HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-3-8, Page 4Next Connell meeting Nevelt 12th, !l. b C 'I i Al �I�5 apt e�S, Alcl:wrlN. Olerlf. FELT LIKE A NEW letter from Pte. Fred. Hillson THURSDAY 'r 11( iH 8. to17 New B1ltiN,ww1( Province lies gar riga Grit and it locks as 4.f trent West .e E tet the Liberals are going to swing luto victory, 'Turn about is fair piny and is Well 4.O divide 0p the sweets of 0fileo with the bitter doses of Opposition. Next Dominion Paeetiou should baud over the keys to the Lihorel party also. WoonsTecx Society fur protecting birds ask a tax of $t oo imposed 011 every eat Rod else that said felines he tied up At nights. This Society loses sight of the fact that while the birds 110 their singing in daylight tabby usually puts on her program after the sun gots down. Cat concerts are not always popular, Ketl•i', while s tower of strength to the Him they yet help in the undoing of then], '1'ightuing 1112 belt may sti y n man's stomstch fora 11,11e while bat it won't take the place of breed and teeter, When ('.'ace cr nus tine limp rdeits S1101'd he wipe." nett and 11:1 sm'Ltr meuuf:tutories as they stand as 9 meetiee to the abiding of the dove. IDee1'rre the a:nlest r,mniiiii.eeaee of the Brerish navy the teuhlnar+nes have made serious smashes into the shipping of the :eliies. Such a line of attack in the drowning of hundredsof non cenahat- ants will never even air[ in winning the war, as 112a foul blow tint no Niton outside of Gernianv, Aus'rire and the Turk will even atternpt to defend. HAvs y made your selections in connection with Brussels Herttui.ttrel Society in tete options offered 7 If net Flo so at once so.ihat the order may be compiled and forwarded for supplies at as early a date as possible. Sometimes delays occur throwing the Spring plaut- ing late sad our Society wishes to guard against. this. Don't forget. 'riMs works many ehangee arid "while the lamp feeds o1,;.` 10 bun the vilest s'il- ner m'7 return " 'This h's proven true of the I:'rovincia'. Gevert:nieut of C)nter- io. Al•.er mote buffs to female entra;1- chisrtnetlt they have =.xperiencetd a change or meal. :f not of heart. and will give the Ltllot to the on1.a1 folk, Bush political rart:es think it the right thing now, h0 3il!al'IU stilt keeps up with the procession. Wee is making many changes and one of them is the boom being given to Agriculture. England is purchasing 2000 American tractor plows that will work night as weld as day and in this way hopes 'to Overcome the shortage of labor mod also increase production. Canada sh.'a'd also take the hint and in- stead of nr.:: multiplying acres and leav- ing many rel them unfilled would be to divide up the holdings so that not only the census would stow improvement but the quantity and quality of products would improve and thereby ample pro vision be secured for ht me consumpt)ou and a little more. This Dominion must figure on "others" from this time for- ward and 1917 is the opportune date to begin on the broadeuing. Is the Chinese swing in with the Allies a mighty force will be added to the unprecedented host who ase fighting for the maintenance of fidelity to honor and the rights and privileges of weaker Nations. A bully may For a time defy law and order but all the Goliaths of the past have been killed and the kaiser and Prussianism will also have to bite the dost. The waking up of the "Chink" will mean many a change and they and the laps will have to be reckorlerl, We have ndt much fear of the yellow peril in this day 4.t these Nations of the sunrise are honorable and brotherly in their coneep, fins i is let s r g it. A new (nap of Berepa sill '.1s0 meso »aged conditions in loth Aale, and Africa. Japan has already