HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-3-15, Page 8•1eb•M•dearoto:a�♦1•ed6.1.O'r...,..........., . ,3/4„,.2 r., 11 Papers ••• I • . p . y The Brightness of the last few days, with the sun shin- ing on faded walls, has drawn the attention of many a householder to the urgent need of n BWp aneY, Therefore we draw atten- tion to our large a ge new stock of Wall Paper, and our:racks are full with a choice offer- ing of Plain Weaves, and Oatmeal Ingrains, Embossed Silk Patterns and Handsome Tapestry Designs for Parlors, Living Rooms, Halls and Dining Rooms. FOR BEDROOMS there are many Floral and Striped Designs with Fancy Cut-out out Borders. KITCHEN PAPERS and Washable Varnished Tile Paper for Bath Rooms. We will be glad to give an estimate of cost for re -papering k or if preferred we can call and measure the room for you. See ee tae New Papers +r• eeo• O F W R SMITH store Druggist and Stationer • • • • •4 • • •♦ 4. • • • • • •1• O Y t • s • r • V 1 d • D • p S tf p e STANDARD BANK,-SUbSQriptIOns to the 3rd War Loan will be received at the Standard !sank, Brussels tree of cost. Call and see Manager Semis. TIM fellow employees of R W, MoOre, in the Rahway office at Fort William, presented he and his bride (Miss Nettie Brown) with a flue set of Crown Derby China as a weddiaggift It was a :mach appreciated present Mr and Mrs. Moore have taken up housekeeping at No, 133 North joke Street, Fort Wit- ham, No TEA NE=T TDEsDAy -The Red Cross Pea announced for next Tuesday is cancelled for that date but every lady who eau sew is requested to visit the Red Cross rooms and help sew the cheese cloth vermin suits for the boys in the trenches. They are badly need- ed, Come right after dinner, I'ueeday next, March zoth, and lend a hand. Coss/ CORNER -A score of the many friends of W, A. and Mrs. Lowry in town banded together and preseuted him withh cosiest t o cosi s kind of cosy corner, There was no ceremony about the presentation as the present was sent to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lowry, Pri a n ass street, accompanied by best wishes for a long and happy life and a list of the names of cloaators. Mr and Mrs. Lowry appreciate the kinclness very much as they do that of many o hers at home and abroad who were so thoughtful and generous. EpWORTH LCAGne ANNIYERSARY,- Last Sabbath the anniversary sermons of the Epworth League were preached bythe pastor, Rev D, Wren. By re- quest he discoursed oo '"The Second Chance" in the morning. Mark being the personage dwelt upon. In the even- ing "'The man who cleaned up a town" was the theme with St. Paul at Ephesus as the foundation. Both were fie ser- mons e e. mons an d many would helad to hear them again. An excellent musical pro- gram was rendered by the choir, morn- ing anthem being "Blest Day of God" and the Ladies Sextette, unaccompan- ied, sang, with beautiful expression, "Softly and Tenderly." At the evening service Male quintette rendered "0 1 Silvery Sea of Galilee" in first class style end Clayton lordan sang '•Is He Yours ?" with good effect, Monday evening the annual entertainment was held, with the pastor in the chair, when a first-class program was given after de- votional exercises es follows ;-Orches. ra ; recitation, Barrington Gilroy; olo, Miss Hingston ; piano solo, P. R. Mulheron • solo, Miss Muriel Hoover; ecitation, Helen Seeker ; solo, Rev G. W. Dewey, Stratford; reading, bliss era Hoover ; solo, F. H. Gilroy ; ad- ress, "Character or Cash," Rev. Mr. ewey ; solo, A. H. Francis, London ; resentation to Chester and Mrs. Arm- troog ; orchestra ; chorus. ' 0 I Cann- a ;" Benediction. Everybody did their art splendidly and encores were num- roes. Mr. Dewey's. address abounded in practical pointers which cannot tail to prove most helpful, The financial proceeds were over $3o co. League is to be congratulated oa the success of the anniversary. 