HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-3-8, Page 1VOL. 45 NO, 36 $1,50 Per An?ium in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, . MARCH 8, 1917 , W. H. KERR, .Proprietor New. Advertisements, Dor sale -Thos, Ennis, For sale -J, P, Malntosh. Organ repairs -Phone 87. Wanted -G, A. Deadman, Looal-Box 805, Wingham. Auction Bale -O, Balmier. Driver for este-Tnk Pos'r. Bull for serviao-J as, Nichol, Property for unto-Robt, Oliver. Annual Report -Standard Bank, Anniversary -Epworth League, Motor Bloyoles-Pepper Exchange, Monarleff Store -Schnook & Abram. Adminisbratrix's Sale -Mrs. MoOrncken. Notioe'to Creditors -Donald: Lamont estate. xs�e •ews Trowbridge Adam Smith has put the ice in at the cheeee factory. John Scott, Edmonton, was visiting at the borne of T. J. nigher', Miss E. Gordon, the school teacher, was on the sick list for a few days and the school was closed, She is again on duty. A successful social was given Wed- nesday evening of iast week in base- ment of the church by Trowbridge Ladies' Patriotic League. A splendid program included musical numbers by he Misses Luella Scott, Ada and Estella Moore, Listowel, and Miss Burgess, of Duke's echdolhouee ; a' recitation. by Miss Ruth Tillman and an address by E. L. Halpenny. At- tendance was large and a silver col- lection amounted to $18, Miss Susie King, Miss Margaret Troven, Privates Thomas Smith and George Clarke returned to Toronto, after visiting for a few days with the folmer's sister, N4'e. Ed. Coates. Privates Smith and (Marko are ',Awn- ed soldiers and cau toll most interest- ing stories of experiences at the front, Both. have sacrificed considerable fou Well! country, Pte. Smith being minus his right arta, and Pte. Clarke being gassed and having four vibe; broken, Bluevale et. FRYATT stOntsisr rORD, L. Mus„ Organist of Knox Ohuroh, Kincardine • Local .representative of London, (Eng.) Oohege of Muse) ; visits Bluevnle on )ridays. Lessons on Plano, Violin and Voice culture. Address Box 41, Kincardine NEWSY BREEZES.- Howard and Mrs, Stewart spent a few days this week with relatives at Lucknow.- Wrn. Jewitt has gone to Guelph where he has secured employment',-M.ilvert Sellers bad the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week. -Mise Luella Shaw is visiting friends.at Laeknow this week. -Phil, Stewart and `Miss Jean Fisher, Lucknow, spent the week end at the home of Jos. Robb, 1st line Morris. -Mrs, Win. Hall visit- ed friends at 'Wroxeter last week.- Geo.•Nowberry, Whitechurch; has taken a position on the G. T. R. sec- tion here, -Thos. Jewitt visited rela- tives at Brussels last week. -Mrs. A. Holmes is visiting relatives at Toronto nt present, -John Hall is having art. Auction Sale this month.- Robt. Aitchison, who undewent an opera- tion et Wingham hospital, is getting along nicely -and expects to get home latter part of this week, -At the "FIarcl Times" bell Friday night, the, young folks made about $50 to be used for Red Oross.-Rev. D. D. Thomson is improving and was able to get The Standard Bank of Canada The 42nd Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Standard Bank of :Canada, wag held at the Head Office of the Bank, 15 King Street West, Toronto, on Wednesday, the 28th February, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon. A lar8e number of shareholders was present. On motion, the President, Mr. W. F. Cowan, took the chair, and Mr. E. A. Bog, Chief Inspector, who acted as Secretary of the meeting, read the report: Your Directors, In presenting to the Shareholders the Forty-second An- nual Report of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending 31st January, 1917, have pleasure in stating that the funds have been well employed dur- ing the past twelve months and a satisfactory,increase is shown In all de. partmenta The Net Profits, after making provision for bad and doubtful debts, re- bate of interest on unmatured bills under discount, exchange, cost of man- agement, eta., amount to 5580,230.10, being at the rate of 18,90% on the aver- age paid-up capital of the Bank for the year. This amount together with the 'balance forward from laat year and the sum of 5333,242.14 for premium on new stock issued during the year, makes the sum of 5975,119.13. This has been appropriated as follows,: - Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 133'1 per annum.... .