HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-3-15, Page 1VOL. 45 NO, 37 $1.50 Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH x5. 1917 W. H. KERR, Proprietor 0044000440••0.40040.00000400000••04-0•R106.1+00.44•.4 4 • • e 4 A 4 0 'k 4 b P 4 4 4 4 • O 4 4 t_•• 1 • O •• • 4 4 1 hhiubI The Spring display of our choice stocic of Millin- ery will be held Friday and Saturday March 23rd and 24th We invite the Ladies of this locality to call and Inspect the new goods which are well worth seeing. ® �r Richards 4�s Ea - Block a c4 e 4 e 4 4 0 0 O 4 O 4 O O O 4 O • 0 4 4 4 4 0 O 4 0 0•4004.0400000.404.0.04••• o04eG0®•eeeoe04004444.4004 New Advertisements Tor snle—J. Leckie Locals—L 0. Richards. Pies for sale—R. C1u•rie. Car of corn—Alf. Hueter. Aviation Rale—A. D Grant. Oats for se le—J.:A..speiran. Auction Sale—J, T. Jermyn.' Special Bargains—Free Bros. Auction Role—w,:D, McLean. Spring Millinery—Miss Inman. New Wall Paper—F. R. Smith. Auction Sale—J. W. Morrison. Fnahionablel nil lin cry -1111s9 Ross. War Loan—Department of Finance, Card—Buron Weld tor Insurance Co. Call to Canada—Department of A grloniture. F i5tritt .C1U�a Cranbrook Hour "The New Minister" at Brus- sels Friday evening of next week in the Town Hall. Rev. Mr. McCulloch The name of Re ch0 e was inadvertently onitted in men- tioning the talent at the Methodist church entertainment. He gave a fine solo, Miss Addie Sperling, who has been attending the Business College in Hamilton for the past 6 months has passed her diploma examinations with honors, She is at house at present owing to her mother's illness, We extend congratulations and hope Mrs. Spat ling will soon be better. Wroxeter NEWSY NOTES,—Jno. Fortune, Scull Ste. Marie, a tot mer resident, is visit- ing relatives in this vicinity.•— Mrs. Ross Smith, London, is the guest of Nee. A. McLean.—Rev. lir. Outrie, Mt. Forest, had charge of the services hi the Presbyterian church on Son- day,—Pte. Thos. MMAimee, who went overseas with the 161st Bntt., return- ed to his hone on Saturday, having received an honorable disrhttige. Iie is suffering from rheumatism,—Geo. and Mrs. Wetu•ring, Wroxeter, Ont,, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edythe May, to .Joint H. Drew, Oannington, Ont. The newel - age will take place the latter part of March,—A. successful Carnival was held in the rink hare, Friday, when prizes far the hest coettltnes were awarded as follows :—Men— Alex. S ondel•son ;ALady-- Mies Evelyn Ed- ge' ; Boy—arey Smith ; Girl—Rana Van Velsor ; Oottic—Alex. Oasemore ; Girl's race—Rana VauVolene and Lillian Reis ; Boy's Race—Raymond Rutherford Men's race—Alex San. s011 ; Judges -R, Meek A. Lemon - by and Mrs. Hemphill.—O. D. Simp- son, Loring, palled on friends it; the village this week,—Anyone having Tied Oross work on baud is aslced to ]Borley bring the completed tu'tieles to the posb.ntllee not later tian Monday Mar, 19th, when [mother bale will be packed,—Miss Ci. McDonaldd, milliner, has rammed from her home at Dur- ham, and is preparing for her Spring rnillineey opening —A Pie-soei'ol, un- der the auspices of the United \Vc,men Workers of the Preebyteri,tn church, was held in the bnsetuent Thursday evening, when $28.00 was realized.— Rev, Mr. Roberts, Epieeopal church is holding a series of cottage prayer meetings doting Lent. IMoncrieff Attend "The New Minister" enter- tainment at Brussels on Friday even- ing, 23rd inst. WRIST WATCH AND FODNTAIN PEN. —The friends and neighbors of the 14th Con., Grey, numbering about 35, met at the home of \V. V. and Mts. McKay on the evening of March 6th, when a very enjoyable evening was spent. Alex. S roan read an address and Wilfrid Whitfield wade the presentation of a wrist watch and a fountain pen to Eltner McKay who has enlisted in defence of Bing and Empire. Address was as follows DEAR Ii1LMER — We, your Friends and neighbors, have gathered together this evening to bid farewell and God- speed to you and may God's richest blessing rest upon you in your new sphere in life. Wo honor you in so nobly taking your stand for Ring and Uoumtry. Ycne schoolmates and friends will miss you very much fron our