'i•44®eelef e+o4O$•+•+•d••+•+x4•+•+•+•+•+•+•+$+•4.4•••444• eeJ�� TARE A SHARE. -The third War Loan �t7 is sow open and is going with a sweep. Read the announcement on page 4 of I this Issue. Serve the Empire by lend- Ceowe are sere. HALF of '" i itch gone, Doe rfor a.cyodr Shamrock, Seetteies .Vit tie St. Patrick's Day MILLINERY Openings Friday and Sat- urday of x, week. See the advts, in this issue 7,21 -1 be sure to attend, LAST Sw:a!,lAy malt's trait] was 3 beers late, causal by running into an open switei •+t Toruato junction. WOMEN •= institute Tea Saturday after- noon of the Beek. Bill of fare and pro- gram will tee Irish. Visit the Library building ate: patronize the 'Tea. WILL p. elle who have completed work for Se usels Branch of the Red Cross kindle hand in the same as anotb- er bale win he forwarded shortly. AT the Concert to be given under the direction of i.ir, Mulberon in the Town H.tll, Brus:,els, Friday, April loth, the services of Miss Maud Bustdllen, the talented violinist, who has appeared be- fore well pleased audiences here, bas been secured, HAVE Y"i' MADE YOUR CNOICE?-Brus- sels Horticultural Society request all its members, who have not done so, to hand in their options so that the list may be compiled and the order sent away. If you are left our uo one but yrurself will be to blame, Don't forget time is flying so bustle in your list. THE time limit set for filling in Na- tional Serviee Cards has been extended to the vet of March. It is hoped that all males between the ages of 18 and 6o who for any reason did not comply with the first request will now perform this voluntary patriotic duty. Fresh cards and envelopes for this purpose may be obtained at all post offices. "THE NEW MmNInTItz,"-This is the title of a most interesting entertainment to be presented by a company of people of Brussels and locality in Brussels Town Hall, Friday evening of next week directed by A. B. Francis, London, under the auspices of the Red Cross Circle. Pian of reserved seats opens at Fox's Drug store Saturday of this week. Get your pick of the seats by an early call, Program will be A r, Goon PROGRAM. -A very instructive and entertaining meeting of Brussels Continuation School Literary was held ie the School Room Friday afternoon. Every number was excellent and reflect- ed credit on the students taking part. The debate was well contested, the de- baters proving themselves well able to beadle the subject. Rev, Ie. E. Page, P. H. Gilroy and Bert Lott, judges, gave decision to affirmative that the U. 5. should have entered the war on side of Alii+•>;. Pte, Wilfrid. Lott was present, being home on last leave. He was called to the platform and after listening to an address by Principal Scott, recalling past day;, was present- ed witb a metallic mirror to remind him of the goodwill and interest of his form- er fellow students. Pte. Lott gave a very able reply, Following was the program 1-- Introductory remarks by President I, Hoover ; chorus by school ; What British Navy has done in war, C. Best ; chr.rus, "Three cheers for Red, White and Blue" ; Deeds ot heroism, J, Warwick ; solo, I Wilkinson ; reading, I. Hoover ; trio, "'Tenting on the old Camp Ground 1 Canacin's share in Great War, E. Baker ; solo, B. Wright ; des bate, "Resolved that the United Slates should have entered the war on side of Aloes", 13. Campbell, K. McDonald ve E, Miller, C. Armstrong t duet, V. Harris ahcl G. McKenzie ; address, "Lessons from •tlte War', 13. S Scott; chords, LaMatsellaise ; Presentation to Pte, :Lett ; remarks by floe. -Pres., F. H. Gilroy ; reading of Journal ; God Save the Ding. ing TUESDAY of this'week A. H, Mac- Donald, Township Treasurer of Grey, handed W, H, Kerr, a cheque for $84.00 for Red Cross Fends of Brussels. This was in the division of the apportionment among the branches from Grey. It helps fill the gap fine in providing for the needs of the soldier boys. `0-- CoMFoRT,sLn house to rent In Brussels, MRS. JN O. HOwARD. Pon SALE. -Improved Banner Seed Oats, 1918 yield over 67 heehels per acre. 88 pounds to bushel. At 41,00 and 11.10 per bushel. J. A. BPetRAN. Phone 618, 5 PIO9, 7 week, old, for sate. R. Cnaarx dth line, Morris. Phone 1214, CAR of Corn and a oar of middlings expected at G. T. R. station, Brussel,, Friday