- $898,899.61 Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund.... .... .... 20,000.00 Contributed to Patriotic and kindred objects.... .... . 88,900.00 War Tax on Bank Note Circulation to 31st December, 1916.... 80,488.75 Transferred to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Stock 833,242.14 Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward -.-. 153,593.63 5975,119.13 During the year Branches of the Bank have been opened at Burdett, Coalhurat, New Dayton, and Travers, Alberta; Richlea, Sask.; and Schu- macher, Ont. The Branch at Goodwater, Sask., was closed. The usual inspection of the Head Office and Branches has been made and the staff have faithfully and efficiently discharged their duties. W. F. COWAN, President. GENERAL STATEMENT LIABILITIES. Notes of the Bank in circulation - $ 4,646,613.00 Deposits bearing interest (including interest ac- crued to date) 534,818,843.15 Deposits not bearing interest 11.478,721.42 46,292,564.57 Dividend No. 105, payable 1st February, 1917 106,399,61 Balances due to other Banks in Canada 639,598.51 Balances dbe to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 386,475.55 Acceptances under Letters of Credit 56,645.84 Capital paid up 3,333,242,14 Reserve Fund 4,383,242.14 Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward 153,593.63 569,850,274.99 ASSETS. Current coin held by the Bank 51,532,743.47 Dominion Notes held 7.759,781.00 Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves1,500,000.00 510,762,524.47, Deposit with. the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund $ 160,000.00 Notes of other Banks 210,29.0.00 Cheques on other tanks 1,769,628.07 Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspon- dents elsewhere than in Canada ,... - 594,376.27 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding market value 1,574,349.49 Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign and colonial public securities other than -Cana- dian 5,571,937.46 Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks not exceeding market value 298,650.63 Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on bonds, debentures and stocks 1,656,956,71 11,628,159,63 22,338,664.10 Other current Loans and discounts in Canada (leas rebate of interest) 35,852,054.87 Liabilities of customers under Letters of Credit as per contra, 58,645.84 Real Estate other than Bank Promises 19,507.15 Overduedebts, estimated loss provided for 172,795,89 Bank Premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off 1,229,935.88 Other Assets not Included in the ;foregoing 88,637.76 559,350,274.59 W. F. COWAN, GEORGE P. SCHOLFIELD, President. General. Manager. AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS. I have compared the above Balance Sheet with the books add accounts 9.t the chief office of Tho Standard Bank of Canada, and with the certified returns received from its branches, and after checking tho cash and verify- ing the securities at the chief office and certain of the principal branches on 'January net, 1917, I certify that 1n my opinion such Balance Sheet exhibits et true and correct view of the state of the Bank's affairs according to the best of my information, the explanations given to me, and as shown by the .books of the Bank. In addltlou to the examination mentioned, the cash and securities at the thief office and certain of the principal branches were checked and verified by me at another time during the year, and found to be in accord with the books of the Bank. Ali information and explanations required base been given to me, and lr11 transactions of the Bank which have come under my notice have, In my opinion, been within the powers of the Bank. G. T. CLARIfSON, of Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth, Toronto, Canada. Toronto, February 13th, 1917. Tho usual motions were passed, end the