The Brussels Post, 1917-3-8, Page 7It Or
The Frog That Wouldn't Hop,
One fine morning old Mrs. Fro
hopped out of bed and put the Rett
on the kitchen stove,
"Come, children!" she called. "We'r
going on a picnic to the Big Pool."
"What funt" cried Reddy and her
brothers Eddy and Neddy and Steddy,
'l;hen old Mrs, Frog tied on her bon
net and took the lunch basket on b
arm. Reddy took her skipping rop
and Eddy and Neddy and Steddy too
their nets for catching flies, An
nothing had been forgotten except --
"Why, Freddy Frog!" exclaimed his
mother. "Aren't you coming?"
Freddy Frog yawned and stretehed.
"No," he answered. "Ws too far."
Having a son like Freddy was en-
ough to make any mother worry, for
a lazier little frog never lived. And
fat! Why, his inside grew so much fas-
ter than his skin' side that really it
wars a terrible strain on his jacket!
So old Mrs. Frog and the other chil-
dren went away, hippety hop and hop- rr
?les'^',Chet' get more vex- Scarcity of Some Species Demands
atious as the cost of foods Use of Preservative Measures.
While the preservative treatment of
climbs skyward. Meat, eggs timbers is still in its infancy on this
and vegetables are almost continent, much more progress has
been made in the United States;
g beyond the family- pure. where, in the east, the pinch of par-
te Happy is the housewife whd teal exhaustion of timber supplies is
being felt, than in anada, where
supplies are still rela�?vel large in
IOW Cost and its high food proportion to the population. In the
United States, the number of woocl-
value. A better balanced preserving plants has increased in ten
ration than meat or eggs anti. Years from 39 to over 100. In 1915,
be costs much less. Two Shred- at 102 plants, nearly 142,000,000 cubic
feet of timber was given preservative
e ded Wheat Biscuits with treatment. 0f this, more than 78 per
knows Shredded Wheat, its Y g
cent, was cross -ties, for railway use,
d milk or cream make a com- , Preservative treatment of ties
plete, perfect meal, supply- makes it possible in the east to utilize
so-called inferior• species, such as
ing all the nutriment needed beech, birch and maple, in place of the
for a half day's work at a !now relatively scar co and much more
cost of a few cents. Deliciousexpensive oak and cedar, which were
formerly used to a very large extant.
for any meal with milk or I In this way, better• ce
cream, or with fresh or stew- at a materially lower cost.serviis secured
ed fruits. Made in Canada.
The slower developments along this
line in Canada of a dNe to the fact that
we still have large supplies of coni -
et hi to their
picnic atb
r n the B
p P P
Pool, And the other frog families Change ill Styles
went hunting,
or swimming-, or took
their croaking x
e excises, But Fredd
Frog still slept on his lily -pad bed,
By and by up came the big, hot sun
He squinted his hottest at Frecld
Frog, until at last Freddy Frog sa
up and rubbed his eyes.
"I hope mother left some breakfast
for me," said Freddy Frog,
But the fire was out and the kettl
put away. As for the cupboard
there were no sandwiches and n
pickles and nu cake in it.
"I'll catch some flies," said Freddy
So he sat and waited. But a frog
that could not jump has not much
chance to catch flies, It made him
dreadfully hungry to watch them
alighting just out of reach, and
hungrier yet to hear them buzz. For
the first time in his life Freddy Frog
wished that he could jump like his
By and by up came a big—some-
thing much worse than a sun or a
wind or a wave, Up came a big
"Ohol" said the pelican.
He gobbled his hungriest at Freddy
Frog, until Freddy Frog was not per-
fectly sure that he had not been eaten
up already!
My, but he was unhappy! And my,
but he was shocked!
"Aha!" said the pelican.
He opened his hill, with its pouch,
—it was a shockingly big one!—and
he was just bending over to snip up
Freddy Frog and stow him away for
supper, when—Freddy Frog jumped!
He did not wait to remember that he
did not know how to hop. Right over
the pelican's head lie plopped, and
went plump right into the waterl—
with the big wave -and all the big
friends of the big wave, tool
But Freddy Frog did not mind them!
Ile dived and swam under the lily
Pac7s, and stayed very
and hoped
that he did not show.