taught the Western world moral lessons that should profit them. Morris Council Council met 01) Fehntary 1910, e(11 the members present. After the ininiltee of the last meeting Rely' read 2401 approved, the Auditor's Re- port was received, considered and ad- opted. A grant of $8S 00 was given to the Children's .lid Society, The ;allowing accounts were paid : -Mnnicipal World, rolls mud supplies, $5,60; A, Mellwen, express, tic 1 II. B. Elliott, advei'tieing $175; A. Bill & Co, floor, 1st line brides, $113.10; J, Shortreed, tile McNeil dram, $150,00 ;• Township Grey to balance account, $133.08 ; John Shortreed, Board of Health, $3.00 ; expenses Me - Nell drain, $3.30 ; A. MclSwen and Ii. Johnson, Board of Health, moll, $8.00 ; D, Jllh neton, expenses McNeti 11rain, ;113.30 ; R, Johnston end Pete!. McNabb, Auditorm, each, $10.00 ; (1. Forest, 2 farm bridges, Dockets uremia, 840,00 ; Walter Ported, Nem bridge, Dnokett drain, $20.00. For dnewir.g the McNeil drain, following receiver) : -Bert Watson, $20.00 ; John Me- Arter, $2'2,50 ; Alex, McNeil, $10.50 ; Jas, Olarke, $17:50; Newton Mr,(lnit- ltty )•120.00 ; John Shortreed, $2 50, DIvieion Court and Witness feta, 810.00 ; Children's Aid Society, $25,00; Walton, 13luevale, Blyth, Belgrave, County grant Red Orme Society each $ 01d 001; J eetown Coenty grant, (Coutinee(i front Inst week) I saw two battle -planes while I was planes curd herr, they also have s t a t es 11, the holly bellied the planes is two )ro0 frames like 11 windmill frame, they nu; pear to be vett' heavy. I think it would be hart] to best the British for aerial mitt sea ddrla You eau always telt when there is any flauger 140111 sub- nlaunee. Fur three consecutive clays. I Saw 10•st40311(8 and dirigible balloons in cu operrtern The destroyers would 518a0 Gem ''(12 point to the other, then 111r'.y turn around aid go over the same beet wed,: the drrigihle goes en its beat just rhe seine. I is just like a puliee- mau pa0111g up add duwu the same beat ail the tint . So much for tint. We lel' Lipner 1)thga'e Camp on Jan. 2-41 :111)1 to l c!ted t4I'): full pack to [Vest S.znlliz camp„ii 1111tene8 of about 3 11.14 reed veil put into tents with no sieve -'rt J ze, •+r,• -.with 4 bl llkets anti tent 8•. -t 'O k••r p y u warns at night. i 1142'10f le fetes 6,r a week, during u .ch tint: we \v, re sometimes up to u beat lope in mud and it faze hat11 ' 1)r„ d at night 0 .e n ght the water 4.•-•7' 11448411 tete tent arae soaked our t) .1..:'i's 0 4Ie relief we had were good het n:v:t'n 9,1.1 be Y M. C. A. and Sol- rtier's Club lints were close so w0 could k' e1' warm atter drill hours After a w' la in the tents we were moved into luta velem, we slaved for two days. 1'ieen ['1'• niicie00 gun section was sent or the mechine gun depot at Crowbor- oug!', :where we are now. Camp here is ae geed as e12 we have had yet. The carn4, is pretty muddy when we have mach wet weather but ( here Is a chance or keeping nut of it if you try to. A' the present we have cold frosty weather with little snow. Ground isfroz.n hard. We get gene fond here and the water is good. in fact the water is exceptionally gond in all the camps. There is good hefhlug accommodation here You can ge' a good hot water bath every day if yeti [rant one. The only bad points I see about this camp so far is poor boot supply, laundry system and lighting system 1 took several pairs of socks, handkerco)efs, underwear and shirts to the laundry about a week and a half ago and it has all lee[ lost, Several of the ocher fe:luws have too. I don't know whether we will get it back or not. The n.or lights which are electric and wheu I eve poor 1 mean about the same RS the lirass_le'epee were when I left. They e (:tit nee altogether atltd