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The Brussels Post, 1917-2-15, Page 8
q Sale first Dm in far Coles and Grippe . 'iraper U, make room for our large new et e..le of Spring Wall Paper, we • tiering, for a short time eie, ','Mme big reductions on c• r . 1 patterns we have h Amon them are those ut fly suitable for ;Ballrooms wee are elm a few for •Cs, Dining Rooms nsi2a:>hens, &c. 1 n have any Papering to do iti ie einem it would certainly vat' to see these Papers and y your supply ahead, even if u are: not rcady to Use them f a time. Lot ars:snow you them. • Store I'I P 'O1dT This time of year it le a wise pre• emotion to hove cu hand some <1 the reliable tennedies for colds eitcl very often a prolouKed sickness is pre vented, Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrttp Is a safe eel effective remedy lair Coughs atld Colds, 250 and 500 totties. Rexall Cold Tablets For breaking up a heavy cold. 25e buX. Rexaell Throat Paetllles Fur hu ''tness or tickling lu the throat tete t ism. Convenient metal boxes 15c. Recall Bronchials A handy teem.' tablet, iso box, ATOMIZERS - Fa spraying the throat and nose cal, at 710 each and up See the Develees ae•al A" m'zer, the best mad oriee ?d1 75 etch. Cough Drops- . ntbol, Chevy, Mal- tese and Del'. Cote • -11 Drops. 2 ozs. for 50. Liees luj rhes, ee pkg. .AND STATIONER, c :t cold enough for you ? ,r; a, e very hely we are 'ale eery gore Hunt up :'..1 hoe. i • t t rail will ship a car load ..,t in the uear future. e see St, Valentine's Dat. `ptof. fine Art (:lei bush/ a= has been cancelled 'il:ter e.wi'.tg to the high cost � Cfl \ud t' rs' Abstract of BTUs - „•t, for rr,r5 to be found in this NT, Po r: ;rieulturni Society dirt s ' • to the Furs' Assoei- 'L ,,r,:'}t0. t. 0.1 th : totality attended the ete et liowick kiutual Fire nil cic on Tuesday at Gor- r AN•rat — Good salesman 'o,11 a t r the interests of the t'.ISI'•'.r C:c' Co , in this locality, p trticulars apply to Box 282. •ACAz.Nls.-Annual Auction r:nz•ne Fur 1917 will be held I •'ic lei',r•ery, Friday evening is al 8 ;clock. If you want ng at a low price be sure and •.'AR their A I butter moulds, man- +.; t_.;+. • •+ she eer•eut factory, is ready :,a n t:: s ','.'innieeg wholesaler. , ha, this tiepin tment right - - 1' •• [s he la:- lite ether sections of ensiresI. '01,— etesday afternoon the iietir.•, ,• y Soci:•'y of the e 1 .i trel. 1-ilt be the hostesses • 1 ' tele 'Pea. A cordial t 20.1“1.-..d to people both in 1: ,,,t)';'vued ill health Miss • c••'.',l her resignation as ,. •i '112'• Public School staff. Tee se bah re uetantly accepted it reel h rti-:; (1 for a teacher. We lee lie. Bell wt:F soon be fully re- "c' Nara, IN FRANCE —Toho Scott, of .,. lir. '..ugh, receive.' word that his son, :1 - Scott bed been wounded in •`ie enlisted at Edmonton in re end has been in the trenches a, • 26d, 2916. He was shot in F. and ie now in the hospital Pte tee,. -"eat through the battle of the 14 .,•- - c ithnnt a scratch. The heroic 7.1<1,1 ..; a grarlson r,f Mrs, John Thom - ::..n, Brussels. His former borne was nth i:it•alite but he heel gone lo ,later Distr:et before enlistment. 'V re_ hie wouhds will not prove very Nits It FERGCN1N FOR O+ERsEAs.