"Soup and supper!" cried the peli-
can. "What became of it?"
He meant Freddy! And he began to
poke his bill, with its shockingly big
pouch, in and out among the lily pads.
And Freddy Frog shivered—although
he tried to stay still.
"Frog and fricassee!" said the peli-
can crossly. "I'm hungry, I've had
nothing to eat all dayl"
It is amazing how anxious that peli-
can was to find Freddy Frog. But
Freddy Frog was more anxious not to
be found, and that is not amazing at
all when you think that he was to be
the supper.
"Will that pelican never get tired of
poking his big bill about?"
Freddy Frog got so tired that he
could not keep still any longer. And
then—he showed! And the pelican
wan just bending over to snip up
Freddy Frog, when ---
The pelican stepped on a crab!
,She was the achool-teacher crab who
had taught Freddy Frog his letters.
She could not bear to see him eaten,
she was so tenderhearted!
"Claws and nutcrackers!" screeched
the pelican. "Let gol"
The pelican forgot Freddy Frog. He
forgot everything but his footl The
school -teacher crab gave him a final
nip, and away that pelican went, fly-
Freddy Frog jumped about, making
the lire and putting on the kettle for
tea. My, but he was a happy frog!
And when old Mrs. Frog and Reddy
and Edcly and Neddy and Steddy came
ltippoty hop, hoppety hip home, with a
basketful of fresh sandwiches for sup-
per, there was the table spread and the
tlishds waiting,
"I've learned to jump, mother," said
1beddy Frog, "I've Iearned to jump."
---Yeu(h's Companion,
y _ >
Some of the new chemise dresses
• have their strai ht lines broken. n .
Y; deo fl
p 'ounces. One of those is 11-
lustrated here. It has a side pleated
flounce which comes above the knees
and the waistline is defined by a deep
Paisley girdle in soft efPtiet. Further
e trimming is added in the simple touch
, of braiding around tho neck and arm-
The inventor of a French 111000 -
plane has modeled it after a winged
maple seed.
The peoprbetors of two rival livery
stables, situated alongside each other
in 0 busy street, have been having a
lively advertising duel lately. The
other week one of thein stack up on
itis Miley window u long strip of
paper, bearing the words: "Our
horses need no whip to make them
go." This' bit of sarcasm naturally
011050d some amusement at the ex-
panse of the rival proprietor, but hi
less than MI hour he neatly turned the
tables by pasting the fallowing retort
on his own window. "True, The
Wind blows trent reined"
Rumors of a New Silhouette
Rumors of a new silhouette have
been causing a stir in fashionable
circles. In fact, the rumors have
been turned to reality, for the new
barrel skirt has already been seen in
Chemise Dress with Deep Flounce and
Wide Paisley Gridle,
Paris and New York, The barrel skirt
which produces this new silhouette,
wide below the hips and narrowing
down toward the ankles, is a strop:.;
contrast to the straight-line frocks
inspired by the medieval fashions.
Whether or not it will he accepted is
still a matter of doubt. The barrel
skirts that have been seen so far ap-
pear in different forms and some are
not unlike the "peg -tops" which were
fashionable some two or three years
ago. It is very likely that the barrel.
skirt, if takes at all, will
not at once replace the straight
frocks. It may be just r1 fad of the
moment and it may be taken seriously b
by those who are tiring of the chemise
dresses. Time only will tell, but is f
the meantime we need hardly have
our pence of mind disturbed about it.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or from
The McCall Co. 70 Bond St„ Toronto,
department W.
Flow To 'Relieve Catarrhal
Deafness or Head Noises
ferous material suitable for ties. For
instance, in 1914, more than 43 per
cent, of all tiesi n a
ch s d Canada
t e
were jackpine. Eastern cedar follow-
ed next, with 13.7 per cent., then
, tamarack, with 7.8 per cent„ Douglas
fir with '7.5 per cent., and hemlock
with 7,2 per cent. Canadian railways
require about 20,000,000 ties per year.
The increasing shortage of readily ac-
. cessible supplies will inevitably mean
higher costs, and this, in turn, will
gradually bring about the wider use
of preservatives in connection with the
cheaper hardwoods, of which birch is
the most plentiful in Canada.