scrutineers appointed' reported the following gentlemen elected as Directors for the ensuing year: Mr. W. F. Cowan, Mrs,. Wellington Francis, 71.C., Mr. W. F. Allen, Mr, F. W. Cowan, Mr, H. Langlols, Mr. T, kL McMillan, Mr. G P. Soholfleld, and Mr. T. H. Wood.nAt a subsequent meeting of the Director¢, Mr, W. Ir. Cowan was re-elected President,, and Mr, Wellington Pinnate, 1C.C., Vise -President, Toronto, February 26th, 1917, G. I', SCHO .F.3ALD, General Manas'e4 around his circuit Sunday, In the evening Rev, Mr. Tate preached for which was much appreciated,- Several0001115 in the. tem end- of the butter factory have been fitted up for our flrsFOlass buttes -maker, Hugh Allison and he will be both comfort- able and handy to his work, -Mrs, John King was in Seal'orth recently attending the funeral of a cousin. Robb. ousit.Robb. Hamilton does not improve as speedily as his many friends would wish, -Miss Mary Bell, who has been poorly of late, went to Wingham Hos- pital on Monday, We hope she will soon be 0, k. -Stanley Hall returned: home from Palmerston last week. - Pte. P. O'Neill, of the 158rd Batt.; spent the week enol at the home of Andrew Holmes. -Arthur Shaw made a business trip to Toronto this week, Belgrave RED Orgies 130x ,SOCIAL. -A Boa Social wlll'be held in the 0. 0. F, Hall dere on the evening of Friday March 16th, ab 8 o'clock. An excellent pro- gram will be rendered; In addition to local talent the following well known persona will take part ;-Miss Jean'VanNorman, soloist, Mr. Bur- ka, pianist, Mr. Campbell, comic vocalist and Miss Mabel McDonald, elocutionist, Wingham ; F. H. Gilroy, Miss Wilkinson and H, L. Jackson, Brussels ; and address by James, Bowman, M. P. Proceeds go to bene- fit of local soldier boys in England and France. No fee at door. Ladies are requested to bring boxes which will be auctioned off. Everybody is invited. Ootne and help aigond cause, Mrs. James Taylor is President and Mrs. Will. Procter, Secretaty of the Women's Institute under whose aus- pices the Social is held. Blyth SUOCERSFUL Box SOCIAL -The Women's Institute and Red 01;oss Circle held a most successful Box Social et the hoore of Henry Young, [u Hallett Township Wednesday evening. A crowd that filled the spacious Manse to its fullest capacity soon gathered, a number of sleigh loads going fromltown. Shortly after 8 o'clock the '1050010 commenced, It was probably one of the most en- joyable entertainments ever given by local talent, every number being re- ceived with enthusiastic applause. Among the unmbers !vers viuliu solus by 2111'. \Vitt, vocal solos by Mise Mildred Brown and Miss Clark, re- citation by Aladalene Stothers, selec- tions on the Phonograph; an address by Rev. G. Telford and a trio by Mes- dames Arown, Somers and McElroy, Probably the features of the evening were a dialogue given by Mrs. Ray Fear, Albert Howlett and Albert Skelton and the Scotch songs by Har- vey McGee. Rev. R. J. McCormick ooaupied the chair. Immediately at the close of the program Mr. John- ston, Hallett, began to auction off the boxes numbering in all about sixty. They ranged in price around one dol- lar each, so that the treasury of the societies was enriched by a little over $52.00, Before the company dispersed a very hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Young for opening up their beautiful spacious home and affording to the thronging guests an evening of real pleasure. Moncrieff Store leMER : , E a 668 1EISI Will be closed Tuesday of next week for the balance of the week for stock -taking, owing to the proposed change to the firm of SCHNOOK & ABRAM All past accounts are payable to the former, who asks fur a prompt settlement, A continuance of the trade of the public is solicited and every effort will be mads to give better service than ever. spicy addresses by Revds, Ferguson and McCulloch and a well arranged program, full' of interest by the Lawrie family of Hamilton. They aro certainly good entertainers. Rev. -Mr. Lundy matte an excellent chairman, Proceeds were $60,00 making the total $100.00. Jam estown BRIG12Al2- MOSES WEDDING,- On \Vednesday, Feb. 28th, a