your eyes in your own
home, church and neighborhood and
you will be better able to cipher out a
COOCIU:d0I2 that calling thenx a "weaker
vessel" is no credit to their wok not
your good judgment.
from Witley Camp, Surrey Eng.
DEA.It SIR -Ti regards to one of our
boys doing his "bit" for King and
01,unty, Corporal J. 0. .Andereon is a
eon of James -Anderson 0,1 he 51 1;
Con., ;if Morris. Ilio giaielfaLlier
rotted bbs farm at Dundalk Dr one of
his sone and is visiting with members
of his family, 10 years ago lie moved
from the United States and ia preying
hitneelf to be more than a "Note
wt iter." Some time ago I/O John (.4.
WAS picked fee the "Gnerd of Helier"
anti proved himself worthy of hand-
ling his 111 113 on melt an ecetteion.
LVe, as a Seel ion, hope in the near
future that he e 111 except Sergeant's
stripes of which he is worthy. Three
cheers and hats off to T. G, Anderson
of the 1014 Battalion.
From two of the Section,
IL P. lefeeiersgeve
• It is notified for general int oemation
that an Oeder-in-Couticil has been
passed authorizing the issue of four
classes of Wax Service Badges, viz :-
Gime 'A"e-For men honorably dis-
charged after actual service at the
Class "B" -For those honorably dis-
charged after six months service in
the (3. E. I. or after leek, than six
Inmate, service provided the discharge
wee by reagen some disability due
0 Military service.
%lass "0" -For those hence ably dim -
Mai gIll aftee lees than Mr months
nervier! in the C. E. le, or who have
('11l11( 1.510(1 to enlist and have been
refused as medically unfit.
Class "D -For those who have
voltutteered to enlist, but whose ser-
vices have been refused on the ground
that they would be more useful to
the State in their withal occupation
than if they enlisted,
There le a, proviso, to the effect that
no badge will be issued to men clits-
rimmed by reason of the cessation of
working pay, if they are.still
ly fit for overseas service,
This Order provides for the free
issue of these floveinment Badges
and rnitees it Illegal to manufacture,
sell, purchame, or Wenr any other
badge purporting to be for such pur-
pos.% AS ere provided for in the Order -
111 -001m011,
Any infraction of the provisions of
this Ordet-in-teouneil will be punished
by a fine not exneeding $500 or by int.
prisonment not exneeding eix months,
Some time must teepee before the
Badges thus autienized are available.
They will be forwarded to t he diettiote
together with complete inettuotions
regarding their itieue.
A calf was put np for sale by Ruction
at the sale of Alfred Paul, Rirkton.
Proceeds of the calf Were deflated 10
Patriotic Seciete, and it brought
$151.00, the highiest known eloo ever
realized foe a ealf in the >mightier.
hood. Theee were (‚11007 bidders,
showing that the men of t la district
are ready to share in the expense of
the war.
Says Charles 9lowman, Dealing With
Government' War Thee
Salary Inoreaces
Governmental economy, especially
during the war, is being urged vigor-
ously by the Liberals in the Legis-
lature, Not only are they condemn-
ing in the warmest kind of way the
extravagant expenditures on (Linea-
ment House, but they are also dealing
with other aspects of the question.
C. M. Bowman, Chief Liberal Whip,
led a debate in the House cleprecatiug
the unnecessary multiplication of
Government officials during the past
twelve years, whereby there are prac-
tically two officials in the Inside Ser-
vice to -day for every one in the year
1004. Mr. Bowmen filen contended
that owing to the prevailing war con-
ditions, the time wee inopportune for
the general increase being made by
the Government in the salaries of
those employed in the public service,
especially of those already in receipt
of substantial salaries of $2,000 per
year and upwards.
The Government voted down his
resolution that the cost of civil goy-
erament should not be further in-
creased at this time except where
essential to ensure its efficiency, and
that no permanent increases in salar-
ies at $2,000 and upwards should be
made at this time.
Mr. Dewart, during the debate, re-
ferred particularly to the case of the
Deputy Registrar -General, who is re -
(*Mug an increase of e300 or 50 per
vent. of his present salary. This of-
fielal, Mr. Dewart said, was the
brother-in-law of the Assietant Pro-
vincial Secretary, and from 'another
brother-in-law of the same officer in
Sarnia, the drugs for Government in-
stitutions all over the province had
been purchased.