Is Through the Rich, Red Blood
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Actually Make.
The blood is responsible for the
health of the hotly. If it is good, dis-
ease cannot exist. • If it is bad, the
door is shut against good health, dis- perimental and demonstration farms. should be brought under the plough.
ease is bound to appear in one form The Canadian Pacific has several of The report considers that steps should
or another. One person may be seiz- these farms throughout the West, be taken to find out what land now in
ed with rheumatism or sciatica, an- with an expert in cliarge of each, and grass is suitable for growing grain
other with anaemia, indigestion, heart at every cattle sale these farms are and other crops, and to secure that it
palpitation, headaches or backaches, represented by animals of a very high be cultivated. Also that steps should
unstrung nerves, or any of the many class, both for breeding, milch and be taken to cultivate lands new let as
Farmers of Western Provinces In-
creas Number of Live Stock.
With the price of beef and other
meats soaring to hitherto unheard-of
heights, and every newspaper carry-
ing stories about the future prices of
boots and shoes and other articles
made of leather, there may be a
modicum of comfort to be taken from
He Feels He Owes
His Life To Them
Telegraphed 200 Miles for
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dow the Men Marooned on Elephants
Island Spent Their Time.
Shackleton's men, marooned on Ele-
phant Island, whose death from star-
vation was predicted if they were not
presently rescued, do not appear to
have been in real danger of any such
fate, A letter from one of them,
written at Punta Arenas, and pub-
the fact that the farmers and ranch- Bandy
era of Western Canada are now turn- Goulette, Now Strong and lisped in the London Chronicle, de -
mg their attention to cattle and stock
raising to an extent that would not
been believed ibl few ears
Hearty, Tells How He Found Health scribes their life on the island.
After the Doctors Had Given Him The day began with breakfast,
pass e a Up. which consisted mainly of penguin
fried in blubber, with a drink of wa-
According to the figures given bre Old Fort Bay, Labradore, Que.—ter. The morning's duties were clear -
the Census and Statistics Bulletin is Feb'y 26th (Special,)—"Do I believe ing away snowdrifts and catching
sued by the Department of Trade and in Dodd's Kidney Pills? Well, 1 tele- ' penguin, Lunch was served at one
Commerce at Ottawa, all three of the graphed two hundred miles to get two o clock; it consisted of a biscuit and
western provinces show large in-: boxes of them." The speaker was raw blubber. The afternoon was De-
creases in the number of livestock; Sandy Goulette, an old settler here. cupied with regular exercises over a
raised in 1916, as compared with 1913 Nor did Mr,Goulette require to be track one hundred yards in length.
the year previous to the war. The pressed to tell the rest of his story. At five o'clock, when darkness fell,
figures for hogs show a decrease, due. "I was swollen out of shape from came dinner, consisting of penguin
to the several large war orders reedy- head 10 toot. I was so short of breast and beef tea. Lacking tobacco,
ed by some of the western packing breath I could hardly speak, The doc- the men smoked grass from the pad -
firms from the allies. One firm alone tor could do nothing for me. The ding in their boots. Their pipes were
is said to have received an order for minister gave me the holy sacrament carved from birds' hones and wood.
ham and bacon that called for 351,000 and a good priest came and told me 1 The members of the party took turns
head of hogs, I could not live much longer. in reading aloud from the only avail -
The increase in the number of "Then I telegraphed for Dodd's able books, namely; the Bible, an en -
sheep is one of the outstanding fea- Kidney Pills, I took three pills the' cyclnpsedia, Browning, Bacon's Essays
tures of the government report. The' night they came and I got relief be- and Carlyle's French Revolution, Sat- j
increase, approximately 3
is fore morning.Docld's Kidney
urdav evening
was always marked
very gratifying. Many of the cured me, I am able to do my day's a concert, the feature of which was
smaller flocks of sheep as they have work now as well as I was ten years banjo playing. A banjo was the only
found out that the climate was very ago." musical instrument in camp,
suitable table to them,provided a certain On one occasion there was a wel-
Mr. Goulette offers to answer any.
amount of shelter was supplied during letters written to him regarding his ; come addition to the diet; we found
the short periods when the weathercase. He feels that he owes his: several undigested fish in the stomach
might otherwise be too severe. I health, if not his life, to Dodd's Kid- - of a seal, and greatly enjoyed them.
