The Brussels Post, 1917-3-15, Page 5eliSI$ 8 GAR ai
I!NSE6i ,°1eyV lid''
GiI?J.',r.PIR OAT.1,670
Business Cards
Successor to M. H. Aloore, Oltce lit Ander.
Son Bros, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone
No. 29,
M. B., M. O. P,. &S. O.
M, 0, H,, Village of firnseels.
phyatatan, Surgeon, Accoucheur
019oe at residence, oppo ire Melville Church,
Bachelor of Medleine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Weateru hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr,
A. McKevoy, `Smith Bleck, Bruesels.
Runt phone 95,
Personal graduate Oepnrturent of Ophthal-
mology, MoCorrniok Medical College, Chicago,
I11., ie prepared to tela eyes and St glasses at
,her office over Wes roman's millinery store.
ad^- I -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
7uay of every week. Croce hours -10
m. ; I to 8 p.m. Evenings by appoint.
Phone 1218.
graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
ge, Day and night calla. Mee opposite
r Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Batiefnotion nssttred ; Charges moderate.
airite or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Mester, Melville Church,
=' ' lege of aril ouExnniine tlort� or Toronto
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
OfficeonoR the Square, , r from Ramilton
Private fonds to loan at lowest rates,
W. P00000007, J. D. COORS L, KILLORAN
��Rlil.�r- jf�!'
4 Ontario's Best Business College
Pei Students may enter our classes lit any g
. time. Commence your course now and
C be qualified for 0 position by Nti•
viler. During July end August of last ..
gyear we received calla for aver 200
office anointante we could 1101 sow
t`)) 00r graduotu.i ora in dmnmtd
`?rite at 0000 for our h•ee entnlogue. 0
0. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal.
42VA'7, JvavAtaYbgJ sZat.krA.N.111241,A VA.Y470$41
To Lydia E. Pinkhane Medi-
cine Co.
Women who are well often ask "Are
the letters which the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co. are continually publishing,
genuine?" "Are they truthful?"
'Why do women write such letters ? "
In answer we say that never have we
published a fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, have we published
an untruthful letter, or one without the
full and written consent of the woman
who wrote it.
-The reason that thouaands of women
from all parts of the country write such
grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has brought
health and happiness into their lives,
once burdened with pain and suffering,
It has relieved women from some of
the worst forms of female ills, from dis-
placements, inflammation, ulceration,
irregularities, nervousness, weakness,
stomach troubles and from the blues.
It is impossible for any woman who
is well and who
has never suffered
to realize how these
poor, suffering wo-
men feel when re-
stored to health;
their' keen desire to
help other women
who are suffering as
they did.
A. 11. MCDONALD, Ethel, Ontario,
says : -
Last Spring I put chimed a guard ity
of I•intnestead 13nne Black Fel Lifter
frnut J. K. Baker and from the results
shown by its use on plats of corn and
potatoes, I can confidently revoinmeutl
Its use on a much larger scale, This
shows the value of intensive farming.
If every acre available on an average
farm were properly cultivated and
t•Inntestead Fertilizer used judielously
ys/ r. I am sure the financial retools would
show a marked iuereasel'
GEO. SCHROIEDEIR, Dashtvoa.l, Om
rano, stays
"I used Homestead BMW Black Fet-
tilizer on oats lust Spying, leaving one
drill width without where you could
see the difference of about one foot. I
recolmnend it to any farmer who
wishes to do good farming, as I think
there is no better,"
WILLIAM .EVLAN0, 12u'nit, OnLiu -
io, says :
"I have used Homestead hone Black
I'ert.ilizer and ant so greatly pleased 1
want to tell yon of it, 1 had a piece
of ground where nothing would grow,
-t not even weeds and 1911111ed sLraw-
berries and put some fertilizer on
thou and the growth is simply won-
detfnl. In fact it beats anything
aronnd the neighborhood.
Willie Michigan Ortebor Warks, De-
troi1, foe Nee book and paelimilms
about their Homestead Bone Black
at LI ,
axl ie Items
Rev. 13, H. Stauffer, the well known
Congregatioual divine, of 'reroute, has
been invited to a Chicago pastorate
A great evaugelistic sweep has been
le through Essex Couuty
the Billy Sunday revival beldat Detroit,
Lieut, Clarke, who went overseas from
Hamilton and who is a member of a
tunnelling Company of Engineers in
France, has been presented with the
Military Cross for conspicuous bravery.