Government House "Atrium" Cost,
Province About $30,000-Detalls
Ordinary everyday citizens of On-
tario In their own homes call it a
"front hall," but in Government
House, which the people of Ontario
are paying fur with their own nioney
during war time, it Is called the
"atrium," and the marble alone in 11(0
"atrium" cost the province $20,000
and the total expense in this part of
the building will run well over $30,000,
This is one of the latest sensational
details brought to fight in the Publio
Accounts Committee. Another point
brought out is that the Government
sent its architect to New York to
visit homes of some of the great mil-
lionaires of the United State e to get
suggestions for furnishing Govern-
ment House. In addition, the form-
er Minister of Public Works, Dr.
Reaume, went to Europe to visit the
elaborate chateaux of that continent,
also to get suggestions for furnishing
Ontario's Government House.
As one of the members of the com-
mittee pointed out, not only should
Ontario not ape the extravagances of
American millionaires, but there is
also this difference that the Now
Yorkers at least paid for their own
houses, whereas this palace Is being
built with the money of the people
of Ontario, not 1 per centof whom
ever visit the place.
Race track gambling, particularly
during the war, came in for a great
battering from Liberal. members in
the Legislature. It was Lambert
Wigle, member for South Essex, who
brought the matter before the House.
He objected particularly to the estab-
lishment last year of two more race
tracks in the vicinity of Windsor,
which makes a total of three, in that
city alone, operating 42 days In the
year, "In this time of war," said Mr.
'Mgt°, "we need every bit of our
energy and strength for the success -
fel prosecution of the war." He
thought that the allowing of race
track gambling was a crying shame.
Professional gamblers and crooks,
driven out from the States, were find-
ing a piece to carry out their designs
in Ontario.
Sam Carter, M.P.?, for South Wel-
lington, thought that race track
gambling in Ontario was an out-
rageous scandal. Men sitting in high
places were making fortunes through
their connection with race tracks. Mr.
McGarry declared that the Govern-
ment could not keep these tracks out
and that all they had done was to
license them to obtain a revenue. Mr.
Carter, however, felt that the Govern-
ment could have prevented this state
of affairs by placing the license fee at
a prohibitive rate. Mr. McGarry
thought that a1lb 5 proceeding might
be declared Illegal.
Sir Adam Back made a slashing
attack against Meekenzie & Mann and
other big railway interests and Wenn-
ed that water power had boon stolen
from the people, Mr. Rowell said that
the people of Canada hadn't received
the transportation faellitios they were
entitled to and believed they would
not be satiefied with the censolidation
of the railways ander private owner-
ship. The whole system of lines would
have to he operated for the benefit
of the public,
Sam Carter'e motion for adequate
treatment by the Government of tho
urgent and serious problem of the
feeble-minded la Ontaelo was rbjected
as 1n oast Years.
Grand JuryPreseotmeot
T1.1,111.1.14 balbo ptesontrnelij or
the (1 Ulna y in conneetion with
the Supreme Court sillings recently ;
'1'' the Home:Mee atietlee Middleton,
The (30111 111 Jurors of our Sovereign
lewd the 1(ing, present ;
Thin, In 1110 peproolnuwe of then'
dutiee they neglected the jail. and
Annul that the courteous and efficient
officials therein have to all appeal, -
a01(55 faithfully disrhargod their
dales 111 keeping the jail in order and
111(1001 13' elean mut in caring foe and
Hoeing that thoise commit ted 10 thebe
elmege eve properly treated.
We found 111 01e jail 8 prisoners,
7 males and a female, and tione of
thein had any complaints to make of
thole treatment therein.
In the discharge of our duties we
also visited the Alexandra elavine and
Genet al hospital in the town of (lode-
riell 1111d 1 avrounaing country and de-
serving of very generous support by
the nubile.
By your Lordship's able and Instruc-
tive addrese to us on bus. openlog of
the Court, your Lordship very
mitterinily lighteued 0111• (11) Lies and
we most cordially agree Nt 1111 your
Londe/tip in maintaining lire Lime -
honored Institution or a. Grand July,
as the abolition of it syetein of such
long :entitling and white] wise Legis,
kiwi: have VieW o1 AS 5585(10AI to se -
cut e the libeety of the subject would
11 inost unforLunate.