quiet wed- ding was solemnized at the home of \Vnh. 11. Moses, 2nd line of Morris, when his sister, alias Rae Margaret, was milted in 1001l0aga with Albert Barclay Brighatu, Con. 13, Hullett. Promptly at 11a, in., to the strains of. Loliengriu Bridal Chorus, played by Miss l3eeele Moses, the bride took her place and the Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A., read the marriage ceremony. The bride wore a charming, gown of ivory tailstat, trimmed with point lace and carried a shower bogaet of pink and white carnations mid ferns. She also wore a pearlneckiace and a sun- burst of.pearls, the gift of the groom. The guests, numbering about 80, euteretl the dining roam where a dayinty luncheon wile served, Rev. Ur, Mani; proposed a hearty toast to the bride which was responded to by the grown. The happy couple left Ila usels on the 8.80 twain for Strat- foirl, (Guelph nazi nthet' points. The ethle's travelling snit was of fine, .tine serge ti Mimed with military u'iaid geld fur with black and old rose hat, 1'he presents were iltlmel"nnS mid useful, among them a cheque frnul titet� fide's uncle, Matthew Aiuees, for $275.00. Groom'sift, to the pianist was as pearl pendant. Mr, and 3105, Brigham cnlnrile1100 married life melee most Favorable anapiaes and with the congralulatinns anti hearty good wishes of a wide circle of friends.. Walton Coal and fuel is very scarce but Spring is coming. The chopping mill was compelled to close down for a while owing to want of coal. Walton Red' Cross' Union is; devot- ing proceeds of next Tuesday's Tea to the Byron Sanitarium near London, where provision is being made for re- turned soldiers, A large crowd is hoped for to aid this patrintio cause, It is is the intention to send Easter gifts to the Walton soldier' boys over- seas, Persons interested are asked to send in addresses at next week's Tea. 35 tin biscuit boxes are wanted and those who have them to epa le will clo a favor by fetching them in as soon as convenient. Moncriefl Mrs. Gen, Hanley was visiting for a month with lien daughter and other Wends in Stratford, 4V. 17. Hanley, Manager of the Royal Bane, Lambeth, for the past 24 wears, has ireen promoted to 'the banks branch at Rodney, taking sparge there on tire. 15111 ult., where he hits an office staff of 6 to atssist in the large business done there Will. keeps on the upward geode and his many Mende aro a unit 111 wishing mina continued success. Mt's. Hauley will vieit for a short time with her father, Dr. Robson, llderton, before leaving for Rodney, ANN1V1LBSAitT.-Last Sunday after- noon and evening fine anniversary 5e1.01009 lei's Held hl Knox church have, Bev. A, J. Alarm, 13, A. liens - secs, gave good discetlrses, the now Bluth" and 'Service" being the sills- jeers, Ohoir emits web and the pitta offering was $100.00. Monday even- ing r a Musical and Literary peogranl was given, .Local talent consisted of the chair, Nlies Lulu McDonald and Miss Lily Bardeen who did web ; Wroxeter Mrs, McLennan was visitor in Iiar- ristnu this week. Nirs. Time, Brown is spending a few days with Toronto. friends, Sergi, Ohas. Lawrence, London, spent the week end al his home here, Miss Wenger, Ayton, visited over the week end with her cousin, llrs,;T. Davey. Mrs. M. Naylor, Fordyce,. is the guest of her mother, . Mrs. Thos, Higgins. A load of young people attended a play given by local talent in Ford- wich on Tuesday evening. Mis. G. Cardiff, Brussels, enjoyed a a few days visit last week with her parents, Jno. and Mrs, Morrison, We regret to learn that Thos. Mus- grove sr. is seriously i11 and but slight hopes are entertained for his recov- ery. Wm, Finlay, Howick, who ilas taken the contract for oarrying the mail o1 R. R. No, 1, has moved to S. Rasmussen's residence, Mill street. Three cars of horses were shipped West from this station this week, by Andrew Doig, W. H. Jacklin and Thos. ,McMichael and E. Bennett, Dr. W. M. B. Smale, Chicago, is spending a few days in the village, having keen called here on account of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. 0. 1+'. McLean, who however we are pleased to note, is now improving. A most successful Red Cense Tea was given at the home of Thos. Smith least Friday evening, when $20 56 was realized. Those taking part 111 the Tea were Mesdames Jno. Adams, W. H. Brawn, 1. N. Allan, Jno. Brethauer, Jno, Douglas, W. Patterson, T. Higgins and Miss Annul Smith. Spring Opening at her store in Ethel, p -JarnesHwdtl a brother to Mee. uw, Robt. Brown, a well known resident of Oranbrook, died Saturday, Feb, 2411, at his home, River Falls, Wisconsin, from a stroke of paralysis, 111 hie 74th year, His wife, 2 eons and a daugh- ter, survive, Mr, Beddow was a former resident of Ayr, Ontario.. Marrls 'Phoe. Kellington's Auction Sale Friday afternoon of this week, 7111 lice. kiiss Laura Wheeler, Grey town- ship, has been visiting Miss Myrtle Wheeler' 4th line, also relatives and friends at Belgrave, In the item referring to the presentation to Miss Imlay instead of H. L. and Mrs, Jackson it was Bert and Mee. Jackson, of the 6th lice, who contributed viuliu and piano selec- tions. Geo. and, Mrs, Findlater left last Thursday for their home in Broderick, Sask. They purpose remaining a few clays in Winnipeg with their cousin, W. 13. Findlater, NI. P. P., of Gilbert Plains. An item in last week's issue, in which reference was made to an over- seas soldier the word "adopted" was omitted, as W. G. Nicholson has no son at the front as everybody in this locality kuows. An Auction Sale of 200 acre Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, Household Furniture, .tic„ will be held on $ } Lot 10, Con. 5, on Wednesday, 21st inst., at 1 p. m,, owing to the demise of David Somerville. See list on page 8. CARn ole T5,tleoC.-Tire relatives of the late David Somerville wish to re- turn thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness, sympathy and ready help shown eluting the death. It short illness andsubsen ueuL c L will never be forgotten. There was a crowded house at the Patriotic Concert held in the school hoose, S. S. No. 1, Morris, Friday evening. To the Leacher, Miss Stevens, special credit is due for the success of the entertainment. An autograph guilt was disposed of by cards and in this way it realized al- most $60.00, An excellent program was given. Mr. Phelan introduced Rev. NMcCormick as Chairman for the evening and Len Kelly at the close thanked the audience for their support and the entertainers for their gener- ous assistance. In all $95,00 have been handed over to the Red Cross Society. Cranbrook GOOD ENTERTAINMENT. -Last Fri- day evening a Musical and Litenary Entertainment was held in the Metho- dist church which passed off very en- joyably bas as follows, with and F.successfully. H. Gilro1y, Brussels, in the chair Selection by choir ; trio, Misses Menzies and Hunt- er ; solo, Mildred Spatting ; duet, Miss Jessie Menzies and F. H. envoy ; duet, Mildred Sperling and Verna Bunter ; address on "Robert Burns". by Rev. D. Wren ; selection by the choir ; "Auld Laug Lyne." All did well, the address being specially so. The silver collection put $0.00 into the choir's treaeufy. Another enteitaiu went is being planned. Watch out for the date, NEWSY 011,1N1cLlis P,R01r ORANr- BRooir..-Pte. 151. Hatcher called 00 friends here. -The latest parody - "We along arody"IW'ealong way to Hotfeyn"18111,- W. Lawrie, London, spent the week end at the home of A. Leitch. -Mrs. (Rev.) McCulloch is visiting in Toron- to, -We are pleased to state that Will. Locking was well enough to go to Jamestown on Sn.turday.-Nliss Celia Rathwell Is visiting Listowel friends. - Mrs. 0. Seel is visiting friends in Contraliaand will also spend some time in Loudon and. Seeforth be- fore returning home. -'''hose who failed to hear 'Bobbie Burns" Friday night missed a treat. The rest of the program was of high quality and chatlman A 1.. - A Usti, Of young ladies, who missed Leap Year, made a call on a inareiageable young roan down East and book 1188 breath away, Ile has shoos recovered. -Miss 0. Bee- ley spent the last week in Orton visit- ing with her brother, who has enlist. ed,-Iu the item referring to the pto- motion of Pte, Walter Noble to Lance - Corp. it should Have read Pte. Tinrvey Noble, who has been in Prattee nearly ayeass-Ed Slnalldon, Toledo, Ohio, has been visiting liens,-Nirs. Ohas, Alderson is home 01001 \volltou,- 11rs, Chas. Knight, who was at St, Thomas for 7 weeks, art'iVrd home,- 151iesliunter who wee attending the Millinery Openings at .le1olto, is back and now busy preparing for the The Epworth League of the Mlethodist Church, Brussels Will hold its Anniversary Services on SUNDAY and MONDAY MARCH llth and 12th Sunday Services will be A Special by Request Day The Pastor will Preach by Request en the fol' lowing OlihleCts :- A. M, -"The Man who had a Second i'hanee" P. M, -"The Man e'ho Cleaned up a Town." Mort'ing-A@ithein,"Choir at Gods:" Ladles Sextette, Softly and Tenderly." Evening -7 Melo Quartette, "0 Silvery Sen of Galilee ;' Solo, "Ts Se Yours 1" Clayton Jordan. Grey Don't forget P. J. l3iehop's Auction Seale next Monday afternoon. The Auction Sale at Chris. Eck- mier's, Ethel, is billed for Tuesday, 20ti1 inst. See list 0 this issue. Miss Mary Louise Steins has return- ed home after spending an enjoyable holiday with friends in West Monk - ton. Wm. Campbell. Port Huron, is visiting at the home of Abram and Mrs. Bishop, Sth Oon. He is a rela- tive of the latter. W. J. Sharp, llth COM, has some good pigs. Although only 5 weeks old they scaled 82 pounds each and sold at $88.00 apiece. J. M. Knight purchased from G. E. Spot ran 12 pigs, 6 mouths and 2 weeks old, which bfought the sum of $877.60. They were all one sow's pigs. Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield had the misfortune to fall ou the ice and break one of her arms. Her many fniends hope she hill soon be o. k. An operation was performed on Wm, A. Lamont, 8th Col., for ap- peedieitis. 'We hope he will soon be able to get about as lively as ever. Miss 1Cate Marshall was taken to Wingham hospital last week where she underwent a successful operation. Many good wishes are expressed for her speedy convalescence, Airs. James McNair, an old resident who has been on the sick list for a good part of the Winter, is slowly regaining her old time vigor. Many friends wish her complete restoration. Lewis and alts. Steiss entertained a number of friends in .honor of Miss Bessie Smith. :Ater a pleasant visit she left for her home accompanied by Miss Iotaa Margaret Steiss for a holi- day. Pioneer Arthur Shepherd, of 161th Battalion, splattered at Hamilton, spent the week end with Hemingway Bros., lois 001181118. He has gone over- seas this week to do his duty for the Empire. Au operation was performed onlMiss Beatrice, daughter of 'Teesdale and Ml's, Whitfield, 18th Oon„ for ap- pendicitis and the are pleased t0 state her condition is col lei tiered most saatisfectnry. Speedy convalescence is wished for her. Mrs, Thos. Alcock, 14ti Con., Was visiting her unole, 1), A, Patterson, for the week end at his home near Listowel. He has been poorly for past 2 years from hardening of the arteries, Mr. Patterson is 75 years of age and lived in Wallace township for the past 40 years. ARMSTRONG - T OC1t:EY.-A pretty wedding took place at the home o1 Jam05 and Mrs, Tuckey. on 511100n. London township, at high noon Wed- nesday of last week,, whets their youngest daughter, Miss Pearl, was united in marriage to G. ()heater Armstrong, of 10th O0n„ Grey town- ship, The bride, leaning on tine arm of her father, entered the room to line strains of Lohengsin's Wedding March, played by the groom's sista', Miss Bertha Ar usLrnng. Tho bride was becomingly al lived in white sills ensue de chine, and carried a shower Of .Aixlcrican .Beauty roses, Rev. E. G. 3otvell, brothel -in-law of the beide, of Clinton, officiated, and was assist- ed by ll»v, J, ilcsicing, Arva, and Rev. G. i1, lackey, Marengo, Ohio, brother of tine bride. After the sign - lug of the register, the wedding break- fast; was served, only the immediate Monday Evening A splendid Social and Literary Entertainment will be given. In addition to Musical Selec- tions, Readings, etc., by Mr, Francis, .1L•, roy, Mr. Mnlheron and Rev. Mr, Dewey, an address will beiven by Rev, (leo, W. Dew ry, Stratford, entitled "Character and Cash" Admission 25 and 15 cents relatives of the bride and groom be- ispresent. Theg room's gift to the be- ing ' bride was a pearl necklace and to the pianist a ruy brooch inlaid in a circle of pearls. The bride and groom left on the afternoon train for Brussels and have taken up housekeeping on the grooufs fine farm. The le fide's Unveiling dress was dark copeuhar eu broadcloth and white hart. Many good wishes are tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong for a long, happy and prosperous life. The bride is known to a goodly number in this locality having visited at the Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels, when Rev, Mr. Powell was pastor. Mrs. Powell is i1Mrs. Armstrongs sister. Ethel CARD OF THANKe.- We wish t0 thank the many friends for their kind woids and deeds in connection with the illness and subsequent demise of the late Jacob Kreuter. It was Most highly appreciated. Yours Gratefully. MRS. KRAL-TER AND FAMILY. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - Regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Miss H1111 Thursday next at 230 p. m. Topic "School Gardens" to be led by Mrs. S. S. Cole. Recitation, Miss Hutchin- son ; roll call, amusing anecdotes ; music, Miss Pearl Dobson. A good attendance requested. 42 pairs of socks were shipped this week to Cana- dian Red Cross by the Institute. JACOB KRAUTER DECEASED. -Leet Friday a well known resident of Grey township, passed away at his Motu,+ here in the person of Jacob Kreuter, aged 68 years, 8 months and 20 days. A stroke of paralysis was the cause. Deceased was born Mu \Vnolwieh township, 00, Waterloo, cu July 10th, 1818, on the farm his father took up when he moved there from Preston, Ont. He secured a Teacher's Certifi- cate at Berlin Grannuar School and taught for several years at Peters- burg. In 1800 he married Miss Mar- garet liuether and moved to Lot 20, Oon, 11, Grey township, where lie farmed until moving to Ethel in 1906, to enter the hardware and implement business with his sons. Mr. Krautet's death causes the first break in the family circle. He is survived by Ilia widow, 4 sons (Wm., 'Coronto George, Brussels ; Michael, on the farm; and Jno., Ethell and a daugh- ter (Mrs. Wm. Glaris, Ethel.) ;tits, 0. Dill, Wartburg, Perth Co, ; Mr's. Hahn, St. Jacobs ; and Mrs, Hiner- gard, Elmira ; are the surviving sist- ers and his brother, Albert, still lives on the old homestead, Clear Heidle- burg, The subject of this notice was a.fine man, a Lutheran in religion, a Liberal in politics and enjoying the goodwill of the community. lie was Fax Collector for South half of the township for 1S years, 't't•netee of Ceaubro0k School for about 20 years and served a8 Secretary of Ethel Cheese factory for years. Ilie illness was of only 10 days duration. Funer- al took place to Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery, Ethel, Monday afternoon, Mis. Kreuter and family share in the sympathy of many old friends. ETotruseS PROM ETBEL, - Little and wife, of Donegal, were visi- tors at the home of Geo. Addy over Sunday. -School reports will appear next week. -Geo. Addy and isles. Lambert, Ilaga'rsville, are visiting their brother, Iluglh Addy. --Mrs. S. S. Cole is attending the Temperance Convention at Toronto. -The Girls' Patriotic League will mold an eater tainmeut in Dilwot tin's Hall, Fridlty evening, March 1011. Preplan will 00naist of play, drills, mnsi0nl select tion8, Ste,- G. Nliteliell's milliner, Miss McNeill, Ailsa Craig, arrived last Monday, -Miss Hunter Mem Tuesday and is also snaking prepat•ation to commence business in the same place as last year. -We ere sorry to state Mrs. W. E, Sanders was stricken with what appeared to be n slight stroke of paralysis, At time of noshing ing is mime better but not improving as guielcly ata her many friends would wish. --Out' local bnycr, A, L. McDonald, bought Nom Wm, Menary a pint' of steers 2 years old which turned the beats at 2870 lbs, At !lets, per ib., $200.'70 re - ceived by the owner, Mr, Menat'y has the reputation of raising top- notchers. Who eau beat him ?