He is a nephew of G. A. Deadman, of
Pte. Harry Fox, son of Tames cud
Mrs. Fox, Brussels, may trausfer from
the medical corps to a machine gun
section. He went overseas last year
and apparently desires to do his duty in
the thick of the fight. Although still in
Euglaud he expects a call to France
Tax Post' is iu receipt of two copies
of popular songs written by Pte. Tom
Pritchard, a returned soldier of the
Princess Pats, formerly of Goderich.
They are entitled "'There's a girl in
Huron," and "The Call", and either
may be had at 15 cents per copy, by
writing Pte. Pritchard, Goderich,
Among lite invitations teudered to
pastors known in this locality from their
present charges we notice those to Rev.
A Me10hbin, Wooclham ; L A, McKel-
vey Duuganuou ; 1. F. Knight, tien-
mall ;E J. Millyard, Listo-
wel ; F. W, Craik, Waltuo ; R, J. Mc-
Cormick, Blytll ; D. D. Thomson, Blue -
vale ; H. R. Parnaby, Beigrave ; J. W.
Johusou. Ethel.
P ie:MU v owners and citizens are ap-
parently &ow to learn that they have no
right to cut clown or destruy trees in
front of their own property without the
consent of the Municipal Council.
Every year cases have been aired before
Commis, in the courts and newspapers
and the law in regard to the cutting of
trees fully explained.
Wren the object of facilitating the
securing of motor licenses, Hon. Finlay
Macdiarmid, Minister of Public Works
and H•ghw'ays, has approved plans of
the Highway Department for the issuiug
of licenses through some forty officers of
the department scattered thiotigiwut
the Province. 13y the pew plat a motor
car owner, instead of having to write to
Toronto tur his ticeuse, will be able to
apply to en official in his home county;
Look ot'r 1100 'iiia $so amts. -Spur-
ious fifty dollar bills on the Batik of
Nova Scotia are iu circulation iu Alber-
ta, Four were discovered in Calgary,
but nut until they had passed tltrougu
several chauuels lute the heads of the
Bank of Nova Scotia, 'these bills were
raised from !b5 10 450 and the wotk is
said to be well doe.. Wooten are be-
lieved 10 he passing these raised bilis.
A MAOrro0.1 Editr remoulds this old
time tune y18111 by soy' rig ;-•'It was re.
pried last week that,, lady iu one of the
nearby centres, kueuds blend with her
gloves on. 'That's ahto)ti:ply nothing
compared to the editor of this g. f j
He needs bread with his boats ou ; he
ed rand with need,
'• nitric
u • hd,
• i ,1
h uta
bread with his pants ou, and if out de-
liuqueut subscribers don't soon pay up
we'll be,b,uad without uurth!ug
on -sod 11tmt.,b.l isn't tiny Garden of
Eden either,
Fanning Mill
I and prepared to refit old
$ereons or supply new ones for
Fanning Mills.
Prices for Small Screens-
When owner brings f'r'ame,... 500
When frame is supplited 75e
Long Sereens-
When frttnle is brought 751:
When frame is supplied .••...9(1,00
Now is a gond times to 1)ave theta at-
tended 10, Satisfaction guaanteed.
S. S. Cole Ethel
House for Sale
Comfortable bongo and tt4 acre of land for
sale le: the Village of lulu 1, Property belong•
stn Ole
the estate of the I y
tl to t et to
Dollar, drilled well, &o, on premises. Pot
• ti, further partienlare ,plyto
18•tf A, 0, MACDONALD,13thol,
iv6rjr, i , McVettle !i'l. 39, l,'-1 1
lltttnilton'76 L.'1'urvey.0. Alirn,
Pr, -M, McVettie 00, 13, Latniss 84,
F 12e1184, *IT Hamilton,
M, 1r. Yuixt, Teacher,
Scxxooi. R1*rorty,-Following le re-
port of S. 8. No, 0, Morris, for month
of L'`ebruary. III, and IV, Classes
extradited itt [•list,, Gene',, Spell.,
Mein„ Read Writ. -Sr, IV, -Harold
Sellers 00, Sr,IV.--*Mina Wilkinson
76 Norman Shaw 08. Sr. 11I,-0061
Bone 87, Elul Sellers 06. Jr.III.-
Lillian illian Sellers '70, *Jim Hogg 40 Sr,
IL -Exam, 1n Spell Geog,, Read,,
Writ., Arith-Sent Bier 70, p'r'ank
Sellers 00. Jr. IL -Exam, in Meru.,
Spell„ Arith, Geog.-Willie Glazier
50, I, Class -Examined in Mem.,
Spell,, Read., \Vrit., Lit, -Jack Shttw
76, Harry Kerr 59. Pt'. Good -Willie
Bowman, Johnny Barr.