The report estimates that there are net' Pills. They were the only fish we caught .
during our stay. In August there was
at present 2,0 48,354 cattle in the tln•ee l
western provinces, 565,709 being milch I PLOUGH UP GRASS LANDS. -
cows and the balance beef and other,
a change in our diet, for we could ga-
ther limpets and use seaweed as a Fr SALE C•Ii1: tl' ;, ,()I, f:U vegetable. We were in the midst of to AT -E „ : \
The bestl
yeast in
tale Word,
Largest Aritficiai Harbor.
The world's largest artificial har-
bor is planned for Rotterdam, It will
be 28 feet deep and cover 766 acres.
l .!L t, „. Two Eyes for a Lifetime
(1'.f, Murine Is fur Then nye..
a Red styes sere es
movies Refreshes Brenda. nests
it "ten es ns maeb"f 50,erin
and ematt.G opt � ro Y
CLLrq 6. ygRT'rrgth r,n plLn theaemC reaUiHnt,.
Care for Them. You Cannot Buy Now Eyest
501,1 at Drag and Optleal Stores or Ur S1a,,. 41.40
Marine Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago, 70t• Free Bees
A novel bathtub stool has but tiro
legs, !looks that engage 111e rim of a
tub helping to support it,
letnard's Llntmout Cores Distemper.
FOB, aaLB.
cattle. This shotes an increase of Increased Production in Scotland to g n ,rend In ,
Utilize Pastures. Rgotories. t ;, !:. !. ,; ) ",,
the very large number of beef cattle l - I lunches when the rescue boat was pi'). raw, iseeeuier,
trans+•ono. flan.
nearly 15 percent over 1913, and also - ! one of these sea -weed and limpet repot, good 1.„r;tii„n dear t,e ,.,r a
that have been marketed during the' The Scottish Department Commit- 'sighted. "When was the war over ?•',
to consideration. Many large war there are about 1,500,000 acres of per-' i
orders were filled in Western Canada,manent pasture in Scotland, and 1,-;
The Dominion and Provincial Gov-, 500,000 acres in temporary pasture. 1 FRETFUL BABIES
ernments and the Canadian Pacific Much of the permanentP asture is only
i 't
past couple of years must he taken in- tee on Food Supplies report that, was the first question asked.
Railway through
i 1 s A gricuIt uta1 and suite d for
pee ng stock and certain —
Animal Industry Branch, have all aid- areas also of grazing land are urrsuit- !
ed the farmers in every possible way,' able to break up, but, it is added, in
and have published broadcast litera- the hands of both farmers and oc-!
tore showing the best results that cupying owners there are many acres
have been obtained on the various ex- which, in present circumstances
ailment that comes beef animals. The experts in charge grass parks and home policies, where
when the blood is weak and watery. of these farms will at :1I1 times aid the ordinary organization of a farm
There i just one certain, speedy cure in any way they can the farmer who does not exist. It also recommends'
—Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. They seeks advice with reference to the best that when deemed advisable i
e new,
7,170 rIT-MAJCING I,:17tVS ANI) 3015
9 Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns, The Ino01 useful and interesting
of all buslnes0ea. Full information on
application to Wflcnn Publishing Com.
0001. 72 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
Mrs. John M. Weaver, Blissfield, Iv, rrrasaDT.DANDOITS
B., writes :—"I can speak very highly t :t Vt ER,
of Baby's Own Tablets. 1 have used gee internal and external, cured with -
them for my children and find they out ruin t.y our tomo tr5atment tyrke
us t,e,lmll, . late lir. Ont. �Iadigal
are the hest medicine a mother care Cr:, g.lmlb�d, t'nliingwnod, ont.
give her little ones. I would strongly;
recommend them to all mother; who,
have fretful babies,” The Tablets re-;
gulate the bowels and stuma;•h; break „-es,
up colds and simple fevers; expel -
warms; mire vomiting and indlgcstion
and make teething easy. They ur,•
sold by inadieme dealers or twat it at sTRCBt'L1FFL• i'O1:lTRi FARM Bas smcueIJFN, 05T.