midst in the days to come and ask you to accept this wrist watch anci fountain pee as smell tokens of our esteem for you and nue apprecia- tion for the great sacrifice you are making to protect our eonntry. A. this watch ticks off the moments and hours of year life, may it help you some titues to think of the friends you have loft behind, who will always have:a keen intereet in youe welfare and success. May God guide you and guatd yeti and may Peace be soon re. stored, the sword sheathed and you return safe home again. Signed in behalf of neigh boil and friends. ALEX SPEIRAN, \\'ILFRID WHITFIELD. Eimer made a very suitable reply, (showing his training 'in sprech-nlak- ing received from Helmets Continua- tion Schon( of which he wasp, student three years.) The evening WAS spent in 11lnsie, singing, tree., niter w1111'h a dainty lunch was served and all re- tired to their hones titter having an excellent, time and wishing the soldier laddie the best success and a safe re- turn. Elmer heft fee Tnroulo Wed- nesday afternoon, - where he will train With the 2515th 13attalion, Queen's Own Rifles, •11fiuler canto holm. from Stapler, where be wits teaching, after having enlisted in the Quern 010, and looked very eolith -1 y ERE 1 The Lowest raced Complete Motor Vehicle in the World There is no inngee any ex- cuse for a allci05. It is now cheaper to 1 ide. (lei col into the great rut -doors. Go where you please when you please, The DAT N Motor Bicycle (Front Wheel Drive) tF:11 take you anywhere and everywhere quickly and comfortably. Itis as dependable as a rnotorcyeIe. it is 'leen and ronfol'table, easy to start and cotitr'ol—e, simple twist of the wrist' does it. There is nothing else like it any - whore. Drop in and let us show you. Pepper Motorcycle Exchange 350 Danforth ave., Toronto Agents for Thor and Dayton Motorcycles in his uniform. Iie is the son of W. V. and Mrs, McKay and is a bright young man who should make his mark lit the worldtf life and health are spared. Elmer said if he could hell shorten the war byenlistment it l MIA time he was loin his "bit," Isis pluck is to be commended and ad- mired. May he be protected from all harm as he does his duty, Morris Township 00011011 met last Monday. Albert Crooks is tot Goderich this week serving on the jury, Robt. Mowinan is attending the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge at Stratford. There was a little scare over a re- port of Scarletina in Morris but we hope the clanger is past. James Anderson, 5th line, and his father are away on a holiday visit with friends atMorton and Toronto. Take in "The New Minister" enter- tainment, Brussels Town Ball, Friday evening of next week. Fine program. Thos. and Mrs, Kellington and family, 7111 line. have moved to Brus- sels, where they propose- to make their home. \Ve wish therm success. Don't forget the Auction Sale of Farm, Farm stock, Sac., belonging to the estate of the late David Somer- ville, 6th line, on Wednesday of next week at 1 p. en. "Nothing too good for the Irish," so don't miss the St. Patrick Tea in the Library Building, Brussels, Satur- day of thick week, under the auspices of the Women's Institute, Morrisites made welcome. This week Andy Miller, 511) line, left for Calgary, where he spent some time. He received an honorable dis- charge from the military service and exchanged his khaki for civilian wardrobe. Mr. Miller had quite a hospital experience since he went 0(1108808. Thursday afternoon of next week W. D. McLean will hold a clearing Auc- tion Sale of Fatto stock, implements, &c., at Si Lot 30, Con. 7. His lease has expired and he is giving up farm- ing, having accepted a position with J. Stewart, cement builder of Blyth, consequently the sale will be without reserve. This week Thos. Pierce left Walton with a car of settler's effects for the far West where he expects to make a new home, His present address will be Cochrane, Alberta. Mr. Pierce is a young man of enterprise and in- dustry, the kind of residents any 9, country. needs and we expect he will mance good. The good wishes of the community go with the family. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. — Mbnday evening of this week a happy company of neighbors and friends, numbering about 50, visited the home of T. 0. and Mrs. McCall, 8th line, and took possession. The genial host and hostess soon discovered that the visitors were there with good intent. This was more apparent when Ed- ward Bryans proceeded to read the following address after. which Robt. Shortreed and George Kelly present- ed two fine Rocking Chairs ilr. and Mrs. T. 0. McCall, DEAR FRIENDS.—We, a company of ynur neighbors and friends, have as- sembled this evening, on the eve of your removal from this locality, to enjoy a social hour in your hospitable home. While we regret the neces- sity of your going from us we are glad you will be located so nearby that•, we may frequently have the op- portunity of meeting you. In your residence in this community for elle past 13 years we have found you first- class neighbors anci ever willing to help in everything that was for the public good. We will 111185 700 111 school affairs, the church and in our social gatherings but the hope as you go to 0 larger sphere your talents may not only be well employed lint that row help will be appreciated its it was here. As a shall reminder of our good fellowship we ask you to accept these oak Rocking Ohairs and the tt oat you may be (parcel many years to enjoy their comfort. One best wisher accompany you and your estimable daughter, Miss Edna, to iiussels and we trust you may enjoy good health and prosperity, finding many friends as good and true as 311(1 are leaving in Morris. We hope to:often have you call to see us and you may be assured the lateh string will always be out and a hearty tvel- nome awaiting you for the days of Auld Lang Syne, Signed by your Bei 6=hb t s and friends. Mr. McCall although takenen by sur- prise, made a brief hiltfitting reply on behalf of1its McCall, his daugh- ter and himself. This somewhat ii - formal proceeding being over the guests set about accepting the invita- tions of "making themselves at home" and certainly had a line time with grimes, music, social chat, tasty lunch, &e. The company separated with the expression of many gond wishes for abundant prosperity in elle Mc- Call home at Brussels. They leave many warm friends in Mullis, Township of Minto, County of Wellington, is organized Poe Red Cross purposes, each school being h 1 P 1 g r a centre of a Red Gross Oirele. Teach- ers with the ready assistance of the young people of the Beelines do their bit" by having a Concert in their schools during the Winter. On Feb. 911) and March 9th, Conceits were held in S. S. Nd. 14 and S. S. No, 8, respectively, the former realizing $106.00 and the latter $130 65. Amount was handed over to the Red Gross Treasurers by Misses Jennie and (Race Robb, who are the teachers in these respective schools. We ale proud of our Morris girls as the Misses Robb are daughters of Jno. and Mre. Robb, 0th line. Grey Stewart Grant was home for the week end from Stratford Collegiate. :Hiss Maggie Ooates spent a few days with her friends, the Miso'•s Denman. Miss Bertha Armstrong, 9.'1 Con., has been visiting her sister, Miss 011tt, at Acton. Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Dungannon, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. James Armstrong, 9th Oon, Henry Welsh, Weston, has been visiting relatives and old friends. He is an uncle of Peter, Abrain and Miss Bishop, of Grey. Friday evening of last week James and Mrs. Denman entertained a num- ber of friends before the departure of Stanley Hutchinson for his home in the West. Evening was spent in dancing. The Auction Sale at P. Bishop's last Monday was a good one totalling abort $8,500. Robert Cochrane, the purchaser of the farm will w 1 take pos- session P session as soon as Mr. 1111(1M ss i Bnsh n move to Ethel, where they expect to make their home. Although weather was none too favorable for Fred. Oster's Auction Sale there was a good crowd and a great sale, totalling over $4,800. Onws went as high as $115, calves, $43 and year olds 885. Me. Oster and family have moved this week to Brus- sels where they purpose making their home for a time. Old friends wish them well. WILL RETURN TO MONTREAL:1 J. W. Morrison, 5th Con., who is an old employee of the 0. P. R. office staff and who has been living on his faun in Grey township for the peat few years, will return to Montreal at the Company's request. He has called an Auction Sale for Saturday of this week so as to be able to get away, The farm will be offered for sale also. While regretting the removal of Mr, and Mrs. Morrison we congratulate thein on the evidence of esteem on the part of the 0. P. R., who know by past experience the value of Mr. Morrison. Smoot. REPORT.