0. 'YoIL•L Teacher.
So1oot, REro13T,-Following is the
report of b. S. No. 10, Morris, for the
mouth of February. IV. and III,
Glasses exatniued in Gram., Clomp.,
Hist., Hygiene, Spell. and Daily
Work. Total number of marks 440.
Sr. IV. -R. 'Purvey 880, E. Ramsay
370, 0. Forrest 1386, Jr. IV. -*S.
Johnston 348, *"V. Johnston 118, *R.
Kernaghan 49, Sr, I11 -G. Robert-
son 348, G. Moffatt 304, S. Smillie 290,
f, Miller 188, *A, Wheeler 62, *G.
Kernaghan 00. Jr. IIL-"`G. Eckmier
27.4, .f. Messer 270, *11, Johnston 255,
*L. Ftatser 235, *!•I. McDougall 235,
*R. Otto pbell 232, D. MnDnugall 203,
*H, Robb 1013, *L. Johnston 61. Jr,
IL -Examined in Comp., Jiist„ Spell.,
head. and Daily \Vnrk. Total marks
390.-F. Eck mien 299, G. Wheeler 204,
J. Messer 257, 11., Thomas 243, 0.
Robertson 228, OB. Campbell 174, W.
Peacock 160. *E. Kluges 99, *0. John-
ston 91, *V. Sellers 68. Pt, IL -S.
Moffatt. Jr. I -Examined on Daily
Work Excellent -!eerie Wheeler, E.
Johnston, L. Robertson. Good -V.
Eckmier, O. Kernaghan. *absent
ole or more exams.
13. MACQUARiW.I4, Teacher.
RED CROSS. -Report of the Walton
Red Cross Union for the month of
Febr nary is as follows :-
Proceeds of Teas $ 89 89
Donation fr'nni Grey Council.. 34 00
" County Donnell 100 00
" Ladies' Chub20 00
• " Bethel Church
25 pairs socks
Balance over from January207 79
Tot'ai 451 18
Expenditures . 229 29
Balance on hand.......... 151 89
Miss Clara Crawford is thea'reasurer.
Principal Shaw, of the Public
St.pool Port t EI giu formerly ofran-
brook, who hue been appointed Ptinci-
pai of Balker street school at Niagara
Falls, left on Saturday to assume his
new duties. Before leaving he was
the recipient of several presentations.
He has proved a most capable head,
and has built up a proficient system.
Ile assisted in every public cause. In
church and Sunday School he was ac-
tive and in the literary and athletic
organizations he was always willing
to help. Mr. Shaw was Principal of
Craubrook school for several years.
3130031ENT •REVERSED. - Rev. Jack
Knight, the Methodist minister of
Hensuil, who was fined $1 and costs
in Stratford as 12 result of his partici-
pation with Rev. E, G. Powell, Field
Secretary for' Perth and Huron, in a
raid on a St. Mary's hotel, has been
snccessfnl in winning, his case in the
Court of Appeal. Rev. Mr, Knight
agreed to assist the Ohier of Police in
searching the Hotel McLaren and
•later was proceeded against by the
proprietor wbo took the position that
Mr. Knight was not an officer of the
law and was guilty or trespass. Rev.
Mr. Knight is an old Ovanbr'ook boy
and generally comes out on the win-
ning side.
Ott.10uRoor SOHoor. REroRT.-Re-
po•t, of Sr. Room for February. Pu-
pils examined in Geog., Spell., Hy g.
and Read. The star * absence from
one or more examination, Sr. IV. -
Walter Knight 92, Earl Baker 84,
Mex. Sperling 60, Mabel Speivel; 68,
*Johnnie Smalldon 54. Jr. TV. (a)_
Lydia Steles S0, Harold .Pennington 70,
Gordo Alderson 75, Alex. Steiss 08,
*Pearl Schnook 44 Jr, IV. (b).-Liz-
z'e Berfelz 86, .Elmer Knight 81,
hrneat Speiran 82, Viola Mitchell 79,
Galvin Cameron 70, *Edith Dark 00,
*Pearl Alderson 08, Jr. 1HI,-Marie
Baker 88, Vet rut Hunter 88, Ralph
Noble 82 *Fred Smalldnn 69. Sr. 11.
el -Mine Baiter 80, Mildred Snarling
ill, Bessie Leitch 72, *Wilda Speiran
07, *1'1 ill Pennington 63, *Annie tic•
lir Loeh50, *Moss Spri'tni 54, *Myrtle
Larking. R. IdTeacher
Report of Jr. Room for .February.