of this week. Call telephone 6 if you want either, Aar, BARRER, To REST. -Two comfortable dwellings. Ap- ply at Tna POST. FOR sale at hareem sett second hand single harness. RICHARDS $ 00, I5 your organ regoiree repair, or cleaning call up phone 17 and prompt attention will be given. Coerroweenrec house and M flora lot for Bale with etnble, well, cistern, fruit trees, &o. Everything handy. Property well located. POeoeseisn given In two weeks from sale, For further particulars apply to 88.8 Taos. ENNra, Brussels. Port SAL,. -1 heavy draft gelding rising 1 years. J. P. Mo1NTosu, Phone 668 It, R. No. 5, Brussels, PaoPnamy Fon S i.L ,-The flrat-elses brook house, good stable and 1 -acre lot known as the Nicholls property, Turnberry street South, ls offered for sale at a bargain. For further pap tieulnrs apply at Tan POST. C0sIrORTARLa house to rent with 75 sores of land. Immediate possession. .Apply to Mlsa Margaret Relit', Phone 1717, or Mise Jane Kelly, Brussels, SEED GRAIN FOR SAL71,-O. A. 0. leo. 72 ones end 0. A. (.1. No. 21 Barley, MARTIN MONATE, Phone 2818. R, R. No. 2, Brussels, - Te THE PARstnna OF GRITZ-Do you wlah to market your hogs under a more profitable ijyetem 7 It you do ring up 'Phone 6626 for in - Two second hand sewing machines for sale, in gond repair. May be seen in S. Carter's store, RPRO Oats and Barley for sale. 0. A. 0. No, 72 fined Oats seared 98 points In East Huron e. gricultural Society's Standing Field Crop Competition In 1916. Also a number of Shorn brad York sows 0 montha old. 8151 ANDREW LAMONT, Phone 2814 Lot 0, Con, 10, Grey. QDANTITy of hay and some Beed sate for Hale. L. HotLINOalt, Brussels. ConrroaT sr,5 house for sale with large THBgorda en, frnit trees, etc, For torme apply at PoeT, DR. PARRSR, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Thursday atternoon of each week. Chronic) and nervous diseaeee snocentully treated, Visits reeldencee. Oonenitatlon at Itasca', Hotel, -o-- AT the meeting of the Girl Guides Thursday evening of this week, at 7 o'clock, a review ot their Tenderfoot work will be taken in preparation for their teats the following Thursday even- ing. Miss Jardine is the Captain, A good turn out is asked for, WEATNRR INSURANCE --The attention of our reader is called to the advt, of the Huron Weather Insurance Mutual In- surance Co. in another column. Owing to the resignation of A, G. Smillie, Secretary, Chas Monteith, Woodham, bee been appointed his successor. INSTITUTE, -Brussels Women's heti- tete will convene in the Audience Room of the Public Library Saturday, March 17th, et 2 30 p. m, Mrs. 13 S. Scott will introduce the subject, "How to acquire self control." There will also be a roll call when you- may io answer sing, read, give a suggestion or pay a file of 5 cents. Immediately following this program ten will be served, the proceeds devoted to Local Relief, Patriotic work and other ueeds. Every lady invited to attend Remember the change in date, Saturday, Marti Lyth, St, Patrick's Day, Church Chimes In Melville church last Sunday morn- ing Stewart Grant, of Stratford, sang the fine solo "Jerusalem" in gond voice. At the evening service Mr. Francis, of London, rendered "Wandering child come home" with excellent effect. Next Seedily the pastor will have for his topic at the morning service in the Methodist Church "The Christian Sol. dier's equipment -the Shield." In the evening bis subject will be "Are our brains the chief part of us 7" The music will be as follows :-Morning, mixed quartette, "Am I a soldier of the cross," Misses Wheeler and Dark, Mes- srs. McCracken and Jordan. Evening, anthem, "My Great Redeemer's Praise;" semi•chorus, "Ilse Home Land," -Sir Arthur. Sullivan, unaccompanied The ehoir is preparing a cantata for Easter Sunday entitled "The Easter Angels." People We Talk About Lawson Wright was home from Toron- to for the week end. Will. Seeker is doing duty as a juror at Goderich this week Miss Lizzie Elliott left this week on the return trip to Calgary after an en- joyable visit with relatives and friends here, Mrs, Roy