—Report of S. S. No. 8, Grey, for February. 75% honors ; 60 pass. Jr. IV.—Examined in Mem., Writ., Hist, Aritlr., Olass Work—Willie Smith 80, Elsie Smith 82, Willie McDonald 82, Annie Deitnet 60. Sr. III.—Examined in same sub- jects—Roy McFarlane 76, Oha1'lle Deitner 65. Jr. IIL—Examined in same subjects— Elizabeth Smith 76, Clifford 0,rdiff 50, *Cameron Stretch - an 40, "Willie Bishop 40. Jr. 1L—Ex- alnined in Mem., WI i1„ Arith., Class Work—Laura Turnbull 01, *Melville Lamont 60. Sr. L—Examined in same subjects—Fraser Straehal 911, Jennie Armstrong 83, Maly Deitner 74, Primary Good—George Turnbull 90, Jim Smith 87, Harvey Stevenson 84. . missed exams. T. ARMSTRONG, Teacher, 'r•1•.F•Pl1••!,d„14,iMdl•d,•F•F,N9,3••N•F,F,P,h4,d.44'••a.••F-7•,ArF•1'+++++4'Q•++4,d•+rs•d'ri•d'-t• B Beer onto Pring Millinery 00.0~" --=---•--.- The Ladies of Brussels and locality will kindly accept a cordial invitation to attend our Spring Millinery Opening Friday and Saturday March 23rd and 24th When there will be on display a choice stock of the latest and most Fashionable Millinery, MISS I N MAN ++.11.1.*rt•dr+++.++++++4'+++4+++3'4'4+++4444+rh+r ++++.1444+++ Tuesday evening of last week the itlisees Denruan gave a dance in honor of their guests, Miss Millie and Stau- ley Hamilton, of Elmo.. Last week Joe J cklin bought the 100 10.11. It of Vu-Lowe,ye1Lo t 19 Con,3.whitjo'nis his. The price was $1,650. Mr. Lowe talks of going 1'VL, Tieisne week Jno. and 1)1t's. Brown are visiting relatives 1011(1 friends in Wing - hum and ueighb0lhood. The former ('eee0tly bad a few ribs damaged by being squeezed in a stall by a horse that had got its front feet in the malinger. We hope the ex -Deputy Reeve will soon be o k. Next Monday afternoon rut Auction Stole will be held at T. J. Jermyu's, Lot 3, Con. 9. The farm will also be otfeted 1013 sale and if not sold will be rented. T. J. intends returning to Saskatchewan where he has a half section of land. See the list on page 8. It iv said Robt, L, McDonald has bought the 50 acre farm of Jno. Mitchell, 101,h 0101., opposite his o1c1 farm, on which his son lives. Price $1,200. Mr, Mitchell may locate in Ethel, resting off from farming. Mr. aid Mee. Mac, will be welcomed back to their old neighborhood. Last week Lawrence Wheeler com- pleted the purchase of the fine 100 acre homestead of A. D. Grant, Lot 2, Con, 8, paying sum of $7,000 for the same. Lle will get possession this Spring, Mr. Grant holds a clearing Auction Sale Friday afternoon of next week. He has not definitely de- cided what lie will do but may move to Stratford in the meantime and talks of making 0 visit to relatives and old friends in the West. Mr. and Mrs, Grant will be much missedas they were always ready to take their part:in all that tended to the gener- al gond. Mr. Wheeler has secured a fine farm and as he is a gond farmer 1110 combination will go all right. This puts 325 acres in possession of the Wheeler family. PRESENTATION.—Last Monday even- ing °heeler and 1iA•s. Atenstrong, 10th Oon, Grey, were made the recipients of au address, accompanied by a carv- ing set and a silver cold meat fork, by the Methodist church folk, Brussels, at the close of the Epworth League entertainment Th efollowing address was read by Kiss Jessie Cunningham and Mrs. W. Rands and Roy McKay presented the gifts. ler. Armstrong responded briefly but appropriately for thegifts kind words and the fine : To CHESTER AND MRS. ARMSTRONG : DEAR FRIENDS.