Me re's
1310 Pattie, - Alex, IticLaurhlin,
East Gravel tit•ad, sold 20 hnga I'ur
which he teceiald the tidy surra of
$669,80, or about $26.50 each. .they
W01 e Yorkshire Nerd rind were good
Souoor,111sPOR'r,-irnllt'wing is the
School lta,port of S, 13, No. S, Morris,
for .ltttntu'y and February, 4 elassee
exam i ted in Lit., AritIt., Grant,.
Com p., Spell., (inug , daily work. -
Sr. 1V,-0. Brewer 85, E. \Vaeiviek 71,
*0, Mustard 64. Jt 1V.-17, Garnier
08, 11', Garuiss 00, G. Fell 05. 0, Bora-
man 60,
os-man160, *W. Kerney 55, 111 classes
exam, in Idyg., Arith., Laitg. and
Comp, Spell., Geog. and daily wm'k.
Graehy 81, 13. Garlliss 51,
W. Allen, Ji. 1113-M. \Vat while 75,
A. Johnston 71, 11', Brewer 61, *J, Al-
len. II, Examined in Geog., Lang.
and Comp, 1,16., Smell,, Ariih, and
daily work -J, Me\ attic 05, W. Sol -
lore 80, F. Ainstarti 09, L. (iatatiss 08,
A. 'l'm'vey 67, B. Sonch 57, O. War-
wick 55, *D. Allen. Sr. I. Exert), in
Lit,, Arith, Spell., Geo, and daily
We are are in the market to put,
chase any quantity of Bass-
wood, Soft Elm, Soft Maple,
Bieelt and Ash Heading Bolts
At Bluevale, Belgrave, Blyth,
Ethel,yBeofr a and Atwood
G. T. R. Stations
Foe further particulars apply to
P. Amen'
of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing lst March, 1937 01
MI I t f A
Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto,
Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of
the Bank of Montreal, New York City.
Tnn MINIsrne ole FINAtion offers herewith, on behalf
of the Government, the above-named Bonds for Subscrip-
tion at 96, payable as follows: -
10 per cent on application;
30 " 16th April, 1917;
30 " 15th May, 1917;
26 `t 15th June, 1917.
The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited
to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of
the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds
as the equivalent of cash under the terms of the War
Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915.
The instalments may be paid in full on the 16th day of
April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under
discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All
payments are to bo made to a chartered bank for the
credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any
instalment when clue will render previous payments liable
to forfeiture and tho allotment to cancellation.
deposit of ten
m anted bya
c P
cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded through
the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Canada
of any chartered bank -will receive subscriptions and issue
provisional receipts.
This lean is authorized under Act of the Parliament
of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a
charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Forms of application may be obtained from any branch
in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any
Receiver General Canada.
Assistant Recei
Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars.
In case of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be
applied towards payment of the amount due on the
April instalment.
Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer
in accordance with the shoice of the applicant for
registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment,
in exchange for the provisional receipts.
When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and
payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the
money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared,
with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered
as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when
prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the
will of scrip certificates and of bonds w 11 b , L made
through the chartered banks
The issue will be exempt from taxes -including any
income tax imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted
by the Parliament of Canada.
The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations
of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without
coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000
or any authorized multiple of $5,000.
The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office
of the Minister of 1''inunce and Rcteiver General at
Ottawa, or at the office of the As-L-ta.ut Receiver General
at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto,
Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, or at the Agency
of the Bank of Montreal, New York City.
The interest on the fully rc'gi"tercd bonds will be paid
by cheque, which will he remitted by post. Interest
on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons.
Both cheques and coupons, at the option of tite holder,
will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada
o the Bank
1 Agencyf
ed bank or at the
o ,
of Montreal, New York City.
Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each
new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without
coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the
denomination of $$1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds
with coupons will have the right to convert into fully
registered bonds of authorized denominations without
coupons at any time on application to the Minister of
The books of the loan will be kept at the Department
of Finance, Ottawa.
Application will be made in due course for the listing
of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges.