Plumsteel, Clinton, was re- newing old friendships in Brussels dur- ing the past week. She was formerly Miss Hazel Rrzel', of this locality. THE POST was sorry to see the name of Private Will. Mayberry in the list of the wounded in last week casnsliy list, His many old friends here are glad to hear he was not seriously injured and bas returned to the trenches P.arrister Holmstead and Mrs. Allan McLean, both well known Sesforth residents. were gufed,' married this week, The letter IS a sister to Mrs P, Scott and known to many of the readers of Tax POST Mrs, Scott attended the wedding This week Arthur and Mrs. Henry and son retrieved from Brussels to Wingham where t11e farmer has taken a position 111 the moulding department of the Foundry. We wish them suceess in their new home and hope they will find mulch that is conducive to their wellbeing. Kincardine paper says of s grandson of David Ross, Brussels :-Sergt Gord- on Ross, who le now oo aelive service in France, in a letter to bis parents tells of meeting Adam Filzell who reported the boys from here all well. Gordon expects shortly to hunt the boys from this section. Lorne Pringle, Toronto, was in town for a few days. He came to visit his old home and TO extend congratulations to Mrs. T. Maxwell, who celebrated her Suet birlhrlay Inst week. Many old friends join in wishing Mrs. Maxwell many of the joys and tele of the sorrows 81 the years spend by, Cleve., eldest son of Rev. S. J and Mrs Ailin, of Wyoming, formerly of Brussels, who has been cadet bevel in- structor, is now tailing on H. M S, Leviathan, One of the newest British crusiers Way, the youngest son, hes gone to Enelarci oe a member of a V. M, 0, A. contingent, in connection with the military camps and hospitals. He has engaged with the Y M. C. A. for nears, most of the time in Detroit and Chicago, A splendid work la being done among the :Midler hays by the Y, M. C. A. that will Iong be green in their memories, 4tF't..i•!»!'d'i'•h•L'd••F'k'1•$•Ni"1'•F'h9'i•+++ + Free Brow' h Studio - Brussels 1 OPEN * Thursday, Friday & Saturday ; $ Each Week + SEE OUR, * Special Barga.ifrts * ou all Photos. Sale to May lot .1. • Picture framing Neatly Done ++• +++++++++++++++++++44+++ Pts, Archie Kay, Stratford, who went overseasit I w t theu o Lo do Medical corps, has been promoted to Sergeant. He is the only son of Postmaster A. M, Kav, a former Brttsselite and a nephew to W. H and r.r. d Vi rs K r. Captain Charlie Kerr, who was wouud- ed in France sone time ago curl ked been home recuperating, was called back to England. On examina- tion there he was considered incapaeitat• ed from returning to the front but was given the post of Commanding Grenade Officer at West Seedling Camp, Eng- land. His brother. Lieut. Harold Kerr, is in command of the grenade school of r th Reservet q Battalion of Seaford Camp Sussex, Euglsnd They are sons of Rev W. E. and Mrs Kerr, Vancouver, lis C„ formerly of Ontario, Walton Next Sunday morning Communion will be observed ie Duff's Church. Preparatory service Friday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Next Wednesday at 3 p. to, the regular meeting of Walton Women's Institute will be held in the A. O. U. TV. Hall. Miss Simpson will give a paper on Gardening. A good turn out asked for. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by Rev. R. A. Lundy, at Duff's Ohnrch manse here, nn Wed- nesday, between George Roy Bennett, of this place, and Miss ViolR, daugh- ter of snob and Mrs. Long, Oranbroolc. We wish them many happy and prosperous years. HEAR MR, AARTRY,-Nest Tuesday Mr. Battey, Seafnrth, is expected to Wee an address to the Wom- en's Institute on Horticulture, Cone prepared to ask questions and take notes as the epeaker is an authority. Mr. H,wtry will elan give a talk to the school pupils on their school garden work, He is the Vice -President of the Provincial Horticultural Society. Don't miss hearing him, AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, MARCH 17'rn. - Farm, Farm Mock, implements, deo. Lot 7, Con. 5, Grey Township. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. J. W. Morrison. Prop. F. 8 Scott, Am. woanay, 6iAROH 18mg.-Fnrm, Farm stock, implements, do. Lot 8, Con, 0, Grey Town. chip, Cale unreserved at 1 p, m. 3. 1, Jerm rn, Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano. TDEsnAr, Muton 20. -Farm stock, imple- ments, &s., Lot 22, Con. 8, Grey, (adjoining Ethel). Sale at 1 p. in, sharp, 0, Eckmler, Pron. F. R. Snort, Ana. WRDn.atAy, Malian 218:P. -Farm, farm stock, implements, household furniture, &c, R3S Lot 10 and 17, 5512 Con„ Morris Township. Rele unreserved at 1 P. m. Mne, W. 1+1• DRAOgaN, A dminiatratrrx, F. H Soots, Anc. THURSDAY, MARon 22Nn. - S. M, Lot 000, Morris Township, Farm stook, lmulements, dtc. Sale unreserved et 1 p. m, W. D. Mc- Lean, Prop. F. S. 80016, Ana DIED over that amount 10 months credit given on HARTTS.-Soddenly, In Detroit. on Merril 1015, turniahing approved joint notes. 6 per cent 1017 John Hanle, formerly of McKillop, per annum off for soh on credit amounts. aged 05 iyeers, W. D, MoLEAN, Proprietor. T PI.4 •••♦•••••••••••••••••••••• STANDARD • BANK S OF CANADA • DRUGSTORE o MAD OYYIC6 • TORONTO 1• 4+++++++++.1444.14••••• • • • Rlnnrluuu Rn 4•• 0 • • Money Orders and Drafts are issued' by this Bank payable in HDT'D le 711 all parts of the world. .3¢ BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, Q O 110 Manager. tia"?89l. 1ax- BORN HAMILTON, -In Newmarket, on March 8th, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Phihnore B. Handl. ton, (formerly Mies Merle Richmond, Atwood eon -Willie Belfry, POLLAIID. Ia n Brusaele, on bah th, 1817, to Mr. and tare. E. J. Pollard, a daughter, MARRIED BssNmTT-Lotro•-A1 Duff's Church Manse, Walton, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, B. A,. on March 14th, 1017, Mr. Geo, Roy Bennett, of Walton, to Mi,+s Viola, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jnoob Long, Oranbrook, Auction Sales AlMs lsso7SttAucoemwcs 6--. S. copAuctioneer, been Inutrnctod by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 7, Con. 5, Grey, on Saturday, 6arh 170h at 1 do ook the follow. Mg vnlunblo property• -1 aged mars 1n foal to Lothian lleO 1 f, 1 genera8yens in feel to rising ig 4 yea ,, Chief, 1 with atfoe gelding duets 4 yenta, 1 cow flak ,1 hifoot, r1 now duo to calve April time h, a ate, l r 2fyea yenta old duo l solvp it84,ft , 1 heifer 2 oea l old pee M, 1 t April ed 1 now due to calve April old, 1 thorn' -bond Durham ander n 8 geese, old, 1 calf 7 months old, 1 gander 1 gg�eese, 1 pen Wyandotte Island Red hens, 1 pen White 75usReed hats,, bomber of odd hens, 0 about 75bus. aced oats, about 75 bus. teed Data, 1 Pat- er Hamilton gang plow nearly new, 1 Peter Hamilton mower nearly new 5 ft. cut, 1 Mc- Cormick binder a ft. cut, 2 walking plow,, 1 set Iron harrows, 1 pet disco, 1 Noxon need drill, 1 senator, 1 Wagon, 1 light wagon, l set of bob• aleighefl buggy 1 cotter nearly new, l tennis mill, seta doubloc le hnrneae nearly new. lobe nearly l y new, sa nearly new, 1 black goat robe nearly nes, 1 grave) box, 1 string bells, 1 Mag- net cream separator, .1 260 egg incubator, 1 dos. grain bngo, timber for born 40x60 feet, 1 Daisy churn, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 crowbar, 1 tar at, forks, fka, eltatna, shovels and other her arEio- lon too numerous to mention, Farm, which contains 100 acres, with comfortable new brick house, otable, young day,d, it , will be of- fered for bole the seinea Immediate ppos- seeaicn. Cole unreserved aoctor to talc, ing a position in the 0, P. R, Handcad ()Mee, 3font- real. Terms -All sums of $5 and under each over tint amount 10 months credit given on furnishing approved Joint notes ; 5 per Dent off for cash on credit amoante. Terms for farm made known by application to under- signed or on day Of sale. JNO. W. MORRISON, Proprietor. AtJOTION SALE OP FARM STOOK, IM- PLICMeNTe, 1545, &o, -F, S. Scott, Inc. undersigned propria or totselltby PubllcnAnthe e- tien et 1395 Lot 80, Oon. 7 Morris, Thursday, March 22nd, at 1 o'clock sharp the following valuable property, viz; -1 draft mare 5 