- Pia:rr 0'1 ('lend: nt the Fergseon family tete 1,; i• ter•es'ed to learn that Miss left New Vele for 'Fort -into last e k :eel vent overseas on Thursday, where she '. ill serve on the Alexandria ll,osp".:1 St:et'f. Reeve and Airs, Fergus sen, or 'T,-+:swaler, went to 'Toronto to ;ae t v• he fore ,the sailed, 'fits POST aurl leers of old friends join in a sheitf•,1 h.et wishes for a fair voyage este $t:v.e.,• to for the strenuous task of tee wotlurled. Nurse Fergus 1-, a g; - elrlaughter of Mrs, James Fergu. 2021 ctre a nfec•e of Mrs, R. T. Hingst0n, „rgMrs ( A.Best no. and Robt, Fergu- son, .J soft of Brussels. - MA[i ioxv.-Somebody says lightn- :e s tweet strokes twice in the seine place but Coed can evidently hurl bis darts ie -u•., direction more than once mei eeiiq l ,ttly THE POST reports the :. No11.a17 C. Jackson, son of t d Mrs. Jackson. formerly of vier,is township, and Miss Florence J.'.r lyn. ri-oghter of Rohr, and Mrs. 11,• :npr ze. formerly of Brussels, who Y ymi ['tri Wednesday, 7th last., by lesse Mi IT rgteaves, an of Sylvania, eete A few weerta ago a brother of til+. t,a ,i and a sister of the bride join- rri u1 ,,oil heart. We wish all con- vert. otl- v+er •d the at100012 and happiness they bop list. 1 Iti Toe; "<,uNTy .VON.—Following case ` local 111' e.-1 et ate upfor hearing be tote toe Court of eppeal,. before Mere - dire t 1 O McL.treu, J. A. Towe- Inu+ ly.::fi klv County of Huto0.- .ort ear, i- orlorieli, For the County, •i• F .,udt'en , IC, C., for the towtlship. be (`.chary of Heron from order -...try ledge of October 24, 1916 Tle. rrnpiniued or found and (1e' c: <gel melee provisions of Section 44e of lei„ upel Aet that the bridge known as Tii to 0 Bridge acrORs Nine Mile River t•,: t senility bridge and should there- •,,, ho m,tintainetl nod repaired by the ',- me 810�'t'0wnsbip in equal portions. 1tt ,11001: --Appeal allowed and motion before County fudge dismissed, with 0001,10 appellant throughout, • Next monthly rev se 77,tir will lie he:d- in Brussels, s.]::y larch, est. It ought to be a goo,1 .sae A few sire of cad res -. ved last week relieved the pre iyg ,^es,'i'y for the black diamonds It w..' bad weather to have the • short. " Aliensren •let et'reRtouItER-A the Crewed Mcetmt ei h r ard:oe e`u Fri• clay evening, 2,1,1 1,1 ;t It Ross it form er Bruosel,te s : .p'iute.l 'Town Treasurer in the. 1 s,•e f 5 Fox resign ed. Mr. Ross ell tri -umc his new duties on March r -e, n d should fill the post tiptop. SIX good cows r: r ,11e, All due to calve within a month. i:clan^v MCDONnl.D. 10 HRAD or young -attic f sale. Phone to 1 1 f R L. CA11 D1F6. G1agy llneri - tr vale le , 8111 or 9th linea, Morris. Fine,- wil, ltnei10 leave it at W. G. Neal's store, U'tl:un, and o hr.,•. II WRY J4elesele. NEED Ratite), for .ole. O. A. C. No 21 var- iety. Good end crAtti W R. 2a0A0000T, Phone 12:1 R. 11 No. 4, Brussels. BnY WANTED to num ,. Pipe Organ in Melville (`hitt•b at alt Ct a:1t'eh services and choir praetic. Wr,tt'm anntirstio01. elating salary. will bp, received by the undersigned nil to Tuesday, FebrnOry JA1Ro Foo, See. -Tress. Seto (Mtn nod Batey f.1 ` .le, 0. A. C. Mn. 72 Seed Oats a ,red :'8 point-, in East Huron Agricultural - M ty's it,ntiing Field (tro Competition 11 1 u A leo number of there', bred York eon- . m.':nths old 83.1? .A NOR EW T.AttmNT, Phony 3314 Lot 9, 0021.10, Grey. LADY'S satchel found, Owner may hove it by proving 7,operty end paving for this notice. Tut Foss,. BULL FOR NAr,e—Dnrha21l bull 'dark roan) 9 months old. t.ut 12, Con. 14, ; 63E1110P, .ton, R. ',ammo, R. R. 1. Walton, QUANTITY ..1 ha- and some peed oats for sale. L. 11Or,ta+,Ett, Brus:+ele. 