It is our opinion that a system
tvhich has hi -011 consider ecl the peat
pethidine) of (evil libei 1 y for centuries
hmild not be sum encicred without
eogent retoems aml tha1 financial yea -
:10115 111 (111 opoo p, incinle of econ-
omy should not he considered pare -
tumult to Il,, lbhetl v the strident.
We als,, inmeoled he [louse of 10-
.10.1 0111.10n, an Institut ion 1110111.
(151 by public iiimieys, and found
therein 70 tonettee, 111) males and 40
females It wee 111.0 Emma in a clean,
01.11 1 111,-14 0, slate, and both
the keeper nod matron, >11', and Mrs.
inspire, as well as Miss Hicks, the a5-
• 1.3111111 Mal rell, Very ccnpetent, care -
fit! and painstaking ofaufals 1 and
nom, of the Mutates had lbs sliah test
emu/della to make of Linde treietinent.
'rile ileuee of Industry reflects greet
credit on the humane and Christian
limes or 1.11e 005113 ty authoritiee iuid
10111 evee stand as it recogniLion of the
feet that "1 he poor ye have always
with you."
\V,. beg to thank the Crown 001011-
(111 111111 (.31 own Altorney for thete
alt -
1111115 and Nand eons attention to us
1101 1115 the. ell tiugs of the (lourt.
We (1 101 that your Lordship may
be lotig emit 11 to dispense Justice to
Tell Others How They Were
Carried Safely Through
Change of Life.
Durand, Wis.-"I am the mother of
fourteen children and I owe my life to
Lydia 5, Pinkham's
Vegetable Coin.
pound. When I wee
45 and had the
Change of Life,
o friend recom-
mended it and it
gave me such relief
from my bad feel-
ings that I took
several bottles. I
am now well and
healthy and recom-
mend your Compound to other ladies."
-Mrs. MARY RIDGWAY, Durand, Wis.
A Massachusetts Woman Writes:
Blackstone, Mass. - " My troubles
were from my age, and I felt awfully
sick for three years. I had hot flashes
often and frequently suffered from
pains. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and now am well."
)31ackstone, Mass.
Such warning symptoms as sense of
suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back-
aches,dread of impending evil, timidity,
sounds in the ears, palpitation of the
heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu-
larities, constipation, variable appetite,
weakness and dizziness, should be heeded
by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has carried
sonny women safely through this crisis.
His klajeeLy's liege subjects and to he
a terror to evildoers tend a praise to
those who 1111%yell.
All of which is newt respectfully
subtui tied. Jos. 1(1130,ForeMan.
GOtlevieh, Grand Jury Hoene
March 151», 1917.
ALTER "INDIAN' LIST." -The "111 -
(lieu List," is to be re-established in
Ontario Temperance Act amendtuents
introduced in the Legislature by Hon.
W. D. McPherson, which will provide
machinery preventing men fetter) hav-
ing liquor in their homes or anywhere
else if the wife or other relatives ap-
plies for an order. The old plan has
bio revived with changes to meet the
altered conditions, The section peo-
vides that; an order interdicting a man
may he issnecl eiLher by a magistrate
or inspectoe upon the proper applica-
tion, Oopies of the order are then
85)1 10 express companies, enters, etc.,
who deliver liquor. The firm or in-
dividual who delivers liquor to 11 roan
on the Indian list, is made subject to
0 heavy penalty and penalities are
provided for persons who give drinks
to Indian listers. Where liquor in-
tended foe a miun en the list is 'Teel s-
ed by an express company the act
provides that it shall be sent to the
To Run -Down, Nervous Women,
Ky.-"I was a nervous
wreck, and in a weak, run-down eon-
dition when a friend asked me to try
\Ina I did eo, and tts a result I have
gained in health and strength. I think
Vinol is the best medicine in the world
for a eel -mule weak, run-down system
and for elderly people."-MrS. W. C.
CLAYTON, LOInSyille, •
Vinol, which contents beef and cod
liver peptones, iron and manganese
peptenatee, and glyeerephosphates,
is guaranteed to overcome all run-
down, weak, devitalized conditions.
F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels,
Also at the best, Druggists in all On-
tario towns.