years old, 1 draft mare 2 years old, I driving mare 10 years old, 0 cows supposed 1n calf, 2 heifers supposed in omit, 1 heifer to calve about time of ante, 1 steer rising 8 years, 2 steers rising 2 yrs., 2 heifer rising 2yearn, I steer rising t year, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 7 store pigs, pair of geese, pair of (looks, 70 hens, I McCormick binder 8 ft. out, 1 McCormick mower 5 ft. cut, 1 McCor- mick 10 ft. rake, 1 Massey -Harris 4 -carriage hay loader, 1 Noxon 10 -hoe seed drill, 1 wheel- berrow, 1 Noxon cultivator, 1 set iron harrow% 1 hay reek, 2 walking Nowa, 1 wagon, 1 gravel box, l set sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 set double harness, 1 set mingle harness, 1 stock rook, 1 turnip pal- lier, 1 ginning 1501 with bagger, 10 tons hay, 1 Daisy churn, 1 Premier cream separator, 1 cook stove, quantity of timothy need, and oth- er erticlee too nnmerone to mention. Sale un- reserved as the proprietor la giving up farm. Ina. Terme-All mune of$500 and under cash; s�at�.er,=_,-,�-yrc-.ta`:.-s•,. - �..,xa:. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOOLS, IMPLe T ,-85 S. Scott Au tioneer, has been inetERreete0d by the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at Lot 8 Con. 9, Grey, Mon- de March 19th et 1 o'clock, hat follow- ing Oo , e ,eav to loft P tog vn of for s, I genty al uyrpocung heavy draft icing 55 yea e, 8 new 1 edcow , 1pow mare rising in April, ! cow duoale to calve 1st July,re to 1 Cow due to calve 16th July, 4 steers rising 2 years, 1 heifer rising 2 years, 10 eolvee rising1 year, 8 stoves 2 Weeks old, 1 cow due to farrow June 9th, 1 young sow due to !arrow June 1001, 1 sow due to farrow Jane 28th, 8 store pigs about 126 lbs.,8 store pigs about 140 lbs., 7 pigs about 2 monts old., 2 pigs 7 weeks old, 20 tons fi.rst- olaan timothy hay, 80 bus. need barley,90 butt. seed oats, 150 bus, mixed rain, 200 bs. oats, 80 Inc. corn,65 hens 1 McCormick 1 g rmiok b oder mow- er computnearly new, 1 Frost .,Wood mow er 8-io nearly l n ew, 1 fatt, horse rake 1 turnip Iron ha nearly new, 1 sed drill, 1 rake, 1 r,1 wagon box and fanning 1 mill lgho,turnip g 1 wagon box and rook, est single h 1 buggy, e1 set al crle eaharness, 1 set wheel arrow, 1De Laval crenmee a or art 1 wheelbarrow, 50 1 P w ee ba w, y fork atm le r p to, and other is tich ono contains oar s, mention. Form, which s, flue 100 acres, with and s good brie, houses, flue beak barn, pig and cheep hones, f n ,&o.l will be of- rered f nte,1. cele risme day. el n. sold it ith be rented. Immediate proprietor i Saes without reserve as the 6 and unr o gulag . Terms ameicame months and tit given o; over that amount 0 montns es ; given on furnishing cash� approved joint am notes ; 5 r s ft mo for cadet on credit ay of sal Terme for farm made known on day o! sale Jr on application to the undersigned. J. T. J1RMYN0ERMYN, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK, IM- pLEMRNTs, 0OUa05OLD oURNITUaa, &M- IL 8, Scott, Auctioneer, hen reoetved instrue' tions from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot Lot 2, Con, 8, Grey Twp.. Friday March 28rd, at 1 o'clock sharp the following valuable property: -1 draft mare,1 general purpose mare, 1 6•ya old merby DrambrliChief, 1 filly 8msnthe old Peroheron, 1 gelding ening 2 yens from Drulnburlle, 8 fresh oowe, 1 polled Angus cow due about time of sale, 1 Polled Angus heifer due to calve May 20th, 2 cows dee to calve about time of the sale, 7 calves, 8 year•o1ds, 8 young calves, 15 store pigs 1 thoro'bred York sow to farrow April 1511, 1 cow to farrow about time of sale, 76 hens, 1 pair ducks, about 100 bushel feed oats, about 100 bushel seed orate Siberian and Golden Drop variety, 10 bushels need peas, 40 bushel. barley, 5 or 8 tone mixed hay, 15 bushels seed potatoes 8 good kinds - early and late, 1 Bet doable harness, 1 Het eingle harness, 1 set plow harness, 1 binder Mo. Cormick, 1 McCormick mower, 1 McCormick hayrake, 1 Massey -Bartle Wider nearly new, I blearing cultivator (Phone nearly new, 1 Cober land roller, 1 sod