Recognized bond and stock brokers having offices and g
carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commis- as
sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made
in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, s
however, that no commission will be allowed in respect a
of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender a
of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd
November, 1915, or in respect of the amount of any to
allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture
stock maturing lst October, 1919. No commission will
be allowed in respect of applications on forms which f `
have not been printed by the lung's Printer.
t� ;tr� yr� ��rryy�yaa��i��ee��ii��,,���y�r�{ ;�;�r���r{�r�•{7�e�{�r�{�„y y��t yr;{7�r� 7� �e�17�r��r�t�r�t�e�t�r�1�{�r�t�,�„�{�^;� ;�{ �r;t��k�!
It�iltifgYJ�f XI�'XS :!1LL`.;k�:xk'sgsm1sf R�'XkX��'X.MOM REN2 k"'Y Xk'5Y tgYk:x>`�X7 .Yl?J:td%lifagigff lam: ?_tie
Pupils examination in Arith., Liter.,
Draw., Wtit.-Sr. II, -L, Berfelz 85,
A. Jeschke 80, *L. Cameron 53, 'E,
Smaildon 48, *J. McNabb 3S, *C. Dark
23. Jr. IL -T. Pennington 71, F.
Hunter 87, J. Bird 52, W. Locking 45,
*E. Smalidon 45. lot Glass - L.
Jeschke 69, I. Leitch 60, *E. Gnrsalitz
03, *P. Berfelz 50, *K. MoNlth 67, *13.
Speiran 4(i, *I. Brown 40, A. Garnpbell
36, *H. Knight 32. Primary Excellent
M. Brown. Absent all month -G.
Knight, J. Locking, H. McNeil), G.
Knight, J. Pennington.
F. HOUSTON, Teacher,
Sonet. REPORT. -Following is the
February report for No. 16, Howick
and Grey. 100% is total ; 75 honor's ;
40 pass. Sr. IV. -Gordon McDonald
77, Mabel Robertson 78. Jr, IV, -
Victor Bowman 58, Herbie Bowman
42, Ruby Grainger (absent), Jr. TIL-
lilva Brown 92, Mabel Bowman 55,
Allan McKercher 51, Margaret Doig
41, George Hislop •4. Sr. II. -Annie
Brown 134, Evelyn Hislop 72, Howard
Grainger S0 Willie Doig
58 Leonard
Lambkin 46, Elmore Thompson
Jr. IL -Mervyn Grainger (32. In order
of merit, Sr, I.-Oecil Grainger,
Andrew Dnig. 3r. L -Grant Bow-
man, Isabelle Doig. Pr.- Elmore
Bowman, Wesley Lambkin, Annie
Schmidt, Lawson Doig.
Eymot Sciloon Rueoter.-For Janu-
ary and February. Sl•. Department.
Form V. -Cecil Bateman 80, Adella
McBee 70, George McKee 67. Bernice
Cole 81. Se. 1V, -Total S00. -71a0
Vodden '701, Verna McCall 655, Qnest
Dobson 583, *Bertha Cole 428, *Pearl
Love 255. Jr. IV. -:Coral 750.-Mtarg-
aretl McDonald 698, Blake Howlett
488, Rhea 1\ieLellaud 435, Leslie Pol.
lard 898, Irma Mitchell 328, *\\ Tillie
Dane 288. Sr, III,-*1..ennard E,'au-
Ler, Jr. IIL-Total 500. -Myrtle Mc-
Kee 879, *Lillie Sanders 861, Willie
Mitchell 861, Mervyn Eckmier 840)
Ella Mitchell 280, Lloyd Dunbar 279,
*Ruby Cleaver 181, *Ralph Rowland
183, *Susie Rowland 65, *Willie Woods
18, *Milton Flood.
E, McLELLANn, Teacher,
Report of 3r, Department. Sr.
Total 440, 'Honors -Minor Engler 417,
Aubrey Breumer878, Walker 1iitehell
849. Pass -Edythe Dane 804, Burton
McDonald 285, Jr. II. -Total 440. Pass
-Jennie McKee 310, Frank Flood 286,
Annie Woods 234, Ed. Gill 232. I
Ol ass -Total 830 Honors -Earl Bowes
862, Ralph McDonald 290, Hartley Eck-
mier 268. Pass -Pearl Janne 181,
Alice Davidson 139. Jr. I. -Marjory
Thompson, Lizzie \Voods, Jim Woods,
Jim Floral, Ian McDonald, Fred. Mur-
ray. Pruner -Howard McKee, Tony
Gilchrist, Bob Gilchrist, Rory Row-
land, Gwen James, Harold Vodden,
Glen Eektoier, Athol Murray. Jr, Pe.
-Wilbert Flood, Sylvia Thompson,
Doris McDonald.