04-4t0ete+0444.4.4.+44•+04-4044+ 444044+0+0+4.4.440+4Heeiete-f.4.-ede 4.
e a
We have Employment for
One Hundred W*rile
and rifty Men
to+ Work n War Orliers
Here is Your Chance
Comte and help us feed the boys in France
In our Pork and Bean Plant at Harriston
* We pay Women from $8.5o to $9.0o per Week
o Come direct to Harriston and we can assure you of a
Job and will arrange Board for you,
* The Call is URGENT
4. The WM. DAVE Co., Ltd.
•44+4.44+4+4.14444.4444444+0+4 +++.4444+•+401.4+•+.+•+4+•+0.
0 I
4. •
4. •
00 re Rex Am erste - Mr, 3300, Notice to Creditors
Mitchell, cello has been leavening the
Province in the inteeests of t he Mus-
koka Sailitatium 50).0 wonder if
anybody bee been telling yon that this
'nempetance Legiel et lull is A failure
and a humbug. It luta liven JUSt. Ketch
e feline e thee it' ie ebould bo the imtio
fume in a general eleol ion, father than
see ell. Detest go dewn ns ?tither of it
would go Mune tt long distance to
vole for h1m. I have seen only 4
ihritilten Well tenet. the. middle of
Sege ember last, one of them a soldiee.
I used to Hee 4 di mikett met, every del
heroic 1 het, livery any 1 he Legiehi-
theiis inerettsing in popular favor
peeve day Ile. bIos fq 1 leimrn 111
the bar aro woo hig less. They fell
tile thee limier can be got any time
any wle:re. I inn lIsing 10 1110 botele
all the Lime end I see no evideneee of
Pte. George SkIppee, son of George
Skippete St. Marys, has returned to
the trenches, having emelt, the ',net 11
1001101s in the beetle al, a sufferer
out ebell wounds in feet.
le the nietter or the estate of Dee
Somerville, late 01 1110 Towuship of
Morrie, in the County of Huron, fa, -
mete deceesed,
Notlee is heroin, (111511 pa n t ic, olrite 11, •
virus] Statutes of Ontario," that ell creditors
e11(1 others hems claims against 1118 8)1(11(1 or
the Raid travld Somerville, who died on or
ribont the 24111 (Thy 00 Irebtuary, A.A. 1017,
are required on or before the 2051 der or
A.D. 10171 to send by post prepaid 51 05.
liver to lt. V1111140110, 9015511011, Ontetio,
Solleitor for 111H Ad 111111114t1'0 t110 I 1'
(11111e11011 and Surnames, addrestioa and
11051.1•411 1008, 1110 11,11 Pltrtirlilltra 00 Elleir
cle i los, the statement of their tweounts 01111 1/10
1111101'0 of the securities tif nny) held by them.
Aad further Wire notice that after such Mot
mentioned date the said Administratrix will
pruned to distribute the assets of tita deoum-cd
among the parties entitled, thereto, having 1 o.
card only bo the claims of which a/withal] then
hays notice, and the Bald Administratrix will
1101 110 liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to nay Donlon or posees of writer;
olitim settee shall not, beve been received by
her at the time of snob distribution.
Datedat Wingham bbto 213rd day of luareh
A. D. 1917.
R. VANS'8014111, Weigh= 10.0,,
Solicitor for .adnitnintretrix,
lioard of Directors of Kiritton Agri- The People's Column
cultural Society 1111 thee, last meeting
, voted 850 to the Red Oroes Society reAtertTliel 110 RENT OR
aIllb settled on Oct. 4111 and Stli as the se" Lob gg, Coo. 0, (Amy. Ono of the bert pas.
anent to hold their next unmet] Fall time farms in the township, Running water
and sludle. Tema may.
711(1. 8114f D. muzia. zowi.
Auction Sales
AL'oil0E RALE OP ?ARM 070110, 5911
g. Scott, A uelionser.
has boott instrueted 5,0 Ilio nneerabord -to sell
by P111110Auction at Lot 18, Pon. le, Gre:•, on
Fridey, April 6th, at I o'clock, Ilto following
valnoble property ;-1 nutyng years old, 1 horse
8 years old, I horse 4 years old, 1 horse 0 y VW'S , For Sale
old, 1 mare 8 years Old I hone. eolt 2 years old
8 no 1.14 supposed nit, 2 heifers rising 8 years
supposed in calf, 1 Jersey onw, 0 good rod.
steers, 2 mteore rising 2 yearn, 2 Irene.% rising
2 years, 10 °allure rising 1 year, 11 strives 0 mos,
old, Snegq 5 menthe old, nhont 511 bens, 2 pare
broil Pty month Hoek to:testers, 1 Massey -Harris
hinder, 1 Dain mower, I horse rake, 1 oul ti vat.
or, 1 10 -boo seed drill, 1 muffler, 1 corn dropper.