108'31.7.1 1 roue gas e fettle that will d„• velar, any power l2 to ' to,i hp, awl win run any speed freina to Lean revolution, per mionte. ti , _1e power ran he changed while engine / king E,•gine sill run 011 gasoline or met ,1. Also n 14 itch Fleury rein crusher nisi 8 20 inch eirenter NEW. A11 inno ? Biusrrkln. • ,rd er. 4.17 o• 210NAz8, R. R. 2 007.211 for sat.. Messes ROn1Ne08, Lot 0, Cott. 12, Grey. 811082 horn young bull for We. J. 1.. ,?LITER. Phone 2511. ColtentrrAnt r 1,400 for Hale with large aard,m, fruit tree etc. Far terms apply et THE PORT. ROPE cordwood for pale et 92 26 per cord in the bush. Wit. S't'itATn, Phone 2818, Fon 9ALR.-t spun 0f horses, set new double harness, lnlnber we.gon nearly 111W. new 580 rack, set bolealeig1s and box. Will be sold cheap as owner da, not require them. Apply at Electric Light PL :nt,. am. 1.7I7120. Dit. PARKER, Phy0lolan, visits Brussel, Monday and Thursday's. Chronic and perverts diseases suceesefnlly treated, Visits reelri.enene, Consultation at Queen's Rotel. A coon house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply to I. C. RIOnAotDe. es .0 - Miss- Mins Ger . t position in 1 •.non. We wish her eros '1'0011 ILL - Jet Reriotliy ill wine: Ire: Brussels on ('11 t' well enough to be removed home since and is not gat[ int' in health as fast se leis friends would wish. We hope he will soon be o. 1., Mr, flaist's home is near Witithrop. Tug late arrival of the mail train from the East has net.-itated the Couriers to make their roue ti without the daily papers on seer•' al occasions, If they waited to get the iemere the trip could not be completed ''111(1' night came on. Wednesday of thi.. s 1 the train was Overt !toms heeled time. REsmntm U .ing to home duties Mrs Jessie Kee- tete feeed it necessary to,tendet her reel:sea•[on asilLibrarien of the Public L'br try, the same to come into effect tie Misch rut. Mrs. Kerr has attended c erefliliy to the duties for a number of plus all It •r place will not be easily filled Appiicaiions will'be re- ceived by the Library Board. Mess TERN Rrrcnte, •' •ting from Zee- landia, Sask , says : -"We all enjoy 'lent Pose., especially til•: et., it bri gs of so many of the brave firm -eels old boys who are serving Kin; and Country in the present crisis 4iss Ritchie was a for- mer teacher u1 1121102101411021 and well known to many r..;dors Of THE POST. PRESEN•fATIUN. - Dr. Fred, Gilpin, who ie manager of the Ford Motor busi- nese at Milwaukee, wad presented, by the automobile Mele a ef that city with a silver tray 18 x 32 im files, also a gold lined Cream mad '11g1tr and a large silver coffee peroolatrr, with electric heating attachment, standing nl,out 24 inches high. On o, eh 101Oee i•, engraved, io Old English, the letter O. The gift was made in recognition of energetic services rendered in arranging rr recent Auto Show 11e1e1 in Milwaukee. Prod, ap- pears to usual'y level on his' feet. He's en old Bruese:s hny being the son of J. J. and Mrs f}i;p:n f.',me font nay where there's s only ohe child they are usually spoiled, bet Fred, appears to give the rule a bad bump. Ross '.as accepted a . anti 0:15 5000 to it. •• Hair wl10 was taken 054111,,; his parents lu m: e they has not been WOMEN'S INOToTu7,'z.