25 cents a box from The Dr. William,:'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. •
�.7oncl' in thecomm-
rr.talPouury best•
nen? Yesl if you have a
laylnll strain. Vica,lnilt
ours to be the gr..cieet
Poultry success in Ctn.
ada. Clrcular of recta
Free. Hatching Edge 700
SStocklfor Si lu n-
, e ae un7 t t le
mak w, rich, red blood, and this stock to go in for and also the Propel Board of Agriculture for Scotland, by A SUC'(•LSt FL•L SOCIETY
good blood strengthens the whole sys- way to secure the greatest results, themselves or their nominees, should,
tem an10
d brings good health and While there is no prospect of an , - —
- - enter, occupy and cultivate such lands.,
happiness. Thousands owe their mediate reduction hi the price of meat
present good health, some, life itself, as a result of the increase(' interest
to the pills. Mrs. Charles Goddard,' displayed by tho farmers of the west,
Chatham, Ont,, says: -"Four years' the prairies of the Canadian West
ago my nervous system was so run, have unlimited room for the raising of
down that life seemed nothing but a • all kinds of livestock, and with the
burden. I doctored for two years !farmers taking a greater interest in'
with Little or no benefit. I could; livestock than ever before, Canada is!
neither work, eat or sleep well. While destined to play a large part in soly-
in this
condition a friend advised ma ing themeat problem
which the world
to tr
1. Williams' Pink Be -now face 'which s P k Pills. Bes and'
Y is likely be-
to b -
fore doing so I thought I would eon- come still more acute at the close of
sult my doctor and he told me he,' the war when European countries will
knew of no better medicine for build-' be buying animals to replenish their
ing up the nervous system. I started l herds.
to take the pills . and after a short!
while found they were helping ine. I I Tommy's Appreciation.
took the pills for nearly three months f As an appreciation of the efforts of
and am thankful to say that they cam -our our fair enthusiasts, this comes from
pletely cured me. Ever since I have) a soldier:
kept a box of the pills in the house but:Dear Lady, I thank you for the socks
have not found it necessary to take} —some fit!
them." I use one for a hammock, the other for
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink a mitt;
Some day I hope to meet you, when I
have done my bit;
But in the meantime, tell me—Where
the deuce you learned to knit?
Save the wood ashes and keep them
in a dry place. They are a splen-
did fertilizer.
A number of forestry battalions are
to be raised throughout the Domin-
ion, being urgently called for by the
War Office.
Pills through any dealer in medicine,
or they will be sent by mail postpaid,
at 50- cents a box, or six boxes for
$2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Development of Mineral -bearing Lands
in North Thompson Valley.
The following interesting letter has
eon received by the Canadian North -
in Railway Company at Toronto,
rom Chu Chua, British Columbia, re-
garding the development of the min-
eral -bearing areas tributary to its
main line through. the North Thomp-
son Valley;—
"There are about twenty claims
staked near here; the first car of gold
oro taken from the surface of the
Wind Pass Claim had a gross value
of $1,048.00, and there is another car
load ready for shipment,
"As soon as the Spring opens up
so that we can build wagon roads,
there will be large shipments during
the corning summer. At present the
oro is being taken down the moun-
tain side by hand sleds. There is
about $50,000 worth of ore in sight on
these claims without very much
development work. -
"At the head waters of Boulder and
Canyon Creeks, there are large
bodies of copper ore that carry gold
and silver values, and large deposits
of Magnetite iron orae net carry soma
gold values,
"At Blackpool there is ore being
shipped that carries both lead and
"Frons the Fog Horn Group at the
head of Boulder Creek there were
shipped 50 tons of Galena ore with a
gross value of $4,000.00. A further
shipment of this ore will he made
"Int adn to this part of the
North Thompson Valley being a fine
farming and ranching conitl'y, it is
destined to be one of the richest min•
oral -producing districts, in B. C. All
it needs is capital for" development”
If YOU have entarrh, catarrhal deafness
or head noises caused by catarrh, or If
phlegm. drops In vine throat and pus
caused catarrh of the stomach or bowels
you wIJI beglad to know that these dis-
tressing symptoms May be entirely over-
coms IM many instances by the following
treatment which you can easily prepare
111 •rola• own home at little cost, Secure
from yo121 druggist 1 ounce of Varmint
(Oouhlr. St•eugth). This wt11 net cast you
more than 76e. Take this home and ads"to it 1 plot of hot and 4 (Moues of'
granulated auger: sip' until dissolved.