I am writing l.r; 41:4(,!181.4111. Tele wuik 0.e have in $'[gland is far .1 if er.t trent w tilt we had in Canada. In Camel a it wre all )n-psctioes and 1,i4.11.'ug (0 shioihl) Lateens anti bores, Willie :hey are strict ;d)not 11191 too, they also are p,4tienlar about giving a man e •e"s•. to front, S,sce aveat Is n z._...4. at e 7 t . y we came to l:aglaari we have [tad a peyecal training course, a bayonet fight. tag course, an engineering or lreuch dieging course, musketry course with Lee Enfield rA", a )e mbiug course and we are nowhalf way through a Vickers Maxim machine gun course To give you an idea of the daily routine at the machine gnu) depot here is a day's train- ing. syllabus of last week ;-Getup about 7 o'clock a m. and have brealtfast, ger ready for parade, physical training 8 15 )1 a 4.5 ; rnechan:sm of roachine gun Frere or 15 to in i; a. m • 1' 15 10 4.t 15 irnin:11iats 54111121 under fire with mach- ine ,un : 4.t (5 to 12 e5, stoppages ; 12 15 10 1 i5 dinner ; 1.15 to 2 I5 mount- ing, diemnanting, loading and unload- ing, sighting tend laying of gun ; 2 15 to 3 15, vestal training, description, range taking ; 3 1510 4 (5, lecture on gas at- tacks, how to tell gas, immediate action for gas. Before 1 fi(ish I might as well let you know that we are separated from the Mist Bsttai)00 for good, We are now m^acherl to the 66th Hamilton Machine Gun Battalion. We left the 161st Bat- talien at West Seedling' camp, Shorn- el,tle, I heard to day that they were to be moved to Shorem where the leoth Bruce Battalion were. Battalion was pretty well broken up, having over goo men taken out as drafts for France. tVe will probably go to France about the lit of :larch as we have to finish the machine gun coarse before going over. Hoping to hear from you soon apd hop- ing that you will find interest in the letter, I will close Yours truly, PTE. FRED. HILLSON Notes of the legislature Hartley Dewart, new Liberal mem- ber for South West Toronto, in his maiden speech, aroused great interest. Ile dealt particularly with the nickel ynrsti0n. Hon. T. H, McGarry, Provincial Tr"asutet., in leis budget speech, claitu- ed rl surplus for the year 0f $1,180,000. ilon. Cl, II, Ilowman, Libei al whip , ,1 financial critic, 1)4ured )hinge out differently, He thought time was a d limit on the year's upera(ion4. 1'h,• Government of Ontr1rin will bol'. Arty seventeen trillion 111111ars nn this side of the Atlantie to re -purchase a similar amountof securities now held in Irleglitrul. It rest $57,759 for repairs and main- t.euanee of Government HIouse during the year, This of conr8e does not in - e ode the sutra of 0701' one 101lli01) &dials spent on the buildings and the site. Civil eervent salaries are to be in - e t e :teed hy 8120,807. '1' t:4.1 supplementary estimates for the year remount, to $1,600,000, The further titer sipplementaries are still to ;44110, rhrrr Is 111 hr a Boreal of Municipai Affairs in the i'tovime?, 'Pile Gppoeltinn is ohjecting to the ;even tnnent's ;imposed re'organization of th,e 13epett.nt'nt of Agriculture, ('12111;ti4 that i1 111ea115 inefficiency, \Vumon Sldyrage is being featured by the Liberals again this year. There are rt ellaatlon2 that the govern- ment will es. id, it. Cb,\T. ANTI Rh1LTq)T JARS fieyet] bemired anrd six tons of coal were 1(1 (4Hht for Government llm)se du;iag lite pried year averred) tag. 10 Lhr Public Aereru 1LH rivebt•ly laid before the k'gislulalre, Ordinarily this item would not command so much atten' PERSON Atter Taking Y Onl One Box Of "Fruit-a-tives" EAST S)IB Human, N. S. "11 is with groat pleasure thatl write to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1 have received from taking "Fruit-a- tives". For years, I was a dreadful Sufferer from Constipation and Head- aches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried 11Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Ileadaches". Alas. MARTHA DB_WOLFE. 600. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Lion, but with coal such a vital and scarce commodity as it has been in Ontario during the past few months, anything relating to this valuable product cnnuuande attention. Other interesting items in the ex - vomits for repairs and maintenance of House are :-Garrnent reds and coat bangers, 8137 77 ; relish jars, dishes, etc., $250.85 ; oaopet sweepers, paper and Snap, $69 12 ; kitchen utensils, 85500.55: fire guards, grate blowers, pokers, etc., $887 50 ; repairs 111 and supplies for• billiard table, 0175.65. For the cat tage of ashes from Government House the government paid $170.00. Th)e amount evidently arose from the fact that Government Hoose was built so low that special charges had to be made for hauling the ashes up to the level of the street. Another cartage item was $848 00. AGRIOULTQRAL PLANS What at first was thought to be merely a temporary arrangement in the Department of Agriculture, fol- lowing the death of the Hon, Jae. Duff, is now going to remain perma- nent if the government follows its own bill now before the legislature and does not listen to the objections of the Opposition. The permanent re -organization pro- vides for a Minister of Agriculture with the Prime Minister, Sir Williatn Hearst, as Minister; two -deputy ministers instead of the one at re en ; a Oor 1)d sinner of Agri- culture, ri- m tn s Pg culture Dr. Oreehuan Principal of p the 0. A. 0„ Guelph, and an assistant to the Commissioner. The Opposition claim that this is a moat complicated and inefficient system. They say that there should be simply a Minister of Agriculture, not, thePtime Minister, already over- burdened with duties ; not a lawyer, as he is but the most outstanding agriculturist who could be secured, and with Mtn a deputy minister also of outstanding rank such as the late Dr, 0. 0. James, for example. The Opposition say that the pro- posed arrangement amounts simply to this, that the Prime Minister in his spare lnoment8 will give some atten- tion to the Department; that Dr. Creelman, who remains in Guelph as Principal of the school, will give his spare time to the Department of Agriculture and that this part time arrangement is utterly inadequate. As for the two deputy ministers, the Opposition says that the trouble lies in the fact that the present deputy minister is not a farmer at all nor has he any first hand knowledge of farm- ing. This whole question of the Depart- ment of Agriculture promises to be an important factor of the session. Huron County Children's Aid Society The regular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid and Humane Society was held in the Court House, Gode- rich. There was a fair attendance. County Secretary gave an interesting report of work for the month and read some letters from wards of the Society who are overseas, Some ladies representing the W. C. T. U. were present at the meeting and re- ported that at their meeting they had discussed the benefits of a Juvenile Court and the necessity for a Ohildren'e Shelter in Huron County and had come to the conclusion that the time had come when the Children's Aid Society should take steps to this end, and that they had passed 5 reso- lution to alis effect and were prepared' to stand r,1th the Obildren's Aid Society in whatever steps were neces- sary in order to have the Juvenile Court Act proclaimed in Huron County and a Shelter secured. A committee was appointed, consisting of the President of the Society, Jas. Mitchell, G. M. Elliott, the County - Secretary, Rev. J. E. Ford, Abner Omens, President of Winghambranch and John Beattie, from Seaforth branch to meet and go into the whole question and being 10 a report at the next meeting of the Children'e Aid Society, to be held March 18th. So- ciety has 5little girl of 8 years for whom a home is wanted ; also some 8m2110)' boys. Persons interested should write G. M. Elliott, County Secretary, Goderiah. Accounts totalling $42.56 were pass- ed, Following donations and mem- bership fees received since last meet- ing were reported Tuckerslnith township..,......... $10 00 Blyth,. .......... 600 Me Killop township.................. 10 00 Exeter.. 5 00 East \Vawanosh ............. 5 00 Town, of Seaforth,,,,,,,,,,, , , , 10 00 A Friend of the Society..,,., -,,, 5 00 J. P, brume • 1 00 West Wawanosh10 Ob Wm, Sharman 10. 2 00 Waiter Her 1 00 Colborne township , ,10 00 Brussels ,,,,,, ., .,.. .., 10 00 Goderich township (not credited for 1010) .... .,, 5 00 Dr, A. T, Eininet'son,. 6 00 Huron 0000it (for maintenance of wards) .. ,. 18 00 O. )MacKay, Seal'octlt. ,... 1 00 Oonnty of Huron, ,,.. - 600 00 O. P. Smith, VV'n 4h it 1 00 itix 1 6 1 1 Frank Bochanan, tiViitgharn1 00 1)1. J. Whyte, Wingham 1 00 Iiullett ta41)8111p 10 00 St. Augustine Women's In....... 6 00 J, G. Stai)bury, Exeter ..... , 1 00 Mrs. D. Millar .......................... 1 00 A Friend .,. 2 60 Exeter Women's Institute 1 00 Pte. Harvey Hoover Writes from France to Gordon Mc Gavin, leadbur Y DEAD GORDON,-Here goes for a few lines to say that I have not forgotten the pupils of Leadbury 801001. I11 the first place hope you and your parents are enjoying the beet of health. As regards myself I must say that I am o. k. and like trench life in the metal at my way. Yon must pardon me for not writing you folks sooner but under the circumstances it was impossible but the old Baying is "Better late than never" hence these few scattered notes which may interest you. Well, Gordon, well do I remember the good times at your place, also in the Leadbury vicinity. I can picture you yet sitting in your seat at school and asking the variuus questions re- garding the war and the interesting discussions, therefore 1 hope these few lines will help you gain some new ideas. In the Oran place I have been in Franca Since Dec. lot and have seen some wonderful sights. The trip across Canada to Halifax thence over the ever mounting waves, then through England across to France and HOW THIS MOTHER Got Strength To Do Her Work Fair Haven, Vt.—"I was so nervous and run down that I could not do my housework for my little family of three, I had doctored for nearly two years without help. One day I read about Vino', and blanks to it, my health has been restored so I am doing all my housework once more. I nm telling all my friends what Vinod has done for me." -Mrs, JAMES H. EDDY. Vinol is a combination of famous tonics which we guarantee to build up the weak and run-down. F. R SMITH,Druggist, Brussels. Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns. from thele to the trenches has been a at o knowledge el a012'20' U If r\)1 ,ll e. I ( 1 book C n i to1 1 I 1, de not Intend 11, deaaril,e 1310 vartuua sights and scenes 111 1ng111lanuo here but will Flo so tvhe11 4 see you an 14.4211). 