-BrttsOel9 WOtn• en's Institute will convene in the Audi. once Room Of the Public Library, Fri. day Feb, 16th at 2,3o p, m. Rev. Mr, Wren wilt give an ad(trees on Effects of Horne Influence on our National enol PoliticalLife," Keep the date in ailed mud come and bring a friend with you. C:ALLs C:11A1N PRAYER HUMBUG -Des. cribing the Prayer C118ie as a great piece of humbug, the Provincial Attorney- Genetal eay s lie would like to get the •e out t names of the people who S n d u the so salted Golden Chain Prayers, "The circulation of these lettere is causing worry tp the wives and mothers of sol- diers wbo are asked to send out seven copies of it to others, failing to do which great misfortune will come." HURON'S New WAanN,-Reeve W. T. Milne, M. D„ Blytb, was elected Warden at Goderich at the January ses- sion of Huron Co, Council. The genial doctor was born in Streetsville, Peel County, in 1867 and came to Blyth with his parents iu z880. He was educated at Palmerston and Blyth Public Scbools, Clinton Collegiate Institute, Toronto University and graduated from Trinity and Qneee's University in 1888. Short- ly afterwards he commenced his practice as a physician to Blyth and has built tip a large practice and has R drug store in connection. Dr. Milne is the first Reeve of Blyth to be elected to the Warden - ship in many years, the late Patrick Kelly being the last one. SitowsR. = A shower was given to Miss McGregor at the home of 1. N, and Mrs. McLaren, Tuesday evening, by a substantial number of very- sincere friends. The evening was passed in deligbtful pleasure, the instrumental music being shared by Mrs. Wright and Miss Bryans and some high class love songs beautifully suog by Miss Ring - sten. Presents overflowed a large basket carried in by Misses Morrow and Wilson and were vsried and vary hue. Mies McGregor's friends were not down- hearted as sbe intends living in town mud the unity that now exists will not be broken. Every one wishes Miss Mc- Gregor and Mr. Lowry great bappiness iu their married life, SOUND ADVICE. -W. B, Findlay, for- merly of Guelph, but now the Superin- tendent of the City of Toronto Jail Farm, save :-"There would be very little trouble and few in the jails if, when the child is 2 years old, somebody was jest watching him until he was 72, in stead of trying to put him together again at 45. 'There must he some one always at home with the growing children, or there will continue to be the stream of leen and women flowing into the jails. Almost nobody ever goes bad who stays 11oms evcuinas, If a man and woman, at their m -brings, make up their mines to spend their evenings at home, and if thee have children and the children stay at home with them they are pretty safe," r.aceuen IN Tn5 TOWN HALL NExT SUNDAY EVENING -Rev, J. H Dyke, the Field Secretary of the National S•tritarium Association, will give a Lecture in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Sunday evening, February 18th, after church services. on the subject of "Tuberculosis, its nature, treatment and prevention," illustrated with instructive iateern yews. You will find this Lee barb Interesting and instructive, Not only those r.ficted with this dread disease will learn how to help themselves but the information gained may be the mens of preventing yomerom contract- ing the disease. Collection taken in aid of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptives, FRAUD 1N RED Curs NAME. -A \0- lnsn boiled as Lottie L, Tillotson, a Huwailian, booked to lecture in church- es throughout Algoma in behalf of Red Cross funds, was taken from a train at Sault S•e. Marie, Ont., fined