Take ole tablespoonful four ilhros s. day,
An ilnpr)ventent is s0mellrnes noted af-
ter the first day's treatment. Breathing
should become easy, while the distress-
ing Tread nntses, headaches, dullness,
cloudy thinking. eta„ should gradually
disappear nyder the tonic action of the
ireallllont. Loss of smell, taste, of
hearing and mucus dropping to the
back of the throat are other symptoms
which suggest the preeonee of •catarrh
and which may often be overcome by
this efficacious treatment, if nearly
ninety per cont. of all ear troubles are
caused by catarrh, there Intuit be ninny
people whose Mearns may be restored by
this sl Mrpie henie treatment.
Any druggist anti supply you. or a bot-
tle will be sent 011 receipt or 75e., postal
note or money order•. Address interne-
ttonttt Laboratories, 74 St, Antoine St.,
Montreal, Canaan.
Conscience is the watchdog which
barks at sin.
A Spanish physician has developed
a method for obtaining a potassiien
fertilizer from sea water, which he
has named marine kalriit.
old weather aches follow
exposure. Soothe and re•
lieve them with Sloan's Lini-
'Ment, easy to apply. it quickly
penetrates rwilhouf rubbing. Cleaner
than mussy plasters or ointments.
does not Stain the skin,
For rheumatic pains, neuralgia,
gout, lumbago, sprains, strains,
bruises and stiff sore muscles have
Sloan's Liniment handy,
At all druggists, 25c. 50c. end $1,00,
ISSUE No. 9—'17
Canadian Order Of Foresters Ilas A
Th°�, .�� - ; The Canadian Order of foresters
is Simile Kele 1 which has for years occupied a pro -
Soon Strengi ens
Splendid Financial Basis,
minent position as isle of the leading
Fraternal insurance Societies operat-
ing in Canada, Was instituted in 1879
A Delicate Stomach'th e i88 members rdewho of secederdesfros
Stomach thAmerican Or foterm .
It really is n lessrr) in , w
e Vot •
To -day it has a membership of over
self with pepsin pill, or aatldiu] arss90 OOI whit itthe largest purely
Wes e r to live on r Miserable nursery Canadian membership of any of the
diet. I
If you will observe one easy rule fraternal insurance societies doing "'-
von can eat the hearty n nnurtsbing foods 6
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
11 O TTO H G' L,'
H. E
Gieneer I . CLrSY GLOVER CO. Inc.
West OOg Remedies IIS teat Slat Street, New York
I100I0 ON
And How to Feed
0t,1k,l free to any addrse by
the Author
that your appetite craves and your body btlsdneSS in ibe Dominion.
of Disurated Magnesia in a half glass (P e Society has Hurl a most success -
bet water 'with each meal. I3lsur•ated ful record and has accumulated funds,'
M:r�nu to is nnmlit; ,furl, andiliarmless which at the present time amount to
needs. That rule Is to take a teaspoonful .Th
an 1)0550555 tiler r as qua t 55 that
promptly overcome impaired .digestion, between five and a half and six million
f ermenta Uun. aclrllly, cat¢rrhtA unreal" dollars. Last year was apparently
flans er the atmnach etas distrq�e after
eating and other stoinach' disorders. As ono of the most sueeessful yours In
107110esia ie pr5pared in tarlous wars be the history of the institution. The
certuln l0 insist un nbtulning it in the 81-
surated form, especially recommended for amount added to the insurance funds
stomach purposes. Sold by all druggists. for 1916.was between four and five
hundred thousand dollars. Notwith-
Go Right Along. !standing this success the management
"Is there no way of stopping these decided to ascertain what the actuar-
cyclones?" asked a man of the travel- ial standing of the Society was, and
er who was recounting his experiences ' secured the services of one of the most
in far countries, !competent actuaries on the Continent,
"No," replied the narrator. "The: Acting on the advice of the actuary,
best way is to go right along with the Society decided to re -adjust its
rates and place itself upon a basis
whieh will giro it at least 100%
Mia¢rd'e LlAlmont Cares Cordo, seta actuarial solvency,
By taking this course, while its
The Diadem of Old. funds were still piling up, it has been --
A fraternal and Insurance eotlety that
rotocts it, membrra In accordance wi.h the
motto Government Standard. S1.k and
antral bcacfiu optional,
Authorized to obMin members and charter
lodges In 050)7 Province in Canada.