1101) 1(1 any the flocks 11) L)'. erpool Mid Halifax were grand also those of Glasgow, The 1.11001(4' hl 11/)401110 and Ifrance is entirely dam.' 0(1 1101)1 ilial. o1.' Ottn4da, yet amide) all eremite of list e=1 h'•nrss with l s 1 11, i 1)0(1(1')(1)18 lawns aid villages 1)t honeys with the roof1114. Imnd,n, the (o4ld'N largest city, is a wonderful busy plane. I saw all the Merin place[ sack Its 1110 Omhe(h'nls, Paltaee, Squaws, etc., Ile) redly stood in 1.1 oat 1)i' the late (.era Rilchener's home, Lloyd George's, 1V1ig's [educe, LA11111011 bridge and many tit his s, Ir. 7('41,.11 4.41 wy experie0ue in Fret 1'e it is 11a, lent to mime extent thereby hu gel) dealing with warfare. iAs we are under Artily restrictions I cannot write you the news I would like to, bat will may a little as to my own experience 111 the trenches. ,1 have been bele stalest two 0101111(8 and ryas drafted into the 68th Batt., where I au) at the present time, Trench life, Gordon is not a pleasant Auction Sales ADo'1'ION SATE 00' Ir'AR41 STOOK, IM. 505513270, &2 it. Y. SGML, A1lctioltesr. has hem instructed. br the undersigned to self by Public A unt10n ttt N]! Lot 118, Con. 8, Morris, on Friday, March 0111, at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing property 1-2604.0(1 7 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years in calf, 1 yearling steer, 1 brood sow, 1 Massey -Harris hinder, 1 Frost Sc Wood mower, 1 Massey -Harris 12 -hard drill, 1 Sharpe rake, l tanning mill, 1 cutting box, 1 pulped•, 1 wagon, 1.0) bob -sleighs. 1 graved box, 1 twin nl0u', 1 walking plow, 104nlllor, 1 set harrow8, 1 hay rack, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 buggy, 1 Glitter, 1 land roller, 20 ((200, whuaetrees, 0001tyokes, chains end numerous other 041(4 - lea Terme- $,i 00 and under cash ; over that amount 10 Oat Pa credit given on furnishing approved joint notes ' 6 per rhnt off for rash on credit amounts. TH08. KELLINGTON. Proprietor. A DOTION SALE OF IrABef STOCK, IM- 5LRJI0NTe, GHATS, &(1.-F, R, 140016, Aue• tlolleer has received Instruetiona from the undersigned proprietor to sell by Public Aum• Mon at Lot 14, Con 6, Grey township, Monday, March 12th, at 1 o'olook, sharp, the following valuable property: -2 aged mares, 1 aged horse, 1 horse colt 1•faing 9 years, 1 mare colt rising 8 years, 1 blood horse colt rising 8 years, 8 oows otpposed in °elf, 0 eteers rising 2 peers. 1 heifer rising 8year0 in calf, 0 cattle rising 1 year, 1 registered short horn bull, 8 pigs about 125 120., 1 sow in pig, 1 Tamworth boar, about IsO well bred Brown Leghorn bens, about Iso bushels oats, about 160 bushels mixed grail], about 100 bushels barley, a quantity of hay, 1 wagon nail box, 1 MOssey-hnrris binder 7 ft. nut, 1 M°Cornlick mower 5 ft , 1 McCormick finy tedder, 1 Massey -Harris hay rake 80 teeth, 1 hay rack, 1 Frost .5 Wood cultivator, 1 MaseeyHarrle 11 -hoed seed drill, 1 Fleury No. 1J plow nearly new. 2 two•furrow plows, 2 sets Iron hnrrowe, 1 land roller, 2 seta bob'sleighe, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 Mess0y-Harris root pulper, 1 fend boiler, l wheelbarrow, set 4000 lbs, stook Reales, 1 fanning -mill made by S, S. Cole, 1 cream separator, 1 snuffler, 1 set heavy har- ness,1 set single ]larne0s. 8 ladders, 1 stook rack, 1 gravel box, whntlatroee, neolcyolles, bars, chains, forks. epodes, shovels and other articles too nunlerons to mention. Sale with- out reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. Terns; -All sums of $6 Wend under cash; over that amount 10 months credit given !tar- nishing approved joint n11 5 per cent, off for owl on credit amounts. A, H. MAOnoxn r.1), P. J. 13101t05, Clark. Proprietor. Recruits ai# me for Prouctiin Just as surely as lack of food is strangling Germany day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory for the allies. The French armies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870—the failure of her food supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war. To feed the French soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. Tliis gives a faint idea of thcolossal c asset task of feedingi n an army. Canada and Britain havea huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every man MUST have plenty of food, in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ont::) ego Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist i11 the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to men unfit for military service, or who fin ditimpossible to enlist in the army. Do your obit" hy helping to increase production of foodstuffs, This is your hour of opportunity. The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who , can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest, Confer with your county District Representative of the Department of Agriculture, or write, "Marta Help Cam» paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Suildinga Toronto so one bot we most expect Bach d1)1101l• t) .s. I 1 n entail see t 1e e l w sl 1 u 1 net words of everyWinding ;If:meltea mud the entanglements of herbed wire, the (111111erous Shell 1loh s, &e, C)u you g 110 1 have seen bolos ❑1(4(10 by burst - log shells 1hat w(til4 bury all the way 1'1+110 a hover 41 m s(1, 111 11011;e. 1411,014 of the laud here 18 very much in 'vin and F1;ulee will never forget "frees, vlllege8 and heust(1 actually blown lo pirate by heavy bombard- mem - mem of artilhry. I wish yon could hent. the Intense 011101vh•vi the 1111.4.1- 101 y opens ap, Which spel1e lnteoc arid ruin. Whele ))e arc tint' nitillery Ser ids over ten eh .111 In ler112•1 ane, besides rill', 4re1111 1, 0, r'u01-j tea (a neuue given. by Canadian,: to a type o1 1)034,1.) 11)5(1 sausages, !repel/ ni0111u's, whi11 b1u)gs and shells, Al Ilie same 1.11110 1)'e fellows 11111 eendir4 over our s(1iveuirs to hitt which he does not relish I tell yeti. The Winter has been very wet, nothing Int Intel, mud and water. Lately we have had a few 14(1(144 61,17')081(1111 it is naw fl 91211 up, 'While in the 11.0111: line 1lenahes I have been se hear Feb:Ws line as to hear hint cough and talking 4.vh)la of enurse they can also hear (l:. Yester- day one of our 701st boys (King (Irani) who slept 11) my tent. in Might:1l lens killed and his blather and three tithe: severely wounded. So far I have es- caped all 11(31(1 iris, but I tell you I have had 501118 nal POW escapes. Glad to heat your :Box social was a surmise, Hope you and t.he other pupils are en- joying your school days [ted you Might have this read in school. Tell the Whole to write -mid 1'11 try to ens, vue. Kindly L'011440113104 1)0 to Lead, bury collas. \Vrite anon 10 yam. friei•d (14 Prep, Pew. 11.1I Hooves, 11 1 (I . N 1 : U59881 A .. B ., I3 18,+ 6Sth art. F. Tole People's Oolurnn pA STUBS 1FA1151 TO 1(19N'r OR SELL - Lot 22, Oen. 0, (4rey. One of the best pas. fare farms to the township. Bunning water 1(11(1 thuds, Ter'Imi easy, 88-tf D MILNE, 19the1. ^COMFORTABLE ROUSE AND 1.01 FOR riAldt."- Gond wall and 0istern, fen it trete, r&o. Also Oeeres 11, oor1mretlen with. levee. stable tad drilled well, lifer further partied• Means to price, terms, ft., apply to Tua Poa'r, Bruosele,. - Timber Farms for Sale North Hair Lot 26 and North Half Lot 20, Con 8, in the Township or Morris, in the Como 1y of Haran. Barth Let contnh)s de acres, ' n- tn•ety timbered with Ash, Elm, Soft 01fi4,10, Herd Maple and tie, eh. Will bo nail j•,i„try or 0to'nrnttly. L'or further partionlars apply to PitoutmOO'r. '4ILLORA2 8.12001411, 01.10 Seeforlh and Goderlch, Out, {r Farms for Sale The undersigned oRere for vele his 100 acre farm, being Lot O. Con. 14, nod the 00 :reins. being els 1, r 8, Con. 18, In the Township of G1,y, heron County. On the former is ago. d brlok house and a good barn with well 111 d cement stabling, edam (t drlving 01)02 with 21,11 and remrnt 2101111..4. 