leso.no on a eh:Tee of breach of tate Immigration Act, end deported to the United States, of which she is a citizen, The woman on Sereember 4, 19(3, was given a six month's term in 'Toronto for shoplifting when she used the name Mary McLean. Previously she had beep convicted of the same offence at Hamilton under the name Melb•t Costello. A number of people in Huron County, will not be greatly surprised over web occurrences as their experteuces with the redoubtable "Lottie" are far from a kindly memory of her acquaintance. If the lesson is taken to heart mud all such peregrivatiug strangers asked to produce certified credentials some heartaches would he removed. For pure "gall" Lottie held the record. Duo SUNDAY EvmetNG,-We regret to report the demise of Too. Jackson, at the home of his sister•lu•law, Mrs. George lacksoo, hint.Streel, Brussels, 1802 Sunday evening, aged 67 years and 2 mouths Pneumonia was the cause. Deceased was born in the Township of Woolwich, Waterloo County, stud came to 8111 line Morris township with his parents in 1855. A good share of his life was spent in that township although he lived on Con. 17, Grey township, for rz years. Mr, and Mrs. Jackson went West 7 years ago locating at Wiwi Hill, Saskatchewan, where he prospered as a rmer. Parting t' with h' land he and w is fm his wife carne back to this locality last Christmas with the intention of making their home here, hence bis decease was a particularly sad event. 4t years ago the sat jeer of this notice was united in merriage to Miss Rebecca Corbett, of Morris, and she, 2 sons (George and Harry, of Wiwa Hill. Sask) and 4 daughters (Mrs. Jas, Forsyth, Mrs, Milton Rands and Mrs. Geo. Armson, Wiese Hill ; and Mrs, L. Williamson, Welton) survive. Mr. Jackson has 3 brothers (James and Henry, of Morris ; end Peter, of 'l'isdmle, Sask.) and 3 sisters (Mrs. Wnr. McCall mutt Mrs. A'ex, Snlith, B1111.2010 ; and Mrs. S, Fear, Mimico,) All were at the funeral excepting Peter. Funeral service. WAS held Pue0d0y afternoon. service being conducted by Revs. D. Wren anci A, J. Mann, Brussels, and Rev, Mr. Craik, Walton. Pallbearers were 6 nephews viz :-C, MtQuarrie, P. McCall, Menne Jackson, Betty Feer, Albert Jackson and Richard Pratt, Interment was merle in Brussels cemetery Jae, Me. Call and Mrs. Carter were here from T.ucknnw and Mrs. Fear from Minlico. George,.elde.t son of deceased. who is visitiug in this lOnllify from the West, was also here. Mr. Jackson was an honest, honorable men, a member of the Methodist church and enjoyed the high esteem of a Wide circle of friends who , regret his demise and sympathise with the bereaved in their uolooked for sot- row. OWE Y HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkha m's Veg. etable Compound. Washington Park, Ill.- "I am the mother of four children and have suf- fered With female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil- dren's loud talking and romping Would make me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I -would ache all over and feel so sick that I would n o t want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re- stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth- ful looks. My friends say ' Why do you look so young and well?' I owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." -Mrs. RoBT, STOPIEL, Moore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Confound. If you have any symptom abad which,,. you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass:, for helpful advice given free of charge. M4reseteN1et• - Werinrsflay afternoon of this week the matrim0o.al bow was lied at the Methodist parsonage by Rev, D Wren, 41. A , between Walter A. Lnwry and Miss A.:nes 0 McGregor both Of Brussels. The gond looking bride wore her tr:vo:hog snit of navy blue silt tepee, with blue satin hat to match, The Rept y r •11 91e Ie't 011 the 4 p, m. train on a el ort 101 lour whleh willern.' 