1 /To 21 floury plow, 1 Het 4otnotion diamond
harrows, 1 gang plow, 1 atnnebost, lwognll 24
inch tire, 1 gravel box, 1 hay rack, 1 top baggy,
1 light sleigh 1 set whiftletrees, 1 milk eau, 1
001 11511100 brirneas, about 100 1,11,4181s0515. a
quantity of hay, a quantity of potatoes, forks,
chains and other articles too numerous to
mention. Sale without reserve BP proprietor
ham sold his farm. Terms -All 1010)0 of *00)
and soder cash 1 over bind antoum 8 months
credit given on furnishing outworn:4 joint
notes ; 6 per Dent per annum off for melt on
credit amounts. 301110 MITCHELL,
Q ow oitT mu .B RousE AND LOT 10031
104.-(1001-1 wall 0101 018 t0111. fruit trees,
5M, .Also 0,11111,», in corporation wit(1 ne.ge
ritsble and drilled well. For further partien.
Mrs as to price, terms, .65, 111(517 (0 705 Pone!,
Mk; acres of farm holds hi tiro Township
0(3 Morrjii, adjoin/11g 111.0 VI Of 131111l*, -/N. in
000 11510. here la gond gravel pit, if ;melt-
ed up, from 2 to 8 acres. It his been 11 att d
and enough of gravel there 10 supply the town
and y for the next quarter of a eentury ;
a buildtng (0001, Ternberry stroot 1 1 lot on
George street near the railway station ; also
my -private tegillenee en 11o, river bank, corner
of mitten) and Albert streete, roe turn,
portlouiare apply to the undorshmed at hie
residence, J. LECKIE,
Brussels, 15th Maroli, 1017.
for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his lino 100
nere farinbeing Lot 12, and part of Lot 12,
Con. 5,10111 80 woes tin Lob 7, 0,111, 4, Township
of (in?, Enron Catnap. On tho former .te
good briek bouPe, extra good barn, 60x 100 feet
House for Sale all cemented end water installed, acre in or.
chard, &t: 80 acres le chiefly bush. Also 10
arras, being .01 )2 Con. 0, in 51,1118 tOW11/4111j,
Comfortahle !maw, and 04 0000 or land for /2 ACM'S Of extra good Fall wheat anti over 40
sale in the Village 01 11111,0. Property belong- acres plowed. Both faring 111 cool condition,
ed to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex, NI cIfay. For further particulars as to prices, terms and
Cellar, drilled well, 5n., on the premises. For conditions, apply tut the premises or write
further particulars lml5011ii. JACKSON,
16.1f A. El, MACDONALD, Ethel. Telephone 4010, Ethel P.0,„..04.0+04.0+
t •
in and 11111VOrOary
• C.90NUM7I8113ESOSSMME0.O 01121I103EdE5I01059 118,11gEMEC5TAMISZES
O In Fine Cut Glass, Fancy China, Silverware, Rogers' ..T.
• Silver-plated Flatware in Tea Spoons, Cold Meat o.
* Forks, Table Spoons, Knives and Forks and
+ some of the newest Fancy Pieces, 4.
1: o.
Black Mantle Clocks •
• •
. Oak and Walnut kitchen Clocks •
.1, •
• NoiA
sy la.rrn Clocks a
i. +
. m
4- Oa.I1 anel see the Assortment. +
÷ +
• 0
+ J. R. WENDT +
04. 0
• .1.044+e+e÷e*e+a+ei-ae***4.eee+teeee+.4,e+e+e+oeeeeeeee+a
5515 ,_-_-
, A
13 -."-^,-
+TI'll ill 1100"
1 . .1r°
',I.CILIZZa - ;,:inWT:ilf
The, 1917 Ford Touring Car
o 11, Forel, 0(11,
You pay less for this car but it gives
you more enjoyment, more mileage and
longer service than those which cost more.
The Touring Car gives the utmost in
automobile value, pride of ownership and
Buy a Ford this year and save money
-when saving is a national. duty,
S. C RTER5 bteer