Purely Canadian, sale, sound and ocoaar
ti there la no local lodge of Chorea Friends,
In your dietr[et, apply direct to any of the
following officers;
Dr.J. W.Fdwarda, M.P. W. F. Montagu,,
Grand councillor. Grand Record
F. Campbell, .1. N. Be11, M.D.,
Grand Organizer. Grand Medial L•'
The diadem of the nations of an- I able to treat its members much more
tiquity was a fillet of silk, two inches favorably than any of the societies
broad, bound round the head and tied which have re -adjusted their businesses
behind, Its color was generally during recent years,
white, Sometimes, like that a; The management is to be eongl'atul-
Darius, it was of blue. It was sown ated epee a course of action which will
with pearls or other gems and enrich the Society upon a splendid fin-
ed with gold. It was peculiarly the anethe atObas sf,randall time.a the future of
mark of Oriental sovereigns. 0........___
I Mlnard's Liniment Cares Oargot in Cows,
Mansonville, June 27, '13. Not Gotte To Seed,
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Yarmouth, N. S. "It is over two years and a half
affordseatifyinkoat to'since that work Yeais England has been pouring an, and for two
leasure and must be gratifying ' p
you to know that after using bot-, fighting men," says New York Life.
Ilea of your I,inhnent on a case of"She has sent out enough to have had
paralysis which my father was af-!nearly two million casualties; she is
Dieted with, I was able to restore him 1 credited now with two million soldiers'
to normal condition, Hopieg other in France, and with three. million more i
sufferers may be boneritted by the use at home or elsewhere, and more mak }
of your Liniment, I tem,
Sincerely yours,
The. Sister's Reply.
IIe was n young subaltern. One
evening the sister had just finished
making him comfortable for the night,
and, before going oft' duty, asked: "Is
there anything I can do for you be-
fore I leave?"
Dear Little Two Stare iepiied;
'.'Well, yes! I should like spry much
to be kissed goad -night."
Sider melted to the door. "Just
wait fill I e'ctll the orderly." elm said.
„Ile does ail the; rough work here."
Mtaad5's Ideintent cures nieethoxlrt.
ing. And all the while she has been
making munitions in enormous and
increasing quantities, building new
ships all the time, nnd raising and dis-
tributing billion after billion of pounds
sterling to be put where they would
do the most good. Clearly this breed
of man that planted the United States
has not yet run to seed."
forms a smooth, slip-
pery surface on the axle
spindle. The ground
Mica. fills the pores of
the steel and makes
easier turning. Dealers
euee figs TI1ROCG-1101'T
P75711 igen 8110500 '210
extXPeerce S' etrnze
and CATA1g,I1RAS FiaV17)L,
1+111. and positive pre3Cetltv,, ho matter how huse0 at
111y age are afflicted or "e0t ne.i ld,nlld. piton err 111,1:
tongue,.• arta 00 the blood t,1.1 glands,expels the polaonoutt
norms Train the 1,adt. 1'nre, 10,0touincr in !logs and Sheep,
and ('1)01eia it poultry. LE , 1 ,.11rug llye 5torit remedy'.�
t ur00 1.5 (1111.1,7 a,u I). hl 0Ar,n 11(.1t15:+. an,1 lea line Ifldtne7�yt5r
remedy. Gut tt.!y n1. It .,-, !,. �L,.75 t , your druirgiet,
who will re rot t , t tee, ,•'11:vten eer, (;eases)
nllr. t :Me -
‘17,-^1-'7 7111,- 57, (:G3r1'AI7'1",
Ckc.t• Iths .,..... ...., ...a, Gusher, End., 71. if, Jk.