'heron r, Buffalo, Ehuita, N Y , London and other points. On the return of Mr and ?dee, Lowry they take up hn1t-e k: rpin in the com- fortable hoose of tote l;trom 011 Princess street, where thea ti il be Ot home to their mem irdet,ls Mier 1larch t9' h. Hearty ce•ngta'. u:at . are 0xtee ded for a happy and molt, r .lee lle. A large num bet of old 11^ 11,1, were at the depot to see Mr. and el s. Lrwry away with the usual occomp ini:cent. People We_Talk About Jas. McArter has been laid up from a combat with the grippe. Jelin Rudd, 10hn sleet, who was laid aside by lagrippe, is improving nicely now. Harry Duncan, who was Ilore for a holiday visit returned this Creek to tite West. 1•fiss Mina Hunter was under the doctor's ';are owing to a see, re attack of lagrippe. Mrs lames T)11 nano is vlsittng her daughter, Mrs. Nesbit Hamilton, At. tweed, for a few weeps Reeve Plural and Jas. Fax were elect- ed on the Executive of Huron County War Auxiliary as representatives front Brussels Coun'y Convention wee held at Clinton Tuesday of la.it n • le. Miss Laura tityans is fi'litee a position in a Toronto Millinery wholesale. She spent the past few seasons in M120 In - man's store, Brussels Miss leryans is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Edward Brvans, town. THE Peer was clad to meet Wm. M tin and Alex, Ellis on the street on Wednesday, Both were laid aside for some time through illness but we are pleRsed to notice 11110 evidence of improvement. - We are pleased ,to notice that Miss Ruth Sinclair, Bruise's, who is pursuing a musical course in Toronto, INNS On the program for a piano solo at Valentine Supper and Concert held iu one of the Presbyterian churches in the ,Queen City Miss Carrie Hingston has accepted a position as saleslady in the sore of G. N. McLaren, Brussels, sueeee'lolg Mies McGregor, who will now take up the profession of housekeeping on Princess street, Miss llnngatou should full the bill behind the counter or as a housewife either, Church Chimes Sunday School lesson notes 015 page 6 of THE POST will 11e Mend helpful to Bible students, Wedeeaday evening the union Patrio- tic prayer service was held in Melville church, Rev. Mr, Mann giving a good address. • Rev. 0, Wreu is preaching a short series of sermons on "The Equipment of a good soldier," Last Sabbath morning his theme was "The girdle" and next Sunday morning, at 11 a. m , he will speak on "The breastplate." Last Sunday evening the Methodist choir sang "Thee art the way," The tenor solo tuns well sung by Will. Car- diff, showing rich High tenor qualities ; buss sole was rendered in good voice ley Clayton Jordan. A male quartette, "Work, Watch, Pray" by Messrs. Mc- Cracken, Wright, Jordan enol Wheeler was full of bleeding sad expression. Miss Dark sang an impressive solo nt the morning service. Next Sunday evening the Ladt(•s, uuuceoulpaniet, Sextette will sing. Since the tear began the British and Foreign Bible Some' y