'Iia term has l0 a •1•aa (f etnod In,s11, 40 arms of Ffill p1o)yingdmte and 1110 h,hulc0 seeded down to hey and g,nse ; a 44 - 11rs)-,'loo drill, (1 well and good fences. The Tatler farm is all sailed dawn to gens.. with Notice to Creditors Is tit- platter of the estate of john ld:i lantyae, late of the Township of G,ey,- in the County of Huron, far- mer, deceased. Notlre lo hereby elven pursuant to "The lit, vised Statutes of Ontario,” thatall creditors find others having 0101100 against the o,t018 of the said John 13011nntyne, who died on or ,,bout the 20th day of November, A. D. 1010, are required on or before the 10th any of Marelt A. D 1917, 1c send by poet prepaid or deliver to AnthonyReymann, Orenbrook, Ontario, the Executor of the last 44111 and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses end deser]ptions, the full particulars or their Maims, the statement or their accounts and the nature of the securities (If eny) held by them. And further take notice that lifter such Net mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the eget+, of the Accessed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only 4.0 the claims of 'which he shall then have notice, awl the said Executor will not he liable for the Raid 8088(0 Gr any pnart thereof to any person or pnrsnus Of whom claim notice shall not 11008 been received by him et the time of such diatr•Ibntloe. Dated this 20111 day of February A. D. 1017. w. 51. SIN+)LATH, Solicitor for the Executors. + i f + 4. El 4tand d r_ mode.; wader, Roo] )' r,'Is hill a grori barn. Beth rnrnw are 11) good condition. liar nu•. thee par eienters ra to mho), .torula end condi• tone apply on the prcmines 0t. write C=EO. BLAKE, Phone 4210 Brussels P O, Farms for Sale The nnder0Igned offers for sale his line 150 acre farm, 1111,'4 Lot 12, and part of Lot 18, Con. 3. and 80 Here: on Lot T, Orn. 4, Township of Grey, 100101, (county. On the former is n good brick houso, 0x0.0 good barn, 00 x 100 feet all cemented and water installed, Dora in or. chord, &e 00 acres Is ahief]y bush. Also 100 O0res, being 1,01 12 Con. 0, in same township. 12 aere0 of extra geed Irall wheat and over 40 Cores plowed. Both farina In good oondition. For further porticuhrs as to prices, term: and conditions, apply on the uremises or write JOHN 35(2101005, Telephone 4010, Ethel P. O. House -for Sale Comfortable house end "e arse of lend for sole in the Village of Ethel. Property belong- ed to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex. McKay. Cellar, drille 1 well, dc., on the premises. For farther part teeters apply to 18.10 A. H. 31A00011ALD, Ethel. 0,•^5•.0+0+04,4,4,4,+4,4'++4.+,+4.+O+4.++', 4. 7 2 inrgi GFX••'.-F.�roh GIFTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED In Fine Cut Glass, Fancy China, Silverware, Rogers' Silver-plated Flatware in Tea Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Table Spoons; Knives and Forks and some of the newest Fancy Pieces. 6 i O a A 0 • P i e • Black Mantle Clocks p H Oak and Walnut Kitchen Clocks e 0 Noisy Alarm Clocks a • Call and see the Assortment. b s. ENGAGEMENT RINGSre WEDDING RINGS 1 elf OF• . 11 HT ••F •i• • • • JEWELER • +4+4.+4.+•+000.1•++.+04.0t.e4.04.0 rs•Me+O•i•O•i•O't•a•ao+o+o+4.+d+os•e WROXETER • •4 b 8311 2 "MADE IN CANADA" The, 1917 For Tourrirae Car $405.0 f. o L. Ford, Out. You (don't need extravagant claims to jus- tify your choice when -you buy the Ford. The new model five -passenger Touring Car at f$4.95 is standard automobile value, I don't need to make "claims" in offering you this car. 1 show you the car, itself, and give reasons. The quality, the price, and the service it gives makes satisfaction sure, You can al- ways (depend 00 the Ford, Let us show you the new model to -day— .:[ AR ERD eaBer BRUSSELS 111 Ili r J air 1 fJIF^