—We, the members and adherents of Brussels Methodist church, Epworth League and Sunday School, think this a very fitting and appropriate occasion to recognize the great event which has happened in your lives. We congratulate you both and wish you every happiness, blessing and prosperity as you sail clown the matilmotltal stream of life. As the years come and go may you be lead in paths that may make your cup of joy oe'rflow. To you, Mrs, Arm- 3teong we extend a cordial welcome. You are not altogether a stranger and note that. you have come to stay, we trust you may find in the various organizations of the church, congenial and helpful fellowship. To you Ches- ter, we wish to remind you of many helpful services you have render- ed the ohnrch. In marry spheres have you given willing aid, these have not been in vain and we hope in the years to come the church, as in the past, may, profit and be greatly helped by the Ministry of your life, We ask you to accept of these gifts as a slight token of our gond wishes Inc. you 10 the beginning of another chapter in the history of your. lives. May the gifts remind you of the warm place we have for you bothin our hearts as a church and congregation. Long may you live, happy may you be and when the sun turns gold in the eventime of ynur life may you find the companion- ship and fellowship of the Friend of friends your portion forever and for aye. Signed on behalf of the church, D. WREN, Pastor. McKillop Reeve Clovenlock attended a Good Roads Convention in Toronto last week. Dion IN DeiTROIT,—Last Saturday John Hastie, a former well known and highly esteemed resident of this town- ship, died suddenly at his home in Detroit, from heart failure. It is 5 years since Mr, and Miss Agnes Hastie, his sister, removed from Mc- Killop township, He is survived by 2 brothers, Dr. Wm., Detroit, and Jaynes, of 13, C., and the sister refer- red to. The remains were brought to Seaforlh, service being held in the Presbyterian Ohnroh Tuesday afternoon after which interment was made in Maitlandbank Cemetery. Ethel See Ethel news on page 5. P. J. Bishop has rented Mrs. Han- suld's house and will move at once, Bryan Greenwood, of Prince Albert, spent the week end with D. and Mrs. Sanders, Pte. Stuart McDonald left Monday for London where he will commence training, 0. Raynard has been confined to his bed for a few days but glad to know he is improving, !Remember the Patriotic Concert in the Dilworth Ball Friday evening of this week. Everybody welcome. Grover Gill has moved to Mrs, Me- Iutosh's boucle and after April 1st will run bus and carry mail to and from Ethel station, A gang of men were at work sgiar- ing up the Methodist 01101-011 and gct- ttng ready to build basement as soon as the weather will permit. Don't forget the (nearing Auction Sale at Chris. Hektniet's Tuesday afternoon of next week. He hes a big list and a largo crowd is looked for. • Huron 4 oo • Weather,' pYt� s r1a�}ce O it 1 4' Mutual Company m • 4 e•, Protect your property against + O damage by storm or cyclone by • 4 a policy in a good live Farmers' 0 • + Mutual Company.• • Our rates are very low—only 9 • $2,00 per thousand per annum, G •4 g i • SS. Hardy, General Agent, Exeter + 0 R. G. Jarmyth, subagent, 0 • Bornholm • t N. Ogden, sub -agent, Centralia ` H. H. Hill, sub -agent, Auburn 4 2 orwrite •the Secretary • • OHAS. MONTEITH, e I•R. R. No. 1. Woodham Nota change of Secretary • JAMES SCOTT, - President • Cromarty 0 • 81.8 • 4••0400••00.0000.0.0000000 •, 0 • a a We nay all losses of $1,00 and • over from this date forward. 0 Present policyholders note this • announcement. 4 For full particulars see or e phone any of the following :— Wm. and Mrs. Michel and family have moved to their new hotne, on the 9th Con., where we hope they will enjoy many happy, prosperous years. Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church gave an up-to-date 10 cent Tea at the Parsonage last Thursday evening which was fairly well patronized as the night was rather stormy. Pro- ceeds $8.00, Jamestown The correct amount made at the Red Oross Tea at Miss Simpson's was $21.57. Miss Lillian Jacklii left Saturday for the West where she will spend the Sumner with her brothers. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Lulu, to Toronto, 3110. and Mrs. Simpson and son, Tessier,Sask.,who were here on a holiday visit lft for ytheir hone in the West last week. We will be glad to see them back ere long, Garrison and Robt. Jacklin left last week for Abbey, Sask., with a car of horses and one car of settlers' effects, which the former intends to use on his farm. We wish them success. D. Breckenridge and family have moved to the house on the Jam of Mrs. Gibson, West of here, having rented his own farm to 1tir. McLenn- an. Mr. Breckenridge's health is im- proving. Bluevale G. FRYATT MOUNTFORD, L, blush, L.O.M. Organist of Knox Church, Kinoardine • Local representative of London, (Rog.) College of Music ; visits Blnecsle on Fridays, 085501,9 on Piano, Violin and Voice culture, Address Box 41, Kincardine Please bring all the old papers and magazines that can be spared for Red Cross work along before the 17111 of March as we intend to ship in the near future. THANKS,— Bluevale Women's In- stitute return thanks for following donations :—Mrs. Bruce 50c, Mrs. Robert Leatho'n $5.00, Morris Coun- cil $100.00, Young People's Patriotic party $50, 50 yards flannelette from a friend, 1 pair of pillow ticking from Mrs, J. F. McCracken, feathers for pillows Mrs. Jos, Breckenridge, Dur- ing the month the Society shipped to the Red Cross Society rooms, Toron- to, 72 day shirts, 12 quilts, 1 pair pil- lows and two pair socks to each of the following boys in France and Eng- land :— Lieut. Walter H. Burgess, Gunner Robt. Master, Sapper A. E. Thomas, Ptes. Leslie McKinney, Frank Shaw, J. Malcom Scott, A. L. Posliff, Harold Kerney, Leonard Robinson, \V, Hall, Leo Roach, Alf, Ennis, Wm. Windsor, Howard Verney, Harold Harkness, Herbert Powell, Jack Hodge, D. Johnston, D. O'Toole, Robert McMichael and Leslie Winch. Corp. in . Porter ,g Writes tram England The following letter was received from Corp, E. I3. Porter :— MY DEAR MOTHER.—Just a few lines to let you know that I am well and feeling fine and I hope this will find you all the same also to let you know I got your letter and Margin's and one from Aunty. She is sending me a box as soon as she hears from me, so I have just finished writing to her, you bet. I like to get a box of eats, for they look good to me over here, and also to know there 18 anoth- er one coming from home with my snapshots. I am anxiously waiting for them. Well, mother, you asked me about my course. \yellit is something the same as I took in Olin - ton only ranch harder and I have finished it and took my gnalifloalions. You see we had to qualify after we came over to England and now I just cause from talking to Major Sinclair. He sent for nee as he wants me to go tomorrow horning to take an anti - gas course, if you know what that is, Itis to be an instructor as to precau- tion and gas drill. So I guess I will go as I like 'to take ail the courses I can for it conies in handy to know and is just as easy instructing as any- thing else. Here I go again on the 7th at Bramshott, When I came back from dinner yesterday I got orders) to be at the Orderly Room at 1,80 p. in. so I had uo time to lose. Bad toavede in full Marching order with full kits and everything on that we own and be ready to march 7 miles with avec 801 . 0l ournd the t ltl bs t o back a roads were ell p eryw with a little snow IP that had fallen and made ie pretty hard walking, so you can have Some idea of wean 390 were like when we got here. There were just 5 of us. \Ve are hard at our course but I eau stand it all right. Am getting swell grub and we eat in the Sot'gt's, mess with food fit for a King, so warm and comfortable with tables set just like house, It does seem nice to what we have been getting sometimes. I will write you when I ilud out about my exam. and let you know how I gob along. Ant sending some Holly leaves that grow here as thick as the choke cher'r'ies at home. Pulled these at noon when I was waltiug to fall in. You don't need to change my address for 1 will b backtheti e u t x , l e b by m you ge this letter, 4.m goil1g over this after - mein to hunt up Clarence Moyle. He is in this camp somewhere. I