has distributed among the soldiers and sailers and in- terned. prisoners of 11,,' cnun'ries now at War, more than 5,5011,000 copies Of the Scripture in 50 ("iffet0ut languages. Ali Canadian soldiers g ting overseas aro provided with a free copy of the Sol- diers' Khaki Tes'ament by the Canadian Bible Society nee Its all CL Hies, All Interned pri9ollet0 in t;ad0(16 has a'1'ore tangent in bit owe language given to him, E'aT'D 1272 STA1V1ARD BANK OF" CANADA HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ®El El Manager. H f see ee ate- eeree If you have any guests at your home, are 1101115 out of town for a visit, or know of any interesting news, let; as hear from you. We always appreciate such fawns. Phone 31 or 32 or if 2� d• '1• f •N4.4•4,••N•N'N'N•1••N++.11 4'•i'•N•N4•d••b•N@•t +.1, At the February Official Beard meet- ing at Colpoy's Bay, n hearty invitation was extended to the, W. A. at - Di thews, to return for 5th year. He ac- cepted subject to the action of the S'atiouing Committee. Mrs. Matthews is a sister to Mrs J. J. Gilpin and W. el, Kerr, of Brusse's, bUCCEss1UL Yana.--'1'he annual meet- ing of the congregntieu of Melville church was held on Theisday evening, Feb 8th. Reports of the congregation and its various organiza[•0ns were most eucouraging. Total receipts for the year 1916, amounted to 2,6,774.00. Of this amount St878 was meet' for Mi,- aionary and Benevolent work ; $2,o8o for the Building Fund ; and 2,2,816 for the General Fund, 'There is about $200 of a balacce in the General Fund. Good earnest work was done by the various organizations of the congrega- tion, W. M 5 raising 2,372 00 ; Serv- ing Circle, $98.00 ; Willing Workers, $232 00 ; "Little Stars" Mission Band, $70.00 ; Sunday School, 8163.00 and the Young People's Society, 3 211.o 0 Rev. A. J. Mann, B. A , the faithful pastor, the officials and congregation ate to be congratulated on the success of the past year and should optimistically face 1917 with such a record, Melville emigre• gatiou is supporting Miss Bertha Ross, daughter of Rev. Dr. stud Mis. Ross, formerly of Brussels, in her Social Ser vice work in Winuipeg. 1. he member- ship of Melville church 23tals 452, necessitating very stren units work on the pastor. His salary is $1300. There were 10 deaths during the year, one of the number being Charlie McMillan, who died at the post of duty in France fighting for King and Empire. MARRIED JAOKOON-MA1:NPam Is -A t Sylvania, Sauk., on Febn wiry 7th, 1917, 1,y Rev, Bir. Bnt- g6 avec, Mr. Norman 0. Jackson to WW1 L lorenee Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and DI re. • R Mainprize. ell of Sylvania, Seek, Lower-MoGi,Ro011 --At the Metltodlat Par- sonage, Bruaeels, ml February 14th,1017, by Rev, D. Wren, 5, A., Mr Walter A. Lowry to Mfee Agree se, McGregor, all 00 Brus- • Q01 D HAnn150. In Gerrie, on February 1st, 1017, Margaret J'nne Irwin, beloved wife of John Harding, In her Oetit yatu•, HA Tnohn Etnrrdl,ig',r1 Ito,, tFe yyear ry let, 1817, JACRBON.-I1113ruasele, on February 11th, 11117, John Jackson, late 0f Mum Bills, Sask., aged 07� yeste and 2 nfanthe. M7L1.aa.-In flow[ak, el February 8th, 1917, I.ebelBrtnderaon, yahoo of the ]oto Wm. Miller, aged 88 genre. PEA0001c.-I11 Morris township, on February 11th, 1917, Eleanor Owens, Widow of the lute George Peoeock, eged 76 years. AUCTION SALES T110RRDAY, FEBRUARY 16,5H—Farm stook, implements, &a„ SX hot 14, Oon 4, Morrie township. Sete unreserved at 12 o'clock, Alien Spear, Prop., F. S. Sims, Aar-. This anile was postponed from Tun+day gbh inst. T0Ea1AY, Fenitnxrty 20Th,-Fnrnt 8toc2, implements, &e , Lot 29, ('on, 9, Grey town- chip• Sale unreserved 0t 1 o'clock W. H. Baker, Prop. F. S. Scott, Aum 4ee.44.40•••t•e0404.4e.4e0 • o ' • a DRUC9 STORE p Mfi�4••F•F�Frt••Nil•t7'•h•4••4••tt•t•'h•F•h•F•F•F+t' 9 Blood Coot CoughCure y A ra 0 ChiU1is 0 O 4 3qq Y When you EEO troubled with e a cough uv cold you will find nothing more eatisfaetOiy than our 'Blood Root Gough Otu•e, Every season makee It more popular. 4 'Mance Bottle 25c 1 w a Se 0 O A m 0 House 10 • Thermometers y To those wise) suffer from 4 this most ltunoyingaffair we r, recommend our special Ohio- s blain cure.. 25c per Bottle g rf aD d• Very convenient for raga- 0 lating the temperature of e. room. Tho'oughly tested se and guaranteed carzeat, 0 35c each A 0 P e 4 G d 3. 4 cft`2 0 ,L s 4: 1DAST77RE FARM TO RENT 011 SELL.- Lot 22, Ccn. 0, Grey, One of the beet pas- ture farms In the township, Running water and shade. Terms 0005. 88.11 D. MILNE, Ethel. Auction Sales ULTION SALE OF 1f4BM STO(`14. IM- rnoNesys, &o.-17. S. Scott,. Auotl0neer, has roeeiv0d tasrrnoti•ma Prom the tmdereigr- ed proprietor to sell by Pul,IF' Auction, Lot B0, Oon 0, Grey Twp., On ruEodaY. Fob 201b, at 1 o'clock sharp, the (01187(1,+1 valuable pronor- to y: 1 Baakney mare,'1 tog 03501)78, 1 gonial 5009000 pinre rig 8yei(re,i heavy filly colt deo esu- s a ara 7 0o r tie 11 2 ears 1 d h a, R p i g g y posed in 10100(0 farrow caro 1 stew rising 2 yoare, ho,00ers rising 2 050rs, 7 steers rising 1 Ost'r, B heifers or: t year 1 brood Dow due 2, abent1 Mar. 10th, oslo 0 b bas. aloe lata- nbontl. tons feed ante•0 tone Ohoioo thou• thy hny, 0 tons mixed hay, 1 mower, 2 lumber tenon, 1• groin fertilizer di=n drill used 2 years, thea harrow nearly new, 1 la s 1 gang nearly now, 1 hay loader, 1 5055g plow, 1 walking plow, 1 set bob-ltaha, 1 lith 15 hay rack, 1 Masse '00eia cultivator 7(1152 grain and green seed box ftttnollmen is, 1 pump 110011 nearly new1 water trough, 1 Colo & Welsh (sinning mill bugger•, numerous other articles,- Sole anreeerv,d as the proprietor has rented his fora,. Terms: -All sums 310.00 and under aneh; over that amount 9 months credit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 0 per cent_por annum off for cash 011 credit' mann te. Land owners only es emir!' 1y. W. R. BAILER, Proprietor. • A 0 O • James Fox Druggist and Stationer. 9w eereeer-:ee Kmart a+- e.e. 00.0eee00eee0m0eeeoewsoeea BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat Oats Pens Barley Butter Eggs Hogs Rev Potatoes per bag 01 5 865 2100 0 40 18 50 8 00 180 01 70 0 110 59 40 28 0 a 00 a M •®ae®060006900000000990s999003030900Seeesoessessemees,oesaee•••••0©ea8t00o•sa•••SQ Brussels Daylight li t,aar� � G. N. McLaren Ci D n n n n n . q 9 , nt n nt ne9tr4� ir'4''h+'n't^li'li'li'1'gi i,AIJ'1 "14b•IV."y4,1',l,'IIPl,llt,gli il'dtal,n,„„t �1�A1„ gy9,l'IA•IAVAIh'IL91Alli 11911 iii t1A11"tDIA,Ir'9Atll'1,1+1,r4,•halAtiMh'Ip'ip9A`IA'1 Fi ,,rh t4tbbtauult +b , O 0 6 0 9 • 0I 01 u • ¢i • Pei .e • 7) e O 4 0 q 9i 1=) 15 �0 le 6 m • 12 G•7 • 18 • • e ••• • e to • •• w • • • a • • • • e O ellellbeelteleliErelleMeMenetaZellelel IN ALL WINTE AT ins seen s Test th m for Yourselves • O n 0 0 0 fit to 0 99 D 2) •6 B, l9 i tieiIS0,•aaos lnet3®aaorra0aemoe©e0et0ISSs•fie•ase•••eirWeISNeS •dice Se••••••ee•I ei