plow, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 12 -hoe Peter Hamilton seed drill, 1 turnip pnlper, 1 Bain truck wagon, 1 buggy, ,1 set bench sleighs, 1 cutter, 1 flet hay rook, parr of sew log bunko, I eooffier, 1 Ib -foot ladder, 1 gravel box, 1 wagon box, 1 set 2000 lbs. scales, I fanning mill, 20 grain bags, 2 sate whtffietrees, 2 cream separator, 1 barrel churn, number of dairy pails, 1 6 octave Kern orgnn, 1 wood. heater, 1 kitchen stove, 1 bureau, nevem' articles of bed -room furniture, chains, forks and a heat of other useful articles Sale un- reserved as the proprietor has sold his farm, Terme :-All 'sumo of $5 band under cash ; over that amount 8 months credit given on furnish - Ing approved joint notes. 4 per Dent oft for oaah on credit amounts. A.D. GRANT, Proprietor, BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat"- 81 880 110 -70Oats Peas 200 2 16 Butter 185 18fi5 Hoge ,-, Id 00 Id 8800 • Cough Cur When you are troubled with a dough or cold you will find 6• nothing more aatiefaotol • than our Blond Root Gough • Cure. Every season makes it moreP P o ular. 4 Dunce Bottle 25c • 1Chifbdains • •l To C lose who suttee from $ this most annoying affair we m recommend our special Chil- blain cure. • House !Thermometers • 25c per Bottle • • • • •• • • • • • Very convenient for regu- lating the temperature of e room. Thoroughly tested and guaranteed correct. 35c each • ♦ • ♦ A • James Fox • Druggist and Stationer. O • • 4 • For Sale 2835 acres of farm lands in the Township of Morris, adjoining the Village of Brussels, 1n one field. There Is a good grovel pit, If open- ed up, from 2 to 8 acres. It has been tested and enough of gravel there to supply the town and vicinity for the next quarter of a century; 6 building lots on Turnberry street ; 1 lot on George street, near the railway clarion ; also my private residonce on the river bank, corner of William and Albert streets. For further partlonlare apply to the undersigned nt ble residenoo, J, LECKIE, Brussels, 15th Mar011,1017. Boar for Service The undersigned will keep for service nt N15 Lot 17, Co,,, 7, Morris, the tlioro'•bred Durham Bull, "Autumn Leaf," No, 105782. Ternta $1.50, payable January 101,1018. No insurance, Ped. agree may be seen on npplioatinn. 110.4 • JAMES NICHOL, Proprietor. ''a lr Ter TO CANAD THEFACTORY THE FARM She must have Food - for her Armies in the Field -for her Workers in the Factory -in the Munition plant -in the Shipyard -in the Mine. THERE'S DANCER IN SIGHT -BUT YOU CAN HELP DO YOU KNOW - that the rapidly rising price of food stuffs moans that the World's rdserve supply is getting smfallll? YOU LOU KNOW - that a world-wide famine can only be averted by increasing this supply ? Do You KNOW - that a "food famine" would be a worse disaster to the Empire and her Allies than. reverses, in the Field ? You CAN__ helpthwart Germany's desperate sub- marine thrust on the high seas. You CAN - do this by helping to make every bit of land in Canada produce -the very last pound of food stuffs of which it is capable. AND REMEMBER - that no men eve see that he has fully done his hart -who having land -be it garden patch, or farm, or ranch -fails to make it produce food to its utmost capacity. BRITAIN APPEALS TO CANADA THE NEAREST PRODUCER OF *TAMIL FOODS India and Argentina ere more than twice the titstance away wad Australia more than four times. 1M,t1$ 1101 11.110 Canada to Britain India & Argentina to Britain - iimanomm«a• M"'" ummui Australia to Britain smonammaimemouvam1110 Mos' mmommaft INFORMATION THESE FARM PRODUCTS ARE HEEDED FOR EXPORT WHEAT, OATS, BEET, BACON, CHEESE, EGGS, BUTTER, POULTRY, BEANS & PEAS, WOOL, FLAX AND FLAX FIBRE, DRIED VEGETABLES "No matter what difficulties may face us, the supreme duty of every man on the land is to use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more -and still more." Martin Darrell -i 1nitter of Apiculture. The Department invites every one desiring information on any subject relative to Farm sad Garden, tae write - BUREAU DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTTAWA