The Brussels Post, 1917-2-22, Page 1VOL.. 45 NO, 34
1.5o Per A fffaain1 in Advance
W. H. KER R, Pros ietor
New Advertisements
Lconl—Phone 6516.
Dor sale—Roy Turvopp.
Blanket lost—Lorne floe,
Auction. Salo—A.15. Karr,
Auction Sale—Prod, Oster,
Seed Oata—Geo. Whitfield.
Hair goods—Glenn-Ohnrles,
Auction Halo—Joe, Sharpe.
Wedding (}tats—a. R. Wendt,
Auction Sate—Thos. 0. Mot:all.
Pictorial Review—P. R. Mnllth,
Dressntnking—Annto MoLnuchlln.
Librarian wanted—Public Library,
Sewing machines for sale—S, Carter,
Notice to Oredttors—John Dallantyno estate.
MiStthrt R.etias
Sam Oats for sale. No. 72 0. A, 0. Price
51,55 per bomber ALEX. tstoKrtafluse,
11, R, N o. 2, Wroxeter.
Miss O. E. Lawrie has returned from
Jno. Brethauer was a visitor in
Stratford last week,
Mrs. J. Musgrove, Gorrie, visited
with Miss Ina Musgrove last week,
Alex, McDongald has been confined
to the house for several tveoks but is
now improving,
Mrs. Hart and two daughters re-
turned on Monday from a visit with
friends at London.
The Rev. Me. Clydesdale, Salem,
will necopy the pulpit in the Metho-
dist church on Sunday evening,
Miss Inn Milligan is at present suf-
fering from an attack of pneumonia.
We wish her a speedy recovery,
Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Davey were
in Ayton this week attending the
funeral of the former's brother -in -late,
A. Wenger,
$48.00 was realized at. the Valentine
Social given by the Young Ladies'
War Auxiliary in the Town Hall
Friday evening.
I. Studio - Brussels
+ 4.
+ OPEN 'I'
+ +
friday atr a
Sud +
+ Each Week
Picture Framing Neatly Done +
+ +
Selby Dobby, Beaton, was a visitor
M. the home of 1). D. Sanderson over
the week enol,
Mrs, P, 0, Hemphill and nephew,
J. Allan, have returned from a few
days visit with relalivesin Toronto. .
Mr, and Mrs. Ireland, of Moesbenk,
Sask., spent a few days last week with
the latter's cousin, Mrs. W. 0. Hazle-
BOARD OP HBALTw. — Board of
Health stet in the leerier; office at 8.10
p, m. Thursday of last week, Mem-
bers present W. M. Robinson, Be
Black, Dr. McLeod, Reeve Reis and
Olerk Brethauer, NJinetes of the last
meeting were read, Moved by W. M.
Robinson and R Black that we adopt
the minutes. Oau'ied. Dr. McLeod
reported that asses of German measles
were becoming numerous in the vil.
lage. Moved by W. M. Robinson and
Dr. McLeod that owing to the preva-
lence of measles in our village the
school be olneed from Friday, Ifeb.IOth
to Monday Feb. 26th, 1017. Carried.
Olerk wits ordered to have 50 cards
printed to be red in color, size about
6x8 inches also 25 white cards for Dr.
MoLend, about 10x14 After telephoe-
ing THE BRUSSELS POST as to word-
ing for cards, it was moved by W. M.
Robinson and R. Black that we ad-
journ to meet at call of the Ohairman.
Carried. J. BRETHADER, Secretary.
WRIGHT.—In ever Inving memory
of Pte. Archie 0. Wright, who died in
Toronto Military Hospital, February
14th, 1915. Looking for the glorious
appearing or onr Lord and Saviour,
Jesus Christ.
Rest, dear Archie, rest,
Thy Saviour and thy God adore,
We soon shall meet
Where parting Is no more.
Climes, well-known here through his
i 1
connection with the Canada .Paint
Company, died suddenly at bis home,
SL Charles Street East, Toronto,
day morning. He was thought to he
in perfect health, and had been speak-
ing by telephone Lo Loudon friends
on Saturday, He made arrangements
to leave for Montreal on a business
trip Sunday morning, and did not
think he world have to change his
plans until he feltill when he arose.
He resided nn Waterloo street when
he was at London 15 years ago, He
was then a traveller for the Canada
Paint Company but was made sales
manager on being moved to Toronto.
He resided there since that time, but
made monthly visits 10 London. He
, was born in the Isle of Mau 68 years
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G➢en eharies
o a�er � on scieriCiiiada's � Store
Saturday, March' rd
o With a full line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair Goods
o If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your
Will be in
Hair consult Miss Glenn.
Free Demonstration
. 0
IA ,..; 5 t ,. Elver.'a m
tedding and4
r k
A w 4
0 0
w In Fine Cut Glass, Fancy China, Silverware, Rogers'
Silver-plated Flatware in Tea Spoons, Colcl Meat :
N Forks, Table Spoons, Knives and Forks and
e some of the newest FancyPieces.
e b
1 Black Mantle Clocks
+ Oak and Walnut •Kitchen Clocks +
e N•oisy Alarm Clocks a
0 Gall and see the Assortment.
et 0
+ a'
•3+ G
A J. R. D7°
;4,•+•44444.414.41.144444+11444449 +•+,+.+. + 4+.+•+•+a+o+4+s+.
ago and name to London from there.
He then removed to Godevieh fur a
time. -1-Ie le survived by his wife, V.
eon in New York and two in St. Louis,
DEATIt OT, '1'1306, JENKINS•—Toe,"
Jenkins, aged 70, a prominent farmer
and one of Huron County's oldest
native-born residents, died at his
hone here Sunday. He was born iu
Goderich township near Holmesvllle,
and all his life had been spent within
a mile or two of his bitthplacs. Ile
took no prominent part in public af-
fairs but served for many years as an
official of the Wesley Methodist
Church, Clinton. Elis wife predeceas-
ed him 25 years ago. Mrs, Charles
Blake, Mrs. James Laithwaite and
Mrs. Giles Jenkins, Godet•icb,, and
Airs. Robert Fettle, Mullett, are sisters
of deceased, and 'John aid Roland, of
Gott erieh totvnehip, are brothers.
Mrs, 0. J. Wallis, Clinton ; Mrs. Levi
J'rfrk, Goderich township ; Mrs. J.
Washington, Auburn ; lairs. E.. Oarn-
eroe, Guelph ; Misses Mary and Anna,
at home, are daughters, and Wiiliam,
Alberta • Edward, Toronto ; and
Ream, ahome, are sous. The funeral
took place ou Tuesday to Clinton
Will. J. Smalldon is home from
Mies Annie Menzies is visiting
friends in Stratford.
E. 11. Kaiser, Stratford, is a visitor
at the home of A. Helm.
Miss Ethel \lcInnes spent, a few
days last week in the village visiting
Rev. and Mrs. Boyle, of Belgrave,
were vieitots at Knox church Manse
Ude week.
Jno. and Mrs. Brown are taking a
well earned' holiday and visited with
friends here last week.
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather last Monday evening the
Choir Onucert in Knox Church was
called off indefinitely.
Timber is gotten readyT V.
mb being 6 g Y
Foerster for rebuilding his barn next
Spying• A portable ruill will saw the
lumber on Mr. Foerster's farm.
Pte. Walter Noble, who is now in
France doing his duty for the Empire
has beenpromotedto Lance Corporal.
Old friends here hope he will soon be
able to get back to Cranbrook.
.A. Literary and Social evening will
be held Friday, March 2nd, in the
Methodist Ohurch. Chief feature will
be "The story of the life of Bobble
Berns" by Rev. D. Wren. A silver
collection will be taken.
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
is being asked, by petition, to pay
$500 insurance held by Jno. A, Mc-
Nair, on his threshing outfit destroyed
last Fall by flee in V. Foerster's barn.
The policy holds good as long as mac-
hine was on Lhe owner's premises but
does not cover it when elsewhere, un-
less by the grace of the Company.
Petition will be presented to the
Board of Directors.
A recent lied Cross Tea held in the
church here netted $7 00 for the Red
people of Knox church sym-
pathise with Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy in the
demise of her mother.
We are sortto saythat Mrs. Geo.
McKay was knockeoff the school
platform a sheet alma ago and had her
spine injured. She was looking after
her ditties as caretaker of the school.
We hope she will soon be better,
The postponed anniversary of the
Prem y,erhut church here will be held
of tsiiitay and Monday, March 4111
and 511t. Rev, Dir. Mann, Brussels,
will preach afternoon anti eveuing on
Sunday and the program at the
Sacred Concert will be given by the
choir assisted by the .Lawrie family,
A big time was enjoyed at. the Hnrd
'Pities Serial here last Friday evening.
All kinds of nnl6ts were to be seen.
Iii izes were awarded Mrs. Jas. 0. Mc-
Kay and Mrs. los. McKay, Will.
Weed anti Jos. eleKay, Chair was
oconpied by Mrs. Jas, Fulton and
leeway Reeve McNabb lent a hand.
Short program, contests and et -Neste
meets completed the evening's full.
Maglett'ates were Mesdames Jas. 0.
',1. cleay, Geo, ll c l aggaet, Jno, Strnlh-
'Is, and John Al elviIle. Fines varied
rimul 10 25 cauts. Admission fen
was 128 cents. Proceeds totalled
Somme. ilPO
r Pnlin vong is the
Seined h ni it nnL for 58,No.O (
1P .
xlTIird Aeitle,
hSpell,, G
(lumpSr.IV.—A, Mann 88,AMc
Mc -
Need) 75, M. Livntgetone 74, e.
an 70, 11, McQuarrie '70, K. Howard
60, (4. Meehan 58. Jt'. 1V. —Ie. Mc-
Kay GO, Se. I1I,-51. Machan 70, H.
Mantle. 50, 11. Fe'tgfi 45. ell. IIL—F.
Menu 75, L. Melville 58, M. Vnnzant
58, L. MW.Kay 56 Pe, McKay 46. Sr.
1:L—L. Machan, L.MtKay, 13, Spelt' -
an, 13 Meehan, DI. Pride, F, Smith,
lV, Mantle, A. Snaith. Jr, it,—E,
McKay, A, Munn, K. O'Iaehan, L. Mc-
Kite, \V, McKoy, 0. Robertson: I,-
0. Meehan, M. eleNitltght, 0. Speir-
an, M. Cloward W. Melville, E. Pride,
M. Melcity, M Smith, Printer—A,
Robertson, M. Mantle, B. Ferg,
• LuttJ Mct),otnD, .teacher+,
a recent evening the members of Knox
church chair assembled at, the home
of Jas, and Mrs, Maim to do honor
to Mee. Alex. Mann, whoas Miss Pearl
Harrison had been a highly esteetned
member, Following address was
read by Miss Anna Dunlop and Robt,
Otampbell and Jno. McKay presorted
a fine rocking chair:— Mrs, Alex,
Mann. -- DiceR I+'ILIeme, — We, the
members of Knox Ohnrolt Omit, Mon-
ceietf, have (net to -night to extend to
you one hearty corgeatulations 011
your happy marriage anti t0 wlsit
you much prosperity In the coming
years, Hay God's richest blessing be
yenra in every writ'; you undertake,
Pearl hue long been a faithful and
highly esteemed member of our choir
and we hope she may continue to help
119 105' ninny yeare to mime, Although
Alex. was Iter one of OUP members he
was generally near at hand and help-
ed us indirectly. As it token of our
esteem' please accept this Rocking
chair along with our good wishes.
Signed in behalf 05 the Choir. Both
Mr. and Aire, Mann replied, after
whir.; a jolly time was spent for the
balance of the evening.
The Anetion Sale at Allen Spree's,
4th line, Thursday of last week went
with a sweep, proceeds being over
$4,000. le, S, Scott wielded the ham-
James Bowman, M• P., is back from
Ottawa, owing to the holisity taken
by the Hoose to permit, Premier Bor-
deu to attend the Umpire Conference
in the Old Lend.
Friday atteruoon of next week at 1
o'clock, an Auction sale of I' arm stoek
will he held by A. D. Kerr, .Lot 11,
Onn.3, Norris. Sale tvilhnut reserve
ns proptiet)r' i, going West. Jamas
Taylor will he the Aunti0ncer:
On January 23rd last an old resi-
dent of the 1th line, in the person of
George Brewer, celebrated his S811)
birthday. He makes his home with
hi, daughter, stirs. Woe \Vilkiiso.',
4th line. For a number of years he
has not been e-hle to get it0nllt mach
owing to a etrnke he bad that effected
his llmhs somewhat.
HYMENEAL,.—At the Methodist
Paisuiuge, Saskatoon, on 'l'nesrlay
evening, Jan. 30th, by Rev. Geo. K.
Adams, Miss Jean L;abrlle flciderenn
was either] lit marriage to Heeled A.
Wilbee, both of Kelfield. May the
young couple have many happy pros-
perous years. The groom le a son of
.lease and Mee. \'Vilhee, Grey town-
ship and the bride a daughter of Geo.
Henderson, 3rd line Morns. Her sis-
ter is a resident of the same locality,
being Mrs. Harvey McGowan.
Weregret hear of h i e of
re to the dens s
TT radon of a a form-
er Brandon, well known reside t,of lid line in
this township and Treasurer for years,
who died suddenly last Saturday
night from a stroke. Funeral took
place Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Bran-
don will share in the sympathy of
a wide circle of friends. Mr. Brandon
is survived by his wife, 2 sons, Brock
and Norman living at Hanover and
St, Marys ; and 2 daughters, Mrs.
Reid, Wawanosh and Miss Hazel at
home. He was a fine man, widely
respected. In religion he was a
Misses D'Iamie and Kate Denman
spent the past week at the ]tone of
Jitu Hamilton, Eltna.
W. J. Armstrong, 14th Con., hes
sold the rights of his self-acljustiug
bagger to a Hamilton corpo•aeiou.
Charles E. Lake, who has bees re-
newing old friendships in this locality
left for this home at Kindersley,
George Brown presented his daugh-
ter, Mrs. R. J. Pearson, with a new
Morris piano. Needless to say the
gift was much appreciated.
We are sorry to hear that John
" h n. h been Navin a
Jackson,of Cc as is e
' an•i ' ue
wrestle with attack of hent Cts b
the hope he will soon be clear of it.
Illlgh B, Smith leaves this week in
charge of a car of horses for Rollinson,
Alberta. He will probably remain in
the West for the coming season.. We
Wish him snceees.
Will. and Mrs. Grant, who have
heed visiting relatives and friends in
this locality have r,'tuaned to their
lintne at Graven, Sask. We hope to
have them back again before the lapse
of many years.
The Auction Sale of Farm stork.
implements, Sm., of Fred. Oster, Ottt
Cot., will he held Thursday, March
8th, List may be read in this issue.
Stale will be without, reserve as Mr.
Oster has sold his farm.
Mrs, Mannil Stine -eve and sots,
Mannil and Willie, of Cobalt, and her
brother, Pte. Leslie Bates, 227111 Bat-
talion, Hamilton, event a few days of
last week with their uncle, Robert
Carl', 31d Oon,
The Distinguished Conduct Diedal
won by the late Setgt. Piebald Cum
ningham in battling for his Icing anti
Empire was received by his patents
last Saturday. It is a much prized
t brave lke
remembrance r f the hue Inca
Wm. 11, Jacklin, of Shackleton,
k nFtvisiting
S s i et month onth withitwithhis
1withtot ants \V
Irft rolcPtet• last wet, k
t P8 '.
t hisin (u W t
car ) horses 111 t
n<fh t eafart n
He has done well since going West,
and now owns 480 acres of land,
This week James Dielcsdnl, 11th
00n„ shipped a some of excellent
horses from Walton 0. P. R. for
Saskatchewan, Ho accompanied the
car and expects to be away from 4 to
6 weeks. This is not his first dip on
such an errand.
Tuesday of this week Jno. N. and
Mrs. Lake, 401 Con,, were at Wing -
ham as guests at the 10th anniverso p
of Jas. and Mrs. Leishman, at the
hone of labs. Edward Bosman, Dln's,
Leishman is a daughter. \Ve extend
congratulations, The visitors left for
their home at Liberty, Sask„ on
Tlsm'sdny intending to visit some of
the American cities en anile,
PRESENTATION,—On February 14th
at schoolhouse of S. S. No, 11), a
presentation was Tnacie to Volute and
Oloyne Michel, who were about to re-
move from the neighborhoodtotheir'
nlety bottle en the 0th Oon. Metgaret
Stevenson read the foHotvhlg address
and Gladys Whitfield presented the
We, the scholars and teacher of S. 8,
No, 10, Grey, were entry to hear of
yonr loss and deeply regret to learn
that you aro soon leaving our school,
when you go to your now home, 'Sian
were both always bright, kind and
Snick Mutual fire Insurance Company
The annual meriting of the Howick
eluded Fire Insurance Oompanv,
which was instilittetl. in 1873, was held
Tuesday afternoon of last week in the
Town (fall, Gerrie. Attendance was
net. as large ns usual but a live iuterest
Was manifested 111 the program,
1t 2 o'eluek President Jim. Jackson
palled the meeting to order and made
a III ler address suitable to the noca-
teuu. Alii,utce were read by Secretary
W. S. ilOKetcher and were eonfirrued
on motion of W. M. Siuelait, seconded
by Wm, Spotton.
Next came the .Director's' Report,
the 14th, which showed the No. of
Policies issued in 1910 to be 1540 and
Nn. iu fume at eltfse of year 5,434. A-
nemia of business written was $$,419..
On motion of A. E. Toner and D.
Halliday T, R. Bennett and A. A.
Graham were re.appnitlted Auditors
for 1917,
Thanks were returned by the quar-
tette chosen in felicitous speeches,
brief and pointed.
A program of short addresses fol-
lowed by Directors Jas. Kit'tnn, Jno.
A. Br'ynns, A. E. Gallaher, vIce.Preei-
den t Edgar, Solicitor Sinclair, Deputy -
Reeve McNab, J, Shearer, A. McEwen,
J. McGuire and W. 5. McKel•cher.
Various subjects were well dis-
cussed such as the duty of policyhold-
ers to avoid smoking ahem buildings,
to report tree nr stock killed prompt-
ly, difficulties over some settlements,
the business -like management, prompt
820; amount expired and cancelled
$3,221,035, leaving the net amount in
force at close of last year $11,615,652,
being an increase for year of the
large stun of $195,785 in the amount
at risk. Preitimu notes held by 00.
$580,783 and amount available on such
notes $524,267. Losses paid on build-
ings and contents from lightning,
$2,058 ; unknown causes, $7,112 ; from
furnaces, stoves, stovepipes and chim-
neys, 83,321 ; other causes, $806 ; live
stock killed and damaged in fields by
lightning, $3,065, H. W. Edgar,
vice -President moved the adoption of
report and D. D. Sanderson seconded
it. Report was adopted.
Auditor Bennett, Wingham, pre-
sented thelAuditors' Report and gave
a running comment, on the same that
was lucid and explanatory. Receipts
were shown to be $42,976, In the ex-
ile nditttie was $500 to Patriotic Fund
and $500 to Red Cross Fund. Among
the investments were $5,018 in lsb Do-
minion of Canada War Loan and
$11,700 in second, Cash on deposit
$3,'104. Commission to agents was
nearly $1500. Investigating and ad-
justing claims, $622 ; Secretary-Trees-
nver's salary, $1200 ; Director's' fees,
$392; Auditors', $30; printing,
stationery and advertising, $180 ;
President, $25 ; Postage, telephone
and express, $197. Value of Oom-
pany's office at \Vt'oxeter $1,300 and
valve of debentures $27,000. Interest
received $1,561 and front investments
$8,000. 'This very satisfactory report
was adopted on action of Jno. Stew-
art and \Nidi. Stinson.
The chair was then vacated by the
President and W. H, Kerr, of THE
POST, chosen as Chairman and after a
few remarks the business was proceed-
ed with.
Retiring Directors were Jet°. Jack.
son and Alex. MnKereher. They were
re-elected by acela.ulatiot by a motion
presented by W, I3. Grigg and Jno.
payment of claims, only $3.50 paid in
law costs in 1916, the withdrawal of
Osgoode policyholders by the organ-
ization of a new Company, credit de-
served by the pioneer directors of the
Howick Mutual and the fine way their
successors are living up to past his-
tory, the long and splendid service
rendered by the obliging and ever
ooutbeoue Secretary -Treasurer McKee -
cher, this being his 281h year. The
latter disclaimed any special credit
but be had tried to do his duty and
was grateful if his efforts were ap-
preciated. He thought a meed of
praise was deserved by past Director-
ates. Mr. McKercher suggested
several ways in which the policyhold-
ers could greatly aid the Board.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
Ohairman by President Jackson and
D. D. Sanderson and this fine meeting
was concluded by singing the National
The Directors met immediately at
the closewhen Dir. 'aekson was re -
appointed President for the naming
year and H. W. Edgar, vice -President,
The Howick Mutual is second to
none among the Mutual Fire Insuran-
ce Companies in Ontario and the pros-
pects are most, encouraging for the
coining year. 16 live agents cover the
territory encompassed by the Com-
bae and handle a la a volume of
usiness. No Company can outdo
the Howick for prompt payment of
claims when the proof is forthcoming
and this fact has done much to estab-
lish the unbounded confidence that is
felt by the public in connection with
the integrity of the 00. and the busi-
uess-like methods adopted. The How -
ick Mutual is to be congratulated on
their history.
Monthly meetings of the Board aro
held in the comfortable oflire buildiug
in Wroxeter on the 1st Tuesday in
each month.
Runny and we have enjoyed many
happy hours together and we hope
you will not forget us. As a slight
token of our love and good wishes for
your future R1110688 and happiness we
ask you to arreptthis purse of money.
Signed nn behalf of the School.
G LADYt. lllTb`IEll
Following ie the reply ; DEAR MISS
LEITCH and scholars of School section
No. l0.—In reply to the kindly word-
ed address and purse of money pre-
sented to Velma and Oloyne, as they
are about to 1elave your 5011001, the
thank you for the kindness and as we
go to our new hntee we hope and trust
that om' ftiendship will remain for-
ever. We remain as ever yo -i's,
Committee on the School Fair met
a1 Tuesday.
The nembees in this locality of
Brussels 1•lor(iotll(irel Society have
received a circular offering them n
fine choice, in 4 options, of bulbs,
bushes, fruit tyres, vines, &o,, for
Seeing planting, This is included in
;11..00 membership fee, the list to close
March ttlst, so that the order's may be
compiled and sent hnmediately after
that def r.
well known old gentleman of this lo-
slily died at the hone of Michael
Rowland, Mcltillop, his son -in -late,
Thursday of last week at the advanc-
ed age of 106 years. His funeral took
Splace to Seaforth It. 0. cemetery'
aturday morning, where his body
was interred in the family plot. Mrs.
Lamb predeceased him some years
ago. Sulviving children are Stephen
and John. Dir, Lamb Was a fine old
We regret to report this week the de -
miss of Mrs. Jnsephl
Felton, other
Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy, which took p
l a e
Saturday night about 11 o'clock. A
few weeks ago deceased bloko one of
her thigh bones and at her advanced
age of 78 years and in declining vigor
she was unable to combat the trouble
and passed away to her reward. Mr's.
Fulton was a wonderfully bright old
lady and everybody who had the
pleasure of her acquaintance was her
friend. She is survived by her hus-
band, one son and one daughter. A
short funeral service was conducted
by Rev. Mr, Oraik, Methodistpastor,
before the casket was taken Monday
morning to Streetsvillo, her old home
for interment. Dir, Fulton and other
members of the family are acrot'dnd
the sympathy of the community in
their bereavement..
unique and intetesting Soviet was
given in the A, O. 17, 1V, Hall, Wed-
nesday evenhtg, Volume' et 14th, by
the members of the 13. L. T. Club,
The young ladies of the Olub received
the guests and looked very ehartning
in white (inshtlnes and white crepe
caps, ornamented with hearts, Rev,
F. Orailc was in the chair. The audi-
ence was much pleased with the vocal
eeleotions rendeeed by Miss Meanie
Godeeleh • Misses Bessie (Blanchard incl
Mary McDonald delighted the audi-
ence with their humorous readings.
After this choice program everyone
engaged in an "Old Saying" contest,
The bueksawiug contest caused much
merriment. Mr, Blanchard was the
successful contestant. Knitting con-
test. was most interesting. Mts. Robt.
Archibald won the let prize and Mrs.
Neal, 2tid. After a few other contests
a dainty and tempting lunch was serv-
ed. Proceeds are to be donated to
Red Cross Society, The crowd was
large and appreciative, We hope that
the Club will favor us with another
entertainment in the near future.
They will be sere of a bumper crowd.
John Olegg and James Michie de"
heeled horses at Wingham last week
to buyers for the West.
Robert An mstrong has been here for
a few days from Seaforth where he
has been during the Winter.
Preparatory service, before Com-
munion next Sunday, will be held in
Knox Church on Thursday at 2
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Church is
having an old time Dress Social on
Wednesday night, 28t11 inst., in the
church bta1ment.
John Vanealnp bad the misfortune
to fall muni break a couple of ribs.
Mrs. Vanctunp has also been quite
poorly fur some days.
Mrs. Robert Close, of Grey, visited
the Wightuian families here last week.
e1es. Close has just returned from an
extended visit to the Western States.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Thomas Bandon
of Wingham, on Tuesday. Deceased
WAS a lifelong respected resident of
Chia locality.
Mvs. A. McAllister. Whitby, is visit-
ing her mother, Mrs. Ames. We are
sorry to say there is not much im-
provement in lab's. Ames' health at
Last week Mrs. Robert Close ar-
rived home from a visit of 8 weeks
with relatives in Kansas. She enjoy-
ed c her stn very much but thinks
Y e'v
Canada still headsL he list in mote
ways than rine.
Service in aid of Educational Fund
of Methodist church, will be held next
Sunday on Ethel circuit. Rev. J. W.
Hibbert, Wingham, will preach at all
appointments, Rev, Johnston will go
to Belgrave.
Mt's. John Gaynor, whose life bas
been in the balance for the past week
from pneumonta, has passed the dang-
er point and udlier the; efficient nurs-
ing of Miss Imlay ,we hope will soon
be convalescent.
Jaenb Kreuter bas been in poor
health for some time. He bad taken
suddenly ill while in the woodshed on
Monday afternoon. Mrs. Kreuter on
hearing him call for help, went and
found be had fallen and was unable to
get up and on trying to assist him
she discovered he had taken a stroke
of paralysis. At time of writing there
was no apparent sign of improvement.
Brick, sand, ,2c., has been hauled by
An us Brown Lot 27,Con. 9 Grey
township, for the v ' veneering Of hi
residence. He built an addition to it
and when be gets it bricked and other
contemplated improvements complet-
ed he will have a fine home. A good
drivingshed hasbeen uilb the
at b
mater l formerly being the old Whit-
field Methodist chnrch which Mr.
Brown purchased,
We have just got over one shook
when struck by another. Our up-to-
date barber N. J. Gilchrist, received a
telegram from a friend in Parry
Sound on Thursday last offering him
aood position and a handsome sal-
ary. He accepted at once and left the
following day and everybody else left
with their whiskers on for over Sun-
day. The old fellows -came around as
usual to play checkers but the door
was shut. Mrs. Gilchrist:and family
may r•nnain here for some time.
The village got quite a surprise last
week when Mr. Vodden announced
his Hoose closed for public accommo-
dation. The principal reason given
was on account of being unable to get
suitable help for inside work. As DIr.
Vodden Inas the reputation of giving
the beet board and accommodation of
any country hotel in the Comity we
hope he :will re -consider this act and
open his doors at once. W, T, Spence
is relieving the situation as far as
possible by giving hot lunches, etc.,
at the restaurant.
J. S. MCDONALD, ex -M. P. P,, PASS-
ES AWAY AT RIPLEY.—John S. id e.
Donald, 01131 of the early pioneers of
the `omit Ripley
(. of Bance died at Rt
Y t y
Friday of week h year.
net weal r his SSt
He was 0 native of A rshire Scot-
land, 1L came n Canadai i� oath
b r c ti e L a his
and more than 60 years ago settled
with others of his countrymen in the
t.owusllip of Huron, tie paused
through overy phase of backwoods
life, and alter the "Queen's Bush"
townships had become municipally
organized his ability and energy won
the recognition cine them. He be-
came a member of the Township
Council of llurnn, and afterwards ids
Reeve. 'As such be became a mem-
ber of the Brume County Council,
and remained so for several years.
When the Patrons of industry organ-
ized their aesoeiation he became an
enthusiastic perimeter of their propa-
ganda and eventually he was elected,
as Lheil nominee, to represent Oentre
Bruce in the Ontario Legislative As -
solidity, Naturally reserved, he never
become conspioious as a legislator',.
bet lilte marry other municipal voter -
fins, he was very useful In comtnitten
worst. As the Patrons passed out of
political view be naturally dropped
out with them, but 11e remained native
snclally for many years afterwards.
Ho wits a prominent office -beater in
the Presbyterian church of his own
locality. Mr. eleDnnrald woe father -
in -lav of the late Mr. Young, a former
school teacher at Ethel, and visited
here at different oocasiors with the
Young family.