-Miss Johnson, Brigden, le visiting her brother, Rev. Mr, Johnson, at the Par- sonage, -W. and Mrs. Slemmon were visiting relatives at Harriston last week, -.Real estate continues to move io Ethel. 0. Raynard has sold the Place lie is living on 25 acres to a Mr, Hamilton, Holyrood, for the hand- some .unr of $2,500. Mr, and Mrs. Itayoatr(' w111 not move from Ethel we 110 „lad to say as they have other property. -C. Eckruier bought Jacob Holl-t,lleek'e fine Mick house on Mill Street. $000 was paid for it, -Wm. Brae)); underwent an operation on Friday last. We are glad to know he is getting along fine:- Geo, Pollard is home from Seutbampton. - P. J. Bishop has been here looking for a place" to buy es rent. 'We hope he succeeds ea citizens of his type are al - ay, welcome. -Wm. Love received a ticgr.am from his sen, Pte, Harold 1 '.01', from Halifax, saying he had l tel.',) safely. Ile cause across on a hospital ship. Nothing definite as to when he may reach home. He was medically uuflt, BRUSSELS SCHOOL REPORT For February Form III. Examined in French, Science, two chemistry. E Miller 77 G Ames 61 B Campbell.......77 3 Grant ........... 59 O Best ,60 S Hall 67 K McDonald.,. 05 B Wright 54 A Fulton .......61 D Ross 51 H Cnr'rie .01 NT Perste ....47 (1 Sellers ....... ,. 01 H Stewart .47 Farm H. Examined in Geom. Alg., . (teem., Oomp., Grano, Art, Science. V' McLeod 84 A Johnston 61 ✓ lutist .. 78 J Fox 60 11 MnQuarrie....67 a1 Lowe 00 I Ilunter ........67 M Ross. 68 0 Arrustrong....66 NI Alderson 54 I Kreuter 63 A Fox 52 E Sperling .......64 0 Hemingway 52 L Baker 04 A Thuell 47 I Hoover. ..... ....64 A McKay 47 S Yuill 03 M Carter .36 DI Skelton 02 3 Warwick ......36 Form L Examined in Arith., Comp., French. Al Ryan 77 M Hall ....70 NI McLauchlin.,. 71 A King 70 ('McKenzie 70 E Baker 67 H Cardiff .,63 V Hall 01 R Hunter 60 E King. 59 M Dunford .57 G McEwan .65 W McOutcheon 64 V Harris .48 G Thompson ...40 A. JARDINE, B. S. SCOTT. ROOM III Sr. IV. Examined in Arith., Hist. tend Read. Ni Wilton ........78 G Backer 66 E Burgess 78 1 MoNichol......62 A Stewart 71 W Naegle 60 \V Burgess .70 Jr. IV. Examined in Arith., Hist., and Reach. L Fulton. ........76 0 Hollinger 56 D Walker 69 ()Thompson 66 F Stewart 66 M Oliver .52 J Lowry ........66 L Conley .51 T Btu'gess 65 E Hollinger 48 1C McLaren 68 *I Herman 28 * missed exam. Sr. III. Exam. in Read„ Spell., and Ai'ith. E Fraser 80 E Oliver 74 M McLauchlin...86 M Wood '78 W NMcDowell....85 F Oliver 70 13 Cardiff .83 A Ballantyne ...68 H Keys 81 E Nivins ....67 J Walker ...... 75 D Currie 01 D. F. SCOTT ROOM II Jr. I11, -Exam. in Hist., Spell., Hyg., Arith, and daily work. Pass 60 Honore 75. L Thnell ......,...95 L Holmes 72 IC Felguson .....111 D Thompson 69 13 Thuell ,........90 (4 Stewart ..... 66 M Wilson S') M Kennedy 50 151 :iirC`r aekell ...S6 A Thompson .,57 P S.11u nerville .84 L Platt 51 ( 13e.1: 78 C Lott 47 L McKtty...,.....7(3 Sr. II. -Examined in Spell., Comp., Art, 111einory work emrd daily work. Honors 75, Pass 60. 8 Ballantyne ...85 L Hollinger 60 A Ritchie ........S1 J McOracken58 h McLaron.......81 L Ohampion 57 3 Keys 75 M,Hollinger 65 F Oliver............78 M Cook 44 N McDowell 68 "Y Schwadron.88 LClouse .,... 61 'M17 Seivenpiper * missed exam 0r absent. Jr. II. -Examined in Oomp., Arith., andldaily work. ll Ferguson 95 M Walker ........67 J Oliver 70 11 Pollard 63 11 Pawson .,... ,.71 J Yolleck ..... ,48 13. HENDERsON. ROOM I V, -Examined in Arith., Spell., Read., Dep, and daily work. J Ferguson 96 I McLaren .76 M Harkness 95 E Edwards.......72 M Moore 93 A Grewar,....,,.71 L Champien 87 S Scott 70 \V Galbraith.... 86 D Warwick 05 N1 Thomson 84 *13 Thibideau ...63 L M(Ktty.... .,82 +N Grant .48 J Stewart .... ..78 IV, -Exam. in same, Ii (){hnanpi0tn;....90 K Snider ...... ,.,.80 P Btteket 86 H Titylor..... .....75 01'lnuell .,:., ...83 *M Dudley .......,., III, h xcellent--D Ennis, E Lott, D Lunn, A: Meliay, GOod-A Logan, M Loan, 11 Workman, L MoKa . Logan, i Y II. Excellent -G Yoileoh, J Lunn. Good -*M Smith, I. Exoelletitr-11f Somerville. Good S Snider, F, I. 13IIO15AM&f,