J, HARDY, Teacher,
creased cost of living, had placed Vic.
toria in an awkward fivanetal position,
facing a deficit of over 823,000, The
best way to show our loyalty will be
to respond liberally and k:ep the
doors open in these days of need,
The offering amounted to $76 for
three appointments an increase over
previous year.
Rev. J. \V, Hibbert, of Wingham,
gave an interesting address on Sun-
day evening recently, 'from'Acts 9:6,
"Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?"
After paying a tribute to the pioneers,
farmers and ministers, he pointed out
how these heroes amid great priva-
Lioes and under great sacrifices made
provision for the great educational
institutions of our day. Away back
in the early fifties the churches assess-
ed themselves to build and maintain a
a college and we have entered upon
their heritage. We have 10 colleges
and universities under control of the
Methodist church, not for ministers
alone but for students of every profes-
sion. Here they receive vision.
Scores come from their portals enquir-
ing "Lord what wilt :Zhou have me
to do 7" Victoria College was given
special study. Itt scholarebip while
only having 30 % of the students of
the Federated colleges of Toronto
University, she took 40 per cent of the
prizes and schninships. In 4 years
out of the last 5 Victoria students had
won Governor -General's gold medal,
the most desired prize of all. From
Victoria over 1000 students had gone
to become ministers of the Gospel,
Along Patriotic lines, Victoria show-
ed the great patriotic spirit, 326 of her
graduates and students had dotted
the Ring's uniform, five of Whom had
inade the supreme sacrifice, Ont of
the 70 who should have graduated last
Spring 51 had enlieted in the Kitg's
service, He also pointed out that the
four colleges of Britain had given
every student for the Empire, thus
the difference between German and
British students. British students
combined scholarship with piety.
Germans emitted piety, thus showing
the barbarism of Germany to -day,
The loss of stridents however and in -
SCHOOL REPORT, -Following is the
report for S. S. No. 11, Grey, for Janu-
ary and February. Examined in
History, memory work, Language
Oump. and Aritb. Sr. IV, -Charlie
Neabel 85, Herman Whitfield 07, Al-
fred Neabel 01. Sr, M. -Lenora
Patterson 92, Vallance Inglis 91, Les-
lie Baier 00, Margaret Stevenson89,
Gladys Whitfield 89, Erie Whitfield eld
88, Belle Inglis 85, Mary Ward 72, .Tr,
LLI.-Roy Patter'sou 89, Gordon Speir-
an, 87, Velma Michael 85, Edgar
Whitfield 76, Norman Baier 75. Sr.
II: Gladys Neabel 88, Eveline Ella -
0011 87, Mervin Henry 86, Myrtle
Hallenbeck 80, Laura McDonald 78,
Orval Whitfield 77, Flora McDonald
78, Mabel Cox 74, ArthnrWhitfield 73,
Walter Ward 60, Douglas Greig 58.
Jr, II. --Edward Whitfield 76, Melvin
Cocht',ne 75, Laura Pattersou 78, El-
don Whitfield 71. Myrtle Ward 89,
Beetle Neabel 61. Sr. L -Names in
order of meat,-Anrie Inglis, Kate
Stevenson, Victor Baker, Moyne
Michel, Lillian Whitfield, Leslie. Pat-
terson, Nelson Whitfield. Primary -
Doris Neabel, Clifford Brown, Elmet
Ellaeott. V. LEITCH, Teacher.
New i'esidencee will be erected dur-
ing 1017 by Hugh Cunningham and
Win. ; malltlon 0111 and 10th Cono.,
James Spelt., 12th Con„ and Jae.
Houston, Kith Onn. With the excep-
tion of the first mentioned the con-
tracts ttre held by Juo. Hunter and
George Baker, Cranbronk. The new
buildings will be modern in their lay
out and constructed of brick,
Giant Flowering Carnation
-� w•
Al dress a postcard to us now
and receive by return mail n VH
copy of our new illustrated
page catalogue of Garden,
flower and I'ichl Seeds, Root
Feeds Groin", Tiulbs, Small -
Fruits, Garth tl Tools, etc.
SPECIAL -We mull also
send you free a pack ,t! (value
I5c) of our choice
Giant Flowering
This carnation is a great favor-
ite; the flowers are largo and
fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the
early fall they bloom profusely from October till uta end of D.lay, Extra
plants are easily propogaled from them by cutting-, "pipings" or layerini;. j
Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premium, 18
Darch & Hunter Seed Co I imited LONDON
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