think this is all for this time, hoping to hear from you soon again. I will say good- bye. Feotu your loviog son, ELGIN. Feb. 50, 1917. DEATH'S OOODEN CALL TO G, P. SCOOLEIELD General Manager of Standard Bank Succumbs to Heart Failure In New York With shocking suddenness Dame the death of George P, Scholfield, General Manager of the Standard Bank, Tor- onto, and a prominent Oanadian finan- cier, who succumbed to heart failure at the Waldorf Astoria klotel, New York, to which city he went a few days ago 00 business. He was found dead in his roots by one of the hotel employees on Thursday morning. The late Mr. Scholfield had only reach- ed his 49th' birthday and his death coming as it did, while in the prime of life, makes it all the more regret- table. He had enjoyed a very success- ful career in the world of finance and was looked upon as one of the best authorities on banking in Canada. The deceased was born at Lloyd -town, Ontario, ou September 6, 1867, being the son of Dr, Wm. Scholfield, He was s clueA ted at Upper Canada Col- lege g le a and a . He t Model School enter- ed the service of the Standard Bank in 1883, was appointed Manager at Brussels, from there to Chatham and from then on it was a steady climb un- til he attained the Managership in 1905. He was also a Director of the Manufacturers' Life Ineurauce Com- pany ; President of the Sutherland - holes Company Ltd., of Chatham ; President of the Northwestetn Coop- erage R Lumber Co. of Gladstone, Mich. ; Director of the Trusts 011 Guarantee company, Ltd. ; Director of the Canada Flour Mills Company, Ltd., Chatham and President of the Great Western Lands Company, Ltd. Since the war he has been prominent- ly associated with all patriotic and recruiting endeavors, having been Ohaititlan of the. Finance Committee of the Speakers' Patriotic League and Rom-Tretts. of the Recruiting League of Military District No. 2. Mr, Schol- field was an athlete of the first rank, excelling particularly in lacrosse, be- ing one of 1110 beet that ever played the game in the Dominion. He went to England in 188S es a member of the Toronto team, He was also a keen golfer and yachtsman. He was a member of the Toronto Golf Olub, the Royal Canadian Yacht Oiob, the York and Toronto Clubs, He was a Con- servative and an Anglican. In 1903 be was was married to Miss Frances Ethel Skey, a cousin of Rev. Lawrence Skey, rector of St. Anire's church. 131 is survived by 111s wife and one son and one daughter. The remains ar- rived in Toronto Saturday moruing at 11 o'clock and the funeral took place Monday from the family residence, 5 Thornbury road. A public service was held at St. James' Cathedral, con- ducted by Rev. Oanoll Plumtree at 2,30 o'clock, Itlterment was in St. James' cemetery, Grey Council Municipal Council of the Township of Grey met in the Township Hall, Ethel, Monday Marrh 6111. Members pt'esent. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted, By-law No. 8, for 1017, appointing the several l'athmasters and defining their respective road divistous was put through 111e several stages and finally passed. A petition from residents on the Boundary between Logan and Grey asking for eortain wot'k to be perform- ed on the Boundary road, was pre- sented to the Council. A deputation vette appointed to meet the Logan Council and confer with them on the matter, Auditors presented their detailed statement of elle Receipts and Expen- di tures Inc. the year 1910, Report was adopted and .20 copies of the same ordered to be printed, Following accounts were presented and ordered to be paid :—Andrew Pollock, gravel, $2.70 ; John McGavin, gravel, $1,20 ; Isaac McGavin, gravel, $1,50 ; Mrs, Sperling, Twp. portion of Award drain $2.78 ; Vallance Inglis, burning brant, 50c ; Edward Poulton, salary, Auditor, $18.00 1 Alex, 0, Grant, Auditor's salary $18 ; Walton Red Orme Society, $50 ;• Molesworth, $50 ; Oraubrook, $80 1 Union, $80 Jamestown, $50, Ethel, $80; Mon• Crieff, $30 ; Brussels, $84 ; Olancey Flood, cleaning out drain, $L251 Robert Miller, inspacting work ou cement bridge, $8.75. Oounrtl adjourned to meet Monday April 2nd, A. 11. MAODON,,I.LD, (Meek,